I have graduated! I will be joining Aster Data.
I graduated with a PhD from the University of California, San Diego in Spring, 2009. At UCSD, I was a member of the Systems and Networking group in the Computer Science department, where I was advised by Dr. Amin Vahdat. Prior to this, I was at the CSE department at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.
Research Interests
- Virtualization
- Operating Systems
- Networking
- Web 2.0
- Information Management
- CiteULike: If you are not using CiteULike already, check it out!
- Floating Sun: My personal website.
My current research is focused around virtualization. I'm broadly interested in mechanisms for resource allocation, management and accounting in virtual machines, and the applications they enable.
Here is a copy of my dissertation, titled "Scalable Virtual Machine Multiplexing."
- Time Dilation
- Difference Engine: sub-page granularity memory sharing.
- XenMon: ships with Xen by default.
- DieCast: how to test a 10,000 machine infrastructure realistically using only 1000 machines?
- Performance Isolation: how to make sure that co-located virtual machines don't adversely impact each others' performance?
Here is my list of publications as seen by DLBP. Accurate, but potentially not up to date.
Conference Papers
- Difference Engine: Harnessing Memory Redundancy in Virtual Machines. Diwaker Gupta, Sangmin Lee, Michael Vrable, Stefan Savage, Alex C. Snoeren, George Varghese, Geoffrey M. Voelker and Amin Vahdat. In Proceedings of the 8th USENIX Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation. San Diego, CA. December, 2008. (OSDI 2008) Award paper..
- DieCast: Testing Distributed Systems with an Accurate Scale Model. Diwaker Gupta, Kashi V. Vishwanath and Amin Vahdat. Proceedings of the 5th ACM/USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation. San Francisco, CA. April, 2008. (NSDI 2008).
- Usher: An Extensible Framework for Managing Clusters of Virtual Machines. Marvin McNett, Diwaker Gupta, Amin Vahdat and Geoffrey M. Voelker. Proceedings of the 21st Large Installation Systems Adminsitration Conference. Dallas, TX. November, 2007. (LISA 2007).
- Enforcing Performance Isolation Across Virtual Machines in Xen. Diwaker Gupta, Ludmila Cherkasova, Rob Gardner and Amin Vahdat. Proceedings of the 7th ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware Conference. Melbourne, Australia. November, 2006. (MIDDLEWARE 2006).
- To Infinity and Beyond: Time-Warped Network Emulation. Diwaker Gupta, Kenneth Yocum, Marvin McNett, Alex C. Snoeren, Amin Vahdat and Geoffrey M. Voelker. Proceedings of the 3rd ACM/USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation. San Jose, CA. May, 2006. (NSDI 2006).
- Routing in an Internet-Scale Network Emulator. Jay Chen, Diwaker Gupta, Kashi V. Vishwanath, Alex C. Snoeren and Amin Vahdat. 12th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems. Volendam, Netherlands. October, 2004. (MASCOTS 2004).
Journal Papers
- Comparison of the Three CPU Schedulers in Xen. Ludmila Cherkasova, Diwaker Gupta, Amin Vahdat. Performance Evaluation Review. Volume 35, Number 2. September, 2007.
Workshop Papers
- Optimizing Grid Site Manager Performance with Virtual Machines. Ludmila Cherkasova, Diwaker Gupta, Eygene Ryabinkin, Roman Kurakin, Vladimir Dobretsov, Amin Vahdat. Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX Workshop on Real Large Distributed Systems. Seattle, WA. December, 2006. (WORLDS 2006)
- Towards a Process and Tool-Chain for Service Oriented Automotive Software Engineering. Ingolf Krueger, Diwaker Gupta, Reena Mathew, Praveen Moorthy, Walter Philips, Sabine Rittmann, Jaswinder Ahluwalia. Workshop on Software Engineering for Automotive Systems, International Conference on Sofware Engineering. May, 2004. (ICSE 2004)
- Sur-Taal: SurTaal is UCSD's premiere coed South Asian a capella group.
- Udai: Udai is a non-profit volunteer organization and seeks to awaken, inspire, and empower people to make the world a better place both for themselves and for others.
- Open source: I'm passionate about free and open source software and have contributed to several open source projects such as Xen, Apache Forrest, Wordpress and CiteULike.
- uBoggle: the BEST way to play Boggle online.