441 results sorted by ID
EQSIGN: Practical Digital Signatures from the Non-Abelian Hidden Subgroup Problem and Information Theoretic Equivocation
Samuel Lavery
Public-key cryptography
We present a novel digital signature scheme grounded in non-commutative cryptography and implemented over a bilinear matrix group platform. At the core of our design is a unique equivocation function that obfuscates intermediate elements, effectively concealing outputs and minimizing observable information leakage. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first digital signature scheme to combine information-theoretic security with computational hardness, relying on a challenging instance...
SeaSearch: Secure and Efficient Selection Queries
Shantanu Sharma, Yin Li, Sharad Mehrotra, Nisha Panwar, Komal Kumari, Swagnik Roychoudhury
Information-theoretic or unconditional security provides the highest level of security --- independent of the computational capability of an adversary. Secret-sharing techniques achieve information-theoretic security by splitting a secret into multiple parts (called shares) and storing the shares across non-colluding servers. However, secret-sharing-based solutions suffer from high overheads due to multiple communication rounds among servers and/or information leakage due to access-patterns...
Gold OPRF: Post-Quantum Oblivious Power Residue PRF
Yibin Yang, Fabrice Benhamouda, Shai Halevi, Hugo Krawczyk, Tal Rabin
Cryptographic protocols
We propose plausible post-quantum (PQ) oblivious pseudorandom functions (OPRFs) based on the Power Residue PRF (Damgård CRYPTO’88), a generalization of the Legendre PRF. For security parameter $\lambda$, we consider the PRF $\mathsf{Gold}_k(x)$ that maps an integer $x$ modulo a public prime $p = 2^\lambda\cdot g + 1$ to the element $(k + x)^g \bmod p$, where $g$ is public and $\log g \approx 2\lambda$.
At the core of our constructions are efficient novel methods for evaluating...
Private Neural Network Training with Packed Secret Sharing
Hengcheng Zhou
We present a novel approach for training neural networks that leverages packed Shamir secret sharing scheme. For specific training protocols based on Shamir scheme, we demonstrate how to realize the conversion between packed sharing and Shamir sharing without additional communication overhead. We begin by introducing a method to locally convert between Shamir sharings with secrets stored at different slots. Building upon this conversion, we achieve free conversion from packed sharing to...
New results in Share Conversion, with applications to evolving access structures
Tamar Ben David, Varun Narayanan, Olga Nissenbaum, Anat Paskin-Cherniavsky
We say there is a share conversion from a secret sharing scheme $\Pi$ to another scheme $\Pi'$ implementing the same access structure if each party can locally apply a deterministic function to their share to transform any valid secret sharing under $\Pi$ to a valid (but not necessarily random) secret sharing under $\Pi'$ of the same secret. If such a conversion exists, we say that $\Pi\ge\Pi'$. This notion was introduced by Cramer et al. (TCC'05), where they particularly proved that for...
Dumbo-MPC: Efficient Fully Asynchronous MPC with Optimal Resilience
Yuan Su, Yuan Lu, Jiliang Li, Yuyi Wang, Chengyi Dong, Qiang Tang
Cryptographic protocols
Fully asynchronous multi-party computation (AMPC) has superior robustness in realizing privacy and guaranteed output delivery (G.O.D.) against asynchronous adversaries that can arbitrarily delay communications. However, none of these protocols are truly practical, as they either have sub-optimal resilience, incur cumbersome communication cost, or suffer from an online phase with extra cryptographic overhead. The only attempting implementation---HoneyBadgerMPC (hbMPC)---merely ensures G.O.D....
Secure Computation with Parallel Calls to 2-ary Functions
Varun Narayanan, Shubham Vivek Pawar, Akshayaram Srinivasan
Cryptographic protocols
Reductions are the workhorses of cryptography. They allow constructions of complex cryptographic primitives from simple building blocks. A prominent example is the non-interactive reduction from securely computing a ``complex" function $f$ to securely computing a ``simple" function $g$ via randomized encodings.
Prior work equated simplicity with functions of small degree. In this work, we consider a different notion of simplicity where we require $g$ to only take inputs from a small...
Statistical Layered MPC
Giovanni Deligios, Anders Konring, Chen-Da Liu-Zhang, Varun Narayanan
Cryptographic protocols
The seminal work of Rabin and Ben-Or (STOC'89) showed that the problem of secure $n$-party computation can be solved for $t<n/2$ corruptions with guaranteed output delivery and statistical security. This holds in the traditional static model where the set of parties is fixed throughout the entire protocol execution.
The need to better capture the dynamics of large scale and long-lived computations, where compromised parties may recover and the set of parties can change over time, has...
Juggernaut: Efficient Crypto-Agnostic Byzantine Agreement
Daniel Collins, Yuval Efron, Jovan Komatovic
Cryptographic protocols
It is well known that a trusted setup allows one to solve the Byzantine agreement problem in the presence of $t<n/2$ corruptions, bypassing the setup-free $t<n/3$ barrier. Alas, the overwhelming majority of protocols in the literature have the caveat that their security crucially hinges on the security of the cryptography and setup, to the point where if the cryptography is broken, even a single corrupted party can violate the security of the protocol. Thus these protocols provide higher...
Simplified PIR and CDS Protocols and Improved Linear Secret-Sharing Schemes
Bar Alon, Amos Beimel, Or Lasri
Cryptographic protocols
We consider 3 related cryptographic primitives, private information retrieval (PIR) protocols, conditional disclosure of secrets (CDS) protocols, and secret-sharing schemes; these primitives have many applications in cryptography. We study these primitives requiring information-theoretic security. The complexity of these primitives has been dramatically improved in the last few years are they are closely related, i.e., the the 2-server PIR protocol of Dvir and Gopi (J. ACM 2016) was...
Randomness in Private Sequential Stateless Protocols
Hari Krishnan P. Anilkumar, Varun Narayanan, Manoj Prabhakaran, Vinod M. Prabhakaran
A significant body of work in information-theoretic cryptography has been devoted to the fundamental problem of understanding the power of randomness in private computation. This has included both in-depth study of the randomness complexity of specific functions (e.g., Couteau and Ros ́en, ASIACRYPT 2022, gives an upper bound of 6 for n-party $\mathsf{AND}$), and results for broad classes of functions (e.g., Kushilevitz et al. STOC 1996, gives an $O(1)$ upper bound for all functions with...
Interactive Line-Point Zero-Knowledge with Sublinear Communication and Linear Computation
Fuchun Lin, Chaoping Xing, Yizhou Yao
Cryptographic protocols
Studies of vector oblivious linear evaluation (VOLE)-based zero-knowledge (ZK) protocols flourish in recent years. Such ZK protocols feature optimal prover computation and a flexibility for handling arithmetic circuits over arbitrary fields. However, most of them have linear communication, which constitutes a bottleneck for handling large statements in a slow network. The pioneer work AntMan (CCS'22), achieved sublinear communication for the first time within VOLE-based ZK, but lost the...
A bound on the quantum value of all compiled nonlocal games
Alexander Kulpe, Giulio Malavolta, Connor Paddock, Simon Schmidt, Michael Walter
A compiler introduced by Kalai et al. (STOC'23) converts any nonlocal game into an interactive protocol with a single computationally-bounded prover. Although the compiler is known to be sound in the case of classical provers, as well as complete in the quantum case, quantum soundness has so far only been established for special classes of games. In this work, we establish a quantum soundness result for all compiled two-player nonlocal games. In particular, we prove that the quantum...
Improved YOSO Randomness Generation with Worst-Case Corruptions
Chen-Da Liu-Zhang, Elisaweta Masserova, João Ribeiro, Pratik Soni, Sri AravindaKrishnan Thyagarajan
Cryptographic protocols
We study the problem of generating public unbiased randomness in a distributed manner within the recent You Only Speak Once (YOSO) framework for stateless multiparty computation, introduced by Gentry et al. in CRYPTO 2021. Such protocols are resilient to adaptive denial-of-service attacks and are, by their stateless nature, especially attractive in permissionless environments. While most works in the YOSO setting focus on independent random corruptions, we consider YOSO protocols with...
Information-Theoretic Topology-Hiding Broadcast: Wheels, Stars, Friendship, and Beyond
D'or Banoun, Elette Boyle, Ran Cohen
Cryptographic protocols
Topology-hiding broadcast (THB) enables parties communicating over an incomplete network to broadcast messages while hiding the network topology from within a given class of graphs. Although broadcast is a privacy-free task, it is known that THB for certain graph classes necessitates computational assumptions, even against "honest but curious" adversaries, and even given a single corrupted party. Recent works have tried to understand when THB can be obtained with information-theoretic (IT)...
Secure Multiparty Computation of Symmetric Functions with Polylogarithmic Bottleneck Complexity and Correlated Randomness
Reo Eriguchi
Cryptographic protocols
Bottleneck complexity is an efficiency measure of secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocols introduced to achieve load-balancing in large-scale networks, which is defined as the maximum communication complexity required by any one player within the protocol execution. Towards the goal of achieving low bottleneck complexity, prior works proposed MPC protocols for computing symmetric functions in the correlated randomness model, where players are given input-independent correlated...
Stochastic Secret Sharing with $1$-Bit Shares and Applications to MPC
Benny Applebaum, Eliran Kachlon
The problem of minimizing the share size of threshold secret-sharing schemes is a basic research question that has been extensively studied. Ideally, one strives for schemes in which the share size equals the secret size. While this is achievable for large secrets (Shamir, CACM '79), no similar solutions are known for the case of binary, single-bit secrets. Current approaches often rely on so-called ramp secret sharing that achieves a constant share size at the expense of a slight gap...
An Explicit High-Moment Forking Lemma and its Applications to the Concrete Security of Multi-Signatures
Gil Segev, Liat Shapira
In this work we first present an explicit forking lemma that distills the information-theoretic essence of the high-moment technique introduced by Rotem and Segev (CRYPTO '21), who analyzed the security of identification protocols and Fiat-Shamir signature schemes. Whereas the technique of Rotem and Segev was particularly geared towards two specific cryptographic primitives, we present a stand-alone probabilistic lower bound, which does not involve any underlying primitive or idealized...
Information-Theoretic Single-Server PIR in the Shuffle Model
Yuval Ishai, Mahimna Kelkar, Daniel Lee, Yiping Ma
Cryptographic protocols
We revisit the problem of private information retrieval (PIR) in the shuffle model, where queries can be made anonymously by multiple clients. We present the first single-server PIR protocol in this model that has sublinear per-client communication and information-theoretic security. Moreover, following one-time preprocessing on the server side, our protocol only requires sublinear per-client computation. Concretely, for every $\gamma>0$, the protocol has $O(n^{\gamma})$ communication and...
Combining Outputs of a Random Permutation: New Constructions and Tight Security Bounds by Fourier Analysis
Itai Dinur
Secret-key cryptography
We consider constructions that combine outputs of a single permutation $\pi:\{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}^n$ using a public function. These are popular constructions for achieving security beyond the birthday bound when implementing a pseudorandom function using a block cipher (i.e., a pseudorandom permutation). One of the best-known constructions (denoted SXoP$[2,n]$) XORs the outputs of 2 domain-separated calls to $\pi$.
Modeling $\pi$ as a uniformly chosen permutation, several previous...
Computationally Secure Aggregation and Private Information Retrieval in the Shuffle Model
Adrià Gascón, Yuval Ishai, Mahimna Kelkar, Baiyu Li, Yiping Ma, Mariana Raykova
Cryptographic protocols
The shuffle model has recently emerged as a popular setting for differential privacy, where clients can communicate with a central server using anonymous channels or an intermediate message shuffler. This model was also explored in the context of cryptographic tasks such as secure aggregation and private information retrieval (PIR). However, this study was almost entirely restricted to the stringent notion of information-theoretic security.
In this work, we study computationally secure...
PathGES: An Efficient and Secure Graph Encryption Scheme for Shortest Path Queries
Francesca Falzon, Esha Ghosh, Kenneth G. Paterson, Roberto Tamassia
The increasing importance of graph databases and cloud storage services prompts the study of private queries on graphs. We propose PathGES, a graph encryption scheme (GES) for single-pair shortest path queries. PathGES is efficient and mitigates the state-of-the-art attack by Falzon and Paterson (2022) on the GES by Ghosh, Kamara, and Tamassia (2021), while only incurring an additional logarithmic factor in storage overhead. PathGES leverages a novel data structure that minimizes leakage and...
Unclonable Secret Sharing
Prabhanjan Ananth, Vipul Goyal, Jiahui Liu, Qipeng Liu
Unclonable cryptography utilizes the principles of quantum mechanics to addresses cryptographic tasks that are impossible classically. We introduce a novel unclonable primitive in the context of secret sharing, called unclonable secret sharing (USS). In a USS scheme, there are $n$ shareholders, each holding a share of a classical secret represented as a quantum state. They can recover the secret once all parties (or at least $t$ parties) come together with their shares. Importantly, it...
Information-theoretic security with asymmetries
Tim Beyne, Yu Long Chen
Secret-key cryptography
In this paper, we study the problem of lower bounding any given cost function depending on the false positive and false negative probabilities of adversaries against indistinguishability security notions in symmetric-key cryptography. We take the cost model as an input, so that this becomes a purely information-theoretical question.
We propose power bounds as an easy-to-use alternative for advantage bounds in the context of indistinguishability with asymmetric cost functions. We show that...
Conditional disclosure of secrets with quantum resources
Vahid R. Asadi, Kohdai Kuroiwa, Debbie Leung, Alex May, Sabrina Pasterski, Chris Waddell
Cryptographic protocols
The conditional disclosure of secrets (CDS) primitive is among the simplest cryptographic settings in which to study the relationship between communication, randomness, and security. CDS involves two parties, Alice and Bob, who do not communicate but who wish to reveal a secret $z$ to a referee if and only if a Boolean function $f$ has $f(x,y)=1$. Alice knows $x,z$, Bob knows $y$, and the referee knows $x,y$. Recently, a quantum analogue of this primitive called CDQS was defined and related...
Low-latency Secure Integrated Sensing and Communication with Transmitter Actions
Truman Welling, Onur Gunlu, Aylin Yener
This paper considers an information theoretic model of secure integrated sensing and communication, represented as a wiretap channel with action dependent states. This model allows one to secure a part of the transmitted message against a sensed target that eavesdrops the communication, while allowing transmitter actions to change the channel statistics. An exact secrecy-distortion region is given for a physically-degraded channel. Moreover, a finite-length achievability region is...
Secret-Sharing Schemes for High Slices
Amos Beimel, Oriol Farràs, Oded Nir
In a secret-sharing scheme, a secret is shared among $n$ parties such that the secret can be recovered by authorized coalitions, while it should be kept hidden from unauthorized coalitions. In this work we study secret-sharing for $k$-slice access structures, in which coalitions of size $k$ are either authorized or not, larger coalitions are authorized and smaller are unauthorized. Known schemes for these access structures had smaller shares for small $k$'s than for large ones; hence our...
Secure Multi-Party Linear Algebra with Perfect Correctness
Jules Maire, Damien Vergnaud
We present new secure multi-party computation protocols for linear algebra over a finite field, which improve the state-of-the-art in terms of security. We look at the case of \emph{unconditional security with perfect correctness}, i.e., information-theoretic security without errors. We notably propose an expected constant-round protocol for solving systems of $m$ linear equations in $n$ variables over $\mathbb{F}_q$ with expected complexity $O(k(n^{2.5} + m^{2.5}+n^2m^{0.5}))$ where $k >...
Two Levels are Better than One: Dishonest Majority MPC with $\widetilde{O}(|C|)$ Total Communication
Alexander Bienstock, Kevin Yeo
Cryptographic protocols
In recent years, there has been tremendous progress in improving the communication complexity of dishonest majority MPC. In the sub-optimal corruption threshold setting, where $t<(1-\varepsilon)\cdot n$ for some constant $0<\varepsilon\leq 1/2$, the recent works Sharing Transformation (Goyal $\textit{et al.}$, CRYPTO'22) and SuperPack (Escudero $\textit{et al.}$, EUROCRYPT'23) presented protocols with information-theoretic online phases achieving $O(1)$ communication per multiplication gate,...
Statistical testing of random number generators and their improvement using randomness extraction
Cameron Foreman, Richie Yeung, Florian J. Curchod
Random number generators (RNGs) are notoriously hard to build and test, especially in a cryptographic setting. Although one cannot conclusively determine the quality of an RNG by testing the statistical properties of its output alone, running numerical tests is both a powerful verification tool and the only universally applicable method. In this work, we present and make available a comprehensive statistical testing environment (STE) that is based on existing statistical test suites. The STE...
Making Hash-based MVBA Great Again
Hanwen Feng, Zhenliang Lu, Tiancheng Mai, Qiang Tang
Cryptographic protocols
Multi-valued Validated Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement ($\mathsf{MVBA}$) is one essential primitive for many distributed protocols, such as asynchronous Byzantine fault-tolerant scenarios like atomic broadcast ($\mathsf{ABC}$), asynchronous distributed key generation, and many others.
Recent efforts (Lu et al, PODC' 20) have pushed the communication complexity of $\mathsf{MVBA}$ to optimal $O(\ell n + \lambda n^2)$, which, however, heavily rely on ``heavyweight'' cryptographic tools,...
Verifiable Information-Theoretic Function Secret Sharing
Stanislav Kruglik, Son Hoang Dau, Han Mao Kiah, Huaxiong Wang, Liang Feng Zhang
Cryptographic protocols
A function secret sharing (FSS) (Boyle et al., Eurocrypt 2015) is a cryptographic primitive that enables additive secret sharing of functions from a given function family $\mathcal{F}$. FSS supports a wide range of cryptographic applications, including private information retrieval (PIR), anonymous messaging systems, private set intersection and more. Formally, given positive integers $r \geq 2$ and $t < r$, and a class $\mathcal{F}$ of functions $f: [n] \to \mathbb{G}$ for an Abelian group...
On Information-Theoretic Secure Multiparty Computation with Local Repairability
Daniel Escudero, Ivan Tjuawinata, Chaoping Xing
Cryptographic protocols
In this work we consider the task of designing information-theoretic MPC protocols for which the state of a given party can be recovered from a small amount of parties, a property we refer to as local repairability.
This is useful when considering MPC over dynamic settings where parties leave and join a computation, a scenario that has gained notable attention in recent literature.
Thanks to the results of (Cramer et al. EUROCRYPT'00), designing such protocols boils down to...
Perfect (Parallel) Broadcast in Constant Expected Rounds via Statistical VSS
Gilad Asharov, Anirudh Chandramouli
Cryptographic protocols
We study broadcast protocols in the information-theoretic model under optimal conditions, where the number of corruptions $t$ is at most one-third of the parties, $n$. While worst-case $\Omega(n)$ round broadcast protocols are known to be impossible to achieve, protocols with an expected constant number of rounds have been demonstrated since the seminal work of Feldman and Micali [STOC'88]. Communication complexity for such protocols has gradually improved over the years, reaching $O(nL)$...
The NISQ Complexity of Collision Finding
Yassine Hamoudi, Qipeng Liu, Makrand Sinha
Collision-resistant hashing, a fundamental primitive in modern cryptography, ensures that there is no efficient way to find distinct inputs that produce the same hash value. This property underpins the security of various cryptographic applications, making it crucial to understand its complexity. The complexity of this problem is well-understood in the classical setting and $\Theta(N^{1/2})$ queries are needed to find a collision. However, the advent of quantum computing has introduced new...
Stateless Deterministic Multi-Party EdDSA Signatures with Low Communication
Qi Feng, Kang Yang, Kaiyi Zhang, Xiao Wang, Yu Yu, Xiang Xie, Debiao He
Cryptographic protocols
EdDSA, standardized by both IRTF and NIST, is a variant of the well-known Schnorr signature scheme based on Edwards curves, benefitting from stateless and deterministic derivation of nonces (i.e., it does not require a reliable source of randomness or state continuity). Recently, NIST called for multi-party threshold EdDSA signatures in one mode of verifying such nonce derivation via zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs. However, it is challenging to translate the stateless and deterministic benefits...
Tight Indistinguishability Bounds for the XOR of Independent Random Permutations by Fourier Analysis
Itai Dinur
Secret-key cryptography
The XOR of two independent permutations (XoP) is a well-known construction for achieving security beyond the birthday bound when implementing a pseudorandom function using a block cipher (i.e., a pseudorandom permutation). The idealized construction (where the permutations are uniformly chosen and independent) and its variants have been extensively analyzed over nearly 25 years.
The best-known asymptotic information-theoretic indistinguishability bound for the XoP construction is...
Linear-Communication Asynchronous Complete Secret Sharing with Optimal Resilience
Xiaoyu Ji, Junru Li, Yifan Song
Cryptographic protocols
Secure multiparty computation (MPC) allows a set of $n$ parties to jointly compute a function on their private inputs. In this work, we focus on the information-theoretic MPC in the \emph{asynchronous network} setting with optimal resilience ($t<n/3$). The best-known result in this setting is achieved by Choudhury and Patra [J. Cryptol '23], which requires $O(n^4\kappa)$ bits per multiplication gate, where $\kappa$ is the size of a field element.
An asynchronous complete secret...
Towards Achieving Asynchronous MPC with Linear Communication and Optimal Resilience
Vipul Goyal, Chen-Da Liu-Zhang, Yifan Song
Cryptographic protocols
Secure multi-party computation (MPC) allows a set of $n$ parties to jointly compute a function over their private inputs.
The seminal works of Ben-Or, Canetti and Goldreich [STOC '93] and Ben-Or, Kelmer and Rabin [PODC '94] settled the feasibility of MPC over asynchronous networks. Despite the significant line of work devoted to improving the communication complexity, current protocols with information-theoretic security and optimal resilience $t<n/3$ communicate $\Omega(n^4C)$ field...
Perfectly-Secure MPC with Constant Online Communication Complexity
Yifan Song, Xiaxi Ye
Cryptographic protocols
In this work, we study the communication complexity of perfectly secure MPC protocol with guaranteed output delivery against $t=(n-1)/3$ corruptions. The previously best-known result in this setting is due to Goyal, Liu, and Song (CRYPTO, 2019) which achieves $O(n)$ communication per gate, where $n$ is the number of parties.
On the other hand, in the honest majority setting, a recent trend in designing efficient MPC protocol is to rely on packed Shamir sharings to speed up the online...
Unconditional Security using (Random) Anonymous Bulletin Board
Albert Yu, Hai H. Nguyen, Aniket Kate, Hemanta K. Maji
Cryptographic protocols
In a seminal work, Ishai et al. (FOCS–2006) studied the viability of designing unconditionally secure protocols for key agreement and secure multi-party computation (MPC) using an anonymous bulletin board (ABB) as a building block. While their results establish the feasibility of key agreement and honest-majority MPC in the ABB model, the optimality of protocols with respect to their round and communication complexity is not studied. This paper enriches this study of unconditional security...
Unconditionally secure MPC for Boolean circuits with constant online communication
Zhenkai Hu, Kang Yang, Yu Yu
Cryptographic protocols
Through tremendous efforts, the communication cost of secure multi-party computation (MPC) in the honest-majority setting has been significantly improved.
In particular, the state-of-the-art honest-majority MPC protocol by Escudero et al. (CCS'22) takes 12 field elements in total per multiplication gate for arithmetic circuits in the online phase. However, it still requires $12 \log(5n/4)$ bits of online communication per AND gate for Boolean circuits. That is, for Boolean circuits, no...
MetaDORAM: Info-Theoretic Distributed ORAM with Less Communication
Brett Hemenway Falk, Daniel Noble, Rafail Ostrovsky
Cryptographic protocols
A Distributed Oblivious RAM is a multi-party protocol that securely implements a RAM functionality on secret-shared inputs and outputs. This paper presents two DORAMs in the semi-honest honest-majority 3-party setting which are information-theoretically secure and whose communication costs are asymptotic improvements over previous work. Let $n$ be the number of memory locations and let $d$ be the bit-length of each location.
The first, MetaDORAM1, is \emph{statistically} secure, with...
Distributed Protocols for Oblivious Transfer and Polynomial Evaluation
Aviad Ben Arie, Tamir Tassa
Cryptographic protocols
A secure multiparty computation (MPC) allows several parties to
compute a function over their inputs while keeping their inputs private. In its basic setting, the protocol involves only parties that hold
inputs. In distributed MPC, there are also external servers who perform
a distributed protocol that executes the needed computation, without
learning information on the inputs and outputs. Here we propose distributed protocols for several fundamental MPC functionalities. We
begin with a...
How to Make Rational Arguments Practical and Extractable
Matteo Campanelli, Chaya Ganesh, Rosario Gennaro
Cryptographic protocols
We investigate proof systems where security holds against rational parties instead of malicious ones. Our starting point is the notion of rational arguments, a variant of rational proofs (Azar and Micali, STOC 2012) where security holds against rational adversaries that are also computationally bounded.
Rational arguments are an interesting primitive because they generally allow for very efficient protocols, and in particular sublinear verification (i.e. where the Verifier does not have...
Cryptography from Planted Graphs: Security with Logarithmic-Size Messages
Damiano Abram, Amos Beimel, Yuval Ishai, Eyal Kushilevitz, Varun Narayanan
We study the following broad question about cryptographic primitives: is it possible to achieve security against an arbitrary $\mathsf{poly}(n)$-time adversary with $O(\log n)$-size messages? It is common knowledge that the answer is ``no'' unless information-theoretic security is possible. In this work, we revisit this question by considering the setting of cryptography with public information and computational security.
We obtain the following results, assuming variants of well-studied...
Non-Interactive Classical Verification of Quantum Depth: A Fine-Grained Characterization
Nai-Hui Chia, Shih-Han Hung
Cryptographic protocols
We introduce protocols for classical verification of quantum depth (CVQD). These protocols enable a classical verifier to differentiate between devices of varying quantum circuit depths, even in the presence of classical computation. The goal is to demonstrate that a classical verifier can reject a device with a quantum circuit depth of no more than $d$, even if the prover employs additional polynomial-time classical computation to deceive. Conversely, the verifier accepts a device with a...
Efficient Pre-processing PIR Without Public-Key Cryptography
Ashrujit Ghoshal, Mingxun Zhou, Elaine Shi
Cryptographic protocols
Classically, Private Information Retrieval (PIR) was studied in a setting without any pre-processing. In this setting, it is well-known that 1) public-key cryptography is necessary to achieve
non-trivial (i.e., sublinear) communication efficiency in the single-server setting, and 2) the total server computation
per query must be linear in the size of the database, no matter in the single-server or multi-server setting. Recent works have shown that both of these barriers can be overcome...
Cheater Identification on a Budget: MPC with Identifiable Abort from Pairwise MACs
Carsten Baum, Nikolas Melissaris, Rahul Rachuri, Peter Scholl
Cryptographic protocols
Cheater identification in secure multi-party computation (MPC) allows the honest parties to agree upon the identity of a cheating party, in case the protocol aborts.
In the context of a dishonest majority, this becomes especially critical, as it serves to thwart denial-of-service attacks and mitigate known impossibility results on ensuring fairness and guaranteed output delivery.
In this work, we present a new, lightweight approach to achieving identifiable abort in dishonest majority...
Ramp hyper-invertible matrices and their applications to MPC protocols
Hongqing Liu, Chaoping Xing, Yanjiang Yang, Chen Yuan
Cryptographic protocols
Beerliová-Trubíniová and Hirt introduced hyper-invertible matrix technique to construct the first perfectly secure MPC protocol in the presence of maximal malicious corruptions $\lfloor \frac{n-1}{3} \rfloor$ with linear communication complexity per multiplication gate [5]. This matrix allows MPC protocol to generate correct shares of uniformly random secrets in the presence of malicious adversary. Moreover, the amortized communication complexity of generating each sharing is linear. Due to...
Asynchronous Agreement on a Core Set in Constant Expected Time and More Efficient Asynchronous VSS and MPC
Ittai Abraham, Gilad Asharov, Arpita Patra, Gilad Stern
Cryptographic protocols
A major challenge of any asynchronous MPC protocol is the need to reach an agreement on the set of private inputs to be used as input for the MPC functionality. Ben-Or, Canetti and Goldreich [STOC 93] call this problem Agreement on a Core Set (ACS) and solve it by running $n$ parallel instances of asynchronous binary Byzantine agreements. To the best of our knowledge, all results in the perfect and statistical security setting used this same paradigm for solving ACS. Using all known...
All You Need Is Fault: Zero-Value Attacks on AES and a New $\lambda$-Detection M&M
Haruka Hirata, Daiki Miyahara, Victor Arribas, Yang Li, Noriyuki Miura, Svetla Nikova, Kazuo Sakiyama
Attacks and cryptanalysis
Deploying cryptography on embedded systems requires security against physical attacks. At CHES 2019, M&M was proposed as a combined countermeasure applying masking against SCAs and information-theoretic MAC tags against FAs.
In this paper, we show that one of the protected AES implementations in the M&M paper is vulnerable to a zero-value SIFA2-like attack. A practical attack is demonstrated on an ASIC board.
We propose two versions of the attack: the first follows the SIFA approach to...
Keyed Sum of Permutations: a simpler RP-based PRF
Ferdinand Sibleyras, Yosuke Todo
Secret-key cryptography
Idealized constructions in cryptography prove the security of a primitive based on the security of another primitive.
The challenge of building a pseudorandom function (PRF) from a random permutation (RP) has only been recently tackled by Chen, Lambooij and Mennink [CRYPTO 2019] who proposed Sum of Even-Mansour (SoEM) with a provable beyond-birthday-bound security.
In this work, we revisit the challenge of building a PRF from an RP.
On the one hand, we describe Keyed Sum of Permutations...
A Framework for Statistically Sender Private OT with Optimal Rate
Pedro Branco, Nico Döttling, Akshayaram Srinivasan
Cryptographic protocols
Statistical sender privacy (SSP) is the strongest achievable security notion for two-message oblivious transfer (OT) in the standard model, providing statistical security against malicious receivers and computational security against semi-honest senders. In this work we provide a novel construction of SSP OT from the Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) and the Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) assumptions achieving (asymptotically) optimal amortized communication complexity, i.e. it achieves rate...
Concurrent Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement in Expected-Constant Rounds, Revisited
Ran Cohen, Pouyan Forghani, Juan Garay, Rutvik Patel, Vassilis Zikas
Cryptographic protocols
It is well known that without randomization, Byzantine agreement (BA) requires a linear number of rounds in the synchronous setting, while it is flat out impossible in the asynchronous setting. The primitive which allows to bypass the above limitation is known as oblivious common coin (OCC). It allows parties to agree with constant probability on a random coin, where agreement is oblivious, i.e., players are not aware whether or not agreement has been achieved.
The starting point of our...
Randomness Recoverable Secret Sharing Schemes
Mohammad Hajiabadi, Shahram Khazaei, Behzad Vahdani
It is well-known that randomness is essential for secure cryptography. The randomness used in cryptographic primitives is not necessarily recoverable even by the party who can, e.g., decrypt or recover the underlying secret/message. Several cryptographic primitives that support randomness recovery have turned out useful in various applications. In this paper, we study randomness recoverable secret sharing schemes (RR-SSS), in both information-theoretic and computational settings and provide...
Succinct Computational Secret Sharing
Benny Applebaum, Amos Beimel, Yuval Ishai, Eyal Kushilevitz, Tianren Liu, Vinod Vaikuntanathan
A secret-sharing scheme enables a dealer to share a secret $s$ among $n$ parties such that only authorized subsets of parties, specified by a monotone access structure $f:\{0,1\}^n\to\{0,1\}$, can reconstruct $s$ from their shares. Other subsets of parties learn nothing about $s$.
The question of minimizing the (largest) share size for a given $f$ has been the subject of a large body of work. However, in most existing constructions for general access structures $f$, the share size is not...
On Active Attack Detection in Messaging with Immediate Decryption
Khashayar Barooti, Daniel Collins, Simone Colombo, Loı̈s Huguenin-Dumittan, Serge Vaudenay
Cryptographic protocols
The widely used Signal protocol provides protection against state exposure attacks through forward security (protecting past messages) and post-compromise security (for restoring security). It supports immediate decryption, allowing messages to be re-ordered or dropped at the protocol level without affecting correctness. In this work, we consider strong active attack detection for secure messaging with immediate decryption, where parties are able to immediately detect active attacks under...
Public-Key Encryption with Quantum Keys
Khashayar Barooti, Alex B. Grilo, Loïs Huguenin-Dumittan, Giulio Malavolta, Or Sattath, Quoc-Huy Vu, Michael Walter
In the framework of Impagliazzo's five worlds, a distinction is often made between two worlds, one where public-key encryption exists (Cryptomania), and one in which only one-way functions exist (MiniCrypt). However, the boundaries between these worlds can change when quantum information is taken into account. Recent work has shown that quantum variants of oblivious transfer and multi-party computation, both primitives that are classically in Cryptomania, can be constructed from one-way...
Improved Multi-User Security Using the Squared-Ratio Method
Yu Long Chen, Wonseok Choi, Changmin Lee
Secret-key cryptography
Proving security bounds in contexts with a large number of users is one of the central problems in symmetric-key cryptography today. This paper introduces a new method for information-theoretic multi-user security proofs,
called ``the Squared-Ratio Method''. At its core, the method requires the expectation of the square of the ratio of observing the so-called good transcripts (from Patarin's H-coefficient technique) in the real and the ideal world. Central to the method is the...
Additive Randomized Encodings and Their Applications
Shai Halevi, Yuval Ishai, Eyal Kushilevitz, Tal Rabin
Addition of $n$ inputs is often the easiest nontrivial function to compute securely. Motivated by several open questions, we ask what can be computed securely given only an oracle that computes the sum. Namely, what functions can be computed in a model where parties can only encode their input locally, then sum up the encodings over some Abelian group $\G$, and decode the result to get the function output.
An *additive randomized encoding* (ARE) of a function $f(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ maps...
On Linear Communication Complexity for (Maximally) Fluid MPC
Alexander Bienstock, Daniel Escudero, Antigoni Polychroniadou
Cryptographic protocols
Secure multiparty computation protocols with dynamic parties, which assume that honest parties do not need to be online throughout the whole execution of the protocol, have recently gained a lot of traction for computations of large scale distributed protocols, such as blockchains. More specifically, in Fluid MPC, introduced in (Choudhuri et al. CRYPTO 2021), parties can dynamically join and leave the computation from round to round. The best known Fluid MPC protocol in the honest majority...
Generic-Group Lower Bounds via Reductions Between Geometric-Search Problems: With and Without Preprocessing
Benedikt Auerbach, Charlotte Hoffmann, Guillermo Pascual-Perez
The generic-group model (GGM) aims to capture algorithms working over groups of prime order that only rely on the group operation, but do not exploit any additional structure given by the concrete implementation of the group. In it, it is possible to prove information-theoretic lower bounds on the hardness of problems like the discrete logarithm (DL) or computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH). Thus, since its introduction, it has served as a valuable tool to assess the concrete security provided...
Asymmetric Multi-Party Computation
Vipul Goyal, Chen-Da Liu-Zhang, Rafail Ostrovsky
Cryptographic protocols
Current protocols for Multi-Party Computation (MPC) consider the setting where all parties have access to similar resources. For example, all parties have access to channels bounded by the same worst-case delay upper bound $\Delta$, and all channels have the same cost of communication. As a consequence, the overall protocol performance (resp. the communication cost) may be heavily affected by the slowest (resp. the most expensive) channel, even when most channels are fast (resp. cheap).
MPC with Low Bottleneck-Complexity: Information-Theoretic Security and More
Hannah Keller, Claudio Orlandi, Anat Paskin-Cherniavsky, Divya Ravi
Cryptographic protocols
The bottleneck-complexity (BC) of secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocols is a measure of the maximum number of bits which are sent and received by any party in a protocol. As the name suggests, the goal of studying BC-efficient protocols is to increase overall efficiency by making sure that the workload in the protocol is somehow "amortized'' by the protocol participants.
Orlandi et al. (PKC 2022) initiated the study of BC-efficient protocols from simple assumptions in the...
Efficient Information-Theoretic Distributed Point Function with General Output Groups
Junru Li, Pengzhen Ke, Liang Feng Zhang
Cryptographic protocols
An $n$-server information-theoretic \textit{Distributed Point Function} (DPF) allows a client to secret-share a point function $f_{\alpha,\beta}(x)$ with domain $[N]$ and output group $\mathbb{G}$ among $n$ servers such that each server learns no information about the function from its share (called a key) but can compute an additive share of $f_{\alpha,\beta}(x)$ for any $x$. DPFs with small key sizes and general output groups are preferred. In this paper, we propose a new...
Computational Quantum Secret Sharing
Alper Cakan, Vipul Goyal, Chen-Da Liu-Zhang, João Ribeiro
Quantum secret sharing (QSS) allows a dealer to distribute a secret quantum state among a set of parties in such a way that certain authorized subsets can reconstruct the secret, while unauthorized subsets obtain no information about it. Previous works on QSS for general access structures focused solely on the existence of perfectly secure schemes, and the share size of the known schemes is necessarily exponential even in cases where the access structure is computed by polynomial size...
From Polynomial IOP and Commitments to Non-malleable zkSNARKs
Antonio Faonio, Dario Fiore, Markulf Kohlweiss, Luigi Russo, Michal Zajac
Cryptographic protocols
We study sufficient conditions for compiling simulation-extractable zkSNARKs from information-theoretic interactive oracle proofs (IOP) using a simulation-extractable commit-and-prove system for its oracles.
Specifically, we define simulation extractability for opening and evaluation proofs of polynomial commitment schemes, which we then employ to prove the security of zkSNARKS obtained from polynomial IOP prove systems, such as Plonk and Marlin. To instantiate our methodology we...
The Round Complexity of Statistical MPC with Optimal Resiliency
Benny Applebaum, Eliran Kachlon, Arpita Patra
Cryptographic protocols
In STOC 1989, Rabin and Ben-Or (RB) established an important milestone in the fields of cryptography and distributed computing by showing that every functionality can be computed with statistical (information-theoretic) security in the presence of an active (aka Byzantine) rushing adversary that controls up to half of the parties. We study the round complexity of general secure multiparty computation and several related tasks in the RB model.
Our main result shows that every...
Maximally-Fluid MPC with Guaranteed Output Delivery
Giovanni Deligios, Aarushi Goel, Chen-Da Liu-Zhang
Cryptographic protocols
To overcome the limitations of traditional secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocols that consider a static set of participants, in a recent work, Choudhuri et al. [CRYPTO 2021] introduced a new model called Fluid MPC, which supports {\em dynamic} participants. Protocols in this model allow parties to join and leave the computation as they wish. Unfortunately, known fluid MPC protocols (even with strong honest-majority), either only achieve security with abort, or require strong...
Multi-Instance Randomness Extraction and Security against Bounded-Storage Mass Surveillance
Jiaxin Guan, Daniel Wichs, Mark Zhandry
Consider a state-level adversary who observes and stores large amounts of encrypted data from all users on the Internet, but does not have the capacity to store it all. Later, it may target certain "persons of interest" in order to obtain their decryption keys. We would like to guarantee that, if the adversary's storage capacity is only (say) $1\%$ of the total encrypted data size, then even if it can later obtain the decryption keys of arbitrary users, it can only learn something about the...
Robust and Reusable Fuzzy Extractors and their Application to Authentication from Iris Data
Somnath Panja, Nikita Tripathi, Shaoquan Jiang, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini
Cryptographic protocols
Fuzzy extractors (FE) are cryptographic primitives that establish a shared secret between two parties who have similar samples of a random source, and can communicate over a public channel. An example for this is that Alice has a stored biometric at a server and wants to have authenticated communication using a new reading of her biometric on her device. Reusability and robustness of FE, respectively, guarantee that security holds when FE is used with multiple samples, and the communication...
Actively Secure Half-Gates with Minimum Overhead under Duplex Networks
Hongrui Cui, Xiao Wang, Kang Yang, Yu Yu
Cryptographic protocols
Actively secure two-party computation (2PC) is one of the canonical building blocks in modern cryptography. One main goal for designing actively secure 2PC protocols is to reduce the communication overhead, compared to semi-honest 2PC protocols. In this paper, we make significant progress in closing this gap by proposing two new actively secure constant-round 2PC protocols, one with one-way communication of $2\kappa+5$ bits per AND gate (for $\kappa$-bit computational security and any...
Actively Secure Arithmetic Computation and VOLE with Constant Computational Overhead
Benny Applebaum, Niv Konstantini
We study the complexity of two-party secure arithmetic computation where the goal is to evaluate an arithmetic circuit over a finite field $F$ in the presence of an active (aka malicious) adversary. In the passive setting, Applebaum et al. (Crypto 2017) constructed a protocol that only makes a *constant* (amortized) number of field operations per gate. This protocol uses the underlying field $F$ as a black box, makes black-box use of (standard) oblivious transfer, and its security is based...
Complete Characterization of Broadcast and Pseudo-Signatures from Correlations
Varun Narayanan, Vinod M. Prabhakaran, Neha Sangwan, Shun Watanabe
Unconditionally secure broadcast is feasible among parties connected by pairwise secure links only if there is a strict two-thirds majority of honest parties when no additional resources are available. This limitation may be circumvented when the parties have recourse to additional resources such as correlated randomness. Fitzi, Wolf, and Wullschleger (CRYPTO 2004) attempted to characterize the conditions on correlated randomness shared among three parties which would enable them to realize...
Generic Models for Group Actions
Julien Duman, Dominik Hartmann, Eike Kiltz, Sabrina Kunzweiler, Jonas Lehmann, Doreen Riepel
We define the Generic Group Action Model (GGAM), an adaptation of the Generic Group Model to the setting of group actions (such as CSIDH). Compared to a previously proposed definition by Montgomery and Zhandry (ASIACRYPT'22), our GGAM more accurately abstracts the security properties of group actions.
We are able to prove information-theoretic lower bounds in the GGAM for the discrete logarithm assumption, as well as for non-standard assumptions recently introduced in the setting of...
Impossibility of Efficient Information-Theoretic Fuzzy Extraction
Benjamin Fuller
Fuzzy extractors convert noisy signals from the physical world into reliable cryptographic keys. Fuzzy min-entropy is an important measure of the ability of a fuzzy extractor to distill keys from a distribution: in particular, it bounds the length of the key that can be derived (Fuller, Reyzin, and Smith, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 2020).
In general, fuzzy min-entropy that is superlogarithmic in the security parameter is required for a noisy distribution to be suitable for key...
Prism: Private Set Intersection and Union with Aggregation over Multi-Owner Outsourced Data
Shantanu Sharma, Yin Li, Sharad Mehrotra, Nisha Panwar, Dhrubajyoti Ghosh, Peeyush Gupta
This paper proposes Prism, Private Verifiable Set Computation over Multi-Owner Outsourced Databases, a secret sharing based approach to compute private set operations (i.e., intersection and union), as well as aggregates over outsourced databases belonging to multiple owners. Prism enables data owners to pre-load the data onto non-colluding servers and exploits the additive and multiplicative properties of secret-shares to compute the above-listed operations in (at most) two rounds of...
Random Sources in Private Computation
Geoffroy Couteau, Adi Rosén
Cryptographic protocols
We consider multi-party information-theoretic private computation. Such computation inherently requires the use of local randomness by the parties, and the question of minimizing the total number of random bits used for given private computations has received considerable attention in the literature.
In this work we are interested in another question: given a private computation, we ask how many of the players need to have access to a random source, and how many of them can be...
Information-Theoretic Distributed Point Functions
Elette Boyle, Niv Gilboa, Yuval Ishai, Victor I. Kolobov
Cryptographic protocols
A distributed point function (DPF) (Gilboa-Ishai, Eurocrypt 2014) is a cryptographic primitive that enables compressed additive secret-sharing of a secret weight-1 vector across two or more servers. DPFs support a wide range of cryptographic applications, including efficient private information retrieval, secure aggregation, and more. Up to now, the study of DPFs was restricted to the computational security setting, relying on one-way functions. This assumption is necessary in the case of a...
Multiplicative Partially Homomorphic CRT Secret Sharing
Shlomi Dolev, Yaniv Kleinman
A new CRT-based positive (non-zero) secret-sharing scheme with perfect information-theoretic (PIT) security and multiplicative homomorphism is presented. The scheme is designed to support the evaluation of multiplications of non-zero secrets of multiplicative groups.
Our CRT-based scheme is partially homomorphic, supporting homomorphic multiplications. Nevertheless, our scheme has the potential to be regarded as fully homomorphic for practical scenarios, such as bounded-sized multi-cloud...
TurboPack: Honest Majority MPC with Constant Online Communication
Daniel Escudero, Vipul Goyal, Antigoni Polychroniadou, Yifan Song
Cryptographic protocols
We present a novel approach to honest majority secure multiparty computation in the preprocessing model with information theoretic security that achieves the best online communication complexity. The online phase of our protocol requires $12$ elements in total per multiplication gate with circuit-dependent preprocessing, or $20$ elements in total with circuit-independent preprocessing. Prior works achieved linear online communication complexity in $n$, the number of parties, with the best...
Fully-Secure MPC with Minimal Trust
Yuval Ishai, Arpita Patra, Sikhar Patranabis, Divya Ravi, Akshayaram Srinivasan
Cryptographic protocols
The task of achieving full security (with guaranteed output delivery) in secure multiparty computation (MPC) is a long-studied problem. Known impossibility results (Cleve, STOC 86) rule out general solutions in the dishonest majority setting. In this work, we consider solutions that use an external trusted party (TP) to bypass the impossibility results, and study the minimal requirements needed from this trusted party. In particular, we restrict ourselves to the extreme setting where the...
Secure and Private Distributed Source Coding with Private Keys and Decoder Side Information
Onur Gunlu, Rafael F. Schaefer, Holger Boche, H. Vincent Poor
The distributed source coding problem is extended by positing that noisy measurements of a remote source are the correlated random variables that should be reconstructed at another terminal. We consider a secure and private distributed lossy source coding problem with two encoders and one decoder such that (i) all terminals noncausally observe a noisy measurement of the remote source; (ii) a private key is available to each legitimate encoder and all private keys are available to the...
Non-Malleable Multi-Party Computation
Fuchun Lin
We study a tamper-tolerant implementation security notion for general purpose Multi-Party Computation (MPC) protocols, as an analogue of the leakage-tolerant notion in the MPC literature. An MPC protocol is tamper-tolerant, or more specifically, non-malleable (with respect to a certain type of tampering) if the processing of the protocol under corruption of parties (and tampering of some ideal resource assumed by the protocol) can be simulated by an ideal world adversary who, after the...
Multi-Instance Secure Public-Key Encryption
Carlo Brunetta, Hans Heum, Martijn Stam
Public-key cryptography
Mass surveillance targets many users at the same time with the goal of learning as much as possible. Intuitively, breaking many users’ cryptography simultaneously should be at least as hard as that of only breaking a single one, but ideally security degradation is gradual: an adversary ought to work harder to break more. Bellare, Ristenpart and Tessaro (Crypto’12) introduced the notion of multi-instance security to capture the related concept for password hashing with salts. Auerbach, Giacon...
Effective and Efficient Masking with Low Noise using Small-Mersenne-Prime Ciphers
Loïc Masure, Pierrick Méaux, Thorben Moos, François-Xavier Standaert
Embedded devices used in security applications are natural targets for physical attacks. Thus, enhancing their side-channel resistance is an important research challenge. A standard solution for this purpose is the use of Boolean masking schemes, as they are well adapted to current block ciphers with efficient bitslice representations. Boolean masking guarantees that the security of an implementation grows exponentially in the number of shares under the assumption that leakages are...
Sharing Transformation and Dishonest Majority MPC with Packed Secret Sharing
Vipul Goyal, Antigoni Polychroniadou, Yifan Song
Cryptographic protocols
In the last few years, the efficiency of secure multi-party computation (MPC) in the dishonest majority setting has increased by several orders of magnitudes starting with the SPDZ protocol family which offers a speedy information-theoretic online phase in the prepossessing model. However, state-of-the-art $n$-party MPC protocols in the dishonest majority setting incur online communication complexity per multiplication gate which is linear in the number of parties, i.e. $O(n)$, per gate...
Quadratic Multiparty Randomized Encodings Beyond Honest Majority and Their Applications
Benny Applebaum, Yuval Ishai, Or Karni, Arpita Patra
Multiparty randomized encodings (Applebaum, Brakerski, and Tsabary, SICOMP 2021) reduce the task of securely computing a complicated multiparty functionality $f$ to the task of securely computing a simpler functionality $g$. The reduction is non-interactive and preserves information-theoretic security against a passive (semi-honest) adversary, also referred to as privacy. The special case of a degree-2 encoding $g$ (2MPRE) has recently found several applications to secure multiparty...
Tight Bounds on the Randomness Complexity of Secure Multiparty Computation
Vipul Goyal, Yuval Ishai, Yifan Song
We revisit the question of minimizing the randomness complexity of protocols for secure multiparty computation (MPC) in the setting of perfect information-theoretic security. Kushilevitz and Mansour (SIAM J. Discret. Math., 1997) studied the case of $n$-party semi-honest MPC for the XOR function with security threshold $t<n$, showing that $O(t^2\log(n/t))$ random bits are sufficient and $\Omega(t)$ random bits are necessary. Their positive result was obtained via a non-explicit protocol,...
Efficient and Adaptively Secure Asynchronous Binary Agreement via Binding Crusader Agreement
Ittai Abraham, Naama Ben-David, Sravya Yandamuri
Cryptographic protocols
We present a new abstraction based on crusader agreement called $\textit{Binding Crusader Agreement}$ (BCA) for solving binary consensus in the $\textit{asynchronous}$ setting against an $\textit{adaptive}$ adversary. BCA has the validity, agreement, and termination properties of crusader agreement in addition to a new property called $\textit{binding}$. Binding states that before the first non-faulty party terminates, there is a value $v \in \{0,1\}$ such that no non-faulty party can output...
On Seedless PRNGs and Premature Next
Sandro Coretti, Yevgeniy Dodis, Harish Karthikeyan, Noah Stephens-Davidowitz, Stefano Tessaro
Pseudorandom number generators with input (PRNGs) are cryptographic algorithms that generate pseudorandom bits from accumulated entropic inputs (e.g., keystrokes, interrupt timings, etc.). This paper studies in particular PRNGs that are secure against premature next attacks (Kelsey et al., FSE '98), a class of attacks leveraging the fact that a PRNG may produce an output (which could be seen by an adversary!) before enough entropy has been accumulated. Practical designs adopt either unsound...
Limitations of Information-theoretic Incompressible Encodings
Petr Sedláček
In this note we study the limitations of incompressible encodings with information-theoretic security. We demonstrate a flaw in the existing proof of the impossibility of constructing incompressible encodings information-theoretically. Our main contribution is a full proof of impossibility of existence of non-trivial information-theoretically secure incompressible encoding schemes.
Maliciously Circuit-Private FHE from Information-Theoretic Principles
Nico Döttling, Jesko Dujmovic
Public-key cryptography
Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) allows arbitrary computations on encrypted data. The standard security requirement, IND-CPA security, ensures that the encrypted data remain private. However, it does not guarantee privacy for the computation performed on the encrypted data. Statistical circuit privacy offers a strong privacy guarantee for the computation process, namely that a homomorphically evaluated ciphertext does not leak any information on how the result of the computation was...
Dew: Transparent Constant-sized zkSNARKs
Arasu Arun, Chaya Ganesh, Satya Lokam, Tushar Mopuri, Sriram Sridhar
Cryptographic protocols
We construct polynomial commitment schemes
with constant sized evaluation proofs and logarithmic verification time in the transparent setting. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first result achieving this combination of properties.
Our starting point is a transparent inner product commitment scheme with constant-sized proofs and linear verification. We build on this to construct a polynomial commitment scheme with constant size evaluation proofs and logarithmic (in the degree...
Beyond the Csiszár-Körner Bound: Best-Possible Wiretap Coding via Obfuscation
Yuval Ishai, Alexis Korb, Paul Lou, Amit Sahai
A wiretap coding scheme (Wyner, Bell Syst. Tech. J. 1975) enables Alice to reliably communicate a message m to an honest Bob by sending an encoding c over a noisy channel chB, while at the same time hiding m from Eve who receives c over another noisy channel chE.
Wiretap coding is clearly impossible when chB is a degraded version of chE, in the sense that the output of chB can be simulated using only the output of chE. A classic work of Csiszár and Körner (IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 1978)...
Secure Non-Interactive Reduction and Spectral Analysis of Correlations
Pratyush Agarwal, Varun Narayanan, Shreya Pathak, Manoj Prabhakaran, Vinod M. Prabhakaran, Mohammad Ali Rehan
Correlated pairs of random variables are a central concept in information-theoretically secure cryptography. Secure reductions between different correlations have been studied, and completeness results are known. Further, the complexity of such reductions is intimately connected with circuit complexity and efficiency of locally decodable codes. As such, making progress on these complexity questions faces strong barriers. Motivated by this, in this work, we study a restricted form of secure...
Sublinear GMW-Style Compiler for MPC with Preprocessing
Elette Boyle, Niv Gilboa, Yuval Ishai, Ariel Nof
Cryptographic protocols
We consider the efficiency of protocols for secure multiparty computation (MPC) with a dishonest majority. A popular approach for the design of such protocols is to employ preprocessing. Before the inputs are known, the parties generate correlated secret randomness, which is consumed by a fast and possibly ``information-theoretic'' online protocol.
A powerful technique for securing such protocols against malicious parties uses homomorphic MACs to authenticate the values produced by the...
The Side-Channel Metrics Cheat Sheet
Kostas Papagiannopoulos, Ognjen Glamocanin, Melissa Azouaoui, Dorian Ros, Francesco Regazzoni, Mirjana Stojilovic
Side-channel attacks exploit a physical observable originating from a cryptographic device in order to extract its secrets. Many
practically relevant advances in the field of side-channel analysis relate to security evaluations of cryptographic functions and devices.
Accordingly, many metrics have been adopted or defined to express and quantify side-channel security. These metrics can relate to
one another, but also conflict in terms of effectiveness, assumptions and security goals. In...
Private Circuits with Quasilinear Randomness
Vipul Goyal, Yuval Ishai, Yifan Song
A $t$-private circuit for a function $f$ is a randomized Boolean circuit $C$ that maps a randomized encoding of an input $x$ to an encoding of the output $f(x)$, such that probing $t$ wires anywhere in $C$ reveals nothing about $x$. Private circuits can be used to protect embedded devices against side-channel attacks. Motivated by the high cost of generating fresh randomness in such devices, several works have studied the question of minimizing the randomness complexity of private...
We present a novel digital signature scheme grounded in non-commutative cryptography and implemented over a bilinear matrix group platform. At the core of our design is a unique equivocation function that obfuscates intermediate elements, effectively concealing outputs and minimizing observable information leakage. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first digital signature scheme to combine information-theoretic security with computational hardness, relying on a challenging instance...
Information-theoretic or unconditional security provides the highest level of security --- independent of the computational capability of an adversary. Secret-sharing techniques achieve information-theoretic security by splitting a secret into multiple parts (called shares) and storing the shares across non-colluding servers. However, secret-sharing-based solutions suffer from high overheads due to multiple communication rounds among servers and/or information leakage due to access-patterns...
We propose plausible post-quantum (PQ) oblivious pseudorandom functions (OPRFs) based on the Power Residue PRF (Damgård CRYPTO’88), a generalization of the Legendre PRF. For security parameter $\lambda$, we consider the PRF $\mathsf{Gold}_k(x)$ that maps an integer $x$ modulo a public prime $p = 2^\lambda\cdot g + 1$ to the element $(k + x)^g \bmod p$, where $g$ is public and $\log g \approx 2\lambda$. At the core of our constructions are efficient novel methods for evaluating...
We present a novel approach for training neural networks that leverages packed Shamir secret sharing scheme. For specific training protocols based on Shamir scheme, we demonstrate how to realize the conversion between packed sharing and Shamir sharing without additional communication overhead. We begin by introducing a method to locally convert between Shamir sharings with secrets stored at different slots. Building upon this conversion, we achieve free conversion from packed sharing to...
We say there is a share conversion from a secret sharing scheme $\Pi$ to another scheme $\Pi'$ implementing the same access structure if each party can locally apply a deterministic function to their share to transform any valid secret sharing under $\Pi$ to a valid (but not necessarily random) secret sharing under $\Pi'$ of the same secret. If such a conversion exists, we say that $\Pi\ge\Pi'$. This notion was introduced by Cramer et al. (TCC'05), where they particularly proved that for...
Fully asynchronous multi-party computation (AMPC) has superior robustness in realizing privacy and guaranteed output delivery (G.O.D.) against asynchronous adversaries that can arbitrarily delay communications. However, none of these protocols are truly practical, as they either have sub-optimal resilience, incur cumbersome communication cost, or suffer from an online phase with extra cryptographic overhead. The only attempting implementation---HoneyBadgerMPC (hbMPC)---merely ensures G.O.D....
Reductions are the workhorses of cryptography. They allow constructions of complex cryptographic primitives from simple building blocks. A prominent example is the non-interactive reduction from securely computing a ``complex" function $f$ to securely computing a ``simple" function $g$ via randomized encodings. Prior work equated simplicity with functions of small degree. In this work, we consider a different notion of simplicity where we require $g$ to only take inputs from a small...
The seminal work of Rabin and Ben-Or (STOC'89) showed that the problem of secure $n$-party computation can be solved for $t<n/2$ corruptions with guaranteed output delivery and statistical security. This holds in the traditional static model where the set of parties is fixed throughout the entire protocol execution. The need to better capture the dynamics of large scale and long-lived computations, where compromised parties may recover and the set of parties can change over time, has...
It is well known that a trusted setup allows one to solve the Byzantine agreement problem in the presence of $t<n/2$ corruptions, bypassing the setup-free $t<n/3$ barrier. Alas, the overwhelming majority of protocols in the literature have the caveat that their security crucially hinges on the security of the cryptography and setup, to the point where if the cryptography is broken, even a single corrupted party can violate the security of the protocol. Thus these protocols provide higher...
We consider 3 related cryptographic primitives, private information retrieval (PIR) protocols, conditional disclosure of secrets (CDS) protocols, and secret-sharing schemes; these primitives have many applications in cryptography. We study these primitives requiring information-theoretic security. The complexity of these primitives has been dramatically improved in the last few years are they are closely related, i.e., the the 2-server PIR protocol of Dvir and Gopi (J. ACM 2016) was...
A significant body of work in information-theoretic cryptography has been devoted to the fundamental problem of understanding the power of randomness in private computation. This has included both in-depth study of the randomness complexity of specific functions (e.g., Couteau and Ros ́en, ASIACRYPT 2022, gives an upper bound of 6 for n-party $\mathsf{AND}$), and results for broad classes of functions (e.g., Kushilevitz et al. STOC 1996, gives an $O(1)$ upper bound for all functions with...
Studies of vector oblivious linear evaluation (VOLE)-based zero-knowledge (ZK) protocols flourish in recent years. Such ZK protocols feature optimal prover computation and a flexibility for handling arithmetic circuits over arbitrary fields. However, most of them have linear communication, which constitutes a bottleneck for handling large statements in a slow network. The pioneer work AntMan (CCS'22), achieved sublinear communication for the first time within VOLE-based ZK, but lost the...
A compiler introduced by Kalai et al. (STOC'23) converts any nonlocal game into an interactive protocol with a single computationally-bounded prover. Although the compiler is known to be sound in the case of classical provers, as well as complete in the quantum case, quantum soundness has so far only been established for special classes of games. In this work, we establish a quantum soundness result for all compiled two-player nonlocal games. In particular, we prove that the quantum...
We study the problem of generating public unbiased randomness in a distributed manner within the recent You Only Speak Once (YOSO) framework for stateless multiparty computation, introduced by Gentry et al. in CRYPTO 2021. Such protocols are resilient to adaptive denial-of-service attacks and are, by their stateless nature, especially attractive in permissionless environments. While most works in the YOSO setting focus on independent random corruptions, we consider YOSO protocols with...
Topology-hiding broadcast (THB) enables parties communicating over an incomplete network to broadcast messages while hiding the network topology from within a given class of graphs. Although broadcast is a privacy-free task, it is known that THB for certain graph classes necessitates computational assumptions, even against "honest but curious" adversaries, and even given a single corrupted party. Recent works have tried to understand when THB can be obtained with information-theoretic (IT)...
Bottleneck complexity is an efficiency measure of secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocols introduced to achieve load-balancing in large-scale networks, which is defined as the maximum communication complexity required by any one player within the protocol execution. Towards the goal of achieving low bottleneck complexity, prior works proposed MPC protocols for computing symmetric functions in the correlated randomness model, where players are given input-independent correlated...
The problem of minimizing the share size of threshold secret-sharing schemes is a basic research question that has been extensively studied. Ideally, one strives for schemes in which the share size equals the secret size. While this is achievable for large secrets (Shamir, CACM '79), no similar solutions are known for the case of binary, single-bit secrets. Current approaches often rely on so-called ramp secret sharing that achieves a constant share size at the expense of a slight gap...
In this work we first present an explicit forking lemma that distills the information-theoretic essence of the high-moment technique introduced by Rotem and Segev (CRYPTO '21), who analyzed the security of identification protocols and Fiat-Shamir signature schemes. Whereas the technique of Rotem and Segev was particularly geared towards two specific cryptographic primitives, we present a stand-alone probabilistic lower bound, which does not involve any underlying primitive or idealized...
We revisit the problem of private information retrieval (PIR) in the shuffle model, where queries can be made anonymously by multiple clients. We present the first single-server PIR protocol in this model that has sublinear per-client communication and information-theoretic security. Moreover, following one-time preprocessing on the server side, our protocol only requires sublinear per-client computation. Concretely, for every $\gamma>0$, the protocol has $O(n^{\gamma})$ communication and...
We consider constructions that combine outputs of a single permutation $\pi:\{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}^n$ using a public function. These are popular constructions for achieving security beyond the birthday bound when implementing a pseudorandom function using a block cipher (i.e., a pseudorandom permutation). One of the best-known constructions (denoted SXoP$[2,n]$) XORs the outputs of 2 domain-separated calls to $\pi$. Modeling $\pi$ as a uniformly chosen permutation, several previous...
The shuffle model has recently emerged as a popular setting for differential privacy, where clients can communicate with a central server using anonymous channels or an intermediate message shuffler. This model was also explored in the context of cryptographic tasks such as secure aggregation and private information retrieval (PIR). However, this study was almost entirely restricted to the stringent notion of information-theoretic security. In this work, we study computationally secure...
The increasing importance of graph databases and cloud storage services prompts the study of private queries on graphs. We propose PathGES, a graph encryption scheme (GES) for single-pair shortest path queries. PathGES is efficient and mitigates the state-of-the-art attack by Falzon and Paterson (2022) on the GES by Ghosh, Kamara, and Tamassia (2021), while only incurring an additional logarithmic factor in storage overhead. PathGES leverages a novel data structure that minimizes leakage and...
Unclonable cryptography utilizes the principles of quantum mechanics to addresses cryptographic tasks that are impossible classically. We introduce a novel unclonable primitive in the context of secret sharing, called unclonable secret sharing (USS). In a USS scheme, there are $n$ shareholders, each holding a share of a classical secret represented as a quantum state. They can recover the secret once all parties (or at least $t$ parties) come together with their shares. Importantly, it...
In this paper, we study the problem of lower bounding any given cost function depending on the false positive and false negative probabilities of adversaries against indistinguishability security notions in symmetric-key cryptography. We take the cost model as an input, so that this becomes a purely information-theoretical question. We propose power bounds as an easy-to-use alternative for advantage bounds in the context of indistinguishability with asymmetric cost functions. We show that...
The conditional disclosure of secrets (CDS) primitive is among the simplest cryptographic settings in which to study the relationship between communication, randomness, and security. CDS involves two parties, Alice and Bob, who do not communicate but who wish to reveal a secret $z$ to a referee if and only if a Boolean function $f$ has $f(x,y)=1$. Alice knows $x,z$, Bob knows $y$, and the referee knows $x,y$. Recently, a quantum analogue of this primitive called CDQS was defined and related...
This paper considers an information theoretic model of secure integrated sensing and communication, represented as a wiretap channel with action dependent states. This model allows one to secure a part of the transmitted message against a sensed target that eavesdrops the communication, while allowing transmitter actions to change the channel statistics. An exact secrecy-distortion region is given for a physically-degraded channel. Moreover, a finite-length achievability region is...
In a secret-sharing scheme, a secret is shared among $n$ parties such that the secret can be recovered by authorized coalitions, while it should be kept hidden from unauthorized coalitions. In this work we study secret-sharing for $k$-slice access structures, in which coalitions of size $k$ are either authorized or not, larger coalitions are authorized and smaller are unauthorized. Known schemes for these access structures had smaller shares for small $k$'s than for large ones; hence our...
We present new secure multi-party computation protocols for linear algebra over a finite field, which improve the state-of-the-art in terms of security. We look at the case of \emph{unconditional security with perfect correctness}, i.e., information-theoretic security without errors. We notably propose an expected constant-round protocol for solving systems of $m$ linear equations in $n$ variables over $\mathbb{F}_q$ with expected complexity $O(k(n^{2.5} + m^{2.5}+n^2m^{0.5}))$ where $k >...
In recent years, there has been tremendous progress in improving the communication complexity of dishonest majority MPC. In the sub-optimal corruption threshold setting, where $t<(1-\varepsilon)\cdot n$ for some constant $0<\varepsilon\leq 1/2$, the recent works Sharing Transformation (Goyal $\textit{et al.}$, CRYPTO'22) and SuperPack (Escudero $\textit{et al.}$, EUROCRYPT'23) presented protocols with information-theoretic online phases achieving $O(1)$ communication per multiplication gate,...
Random number generators (RNGs) are notoriously hard to build and test, especially in a cryptographic setting. Although one cannot conclusively determine the quality of an RNG by testing the statistical properties of its output alone, running numerical tests is both a powerful verification tool and the only universally applicable method. In this work, we present and make available a comprehensive statistical testing environment (STE) that is based on existing statistical test suites. The STE...
Multi-valued Validated Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement ($\mathsf{MVBA}$) is one essential primitive for many distributed protocols, such as asynchronous Byzantine fault-tolerant scenarios like atomic broadcast ($\mathsf{ABC}$), asynchronous distributed key generation, and many others. Recent efforts (Lu et al, PODC' 20) have pushed the communication complexity of $\mathsf{MVBA}$ to optimal $O(\ell n + \lambda n^2)$, which, however, heavily rely on ``heavyweight'' cryptographic tools,...
A function secret sharing (FSS) (Boyle et al., Eurocrypt 2015) is a cryptographic primitive that enables additive secret sharing of functions from a given function family $\mathcal{F}$. FSS supports a wide range of cryptographic applications, including private information retrieval (PIR), anonymous messaging systems, private set intersection and more. Formally, given positive integers $r \geq 2$ and $t < r$, and a class $\mathcal{F}$ of functions $f: [n] \to \mathbb{G}$ for an Abelian group...
In this work we consider the task of designing information-theoretic MPC protocols for which the state of a given party can be recovered from a small amount of parties, a property we refer to as local repairability. This is useful when considering MPC over dynamic settings where parties leave and join a computation, a scenario that has gained notable attention in recent literature. Thanks to the results of (Cramer et al. EUROCRYPT'00), designing such protocols boils down to...
We study broadcast protocols in the information-theoretic model under optimal conditions, where the number of corruptions $t$ is at most one-third of the parties, $n$. While worst-case $\Omega(n)$ round broadcast protocols are known to be impossible to achieve, protocols with an expected constant number of rounds have been demonstrated since the seminal work of Feldman and Micali [STOC'88]. Communication complexity for such protocols has gradually improved over the years, reaching $O(nL)$...
Collision-resistant hashing, a fundamental primitive in modern cryptography, ensures that there is no efficient way to find distinct inputs that produce the same hash value. This property underpins the security of various cryptographic applications, making it crucial to understand its complexity. The complexity of this problem is well-understood in the classical setting and $\Theta(N^{1/2})$ queries are needed to find a collision. However, the advent of quantum computing has introduced new...
EdDSA, standardized by both IRTF and NIST, is a variant of the well-known Schnorr signature scheme based on Edwards curves, benefitting from stateless and deterministic derivation of nonces (i.e., it does not require a reliable source of randomness or state continuity). Recently, NIST called for multi-party threshold EdDSA signatures in one mode of verifying such nonce derivation via zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs. However, it is challenging to translate the stateless and deterministic benefits...
The XOR of two independent permutations (XoP) is a well-known construction for achieving security beyond the birthday bound when implementing a pseudorandom function using a block cipher (i.e., a pseudorandom permutation). The idealized construction (where the permutations are uniformly chosen and independent) and its variants have been extensively analyzed over nearly 25 years. The best-known asymptotic information-theoretic indistinguishability bound for the XoP construction is...
Secure multiparty computation (MPC) allows a set of $n$ parties to jointly compute a function on their private inputs. In this work, we focus on the information-theoretic MPC in the \emph{asynchronous network} setting with optimal resilience ($t<n/3$). The best-known result in this setting is achieved by Choudhury and Patra [J. Cryptol '23], which requires $O(n^4\kappa)$ bits per multiplication gate, where $\kappa$ is the size of a field element. An asynchronous complete secret...
Secure multi-party computation (MPC) allows a set of $n$ parties to jointly compute a function over their private inputs. The seminal works of Ben-Or, Canetti and Goldreich [STOC '93] and Ben-Or, Kelmer and Rabin [PODC '94] settled the feasibility of MPC over asynchronous networks. Despite the significant line of work devoted to improving the communication complexity, current protocols with information-theoretic security and optimal resilience $t<n/3$ communicate $\Omega(n^4C)$ field...
In this work, we study the communication complexity of perfectly secure MPC protocol with guaranteed output delivery against $t=(n-1)/3$ corruptions. The previously best-known result in this setting is due to Goyal, Liu, and Song (CRYPTO, 2019) which achieves $O(n)$ communication per gate, where $n$ is the number of parties. On the other hand, in the honest majority setting, a recent trend in designing efficient MPC protocol is to rely on packed Shamir sharings to speed up the online...
In a seminal work, Ishai et al. (FOCS–2006) studied the viability of designing unconditionally secure protocols for key agreement and secure multi-party computation (MPC) using an anonymous bulletin board (ABB) as a building block. While their results establish the feasibility of key agreement and honest-majority MPC in the ABB model, the optimality of protocols with respect to their round and communication complexity is not studied. This paper enriches this study of unconditional security...
Through tremendous efforts, the communication cost of secure multi-party computation (MPC) in the honest-majority setting has been significantly improved. In particular, the state-of-the-art honest-majority MPC protocol by Escudero et al. (CCS'22) takes 12 field elements in total per multiplication gate for arithmetic circuits in the online phase. However, it still requires $12 \log(5n/4)$ bits of online communication per AND gate for Boolean circuits. That is, for Boolean circuits, no...
A Distributed Oblivious RAM is a multi-party protocol that securely implements a RAM functionality on secret-shared inputs and outputs. This paper presents two DORAMs in the semi-honest honest-majority 3-party setting which are information-theoretically secure and whose communication costs are asymptotic improvements over previous work. Let $n$ be the number of memory locations and let $d$ be the bit-length of each location. The first, MetaDORAM1, is \emph{statistically} secure, with...
A secure multiparty computation (MPC) allows several parties to compute a function over their inputs while keeping their inputs private. In its basic setting, the protocol involves only parties that hold inputs. In distributed MPC, there are also external servers who perform a distributed protocol that executes the needed computation, without learning information on the inputs and outputs. Here we propose distributed protocols for several fundamental MPC functionalities. We begin with a...
We investigate proof systems where security holds against rational parties instead of malicious ones. Our starting point is the notion of rational arguments, a variant of rational proofs (Azar and Micali, STOC 2012) where security holds against rational adversaries that are also computationally bounded. Rational arguments are an interesting primitive because they generally allow for very efficient protocols, and in particular sublinear verification (i.e. where the Verifier does not have...
We study the following broad question about cryptographic primitives: is it possible to achieve security against an arbitrary $\mathsf{poly}(n)$-time adversary with $O(\log n)$-size messages? It is common knowledge that the answer is ``no'' unless information-theoretic security is possible. In this work, we revisit this question by considering the setting of cryptography with public information and computational security. We obtain the following results, assuming variants of well-studied...
We introduce protocols for classical verification of quantum depth (CVQD). These protocols enable a classical verifier to differentiate between devices of varying quantum circuit depths, even in the presence of classical computation. The goal is to demonstrate that a classical verifier can reject a device with a quantum circuit depth of no more than $d$, even if the prover employs additional polynomial-time classical computation to deceive. Conversely, the verifier accepts a device with a...
Classically, Private Information Retrieval (PIR) was studied in a setting without any pre-processing. In this setting, it is well-known that 1) public-key cryptography is necessary to achieve non-trivial (i.e., sublinear) communication efficiency in the single-server setting, and 2) the total server computation per query must be linear in the size of the database, no matter in the single-server or multi-server setting. Recent works have shown that both of these barriers can be overcome...
Cheater identification in secure multi-party computation (MPC) allows the honest parties to agree upon the identity of a cheating party, in case the protocol aborts. In the context of a dishonest majority, this becomes especially critical, as it serves to thwart denial-of-service attacks and mitigate known impossibility results on ensuring fairness and guaranteed output delivery. In this work, we present a new, lightweight approach to achieving identifiable abort in dishonest majority...
Beerliová-Trubíniová and Hirt introduced hyper-invertible matrix technique to construct the first perfectly secure MPC protocol in the presence of maximal malicious corruptions $\lfloor \frac{n-1}{3} \rfloor$ with linear communication complexity per multiplication gate [5]. This matrix allows MPC protocol to generate correct shares of uniformly random secrets in the presence of malicious adversary. Moreover, the amortized communication complexity of generating each sharing is linear. Due to...
A major challenge of any asynchronous MPC protocol is the need to reach an agreement on the set of private inputs to be used as input for the MPC functionality. Ben-Or, Canetti and Goldreich [STOC 93] call this problem Agreement on a Core Set (ACS) and solve it by running $n$ parallel instances of asynchronous binary Byzantine agreements. To the best of our knowledge, all results in the perfect and statistical security setting used this same paradigm for solving ACS. Using all known...
Deploying cryptography on embedded systems requires security against physical attacks. At CHES 2019, M&M was proposed as a combined countermeasure applying masking against SCAs and information-theoretic MAC tags against FAs. In this paper, we show that one of the protected AES implementations in the M&M paper is vulnerable to a zero-value SIFA2-like attack. A practical attack is demonstrated on an ASIC board. We propose two versions of the attack: the first follows the SIFA approach to...
Idealized constructions in cryptography prove the security of a primitive based on the security of another primitive. The challenge of building a pseudorandom function (PRF) from a random permutation (RP) has only been recently tackled by Chen, Lambooij and Mennink [CRYPTO 2019] who proposed Sum of Even-Mansour (SoEM) with a provable beyond-birthday-bound security. In this work, we revisit the challenge of building a PRF from an RP. On the one hand, we describe Keyed Sum of Permutations...
Statistical sender privacy (SSP) is the strongest achievable security notion for two-message oblivious transfer (OT) in the standard model, providing statistical security against malicious receivers and computational security against semi-honest senders. In this work we provide a novel construction of SSP OT from the Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) and the Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) assumptions achieving (asymptotically) optimal amortized communication complexity, i.e. it achieves rate...
It is well known that without randomization, Byzantine agreement (BA) requires a linear number of rounds in the synchronous setting, while it is flat out impossible in the asynchronous setting. The primitive which allows to bypass the above limitation is known as oblivious common coin (OCC). It allows parties to agree with constant probability on a random coin, where agreement is oblivious, i.e., players are not aware whether or not agreement has been achieved. The starting point of our...
It is well-known that randomness is essential for secure cryptography. The randomness used in cryptographic primitives is not necessarily recoverable even by the party who can, e.g., decrypt or recover the underlying secret/message. Several cryptographic primitives that support randomness recovery have turned out useful in various applications. In this paper, we study randomness recoverable secret sharing schemes (RR-SSS), in both information-theoretic and computational settings and provide...
A secret-sharing scheme enables a dealer to share a secret $s$ among $n$ parties such that only authorized subsets of parties, specified by a monotone access structure $f:\{0,1\}^n\to\{0,1\}$, can reconstruct $s$ from their shares. Other subsets of parties learn nothing about $s$. The question of minimizing the (largest) share size for a given $f$ has been the subject of a large body of work. However, in most existing constructions for general access structures $f$, the share size is not...
The widely used Signal protocol provides protection against state exposure attacks through forward security (protecting past messages) and post-compromise security (for restoring security). It supports immediate decryption, allowing messages to be re-ordered or dropped at the protocol level without affecting correctness. In this work, we consider strong active attack detection for secure messaging with immediate decryption, where parties are able to immediately detect active attacks under...
In the framework of Impagliazzo's five worlds, a distinction is often made between two worlds, one where public-key encryption exists (Cryptomania), and one in which only one-way functions exist (MiniCrypt). However, the boundaries between these worlds can change when quantum information is taken into account. Recent work has shown that quantum variants of oblivious transfer and multi-party computation, both primitives that are classically in Cryptomania, can be constructed from one-way...
Proving security bounds in contexts with a large number of users is one of the central problems in symmetric-key cryptography today. This paper introduces a new method for information-theoretic multi-user security proofs, called ``the Squared-Ratio Method''. At its core, the method requires the expectation of the square of the ratio of observing the so-called good transcripts (from Patarin's H-coefficient technique) in the real and the ideal world. Central to the method is the...
Addition of $n$ inputs is often the easiest nontrivial function to compute securely. Motivated by several open questions, we ask what can be computed securely given only an oracle that computes the sum. Namely, what functions can be computed in a model where parties can only encode their input locally, then sum up the encodings over some Abelian group $\G$, and decode the result to get the function output. An *additive randomized encoding* (ARE) of a function $f(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ maps...
Secure multiparty computation protocols with dynamic parties, which assume that honest parties do not need to be online throughout the whole execution of the protocol, have recently gained a lot of traction for computations of large scale distributed protocols, such as blockchains. More specifically, in Fluid MPC, introduced in (Choudhuri et al. CRYPTO 2021), parties can dynamically join and leave the computation from round to round. The best known Fluid MPC protocol in the honest majority...
The generic-group model (GGM) aims to capture algorithms working over groups of prime order that only rely on the group operation, but do not exploit any additional structure given by the concrete implementation of the group. In it, it is possible to prove information-theoretic lower bounds on the hardness of problems like the discrete logarithm (DL) or computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH). Thus, since its introduction, it has served as a valuable tool to assess the concrete security provided...
Current protocols for Multi-Party Computation (MPC) consider the setting where all parties have access to similar resources. For example, all parties have access to channels bounded by the same worst-case delay upper bound $\Delta$, and all channels have the same cost of communication. As a consequence, the overall protocol performance (resp. the communication cost) may be heavily affected by the slowest (resp. the most expensive) channel, even when most channels are fast (resp. cheap). ...
The bottleneck-complexity (BC) of secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocols is a measure of the maximum number of bits which are sent and received by any party in a protocol. As the name suggests, the goal of studying BC-efficient protocols is to increase overall efficiency by making sure that the workload in the protocol is somehow "amortized'' by the protocol participants. Orlandi et al. (PKC 2022) initiated the study of BC-efficient protocols from simple assumptions in the...
An $n$-server information-theoretic \textit{Distributed Point Function} (DPF) allows a client to secret-share a point function $f_{\alpha,\beta}(x)$ with domain $[N]$ and output group $\mathbb{G}$ among $n$ servers such that each server learns no information about the function from its share (called a key) but can compute an additive share of $f_{\alpha,\beta}(x)$ for any $x$. DPFs with small key sizes and general output groups are preferred. In this paper, we propose a new...
Quantum secret sharing (QSS) allows a dealer to distribute a secret quantum state among a set of parties in such a way that certain authorized subsets can reconstruct the secret, while unauthorized subsets obtain no information about it. Previous works on QSS for general access structures focused solely on the existence of perfectly secure schemes, and the share size of the known schemes is necessarily exponential even in cases where the access structure is computed by polynomial size...
We study sufficient conditions for compiling simulation-extractable zkSNARKs from information-theoretic interactive oracle proofs (IOP) using a simulation-extractable commit-and-prove system for its oracles. Specifically, we define simulation extractability for opening and evaluation proofs of polynomial commitment schemes, which we then employ to prove the security of zkSNARKS obtained from polynomial IOP prove systems, such as Plonk and Marlin. To instantiate our methodology we...
In STOC 1989, Rabin and Ben-Or (RB) established an important milestone in the fields of cryptography and distributed computing by showing that every functionality can be computed with statistical (information-theoretic) security in the presence of an active (aka Byzantine) rushing adversary that controls up to half of the parties. We study the round complexity of general secure multiparty computation and several related tasks in the RB model. Our main result shows that every...
To overcome the limitations of traditional secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocols that consider a static set of participants, in a recent work, Choudhuri et al. [CRYPTO 2021] introduced a new model called Fluid MPC, which supports {\em dynamic} participants. Protocols in this model allow parties to join and leave the computation as they wish. Unfortunately, known fluid MPC protocols (even with strong honest-majority), either only achieve security with abort, or require strong...
Consider a state-level adversary who observes and stores large amounts of encrypted data from all users on the Internet, but does not have the capacity to store it all. Later, it may target certain "persons of interest" in order to obtain their decryption keys. We would like to guarantee that, if the adversary's storage capacity is only (say) $1\%$ of the total encrypted data size, then even if it can later obtain the decryption keys of arbitrary users, it can only learn something about the...
Fuzzy extractors (FE) are cryptographic primitives that establish a shared secret between two parties who have similar samples of a random source, and can communicate over a public channel. An example for this is that Alice has a stored biometric at a server and wants to have authenticated communication using a new reading of her biometric on her device. Reusability and robustness of FE, respectively, guarantee that security holds when FE is used with multiple samples, and the communication...
Actively secure two-party computation (2PC) is one of the canonical building blocks in modern cryptography. One main goal for designing actively secure 2PC protocols is to reduce the communication overhead, compared to semi-honest 2PC protocols. In this paper, we make significant progress in closing this gap by proposing two new actively secure constant-round 2PC protocols, one with one-way communication of $2\kappa+5$ bits per AND gate (for $\kappa$-bit computational security and any...
We study the complexity of two-party secure arithmetic computation where the goal is to evaluate an arithmetic circuit over a finite field $F$ in the presence of an active (aka malicious) adversary. In the passive setting, Applebaum et al. (Crypto 2017) constructed a protocol that only makes a *constant* (amortized) number of field operations per gate. This protocol uses the underlying field $F$ as a black box, makes black-box use of (standard) oblivious transfer, and its security is based...
Unconditionally secure broadcast is feasible among parties connected by pairwise secure links only if there is a strict two-thirds majority of honest parties when no additional resources are available. This limitation may be circumvented when the parties have recourse to additional resources such as correlated randomness. Fitzi, Wolf, and Wullschleger (CRYPTO 2004) attempted to characterize the conditions on correlated randomness shared among three parties which would enable them to realize...
We define the Generic Group Action Model (GGAM), an adaptation of the Generic Group Model to the setting of group actions (such as CSIDH). Compared to a previously proposed definition by Montgomery and Zhandry (ASIACRYPT'22), our GGAM more accurately abstracts the security properties of group actions. We are able to prove information-theoretic lower bounds in the GGAM for the discrete logarithm assumption, as well as for non-standard assumptions recently introduced in the setting of...
Fuzzy extractors convert noisy signals from the physical world into reliable cryptographic keys. Fuzzy min-entropy is an important measure of the ability of a fuzzy extractor to distill keys from a distribution: in particular, it bounds the length of the key that can be derived (Fuller, Reyzin, and Smith, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 2020). In general, fuzzy min-entropy that is superlogarithmic in the security parameter is required for a noisy distribution to be suitable for key...
This paper proposes Prism, Private Verifiable Set Computation over Multi-Owner Outsourced Databases, a secret sharing based approach to compute private set operations (i.e., intersection and union), as well as aggregates over outsourced databases belonging to multiple owners. Prism enables data owners to pre-load the data onto non-colluding servers and exploits the additive and multiplicative properties of secret-shares to compute the above-listed operations in (at most) two rounds of...
We consider multi-party information-theoretic private computation. Such computation inherently requires the use of local randomness by the parties, and the question of minimizing the total number of random bits used for given private computations has received considerable attention in the literature. In this work we are interested in another question: given a private computation, we ask how many of the players need to have access to a random source, and how many of them can be...
A distributed point function (DPF) (Gilboa-Ishai, Eurocrypt 2014) is a cryptographic primitive that enables compressed additive secret-sharing of a secret weight-1 vector across two or more servers. DPFs support a wide range of cryptographic applications, including efficient private information retrieval, secure aggregation, and more. Up to now, the study of DPFs was restricted to the computational security setting, relying on one-way functions. This assumption is necessary in the case of a...
A new CRT-based positive (non-zero) secret-sharing scheme with perfect information-theoretic (PIT) security and multiplicative homomorphism is presented. The scheme is designed to support the evaluation of multiplications of non-zero secrets of multiplicative groups. Our CRT-based scheme is partially homomorphic, supporting homomorphic multiplications. Nevertheless, our scheme has the potential to be regarded as fully homomorphic for practical scenarios, such as bounded-sized multi-cloud...
We present a novel approach to honest majority secure multiparty computation in the preprocessing model with information theoretic security that achieves the best online communication complexity. The online phase of our protocol requires $12$ elements in total per multiplication gate with circuit-dependent preprocessing, or $20$ elements in total with circuit-independent preprocessing. Prior works achieved linear online communication complexity in $n$, the number of parties, with the best...
The task of achieving full security (with guaranteed output delivery) in secure multiparty computation (MPC) is a long-studied problem. Known impossibility results (Cleve, STOC 86) rule out general solutions in the dishonest majority setting. In this work, we consider solutions that use an external trusted party (TP) to bypass the impossibility results, and study the minimal requirements needed from this trusted party. In particular, we restrict ourselves to the extreme setting where the...
The distributed source coding problem is extended by positing that noisy measurements of a remote source are the correlated random variables that should be reconstructed at another terminal. We consider a secure and private distributed lossy source coding problem with two encoders and one decoder such that (i) all terminals noncausally observe a noisy measurement of the remote source; (ii) a private key is available to each legitimate encoder and all private keys are available to the...
We study a tamper-tolerant implementation security notion for general purpose Multi-Party Computation (MPC) protocols, as an analogue of the leakage-tolerant notion in the MPC literature. An MPC protocol is tamper-tolerant, or more specifically, non-malleable (with respect to a certain type of tampering) if the processing of the protocol under corruption of parties (and tampering of some ideal resource assumed by the protocol) can be simulated by an ideal world adversary who, after the...
Mass surveillance targets many users at the same time with the goal of learning as much as possible. Intuitively, breaking many users’ cryptography simultaneously should be at least as hard as that of only breaking a single one, but ideally security degradation is gradual: an adversary ought to work harder to break more. Bellare, Ristenpart and Tessaro (Crypto’12) introduced the notion of multi-instance security to capture the related concept for password hashing with salts. Auerbach, Giacon...
Embedded devices used in security applications are natural targets for physical attacks. Thus, enhancing their side-channel resistance is an important research challenge. A standard solution for this purpose is the use of Boolean masking schemes, as they are well adapted to current block ciphers with efficient bitslice representations. Boolean masking guarantees that the security of an implementation grows exponentially in the number of shares under the assumption that leakages are...
In the last few years, the efficiency of secure multi-party computation (MPC) in the dishonest majority setting has increased by several orders of magnitudes starting with the SPDZ protocol family which offers a speedy information-theoretic online phase in the prepossessing model. However, state-of-the-art $n$-party MPC protocols in the dishonest majority setting incur online communication complexity per multiplication gate which is linear in the number of parties, i.e. $O(n)$, per gate...
Multiparty randomized encodings (Applebaum, Brakerski, and Tsabary, SICOMP 2021) reduce the task of securely computing a complicated multiparty functionality $f$ to the task of securely computing a simpler functionality $g$. The reduction is non-interactive and preserves information-theoretic security against a passive (semi-honest) adversary, also referred to as privacy. The special case of a degree-2 encoding $g$ (2MPRE) has recently found several applications to secure multiparty...
We revisit the question of minimizing the randomness complexity of protocols for secure multiparty computation (MPC) in the setting of perfect information-theoretic security. Kushilevitz and Mansour (SIAM J. Discret. Math., 1997) studied the case of $n$-party semi-honest MPC for the XOR function with security threshold $t<n$, showing that $O(t^2\log(n/t))$ random bits are sufficient and $\Omega(t)$ random bits are necessary. Their positive result was obtained via a non-explicit protocol,...
We present a new abstraction based on crusader agreement called $\textit{Binding Crusader Agreement}$ (BCA) for solving binary consensus in the $\textit{asynchronous}$ setting against an $\textit{adaptive}$ adversary. BCA has the validity, agreement, and termination properties of crusader agreement in addition to a new property called $\textit{binding}$. Binding states that before the first non-faulty party terminates, there is a value $v \in \{0,1\}$ such that no non-faulty party can output...
Pseudorandom number generators with input (PRNGs) are cryptographic algorithms that generate pseudorandom bits from accumulated entropic inputs (e.g., keystrokes, interrupt timings, etc.). This paper studies in particular PRNGs that are secure against premature next attacks (Kelsey et al., FSE '98), a class of attacks leveraging the fact that a PRNG may produce an output (which could be seen by an adversary!) before enough entropy has been accumulated. Practical designs adopt either unsound...
In this note we study the limitations of incompressible encodings with information-theoretic security. We demonstrate a flaw in the existing proof of the impossibility of constructing incompressible encodings information-theoretically. Our main contribution is a full proof of impossibility of existence of non-trivial information-theoretically secure incompressible encoding schemes.
Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) allows arbitrary computations on encrypted data. The standard security requirement, IND-CPA security, ensures that the encrypted data remain private. However, it does not guarantee privacy for the computation performed on the encrypted data. Statistical circuit privacy offers a strong privacy guarantee for the computation process, namely that a homomorphically evaluated ciphertext does not leak any information on how the result of the computation was...
We construct polynomial commitment schemes with constant sized evaluation proofs and logarithmic verification time in the transparent setting. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first result achieving this combination of properties. Our starting point is a transparent inner product commitment scheme with constant-sized proofs and linear verification. We build on this to construct a polynomial commitment scheme with constant size evaluation proofs and logarithmic (in the degree...
A wiretap coding scheme (Wyner, Bell Syst. Tech. J. 1975) enables Alice to reliably communicate a message m to an honest Bob by sending an encoding c over a noisy channel chB, while at the same time hiding m from Eve who receives c over another noisy channel chE. Wiretap coding is clearly impossible when chB is a degraded version of chE, in the sense that the output of chB can be simulated using only the output of chE. A classic work of Csiszár and Körner (IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 1978)...
Correlated pairs of random variables are a central concept in information-theoretically secure cryptography. Secure reductions between different correlations have been studied, and completeness results are known. Further, the complexity of such reductions is intimately connected with circuit complexity and efficiency of locally decodable codes. As such, making progress on these complexity questions faces strong barriers. Motivated by this, in this work, we study a restricted form of secure...
We consider the efficiency of protocols for secure multiparty computation (MPC) with a dishonest majority. A popular approach for the design of such protocols is to employ preprocessing. Before the inputs are known, the parties generate correlated secret randomness, which is consumed by a fast and possibly ``information-theoretic'' online protocol. A powerful technique for securing such protocols against malicious parties uses homomorphic MACs to authenticate the values produced by the...
Side-channel attacks exploit a physical observable originating from a cryptographic device in order to extract its secrets. Many practically relevant advances in the field of side-channel analysis relate to security evaluations of cryptographic functions and devices. Accordingly, many metrics have been adopted or defined to express and quantify side-channel security. These metrics can relate to one another, but also conflict in terms of effectiveness, assumptions and security goals. In...
A $t$-private circuit for a function $f$ is a randomized Boolean circuit $C$ that maps a randomized encoding of an input $x$ to an encoding of the output $f(x)$, such that probing $t$ wires anywhere in $C$ reveals nothing about $x$. Private circuits can be used to protect embedded devices against side-channel attacks. Motivated by the high cost of generating fresh randomness in such devices, several works have studied the question of minimizing the randomness complexity of private...