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SCALO: An Accelerator-Rich Distributed System for Scalable Brain-Computer Interfacing

Published: 17 June 2023 Publication History


SCALO is the first distributed brain-computer interface (BCI) consisting of multiple wireless-networked implants placed on different brain regions. SCALO unlocks new treatment options for debilitating neurological disorders and new research into brain-wide network behavior. Achieving the fast and low-power communication necessary for real-time processing has historically restricted BCIs to single brain sites. SCALO also adheres to tight power constraints, but enables fast distributed processing. Central to SCALO's efficiency is its realization as a full stack distributed system of brain implants with accelerator-rich compute. SCALO balances modular system layering with aggressive cross-layer hardware-software co-design to integrate compute, networking, and storage. The result is a lesson in designing energy-efficient networked distributed systems with hardware accelerators from the ground up.


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