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2013-06-30 11:37:00 | Telegraph (UK)
Tempers fray in France as drastic cuts loom
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, in Paris
Telegraph: 8:25PM BST 27 Jun 2013
France's budget watchdog has called for another round of drastic cuts and an immediate freeze in public sector pay and benefits, warning that public finances are badly off track as deep recession eats into tax revenues.


The country's Cour des Comptes said the budget is likely to breach EU targets by a wide margin yet again this year, perhaps reaching 4.1pc of GDP, risking a fresh showdown with Europe a time when French support for the EU Project is already in freefall.


The watchdog called for €28bn in extra belt-tightening over the next two years to prevent a debacle, demanding a "particularly vigourous effort" to rein in unemployment benefits, housing aide, pensions and help for families.


President Francois Hollande has already angered much of his own Socialist base with plans to cut spending next year in absolute terms for the first time since 1958, but this may be just start of the battle. The Cour des Comptes said France is not even "halfway" through its fiscal squeeze.


The warnings came as a blizzard of grim news dashed hopes for a rapid recovery from two years of slump. The data office INSEE said consumer confidence fell to 82 in June, the lowest since the series began 40 years ago.


A new report on French competitiveness country by Ernst & Young entitled "Last Chance" confirmed the worst fears of business leaders, concluding that the country is being left behind as foreign investment migrates to Germany and Britain.

アーンスト・アンド・ヤングがまとめたフランスの競争力に関する新たなレポート『Last Chance』は、財界人にとって最悪の懸念を裏付けて、海外からの投資がドイツや英国に移転する中で、フランスは取り残されつつあると結論付けました。

The number of new industrial plants created by foreigners fell 25pc last year, and new job creation fell 53pc, with the emerging BRICS powers avoiding the country altogether. Ernst & Young said France's anti-market body language had become almost "repulsive" for outside investors, not helped by a series of bitter labour disputes.


"France is drifting away. Like a receeding wave, it is retreating little by little from the global economy, imperceptibly in the past, but visibly so today," said Jean-Pierre Letartre, Ernst & Young's chief in France.

「フランスは遠のきつつある。遠ざかる波のように、フランスは世界経済から少しずつ遠ざかっている。これまでは気付かれなかったが、今では目に見えて遠ざかっている」とフランスのアーンスト・アンド・ヤングの代表を務めるJean-Pierre Letartre氏は言いました。

Mr Letartre said France still has world class companies in technolgy, transport and information services but is succumbing to a "generalised depression" that is feeding itself in a destructive dynamic.


The government has pencilled in economic contraction of 0.3pc this year, with a weak recovery starting in the second half, but a chorus of private economists fear far worse if there is any outside shock.


"It could be as much as minus 1.5pc," said Jean-Michel Six from Standard & Poor's. "The current account deficit is growing month after month, and this means it is depending more and more on the rest of the world to finance its growth. In my view, France has got just one more year to sort itself out."

「最悪-1.5%もあり得る」とS&PのJean-Michel Six氏は言います。

The Observatoire Economique think-tank said France is tightening fiscal policy by 1.8pc this year to meet EU deficit targets, or 2.5pc including the spillover effect of synchronized cuts in EMU trade partners.

シンクタンク、Obervatoire Economiqueによれば、フランスはEU財政赤字削減目標達成のために、今年は1.8%の財政引き締めを行うが、ユーロ圏の貿易相手国の一斉引き締めの余波を含めれば2.5%の規模になるだろうとのことです。

"This is too violent: it is suffocating the economy," said the Observatoire's Marion Cochard. "Tightening of 0.5pc each year would be the right pace, given that the fiscal multiplier is at least 1.0 in France.

「これは激し過ぎる。経済を窒息させる」と同シンクタンクのMarion Cochard氏は言います。

"A large part of Europe is already a liquidity trap, and the European Central Bank needs to start buying bonds and capping yields to avoid a brutal downward spiral."
The Observatoire's latest report said Europe risks sliding into full-blown deflation by 2014.


Mr Hollande has so far gone along with EU austerity demands, backing away from his pledge for a New Deal growth strategy in the elections last year. But his poll ratings have crashed at the fastest rate ever for a new president, and much of his own party is near revolt.


Officials in Brussels are watching with alarm as French leaders whip up a concerted campaign against European Commission president Jose Barroso, who in a loose moment described French Socialists as "extreme reactionaries" for clinging to cultural protection for France's film industry and arts.


Parliament president Claude Bartolone, who called for showdown over austerity policies with Germany in April, said Mr Barroso is a relic of the last century. "He is a man past his time. His behaviour is insufferable. He incarnates a Europe of markets, capital and a forced march towards austerity," he said.


Mr Hollande has been more careful, though he too warned recently that France is a self-governing sovereign state and would not tolerate further "diktats" from Brussels.


A recent study by Pew Foundation said French support for the European Project has crashed from 60pc to 40pc over the past year. Just 22pc now think EU economic integration is positive.


Describing a "dyspeptic France" that has become the new "sick man of Europe", it said French attitudes have decoupled from the core EMU states and now resembles views in the crisis-stricken South. Fortunately for the French treasury, global bond investors are still treating its debt as if it were core debt.


Just 9pc think economic conditions are good, though it is worse in Spain (4pc) and Italy (3pc). The dramatic contrast is with Germany, where 75pc are content. France and Germany have never been so far apart in EU history.


Former premier Alain Juppe said the new anti-EU reflex is becoming dangerous. "There is the risk of a breakdown of the European Union that could threaten its existence. We must stop lying about Europe. From morning until night, eveything that now goes wrong is blamed on Brussels," he said.


Yet Mr Juppe said Europe itself had failed to rise to the challenge. "Remember the famous Growth Pact, the €120bn they were talking about two years ago: not a single euro has actually been spent."


Critics would say that, in a nutshell, is the whole story of eurozone crisis strategy.



2013-06-30 09:10:44 | Telegraph (UK)
Risk of 1937 relapse as Fed gives up fight against deflation
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 5:51PM BST 26 Jun 2013
The US Federal Reserve has jumped the gun. It has mishandled its exit strategy from quantitative easing, triggering a global bond rout that it did not anticipate, and is struggling to control.


It has set off an emerging market shock and risks "blowback" from a fresh spasm of the eurozone debt crisis, and it is letting all this happen at the same time, before the US economy is safely out of the woods.


It has violated its own counter-deflation strategy, tightening monetary policy even though core PCE inflation has fallen to the lowest levels in living memory and below levels deemed dangerous enough in the past to warrant a blast of emergency stimulus. It is doing so even though the revival of bank lending has faded.


The entire pivot by the Federal Open Market Committee is mystifying, almost amateurish, and risks repeating the errors made by the Bank of Japan a decade ago, and perhaps repeating a mini-1937 when the Fed lost its nerve and tipped the US economy into a second leg of the Great Depression. "It's all about tighter policy," was the lonely lament by St Louis Fed chief James Bullard.


The Fed seems to be acting in the belief that the US economy will shake off this year's fiscal tightening - 2pc to 3pc of GDP - and that a housing recovery is now entrenched. The sharp fall of Wall Street's homebuilders index would suggest caution. Unlike the surging Case-Shiller index of house prices, it looks forward, not three months backwards.


The Fed could have kept policy steady, welcoming the shake-out in frothy markets over the past month as a useful "fire-drill" for future QE exit, without pushing its point too far. It chose to escalate.


It raised the unemployment target from 6.5pc to 7pc. It concocted feeble excuses to explain why it was ignoring a plunge in 10-year TIPS that serve as a proxy of long-term inflation worries. While still pretending that the pace of QE exit would be dictated by the health of the economy, it in fact set a date that disregards the economy. "Policy actions should be undertaken to meet policy objectives, not calendar objectives," said Mr Bullard acidly in his dissent.


That the Fed should tighten even as it cut its own growth and inflation forecasts for this year is a bizarre state of affairs. "A more prudent approach would be to wait for more tangible signs that the economy was strengthening before making such an announcement. You can communicate it one way or another way, but the markets are saying that they're pulling up the probability we're going to withdraw from the QE program sooner than they expected, and that's having a big influence," said Mr Bullard.


Tim Duy from Fed Watch said the bank seems to be looking for any excuse to extricate itself from QE "as soon as possible". Its reflexes have changed. It aims to press ahead with bond tapering come what may, retreating only if growth really tanks and news is shockingly bad.

Fed Watchのティム・デュイ氏は、FRBはQEから「出来る限り早く」離れるためのあらゆる言い訳を探しているようだ、と言いました。

This is not just a debate over whether or not to reverse QE, or whether markets have become addicted to Fed amphetamines. It is whether we still knows what on is going in the heads of those who command our destiny, those who have, with other central banks, bought up almost the entire $2 trillion issuance of AAA bonds worldwide over the past year, and therefore have become the market themselves.


The young Fed governor Ben Bernanke warned in his famous 2002 speech - entitled Deflation: Making Sure "It" Doesn't Happen Here - how corrosive it would be if America began to slither down the same slope as Japan. "Sustained deflation can be highly destructive to a modern economy and should be strongly resisted," he said.

若き日のベン・バーナンキFRB理事は2002年の有名なスピーチ(『Deflation: Making Sure "It" Doesn't Happen Here』)の中で、米国が日本の轍を踏み始めればどれほどのダメージが出るかについて警告しました。

Mr Bernanke then said that the Fed should maintain a safe "buffer zone" of 1pc to 3pc inflation to protect against shocks that could push the economy into a deflation vice. The chances of this happening are "remote indeed", he assured us, because the Fed would deploy all means to prevent it ever happening. "The US government has a technology, called a printing press [or, today, its electronic equivalent], that allows it to produce as many US dollars as it wishes at essentially no cost."


Does Mr Bernanke's pledge still hold, now that he is talking down the relevance of PCE inflation at 0.7pc? Or has he taken to heart warnings from ex-governor Frederic Mishkin that the Fed itself risks becoming trapped if QE continues into 2014? Has he buckled to pressure from his own Advisory Council, who now warn that QE is doing more harm than good? Has he simply been outnumbered?


The Left-Keynesians are furious - "A grave error of policy," said Berkeley professor Brad De Long - but so too are the monetarists, usually linked to the free-market Right.

左派・ケインズ主義者は激怒しています(バークレー校のBrad De Long教授は「深刻な政策ミス」と言いました)が、普通なら右派・自由市場主義とつながっているマネタリストも激怒しています。

US monetarist David Glasner says the Fed risks a "reprise of 1937", an episode largely forgotten because the re-armament spending soon came to the rescue. Industrial output fell 30pc to 40pc, back to the levels of late 1933. The peak to trough contraction in GDP was 11pc. Unemployment jumped to 19pc.


The Fed Minutes of 1937 are worth reading, a window into error as it unfolded. As late as June that year the Fed still thought "there was little evidence at the present time of a recession, and that it was the general expectation that in any event recovery would be resumed by Fall [Autumn]".


But then again, the Fed Minutes in the Spring of 2008 were no better. Then too they were talking tough - enough to push up long rates by 50 basis points - even though we now know that the US was already in deep recession. Robert Hetzel from the Richmond Fed says in his book The Great Recession that the FOMC's refusal to respond to a collapse in the money supply led directly to the Fannie, Freddie, Lehman, AIG disaster that followed.

リッチモンド連銀のロバート・ヘッツェル氏は著書『The Great Recession』の中で、FOMCがマネーサプライの減少に応じなかったことが、その後のファニー・メイ、フレディ・マック、リーマン・ブラザーズ、AIGの破綻の直接的原因だと述べています。

But if the Fed has erred again this time, it can't hold a candle to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). This club of central bankers - now entirely in thrall to the Bundesbank, and the liquidationist doctrines of the Chicago Fed circa 1931 - demanded a halt to QE this week, as well as rate rises, yet more fiscal tightening, and an even faster pace of credit deleveraging for good measure.


The American Nobel fraternity likes to accuse our own George Osborne of holding such views. This is calumny. Britain's fiscal tightening is a calibrated 1pc of GDP each year, and it is offset by £375bn of QE. The Osborne view and the BIS view have nothing in common.


One thing is certain, if such a nihilist cocktail of BIS contraction were imposed on the world in its current condition, it would kill recovery altogether, throw millions more out of work, and probably extinguish a few democracies along the way. Hungary is half gone already.


It would cause debt trajectories to explode, and therefore prove self-defeating on its own terms. The ultimate outcome would be a chain of sovereign defaults and bank crashes. This is one way to achieve a cathartic debt jubilee and wipe the slate clean, I suppose, but by stone age methods, with stone age results. The US whittled down the debt burdens left from the Second World War (120pc) by gentler means, and so did the UK (200pc).


The BIS is, of course, right to warn that QE as currently implemented is fuelling asset bubbles, with junk bond yields falling to record lows, and a new rush into "covenant lite" debt for leveraged buy-outs. But it recoils from the awful implication of its analysis - awful for the BIS and central banks, that is - which is that other forms of QE should be found to inject stimulus directly into the veins of the economy, such as building roads or nuclear power stations.


Takahashi Korekiyo pursued just such a radical expirement in the early 1930s, turning the Bank of Japan into an arm of the treasury and forcing it to fund government spending until the economy was on its feet again. It worked like a charm. Neville Chamberlain tried a lesser variant in Britain, with success. The US Treasury took over the Fed in the 1940s.


Lord Turner, former head of the defunct Financial Services Authority, proposes such a plan today, should recovery falter. His softer version would preserve the independence of the Bank of England, allowing it to decide the right level of fiscal financing.


This is complex territory, and may prove an idle debate if the US does indeed achieve the Holy Grail of "escape velocity". But if it doesn't, and if the reason for abjuring low-inflation monetary stimulus is because it causes dangerous asset bubbles, then for goodness sake do it without causing asset bubbles. Little is beyond the wit of man. Unless you are a defeatist.



2013-06-30 09:09:46 | Telegraph (UK)

Italy could need EU rescue within six months, warns Mediobanca
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 10:12PM BST 24 Jun 2013
Italy is likely to need an EU rescue within six months as the country slides into deeper economic crisis and a credit crunch spreads to large companies, a top Italian bank has warned privately.


Mediobanca, Italy's second biggest bank, said its "index of solvency risk" for Italy was already flashing warning signs as the worldwide bond rout continued into a second week, pushing up borrowing costs.


"Time is running out fast," said Mediobanca's top analyst, Antonio Guglielmi, in a confidential client note. "The Italian macro situation has not improved over the last quarter, rather the contrary. Some 160 large corporates in Italy are now in special crisis administration."


The report warned that Italy will "inevitably end up in an EU bail-out request" over the next six months, unless it can count on low borrowing costs and a broader recovery.


Emphasising the gravity of the situation, it compared the crisis with when the country was blown out of the Exchange Rate Mechanism in 1992 despite drastic austerity measures.


Italy's €2.1 trillion (£1.8 trillion) debt is the world's third largest after the US and Japan. Any serious stress in its debt markets threatens to reignite the eurozone crisis. This may already have begun after the US Federal Reserve signalled last week that it will begin to drain dollar liquidity from the global system.


Italian 10-year yields spiked to 4.8pc, up 100 basis points since the Fed began to toughen its language in May. But Mediobanca is particularly concerned about the gap that has emerged between yields on short-term bills (BOTs) and longer-term bonds (BTPs) near maturity that expire at the same time. BOTs retiring on July 31 are trading at a yield of 0.48, while the equivalent BTP is trading at 0.74pc. The reason is that BOTs are protected from debt restructuring.


"The bills never get a haircut, so people are fleeing bonds instead as positions gets squeezed," said one City trader.


Sovereign debt strategist Nicolas Spiro said "taper terror" is jolting eurozone investors out of their complacency, though safe-haven Swiss and German bonds have also sold off sharply in the rout. Yields on 10-year UK Gilts closed at a two-year high of 2.53pc.


Yields punched to 5.1pc in Spain, and 6.7pc in Portugal. This is sending a secondary shock wave through their corporate debt markets, choking recovery.


"The European Central Bank needs to take very aggressive steps to offset this," said Marchel Alexandrovich from Jefferies Fixed Income. "We have a sell-off across the board. If the ECB doesn't act, it could see all the gains of the past nine months vanish in two weeks, taking the eurozone back to square one."


The ECB has already backed away from earlier plans to steer credit to small businesses in the Club Med bloc. The Italian banking association said it was bitterly disappointed by the latest break down in eurozone talks on a banking union, warning that it leaves Italy's lenders at the mercy of a confidence crisis.


Andrew Roberts from RBS said the world has become "a dangerous place" as Fed tightening marks an inflexion point in global liquidity.


"Central bank stimulus has fed a lovely carry trade and a rising tide has lifted all boats, but unfortunately the opposite is also true," he said. "We have clear signs in global finance of a generalised meltdown in assets right now."


Julian Callow from Barclays said the Fed, the Bank of Japan, China's central bank and others have bought almost the entire $2 trillion issuance of AAA bonds over the past year. The effect of this has been to drive banks, insurers, and pension funds into riskier assets such as the eurozone periphery. This has helped prop up the eurozone, and camouflaged festering problems. "The Fed's shift towards tightening is highly significant, and it is causing a very dramatic rise in real yields," he said.


Borrowing costs of 5pc could prove crippling for Spain and Italy, both suffering from contraction of nominal GDP.


Mediobanca said the trigger for a blow-up in Italy could be a bail-out crisis for Slovenia or an ugly turn of events in Argentina, which has close links to Italian business. "Argentina in particular worries us, as a new default seems likely."


Mr Guglielmi said Italy's industrial output has slumped 25pc from its peak in the past decade, while disposable income has dropped 9pc and house sales have dropped to 1985 levels.


The 1992 crisis was defused by a large devaluation, allowing Italy to restore trade competitiveness at a stroke. Mediobanca said: "The euro straitjacket is clearly not providing a similar currency flexibility today. With the lira devaluation Italy managed to inflate debt away, which it cannot do today. It could take more than 10 years to revert to pre-crisis output levels.



2013-06-29 13:36:20 | Telegraph (UK)
BIS fears fresh bank crisis from global bond spike
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 8:02PM BST 23 Jun 2013
Soaring bond yields across the world threaten trillion of dollars in losses for investors and a fresh financial crisis unless banks are braced for the shock, the Bank for International Settlements has warned.


The Swiss-based institution said losses on US Treasury securities alone will reach $1 trillion if average yields rise by 300 basis points, with even greater damage in a string of other countries. The loss could range from 15pc to 35pc of GDP in France, Italy, Japan, and the UK. "Such a big upward move can happen relatively fast," said the BIS in its annual report, citing the 1994 bond crash.


"Someone must ultimately hold the interest rate risk. As foreign and domestic banks would be among those experiencing the losses, interest rate increases pose risks to the stability of the financial system if not executed with great care."


The warning comes after US Federal Reserve set off the most dramatic spike in US borrowing costs for over a decade last week with talk of early exit from quantitative easing (QE), sending tremors through the global system.


The yield on 10-year Treasuries has jumped 80 basis points since the Fed began to talk tough two months ago, closing at 2.51pc on Friday.


The side-effect has been a run on emerging markets, a reversal of hot-money inflows into China, and fresh debt jitters in Portugal, Spain, and Italy. Nomura said the US yield spike threatens to "expose the cracks in Europe once again" and short-circuit the US housing recovery.


The BIS, the lair of central bankers, said authorities must press ahead with monetary tightening regardless of bond worries, warning that QE and zero rates are already doing more harm than good. The longer they go on, the greater the dangers.


"Central banks cannot do more without compounding the risks they have already created," it said in what amounts to an full assault on the credibility of ultra-stimulus policies.


Describing monetary policy as "very accommodative globally" , it warned that the "cost-benefit balance is inexorably becoming less and less favourable."


The BIS appeared call for combined monetary and fiscal tightening, prompting angry warnings from economists around the world that this risks a second leg of the crisis and perhaps a slide into depression.


"It is a resurgence of extreme 1930s liquidationism. If applied this would do grave damage to the world economy," he said.


Marcus Nunes from the Fundação Getúlio Vargas in São Paulo said the report "reeks of Austrianism", referring to the hard-line view of the Austrian School that debt busts lead to `creative destruction' and should be allowed to run their course.

サンパウロのFundação Getúlio VargasのMarcus Nunes教授は、債務破綻は「創造的破壊」をもたらすので放置されるべきだとする、オーストリア派の強硬姿勢を採り上げて、同報告書は「オーストリア派の臭いがする」としています。

Prof Nunes fears a repeat of 1937 when premature tightening aborted recovery from the depression. "What is implicitly proposed is a degree of fiscal and monetary contraction that would make 1937 feel like a 'walk in the park on a sunny day'.


The BIS said monetary stimulus has created a host of problems, including "aggressive risk-taking", "the build-up of financial imbalances", and further "misallocation of capital".


It said the central bank mantra of doing "whatever it takes" to boost growth has outlived its usefulness, and has left the Fed, the Bank of England, and others, stuck with $10 trillion in bonds. "Central banks cannot repair the balance sheets of households and financial institutions. Central banks cannot ensure the sustainability of fiscal finances," it said.


The emergencies policies have bought time for governments to put their budgets in order and tackle the deeper crisis of falling productivity, but this has been squandered. The BIS said leaders have put off the reforms needed to clear out dead wood and unleash fresh energy. Productivity growth in the rich states has dropped from 1.8pc between 1980-2000, to 1.3pc from 2001-2007, to just 0.7pc from 2010-2012. It has turned negative in Britain and Italy.


"Extending monetary stimulus is taking the pressure off those who need to act. In the end, only a forceful programme of repair and reform will return economies to strong and sustainable real growth," it said.


Piling on the pressure, the BIS said to call for draconian fiscal tightening to avert a future debt crisis across the big industrial economies, with Britain needing to slash its `primary budget' by up to 13pc of GDP to meet ageing costs.


"Public debt in most advanced economies has reached unprecedented levels in peacetime. Even worse, official debt statistics understate the true scale of fiscal problems. The belief that governments do not face a solvency constraint is a dangerous illusion. Bond investors can and do punish governments hard and fast."


"Governments must redouble their efforts to ensure that their fiscal trajectories are sustainable. Growth will simply not be high enough on its own. Postponing the pain carries the risk of forcing consolidation under stress – which is the current situation in a number of countries in southern Europe."


The call for double-barrelled fiscal and monetary contraction is remarkable, challenging the widely-held view that easy money is crucial to smooth the way for budget cuts and deep reform.


The BIS is in stark conflict with the International Monetary Fund and most Anglo-Saxon, French, and many Asian economists, as well as the team of premier Shinzo Abe in Japan. What is emerging is a bitter dispute over the thrust of global economic policy at a crucial moment.


Critics say the BIS is discrediting monetary remedies before it is clear whether the West is safely out of the woods. It may now be much harder to push through fresh QE if it turns out that the Fed has jumped the gun with talk of early bond tapering.


Scott Sumner from Bentley University said the BIS is wrong to argue that delaying exit from QE and zero rates is itself dangerous. The historical record from the US in 1937, Japan in 2000, and other cases, is that acting too soon can lead to a serious economic relapse. When the US did delay in 1951, the damage was minor and easily contained.


Prof Sumner warned that Europe risks following Japan into a deflationary slump if it takes the advice of the BIS and persists with its current contraction policies.



2013-06-29 09:47:55 | Telegraph (UK)
The Bernanke Fed is playing with deflationary fire
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Economics
Telegraph Blog: Last updated: June 24th, 2013
I hope the Fed knows what it is doing.


It has chosen to tighten monetary policy even though core PCE inflation is actually lower right now than it was when the Fed previously thought it dangerous enough to launch further QE. America is one shock away from a slide into outright deflation, and the eurozone is half a shock away.


Anyone who still thinks the Fed has not just tightened significantly – or that markets have overreacted – should read this lament by St Louis Fed chief James Bullard in the Washington Post:

This was tighter policy. It's all about tighter policy. You can communicate it one way or another way, but the markets are saying that they're pulling up the probability we're going to withdraw from the QE program sooner than they expected, and that's having a big influence.

Here is M1 money to cheer you up:


And here is M1 velocity to cheer you up further:


Now, short-term M1 money data is very volatile, and can often flash wild signals. Nevertheless, I am frankly flabbergasted by the actions of the Bernanke Fed at this point.


They are gambling that the US economy will shake off the effects of fiscal tightening of 2pc to 3pc of GDP this year, arguably the biggest squeeze in half a century. It may indeed do so, but it may not, and the costs of making a mistake before the US recovery is safely established are asymmetric.


Scott Sumner, the spiritual father of the Market Monetarists, says the errors made by the Fed in 1937 and the Bank of Japan in 2000 did serious damage, while the US suffered little lasting effect when the Fed delayed too long in 1951.


Are we to conclude that Ben Bernanke has lost his nerve and joined the Austro-nihilists?
