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Kabupaten Bogor merupakan salah satu wilayah yang rawan terhadap terjadinya bencana tanah longsor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil penerapan aplikasi QGIS Processing Modeler dalam menentukan potensi bencana tanah longsor... more
Kabupaten Bogor merupakan salah satu wilayah yang rawan terhadap terjadinya bencana tanah longsor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil penerapan aplikasi QGIS Processing Modeler dalam menentukan potensi bencana tanah longsor di Kabupaten Bogor. Data yang digunakan adalah data curah hujan harian yang diekstraksi dari citra satelit Himawari-8 dan data area rawan longsor dari BNPB. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan citra satelit dan SIG, sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan QGIS Processing Modeler untuk mengekstrak area berpotensi longsor berdasarkan curah hujan, dengan klasifikasi rentang nilai yang berpotensi menyebabkan bencana tanah longsor yaitu ≥120 mm. Geologi wilayah penelitian tersusun atas batu lempung dan batupasir, material tersebut bersifat lepas dan tidak stabil. Berdasarkan klasifikasi kemiringan lereng wilayah ini daerah yang curam dengan kemiringan >40%. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut bahwa wilayah ini merupakan wilayah yang rawan tejadi bencana tanah longsor. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan penggunaan QGIS Processing Modeler efektif digunakan dibandingkan model pada aplikasi lain. Dengan memahami icon pada aplikasi tersebut maka dapat dibentuk modeler-nya, dan bisa langsung membuat peta untuk menentukan lokasi bencana tanah longsor pada Kabupaten Bogor tanpa eksport script ke aplikasi lain, sehingga modeler tersebut dapat digunakan berkali-kali dengan input data curah hujan dengan waktu dan lokasi yang berbeda.
Salah satu metode fisika yang sering digunakan dalam geofisika medan adalah metode gravitasi atau gayaberat. Dalam hal ini dilakukan pemisahan anomali residu nilai gravitasi yang diukur di sekitar wilayah sesar Cimandiri Provinsi Jawa... more
Salah satu metode fisika yang sering digunakan dalam geofisika medan adalah metode gravitasi atau gayaberat. Dalam hal ini dilakukan pemisahan anomali residu nilai gravitasi yang diukur di sekitar wilayah sesar Cimandiri Provinsi Jawa Barat, dengan koordinat batas penelitian dari koordinat lintang 6.95°LS – 7.2°LS dan koordinat bujur dari 106.5°BT – 107.1°BT, dengan filter matriks Elkins pada data real-time dari University California of San Diego. Dengan metode ini, ketampakan sesar Cimandiri dapat terlihat dari kerapatan kontur anomalinya. Anomali residu rata-rata yang diukur sekitar 10-20 mGal. Ini membuktikan filter matriks Elkins baik untuk digunakan dalam kajian ketampakan sesar dan anomali residu. Temuan citra Sesar Cimandiri bermanfaat dalam mendukung perencanaan pengurangan risiko bencana gempabumi pada masa mendatang.
One of the physics methods that is often used in geophysics is the gravity method. In this case, the residual anomaly of gravity values is separated from the area of the Cimandiri fault, West Java Province, with the coordinates of the... more
One of the physics methods that is often used in geophysics is the gravity method. In this case, the residual anomaly of gravity values is separated from the area of the Cimandiri fault, West Java Province, with the coordinates of the research boundary from latitude coordinates 6.95°
South Latitude – 7.2° South Latitude and longitude coordinates from 106.5° East Longitude – 107.1° East, with an Elkins matrix filter. on real-time data from the University of California of San Diego. With this method, the appearance of the Cimandiri fault can be seen from the density of its anomalous contours. The average residual anomaly measured is about 10-20 mGal. This proves that the Elkins matrix filter is good for use in the study of fault appearances and residual anomalies. The Cimandiri fault sensing is beneficial to planning support for future Disaster Risk Reduction.
In a fairly short time span, about three years, the Mamasa region experienced two series of swarm earthquakes. It is interesting because there is a striking difference between the number of visitors to the earthquake and the impact it... more
In a fairly short time span, about three years, the Mamasa region experienced two series of swarm earthquakes. It is interesting because there is a striking difference between the number of visitors to the earthquake and the impact it has. The biggest difference in magnitude is only 0.1, which is between M5.4 and M5.3 respectively for 2018 and 2021. In 2018 there were 535 earthquakes with a duration of 22 days caused damage to 243 buildings, while in 2021 for a duration of 2 months there were 339 earthquakes, without any building damage. From the epicenter distribution and the crosssection of the hypocenter, it can be seen that there are quite striking differences in distribution patterns. In 2018 the distribution of the epicenter is dominant in the north-south direction and the cross-section has a 45 degree slope pattern to the east indicating a fault pattern, while the distribution of the epicenter in 2021 is more northeast-southwest with a random cross-section that does not show a fault pattern, more likely due to hot spring activity. The largest major magnitude occurred in about 12 to 15 days with the number of earthquakes recorded as 289 and 48, respectively for the years 2018 and 2021. Meanwhile, the second largest magnitude occurred almost at the same time in both 2018 and 2021, which is about 30 minutes after the main magnitude. with a difference in magnitude of 0.3 and 1.0 respectively for 2018 and 2021
In a fairly short time span, about three years, the Mamasa region experienced two series of swarm earthquakes. It is interesting because there is a striking difference between the number of visitors to the earthquake and the impact it... more
In a fairly short time span, about three years, the Mamasa region experienced two series of swarm earthquakes. It is interesting because there is a striking difference between the number of visitors to the earthquake and the impact it has. The biggest difference in magnitude is only 0.1, which is between M5.4 and M5.3 respectively for 2018 and 2021. In 2018 there were 535 earthquakes with a duration of 22 days caused damage to 243 buildings, while in 2021 for a duration of 2 months there were 339 earthquakes, without any building damage. From the epicenter distribution and the crosssection of the hypocenter, it can be seen that there are quite striking differences in distribution patterns. In 2018 the distribution of the epicenter is dominant in the north-south direction and the cross-section has a 45 degree slope pattern to the east indicating a fault pattern, while the distribution of the epicenter in 2021 is more northeast-southwest with a random cross-section that does not show a fault pattern, more likely due to hot spring activity. The largest major magnitude occurred in about 12 to 15 days with the number of earthquakes recorded as 289 and 48, respectively for the years 2018 and 2021. Meanwhile, the second largest magnitude occurred almost at the same time in both 2018 and 2021, which is about 30 minutes after the main magnitude. with a difference in magnitude of 0.3 and 1.0 respectively for 2018 and 2021.
On February 25, 2022 at 08:39:29 Local Time an unexpected earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 Mw struck the Western part of Sumatera, onshore, and located on the blind fault. It is very likely that the earthquake was from Angkola Fault,... more
On February 25, 2022 at 08:39:29 Local Time an unexpected earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 Mw struck the Western part of Sumatera, onshore, and located on the blind fault. It is very likely that the earthquake was from Angkola Fault, but there is still a possibility that there are still other active faults in this area that have not been mapped yet. The areas that were affected by the earthquake are Pasaman, Western Pasaman, Limapuluh Kota, Padang Pariaman and Agam regencies. The focal mechanism from BMKG show that the dominant mechanism of this earthquake was the right lateral (dextral) strike movement. The worst devastation was in Western Pasaman and the damage from this earthquake was wide spread. An estimated 6627 houses have been destroyed and 70 mosques were damaged, 41 offices were devastated, 208 schools and educational institutions, 25 medical infrastructures, and 5 bridges were damaged. An on-site post-event survey was carried out to investigate the effects. We conduct mapping ground ruptures and cracking in an effort to find surface expression of fault rupture. Right after the main shock, a few seismometers were deployed near expected epicenter. By using macro seismic observation, micro seismic measurement, and impact documentation, we also find collateral impact that is flash flood and soil landslide which broken some access points. The destructive earthquake is a reminder expected the serious future seismic threats to comply implementation of the Building Codes.
Kami melakukan sosialisasi lapangan pasca bencana gempabumi dan tsunami yang menerjang Sulawesi Tengah tanggal 28 September 2018. Bencana ini menelan korban jiwa sebanyak 4.340 orang, korban luka-luka sebanyak 10.679 orang, dan korban... more
Kami melakukan sosialisasi lapangan pasca bencana gempabumi dan tsunami yang menerjang Sulawesi Tengah tanggal 28 September 2018. Bencana ini menelan korban jiwa sebanyak 4.340 orang, korban luka-luka sebanyak 10.679 orang, dan korban hilang sebanyak 667 orang. BMKG membentuk tim sosialisasi lapangan pasca bencana ke beberapa lokasi di Kota Palu, Kabupaten Sigi, dan Kabupaten Donggala yang bertujuan menenangkan masyarakat, berbagi pengetahuan dan keterampilan, dan menjelaskan sejarah bencana gempabumi dan tsunami di Sulawesi Tengah. Sosialisasi ini sangat dibutuhkan oleh warga terdampak bencana, terlihat dari beberapa tokoh atau figur yang dituakan meminta agar sosialisasi dilakukan di tempat terbuka dan dihadiri banyak warga.
In the 1990s there were 7 (seven) deadly tsunami events due to earthquakes in Indonesia. There are M 7.8 North-east of Flores island sea earthquake (1992), M 7.6 South of Java island sea earthquake (1994), M 6.8 South of Timor Island sea... more
In the 1990s there were 7 (seven) deadly tsunami events due to earthquakes in Indonesia. There are M 7.8 North-east of Flores island sea earthquake (1992), M 7.6 South of Java island sea earthquake (1994), M 6.8 South of Timor Island sea earthquake (1995), M 7.8 North-west of Sulawesi island sea earthquake (1996), M 7.9 East of Biak island sea earthquake (1996), M 7.7 Taliabu island sea earthquake (1998), and M 7.4 East of Banggai Island sea earthquake (2000). Those earthquake and tsunami disasters events affected the number of casualties and damaged houses in coastal areas. Surely those events present a few lessons learned for future disaster preparedness in Indonesia.

Keywords: tsunami disaster, 1990s event, multi hazard, coastal island
<p>Tsunami risk in Indonesia is strongly real and needs serious handling. Due to the extremely dangerous, it is important for coastal communities to be prepared and responsive in responding to threats. The recent... more
<p>Tsunami risk in Indonesia is strongly real and needs serious handling. Due to the extremely dangerous, it is important for coastal communities to be prepared and responsive in responding to threats. The recent decade tsunami disaster highlighted the extraordinary gaps and challenges on the development and strengthening of the downstream component on the system. Communities need to be educated, aware and ready to respond to warnings both natural as well as official warnings. For this reason, the Indonesia Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (BMKG) considers to introduce an Indonesia Tsunami Ready programme that will encourage communities to build, strengthen and develop their capacity and ability to respond to tsunami threats.</p><p>In this paper we try to analyze the community actualization on hazard assessment, preparedness, and response as the result of the Indonesian Tsunami Ready programme. The assessment is based on the 12 indicators of the tsunami ready which had been determined by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization-the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO-IOC). A field survey of the 12 indicators has been carried out to assess seven communities (Penggarangan, Pangandaran, Gelagah, Kemandang, Tambakrejo, Kuta Mandalika, and Tanjung Benoa) living in the tsunami prone area.</p><p>Generally, the results showed the communities didn’t have the updated tsunami hazard map as the hazard assessment indicator. The previous hazard map was not established based on the latest seismological study and tsunami modelling. Most of communities have an emergency operation plan for earthquake and tsunami, even though it doesn’t consider the earthquake information and tsunami warning. In some villages such as Tanjung Benoa and Kuta Mandalika, local potentials are used also to empower the preparedness and response capacity.</p><p>BMKG gave an advocacy to complete and accomplish some the unavailable indicators such as tsunami hazard map, emergency operation plan, and public education materials. The result of this study is expected to be an effective way to build a community awareness, preparedness and response.</p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> tsunami ready, 12 indicators of tsunami ready, hazard assessment, preparedness, response</p>
In the 1990s there were 7 (seven) deadly tsunami events due to earthquakes in Indonesia. There is M 7.8 North-east of Flores island sea earthquake (1992), M 7.6 South of Java island sea earthquake (1994), M 6.8 South of Timor Island sea... more
In the 1990s there were 7 (seven) deadly tsunami events due to earthquakes in Indonesia. There is M 7.8 North-east of Flores island sea earthquake (1992), M 7.6 South of Java island sea earthquake (1994), M 6.8 South of Timor Island sea earthquake (1995), M 7.8 North-west of Sulawesi island sea earthquake (1996), M 7.9 East of Biak island sea earthquake (1996), M 7.7 Taliabu island sea earthquake (1998), and M 7.4 East of Banggai Island sea earthquake (2000). Those earthquake and tsunami disasters events affected the number of casualties and damaged houses in coastal areas. Surely those events present a few lessons learned for future disaster preparedness in Indonesia.
This study aims to denote the possible casualties and damages due to the M<5 earthquake. We used the desk study of literatures to explore earthquake disaster reports. The published significant and destructive earthquakes catalogue by... more
This study aims to denote the possible casualties and damages due to the M<5 earthquake. We used the desk study of literatures to explore earthquake disaster reports. The published significant and destructive earthquakes catalogue by BMKG Indonesia along 2015-2019 noted that six events out of them in Java island due to by below magnitude 5 (M<5) earthquakes. Those are sourced in the land and shallow depth focus on the active faults region. Those earthquakes also cause human losses, that is three events out of them induce casualties, and kill two (2) people. Preliminary analysis concludes that the short distance to earthquake source and local site condition was responsible for this unexpected building damages. We suggest this events to be the lesson learned for disaster risk managers to consider the low magnitude earthquake also able to generate the high hazard on the certain seismic prone areas.
Provinsi Riau memiliki Lembaga Adat Melayu Riau (LAMR) guna mempertahankan dan melestarikan adat Melayu Riau dan menjadi bagian dari lembaga yang mendukung dan membantu mewujudkan cita-cita Provinsi Riau. Penulis akan membahas... more
Provinsi Riau memiliki Lembaga Adat Melayu Riau (LAMR) guna mempertahankan dan melestarikan adat Melayu Riau dan menjadi bagian dari lembaga yang mendukung dan membantu mewujudkan cita-cita Provinsi Riau. Penulis akan membahas optimalisasi pemberdayaan LAMR sebagai upaya bela negara dalam mitigasi ancaman peperangan asimetris menggunakan teori pemberdayaan, teori peperangan asimetris, konsep pertahanan non militer dan konsep bela negara. Pada sistem pertahanan negara, LAMR berposisi sebagai komponen cadangan dalam mencegah potensi peperangan asimetris.
Resilience is more capable of dealing with hydro-meteorological disasters compared to the risk. Resilience is a positive concept that puts forward adaptation efforts so that more in line with sustainable development goals. This study aims... more
Resilience is more capable of dealing with hydro-meteorological disasters compared to the risk. Resilience is a positive concept that puts forward adaptation efforts so that more in line with sustainable development goals. This study aims to introduce the resilience concept in dealing with hydro-meteorological disasters and apply it at the provincial level in Indonesia. The methods used are: 1) measuring the climate risk index (CRI), 2) measuring the adaptation capacity index (ACI), and 3) classifying the provinces based on CRI and ACI. Grouping CRI and ACI are used to define provinces which have the potential to bounce back better (low CRI - high ACI), bounce back (high CRI – high ACI), recover but worse than before (low CRI -low ACI), and collapse (high CRI – low ACI). The study results indicate that throughout 2017 there are 10 provinces that South Sumatra, Central Java, and West Nusa Tenggara. In contrast, 3 provinces with the most have the potential to bounce back better, 7 pro...
Sulawesi, one of the biggest island in Indonesia, located on the convergence of two macro plate that is Eurasia and Pacific. NOAA and Novosibirsk Tsunami Laboratory show more than 20 tsunami data recorded in Sulawesi since 1820. Based on... more
Sulawesi, one of the biggest island in Indonesia, located on the convergence of two macro plate that is Eurasia and Pacific. NOAA and Novosibirsk Tsunami Laboratory show more than 20 tsunami data recorded in Sulawesi since 1820. Based on this data, determination of correlation between tsunami and earthquake parameter need to be done to proved all event in the past. Complete data of magnitudes, fault sizes and tsunami heights on this study sourced from NOAA and Novosibirsk Tsunami database, completed with Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) catalog. This study aims to find correlation between moment magnitude, fault size and tsunami height by simple regression. The step of this research are data collecting, processing, and regression analysis. Result shows moment magnitude, fault size and tsunami heights strongly correlated. This analysis is enough to proved the accuracy of historical tsunami database in Sulawesi on NOAA, Novosibirsk Tsunami Laboratory and PTWC.
Within the last decade, advances on empirical formula to determine ground acceleration is strongly involved in order to undertake seismic hazard analysis. We need to provide a means of estimating the ground shaking from an earthquake... more
Within the last decade, advances on empirical formula to determine ground acceleration is strongly involved in order to undertake seismic hazard analysis. We need to provide a means of estimating the ground shaking from an earthquake given its earthquake source type, ray-path, and local site condition called Ground Motion Prediction Equations (GMPEs). However, this study is rarely done in South and South-East of Sulawesi. This study aims to determine the GMPEs coefficient using selected 481 record of ground motion database by 18 accelerometer at 2011-2015. Local site condition of station is classified by dominant period and the type of earthquake is segregate according to tectonic regime that is shallow crustal, interface and intraslab. We made statistical regression analysis to find the relation between attenuation and distance. The result shows that attenuation relation of low value ground acceleration to increasing of distance has peak ground acceleration much lower, compare to early equation that fitt...
Within the last decade, advances in the acquisition, processing and transmission of data from seismic monitoring has contributed to the growth in the number structures instrumented with such systems. An equally important factor for such... more
Within the last decade, advances in the acquisition, processing and transmission of data from seismic monitoring has contributed to the growth in the number structures instrumented with such systems. An equally important factor for such growth can be attributed to the demands by stakeholders to find rapid answers to important questions related to the functionality or state of “health” of structures during and immediately of a seismic events. Consequently, this study aims to monitor the storey building based on seismic response i. e. earthquake and tremor analysis at short time lapse using accelerographs data. This study used one of storey building (X) in Jakarta city that suffered the effects of Kebumen earthquake January 25th 2014, Pandeglang earthquake July 9th 2014, and Lebak earthquake November 8th 2014. Tremors used in this study are tremors after the three following earthquakes. Data processing used to determine peak ground acceleration (PGA), peak ground velocity (PGV), peak ground displacement (PGD), spectral acceleration (SA), spectral velocity (SV), spectral displacement (SD), A/V ratio, acceleration amplification and effective duration (te). Then determine the natural frequency (f0) and peak of H/V ratio using H/V ratio method.The earthquakes data processing result shows the value of peak ground motion, spectrum response, A/V ratio and acceleration amplification increases with height, while the value of the effective duration give a different viewpoint of building dynamic because duration of Kebumen earthquake shows the highest energy in the highest floor but Pandeglang and Lebak earthquake in the lowest floor. Then, tremors data processing result one month after each earthquakes shows the natural frequency of building in constant value. Increasing of peak ground motion, spectrum response, A/V ratio, acceleration amplification, then decrease of effective duration following the increase of building floors shows that the building construction supports the increasing of shaking and strongly influenced by local site effect. The constant value of building natural frequency shows the building still in good performance. This monitoring is very important and useful for help public safety by recommend to rehabilitate the functionality of structures.
ABSTRACT As seismotectonic, the Jakarta city will be greatly affected by the earthquake which originated from the subduction zone of the Sunda Strait and south of Java. Some occurrences of earthquakes in these location are often perceived... more
ABSTRACT As seismotectonic, the Jakarta city will be greatly affected by the earthquake which originated from the subduction zone of the Sunda Strait and south of Java. Some occurrences of earthquakes in these location are often perceived by the occupants in the upper floors of multi-storey buildings in Jakarta but was not perceived by the occupants on the ground floor. The case shows the difference in ground-motion parameters on each floor height. The analysis of the earthquake data recorded by accelerographs on different floors need to be done to know the differences in ground-motion parameters. Data used in this research is accelerograph data installed on several floors in the main building of Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Agency with a case study of Kebumen earthquake on January 25th 2014. Parameters analyzed include the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA), Peak Ground Displacement (PGD), Peak Spectral Acceleration (PSA), Amplification (Ag), and the Effective Duration of earthquake (te). Research stages include accelerographs data acquisition in three (3) different floors, conversion and data partition for each component, conversion to units of acceleration, determination of PGA, PGD, PSA, Ag and te as well as data analysis. The study shows the value of PGA on the ground floor, 7th floor and 15th floors, respectively are 0.016 g, 0.053 g and 0.116 g. PGD on the ground floor, 7th floor and 15th floor respectively are 2.15 cm, 2.98 cm and 4.92 cm. PSA on the ground floor, 7th floor and 15th floor respectively are 0.067 g, 0.308 g and 0.836 g. Amplification of the peak acceleration value on the ground floor, 7th floor and 15th floor to the surface rock are 4.37, 6.07 and 7.30. Effective duration of the earthquake on the ground floor, 7th floor and 15th floor respectively are 222.28 s, 202.28 s and 91.58 s. In general, with increasing floor of the building, the value of the peak ground acceleration, peak ground displacement, peak spectral acceleration and amplification growing, contrary to the value of the effective duration of earthquake decreases. The difference in this parameter is strongly influenced by local soil conditions and building construction.
Penelitian ini berfokus pada peran serta BMKG Stasiun Geofisika Balikpapan dalam mendukung informasi gempabumi Donggala pada tanggal 28 September 2018. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) Menganalisis peralatan observasi di Kalimantan... more
Penelitian ini berfokus pada peran serta BMKG Stasiun Geofisika Balikpapan dalam mendukung informasi gempabumi Donggala pada tanggal 28 September 2018. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) Menganalisis peralatan observasi di Kalimantan Timur yang merekam kejadian Gempabumi Kuat Sulawesi Tengah tanggal 28 September 2018; 2) Menganalisis cara BMKG Stasiun Geofisika Balikpapan mendukung informasi gempabumi dirasakan Sulawesi Tengah tanggal 28 September 2018; 3) Menganalisis cara BMKG Stasiun Geofisika Balikpapan mendukung informasi peringatan dini tsunami Sulawesi Tengah tanggal 28 September 2018; dan 4) Menganalisis dampak guncangan di Kalimantan Timur akibat gempabumi kuat Sulawesi Tengah tanggal 28 September 2018. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus yang dilaksanakan di Kota Balikpapan, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur pada 27-28 Februari 2020. Objek penelitian ini adalah BMKG Stasiun Geofisika Balikpapan dengan subjeknya yaitu kepala dan staf BMKG St...
The Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics of Indonesia (BMKG) has declared  tsunami was happened in December 22th 2018 that affected Lampung Province, especially in South Lampung area. This tsunami caused by lanslide under... more
The Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics of Indonesia (BMKG) has declared  tsunami was happened in December 22th 2018 that affected Lampung Province, especially in South Lampung area. This tsunami caused by lanslide under the sea after Krakatau mountain eruption. Based on the affects from tsunami in Sunda Strait in South Lampung, The Agency for Disaster Management of Lampung (BPBD) arranged the plan for rehabilition and recontruction appropriate with rules from The  National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) Number 5 2017. Rehabilitation and Recontruction divided into six aspects, there are Humanity, Housing, infrastructure, Economic, Social, and across sectors. The financial source for the process is from Indonesian State Budget (APBN). All of the process is an implementation of sinergy among BPBD Lampung, BNPB, and Indonesian Government.
We did socialization for private sector of Hotels and Restaurants on post disaster of tsunami which hit the west coast of Banten province at December 22, 2018. This disaster claimed 296 lives, 675 injuries, and 3 missing people. BMKG... more
We did socialization for private sector of Hotels and Restaurants on post disaster of tsunami which hit the west coast of Banten province at December 22, 2018. This disaster claimed 296 lives, 675 injuries, and 3 missing people. BMKG formed socialization team on post disaster in aim to normally public condition, sharing the skill and knowledge, and explained the history of earthquake and tsunami disasters in Banten. It was strongly needed by impacted private sector, west part of Banten coastal zone need to be concerned in the future on planning, also developing resources of disaster prevention, mitigation, and preparedness.
Three years ago, we were shocked by Halmahera Swarm 2017 and two years ago Lombok Earthquake 2018. This article is purpose to show the swarm earthquake which occur fluently in Indonesia, such as Halmahera Swarm 2017 and Lombok Earthquake... more
Three years ago, we were shocked by Halmahera Swarm 2017 and two years ago Lombok Earthquake 2018. This article is purpose to show the swarm earthquake which occur fluently in Indonesia, such as Halmahera Swarm 2017 and Lombok Earthquake 2018, also the lesson for Disaster Risk Reduction. The lesson learnt from those earthquakes is importance of the follow up in the form of capacity building in communities on responding the earthquake hazard.
Jepang adalah negara panutan dalam manajemen bencana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan pelajaran dari pengalaman Jepang terhadap: (a) Risiko bencana di Jepang; (b) Cara Jepang mempelajari bencana; (c) Sistem manajemen bencana di... more
Jepang adalah negara panutan dalam manajemen bencana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan pelajaran dari pengalaman Jepang terhadap: (a) Risiko bencana di Jepang; (b) Cara Jepang mempelajari bencana; (c) Sistem manajemen bencana di Jepang; (d) Langkah finansial Jepang dalam manajemen bencana; (e) Peranan sains dan teknologi dalam manajemen bencana; (f) Cara Jepang memprediksi gempa; (g) Cara Jepang melihat bencana sebagai kesempatan; (h) Keseriusan Jepang dalam pengurangan risiko bencana; (i) Cara Jepang melindungi fasilitas pendidikan; (j) Budaya tolong menolong di Jepang pada fase bencana. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu: (a) Jepang memiliki risiko bencana yang tinggi; (b) Jepang mempelajari sosial dan politik dari bencana; (c) Sistem manajemen bencana di Jepang dibagi menjadi 3 level; (d) Jepang berinvestasi uang dan makanan; (e) Jepang mengembangkan sains dan te...
Kami melakukan sosialisasi lapangan pasca bencana gempabumi dan tsunami yang menerjang Sulawesi Tengah tanggal 28 September 2018. Bencana ini menelan korban jiwa sebanyak 4.340 orang, korban luka-luka sebanyak 10.679 orang, dan korban... more
Kami melakukan sosialisasi lapangan pasca bencana gempabumi dan tsunami yang menerjang Sulawesi Tengah tanggal 28 September 2018. Bencana ini menelan korban jiwa sebanyak 4.340 orang, korban luka-luka sebanyak 10.679 orang, dan korban hilang sebanyak 667 orang. BMKG membentuk tim sosialisasi lapangan pasca bencana ke beberapa lokasi di Kota Palu, Kabupaten Sigi, dan Kabupaten Donggala yang bertujuan menenangkan masyarakat, berbagi pengetahuan dan keterampilan, dan menjelaskan sejarah bencana gempabumi dan tsunami di Sulawesi Tengah. Sosialisasi ini sangat dibutuhkan oleh warga terdampak bencana, terlihat dari beberapa tokoh atau figur yang dituakan meminta agar sosialisasi dilakukan di tempat terbuka dan dihadiri banyak warga.
Astronomically, Easter falls on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox. In Indonesia, Christian holidays including Easter are regulated by the Ministry of Religious Affairs based on the recommendation of... more
Astronomically, Easter falls on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox. In Indonesia, Christian holidays including Easter are regulated by the Ministry of Religious Affairs based on the recommendation of Indonesian Church Union (PGI) and Bishops Conference of Indonesia (KWI). This study objective is to formulate a simple time marker by using Meeus Astronomical Algorithm to determine Christian holidays in Indonesian Gregorian calendar. Another objective is to evaluate the Christian holidays on Indonesian calendar between 1960 and 2015. Finally, this study would also provide prediction for future Christian holidays. This study finds out that the Christian holidays on Indonesian calendar are proven as methodologically accurate. It indicates that Meeus Astronomical Algorithm can produce accurate calculation for determining Christian holidays in Indonesia in the future. KEY WORDS:Meeus astronomical algorithm, christian holidays, Indonesian calendar
(In English) The strong and felt earthquake with magnitude 6.5 occurred in 119 km to the southeast of Cilacap Regency, Central Java Province at a depth of 48 km. The earthquake centered on the sea at coordinates 8.48o latitude and 109.17o... more
(In English) The strong and felt earthquake with magnitude 6.5 occurred in 119 km to the southeast of Cilacap Regency, Central Java Province at a depth of 48 km. The earthquake centered on the sea at coordinates 8.48o latitude and 109.17o east longitude on January 25, 2014. The earthquake triggered damage in several locations, including the districts of Banyumas, Kebumen, Cilacap and Purworejo. In order to mitigate natural hazards, this study aims to determine the relationship between seismic wave velocity and depth of layers near the surface in shallow geological structures. The method used in this study is the seismic refraction method. This method is done by interpreting seismic signals from man-made waves that spread near the surface of the earth. The seismogram will display the travel time of the waves, the distance between the waves and the source of the waves themselves. The structure of the geological layers that exist in the earth can be estimated based on the magnitude of the seismic wave velocity. This research is located in the campus area of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences Karangsambung. Measurements were made considering its location close to the center of the earthquake and the uniqueness of the rock formed by the removal of the ocean floor. Based on the results of the study it is known that there is a relationship between seismic wave velocity and the depth of the layers near the surface. The deeper the layer of soil from the earth's surface, the seismic wave velocity will be higher. Keywords: seismic; refraction; geo-hazard; soil property (In Bahasa) Gempabumi kuat dan dirasakan dengan kekuatan magnitudo 6.5 terjadi di 119 km ke arah tenggara Kabupaten Cilacap, Propinsi Jawa Tengah pada kedalaman 48 km. Gempabumi tersebut berpusat di laut pada koordinat 8.48 o LS dan 109.17 o BT pada tanggal 25 Januari 2014. Gempabumi tersebut memicu dampak kerusakan di beberapa lokasi, termasuk kabupaten Banyumas, Kebumen, Cilacap dan Purworejo. Dalam rangka mitigasi bahaya alam kebumian, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kecepatan gelombang seismik dengan kedalaman lapisan-lapisan dekat permukaan pada struktur geologi dangkal. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode seismik refraksi. Metode ini dilakukan dengan menginterpretasi sinyal seismik dari gelombang buatan manusia yang menjalar di dekat permukaan bumi. Seismogram akan menampilkan waktu tempuh gelombang, jarak antar gelombang dan sumber gelombangnya sendiri. Struktur lapisan geologi yang ada di dalam bumi dapat diperkirakan berdasarkan besarnya kecepatan gelombang seismik. Penelitian ini berlokasi di area kampus Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) Karangsambung. Pengukuran dilakukan mengingat lokasinya yang dekat dengan pusat gempabumi dan keunikan batuannya yang terbentuk dari pengangkatan lantai dasar samudra. Berdasarkah hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa terdapat hubungan antara kecepatan gelombang seismik dengan kedalaman lapisan-lapisan dekat permukaan. Semakin dalam lapisan tanah dari permukaan bumi, maka kecepatan gelombang seismik akan semakin tinggi. Kata kunci: seismik refraksi, bahaya kebumian, sifat tanah
This study aims to denote the possible casualties and damages due to the M<5 earthquake. We used the desk study of literatures to explore earthquake disaster reports. The published significant and destructive earthquakes catalogue by BMKG... more
This study aims to denote the possible casualties and damages due to the M<5 earthquake. We used the desk study of literatures to explore earthquake disaster reports. The published significant and destructive earthquakes catalogue by BMKG Indonesia along 2015-2019 noted that six events out of them in Java island due to by below magnitude 5 (M<5) earthquakes. Those are sourced in the land and shallow depth focus on the active faults region. Those earthquakes also cause human losses, that is three events out of them induce casualties, and kill two (2) people. Preliminary analysis concludes that the short distance to earthquake source and local site condition was responsible for this unexpected building damages. We suggest this events to be the lesson learned for disaster risk managers to consider the low magnitude earthquake also able to generate the high hazard on the certain seismic prone areas.
Resilience is more capable of dealing with hydro-meteorological disasters compared to the risk. Resilience is a positive concept that puts forward adaptation efforts so that more in line with sustainable development goals. This study aims... more
Resilience is more capable of dealing with hydro-meteorological disasters compared to the risk. Resilience is a positive concept that puts forward adaptation efforts so that more in line with sustainable development goals. This study aims to introduce the resilience concept in dealing with hydro-meteorological disasters and apply it at the provincial level in Indonesia. The methods used are: 1) measuring the climate risk index (CRI), 2) measuring the adaptation capacity index (ACI), and 3) classifying the provinces based on CRI and ACI. Grouping CRI and ACI are used to define provinces which have the potential to bounce back better (low CRI-high ACI), bounce back (high CRI-high ACI), recover but worse than before (low CRI-low ACI), and collapse (high CRI-low ACI). The study results indicate that throughout 2017 there are 10 provinces that South Sumatra, Central Java, and West Nusa Tenggara. In contrast, 3 provinces with the most have the potential to bounce back better, 7 provinces bounce back, 7 provinces recover but worse than before, and 10 provinces collapse. In general, 3 provinces with the lowest resilience are resilient levels are Riau, Bangka Belitung, and Riau Islands.
We did field survey of felt earthquake M 6.1 in southwest of Lebak-Banten at Tuesday, January 23, 2018 06:34:53 UTC. It was located in the sea on 7.23 o S and 105.91 o E with 61 km depth. It triggered damage and injuries in some locations... more
We did field survey of felt earthquake M 6.1 in southwest of Lebak-Banten at Tuesday, January 23, 2018 06:34:53 UTC. It was located in the sea on 7.23 o S and 105.91 o E with 61 km depth. It triggered damage and injuries in some locations including Bogor and Sukabumi regencies. We conducted aftershock and natural micro-tremor data acquisition and analysis on a few sites survey in Bogor and Sukabumi regencies since January 24-27, 2018. We used Omori, Mogi 1, Mogi 2, and Utsu decay methods on forecasting the end time of aftershocks. It was predicted to end within 5-6 days after the mainshock. We used HVSR method for comparative study with geological map. The series of these earthquake is categorized as Mogi 1 type.
(In English) Indonesia is a tropical country and an archipelago that has two seasons namely dry and rainy. In the rainy season often a lightning phenomenon that can endanger national resources. This condition needs to be minimized by the... more
(In English) Indonesia is a tropical country and an archipelago that has two seasons namely dry and rainy. In the rainy season often a lightning phenomenon that can endanger national resources. This condition needs to be minimized by the presence of lightning hazard information. This study aims to determine the lightning hazard information display. Service lightning BMKG information in this article shows that at certain times the lightning spread very evenly in the region of South Sumatra and Java. Service lightning hazard information is very useful to support the protection functions of national resources.

Keywords: lightning, protection, national resources, community welfare

(In Bahasa) Indonesia merupakan negara beriklim tropis dan berbentuk kepulauan yang memiliki dua musim yakni kemarau dan hujan. Pada musim hujan seringkali terjadi fenomena petir yang dapat membahayakan sumber daya nasional. Kondisi ini perlu diminimalisasi dengan adanya informasi bahaya petir. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tampilan informasi bahaya petir. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan observasi. Layanan informasi petir BMKG pada artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa pada waktu-waktu tertentu sebaran petir sangat merata di wilayah Sumatra bagian Selatan dan Jawa. Layanan informasi bahaya petir ini sangat bermanfaat untuk mendukung fungsi proteksi sumber daya nasional.

Kata kunci: petir, proteksi, sumber daya nasional, kesejahteraan masyarakat
(In Bahasa) Studi ini melakukan perbandingan pada 2 katalog global-daring kejadian tsunami di Indonesia (7 0 LU-12 0 LS; 90 0-141 0 BT) tahun 1608-2012. Situs tersebut yakni National Geophysical Data Centre NOAA USA dengan Novosibirsk... more
(In Bahasa) Studi ini melakukan perbandingan pada 2 katalog global-daring kejadian tsunami di Indonesia (7 0 LU-12 0 LS; 90 0-141 0 BT) tahun 1608-2012. Situs tersebut yakni National Geophysical Data Centre NOAA USA dengan Novosibirsk Tsunami Laboratory (NTL) Rusia. Kami melakukan perbandingan secara kualitatif melalui penilaian data yang diobservasi dan secara kuantitatif melalui penjumlahan data yang tercatat. Perbandingan menunjukkan secara keseluruhan katalog NOAA lebih lengkap dikarenakan secara kuantitatif jumlah data tsunami Indonesia pada NOAA 24 data lebih banyak dibandingkan NTL, kemudian secara kualitatif katalog NOAA dilengkapi dengan data dan informasi efek tsunami. Katalog NTL memiliki keistimewaan dalam mencantumkan pusat gempabumi dengan lebih spesifik hingga wilayah kota, sedangkan katalog NOAA hanya sampai pada wilayah pulau/laut. Di sisi lain, kedua katalog fokus pada kebutuhan data yang berbeda yakni NOAA cenderung mencatat data pasca tsunami dan NTL mencatat data sumber pembangkit tsunami.

Kata kunci: tsunami, katalog, dan daring.

(In English) This study conducting comparing 2 online-global tsunami catalog of tsunami events in Indonesia (7 0 N-12 0 S; 90 0-141 0 E) at 1608-2012. They are National Geophysical Data Centre NOAA USA and Novosibirsk Tsunami Laboratory (NTL) Russia website. We did qualitative assessment by type of data observed and quantitative assessment by number of data record. Study shows, as quantitative, NOAA catalog is more complete due to number of data is 24 more than NTL, as qualitative, NOAA completed with data and information of tsunami effects. NTL catalogue has a feature on listed earthquake epicenter more specific to the cities, meanwhile NOAA catalog only until sea/island. On the other hand, both catalogue focused on different data needed, that is NOAA tend to write out post-tsunami and NTL tend to write out tsunami source parameter.

Keywords: tsunami, catalogue, online
Jepang adalah negara panutan dalam manajemen bencana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan pelajaran dari pengalaman Jepang terhadap: (a) Risiko bencana di Jepang; (b) Cara Jepang mempelajari bencana; (c) Sistem manajemen bencana di... more
Jepang adalah negara panutan dalam manajemen bencana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan pelajaran dari pengalaman Jepang terhadap: (a) Risiko bencana di Jepang; (b) Cara Jepang mempelajari bencana; (c) Sistem manajemen bencana di Jepang; (d) Langkah finansial Jepang dalam manajemen bencana; (e) Peranan sains dan teknologi dalam manajemen bencana; (f) Cara Jepang memprediksi gempa; (g) Cara Jepang melihat bencana sebagai kesempatan; (h) Keseriusan Jepang dalam pengurangan risiko bencana; (i) Cara Jepang melindungi fasilitas pendidikan; (j) Budaya tolong menolong di Jepang pada fase bencana. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu: (a) Jepang memiliki risiko bencana yang tinggi; (b) Jepang mempelajari sosial dan politik dari bencana; (c) Sistem manajemen bencana di Jepang dibagi menjadi 3 level; (d) Jepang berinvestasi uang dan makanan; (e) Jepang mengembangkan sains dan teknologi terkait bencana; (f) Jepang memiliki sistem peringatan dini gempa; (g) Manajemen bencana sebagai alat diplomasi lunak; (h) Jepang serius dalam pengurangan risiko bencana; (i) Jepang menjamin fasilitas belajar yang aman; (j) Orang Jepang saling membantu di semua fase bencana.

Kata Kunci: Jepang, Manajemen Bencana, Pengurangan Risiko Bencana
(In English) This study focuses on the role of the BMKG Balikpapan Geophysics Station in supporting information on the earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi on September 28, 2018. This study aims to: 1) Analyze observation equipment... more
(In English) This study focuses on the role of the BMKG Balikpapan Geophysics Station in supporting information on the earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi on September 28, 2018. This study aims to: 1) Analyze observation equipment in East Kalimantan that recorded the Central Sulawesi Earthquake on September 28, 2018; 2) Analyzing how BMKG Balikpapan Geophysics Station supports the information on the Earthquake felt in Central Sulawesi on September 28, 2018; 3) Analyzing the way BMKG Balikpapan Geophysics Station supports information on the Central Sulawesi Tsunami Early Warning on September 28, 2018; and 4) Analyzing the impact of shocks in East Kalimantan due to the Central Sulawesi Earthquake on September 28, 2018. This research is a case study research with a qualitative approach carried out in Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan on 27-28 February 2020. The object of this research is BMKG Balikpapan Geophysics Station with the subject being the head and staff of the Balikpapan Geophysics Station determined using purposive sampling technique. Collection techniques used are interview techniques, documentation studies, and observations. The results of this study indicate: 1) The limited number of seismographs scattered in the Kalimantan region; and 2) Problems with the circulation of hoax during earthquake emergency conditions from BMKG Balikpapan.

Keywords: BMKG Balikpapan, earthquake, information.

(In Bahasa) Penelitian ini fokus terhadap peran serta BMKG Stasiun Geofisika Balikpapan dalam mendukung informasi gempabumi dan tsunami Sulawesi Tengah pada tanggal 28 September 2018. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) Menganalisis peralatan observasi di Kalimantan Timur yang merekam kejadian Gempabumi Kuat Sulawesi Tengah tanggal 28 September 2018; 2) Menganalisis cara BMKG Stasiun Geofisika Balikpapan mendukung informasi Gempabumi Dirasakan Sulawesi Tengah tanggal 28 September 2018; 3) Menganalisis cara BMKG Stasiun Geofisika Balikpapan mendukung informasi Peringatan Dini Tsunami Sulawesi Tengah tanggal 28 September 2018; dan 4) Menganalisis dampak guncangan di Kalimantan Timur akibat Gempabumi Kuat Sulawesi Tengah tanggal 28 September 2018. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang dilaksanakan di Kota Balikpapan, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur pada 27-28 Februari 2020. Objek penelitian ini adalah BMKG Stasiun Geofisika Balikpapan dengan subjeknya yaitu kepala dan staf Stasiun Geofisika Balikpapan yang ditentukan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan yang digunakan adalah teknik wawancara, studi dokumentasi, dan observasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: 1) Keterbatasan jumlah alat seismograf yang tersebar di wilayah Kalimantan; dan 2) Permasalahan beredarnya hoax saat kondisi kedaruratan gempabumi dari BMKG Balikpapan.

Kata Kunci: BMKG Balikpapan, gempabumi, informasi
(In English) The Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics of Indonesia (BMKG) has declared tsunami was happened in December 22th 2018 that affected Lampung Province, especially in South Lampung area. This tsunami caused by... more
(In English) The Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics of Indonesia (BMKG) has declared  tsunami was happened in December 22th 2018 that affected Lampung Province, especially in South Lampung area. This tsunami caused by lanslide under the sea after Krakatau mountain eruption. Based on the affects from tsunami in Sunda Strait in South Lampung, The Agency for Disaster Management of Lampung (BPBD) arranged the plan for rehabilition and recontruction appropriate with rules from The  National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) Number 5 2017. Rehabilitation and Recontruction divided into six aspects, there are Humanity, Housing, infrastructure, Economic, Social, and across sectors. The financial source for the process is from Indonesian State Budget (APBN). All of the process is an implementation of sinergy among BPBD Lampung, BNPB, and Indonesian Government.

Keyword : Rehabilitation, Reconstruction, Tsunami

(In Bahasa) BMKG dan Badan Geologi telah menyatakan bahwa pada tanggal 22 Desember 2018 telah terjadi Tsunami yang melanda Provinsi Lampung, terutama wilayah Lampung Selatan. Tsunami ini disebabkan karena adanya longsor bawah laut akibat Erupsi Gunung Anak Krakatau. Dengan memperhatikan dampak yang ditimbulkan akibat kejadian tsunami Selat Sunda di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan, maka disusunlah Rencana Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi Pascabencana sebagaimana diamanatkan pada Peraturan Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana Nomor 5 Tahun 2017. Upaya rehabilitasi dan rekonstruksi terbagi  ke dalam enam aspek, yakni kemanusiaan, perumahan dan pemukiman, infrastruktur, ekonomi, sosial dan lintas sector. Pendanaan kegiatan rehabilitasi dan rekonstruksi bersumber dari APBN. Proses Rehabilitasi dan Rekontruksi menjadi wujud sinergi antara BPBD Provinsi Lampung, BNPB, dan Pemerintah pusat Indonesia.

Kata Kunci : Rehabilitasi, Rekontruksi, Tsunami
(In English) We did field socialization on post disaster of earthquake and tsunami which hit Central Sulawesi at September 28, 2018. This disaster claimed 4.340 lives, 10.679 injuries, and 667 missing people. BMKG formed field... more
(In English) We did field socialization on post disaster of earthquake and tsunami which hit Central Sulawesi at September 28, 2018. This disaster claimed 4.340 lives, 10.679 injuries, and 667 missing people. BMKG formed field socialization team on post disaster into a few locations in Palu city, Sigi regency, and Donggala regency in aim to normally public condition, sharing the skill and knowledge, and explained history of earthquake and tsunami disasters in Central Sulawesi. It was strongly needed by impacted society, showed on some elder figure asked the socializing to be held in open space and attended by many people.

Keywords: tsunami, earthquake, socialization.

(In Bahasa) Kami melakukan sosialisasi lapangan pasca bencana gempabumi dan tsunami yang menerjang Sulawesi Tengah tanggal 28 September 2018. Bencana ini menelan korban jiwa sebanyak 4.340 orang, korban luka-luka sebanyak 10.679 orang, dan korban hilang sebanyak 667 orang. BMKG membentuk tim sosialisasi lapangan pasca bencana ke beberapa lokasi di Kota Palu, Kabupaten Sigi, dan Kabupaten Donggala yang bertujuan menenangkan masyarakat, berbagi pengetahuan dan keterampilan, dan menjelaskan sejarah bencana gempabumi dan tsunami di Sulawesi Tengah. Sosialisasi ini sangat dibutuhkan oleh warga terdampak bencana, terlihat dari beberapa tokoh atau figur yang dituakan meminta agar sosialisasi dilakukan di tempat terbuka dan dihadiri banyak warga.

Kata Kunci : Tsunami; Gempabumi, Sosialisasi.
A ground acceleration map is needed as a consideration in building construction. Therefore, a good ground motion attenuation model is needed to predict the condition in the field properly. This study discusses ground motion attenuation... more
A ground acceleration map is needed as a consideration in building construction. Therefore, a good ground motion attenuation model is needed to predict the condition in the field properly. This study discusses ground motion attenuation models that are appropriate for West Sumatra and Bengkulu based on distant subduction interface and intraslab earthquakes from 9 attenuation models. The ground motion data in this study are from 13 Meteorological, Clima-tological, and Geophysical Agency's (BMKG) accelerograph sensors that are located in West Sumatra and Bengkulu regions from 2012 to 2017 with a distance of less than 1000 km from the earthquake sources, magnitude range of 4.1-6.4 for subduction interface earthquakes, and 4.1-6.5 for subduction intraslab earthquakes. The results show that the ground motion attenuation model from Kanno et al. (2006) has the best result with an RMSE value of 0.46 for subduction interface earthquakes and the model from Bernal et al. (2012) with RMSE value of 0.49 for subduction intraslab earthquakes.
Recent tsunamis, especially after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, provided a better understanding and knowledge of tsunami science as well as on how to build awareness and preparedness. However, tsunamis that happened before 2004, there is... more
Recent tsunamis, especially after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, provided a better understanding and knowledge of tsunami science as well as on how to build awareness and preparedness. However, tsunamis that happened before 2004, there is limited and/or scattered data, information, records, and reports of the events. In addition, there is either limited or no eyewitness's story documented, including pictures and videos. The lack of information makes it difficult for policymakers, researchers, and other institutions to disseminate local and contextualized information to the public in raising awareness and education on disaster preparation and mitigation. If a tsunami has happened in the past, it is most likely to happen again in the future. It is imperative that we learn from the past and prepare for the future. This study aims to improve the knowledge of the impact of the tsunami in selected sites in Indonesia and the Philippines prior to 2004, through investigation of historical documents and archives, as well as documentation of eyewitness accounts. The result of this study is expected to be a more effective way to build awareness and to educate the local community. Having evidence-based of past tsunami event in the area will motivate stronger preparedness. It will also provide a better understanding to the local policymakers, disaster management agencies, as well as the community as it is based on local eyewitness accounts and other local sources, as opposed to using examples from other sites, districts, countries or regions.
The Tropical Depression previously identified on March 3, 2017, at Arafuru Sea has grown to Tropical Cyclone Blance on March 5, 2017. The existence of Tropical Cyclone Blance gave impacts like increasing rainfall for some regions in... more
The Tropical Depression previously identified on March 3, 2017, at Arafuru Sea has grown to Tropical Cyclone Blance on March 5, 2017. The existence of Tropical Cyclone Blance gave impacts like increasing rainfall for some regions in Indonesia until March 7, 2017, such as Kupang. The increase of rainfall cannot be separated from the atmospheric dynamics related to convection processes and the formation of clouds. Analysis of weather parameters is made such as vorticity to observe vertical motion over the study area, vertical velocity to see the speed of lift force in the atmosphere, wind to see patterns of air mass distribution and rainfall to see the increase of rainfall compared to several days before the cyclone. Analysis of satellite imagery data is used as supporting analysis to see clouds imagery and movement direction of the cyclone. The results of weather parameters analysis show strong vorticity and lift force of air mass support the growth of Cumulonimbus clouds, cyclonic patterns on wind streamline and significant increase of rainfall compared to previous days. The results of satellite imagery analysis show the convective clouds over Kupang and surrounding areas when this phenomena and cyclone pattern moved down from Arafuru Sea towards the western part of Australia.
Sulawesi, one of the biggest island in Indonesia, located on the convergence of two macro plate that is Eurasia and Pacific. NOAA and Novosibirsk Tsunami Laboratory show more than 20 tsunami data recorded in Sulawesi since 1820. Based on... more
Sulawesi, one of the biggest island in Indonesia, located on the convergence of two macro plate that is Eurasia and Pacific. NOAA and Novosibirsk Tsunami Laboratory show more than 20 tsunami data recorded in Sulawesi since 1820. Based on this data, determination of correlation between tsunami and earthquake parameter need to be done to proved all event in the past. Complete data of magnitudes, fault sizes and tsunami heights on this study sourced from NOAA and Novosibirsk Tsunami database, completed with Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) catalog. This study aims to find correlation between moment magnitude, fault size and tsunami height by simple regression. The step of this research are data collecting, processing, and regression analysis. Result shows moment magnitude, fault size and tsunami heights strongly correlated. This analysis is enough to proved the accuracy of historical tsunami database in Sulawesi on NOAA, Novosibirsk Tsunami Laboratory and PTWC.

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