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STOC '14: Proceedings of the forty-sixth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing
ACM2014 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
STOC '14: Symposium on Theory of Computing New York New York 31 May 2014- 3 June 2014
31 May 2014

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The papers in this volume were presented at the Forty-Sixth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2014), held in New York, New York, June 1-3, 2014. The Symposium was sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory (SIGACT). On May 31, the day before STOC, there was a program of workshops organized by Kunal Talwar and Chris Umans; the workshops were on Recent Advances on the "Lovasz Local Lemma", "Efficient Distribution Estimation", and "Coping with Intractability in Unsupervised Learning". The conference was also the site for the Turing Award Lectures of Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio Micali.

A quantum algorithm for computing the unit group of an arbitrary degree number field

Computing the group of units in a field of algebraic numbers is one of the central tasks of computational algebraic number theory. It is believed to be hard classically, which is of interest for cryptography. In the quantum setting, efficient algorithms ...

Primal beats dual on online packing LPs in the random-order model

We study packing LPs in an online model where the columns are presented to the algorithm in random order. This natural problem was investigated in various recent studies motivated, e.g., by online ad allocations and yield management where rows ...

Competitive algorithms from competitive equilibria: non-clairvoyant scheduling under polyhedral constraints

We introduce and study a general scheduling problem that we term the Packing Scheduling problem (PSP). In this problem, jobs can have different arrival times and sizes; a scheduler can process job j at rate xj, subject to arbitrary packing constraints ...

Minimum bisection is fixed parameter tractable

In the classic Minimum Bisection problem we are given as input a graph G and an integer k. The task is to determine whether there is a partition of V (G) into two parts A and B such that ||A| -- |B|| ≤ 1 and there are at most k edges with one endpoint ...

An efficient parallel solver for SDD linear systems

We present the first parallel algorithm for solving systems of linear equations in symmetric, diagonally dominant (SDD) matrices that runs in polylogarithmic time and nearly-linear work. The heart of our algorithm is a construction of a sparse ...

Solving SDD linear systems in nearly mlog1/2n time

We show an algorithm for solving symmetric diagonally dominant (SDD) linear systems with m non-zero entries to a relative error of ε in O(m log1/2 n logc n log(1/ε)) time. Our approach follows the recursive preconditioning framework, which aims to ...

Optimal CUR matrix decompositions

The CUR decomposition of an m×n matrix A finds an m×c matrix C with a small subset of c < n columns of A, together with an r×n matrix R with a small subset of r < m rows of A, as well as a c×r low rank matrix U such that the matrix CUR approximates the ...

From hierarchical partitions to hierarchical covers: optimal fault-tolerant spanners for doubling metrics

A (1+ε)-spanner for a doubling metric (X, δ) is a subgraph H of the complete graph corresponding to (X, δ), which preserves all pairwise distances to within a factor of 1 + ε. A natural requirement from a spanner, which is essential for many ...

Shortest paths on polyhedral surfaces and terrains

We present an algorithm for computing shortest paths on polyhedral surfaces under convex distance functions. Let n be the total number of vertices, edges and faces of the surface. Our algorithm can be used to compute L1 and L shortest paths on a ...

Embedding and canonizing graphs of bounded genus in logspace

Graph embeddings of bounded Euler genus (that means, embeddings with bounded orientable or nonorientable genus) help to design time-efficient algorithms for many graph problems. Since linear-time algorithms are known to compute embeddings of any bounded ...

Testing surface area with arbitrary accuracy

Recently, Kothari et al. gave an algorithm for testing the surface area of an arbitrary set A ⊂ [0,1]n. Specifically, they gave a randomized algorithm such that if A's surface area is less than S then the algorithm will accept with high probability, and ...

Coin flipping of any constant bias implies one-way functions

We show that the existence of a coin-flipping protocol safe against any non-trivial constant bias (e.g., .499) implies the existence of one-way functions. This improves upon a recent result of Haitner and Omri [FOCS '11], who proved this implication for ...

An almost-optimally fair three-party coin-flipping protocol

In a multiparty fair coin-flipping protocol, the parties output a common (close to) unbiased bit, even when some corrupted parties try to bias the output. Cleve [STOC 1986] has shown that in the case of dishonest majority (i.e., at least half of the ...

Robust protocols for securely expanding randomness and distributing keys using untrusted quantum devices

Randomness is a vital resource for modern day information processing, especially for cryptography. A wide range of applications critically rely on abundant, high quality random numbers generated securely. Here we show how to expand a random seed at an ...

Infinite randomness expansion with a constant number of devices

We present a device-independent randomness expansion protocol, involving only a constant number of non-signaling quantum devices, that achieves infinite expansion: starting with m bits of uniform private randomness, the protocol can produce an unbounded ...

The average sensitivity of an intersection of half spaces

We prove new bounds on the average sensitivity of the indicator function of an intersection of k halfspaces. In particular, we prove the optimal bound of O(√nlog(k)). This generalizes a result of Nazarov, who proved the analogous result in the Gaussian ...

From average case complexity to improper learning complexity

The basic problem in the PAC model of computational learning theory is to determine which hypothesis classes are effficiently learnable. There is presently a dearth of results showing hardness of learning problems. Moreover, the existing lower bounds ...

The power of localization for efficiently learning linear separators with noise

We introduce a new approach for designing computationally efficient and noise tolerant algorithms for learning linear separators. We consider the malicious noise model of Valiant [41, 32] and the adversarial label noise model of Kearns, Schapire, and ...

Bandits with switching costs: T2/3 regret

We study the adversarial multi-armed bandit problem in a setting where the player incurs a unit cost each time he switches actions. We prove that the player's T-round minimax regret in this setting is [EQUATION], thereby closing a fundamental gap in our ...

Online local learning via semidefinite programming

In many online learning problems we are interested in predicting local information about some universe of items. For example, we may want to know whether two items are in the same cluster rather than computing an assignment of items to clusters; we may ...

How to use indistinguishability obfuscation: deniable encryption, and more

We introduce a new technique, that we call punctured programs, to apply indistinguishability obfuscation towards cryptographic problems. We use this technique to carry out a systematic study of the applicability of indistinguishability obfuscation to a ...

How to delegate computations: the power of no-signaling proofs

We construct a 1-round delegation scheme (i.e., argument system) for every language computable in time t = t(n), where the running time of the prover is poly(t) and the running time of the verifier is n · polylog(t). In particular, for every language in ...

Open Access
Circuits resilient to additive attacks with applications to secure computation

We study the question of protecting arithmetic circuits against additive attacks, which can add an arbitrary fixed value to each wire in the circuit. This extends the notion of algebraic manipulation detection (AMD) codes, which protect information ...

On the existence of extractable one-way functions

A function f is extractable if it is possible to algorithmically "extract," from any adversarial program that outputs a value y in the image of f; a preimage of y. When combined with hardness properties such as one-wayness or collision-resistance, ...

Black-box non-black-box zero knowledge

Motivated by theoretical and practical interest, the challenging task of designing cryptographic protocols having only black-box access to primitives has generated various breakthroughs in the last decade. Despite such positive results, even though ...

Dichotomies in equilibrium computation, and complementary pivot algorithms for a new class of non-separable utility functions

After more than a decade of work in TCS on the computability of market equilibria, complementary pivot algorithms have emerged as the best hope of obtaining practical algorithms. So far they have been used for markets under separable, piecewise-linear ...

Query complexity of approximate nash equilibria

We study the query complexity of approximate notions of Nash equilibrium in games with a large number of players n and a constant number of actions m. Our main result states that even for constant ε, the query complexity of an ε-well-supported Nash ...

Constant rank bimatrix games are PPAD-hard

The rank of a bimatrix game (A, B) is defined as rank(A + B). Computing a Nash equilibrium (NE) of a rank-0, i.e., zero-sum game is equivalent to linear programming (von Neumann'28, Dantzig'51). In 2005, Kannan and Theobald gave an FPTAS for constant ...

Approximation algorithms for bipartite matching with metric and geometric costs

Let G = G(AB,A×B), with |A| = |B| = n, be a weighted bipartite graph, and let d(·,·) be the cost function on the edges. Let w(M) denote the weight of a matching in G, and M* a minimum-cost perfect matching in G. We call a perfect matching M c-...

Distributed approximation algorithms for weighted shortest paths

A distributed network is modeled by a graph having n nodes (processors) and diameter D. We study the time complexity of approximating weighted (undirected) shortest paths on distributed networks with a O (log n) bandwidth restriction on edges (the ...

  • Cornell University


Acceptance Rates

STOC '14 Paper Acceptance Rate 91 of 319 submissions, 29%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 1,469 of 4,586 submissions, 32%
STOC '153479327%
STOC '143199129%
STOC '1336010028%
STOC '113048428%
STOC '083258025%
STOC '032708030%
STOC '022879132%
STOC '012308336%
STOC '001828547%
STOC '981697544%
STOC '972117536%
STOC '962017437%
STOC '891965629%
STOC '881925328%
STOC '871655030%
STOC '801254738%
STOC '791113733%
STOC '781203832%
STOC '77873136%
STOC '76833036%
STOC '75873136%
STOC '74953537%
STOC '71502346%
STOC '70702739%