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Functional programming for the imperative mind
Functional programming for the imperative mind

                                    ‘of the nature of or
                                        expressing a
                                        - imperative.

Functional   programmingisfor the            imperative mind
                  programming a
               programming paradigm
                    that describes
               computation in terms of
               statements that change
                   a program state.’
• Introduction
• Functional programming
• Scala features
• Java to Scala in three steps
• Scala community
• Wrap up
• Created by Martin Odersky
• Supported by EPFL Switzerland
What is Scala?
A programming language ...

• Runs on JVM  (and .Net)

• Statically typed
• Object Oriented
• Functional
• From scripting to enterprise apps
Scalable language
• Scalable language constructs:
  • Composition ‘in the small’
  • Composition ‘in the large’
• Java interoperability
• Performance on par with Java
Scalable language
• Scalable language constructs:
  • Composition ‘in the small’
  • Composition ‘in the large’
• Java interoperability
• Performance on par with Java

     Fuses functional and object oriented paradigms
What is

Functional programming

• Focus on functions, not state         fx=x+1

• Functions are values                      vs.
• Recursion, not loops                   x=x+1

• Immutability (‘referential transparency’)
• Schools of thought:
    pure and impure (‘pragmatic’)
Functional programming

• Focus on functions, not state         fx=x+1

• Functions are values                      vs.
• Recursion, not loops                   x=x+1

• Immutability (‘referential transparency’)
• Schools of thought:
    pure and impure (‘pragmatic’)
Functional programming

• Focus on functions, not state
• Functions are values                 f g x = g(x)

• Recursion, not loops
• Immutability (‘referential transparency’)
• Schools of thought:
     pure and impure (‘pragmatic’)
Functional programming

• Focus on functions, not state          f0=0

• Functions are values
                                          f (x - 1)
• Recursion, not loops                  for(i=x; i>0
                                           ; i--) {

• Immutability (‘referential transparency’)x--; }

• Schools of thought:
     pure and impure (‘pragmatic’)
Functional programming

• Focus on functions, not state
• Functions are values
• Recursion, not loops
• Immutability (‘referential transparency’)
• Schools of thought:
     pure and impure (‘pragmatic’)
Functional programming
    Why should I care about FP?
•   Concurrency: FP ‘killer app’
•   Higher order functions: expressiveness boost
•   Type-system: when present, often superior
•   It is coming to a language near you
    (C#, Java 8?)
FP in Scala

• First-class functions: functions are objects
  with pleasing syntax
• Immutability
• Algebraic data-types and pattern matching
• Parametric polymorphism (e.g. generics)
What are

Scala is like Java...
(Generic) classes:                         class Foo[T], or:
                                           class Foo[+T]
public class Foo<T>

                                           def m(s : String) : Unit = ..
public void m(String s) {..}

Bean properties: private Foo foo;          Real properties:
getFoo() {..}, setFoo(..) {..}             var foo: Foo

                                           Fully interoperable with existing Java
Mature, large amount of proven libraries

Class/Interface distinction, single        Abstract classes, traits (restricted
inheritance.                               multiple inheritance)
Pure object orientation
No primitive types:
Pure object orientation
No primitive types:
Pure object orientation
Every operation is a method call:
              1+3           1.+(3)
Pure object orientation
 Every operation is a method call:
                1+3          1.+(3)
Console.println(“hi”)       Console println “hi”
Pure object orientation
 Every operation is a method call:
                1+3           1.+(3)
Console.println(“hi”)        Console println “hi”

         Since operators are methods,
         operator overloading is trivial.
Pure object orientation
 Every operation is a method call:
                1+3          1.+(3)
Console.println(“hi”)       Console println “hi”
Pure object orientation
 Every operation is a method call:
                1+3          1.+(3)
Console.println(“hi”)       Console println “hi”
Pure object orientation
No static members, but singleton objects:
Type inference
• Types may be omitted in declarations

• Does not mean there is no type!
• Inference is local only
• Var/val: mutable vs. immutable
Type inference
Everything is an expression
Everything is an expression
Everything is an expression
Everything is an expression
Functional objects
• Functions are first-class values
• Function literals:
Functional objects
• Functions are first-class values
• Function literals:
    (x: Int) => x * 2
Functional objects
• Functions are first-class values
• Function literals:
    (x: Int) => x * 2
    val double = (x: Int) => x * 2
Functional objects
• Functions are first-class values
• Function literals:
    (x: Int) => x * 2
    val double = (x: Int) => x * 2
    double(2) == 4

        What is the type of double?
Functional types
val double = (x: Int) => x * 2
        has type
(Int) => Int
Functional types
val double = (x: Int) => x * 2
        has type
(Int) => Int            Function1[Int,Int]
Passing functions
Since functions are values, we can
        pass them around:
Passing functions
But we can do this with anonymous classes...
Passing functions
But we can do this with anonymous classes...
Passing functions
But we can do this with anonymous classes...
Passing functions
  But we can do this with anonymous classes...
  Well, sort of... but:
• You need explicit interfaces (no function types)
• Verbose
• Doesn’t scale (syntactically and semantically)
• No true closures:
Passing functions
  But we can do this with anonymous classes...
  Well, sort of... but:
• You need explicit interfaces (no function types)
• Verbose
• Doesn’t scale (syntactically and semantically)
• No true closures:
• Compare trait with abstract class
• No interfaces, but: completely abstract traits
• Can mixin multiple traits, statically and
Traits as rich interfaces
Java interfaces have two consumers with
conflicting interests:
 1) Implementors
 2) Users
Traits as rich interfaces
Java interfaces have two consumers with
conflicting interests:
 1) Implementors
 2) Users
Traits as stackable
• Situation: IntQueue interface (abstract trait),
 IntQueueImpl implementation
• We want to add logging and filtering to any
  IntQueue implementation
Traits as stackable
• Situation: IntQueue interface (abstract trait),
 IntQueueImpl implementation
• We want to add logging and filtering to any
  IntQueue implementation
Traits as stackable
• Situation: IntQueue interface (abstract trait),
 IntQueueImpl implementation
• We want to add logging and filtering to any
  IntQueue implementation
Pattern matching
Pattern matching
Pattern matching

    Yes, it prints 9
Pattern matching
• No more instanceof/typecasts
• No more visitor pattern
Pattern matching
• No more instanceof/typecasts
• No more visitor pattern
       No more NullPointerException:
Pattern matching & XML
• Scala has XML literals, can be matched
• Other literals can be matched as well
Language feature or

• Message-based concurrency
• Actors exchange immutable messages
• Extract them by pattern matching
• Message-based concurrency
• Actors exchange immutable messages
• Extract them by pattern matching

 Looks like language feature, but is a library
Other library features
• Enums
• Map ‘syntax’
• Events
• Using ‘keyword’ (e.g. Java 7 ‘automatic
  resource management.’)
• Virtually all other Project Coin proposals
Other library features
• Enums
• Map ‘syntax’
• Events
• Using ‘keyword’ (e.g. Java 7 ‘automatic
  resource management.’)
• Virtually all other Project Coin proposals
Other library features
• Enums
• Map ‘syntax’
• Events
• Using ‘keyword’ (e.g. Java 7 ‘automatic
  resource management.’)
• Virtually all other Project Coin proposals
Other library features
• Enums
• Map ‘syntax’
• Events
• Using ‘keyword’ (e.g. Java 7 ‘automatic
  resource management.’)
• Virtually all other Project Coin proposals
     Lesson: choose language core wisely,
                        all else will follow...
Lift webframework
In own words:
   ✓Seaside's highly granular sessions and security
   ✓Rails fast flash-to-bang
   ✓Django's quot;more than just CRUD is includedquot;
   ✓Wicket's designer-friendly templating style
• Heavy use of actors for async features
• Integrated O/R mapping (surprisingly little
  boilerplate code)
From Java to Scala

       Three steps
•   Person entity with age

•   Method to separate
    minors and adults

•   Input: List[Person]

•   Output: list of minors,
    list of adults

•   One pass over input
•   Person entity with age

•   Method to separate
    minors and adults

•   Input: List[Person]

•   Output: list of minors,
    list of adults

•   One pass over input
What happens in the

Scala progression

• Current version: 2.7.4
• Version 2.8 beta coming up:
 •   Package objects

 •   Named and default parameters

 •   Many library improvements
Tool support
•   Major IDEs (Eclipse,
    IntelliJ, NetBeans)

•   Maven support

•   Scaladoc

•   SBaz package manager
Wrapping up with

Scala hitting mainstream?
Reports of first switchers
   Twitter, SAP, LinkedIn, Sony Pictures
Scala hitting mainstream?
Reports of first switchers
   Twitter, SAP, LinkedIn, Sony Pictures
April 2009: top-30 of TIOBE index
Scala hitting mainstream?
Reports of first switchers
   Twitter, SAP, LinkedIn, Sony Pictures
April 2009: top-30 of TIOBE index
Lots of books appearing
Scala hitting mainstream?

“If I were to pick a language today
other than Java, it would be Scala”

                  James Gosling,
                     ‘Father of Java’
Scala hitting mainstream?
   “If Java programmers want to use
   features that aren't present in the
language, I think they're probably best
off using another language that targets
  the JVM, such a Scala and Groovy.”

                    Joshua Bloch
                 Author of ‘Effective Java’
Pro’s and cons
                          • Complexity
• Java interoperability
                          • Java -> Scala
• Hides accidental
  complexity                harder than
                            Scala -> Java
• Expressiveness
                          • Type-system may
• Uniform, extensible       be intimidating
•   Scala feels like ‘cleaned up Java on stereoids’

•   Small core (takes some time to see it as such)
    provides broad options

•   Type inference brings ‘dynamic language’ feel

•   Adoptation growing because of:

    •   Java interoperability

    •   Growing discontent with Java
•   Scala feels like ‘cleaned up Java on stereoids’

•   Small core (takes some time to see it as such)
    provides broad options

•   Type inference brings ‘dynamic language’ feel

•   Adoptation growing because of:

    •   Java interoperability

    •   Growing discontent with Java

    Scala provides deep features, but at the
      same time helps getting things done.


Article Java Magazine 1/2009

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Scala: functional programming for the imperative mind

  • 1. Scala Functional programming for the imperative mind
  • 2. Scala Functional programming for the imperative mind ‘of the nature of or expressing a command; commanding.’ - imperative.
  • 3. Scala ‘imperative Functional programmingisfor the imperative mind programming a programming paradigm that describes computation in terms of statements that change a program state.’ -
programming Wikipedia.com
  • 4. Outline • Introduction • Functional programming • Scala features • Java to Scala in three steps • Scala community • Wrap up
  • 5. Roots • Created by Martin Odersky • Supported by EPFL Switzerland
  • 6. What is Scala? A programming language ... • Runs on JVM (and .Net) • Statically typed • Object Oriented • Functional • From scripting to enterprise apps
  • 7. Scalable language • Scalable language constructs: • Composition ‘in the small’ • Composition ‘in the large’ • Java interoperability • Performance on par with Java
  • 8. Scalable language • Scalable language constructs: • Composition ‘in the small’ • Composition ‘in the large’ • Java interoperability • Performance on par with Java Fuses functional and object oriented paradigms
  • 9. What is Functional Programming
  • 10. Functional programming • Focus on functions, not state fx=x+1 • Functions are values vs. • Recursion, not loops x=x+1 • Immutability (‘referential transparency’) • Schools of thought: pure and impure (‘pragmatic’)
  • 11. Functional programming • Focus on functions, not state fx=x+1 • Functions are values vs. • Recursion, not loops x=x+1 • Immutability (‘referential transparency’) • Schools of thought: pure and impure (‘pragmatic’)
  • 12. Functional programming • Focus on functions, not state • Functions are values f g x = g(x) • Recursion, not loops • Immutability (‘referential transparency’) • Schools of thought: pure and impure (‘pragmatic’)
  • 13. Functional programming • Focus on functions, not state f0=0 fx= • Functions are values f (x - 1) vs. • Recursion, not loops for(i=x; i>0 ; i--) { • Immutability (‘referential transparency’)x--; } • Schools of thought: pure and impure (‘pragmatic’)
  • 14. Functional programming • Focus on functions, not state • Functions are values • Recursion, not loops • Immutability (‘referential transparency’) • Schools of thought: pure and impure (‘pragmatic’)
  • 15. Functional programming Why should I care about FP? • Concurrency: FP ‘killer app’ • Higher order functions: expressiveness boost • Type-system: when present, often superior • It is coming to a language near you (C#, Java 8?)
  • 16. FP in Scala • First-class functions: functions are objects with pleasing syntax • Immutability • Algebraic data-types and pattern matching • Parametric polymorphism (e.g. generics)
  • 17. What are Scala’s Features
  • 18. Scala is like Java... (Generic) classes: class Foo[T], or: class Foo[+T] public class Foo<T> Methods: def m(s : String) : Unit = .. public void m(String s) {..} Bean properties: private Foo foo; Real properties: getFoo() {..}, setFoo(..) {..} var foo: Foo Fully interoperable with existing Java Mature, large amount of proven libraries code Class/Interface distinction, single Abstract classes, traits (restricted inheritance. multiple inheritance)
  • 19. Pure object orientation No primitive types:
  • 20. Pure object orientation No primitive types:
  • 21. Pure object orientation Every operation is a method call: 1+3 1.+(3)
  • 22. Pure object orientation Every operation is a method call: 1+3 1.+(3) Console.println(“hi”) Console println “hi”
  • 23. Pure object orientation Every operation is a method call: 1+3 1.+(3) Console.println(“hi”) Console println “hi” Since operators are methods, operator overloading is trivial.
  • 24. Pure object orientation Every operation is a method call: 1+3 1.+(3) Console.println(“hi”) Console println “hi”
  • 25. Pure object orientation Every operation is a method call: 1+3 1.+(3) Console.println(“hi”) Console println “hi”
  • 26. Pure object orientation No static members, but singleton objects:
  • 27. Type inference • Types may be omitted in declarations • Does not mean there is no type! • Inference is local only • Var/val: mutable vs. immutable
  • 29. Everything is an expression
  • 30. Everything is an expression
  • 31. Everything is an expression
  • 32. Everything is an expression
  • 33. Functional objects • Functions are first-class values • Function literals:
  • 34. Functional objects • Functions are first-class values • Function literals: (x: Int) => x * 2
  • 35. Functional objects • Functions are first-class values • Function literals: (x: Int) => x * 2 val double = (x: Int) => x * 2
  • 36. Functional objects • Functions are first-class values • Function literals: (x: Int) => x * 2 val double = (x: Int) => x * 2 double(2) == 4 What is the type of double?
  • 37. Functional types val double = (x: Int) => x * 2 has type (Int) => Int
  • 38. Functional types val double = (x: Int) => x * 2 has type (Int) => Int Function1[Int,Int]
  • 39. Passing functions Since functions are values, we can pass them around:
  • 40. Passing functions But we can do this with anonymous classes...
  • 41. Passing functions But we can do this with anonymous classes...
  • 42. Passing functions But we can do this with anonymous classes...
  • 43. Passing functions But we can do this with anonymous classes... Well, sort of... but: • You need explicit interfaces (no function types) • Verbose • Doesn’t scale (syntactically and semantically) • No true closures:
  • 44. Passing functions But we can do this with anonymous classes... Well, sort of... but: • You need explicit interfaces (no function types) • Verbose • Doesn’t scale (syntactically and semantically) • No true closures:
  • 45. Traits • Compare trait with abstract class • No interfaces, but: completely abstract traits • Can mixin multiple traits, statically and dynamically
  • 46. Traits as rich interfaces Java interfaces have two consumers with conflicting interests: 1) Implementors 2) Users
  • 47. Traits as rich interfaces Java interfaces have two consumers with conflicting interests: 1) Implementors 2) Users
  • 48. Traits as stackable modifications • Situation: IntQueue interface (abstract trait), IntQueueImpl implementation • We want to add logging and filtering to any IntQueue implementation
  • 49. Traits as stackable modifications • Situation: IntQueue interface (abstract trait), IntQueueImpl implementation • We want to add logging and filtering to any IntQueue implementation
  • 50. Traits as stackable modifications • Situation: IntQueue interface (abstract trait), IntQueueImpl implementation • We want to add logging and filtering to any IntQueue implementation
  • 53. Pattern matching Yes, it prints 9
  • 54. Pattern matching • No more instanceof/typecasts • No more visitor pattern
  • 55. Pattern matching • No more instanceof/typecasts • No more visitor pattern No more NullPointerException:
  • 56. Pattern matching & XML • Scala has XML literals, can be matched • Other literals can be matched as well
  • 57. Language feature or Library Support
  • 58. Actors • Message-based concurrency • Actors exchange immutable messages • Extract them by pattern matching
  • 59. Actors • Message-based concurrency • Actors exchange immutable messages • Extract them by pattern matching Looks like language feature, but is a library
  • 60. Other library features • Enums • Map ‘syntax’ • Events • Using ‘keyword’ (e.g. Java 7 ‘automatic resource management.’) • Virtually all other Project Coin proposals
  • 61. Other library features • Enums • Map ‘syntax’ • Events • Using ‘keyword’ (e.g. Java 7 ‘automatic resource management.’) • Virtually all other Project Coin proposals
  • 62. Other library features • Enums • Map ‘syntax’ • Events • Using ‘keyword’ (e.g. Java 7 ‘automatic resource management.’) • Virtually all other Project Coin proposals
  • 63. Other library features • Enums • Map ‘syntax’ • Events • Using ‘keyword’ (e.g. Java 7 ‘automatic resource management.’) • Virtually all other Project Coin proposals Lesson: choose language core wisely, all else will follow...
  • 64. Lift webframework In own words: ✓Seaside's highly granular sessions and security ✓Rails fast flash-to-bang ✓Django's quot;more than just CRUD is includedquot; ✓Wicket's designer-friendly templating style • Heavy use of actors for async features • Integrated O/R mapping (surprisingly little boilerplate code)
  • 65. From Java to Scala In Three steps
  • 66. Requirements • Person entity with age property • Method to separate minors and adults • Input: List[Person] • Output: list of minors, list of adults • One pass over input
  • 67. Requirements • Person entity with age property • Method to separate minors and adults • Input: List[Person] • Output: list of minors, list of adults • One pass over input
  • 68. What happens in the Scala Community
  • 69. Scala progression • Current version: 2.7.4 • Version 2.8 beta coming up: • Package objects • Named and default parameters • Many library improvements
  • 70. Tool support • Major IDEs (Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans) supported • Maven support • Scaladoc • SBaz package manager
  • 71. Wrapping up with Concluding Remarks
  • 72. Scala hitting mainstream? Reports of first switchers Twitter, SAP, LinkedIn, Sony Pictures
  • 73. Scala hitting mainstream? Reports of first switchers Twitter, SAP, LinkedIn, Sony Pictures April 2009: top-30 of TIOBE index
  • 74. Scala hitting mainstream? Reports of first switchers Twitter, SAP, LinkedIn, Sony Pictures April 2009: top-30 of TIOBE index Lots of books appearing
  • 75. Scala hitting mainstream? “If I were to pick a language today other than Java, it would be Scala” James Gosling, ‘Father of Java’
  • 76. Scala hitting mainstream? “If Java programmers want to use features that aren't present in the language, I think they're probably best off using another language that targets the JVM, such a Scala and Groovy.” Joshua Bloch Author of ‘Effective Java’
  • 77. Pro’s and cons • Complexity • Java interoperability • Java -> Scala • Hides accidental complexity harder than Scala -> Java • Expressiveness • Type-system may • Uniform, extensible be intimidating language
  • 78. Conclusion • Scala feels like ‘cleaned up Java on stereoids’ • Small core (takes some time to see it as such) provides broad options • Type inference brings ‘dynamic language’ feel • Adoptation growing because of: • Java interoperability • Growing discontent with Java
  • 79. Conclusion • Scala feels like ‘cleaned up Java on stereoids’ • Small core (takes some time to see it as such) provides broad options • Type inference brings ‘dynamic language’ feel • Adoptation growing because of: • Java interoperability • Growing discontent with Java Scala provides deep features, but at the same time helps getting things done.
  • 80. More information http://www.scala-lang.org http://liftweb.net Article Java Magazine 1/2009

Editor's Notes

  1. Intro, gaan het hebben over Scala Wellicht al eens gehoord over FP, lijkt groeiende interesse wat is imperatief? Ook wel procedureel, met state, het is wat we in Java eigenlijk doen.
  2. Intro, gaan het hebben over Scala Wellicht al eens gehoord over FP, lijkt groeiende interesse wat is imperatief? Ook wel procedureel, met state, het is wat we in Java eigenlijk doen.
  3. Intro, gaan het hebben over Scala Wellicht al eens gehoord over FP, lijkt groeiende interesse wat is imperatief? Ook wel procedureel, met state, het is wat we in Java eigenlijk doen.
  4. Odersky: co-designer generics, original author javac. Wellicht had hier oracle logo moeten staan :)
  5. *Voordelen JVM (enorm veel tijd in optimalisatie, platform agnostisch etc.), ook wat nadelen (niet echt ingericht op FP constructies). * OO, maar dan ook puur, en met extra functionaliteit * Scripting: REPL shell
  6. Scala redelijk uniek in samenvoegen OO+FP OCaml en F# zijn toch meer FP met een OO systeem er aan geplakt.
  7. Recursie niet alleen in functies, ook in data (bomen, lijsten)
  8. Recursie niet alleen in functies, ook in data (bomen, lijsten)
  9. Recursie niet alleen in functies, ook in data (bomen, lijsten)
  10. Recursie niet alleen in functies, ook in data (bomen, lijsten)
  11. Recursie niet alleen in functies, ook in data (bomen, lijsten)
  12. Recursie niet alleen in functies, ook in data (bomen, lijsten)
  13. Recursie niet alleen in functies, ook in data (bomen, lijsten)
  14. Recursie niet alleen in functies, ook in data (bomen, lijsten)
  15. Recursie niet alleen in functies, ook in data (bomen, lijsten)
  16. Recursie niet alleen in functies, ook in data (bomen, lijsten)
  17. Recursie niet alleen in functies, ook in data (bomen, lijsten)
  18. Nieuwe paradigma&#x2019;s hebben killer-app nodig OO had GUIs, bij FP concurrency? Typesysteem: niet noodzakelijk voor FP, traditioneel wel focus
  19. Zonder diep in te gaan, voor we features gaan bekijken, dit is hoe Scala FP bevat.
  20. *default modifier is public *Type after identifier, type Unit == void *zowel Scala->Java als Java->Scala interop. Dus, elkaars classes instantieren overerven etc. *Abstract class ipv interfaces
  21. Extenden van Java class (extends ook voor interfaces) Type Unit -> void in Java hashCode -> hashCode() , haakjes weglaten. Soort van autoboxing, maar beter
  22. * + is methode naam, kan je zelf op een class implementeren * Leestekens legale identifiers in Scala * Operator notatie ook te gebruiken met &#x2018;normale&#x2019; methode namen * In Java discussie: operator overloadig BigInts (en wat voor matrix etc.)? Scala: just do it.
  23. * + is methode naam, kan je zelf op een class implementeren * Leestekens legale identifiers in Scala * Operator notatie ook te gebruiken met &#x2018;normale&#x2019; methode namen * In Java discussie: operator overloadig BigInts (en wat voor matrix etc.)? Scala: just do it.
  24. * + is methode naam, kan je zelf op een class implementeren * Leestekens legale identifiers in Scala * Operator notatie ook te gebruiken met &#x2018;normale&#x2019; methode namen * In Java discussie: operator overloadig BigInts (en wat voor matrix etc.)? Scala: just do it.
  25. * + is methode naam, kan je zelf op een class implementeren * Leestekens legale identifiers in Scala * Operator notatie ook te gebruiken met &#x2018;normale&#x2019; methode namen * In Java discussie: operator overloadig BigInts (en wat voor matrix etc.)? Scala: just do it.
  26. * + is methode naam, kan je zelf op een class implementeren * Leestekens legale identifiers in Scala * Operator notatie ook te gebruiken met &#x2018;normale&#x2019; methode namen * In Java discussie: operator overloadig BigInts (en wat voor matrix etc.)? Scala: just do it.
  27. *Java statics niet echt OO. Scala: Classes->te instantieren, singleton objects->&#xE9;&#xE9;n instantie *Zelfde naam: companions -> toegang tot private members *haakjes mogen weg bij methode aanroep zonder params; puntkomma&#x2019;s ook optioneel! *main methode op object Main, entrypoint applicatie
  28. * Vorige slide goed opgelet: geen return type!
  29. * Zijn natuurlijk allemaal op ISKA over closures geweest, maar toch een opfrisser * Java heeft Anon. classes -> beperkingen, verbose (interface nodig), daarom weinig gebruikt
  30. * Zijn natuurlijk allemaal op ISKA over closures geweest, maar toch een opfrisser * Java heeft Anon. classes -> beperkingen, verbose (interface nodig), daarom weinig gebruikt
  31. * Zijn natuurlijk allemaal op ISKA over closures geweest, maar toch een opfrisser * Java heeft Anon. classes -> beperkingen, verbose (interface nodig), daarom weinig gebruikt
  32. * Zijn natuurlijk allemaal op ISKA over closures geweest, maar toch een opfrisser * Java heeft Anon. classes -> beperkingen, verbose (interface nodig), daarom weinig gebruikt
  33. * Function0 tot Function22 op deze manier beschikbaar
  34. * Function0 tot Function22 op deze manier beschikbaar
  35. * Function0 tot Function22 op deze manier beschikbaar
  36. * Function0 tot Function22 op deze manier beschikbaar
  37. * Function0 tot Function22 op deze manier beschikbaar
  38. * Function0 tot Function22 op deze manier beschikbaar
  39. * Function0 tot Function22 op deze manier beschikbaar
  40. Scala gaat nog verder, zelf control structures maken (by-name params)
  41. * First trait/class with extends, then 0 or more times with * Traits can have any member: defs, abstract defs, fields traits can extend from each other
  42. * Traits are used in this fashion a lot for the Scala collection libs
  43. * abstract override: target of super not known at design-time! * calls resolve right-to-left * selftype annotation: type of this can assume type of class where trait is mixed in!
  44. * abstract override: target of super not known at design-time! * calls resolve right-to-left * selftype annotation: type of this can assume type of class where trait is mixed in!
  45. * abstract override: target of super not known at design-time! * calls resolve right-to-left * selftype annotation: type of this can assume type of class where trait is mixed in!
  46. * geen new keyword nodig: case class is class + companion object met apply method! * Sealed abstract class: compiler kan checken of alle cases gedekt zijn
  47. * geen new keyword nodig: case class is class + companion object met apply method! * Sealed abstract class: compiler kan checken of alle cases gedekt zijn
  48. * geen new keyword nodig: case class is class + companion object met apply method! * Sealed abstract class: compiler kan checken of alle cases gedekt zijn
  49. * Twee doelen: selecteren goede case, en binden van variabelen in 1 stap * Java kent heeeel beperkte pattern matching: catch-clauses * Geen NPE: helaas heeft Scala wel null, vanwege compatibility -> tradeoff * voorbeelden van option: Map.get, List.find, parseInt, etc.
  50. * Twee doelen: selecteren goede case, en binden van variabelen in 1 stap * Java kent heeeel beperkte pattern matching: catch-clauses * Geen NPE: helaas heeft Scala wel null, vanwege compatibility -> tradeoff * voorbeelden van option: Map.get, List.find, parseInt, etc.
  51. * match is an expression too
  52. * Of course case objects can be used to implement enums
  53. * Of course case objects can be used to implement enums
  54. * Of course case objects can be used to implement enums
  55. * Of course case objects can be used to implement enums
  56. * Of course case objects can be used to implement enums
  57. Ook test frameworks
  58. Proberen stukje realworld code van Java->Scala als Java programmeur->Idiomatische Scala
  59. * TIOBE top-30: beating Groovy, Haskell
  60. * TIOBE top-30: beating Groovy, Haskell
  61. Java -> Scala voorbeeld: een Scala - methode wordt vertaald naar $minus$. Veel conventies voor compiler gegenereerde classes.