Frequently Asked Questions
Q1) Can ArXiv papers be directly submitted to TODAES without much modification or improvement? Is it permissible to upload a paper to ArXiv after submitting it to TODAES (but before paper acceptance)?
A1: Yes. Posting papers that are currently under review at TODAES on ArXiv is permissible. Once the paper is accepted, the ArXiv version should be marked with the TODAES publication information (including DOI). The detailed policy is located at
Q2) What is the page limit for TODAES Regular Research Papers, and is there a different limit for original versus final versions of a paper? Is there an extra fee for exceeding a limit?
A2: TODAES no longer has a page limit. However, to help with readability, we strongly recommend a limit of 35 pages. There is no extra fee for exceeding the recommended 35-page limit.
Q3) Is there an extra fee for publishing color figures in the paper?
A3: There is no charge for publishing color figures. All figures will appear in black and white in the print versions of all ACM journals. However, color figures are permitted in the online versions. Before submitting figures, authors should ensure that figures are clear and well-presented.
The TODAES Editorial Board welcomes any suggestions on improving the journal. Please send such suggestions directly to the Editor in Chief, X. Sharon Hu ([email protected]).