Call for Special Issue Proposals
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES) is a premier ACM journal in design and automation of electronic systems. TODAES invites proposals for special issues within the scope of TODAES. Special issues often focus on topics that represent emerging research trends, cross-disciplinary efforts, or significant new developments in an area. High visibility workshops and special sessions at leading conferences can be good sources for special issue proposals. Special issues typically publish 4-6 papers and should aim to attract between 15-20 submissions.
A special issue proposal should contain the following
- Title and names of the guest editors
- Extended abstract describing the focus of the special issue, why the topic is important and timely, relevance of the proposed topic to TODAES, a brief survey of related recent publications (special issues, workshops, special sessions at conferences)
- Potential submitters as well as a strategy for getting high quality papers;
- Qualification of guest editors
- Tentative timeline (from call for papers to final acceptance)
- If a proposal is accepted, the timeline will be subject to negotiation and agreement with the TODAES Editor-in-Chief.
Guest Editor team guidelines:
- All team members should be well known and active in the design automation community as evidenced by DBLP and GoogleScholar
- The team should not exceed three guest editors
- Diversity: At least one member with significant recent industrial experience, as well as diversity in expertise, geography and gender
- At least two thirds of the team should be well established senior professors or industrial senior researchers
A submitted proposal will be evaluated by the TODAES editorial board and revision may be required.
Guest editors are welcome to write an overview/survey paper about the topic but cannot be authors or co-authors of other papers in the special issue. The guest editors’ article will undergo a regular review process.
To submit a proposal for a special issue, please email the proposal directly to Jörg Henkel, Senior Associate Editor of TODAES.
For questions, please contact X. Sharon Hu, Editor in Chief of TODAES or Jörg Henkel, Senior Associate Editor of TODAES.