Migration Period Archaeology
Recent papers in Migration Period Archaeology
Discusses genetic research claimed to demonstrate genocide of Britons by Anglo-Saxons in eastern Britain
Synekdemos, a geographical text of Hierokles presents the administrative structure of the Eastern Roman Empire in the early 6th century AD. Six dioeceses (large administrative units), 64 eparchiai (provinces) and 920 poleis (cities) are... more
This article discusses material culture and European history during the time span between AD 400 and 800. During this and many other phases of history, Scandinavia was separated from other parts of Europe in more than one way. Its regions... more
This thesis examines how elite milieus organised their centres c. 200–550 AD in the counties of Hordaland and Rogaland, western Norway. Here, the archaeological material has many indications of elite organisation, which have been widely... more
The seminar thesis focuses on the similarities between the elite burials of the European Iron Age and the Chinese Han period. The main focus is on the shape and construction of the graves as well as their facilities and grave goods.
The investigations of Lbische hillfort in 2003 (trench VIII). The article introduces archeological features from Lbische hillfort (Stavropol district of Samara region), trench VIII, 2003, for scientific use. During the excavation,... more
The aim of this thesis is to on one hand give a good overview of finds found in gotlandic stonefoundationhouses (kämpgravar) that were commonly built during the Iron Age and on the other hand investigate the possibility of separating... more
From Samarkand to Göta river- actual archeological finds from roman iron age to early Viking age. Three important finds spots along the river. “Grönån-Wooden manufacturing center” - wooden object dated from roman iron age to Germanic iron... more
A print-friendly PDF version of Mimisbrunnr.info's unofficial index for Rudolf Simek's "Dictionary of Northern Mythology" (2007 [1993], Boydell & Brewer). Readers can also find the original, web-based version of the Simdex at the... more
Review of "På arkeologins bakgård. En bebyggelsearkeologisk undersökning i norra Skånes inland baserad på synliga gravar". Acta Archaeologica Lundensia, series in 8° No 22. Lund 1994. By Anne Carlie.
The subject of the article are interesting combs discovered in the stronghold in Pasym, NE Poland. For the older phases of the early Middle Ages, combs are unique finds, especially in the area of the West Balts. Results of the analysis... more
The Vandals is a Germanic tribe that not only migrated across Europe and the Roman empire during the first half of the first millenium AD but also played a part in Early 20th century geopolitics - besides become a word of shame. This... more
Excavated in the 1990s, the site of Buschow 8, Havelland region, Federal State of Brandenburg, Germany, until recently had primarily been known for its Roman to Migration Period wells. This Article gives a short summary of the author's... more
Mezőföldön is jól nyomon követhető, hogy a kora avar kori megtelepedésben és térszervezésben a 7. század elejéig szerepet játszottak az egykori késő római struktúrák, azaz a római utak, villák és belső erődök. A pontosan lokalizálható... more
Die imposante Fundgruppe der mittelalterlichen Schwerter im westslawischen Siedlungsgebiet, zwischen Elbe und Weichsel, ist erstaunlicherweise bei weitem nicht aufgearbeitet bzw. meist nur am Einzelfund regional erörtert worden. Nur... more
In this seminar paper written in english I focus on the interpretation of the ornaments of some archaeological finds from the 6th and 7th century Carpathian Basin in the context of germanic mythology. The discussion is about bird shaped... more
The unpublished Master thesis of the year 2003 focusses on the cemetery of Groß Ottenhagen/Berezovka in former East Prussia (today Kaliningrad, Russia). This graveyard of the Roman Iron Age (Phase B2 and B2/C1-C1a) and the Migration... more
Entry from The Encyclopedia of the Global Middle Ages, ed. Erik Hermans. Bloomsbury Publishing 2019, online: https://www.bloomsburymedievalstudies.com/encyclopedia-chapter?docid=b-9781350990005&tocid=b-9781350990005-007-01596&st=borders
This paper is the first attempt to summarize the state of research into the armament of the Bogaczewo and Sudovian cultures. Swords ended up with a higher than expected position. While shaft-hole axes and socketed axes played an important... more
Pietas et Virtus – Aurum et Memoria. Concerning the Interpretation of the Find Complexes from Pietroasa and Şimleul Silvaniei in Romania Rich protohistorical hoards are often interpreted as hidden finds that were buried in politically... more
Paper presents phenomenon of the turn of the Roman and Migration periods in the N Poland and gradual ‘Baltisation’ of the post-Wielbark Culture areas. This is explained by movements of groups searching for new contacts with the population... more
Monography of the Elbląg-group (West Balt cultural circle) necropolis at Nowinka.
The extraordinary grave of the Early Migration Period warrior from Juszkowo, Pruszcz Gdański com. During excavations held by the Archaeological Museum in Gdańsk in July 2010 at Juszkowo, near Pruszcz Gdański, an isolated grave from the... more
There is now a general scholarly consensus that the concentration of rural people into settlements in Western Europe (as opposed to dispersed or scattered habitations across the countryside) occurred in various stages between the eighth... more
The discovery of two central burial grounds at Kyjov and Mušov, which represent the largest known cemeteries in the whole Middle Danube region including south-western Hungary, has considerably changed existing ideas regarding population... more
Although the transition between the Migration Period (ca. AD 400–550) and the following Merovingian Period (ca. AD 550–800) in Norway is characterized by a fundamental shift in material culture, one particular jewelry type survives the... more
Coming soon (9th of January 2019)!
Bei der Ausgrabung der völkerwanderungszeitlichen Gräbergruppe von Gobelsburg aus dem 5. Jh. n. Chr. wurden an Metallartefakten sowie an kleinen unscheinbaren Eisenfragmenten organische Strukturen sichergestellt, deren Analyse einen... more
Within the limits of the Late Antique and Early Medieval settlement in Kabyle, barbaric materials with a wide time range (4th – late 6th century) have been detected. The earliest artefacts bear the characteristics of the culture... more