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A nagyváradi csüngő különleges tárgy, annak ellenére, hogy típusára, kialakítására nézve nem rendkívüli darab a polikróm ötvösmunkák körében. Ráadásul régészeti kontextusa is ismeretlen, mivel szórványként került elő. Ezt a... more
A nagyváradi csüngő különleges tárgy, annak ellenére, hogy típusára, kialakítására nézve nem rendkívüli darab a polikróm ötvösmunkák körében. Ráadásul régészeti kontextusa is ismeretlen, mivel szórványként került elő. Ezt a gránátberakásos aranyékszert sajátos története emeli ki a többi közül, ami több szálon és több idősíkban fut. Előkerülése a régmúlt időkbe nyúlik vissza, amikor az efféle tárgyakra inkább személyes kincsként, mintsem régészeti leletként tekintettek. Ez adhat magyarázatot arra, hogy a tárgy, megtalálását követően, újra használatba került. A csüngő történetéből egy család története bontakozik ki, közel hozva a 19. századi szellemiséget. Az egykori kézműves munkájához pedig egy modern ötvös kapcsolódott, aki a régit újjal kiegészítve egyedülálló alkotást hozott létre. A nagyváradi csüngő személyes tárgy volt, és a régészeti leletek többségével szemben, előkerülése után is az maradt még egy jó ideig. Bár végül múzeumba került, viszonylag kevéssé ismert; nincs kiállít...
The use of non-destructive and non-invasive analytical methods is widespread in the archaeometric study of metal objects, particularly in the case of precious metal artefacts, from which sampling is not, or in a limited way, allowed due... more
The use of non-destructive and non-invasive analytical methods is widespread in the archaeometric study of metal objects, particularly in the case of precious metal artefacts, from which sampling is not, or in a limited way, allowed due to their high value. In this study, we highlight the main advantages and limitations of non-destructive analytical methods used on three polychrome animal-style silver buckles from the mid-to-late-5th-century Carpathian Basin. Optical microscopic observations, handheld XRF, SEM-EDX and μ-XRD analyses were performed to determine the chemical composition of the metals and their decoration (gilding, garnet and niello inlays), as well as the microtexture and mineralogical composition of the niello, in order to gain a better understanding of the materials used and reconstruct the manufacturing techniques in detail. The buckles were manufactured from relatively high-quality silver derived from the re-use of gilded silver scrap metal and intentionally alloyed with brass or leaded brass. The presence of mercury indicated the use of fire gilding. The niello inlays are composed of mixed silver-copper sulphides, even reaching the composition of pure copper sulphide; this is the first time, when copper sulphide niello is observed on a silver object. The almandine garnets most probably originate from Southern India and Sri Lanka.
The pendant from Nagyvárad (Oradea, RO) is a special object; despite that it is not an extraordinary piece among polychrome goldsmiths' works based on its type or design. Moreover, its archaeological context is unknown, as it was found as... more
The pendant from Nagyvárad (Oradea, RO) is a special object; despite that it is not an extraordinary piece among polychrome goldsmiths' works based on its type or design. Moreover, its archaeological context is unknown, as it was found as a stray find. This piece of garnet-inlaid gold jewellery is highlighted by its unique history, which runs on multiple storyline and multiple timelines. Its finding goes back to those times when such objects were seen as a personal wealth rather than an archaeological find. This may explain that the item was reused after its finding. From the story of the pendant, the story of a family unfolds, bringing 19 th-century spirit close. A modern goldsmith joined to the work of the former craftsman, who created a unique artefact by completing the old parts with new elements.


A nagyváradi csüngő különleges tárgy, annak ellenére, hogy típusára, kialakítására nézve nem rendkívüli darab a polikróm ötvösmunkák körében. Ráadásul régészeti kontextusa is ismeretlen, mivel szórványként került elő. Ezt a gránátberakásos aranyékszert sajátos története emeli ki a többi közül, ami több szálon és több idősíkban fut. Előkerülése a régmúlt időkbe nyúlik vissza, amikor az efféle tárgyakra inkább személyes kincsként, mintsem régészeti leletként tekintettek. Ez adhat magyarázatot arra, hogy a tárgy, megtalálását követően, újra használatba került. A csüngő történetéből egy család története bontakozik ki, közel hozva a 19. századi szellemiséget. Az egykori kézműves munkájához pedig egy modern ötvös kapcsolódott, aki a régit újjal kiegészítve egyedülálló alkotást hozott létre.
A nagyváradi csüngő személyes tárgy volt, és a régészeti leletek többségével szemben, előkerülése után is az maradt még egy jó ideig. Bár végül múzeumba került, viszonylag kevéssé ismert; nincs kiállítva és alig szerepel a szakirodalomban. Ami pedig korábban megjelent róla, az is átértékelésre szorul. Jelen írásunk ezen az állapoton kíván változtatni, bemutatva és értelmezve a tárgyon elvégzett szisztematikus archeometriai vizsgálat eredményeit. A komplex elemzések segítségével sikerült meghatározni a tárgy anyagi és technológiai jellemzőit: az ékkőberakások gemmológiai és ásványtani sajátosságait, a fémes alapanyag kémiai (elemi) összetételét, a készítés egyes munkafázisait. Az eredmények kiértékelésével olyan alapvető kérdésekben juthattunk előrébb, mint a gránátok eredete, kereskedelme, az arany alapanyag lehetséges előélete, a készítés infrastrukturális háttere, továbbá a tárgy keltezése és kulturális kontextusa. A csüngő azon ritka esetek közé tartozik, amikor az ékkőberakások megmunkálásának módja, technikája korjelző szerepet játszik. Ennek a felismerésnek különösen egy szórvány lelet esetében van régészeti jelentősége. A tárgy ez alapján a hun korban, az 5. század első felében készülhetett, fémes alapanyaga nem származhatott közvetlenül másodlagosan felhasznált római solidus-ból, de részben tartalmazhatott ilyen minőségű aranyat. Jelenlegi ismereteink szerint, eredeti gránátberakásai Srí Lankából, ékkőpótlása pedig a 19. századi Csehországból eredeztethető.
Jewellery, dress accessories and other personal ornaments made of precious metal and decorated with gemstones were representative elements (prestige objects) of Migration-period supra-regional fashion in Europe. Due to their valuable... more
Jewellery, dress accessories and other personal ornaments made of precious metal and decorated with gemstones were representative elements (prestige objects) of Migration-period supra-regional fashion in Europe. Due to their valuable materials and impressive appearance, these polychrome artefacts are highlighted items in art albums and exhibition catalogues as the key objects of the period. Their vast majority represents high standard of workmanship even from a modern perspective. A small minority comprises, however, objects of lower or even poor quality, falling below the standard. This paper focuses on these exceptions. Dozen finds showing low-quality workmanship are collected, analysed and interpreted below, with special attention to their technical features, material compositions as well as their functions as status indicator. Our results indicated that the poorly-made objects were produced in workshops of local significance following and imitating high-standard models. The obse...
Our paper produces results on production techniques of prehistoric metal artefacts using non-destructive neutron-based methods, considering aspects of heritage protection.
The cloisonne buckle found as a stray find at Rakoczifalva-Kastelydomb close to Szolnok adds to the so-called “Mediterranean buckles” dated to the end of 5 th century, beginning of 6 th century. Finds of this type were designated in the... more
The cloisonne buckle found as a stray find at Rakoczifalva-Kastelydomb close to Szolnok adds to the so-called “Mediterranean buckles” dated to the end of 5 th century, beginning of 6 th century. Finds of this type were designated in the literature by its supposed origin deduced from its main spread area and from decorating tradition. However, by expanding the archaeological material this interpretation became obviously too general, determination of origin needs refinement because of the cultural diversity in the Mediterranean region. Moreover, it became likewise clear that besides real Mediterranean products, artifacts with Mediterranean character but different origin may also be supposed. Thus, the primary question apart from the further clarification of the Mediterranean origin is concerning how the products made by ancient goldsmith tradition influenced the material culture of barbarian peoples living at the periphery of the Mediterranean region. It means among others the decisio...
Complementary neutron-based elemental analytical and imaging methods, i.e. position sensitive prompt gamma activation analysis and neutron tomography, were used on a bronze sculpture group of suspected South-Levantine origin. Based on the... more
Complementary neutron-based elemental analytical and imaging methods, i.e. position sensitive prompt gamma activation analysis and neutron tomography, were used on a bronze sculpture group of suspected South-Levantine origin. Based on the radiography and tomography images, individual figurines were chosen for elemental analysis. Selected parts were analyzed, and the bronze alloy parts were found to contain 14 mass-percent tin and 84 mass-percent copper. The non-bronze pieces contain Fe, Cl, H, Pb, S, Mn and several minor and trace constituents. This study demonstrates the synergy of the visual and compositional data when drawing conclusions about such valuable and complex metallic artifacts.
Research Interests:
The use of non-destructive and non-invasive analytical methods is widespread in the archaeometric study of metal objects, particularly in the case of precious metal artefacts, from which sampling is not, or in a limited way, allowed due... more
The use of non-destructive and non-invasive analytical methods is widespread in the archaeometric study of metal objects, particularly in the case of precious metal artefacts, from which sampling is not, or in a limited way, allowed due to their high value. In this study, we highlight the main advantages and limitations of non-destructive analytical methods used on three polychrome animal-style silver buckles from the mid-to-late-5th-century Carpathian Basin. Optical microscopic observations, handheld XRF, SEM-EDX and μ-XRD analyses were performed to determine the chemical composition of the metals and their decoration (gilding, garnet and niello inlays), as well as the microtexture and mineralogical composition of the niello, in order to gain a better understanding of the materials used and reconstruct the manufacturing techniques in detail. The buckles were manufactured from relatively high-quality silver derived from the re-use of gilded silver scrap metal and intentionally alloy...
Jewellery, dress accessories and other personal ornaments made of precious metal and decorated with gemstones were representative elements (prestige objects) of Migration-period supra-regional fashion in Europe. Due to their valuable... more
Jewellery, dress accessories and other personal ornaments made of precious metal and decorated with gemstones were representative elements (prestige objects) of Migration-period supra-regional fashion in Europe. Due to their valuable materials and impressive appearance, these polychrome artefacts are highlighted items in art albums and exhibition catalogues as the key objects of the period. Their vast majority represents high standard of workmanship even from a modern perspective. A small minority comprises, however, objects of lower or even poor quality, falling below the standard. This paper focuses on these exceptions. Dozen finds showing low-quality workmanship are collected, analysed and interpreted below, with special attention to their technical features, material compositions as well as their functions as status indicator. Our results indicated that the poorly-made objects were produced in workshops of local significance following and imitating high-standard models. The observed technological features pointed out that their makers were inexperienced in techniques requiring meticulous work and precision. The analytical data revealed, however, that they were dominantly made of high purity gold with a composition of partly or wholly identical to that of the technically outstanding items. Apparently, the high social status was not so demanding on the workmanship, rather the quality of the processed gold.

A színes ékkövekkel berakott, nemesfémből készült ékszerek, viseleti tárgyak és egyéb díszítmények a népvándorlás kori divat meghatározó elemei (presztízstárgyai) voltak Európában. Ezek a polikróm ötvösmunkák, értékes alapanyagaik és látványos megjelenésük miatt a korszak leleteit bemutató művészeti albumok és kiállítási katalógusok elmaradhatatlan elemei. Döntő többségük technikai kidolgozása modern szemmel nézve is kiemelkedő színvonalú, de szűk kisebbséget képezve vannak közöttük olyan darabok is, melyek (jóval) alulmúlják a sztenderd minőséget. Jelen írásban ezekről a kivételekről lesz szó, összesen tizenkét tárgyról. Elemzésünk és értelmezésünk során főként technikai jellemzőikre, anyagösszetételükre, valamint státuszjelző szerepükre került hangsúly. Eredményeink azt támasztják alá, hogy a gyengébb kivitelű tárgyak lokális jelentőségű műhelyekben, minőségi előképe(ke)t követve és imitálva készültek el. A megfigyelt technológiai jegyek azt a benyomást keltik, hogy készítőiknek nem volt elegendő tapasztalata az aprólékos munkát és precizitást igénylő eljárásokban. A vizsgálatok ugyanakkor rávilágítottak, hogy anyagösszetételük részben vagy egészében megegyezik a technikailag kiemelkedő darabokéval, ebben a minőségükben tehát nem, vagy csak pontszerűen mutatkozik éles különbség. Mindez arra utal, hogy a tárgyak viselőinek társadalmi megítélése függetlenedett a technikai színvonaltól, és inkább a feldolgozott alapanyagok minőségén, abszolút értelemben vett értékén múlt.
Research Interests:
The paper presents a preliminary report on a new ritual deposit of the European Hun period, discovered near Telki in central Hungary. The archaeological and archaeometric analysis of the finds is currently in progress. The assemblage is... more
The paper presents a preliminary report on a new ritual deposit of the European Hun period, discovered near Telki in central Hungary. The archaeological and archaeometric analysis of the finds is currently in progress. The assemblage is made up of elements of horse gear, personal adornments (the mounts of a shoe-set and at least three belts) and weaponry. The analogies of the objects can be found in the supra-ethnic elite culture of the later Hun period in Europe. In view of its context, the assemblage is a structured deposit that was buried as part of a ritual. Comparable assemblages can be interpreted as tokens of the shared ideology of a newly emerging 'imperial' elite of the last phase of the Hunnic rule in Europe.
Research Interests:
A Sarmatian settlement section (2nd–4th century AD) and a total number of ninety-ive graves (dated to the late 5th–early 6th century) were un-earthed in the vicinity of Tiszapüspöki (Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County) during the excavations... more
A Sarmatian settlement section (2nd–4th century AD) and a total number
of ninety-ive graves (dated to the late 5th–early 6th century) were un-earthed in the vicinity of Tiszapüspöki (Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County)
during the excavations between June and August 2015. Like many other
settlements and cemeteries in the Great Hungarian Plain, Tiszapüspöki-Fehér-tó part 18th site also lies along a major river, namely the Tisza.
While  in  the  Sarmatian  settlement  section  storage  pits,  a  well  and  a
trench were unearthed, in spite of the extensive plunder, the Gepid cem-etery can be regarded as considerably rich of metal inds. Bronze belt
buckles, sword belt buckles, bronze rivets and a relatively great amount
of weapons were discovered. However, only three deceased were attired
with pairs of brooches.
Moreover, archaeometric nvestigation of the polychrome gold ornament
from grave 90/92 applying optical microscopes, scanning electron mi-croscope and Raman spectroscope was also conducted. The function
of this ine metalwork has been a matter of debate since it had been
unearthed. Technological analysis by Eszter Horváth, Zsolt Bendő and
Tamás Váczi revealed that this ine metalwork is a loose part of a belt
buckle. The buckle itself must have been fallen prey to looting, but as
some rusted lecks observed on the surface of the cellwork imply it might
have been made of iron.
After a basic conservation process all discoveries will undergo multidis-ciplinary analyses conducted by János Damjanich Museum, Hungarian
Academy of Sciences, Archaeometallurgical Research Group of Miskolc
University  and  Dept.  of  Archaeometry  and  Archaeological  Methodol-ogy, Dept. of Petrology and Geochemistry, Dept. of Mineralogy, Eötvös
Loránd University, while human remains will be observed by Dept. of Bio-logical Anthropology, Eötvös Loránd University.
Research Interests:
A total number of ninety-five graves dated to the late 5th – early 6th century were unearthed in the vicinity of
Tiszapüspöki (County Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok) during the excavations between June and August 2015.
Research Interests:
In this paper we present the application of various neutron-based methods carried out at the Budapest Neutron Centre. Non-destructive and non-invasive neutron radiography (NR), prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) and time-of-flight... more
In this paper we present the application of various neutron-based methods carried out at the Budapest Neutron Centre. Non-destructive and non-invasive neutron radiography (NR), prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) and time-of-flight neutron diffraction (TOF-ND) analysis were applied to reveal more information on raw material and production techniques of bronze artefacts that can be dated to the Central European Bronze Age (2000–1200 BC).
Research Interests: