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Copyright © 2015 Contently. All rights reserved. contently.com By Shane Snow
State of Content Marketing 2015
When Content Ate Marketing
Content marketing is the only marketing left.
I.	 Introduction	 4
II.	 What Will Work in 2015	 9
III.	 What Won’t Work in 2015	 13
IV. Where We’re Headed	 19
Table of Contents
This morning I woke up, stretched, and said to myself, “You know what I could really use today? A
relationship with a brand.”
That’s not true. (Not even the stretching.) But someone in nearly every company in America woke
up today wanting to build a relationship with me.
More precisely, today’s savvier brands are trying to win me over by creating stories and games and
movies and educational materials they think I’ll like instead of interrupting me with ads I don’t care
about or trying to butt into my social life. In other words, trying to be “friends” with me the way real
friendships are formed.
That give-first mentality is the essence of a good relationship. It’s also increasingly true of content
marketing, which as of 2015 is officially the fastest-growing marketing channel for most businesses.
(For a primer on content marketing and all its definitions, see our Content Marketing Dictionary.)
If the 21st century is the era of
democratized publishing, the
2010s are the decade of brand
And 2015 is a year of convergence, where the content business
further shifts from a media-corporation model (make content,
sell ads) to a corporate-media model (make content, get custom-
ers). This is happening to both traditional and new publishers.
(Read more on the future of business models of journalism here.)
Before the Internet, content marketing was the domain of a small
number of companies that had publishing in their DNA—really,
media companies that had something to sell. Cookbook mak-
ers who sold kitchen supplies. Business newswires that sold
computer terminals. Today, between 80 and 90 percent of U.S.
businesses use content for marketing in a strategic fashion. Half
of those businesses spend 25 percent of their marketing budgets
on content.
In 2014, brands did more content marketing than ever. (We high-
lighted the best branded content of 2014 here.) Everyone and their
pet ferret started a content marketing agency. Agencies (creative,
media, and PR) skated onto the content marketing rink en masse.
And in the process, three main content marketing strategies
Owned content: publishing to one's own publication. E.g., GE
Reports and Amex OPEN Forum. This is an "always-on" content
marketing strategy, often promoted by PR and creative agencies,
or run internally by brands willing to make long-term invest-
ments in content marketing.
Rented content: paying a publisher to publish an advertiser's
content (whether written by the advertiser or by the publisher).
E.g., This beautiful piece for Cole Haan created by The New
York Times' T Brand Studio, or these bonkers sponsored listicles
on BuzzFeed. Typically, these are labeled "sponsored content,"
and are promoted by media buying agencies (who aim to make
profit by selling content like they do advertising inventory) and
traditional media (who aim to further monetize their publications
through brand content).
Social content: using "micro content" to spark conversations and
build communication channels on social networks. Essentially,
this is social media marketing, but people call it content mar-
keting or social content. E.g., the many, many pancake GIFs that
Denny's posts to Tumblr. (Read more about "microcontent" and
other content marketing buzzwords here.) PR and social media
agencies typically push this strategy.
These strategies are being powered by a new world of technology
platforms, sponsored content studios, and content distribution
services, as you’ll see in the map on the next page.
At Contently, we’ve experienced all sides of this world. Our tech-
nology platform helps power brands like American Express and
Coca-Cola that have built publications that millions of people
visit each month, and we grew as a brand publisher ourselves
in 2014—dramatically so. The Content Strategist quadrupled in
audience, garnering a million minutes of attention time in Q4.
(Read more on Contently Insights and the importance of atten-
tion time here.)
As a result, we’re fortunate to see a lot of industry trends before
they unfold. Here’s what we see happening in the next 12
What will work in 2015
Before the Internet, publishers needed three things: talent to find and produce stories, a press to print
stories, and trucks to deliver stories to newsstands and doorsteps. Back then, publishers learned about
their stories’ effect on their audience via newsstand sales figures and letters to the editor (and some-
times changes in politics and society). Humans and analog technology did each of these jobs for
That was the common model that worked for analog publishers: Produce stories, deliver them to the
audience, and use audience clues to divine what worked and didn’t.
In the Internet age, smart digital publishers—folks like BuzzFeed and Mashable—have essentially used
the same process with new tools: Use tech-savvy talent to find and produce stories and print them to
the web using a content management system (digital “printing press”), send the stories out to audiences
via social media and native advertising (digital “trucks”), and measure the results using analytics (digital
“newsstand figures”). Really smart publishers use those analytics to inform their next round of publish-
At Contently, we boil down that process of being an effective
publisher to “C.E.O.”: create, engage, optimize. We call it the
At many brands, what used to
be an audience-reaching effort
is increasingly shifting to an
audience-building effort.
Instead of treating content as ads with a shelf life, they’re seeing
content as a way to build an asset. This has increased in priority
as social networks tweak their algorithms, making it clearer that
brands don’t truly own their audiences.
That’s where the flywheel becomes the proper paradigm for
content marketers as well. When you organize a content mar-
keting strategy around these three audience-building initiatives,
the optimal place for using owned versus rented versus social
content becomes clear:
In 2015, we’re going to see
more companies converge
their disparate content
strategies into one strategy
that points toward owned
content first.
brands building their own publications and using rented and
social content as mechanisms for drawing audiences to their
own turf. There, the brands have an opportunity to build direct
relationships with their readers and viewers. As such, we’ll see
a lot more emphasis on racking up email subscribers (where
a brand has direct access to its audience, Facebook algorithm
changes be damned!) and less emphasis on building social media
followings. Instead, social will be properly viewed as a channel
for distributing your content and attracting readers who will
become direct email subscribers.
This owned-first, rent- and social-second strategy is going to be
the most effective plan for brand publishers moving forward. In
fact, the brands that have gotten the most bang for their content
buck—and who get the most sustained industry cred—are the
companies that have jumped all in on owned content: Red Bull
(with its separate business unit for media, Red Bull Media House),
American Express (disclosure: a Contently client), and Marriott,
which just went all-in by building a 65-person content studio.
(For more on the optimization piece of the flywheel and the ROI
of content marketing for B2B and B2C brands, see our guide
To make the flywheel work, content marketers can no longer
ignore software. And as I mentioned before, technology compa-
nies are racing to provide solutions across each piece of it. Here,
for example, is how we use some of the primary players on that
tech field (including our own products) to make Contently’s own
flywheel work:
What won’t work in 2015
In the last few years, our neighbors have learned a few brand content lessons for us the hard way. Here’s
what won’t work for brands in 2015 and beyond:
In 2014, we witnessed the boisterous rise and messy explosion of Verizon’s brand publication, Sugar-
String. The cause of the crash? Verizon tried to do “the news” as a brand with a stake in shaping said
news, banning coverage of sensitive topics like the NSA. As I wrote in my recent essay about business
models of journalism, brands can thrive as publishers of education and infotainment, but will have a
hard time acting like news organizations. To be honest, they shouldn’t even try.
Read more on the SugarString snafu and the lessons learned here. The main message: Brands can be
great magazines, but ought not to try being digital newspapers.
Inauthentic content—like the “health” stories by Chik-fil-a documented in this story—won’t work for
brands in the long run either. The common element to both of these is the refrain we repeat every day
here and cite in our Content Marketing Code of Ethics: Don’t betray the reader.
I talked about this in last year’s State of Content Marketing, but
I’m mentioning it again because we have another year of data to
For brands, licensed content simply doesn’t work.
Zero brands got organic traction, attention, or built an audience
using licensed content in 2014. Many tried, and 100 percent
If you’re trying to build a relationship with someone in real life,
re-gifting them something they could easily get on their own is
a bad strategy. Telling them a story they already heard is a bad
“Syndicated content is like
giving popcorn to children,”
Moz’s Cyrus Shepard
recently told me. “It will keep
them busy for a while but thats
I think all the value is having something original.” Furthermore,
he says, the SEO implication of a content strategy based on pub-
lishing other people’s content is “dangerous.”
Google rankings aside, if you’re trying to build audience as a
brand, a blog that’s populated with stories that were already
published elsewhere is not going to get them very interested in
visiting your website.
Because of social media, the era of the aggregator portal is over.
Today’s big remnant portals—Yahoo, MSN, etc.—increasingly cre-
ate original content in additional to the content they syndicate.
The biggest portals today for aggregated/curated content are
simply Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and the like. A brand
like Nike or Ford is not going to compete with those websites
on that battlefront. But the reverse strategyis effective: Nike or
Ford can leverage portals and aggregators to spread their original
As a wise ad man once said, “It is better to be syndicated than to
Licensed content has been an attractive proposition because it’s
cheap and easy. It’s a terrific proposition for ad-supported media
companies that already have audience and need more page
refreshes to sell more ads against. But it doesn’t build audience.
And for brands, it simply doesn’t work.
“The thing at the end of this story is gonna be crazy!!” <— Headline you’re going to be seeing much
less of this year.
Facebook is getting sick of deceptive headlines that pull you in with a tease and then let you down.
Algorithms are changing, and readers are getting more savvy. So click-throughs on stories that
begin, “You won’t believe what...” are going to plummet. But more importantly, good headlines with
bad content behind them don’t result in people spending much time with you, and therefore don’t
help brands build audiences. If you want to build a relationship with someone in real life, you need
to spend time with them. That’s why brands looking to build relationships with customers ought
to think of “engaged time”—or how much time people are actually paying attention to content—as
their most important metric.
Data shows that engaging with content longer makes people more likely to come back to a brand
later. See that 3-minute engaged time mark? That’s a magical point to hit because it corresponds
with a 50 percent-plus probability that the reader will return to your site within the next week.
20% 60%
1:00 2:00 3:00
But tricking people into showing up? That does little good. We will see brands get better at writing
engaging headlines, yes, but we’ll also see content that matches the expectations that those head-
lines set.
At the end of the day, great stories are still the
thing that will drive success.
We probably will continue to see more “Oreo tweet” behavior as brands perpetuate the fad that is
Twitterjacking (latching onto a cultural event by posting a clever photo on Twitter and trying to
incorporating your brand into said event). We’ll see more of it because agencies can charge an arm
and a leg to build “war rooms” that sit around and make these. But most brands haven’t caught on to
how useless it is for audience-building (in most cases).
Leaner social content efforts will be a part of a good content strategy, under the “Engage” section of
the flywheel, but employing a dozen agency folk to produce a photo of a pizza with a bow tie that
gets 1,000 retweets is a monumental waste of money.
(For a breakdown on the costs and benefits—or lack thereof—in real-time social campaigns that
brands are in the habit of today, see this recent analysis.)
This one almost goes without saying because it’s obvious. But apparently it’s not obvious enough
for it to stop happening. Sponsored stories that read like an infomercial are a worse Internet experi-
ence than being flashed by a furry on Chatroulette. Blatant ads masquerading as content do nothing
for a brand, and they hurt publishers’ relationships with existing readers.
This stuff won’t work. No matter how many times you try it.
The marketing industry has been saying for years that “brands are publishers.” And brands are defi-
nitely publishing. But so far, most of them make pretty crappy media companies. With the shift to
an owned-first content strategy, brands are going to have to address that fact.
What’s needed? Deep understanding of audiences that you’re speaking to. The ability to capture
audience. The ability to run a publishing operation like a real magazine, with software and process
and an appropriate amount of oversight (that means empowered editors and managers, but not
fleets of corporate approvers). Essentially, the infrastructure and process to run a real publishing
Since the launch of Blogger and WordPress, and subsequently Facebook and Tumblr and Twitter,
Content has been a Marketing Thing, but it’s sat on Marketing’s back burner. At the rate that content
marketing (and digital content consumption itself) is accelerating, however, I believe that
2015 is the year that Content starts to subsume
Where we’re heading
In other words, in order to create a real publishing flywheel,
marketing organizations that used to look like this:
Other things to watch for in 2015: an increase in emphasis
on divisible content, using traditional banner ads to advertise
content instead of landing pages, using chat apps to engage audi-
ences in riskier ways, and a lot more email content.
And I think I’m going to pick up stretching. It’s going to be a fun
will increasingly look like this:
Content marketing may still be the shiny new toy of the advertising industry, but brands that want
to create content are beginning to learn how to best spend their sacred budgets.
Clearly, there’s plenty of room for growth. According to a recent study by the Content Marketing
Institute, only 23 percent of B2C marketers are successful at tracking ROI. Everyone points to Red
Bull, GE, and American Express as the all-stars of content marketing, but aspiring content marketers
likely need some of the resources afforded to those best-in-class brands—a stable supply of time,
money, and analytics that take the guesswork out of their jobs.
Ultimately, the fate of content marketing isn’t in the hands of the marketers pushing for creativity
on a daily basis; the future depends on a dedicated investment from the executive level. American
Express President Ed Gilligan, for example, fully supported OPEN Forum’s initiative to publish small
business content. Marriott International’s chairman, Bill Marriott, who doesn’t use computers, still
saw the value of telling his company’s story directly to consumers and has invested heavily in con-
Thanks to an early commitment from the executive level, Red Bull now employs approximately 135
people just for their media house. Marriott’s content studio has grown to 65 employees, and Nestlé’s
digital editorial team consists of almost 20 community managers and designers producing content
every day. And according to the Columbia Journalism Review, Coca-Cola “now reportedly spends
more money creating its own content than it does on television advertising.”
(Full disclosure: Coca-Cola, GE, and American Express are Contently clients.)
In 2014, many brands tested the waters, and a few dove in headfirst. In 2015, we’ll see how many
Want more insights into the
state of content marketing?
For daily insights, subscribe to our online magazine,
The Content Strategist.
And if you’d like to talk to someone about Contently’s services,
please reach out to us at sales@contently.com
or visit contently.com.

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The 2015 State of Content Marketing

  • 1. Copyright © 2015 Contently. All rights reserved. contently.com By Shane Snow State of Content Marketing 2015 When Content Ate Marketing
  • 2. CONTENTLY STATE OF CONTENT MARKETING 2015: WHEN CONTENT ATE MARKETING 2 Content marketing is the only marketing left. -SETH GODIN
  • 3. CONTENTLY STATE OF CONTENT MARKETING 2015: WHEN CONTENT ATE MARKETING 3 I. Introduction 4 II. What Will Work in 2015 9 III. What Won’t Work in 2015 13 IV. Where We’re Headed 19 Table of Contents
  • 4. CONTENTLY STATE OF CONTENT MARKETING 2015: WHEN CONTENT ATE MARKETING 4 This morning I woke up, stretched, and said to myself, “You know what I could really use today? A relationship with a brand.” That’s not true. (Not even the stretching.) But someone in nearly every company in America woke up today wanting to build a relationship with me. More precisely, today’s savvier brands are trying to win me over by creating stories and games and movies and educational materials they think I’ll like instead of interrupting me with ads I don’t care about or trying to butt into my social life. In other words, trying to be “friends” with me the way real friendships are formed. That give-first mentality is the essence of a good relationship. It’s also increasingly true of content marketing, which as of 2015 is officially the fastest-growing marketing channel for most businesses. (For a primer on content marketing and all its definitions, see our Content Marketing Dictionary.)
  • 5. CONTENTLY STATE OF CONTENT MARKETING 2015: WHEN CONTENT ATE MARKETING 5 If the 21st century is the era of democratized publishing, the 2010s are the decade of brand publishing. And 2015 is a year of convergence, where the content business further shifts from a media-corporation model (make content, sell ads) to a corporate-media model (make content, get custom- ers). This is happening to both traditional and new publishers. (Read more on the future of business models of journalism here.) Before the Internet, content marketing was the domain of a small number of companies that had publishing in their DNA—really, media companies that had something to sell. Cookbook mak- ers who sold kitchen supplies. Business newswires that sold computer terminals. Today, between 80 and 90 percent of U.S. businesses use content for marketing in a strategic fashion. Half of those businesses spend 25 percent of their marketing budgets on content. MEDIA COMPANIES COMMERCIAL BRANDS
  • 6. CONTENTLY STATE OF CONTENT MARKETING 2015: WHEN CONTENT ATE MARKETING 6 In 2014, brands did more content marketing than ever. (We high- lighted the best branded content of 2014 here.) Everyone and their pet ferret started a content marketing agency. Agencies (creative, media, and PR) skated onto the content marketing rink en masse. And in the process, three main content marketing strategies emerged: Owned content: publishing to one's own publication. E.g., GE Reports and Amex OPEN Forum. This is an "always-on" content marketing strategy, often promoted by PR and creative agencies, or run internally by brands willing to make long-term invest- ments in content marketing. Rented content: paying a publisher to publish an advertiser's content (whether written by the advertiser or by the publisher). E.g., This beautiful piece for Cole Haan created by The New York Times' T Brand Studio, or these bonkers sponsored listicles on BuzzFeed. Typically, these are labeled "sponsored content," and are promoted by media buying agencies (who aim to make profit by selling content like they do advertising inventory) and traditional media (who aim to further monetize their publications through brand content). Social content: using "micro content" to spark conversations and build communication channels on social networks. Essentially, this is social media marketing, but people call it content mar- keting or social content. E.g., the many, many pancake GIFs that Denny's posts to Tumblr. (Read more about "microcontent" and other content marketing buzzwords here.) PR and social media agencies typically push this strategy. These strategies are being powered by a new world of technology platforms, sponsored content studios, and content distribution services, as you’ll see in the map on the next page.
  • 8. CONTENTLY STATE OF CONTENT MARKETING 2015: WHEN CONTENT ATE MARKETING 8 At Contently, we’ve experienced all sides of this world. Our tech- nology platform helps power brands like American Express and Coca-Cola that have built publications that millions of people visit each month, and we grew as a brand publisher ourselves in 2014—dramatically so. The Content Strategist quadrupled in audience, garnering a million minutes of attention time in Q4. (Read more on Contently Insights and the importance of atten- tion time here.) As a result, we’re fortunate to see a lot of industry trends before they unfold. Here’s what we see happening in the next 12 months:
  • 9. CONTENTLY STATE OF CONTENT MARKETING 2015: WHEN CONTENT ATE MARKETING 9 What will work in 2015 Before the Internet, publishers needed three things: talent to find and produce stories, a press to print stories, and trucks to deliver stories to newsstands and doorsteps. Back then, publishers learned about their stories’ effect on their audience via newsstand sales figures and letters to the editor (and some- times changes in politics and society). Humans and analog technology did each of these jobs for centuries. That was the common model that worked for analog publishers: Produce stories, deliver them to the audience, and use audience clues to divine what worked and didn’t. In the Internet age, smart digital publishers—folks like BuzzFeed and Mashable—have essentially used the same process with new tools: Use tech-savvy talent to find and produce stories and print them to the web using a content management system (digital “printing press”), send the stories out to audiences via social media and native advertising (digital “trucks”), and measure the results using analytics (digital “newsstand figures”). Really smart publishers use those analytics to inform their next round of publish- ing.
  • 10. CONTENTLY STATE OF CONTENT MARKETING 2015: WHEN CONTENT ATE MARKETING 10 At Contently, we boil down that process of being an effective publisher to “C.E.O.”: create, engage, optimize. We call it the flywheel: CREATE EN GAGE OPTIM I Z E At many brands, what used to be an audience-reaching effort is increasingly shifting to an audience-building effort. Instead of treating content as ads with a shelf life, they’re seeing content as a way to build an asset. This has increased in priority as social networks tweak their algorithms, making it clearer that brands don’t truly own their audiences.
  • 11. CONTENTLY STATE OF CONTENT MARKETING 2015: WHEN CONTENT ATE MARKETING 11 CONTENTLY11 That’s where the flywheel becomes the proper paradigm for content marketers as well. When you organize a content mar- keting strategy around these three audience-building initiatives, the optimal place for using owned versus rented versus social content becomes clear: In 2015, we’re going to see more companies converge their disparate content strategies into one strategy that points toward owned content first. brands building their own publications and using rented and social content as mechanisms for drawing audiences to their own turf. There, the brands have an opportunity to build direct relationships with their readers and viewers. As such, we’ll see a lot more emphasis on racking up email subscribers (where a brand has direct access to its audience, Facebook algorithm changes be damned!) and less emphasis on building social media followings. Instead, social will be properly viewed as a channel for distributing your content and attracting readers who will become direct email subscribers. CREATE EN GAGE OPTIM I Z E OWNED CONTENT RENTED CONTENT SOCIAL CONTENTOWNED CONTENT OWNED CONTENT
  • 12. CONTENTLY STATE OF CONTENT MARKETING 2015: WHEN CONTENT ATE MARKETING 12 This owned-first, rent- and social-second strategy is going to be the most effective plan for brand publishers moving forward. In fact, the brands that have gotten the most bang for their content buck—and who get the most sustained industry cred—are the companies that have jumped all in on owned content: Red Bull (with its separate business unit for media, Red Bull Media House), American Express (disclosure: a Contently client), and Marriott, which just went all-in by building a 65-person content studio. (For more on the optimization piece of the flywheel and the ROI of content marketing for B2B and B2C brands, see our guide here.) To make the flywheel work, content marketers can no longer ignore software. And as I mentioned before, technology compa- nies are racing to provide solutions across each piece of it. Here, for example, is how we use some of the primary players on that tech field (including our own products) to make Contently’s own flywheel work: CREATE EN GAGE OPTIM I Z E
  • 13. CONTENTLY STATE OF CONTENT MARKETING 2015: WHEN CONTENT ATE MARKETING 13 What won’t work in 2015 In the last few years, our neighbors have learned a few brand content lessons for us the hard way. Here’s what won’t work for brands in 2015 and beyond: NON-INDEPENDENT NEWS In 2014, we witnessed the boisterous rise and messy explosion of Verizon’s brand publication, Sugar- String. The cause of the crash? Verizon tried to do “the news” as a brand with a stake in shaping said news, banning coverage of sensitive topics like the NSA. As I wrote in my recent essay about business models of journalism, brands can thrive as publishers of education and infotainment, but will have a hard time acting like news organizations. To be honest, they shouldn’t even try. Read more on the SugarString snafu and the lessons learned here. The main message: Brands can be great magazines, but ought not to try being digital newspapers. Inauthentic content—like the “health” stories by Chik-fil-a documented in this story—won’t work for brands in the long run either. The common element to both of these is the refrain we repeat every day here and cite in our Content Marketing Code of Ethics: Don’t betray the reader.
  • 14. CONTENTLY STATE OF CONTENT MARKETING 2015: WHEN CONTENT ATE MARKETING 14 I talked about this in last year’s State of Content Marketing, but I’m mentioning it again because we have another year of data to confirm: For brands, licensed content simply doesn’t work. Zero brands got organic traction, attention, or built an audience using licensed content in 2014. Many tried, and 100 percent flopped. If you’re trying to build a relationship with someone in real life, re-gifting them something they could easily get on their own is a bad strategy. Telling them a story they already heard is a bad strategy. “Syndicated content is like giving popcorn to children,” Moz’s Cyrus Shepard recently told me. “It will keep them busy for a while but thats it. I think all the value is having something original.” Furthermore, he says, the SEO implication of a content strategy based on pub- lishing other people’s content is “dangerous.” Google rankings aside, if you’re trying to build audience as a brand, a blog that’s populated with stories that were already CONTENT LICENSING published elsewhere is not going to get them very interested in visiting your website. Because of social media, the era of the aggregator portal is over. Today’s big remnant portals—Yahoo, MSN, etc.—increasingly cre- ate original content in additional to the content they syndicate. The biggest portals today for aggregated/curated content are simply Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and the like. A brand like Nike or Ford is not going to compete with those websites on that battlefront. But the reverse strategyis effective: Nike or Ford can leverage portals and aggregators to spread their original content. As a wise ad man once said, “It is better to be syndicated than to syndicate.” Licensed content has been an attractive proposition because it’s cheap and easy. It’s a terrific proposition for ad-supported media companies that already have audience and need more page refreshes to sell more ads against. But it doesn’t build audience. And for brands, it simply doesn’t work.
  • 15. CONTENTLY STATE OF CONTENT MARKETING 2015: WHEN CONTENT ATE MARKETING 15 “The thing at the end of this story is gonna be crazy!!” <— Headline you’re going to be seeing much less of this year. Facebook is getting sick of deceptive headlines that pull you in with a tease and then let you down. Algorithms are changing, and readers are getting more savvy. So click-throughs on stories that begin, “You won’t believe what...” are going to plummet. But more importantly, good headlines with bad content behind them don’t result in people spending much time with you, and therefore don’t help brands build audiences. If you want to build a relationship with someone in real life, you need to spend time with them. That’s why brands looking to build relationships with customers ought to think of “engaged time”—or how much time people are actually paying attention to content—as their most important metric. Data shows that engaging with content longer makes people more likely to come back to a brand later. See that 3-minute engaged time mark? That’s a magical point to hit because it corresponds with a 50 percent-plus probability that the reader will return to your site within the next week. ENGAGEMENT AND PROPENSITY TO RETURN 0:00 20% 60% 1:00 2:00 3:00 HEADLINE TRICKERY
  • 16. CONTENTLY STATE OF CONTENT MARKETING 2015: WHEN CONTENT ATE MARKETING 16 But tricking people into showing up? That does little good. We will see brands get better at writing engaging headlines, yes, but we’ll also see content that matches the expectations that those head- lines set. At the end of the day, great stories are still the thing that will drive success.
  • 17. CONTENTLY STATE OF CONTENT MARKETING 2015: WHEN CONTENT ATE MARKETING 17 We probably will continue to see more “Oreo tweet” behavior as brands perpetuate the fad that is Twitterjacking (latching onto a cultural event by posting a clever photo on Twitter and trying to incorporating your brand into said event). We’ll see more of it because agencies can charge an arm and a leg to build “war rooms” that sit around and make these. But most brands haven’t caught on to how useless it is for audience-building (in most cases). Leaner social content efforts will be a part of a good content strategy, under the “Engage” section of the flywheel, but employing a dozen agency folk to produce a photo of a pizza with a bow tie that gets 1,000 retweets is a monumental waste of money. (For a breakdown on the costs and benefits—or lack thereof—in real-time social campaigns that brands are in the habit of today, see this recent analysis.) TWITTERJACKING
  • 18. CONTENTLY STATE OF CONTENT MARKETING 2015: WHEN CONTENT ATE MARKETING 18 This one almost goes without saying because it’s obvious. But apparently it’s not obvious enough for it to stop happening. Sponsored stories that read like an infomercial are a worse Internet experi- ence than being flashed by a furry on Chatroulette. Blatant ads masquerading as content do nothing for a brand, and they hurt publishers’ relationships with existing readers. This stuff won’t work. No matter how many times you try it. BLATANTLY PROMOTIONAL SPONSORED CONTENT
  • 19. CONTENTLY STATE OF CONTENT MARKETING 2015: WHEN CONTENT ATE MARKETING 19 The marketing industry has been saying for years that “brands are publishers.” And brands are defi- nitely publishing. But so far, most of them make pretty crappy media companies. With the shift to an owned-first content strategy, brands are going to have to address that fact. What’s needed? Deep understanding of audiences that you’re speaking to. The ability to capture audience. The ability to run a publishing operation like a real magazine, with software and process and an appropriate amount of oversight (that means empowered editors and managers, but not fleets of corporate approvers). Essentially, the infrastructure and process to run a real publishing flywheel. Since the launch of Blogger and WordPress, and subsequently Facebook and Tumblr and Twitter, Content has been a Marketing Thing, but it’s sat on Marketing’s back burner. At the rate that content marketing (and digital content consumption itself) is accelerating, however, I believe that 2015 is the year that Content starts to subsume Marketing. Where we’re heading
  • 20. CONTENTLY STATE OF CONTENT MARKETING 2015: WHEN CONTENT ATE MARKETING 20 In other words, in order to create a real publishing flywheel, marketing organizations that used to look like this: Other things to watch for in 2015: an increase in emphasis on divisible content, using traditional banner ads to advertise content instead of landing pages, using chat apps to engage audi- ences in riskier ways, and a lot more email content. And I think I’m going to pick up stretching. It’s going to be a fun year. will increasingly look like this: MARKETING PAID SOCIAL SEO CONTENT CONTENT SOCIAL SEO EMAIL PAID DISTRIB. CONTENT
  • 21. CONTENTLY STATE OF CONTENT MARKETING 2015: WHEN CONTENT ATE MARKETING 21 Content marketing may still be the shiny new toy of the advertising industry, but brands that want to create content are beginning to learn how to best spend their sacred budgets. Clearly, there’s plenty of room for growth. According to a recent study by the Content Marketing Institute, only 23 percent of B2C marketers are successful at tracking ROI. Everyone points to Red Bull, GE, and American Express as the all-stars of content marketing, but aspiring content marketers likely need some of the resources afforded to those best-in-class brands—a stable supply of time, money, and analytics that take the guesswork out of their jobs. Ultimately, the fate of content marketing isn’t in the hands of the marketers pushing for creativity on a daily basis; the future depends on a dedicated investment from the executive level. American Express President Ed Gilligan, for example, fully supported OPEN Forum’s initiative to publish small business content. Marriott International’s chairman, Bill Marriott, who doesn’t use computers, still saw the value of telling his company’s story directly to consumers and has invested heavily in con- tent. Thanks to an early commitment from the executive level, Red Bull now employs approximately 135 people just for their media house. Marriott’s content studio has grown to 65 employees, and Nestlé’s digital editorial team consists of almost 20 community managers and designers producing content every day. And according to the Columbia Journalism Review, Coca-Cola “now reportedly spends more money creating its own content than it does on television advertising.” (Full disclosure: Coca-Cola, GE, and American Express are Contently clients.) In 2014, many brands tested the waters, and a few dove in headfirst. In 2015, we’ll see how many follow. Conclusion
  • 22. CONTENTLY STATE OF CONTENT MARKETING 2015: WHEN CONTENT ATE MARKETING 22 Want more insights into the state of content marketing? For daily insights, subscribe to our online magazine, The Content Strategist. And if you’d like to talk to someone about Contently’s services, please reach out to us at sales@contently.com or visit contently.com. contently.com