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Costly circuits, submodular schedules and approximate Carathéodory Theorems

Published: 01 April 2018 Publication History


Hybrid switching--in which a high bandwidth circuit switch (optical or wireless) is used in conjunction with a low bandwidth packet switch--is a promising alternative to interconnect servers in today's large-scale data centers. Circuit switches offer a very high link rate, but incur a non-trivial reconfiguration delay which makes their scheduling challenging. In this paper, we demonstrate a lightweight, simple and nearly optimal scheduling algorithm that trades off reconfiguration costs with the benefits of reconfiguration that match the traffic demands. Seen alternatively, the algorithm provides a fast and approximate solution toward a constructive version of Carathéodory's Theorem for the Birkhoff polytope. The algorithm also has strong connections to submodular optimization, achieves a performance at least half that of the optimal schedule and strictly outperforms the state of the art in a variety of traffic demand settings. These ideas naturally generalize: we see that indirect routing leads to exponential connectivity; this is another phenomenon of the power of multi-hop routing, distinct from the well-known load balancing effects.


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Published In

cover image Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications
Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications  Volume 88, Issue 3-4
April 2018
199 pages


J. C. Baltzer AG, Science Publishers

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 April 2018

Author Tags

  1. 68M12
  2. 68M20
  3. 68W25
  4. Approximation algorithms
  5. Bridges and switches
  6. Circuit networks
  7. Data center networks
  8. Network flows
  9. Submodular optimization


  • Article


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  • (2023)Load-optimization in Reconfigurable Data-center Networks: Algorithms and Complexity of Flow RoutingACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems10.1145/35972008:3(1-30)Online publication date: 12-May-2023
  • (2023)Mars: Near-Optimal Throughput with Shallow Buffers in Reconfigurable Datacenter NetworksProceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems10.1145/35793127:1(1-43)Online publication date: 2-Mar-2023
  • (2019)Survey of Reconfigurable Data Center NetworksACM SIGACT News10.1145/3351452.335146450:2(62-79)Online publication date: 24-Jul-2019
  • (2019)On the Complexity of Non-Segregated Routing in Reconfigurable Data Center ArchitecturesACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review10.1145/3336937.333693949:2(2-8)Online publication date: 21-May-2019

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