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Investigating Best Practices for Remote Summative Usability Testing with People with Mild to Moderate Dementia

Published: 21 July 2021 Publication History

Editorial Notes

The authors have requested minor, non-substantive changes to the VoR and, in accordance with ACM policies, a Corrected VoR was published on July 30, 2021. For reference purposes the VoR may still be accessed via the Supplemental Material section on this page.


People with dementia may miss out on the benefits of using technology, because they often find it difficult to use. Usability testing is one method to identify barriers and areas for improvement in technology. Unfortunately, usability testing is often not conducted with people with dementia, independent of their caregivers. Difficulty recruiting local participants with dementia who regularly use technology further compounds the problem. Remote methods have been proposed as one approach to recruiting hard-to-reach populations. Currently, it is unclear how to effectively conduct remote summative usability testing with people with dementia. We recruited 15 participants. Five took part in the pilot study and 10 participated in the main study. We identify best practices and make suggestions for remote summative usability tests with people who have mild to moderate dementia, independent of caregivers. We discuss our findings in three sections: (1) logistics for planning remote summative usability testing, (2) approaches for conducting remote summative usability testing, including modifications of research methods, and (3) considerations when evaluating findings from remote summative usability sessions. We also present modified usability testing methods we developed to meet the unique needs of users with mild to moderate dementia, and summarize lessons learned and new directions for research on this topic.

Supplementary Material

3460942-vor (3460942-vor.pdf)
Version of Record for "Investigating Best Practices for Remote Summative Usability Testing with People with Mild to Moderate Dementia" by Wood et al., ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing, Volume 14, Issue 3 (TACCESS 14:3).


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  1. Investigating Best Practices for Remote Summative Usability Testing with People with Mild to Moderate Dementia



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        ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing  Volume 14, Issue 3
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        Association for Computing Machinery

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        Publication History

        Published: 21 July 2021
        Accepted: 01 April 2021
        Revised: 01 April 2021
        Received: 01 July 2020
        Published in TACCESS Volume 14, Issue 3


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        1. Remote usability
        2. UX
        3. dementia
        4. disability
        5. remote methods
        6. remote summative


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        • National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) at the Administration for Community Living, US Department of Health and Human Services
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        • (2024)Embedding equality, diversity and inclusion in usability testingInternational Journal of Human-Computer Studies10.1016/j.ijhcs.2024.103278188:COnline publication date: 1-Aug-2024
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