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Plant Protection Science, 2023 (vol. 59), issue 3

Molecular study of turnip mosaic virus population in the Czech RepublicOriginal Paper

Dana Šafářová, Luboš Majeský, Milan Navrátil

Plant Protect. Sci., 2023, 59(3):209-216 | DOI: 10.17221/34/2023-PPS  

Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) is the most important virus of brassica crops. In our study, we compare the genetic structure of two Czech TuMV populations sampled in the country's 25-year interval of virus presence. The 21 isolates, mainly infecting rutabaga and horseradish, were collected from four farms under organic production, and nearly complete genome sequences, 9 596–9 787 nt in length, were obtained using Sanger sequencing for all of them. The analysis of variability and polymorphism showed differences in genetic structure but the relative stability of both populations and moderate negative selection as a factor affecting the current TuMV...

Compatibility of adzuki bean (Vigna angularis) and Bradyrhizobium USDA strains, and geographical distribution and community structure on indigenous adzuki bean-nodulating bradyrhizobia in JapanOriginal Paper

Sokichi Shiro, Ryu Makihara, Masahiro Yamaguchi, Masayuki Kadowaki, Yuichi Saeki

Plant Protect. Sci., 2023, 59(3):217-232 | DOI: 10.17221/64/2022-PPS  

We investigated the compatibility between adzuki bean and Bradyrhizobium USDA strains and the relation between the genetic diversity of indigenous adzuki bean-nodulating bradyrhizobia and their geographical distribution in Japan. Six Bradyrhizobium USDA strains were used in the inoculation test, and B. elkanii USDA 94 showed higher symbiotic efficiency than other strains. Two adzuki bean cultivars were used to isolate indigenous adzuki bean-nodulating bradyrhizobia. Their genetic diversity and community structure were analyzed by restriction fragment length polymorphisms of PCR amplicons to target the 16S-23S rRNA gene internal...

Progression of wheat Tan spot under different bioclimatic stages and agricultural practicesOriginal Paper

Salma Tissaoui, Noura Omri-Benyoussef, Hatem Chaar, Marwa Hassine, Jean-stephane Venisse, Bouzid Nasraoui, Amira Mougou-Hamdane

Plant Protect. Sci., 2023, 59(3):233-244 | DOI: 10.17221/103/2022-PPS  

Tan spot, caused by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, is a severe worldwide wheat foliar disease and has become common in Tunisia. Two hundred wheat field surveys were conducted in northern Tunisia during the 2017–2019 seasons to determine disease intensity and the correlation of the tan spot with agricultural practices and environmental factors. The disease infested 67% of the visited regions. The highest prevalence (87.5%), incidence (> 30%), and severity (> 10%) were observed in sub-humid regions, contrary to the middle semi-arid regions. Logistic regression was used to analyse the correlation of incidence and severity with various...

Stem canker of dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus): Neocytalidium sp. is the new cause of the disease and its control using the sodium saltOriginal Paper

Riska, Jumjunidang, Tri Budiyanti, Eko Darma Husada, Ni Luh Putu Indriyani, Sri Hadiati, Irwan Muas, Ellina Mansyah

Plant Protect. Sci., 2023, 59(3):245-255 | DOI: 10.17221/112/2022-PPS  

This study aimed to isolate and characterise a fungal pathogen associated with stem canker on dragon fruit and to evaluate the efficacy of sodium salt as an alternative control against it. The fungal pathogen was isolated and identified by morphological and cultural methods. SMNND11 and ARPN11 isolates, which are morphologically alike Neoscytalidium sp., were selected for the present study. The colony’s mycelial mass was greyish-white and turned to dark greenish-grey. The shape of the arthroconidia was ellipsoid to ovoid and hyaline to dark brown with septate arthrospores. The hyphae were brown in colour, septate, branched...

Comparison of the effect of additives during gliding arc plasma treatment on the germination of bunt spores and growth characteristics of wheatOriginal Paper

Stanislav Ježek, Pavel Horčička, Eva Jozová, Vladislav Čurn

Plant Protect. Sci., 2023, 59(3):256-263 | DOI: 10.17221/51/2023-PPS  

The gliding arc cold plasma treatment of wheat seeds is an alternative to chemical seed dressing, but this treatment is not very effective. This study was focused on testing the addition of salt, water and nitrogenous compounds during plasma treatment to increase the efficiency of the plasma seed treatment. The additives were not supplied in the gaseous state, as usual, but in an aqueous solution by spraying under a plasma nozzle during the treatment. The phytosanitary effect of the plasma treatment was evaluated based on the germination of Tilletia caries spores from artificially infected seeds on water agar. The viability of the seeds, growth...

Seasonal dynamics and abundance of brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Stål) on four trap cropsOriginal Paper

Luka Batistič, Tanja Bohinc, Stanislav Trdan

Plant Protect. Sci., 2023, 59(3):264-277 | DOI: 10.17221/2/2023-PPS  

The main purpose of the study was to examine the potential of crops, such as soybeans (Glycine max), sunflowers (Helianthus annuus), alfalfa (Medicago sativa), and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), as trap crops for Halyomorpha halys. We monitored the abundance and seasonal dynamics of H. halys (egg clusters, larvae, and adults) on a selected number of various crops at 10-day intervals. The experiment was performed in two different regions of Slovenia (western and central) and in two different years (2021, 2022). The results varied depending on the location and the year. In the first experiment, data from the entire...

Culture of Steinernema glaseri on three solid media and their virulence against Galleria mellonella larvaeOriginal Paper

Carlos I. Cortés-Martínez, Adriana Ines Rodríguez-Hernández, Ma del Rocío López-Cuellar, Norberto Chavarría-Hernández, Rodolfo De los Santos Romero

Plant Protect. Sci., 2023, 59(3):278-283 | DOI: 10.17221/1/2023-PPS  

Steinernema glaseri is a potential biocontrol agent against white grubs of the Phyllophaga spp. complex; however, its suitability for in vitro multiplication has been scarcely investigated. In this study, the effects of the surface culture of NJ-43 strain with its symbiotic bacteria Xenorhabdus poinarii on egg-yolk agar (P2), chicken-liver agar and nutrient meat-peptone (MP) agar on infective juvenile (IJ) productivity and their virulence against Galleria mellonella larvae were investigated. The bacteria on the surface of the agar were first incubated in darkness at 30 °C for 54–102 h, and then 100 surface-sterilised...

Particle drift potential of mesotrione and rimsulfuron plus thifensulfuron-methyl tank mixture in a low-speed wind tunnelOriginal Paper

Milan Brankov, Guilherme Sousa Alves, Bruno Canella Vieira, Milos Zaric, Greg Robert Kruger

Plant Protect. Sci., 2023, 59(3):284-291 | DOI: 10.17221/39/2023-PPS  

Particle drift happens during herbicide application when droplets travel outside the intended site. Different nozzles produce various range of droplets, so they play a very important role in coverage and drift occasions. When nozzles produce small droplets, the potential for off-target movement is very high. Another important factor determining particle drift is the distance between crops. Wind velocity gives the energy to herbicide particles to move away from the target place. Therefore, a drift simulation of herbicide (mesotrione and rimsulfuron plus thifensulfuron-methyl mixture) was done in a wind tunnel, using different nozzles Extended Range...

Verification of a machine learning model for weed detection in maize (Zea mays) using infrared imagingOriginal Paper

Adam Hruška, Pavel Hamouz

Plant Protect. Sci., 2023, 59(3):292-297 | DOI: 10.17221/131/2022-PPS  

The potential of the framework of precision agriculture points towards the emergence of site-specific weed control. In light of the phenomena, the search for a cost-effective approach can help the discipline to accelerate the practical implementation. The paper presents a near-infrared data-driven machine learning model for real-time weed detection in wide-row cultivated maize (Zea mays) fields. The basis of the model is a dataset of 5 120 objects including 18 species of weeds significant in the context of wide-row crop production in the Czech Republic. The custom model was subsequently compared with a state-of-the-art machine learning tool...

Determining the technical and economic feasibility of combining pest control techniques in open field and netting house chili cultivation systemsShort Communication

Rini Murtiningsih, Tonny Koestoni Moekasan, Laksminiwati Prabaningrum, Asma Sembiring, Wiwin Setiawati, Ahsol Hasyim, Bagus Kukuh Udiarto, Ineu Sulastrini, Neni Gunaeni, Eli Korlina, Nikardi Gunadi, Harmanto, Liferdi Lukman

Plant Protect. Sci., 2023, 59(3):298-302 | DOI: 10.17221/5/2023-PPS  

As one of the most widely cultivated vegetable crops worldwide, chillies (Capsicum annuum L.) face serious pest-related problems when grown in either open or protected cultivation systems. However, studies aimed at understanding the implementation of various integrated pest management (IPM) techniques on chilli production in both cultivation systems are scarce. The study aimed to evaluate the impact of implementing an integrated approach that combines the use of a sweet corn barrier, thiamethoxam, control threshold, silver plastic mulch, pest traps, and fungicides on chilli pests and diseases in open and protected farming systems. Those techniques...