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In this paper, we discuss what role gender plays in remembering, transmitting, and reframing memories of the Armenian Genocide in order to address the question of how young Armenian women negotiate their roles in this process. Centering... more
In this paper, we discuss what role gender plays in remembering, transmitting, and reframing memories of the Armenian Genocide in order to address the question of how young Armenian women negotiate their roles in this process. Centering the societal roles of memory transmission, we employ the specific sociological lens of gender to analyze 26 interviews conducted in Beirut during the week of the official commemorations of the Armenian Genocide in 2016. We define gender as the social construction of a stylized repetition of acts that reflect power relations. Accordingly, the examination of these power relations is necessary not only to understand the experiences and testimonies of men and women, but also the transmission of memory. While understanding Armenian youth as agents of the collective memory, gender allows us to discuss different patterns of remembrance and transmission. We therefore argue that gender influences how individuals remember the Armenian Genocide, as it underpins the (historically) assigned roles of memory and transmission.
As a part of the PhD Project entitled “Narrations of the Armenian Genocide in Schools on 2015: Comparative Study on the History Textbooks in Turkey, Armenia, and Diaspora (France, Lebanon)”, this paper illustrates the complexity of the... more
As a part of the PhD Project entitled “Narrations of the Armenian Genocide in Schools on 2015: Comparative Study on the History Textbooks in Turkey, Armenia, and Diaspora (France, Lebanon)”,  this paper illustrates the complexity of the debate on the politics of historiography from a pedagogical perspective. The aim of the thesis project is to determine the differences between historiographical approaches, modes of narrative, historical interpretation and contextualization, and above all, transmission of a catastrophic and traumatic event onto next generation of Armenians. In an attempt to explore the different historiographical and pedagogical approaches to the Armenian Genocide, from denialism to recognition, from contextualization to historicism, from nationalism to human rights, this paper focuses on the national history curriculums of three countries (Turkey, Armenia, France). These three countries were selected in order to demonstrate the variety of historiographies according to the different socio-political and ideological contexts: Turkey for its denialist historiography, Armenia for its affirmative historiography, and France for its emphasis on human rights education. In this sense, there exist two levels of comparison: i) the general approach towards history education, along with human rights education, framing the national history curriculum, the publications and instructions of the Ministry of Education determining its implementation; ii) peculiarities concerning the case of the Armenian Genocide, involving the given historical context, its ideological position and interpretation, and its dis/connection to the claimed stance in the national curriculum. By comparatively analysing the curriculums, the paper aims to revisit the problematics of the divergence concerning the education of history, particularly in the case of a crime against humanity.
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Teorik Bakış 10 - Mülteciler ve Mültecilik, Minör Yayınevi, 2018
Using the data from field research in Turkey and Armenia, this article examines the meaning of the Armenian Genocide for young Armenians. Based on 60 in- depth interviews, the analysis focuses on how the 4th generation affected by the... more
Using the data from field research in Turkey and Armenia, this article examines the meaning of the Armenian Genocide for young Armenians. Based on 60 in- depth interviews, the analysis focuses on how the 4th generation affected by the crimes of 1915 remembers this crucial time, how familial memory has been transmitted, how this inherited memory affects them on daily basis, both emotionally and politically, and how they commemorate the event, which they know as Medz Yeghern (literally, the “Great Crime”). Inspired by Marianne Hirsch’s concept of postmemory, we have shown how patterns of remembrance are influenced by specific contexts in Armenia and Turkey, such as the generational formations in the two countries. Accordingly, we discuss how there is not a singular postmemory of the Genocide, so much as several distinctive patterns, experiences, transmissions, and commemorations that shape and reshape a multiplicity of postmemories. With this variety in mind, modest suggestions for a possible politics of peace are listed.
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Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Güz 2015 Sayı: 12
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Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Güz 2015 Sayı: 12
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içinde "Ermeni Soykırımı'nda Vicdan ve Sorumluluk: Kurtulanlara Dair Yeni Araştırmalar", Hrant Dink Vakfı Yayınları, 2015, s. 95-116
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Journée d'études arméniennes, Inalco, 18 Juin 2018
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Conference on Critical Approaches to Armenian Identity in the 21st Century, Hrant Dink Foundation, Istanbul
AHDA Politics of Memory Conference 2016 December, Amsterdam University, Amsterdam
Türkiye Dördüncü Nüfusbilim Konferansı 5-6 Kasım 2015 Hacettepe Üniversitesi
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The Politics of Memory: Victimization, Violence, and Contested Memories of the Past
December 3-5, 2015
Columbia University
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2015 Hrant Dink Memorial Workshop
Genocide of the Ottoman Armenians in Art, Theater, Cinema, and Literature
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Konferans - Ermeni Soykırımı’nda Vicdan ve Sorumluluk: Kurtulanlara Dair Yeni Araştırmalar, 14 Mart 2015

Hrant Dink Vakfı Tarih ve Hafıza Araştırmaları Destek Fonu / Hrant Dink Foundation  The History and Memory Research Fund
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Şükrü Aslan, Sibel Yardımcı, Murat Arpacı, MSGSÜ Yayınları, İstanbul, 2015
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Agos, 13 Mart 2015
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Yüksek Lisans Tezi / MA Thesis
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