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Professional training system in Spain has lived a very great development in its quantitative dimension in the last three decades. But, nowadays, it is necessary to focus on its qualitative development, that is, in its effectiveness and... more
Professional training system in Spain has lived a very great development in its quantitative dimension in the last three decades. But, nowadays, it is necessary to focus on its qualitative development, that is, in its effectiveness and improvement. So that, we believe it is necessary to analyze to what extent training design and delivery of organizational training programs take into account those factors that increase the likelihood of transfer the training to the job, as Human Resource Development research has pointed out. Transfer design refers to the degree to which training has been designed and delivered in such a way that provides trainees the ability to transfer effectively learning (knowledge, skills and attitudes) back to the job in a sustained way. Researches about training effectiveness have pointed out a lot of variables that likely influence training outcomes. These effectiveness variables are typically studied in three broad categories: individual, organizational and t...
In order to improve the effectiveness of the training provided by the agency in charge of training of public servants in the region of Andalusia (Spain), trainers were surveyed about what is the utilization of designrelated transfer... more
In order to improve the effectiveness of the training provided by the agency in charge of training of public servants in the region of Andalusia (Spain), trainers were surveyed about what is the utilization of designrelated transfer factors they do when they design training courses. Thus, the extent to which training is designed to be transferred can be analyzed. The results suggested that trainers focused their interventions more on the trainees’ satisfaction with the level and usefulness of the learning acquired than on the learning transfer to workplace. In addition, this study allowed us to gain better understanding of the perspective of trainers on how training design elements are associated. Four transfer-focused training approaches were detected, whose concomitant use varies depending on training objectives. It is concluded that the study of the transferability of training is useful to detect weaknesses and strengths in training and proposals for improvements and lines of inq...
There is empirical evidence that the research findings on training effectiveness are hardly applied in organizations; one possible reason is that these findings do not reach trainers in a way that could help them make decisions about the... more
There is empirical evidence that the research findings on training effectiveness are hardly applied in organizations; one possible reason is that these findings do not reach trainers in a way that could help them make decisions about the design and implementation of training programs. This gap could be explained by the fact that most of those studies have primary been focused on the trainees´ perception of what factors affect the outcomes of training, while the trainers´ perspective on it has barely been studied. The goal of this study was to explore the trainers´ view on the efficacy of training, in terms of transfer outcomes; for this purpose, 300 trainers participating in the implementation of the training schemes addressed to Public Administration employees in Andalusia (Spain) were surveyed. The results showed that the trainers´ perception of training effectiveness was influenced by the characteristics of the current culture of continuing professional training in this organizat...
Para formar profesores es necesario comprender cómo se desarrolla la identidad docente de los futuros docentes y, para ello, es fundamental analizar el impacto que sobre este proceso tienen las biografías personales. La lectura, al... more
Para formar profesores es necesario comprender cómo se desarrolla la identidad docente de los futuros docentes y, para ello, es fundamental analizar el impacto que sobre este proceso tienen las biografías personales. La lectura, al tratarse de una habilidad cognitiva más que de un conocimiento y ser omnipresente en la vida de los docentes desde su niñez, presenta unas características distintivas como materia de enseñanza. Esto lleva a plantear qué impacto puede tener la identidad lectora de los docentes en la configuración de su identidad y su conocimiento como formadores de lectores. Se han analizado las autobiografías lectoras escritas por 88 estudiantes del último curso del grado de maestro de Educación Primaria, con el objetivo de comprender su identidad de lectores. Los resultados permiten detectar los factores que se hallan en la base de su visión de sí mismos como lectores y comprobar cómo esta se enraíza en su biografía lectora. Se concluye que los futuros maestros, con iden...
Para formar profesores es necesario comprender cómo se desarrolla la identidad docente de los futuros docentes y, para ello, es fundamental analizar el impacto que sobre este proceso tienen las biografías personales. La lectura, al... more
Para formar profesores es necesario comprender cómo se desarrolla la identidad docente de los futuros docentes y, para ello, es fundamental analizar el impacto que sobre este proceso tienen las biografías personales. La lectura, al tratarse de una habilidad cognitiva más que de un conocimiento y ser omnipresente en la vida de los docentes desde su niñez, presenta unas características distintivas como materia de enseñanza. Esto lleva a plantear qué impacto puede tener la identidad lectora de los docentes en la configuración de su identidad y su conocimiento como formadores de lectores. Se han analizado las autobiografías lectoras escritas por 88 estudiantes del último curso del grado de maestro de Educación Primaria, con el objetivo de comprender su identidad de lectores. Los resultados permiten detectar los factores que se hallan en la base de su visión de sí mismos como lectores y comprobar cómo esta se enraíza en su biografía lectora. Se concluye que los futuros maestros, con iden...
There is empirical evidence that the research findings on training effectiveness are hardly applied in organizations; one possible reason is that these findings do not reach trainers in a way that could help them make decisions about the... more
There is empirical evidence that the research findings on training effectiveness are hardly applied in organizations; one possible reason is that these findings do not reach trainers in a way that could help them make decisions about the design and implementation of training programs. This gap could be explained by the fact that most of those studies have primary been focused on the trainees´perception trainees´perception of what factors affect the outcomes of training, while the trainers´perspectivetrainers´perspective on it has barely been studied. The goal of this study was to explore the trainers´viewtrainers´view on the efficacy of training, in terms of transfer outcomes; for this purpose, 300 trainers participating in the implementation of the training schemes addressed to Public Administration employees in Andalusia (Spain) were surveyed. The results showed that the trainers´perceptiontrainers´perception of training effectiveness was influenced by the characteristics of the current culture of continuing professional training in this organizational sector: an individualistic and centralized conception of training and the absence of the sense of responsibility for training outcomes. Furthermore, five conceptions of effective training were detected: one focused on ensuring that the design of the training event satisfies the trainees, other based on the use of workplace as a learning space, the third concept is concerned about accountability for training results, a fourth focused on addressing the organizational demands and the last reflecting an ecological conception of training effectiveness. It is concluded that research on training effectiveness should be more aligned with the trainers´concernstrainers´concerns if research findings are to be used by practitioners and, thus, they can help transform the culture and practices of employees training. [es] Comprender la perspectiva de los formadores sobre la eficacia de la formación continua: el caso de la formacion de empleados públicos Resumen: Existen evidencias de que los hallazgos obtenidos por la investigación sobre eficacia de la formación apenas son utilizados en el seno de las organizaciones; una posible razón apunta a que estos resultados no llegan a los formadores de un modo en que puedan resultarles útiles para planificar y desarrollar acciones formativas. Esta desconexión puede ser explicada por el hecho de que la mayoría de estos estudios se centran fundamentalmente en la percepción de los participantes sobre qué factores afectan los resultados de la formación, mientras que la perspectiva de los formadores apenas ha sido estudiada. El objetivo de este trabajo fue explorar la percepción de los formadores sobre la eficacia de la formación en términos de resultados de transferencia; para ello, se encuestó a 300 formadores implicados en el desarrollo de los planes de formación dirigidos a los empleados de la Administración Pública en Andalucía. Los resultados muestran que la percepción de los formadores se halla influenciada por las características de la cultura de formación de este sector: una concepción individualista y centralizada Granado, c. Rev. complut. educ. 30(4) 2019: 997-1012 998 de la formación y la ausencia del sentido de responsabilidad respecto de los resultados de la formación. También fueron detectadas cinco concepciones de formación eficaz: una centrada en un diseño de la actividad formativa que asegure la satisfacción de los participantes, otra focalizada en el lugar de trabajo como espacio de aprendizaje, una tercera interesada en la responsabilidad por los resultados, una cuarta centrada en atender las demandas de la organización y, finalmente, una concepción ecológica de la eficacia de la formación. Se concluye que la investigación sobre formación eficaz debería alinearse más con las cuestiones que afectan a los formadores, si aspira a que sus hallazgos puedan ser utilizados por los profesionales y, así, lleguen a transformar la cultura y práctica de la formación.
... Login to save citations to My List. Citation. Database: PsycINFO. [Journal Article]. Using focusgroups in educational research: Exploring teachers' perspectives on educational change. Flores, Javier Gil; Alonso, Cristina... more
... Login to save citations to My List. Citation. Database: PsycINFO. [Journal Article]. Using focusgroups in educational research: Exploring teachers' perspectives on educational change. Flores, Javier Gil; Alonso, Cristina Granado. Evaluation Review, Vol 19(1), Feb 1995, 84-101. ...
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Información del artículo Lo que la publicidad nos enseña a los docentes: una primera aproximación.
Nowadays, the demands on school about reading and writing are larger. The school is expected to prepare all students for higher and more complex reading and writing skills, once reserved to only a few, and to motivate reading habits; it... more
Nowadays, the demands on school about reading and writing are larger. The school is expected to prepare all students for higher and more complex reading and writing skills, once reserved to only a few, and to motivate reading habits; it is necessary well specifically prepared teachers to satisfy these expectations, even more when several researchers have found that teacher preparation is more critical in fields like reading.  This work goal was to know what knowledge and skills for reading education prospective teachers have got when they took their degree; so that, student techers who were ending their university studies were surveyed and the set of course plans included in preservice teacher education curriculum was analyzed in three public universities. The results of this work allow us to conclude that it is neccesary to review teacher education programs we offer for improving reading instruction and motivation in schools.
Research Interests:
In order to improve the effectiveness of the training provided by the agency in charge of training of public servants in the region of Andalusia (Spain), trainers were surveyed about what is the utilization of design-related transfer... more
In order to improve the effectiveness of the training provided by the agency in charge of training of public servants in the region of Andalusia (Spain), trainers were surveyed about what is the utilization of design-related transfer factors they do when they design training courses. Thus, the extent to which training is designed to be transferred can be analyzed. The results suggested that trainers focused their interventions more on the trainees’ satisfaction with the level and usefulness of the learning acquired than on the learning transfer to workplace. In addition, this study allowed us to gain better understanding of the perspective of trainers on how training design elements are associated. Four transfer-focused training approaches were detected, whose concomitant use varies depending on training objectives. It is concluded that the study of the transferability of training is useful to detect weaknesses and strengths in training and proposals for improvements and lines of inquiry are suggested.
Research Interests:
In order to train teachers, it is necessary to understand how teacher identity of the prospective teachers is built and, accordingly, the impact of the personal biographies of preservice teacher on this process must be analyzed. Reading... more
In order to train teachers, it is necessary
to understand how teacher identity of the
prospective teachers is built and, accordingly,
the impact of the personal biographies
of preservice teacher on this process must
be analyzed. Reading education presents
a few peculiar features as school subject
because it deals with the development of
skills rather than content knowledge and it
is omnipresent in the lives of the teachers
from childhood. Therefore, it is necessary
to analyze what the impact of the future
teachers’ reading identity is on their identity
and knowledge instruction as trainers of
readers. Reading autobiographies written
by 88 senior students of Primary Teacher
Education bachelor were analyzed with a
view to understand their identity as readers.
The results allow identifying some factors
on which their image as readers is based
and checking how this image is grounded
in their reading biography. It is concluded
that the pre-service teachers, with different
reading identities, share a similar representation
of reading work in school: this one is
based on external reading skills mastery, on
reading for efferent purpose and on the lack
of opportunities for a personal choice of the
readings and for reading for pleasure.
Research Interests:
Existe cada vez más evidencia empírica sobre el hecho de que formar lectores requiere docentes lectores. Por un lado, la relación personal que los docentes mantienen con la lectura influye en el tipo de prácticas de educación lectora que... more
Existe cada vez más evidencia empírica sobre el hecho de que formar lectores requiere docentes lectores. Por un lado, la relación personal que los docentes mantienen con la lectura influye en el tipo de prácticas de educación lectora que ofrecen en su aula y, por otro, en las creencias que sobre el valor de la lectura mantienen y transmiten a sus estudiantes; esto es, hay una confluencia entre el sujeto lector y el sujeto didáctico que el enseñante es. En este trabajo se ha explorado el potencial que ofrece el estudio de los tres últimos títulos de libros que los futuros maestros y maestras declaran haber leído para comprender parte de su identidad como lectores. La muestra estuvo formada por más de mil estudiantes del último curso de Magisterio de tres universidades públicas. Los resultados revelan que mantienen una relación tibia con la lectura y una motivación extrínseca hacia la práctica lectora: son lectores inmaduros, de libros de moda de gran impacto mediático y de textos prescritos por sus estudios; se analiza también la representación que de la lectura se hacen a través de los títulos evocados. Se concluye acerca de la necesidad de abordar desde su formación inicial como maestros la tarea de reeducar su relación con la lectura.
Research Interests: