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2013-06-29 09:20:43 | Telegraph (UK)
Another shameful day for Europe as EMU creditor states betray South
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 6:45PM BST 21 Jun 2013
So much for the denials. The Cyprus "template" for banking crises is to be eurozone policy for other countries after all.


Anybody with serious banking exposure to any EMU state on the front line of Europe's macro-economic crisis now knows what to expect.


The deal reached by EMU finance ministers on the use of the bail-out fund (ESM) to recapitalise distressed banks makes clear who will in fact suffer the real losses: first shareholders, then bondholders and then deposit holders above €100,000. They stand to lose almost everything, as we saw with Laiki in Cyprus.


Officials from the European Central Bank and the European Commission warned during the Cyprus crisis that it would be dangerous to set such a precedent, fearing contagion. The Portuguese were openly alarmed.


So has that risk of contagion since dissipated? One should have thought quite the opposite, given the yield spike in Portugal, Spain, Italy et al since the Bernanke Fed dropped its taper bomb this week.


Furthermore, as Yanis Varoufakis points here (http://yanisvaroufakis.eu/2013/06/21/the-death-of-direct-bank-re-capitalisation-europes-newest-day-of-shame/), the deal resiles from the solemn agreement by EU leaders in June 2012 to break vicious circle between crippled banking systems and crippled sovereign states, each dragging the other down.

更に、ここでYanis Varoufakis氏が指摘するように、この合意は2012年6月にEU首脳陣が出した厳粛なる合意からの後退なのです。

The states that are already in trouble will have to carry most of the burden of recapitalising banks, pushing them over the edge into actual insolvency. They will have to come up with the money needed to raise capital ratios to 4.5pc of assets.


Then come the private haircuts, which of course risk devastation for the host country, and the collapse of investor confidence. Only then does Europe step in to share part - not all - of any further recap needs.


The original promise of an ESM blanket to cover "legacy assets" has come to almost nothing. The vassal states may possibly get some relief later on the past losses from the EMU credit bubble, but only as a reward for good behaviour and on a case by case basis.


"Legacy losses will be used as a disciplinary device: Greece, Spain and Ireland will now have to tussle, beg and plead for debt relief regarding the funds already borrowed from the EFSF-ESM for their banks," said Dr Varoufakis.


"As the grand total for all bank recapitalisations, past and future, is to be limited to the puny sum of €60bn, Europe's peripheral nations can only at best receive a tiny amount of debt relief; enough to ensure that Ireland, Greece and Spain are competing against one another as to which proud nation will be a better 'model prisoner' than the rest."


Indeed, it is an abject spectacle. Dr Varoufakis rightly calls it a "a truly shameful day for Europe".


The creditor states of the North are still calling all the shots, and presumption remains that the countries in trouble are victims of their owns failures, fecklessness and folly.


There is no recognition that this disaster was a joint venture, caused by the dysfunctional structure of monetary union; nor that Northern creditors and their banks share half the blame for flooding the South with cheap credit; nor that the ECB played a huge part in stoking unstable credit bubbles in Club Med and Ireland by gunning M3 money supply at double-digit rates to help nurse Germany through its slump. Nor is there even a sensible analysis of what is needed to solve the crisis.


One can understand why Germany, Holland, Finland and Austria do not wish to accept any mutualisation of EMU debt, or admit to their own taxpayers that the euro project costs real money. But what sticks in the craw is the relentless propaganda by EU leaders that they will stand shoulder to shoulder in solidarity with fellow members of EMU, and that they will do whatever it takes to uphold a project upon which the peace of Europe allegedly depends. Quite obviously they will do no such thing.


What sticks, too, is the oft-repeated claim that Anglo-Saxon outsiders failed to understand the degree of pan-European political will behind the EMU project.


This cliche is the opposite of the truth. Anglo-Saxon investors believed so gullibly in the total sanctity of EMU that they were willing to buy Greek 10-year bonds for a wafer-thin margin of just 26 basis points (bps) over Bunds (and Spanish debt for just extra 4bps). They believed the dream, too.


The reason why the EMU crisis metastasized - when debt levels were lower than in the US or Japan - was the horrible discovery that Germany might not stand behind the project after all, and certainly would not stand behind Greece. Those who stayed to the end lost 75pc (de facto) in Greek haircuts.


As for Greece, it is getting uglier by the day - as Open Europe puts it here http://openeuropeblog.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/coalition-row-over-public-broadcaster.html?showComment=1371812801137.


The Democratic Left has pulled out of the coalition in protest over the shutdown of the ERT public broadcaster, reducing the Samaras majority to three seats. The privatisation programme is ruins. The National Healthcare Provision has a funding gap of €1bn. Not nearly enough public employees have been sacked to meet the Troika demands.


And now the IMF is threatening to pull out altogether unless the eurozone comes up with the €3bn to €4bn needed by next month needed to comply with bail-out terms.


It may not really matter that Greek bond yields are back above 11pc, but it certainly does matter that Spanish yields are once again nearing 5pc. Given that Spain is in deflation (once you strip out tax levies), and given that its nominal GDP contracted by 1.8pc last year, and will contract by as much this year, you can see the lethal compound effects on the debt trajectory. Ditto for Italy.


"The yield increase in the peripherals is becoming alarming," said Peter Schaffrik from the Royal Bank of Canada.


Indeed so. Nothing has been solved. The eurozone's creditor powers are playing a cruel game, doing just enough to keep this wretched entreprise alive and to protect their own commercial interests, but not enough to solve the crisis. The torture is endless. The cynicism plain to see. And the willingness of victim states to accept their plight so lamely is simply staggering.



2013-06-29 08:07:39 | Telegraph (UK)

Emerging markets crushed by double squeeze in China and America
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 8:31PM BST 20 Jun 2013
Short-term borrowing rates in China have soared to record highs as credit seizes up, prompting fears that the country's liquidity squeeze may be spinning out of control.


The Shibor overnight lending rate in Shanghai spiked violently to 29pc, with wild moves in seven-day and one-month money. The central bank refused to intervene to calm markets, apparently determined to purge excess from the credit system.


China Securities Journal, a voice of the regulators, said: "We cannot use a fast money supply growth as in the past, or even faster, to promote economic growth."


"I am extremely concerned about China," said Lars Christensen from Danske Bank. "They are overdoing it and are on the verge of making the same mistake as the Fed and the European Central Bank before the Lehman crisis in 2008, when they failed to see how much the economy was slowing."


Mr Christensen said the world now risks a "perfect storm" as the Fed prepares to taper its bond purchases (QE) at the same time as tightening the spigot of worldwide dollar liquidity.


The twin effects are cascading through emerging markets, pummelling commodity exporters such as Brazil, South Africa and Russia that sell to China, but also tripping up Turkey, Ukraine, Hungary and others that rely on external funding. "Everything is being hit indiscriminately," said Neil Shearing from Capital Economics.


The Turkish lira and the Indian rupee both fell to record lows as investors pencilled in Fed tapering for September. "The party is over," said Ceros Securities in Istanbul.


Fed chairman Ben Bernanke has brought forward his QE exit by lifting the unemployment target from 6.5pc to 7pc. He dismissed the looming threat of deflation as a "transitory" effect.


Brazil's real weakened to a four-year low of 2.26 against the dollar, down 15pc since April, while the cost of credit default swaps gauging risk in Indonesia and Vietnam jumped more than 40 points. The Kremlin said Russian companies may have to delay bond issues, but denied immediate credit stress.


The latest country moving onto the radar screen is Poland, where construction crashed 28pc in May, "Poland is suddenly stalling, something we haven't seen in almost two decades. The central bank has been way too hawkish," said Bartosz Pawlowski from BNP Paribas.

「ポーランドは急停止しつつある。20年近くお目にかかっていない現象だ。中銀が余りにも強硬だ」とBNPパリバのBartosz Pawlowski氏は言います。

Benoit Anne from Societe Generale said the "second leg" of the emerging market sell-off is just starting, warning that there is a "long way" to go before investors wake up to the full impact of Fed tightening.


Latin America's debt crisis of the early Eighties and East Asia's crisis in the Nineties were both triggered by turns in the US credit cycle, though emerging markets have ample foreign reserves to defend themselves this time.


Mr Shearing said the BRICS quintet will be much weaker than assumed over the next two years for their own structural reasons, but there is now the risk of a "mutually reinforcing" effect as dollar stimulus drains away.


The latest ructions in China came after premier Li Keqiang omitted mention of the liquidity strains in a speech this week, instead dwelling on rampant excess in the shadow banking system and overcapacity in obsolete areas of the economy. Though Deutsche Bank said the unwinding of hot money inflows disguised by over-invoicing may also be to blame.


Mr Li's comments were a signal that the new leadership intends to prick the credit bubble, even though the hard line has already led to industrial recession. China's HSBC manufacturing index fell sharply in June, dropping further below the "boom-bust line" to 48.3.


Zhiwei Zhang from Nomura said Beijing aims to crack down on a plethora of trusts, wealth products and offshore vehicles intended to evade loan curbs. These have accounted for half China's credit growth over the past year.

野村證券のZhiwei Zhang氏は、中国政府は貸出削減を回避するためのトラスト、資産商品、オフショア・ビークルを取り締まろうとしていると言いました。

It is willing to "tolerate short-term pain" to wean China off over-investment, and is less worried about social instability now that its workforce has begun to contract and the rate of migrants from rural areas is slowing.


The strategy is to tighten before the Fed winds down QE in order to "avoid two negative shocks occurring simultaneously", but this may be hard to manage given the scale of the boom. "We expect a painful deleveraging process in the next few months. Some defaults will likely occur in manufacturing industry and in non-bank financial institutions," he said.


Fitch Ratings said total credit has jumped from $9 trillion to $23 trillion over the past five years, surging from 125pc to 200pc of GDP. This is a bigger rise than in any of the major bubbles worldwide over the past half century.


China has the firepower to cope with any crisis and will not let the state banking system collapse. Keeping growth on track now that credit has reached saturation point is a tougher challenge.



2013-06-23 21:50:02 | Telegraph (UK)
Germany's ascendancy over Europe will prove short-lived
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 8:38PM BST 19 Jun 2013
Germany has peaked. Its hegemony in Europe is a "power illusion", a confluence of fleeting advantages soon to be overwhelmed by the delayed effect of error and the crush of historic forces.


If demography is destiny, it may be clear within five years that ageing Germany is going the way of Japan. Within 20 years it may equally be clear France and Britain are regaining their 19th century role as the two dominant powers of Europe, albeit a diminished prize.


The European Commission's 2012 Ageing Report says Germany's population will shrink from 82m to 66m over the next half century due to social structures that cause low fertility, while France jumps to 74m and Britain to 79m. This is out of date already since the German census revealed in May that the country has 1.5m fewer inhabitants than thought. They miscounted foreigners going home. The total is down to 80.2m.


The old age dependency ratio will jump from 31pc in 2010, to 36pc in 2020, with the workforce shrinking by 200,000 a year this decade. The ratio will climb to 41pc in 2025, 48pc in 2030, and 57pc in 2045. The UK and France will see a much gentler rise.


"Germany is at the high point of its economic output. It will not get any stronger," said Germany's EU commissioner, Guenther Oettinger. He accuses his nation of turning flabby, obsessed with "welfare benefits, female quotas, the minimum wage and 'no' to shale fracking".

「ドイツは経済生産のピークだ。これ以上にはならないね」とドイツのEU委員、Guenther Oettinger氏は言います。

Jorg Asmussen, Germany's man at the European Central Bank, made much the same lament recently, warning that the country risks becoming "the sick man of Europe again in five to 10 years" if it does not get a grip on infrastructure and education. Germany's top university - Munich Technical - ranks 53 in the world. All of the top 19 are Anglo-Saxon.


We have come to believe the narrative that Germany was transformed into a Teutonic Tiger by the Hartz IV reforms of Gerhard Schroder in the country's Thatcherite blast a decade ago. As always with such stories, it is half true.


The reforms did make it easier for Volkswagen to secure longer hours for no extra pay at German plants by threatening to decamp to Eastern Europe. It is why unit labour costs fell 4.4pc across German manufacturing in the single year of 2005, gaining a spectacular edge over Club Med rivals struggling with ECB-induced credit bubbles. The side-effect for Germany has been the fastest rise in income inequality between rich and poor of any rich country. Life expectancy is falling for poor Germans.


This is the same "internal devaluation" policy now being foisted on Italy, Spain and Portugal, but without the tail-wind of a global boom that made it so much easier for Germany. Wage compression is not the same as reform in any case.


What Germany has is a superb engineering base and an all-conquering car industry, selling the premium brands so much in vogue in China and the Gulf. All effort goes into exports.


This trading miracle is married to sclerotic services and swathes of inefficiency at home, again like Japan. Annual productivity per worker grew by just 0.6pc from 2000 to 2010, compared with 1.4pc for the OECD bloc, lagging so badly that the OECD said Berlin should take lessons from the Australian Productivity Commission.


Germany ranks 20 in the World Bank's ease of doing business index, falling to 106 for starting a business. The World Economic Forum ranks Germany higher at 6 for competitiveness (the UK is 8), excelling in capacity for innovation (3), product sophistication (3) and local supplier quality (4).


But weaknesses abound, too: mobile broadband (31), availability of venture capital (34), access to loans (44), soundness of banks (75), hiring and firing (127) and flexibility of wages (139).


So no, there is nothing special about Germany's reforms. It is the business cycle that flatters the profile right now, and so does the wage squeeze that has left Germany with an intra-EMU exchange rate undervalued by 30pc against the South. That anomaly is why Berlin calls the shots in Europe today.


Simon Tilford, from the Centre for European Reform, says Germany was never as weak as it looked earlier this decade, and is not as strong as it looks now. But success goes to the head in politics. The national mood has swung from "self-flagellation" to "hubris", with some questioning the need for Europe at all. "Germany is much more vulnerable than German policymakers appear to believe. Its economic and political ascendancy will be short-lived," he said.


A current account surplus of 7pc of GDP is deemed a success when it is really a function of crushed internal demand. The surplus must be recycled as capital, so the country is a prisoner of its own imbalances.


It is easy to see what can go wrong. Japan has just devalued the yen by 35pc against the euro, stealing a march in Chinese and US markets where it competes head on with Germany's champions.


Angela Merkel's post-Fukushima decision to wind down Germany's nuclear industry and opt for Baltic wind turbines is a reckless gamble. Power costs are already going through the roof. Germany risks a full-blown energy crunch.


The US shale bonanza is already bringing matters to a head. "The price of gas in America today is just a quarter of the price in Europe. That is a dramatic competitive shift," said Harald Schwager from the chemicals giant BASF. His firm is building its new plant in Louisiana.

「今の米国のガス料金はヨーロッパの僅か4分の1だ。それは劇的な競争力のシフトだ」と化学大手、BASFのHarald Schwager氏は言います。

Germany's leaders seem sure once again that they have solved the euro crisis: once again I beg to differ. The internal devaluation strategies in the South are self-defeating. Falls in nominal GDP are causing debt dynamics to spin out of control, while youth job wastage is degrading skills.


There will be rupture in the end: either EMU-exit by victim states seeking liberation; or defaults within EMU. Either way, Germany will take it on the chin. Hans Werner Sinn, from the IFO Institute, fears Germans may wake up to find that much of the money put aside for the nation's old age has gone up in smoke.

IFOのHans Werner Sinn氏は、ドイツは高齢者のためにとっておいた金の殆どがなくなるのを目撃することになるかもしれない、と言います。

Germany is not the villain in this saga. It is as much a victim of the EMU project as any other country, though the damage is delayed and the biggest loss is intangible goodwill. Festering anti-German feelings across half Europe are undoing 50 years of enlightened diplomacy.


As for Germany's qualities, they are beyond dispute. The country has become the stoutest defender of freedom and democracy in Europe. Its reform miracle, however, is overrated.



2013-06-23 10:17:20 | Telegraph (UK)
Britain bucks trends as EU car sales hit 20-year low amid record unemployment and recession
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 7:25PM BST 18 Jun 2013
European car sales slumped to a 20-year low in May as record unemployment took its toll and the eurozone's recession spread to the core, with drastic falls in a string of countries.


Britain was the only major economy to buck the trend with 11pc growth from a year earlier, lifted for the 15th month in a row by easier credit and the first green shoots of economic revival.


The European car lobby, ACEA, said total sales dropped to 1,043,742, the lowest tally in May since 1993. The Netherlands crashed 37pc as the country's housing slump sapped confidence.


Sales were down 10pc in Austria, France and Germany, and 47pc in Romania. The European market has contracted by a quarter from its heyday before the debt crisis and the fiscal squeeze.


German brands continue to gain market share at the cost of flagship companies in other EMU states, with French and Italian brands suffering a relentless loss of market share.


Volkswagen saw its group share creep up from 24.6pc to 25.4pc, while France's crisis-racked PSA Peugeot-Citroen lost further ground after a 13pc slide in sales over the past year. Analysts say it is a textbook example of the slow damage caused by erosion of labour competitiveness in the south of the eurozone.


Carlos Da Silva from IHS Global Insight said the one glimmer of hope is that the rate of fall is slowing, but any recovery next year will be "muted".


The slump has done most damage to mass-market producers such as Fiat, Renault and General Motors, reflecting the growing inequality between blue-collar classes and elites that has been a feature of this economic crisis.


A report by AlixPartners earlier this week said Europe's car market will stay in the doldrums for the rest of the decade, with no return to pre-crisis output until 2019. This would imply another round of factory closures beyond the five plants already targeted by Ford, GM and Peugeot.


The group said Europe will have to slash capacity by a further 2m cars per year. The capacity hangover is having an insidious effect on investment and innovation, and threatens irreversible damage to Europe's industrial basis the longer the crisis drags on.


Britain's niche cars outperformed the market in May. Jaguar was up 13pc and Land Rover rose 9pc, while the UK's German and Japanese producers also saw brisk growth. The cliff-edge effect from the end of the 2009 scrappage scheme has largely played out.


Mr Da Silva said Britain was enjoying a double bonanza from low labour costs and a line of premium brands and crossovers, such as Nissan's Qashqai, in high demand. Most plants are running near full capacity.


Industry experts say the British-based car industry is on track to overtake France by 2018, when output could reach 2m, some of it for the Asian market.


Ruth Lea from Arbuthnot said the weak pound has played its part in the UK revival, cutting relative wage costs by 20pc at a stroke. "What we are seeing is that some countries in the eurozone have completely priced their manufacturing out of world markets," she said.



2013-06-23 09:29:45 | Telegraph (UK)

Fitch says China credit bubble unprecedented in modern world history
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor
Telegraph: 4:12PM BST 16 Jun 2013
China's shadow banking system is out of control and under mounting stress as borrowers struggle to roll over short-term debts, Fitch Ratings has warned.


The agency said the scale of credit was so extreme that the country would find it very hard to grow its way out of the excesses as in past episodes, implying tougher times ahead.


"The credit-driven growth model is clearly falling apart. This could feed into a massive over-capacity problem, and potentially into a Japanese-style deflation," said Charlene Chu, the agency's senior director in Beijing.


"There is no transparency in the shadow banking system, and systemic risk is rising. We have no idea who the borrowers are, who the lenders are, and what the quality of assets is, and this undermines signalling," she told The Daily Telegraph.


While the non-performing loan rate of the banks may look benign at just 1pc, this has become irrelevant as trusts, wealth-management funds, offshore vehicles and other forms of irregular lending make up over half of all new credit. "It means nothing if you can off-load any bad asset you want. A lot of the banking exposure to property is not booked as property," she said.


Concerns are rising after a string of upsets in Quingdao, Ordos, Jilin and elsewhere, in so-called trust products, a $1.4 trillion (£0.9 trillion) segment of the shadow banking system.


Bank Everbright defaulted on an interbank loan 10 days ago amid wild spikes in short-term "Shibor" borrowing rates, a sign that liquidity has suddenly dried up. "Typically stress starts in the periphery and moves to the core, and that is what we are already seeing with defaults in trust products," she said.


Fitch warned that wealth products worth $2 trillion of lending are in reality a "hidden second balance sheet" for banks, allowing them to circumvent loan curbs and dodge efforts by regulators to halt the excesses.


This niche is the epicentre of risk. Half the loans must be rolled over every three months, and another 25pc in less than six months. This has echoes of Northern Rock, Lehman Brothers and others that came to grief in the West on short-term liabilities when the wholesale capital markets froze.


Mrs Chu said the banks had been forced to park over $3 trillion in reserves at the central bank, giving them a "massive savings account that can be drawn down" in a crisis, but this may not be enough to avert trouble given the sheer scale of the lending boom.


Overall credit has jumped from $9 trillion to $23 trillion since the Lehman crisis. "They have replicated the entire US commercial banking system in five years," she said.


The ratio of credit to GDP has jumped by 75 percentage points to 200pc of GDP, compared to roughly 40 points in the US over five years leading up to the subprime bubble, or in Japan before the Nikkei bubble burst in 1990. "This is beyond anything we have ever seen before in a large economy. We don't know how this will play out. The next six months will be crucial," she said.


The agency downgraded China's long-term currency rating to AA- debt in April but still thinks the government can handle any banking crisis, however bad. "The Chinese state has a lot of firepower. It is very able and very willing to support the banking sector. The real question is what this means for growth, and therefore for social and political risk," said Mrs Chu.


"There is no way they can grow out of their asset problems as they did in the past. We think this will be very different from the banking crisis in the late 1990s. With credit at 200pc of GDP, the numerator is growing twice as fast as the denominator. You can't grow out of that."


The authorities have been trying to manage a soft-landing, deploying loan curbs and a high reserve ratio requirement (RRR) for banks to halt property speculation. The home price to income ratio has reached 16 to 18 in many cities, shutting workers out of the market. Shadow banking has plugged the gap for much of the last two years.


However, a new problem has emerged as the economic efficiency of credit collapses. The extra GDP growth generated by each extra yuan of loans has dropped from 0.85 to 0.15 over the last four years, a sign of exhaustion.


Wei Yao from Societe Generale says the debt service ratio of Chinese companies has reached 30pc of GDP - the typical threshold for financial crises -- and many will not be able to pay interest or repay principal. She warned that the country could be on the verge of a "Minsky Moment", when the debt pyramid collapses under its own weight. "The debt snowball is getting bigger and bigger, without contributing to real activity," she said.

ソシエテ・ジェネラルのWei Yao氏によれば、中国企業の債務返済比率はGDPの30%に到達したとか。

The latest twist is sudden stress in the overnight lending markets. "We believe the series of policy tightening measures in the past three months have reached critical mass, such that deleveraging in the banking sector is happening. Liquidity tightening can be very damaging to a highly leveraged economy," said Zhiwei Zhang from Nomura.

「この3ヶ月間に実施された数々の引き締め措置が限界点に達したんだと思う。銀行セクターのデレバレッジとか始まってるし。高レバレッジ経済での流動性引き締めは非常にヤバいかもしれない」と野村證券のZhiwei Zhang氏は言いました。

"There is room to cut interest rates and the reserve ratio in the second half," wrote a front-page editorial today in China Securities Journal on Friday. The article is the first sign that the authorities are preparing to change tack, shifting to a looser stance after a drizzle of bad data over recent weeks.


The journal said total credit in China's financial system may be as high as 221pc of GDP, jumping almost eightfold over the last decade, and warned that companies will have to fork out $1 trillion in interest payments alone this year. "Chinese corporate debt burdens are much higher than those of other economies. Much of the liquidity is being used to repay debt and not to finance output," it said.


It also flagged worries over an exodus of hot money once the US Federal Reserve starts tightening. "China will face large-scale capital outflows if there is an exit from quantitative easing and the dollar strengthens," it wrote.


The journal said foreign withdrawals from Chinese equity funds were the highest since early 2008 in the week up to June 5, and withdrawals from Hong Kong funds were the most in a decade.
