look for
verb as in anticipate
verb as in await
Strongest matches
verb as in bargain for
verb as in expect
Strong matches
verb as in hunt
verb as in require
verb as in scour
verb as in scout
verb as in search
Strongest matches
verb as in shop
verb as in spy
verb as in wait
Example Sentences
But there are still worries that the night will be a bad look for the music industry.
China's vice-premier Ding Xuexiang told the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, last month that his country was looking for a "win-win" solution to trade tensions and wanted to expand its imports.
But major farm owners understand the undocumented labor population is essential, and they’re making contingencies for mass deportations by looking for ways to keep non-U.S.-born laborers inside the country.
The article admits that the university has covered all of these deficits — but at what cost to the rest of the students, and potential students, looking for an education?
Michael added: "We're always looking for turnstile staff, so it became one of those things... it has always been part of our lives and really good fun."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.