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This article deals with the discipline of Business Continuity Planning and management. To secure a business, today it is important to have a holistic risk management program that includes protection from major disasters. Operational Risk... more
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      Disaster risk managementBusiness Continuity PlanningRisk ManagementDisaster Management
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      Distributed ComputingComputer NetworksHealth CareWireless Sensor Networks
The HPC world is waking up to the importance of storage as an integral part of an HPC solution. Many HPC sites are realizing that HPC class storage coupled with classic enterprise features such as snapshots, replication, disaster... more
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      Life Cycle ManagementDisaster RecoveryHPCSFile System
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      Urban PlanningSocial CapitalUrban RegenerationHousing
This article describes a state-supported, multiuniversity, interdisciplinary effort to address unmet disaster recovery needs identified by six hard-hit, low-capacity North Carolina communities following Hurricane Matthew. At the request... more
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      ArchitectureCommunity ResilienceLandscape ArchitectureEmergency and Disaster Management
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      Disaster MedicineMental HealthPublic HealthHealth Policy
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    •   18  
      Social GeographyCommunity ResilienceDisaster StudiesResilience
Most risk management activity in the healthcare sector is retrospective, based on learning from experience. This is feasible where the risks are routine, but emergency operations plans (EOP) guide the response to events that are both high... more
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      Criminal LawEmergency MedicineEthicsOrganizational Change
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      EngineeringInformation TechnologyEmergency ResponseOperating Room
Journal article published in a NZ Catholic quarterly publication sent to all New Zealand Catholic schools about Principals sustainability post 2011 Christchurch earthquakes.
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      Post Disaster ReconstructionDisaster Recovery
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    • Disaster Recovery
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      Social CapitalPopulation DynamicsMultidisciplinaryDisasters
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      GeographyDisaster Recovery
2008年5月12日四川省汶川地區發生大地震,地震對自然環境和 社會環境產生極大破壞。由於家園毀損、鄰里缺失、親人離去、令災 區社區的社會功能大幅消失,亟需重建。從2008年到2010年中國政府 撥付災後重建基金達1,950億,按照「三年重建兩年基本完成」目 標,絕大多數災後重建項目將在2010年12月前完工。 雖然社區重建... more
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      Social WorkSocial CapitalDisaster ManagementHumanity
There’s a new wind of change in the IT industry today. It’s called virtualization. Virtualization is a software technology designed to let us run multiple virtual machines with different operating systems on a single physical... more
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      Information TechnologyProject ManagementVirtualizationLive Migration
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      Policy Analysis/Policy StudiesDisaster StudiesCommunity Engagement & ParticipationHomeland Security
This report describes the results of 14 case studies carried out with organisations in Christchurch and Auckland to further inform and refine the Business Behaviours Module of MERIT. The Business Behaviours Module has been developed based... more
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      Infrastructure PlanningBusiness Continuity PlanningOrganisational ResilienceDisaster Recovery
Computer security incident response teams need to track inc ide ts as they develop. To support day-to-day operations, teams need to be able to generate quick overviews of ongoing incidents, and they mus t be upported in their daily work... more
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      Information ManagementIncident ResponseBusiness ContinuityDisaster Recovery
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      Project ManagementRisk ManagementRisk assessmentSystem Design
Dear Colleague, It is my great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 6th ICT Forum that will be held in October 14-16, 2014 in Nis, Serbia. Additional information on the 6th ICT Forum is enclosed and can be found at the... more
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      Sociology of DisasterFire and Emergency ServicesDisability StudiesFlood Risk Management
One of the key roles of a destination marketing organization (DMO) is to portray their destination in such a way that it is both appealing and inviting to their existing and potential tourism market. A challenge faced by a DMO in the... more
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      MarketingCase StudiesDisaster ManagementNatural Disasters
Electronic commerce has offered much less transaction costs and a suitable mode of business to consumers all over the world. As E-commerce is growing day by day, the risk of it being hit by a disaster is also increasing. The security in... more
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      CryptographyIformation SecurityCyber SecurityBusiness Continuity
On August 29th 2005 Hurricane Katrina triggered a catastrophic disaster in the city of New Orleans, followed by a dysfunctional response and a flawed recovery. The flood evacuation and resulting nationwide diaspora led to a dramatic... more
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      Environmental EngineeringArchitectureFlood Risk ManagementClimate Change Adaptation
Problem, research strategy, and findings: U.S. communities rarely plan for recovery after a disaster, but planners have the skills to help communities redevelop, particularly in rebuilding housing, a key to community recovery. Planners,... more
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      Disaster ManagementTechnological DisastersUrban Planning and Disaster Risk ReductionDisaster Recovery
Enterprises need to prepare themselves for versatile threats such as problems with information systems, fires, nature catastrophes and loosing their key persons. To overcome these threats, the enterprises should have plans to continue... more
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      Business Continuity PlanningService recoveryBusiness Continuity ManagementDisaster Recovery
It is now well known that the world community must share the risks and hazards deriving from climate change and, more generally, from the environment. The fact that just a few months ago, at the end of summer 2019, the European Bank for... more
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      Risk Management and InsurancePublic AdministrationFlood Risk ManagementResilience
Directly after the Great East Japan disaster of 2011, myriad efforts in the disaster area drew volunteers seeking to help from all over the country. Buddhist priests were only one segment of the volunteer base, but a critical one for the... more
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      Japanese StudiesBuddhist StudiesJapanese BuddhismEast Asian Studies
It is not a surprising situation to see that, some of the business owners or senior executives of the institutions, for not taking into account the future of their business or institutions, by failing to... more
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      Business Continuity PlanningBusiness Continuity ManagementContingency Planning and Disaster Management in Libraries and Information CentersDisaster Recovery
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      Disaster risk reductionDisaster RiskDisaster Recovery
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      Incident ResponseBusiness ContinuityDisaster Recovery
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      PsychologyDisaster risk managementDisaster ManagementDisaster Response
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      Service Oriented ArchitectureComputingCloud ComputingSoftware as a Service
Over the years, the Federal Response Plan (FRP) and the National Response Plan (NRP) have reflected policy learning and changes that result from disasters. Since its initial release in 1992 the FRP was amended twice then replaced by... more
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      Public AdministrationDisaster ManagementEmergency ManagementIncident Response
In accordance with the technological developments in today's world many companies implement their vital operations on their data centers and IT services.In connection with the fast development in technology and risimg complexity of... more
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      VirtualizationData CenterDisaster RecoveryDisaster Recovery Planning
a. Do the different methods of backing up your data have a dependency on the type of recovery site that you use? Justify your answer. (7 points) The data is very important for any company; either it is a bank or an educational... more
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      Database SystemsDisaster risk managementDisaster ManagementDatabases
El presente informe corresponde a una evaluación de las condiciones físicas, sectoriales y territoriales en Colombia de los efectos e impactos y lecciones aprendidas del fenómeno desde octubre de 2014 a junio de 2016. Pues se busca, por... more
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      Disaster risk managementClimate variabilityDisaster ResponseDisaster Risk Communication
In 2005 Hurricane Katrina devastated the city of New Orleans. The (near-) complete evacuation of the city led to the nation-wide dislocation of vulnerable citizens. Today, its reconstruction and recovery seems to be 'uneven'. The author... more
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      Flood Risk ManagementEnvironmental HistoryArchitectural HistoryUrban Studies
This research article offers and interrogates the possibilities for using purposefully designed, regulated, and structured “Flexible Spaces” as tools for pursuing a third-way of engaging in urban planning. Offering an alternative to... more
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      Community DevelopmentProperty LawUrban PlanningUrban Studies
Technology experts and stakeholders say they expect they will ‘live mostly in the cloud’ in 2020 and not on the desktop, working mostly through cyberspace-based applications accessed through networked devices. This will substantially... more
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      BusinessEngineeringComputer ScienceService Oriented Architecture
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      Disaster RecoverySupply Chain Disaster Preparedness and Recovery
Data center atau pusat data adalah fasilitas penyimpanan sekaligus pemerosesan banyak data, baik data pribadi maupun data umum. Dalam pelayanan infrastruktur data center, terdapat keamanan data, infrastruktur IP, media penyimpanan.... more
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      Data CenterDisaster RecoveryDisaster Recovery PlanningDRC
Following seven previous successful editions of this leading conference series on risk and resilience, held in different regions of the globe, this 8th edition of the International Conference on Building Resilience took place for the... more
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      Humanitarian Design (Architecture)Community ResilienceResilienceRisk Governance
Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is well established as a key plank in an organisation's risk management process. But how effective is BCP when disaster strikes? This paper examines the experiences of organisations following the... more
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      ResilienceBusiness Continuity PlanningDisaster ManagementNatural Disasters
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      Service Oriented ArchitectureComputingCloud ComputingSoftware as a Service
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      EntrepreneurshipEconomicsClimate ChangeTerrorism
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      ManagementSafety EngineeringEmergency MedicinePublic Administration
More than the great casualty incidence, Typhoon “Yolanda” rendered nearly 200 thousand families totally homeless and brought damage to both public and private resources and assets resulting to infrastructure gridlocks and economic... more
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      PhilippinesPost Disaster ReconstructionDisasterTacloban
A B S T R A C T After a disaster, tourism declines and tourist stakeholders suffer because tourists cancel their reservations and choose to go elsewhere. A key part of managing recovery of tourism destinations is restoring the destination... more
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      Tourism StudiesNatural DisastersDisaster risk reductionDisaster Recovery
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      Information SystemsClimate ChangeRuralCoping Strategies
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      Climate Change AdaptationCuban StudiesHurricanesGovernance