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This article aims to reveal the implementation of the supervisor's role as an agent of Islamic education change in Indonesia and the impact of implementing supervision on teachers' performance. This research is field research... more
This article aims to reveal the implementation of the supervisor's role as an agent of Islamic education change in Indonesia and the impact of implementing supervision on teachers' performance. This research is field research using the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the role of Islamic religious education supervisors in Kuningan Regency was good, although it could have been better. The indicator is in carrying out the guidance for religious teachers, as expected. The relationship between implementing supervision by guiding teachers at schools is good, but it has yet to be optimal. It is due to the situation and condition of the school. Besides, many schools are fostered to be supervised, and the implementation of supervision significantly impacts the performance of Islamic religious education teachers. This is reflected in the implementation of teaching and learning activities carried out by the teacher and the current administr...
This research aims to examine Imam As-Sya'rani's perspective of the moral values contained in the book of Al Minah Al Saniyah. Imam As-Sya'rani's thoughts have their value in serving as a guide in inculcating moral... more
This research aims to examine Imam As-Sya'rani's perspective of the moral values contained in the book of Al Minah Al Saniyah. Imam As-Sya'rani's thoughts have their value in serving as a guide in inculcating moral education and character building. That becomes relevant when looking closely at the implementation of moral education, which only touches on cognitive aspects and has not yet touched on affective (inner) aspects. By touching the minds of students, moral education can shape human character with good morals. This type of research is qualitative with a literature review approach. The results of the study show that the book Al Minah Al Saniyah emphasizes the affective (inner) aspect of moral education, which includes morals to God, morals to fellow human beings, and morals to oneself. This thought can be used as a reference in instilling moral education and character education in order to form a complete human being in character.
Sepanjang tahun 2018 Perpustakaan IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon telah melakukan berbagai langkah strategis baik dalam menata manajemen perpustakaan maupun dalam merancang dan melaksanakan program-program yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan... more
Sepanjang tahun 2018 Perpustakaan IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon telah melakukan berbagai langkah strategis baik dalam menata manajemen perpustakaan maupun dalam merancang dan melaksanakan program-program yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu layanan perpustakaan bagi pengguna.Dokumen laporan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi indikator kinerja Perpustakaan IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon secara umum yang dapat digunakan sebagai sarana evaluasi bagi manajemen Perpustakaan dan serta sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban kepada lembaga dan para stakeholders. Selain itu format dan isi laporan ini diharapkan menjadi panduan dalam membuat dan menyusun laporan tahunan untuk tahun-tahun berikutnya.Dalam laporan ini akan dijelaskan tentang kegiatan, anggaran kegiatan dan realisasi anggaran serta capaian kinerja di tiap-tiap sub bagian kegiatan pusat perpustakaan selama satu tahun baik kegiatan yang bersumber dari DIPA dan RKAKL Perpustakaan maupun dari sumber dana lain tahun 2018
This study aims to elaborate on the rise of The At-Taqwa Grand Mosque as the Jami' mosque and the long-standing great mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa in Cirebon, West Java, in 1963. The emergence of the At-Taqwa not only drove the rise of... more
This study aims to elaborate on the rise of The At-Taqwa Grand Mosque as the Jami' mosque and the long-standing great mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa in Cirebon, West Java, in 1963. The emergence of the At-Taqwa not only drove the rise of new Jami mosques in the Cirebon in the following years but also brought about the contestation of religious authority since mosques function as a source of religious authority in Islam. The study rests on the history of the Great Mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa as the first Jami Mosque in Cirebon, the emergence of the At-Taqwa as the Grand Mosque, and the implications of the two Jami mosques in the context of contesting the authority of religiosity in the Muslim community in Cirebon. The method used in this study is based on a historical analysis approach. The study shows that the Sang Cipta Rasa enjoyed as the source of religious authority in Cirebon and neighborhood areas for an extended period. However, the rise of the Grand Mosque of At-Taqwa also dimi...
Time is advancing, but history is something that cannot be separated from humans. Education in Indonesia has been going on for a long time. Achieving maximum educational outcomes requires the development of the previous education system.... more
Time is advancing, but history is something that cannot be separated from humans. Education in Indonesia has been going on for a long time. Achieving maximum educational outcomes requires the development of the previous education system. This article aims to determine how relevant Islamic educational institutions' history, past education curriculum, and past learning methods are in the current era of disruption. The method used is a qualitative method using library research. The findings that past Islamic educational institutions functioned as places to study are still relevant today. Without reducing the content of the past curriculum, which contained character education based on religion, the current curriculum is to develop the knowledge content of the capacity of students who gain knowledge and share experiences. In this era of disruption, curriculum challenges improve students' creative, critical, analytical, and innovative thinking abilities. The learning methods devel...
Abstrak Tempat penelitian dilaksanakan di Masjid Jogokariyan kampung Jogokariyan Kelurahan dan Kecamatan Mantrijeron Kota Yogyakarta. Ada beberapa masalah yang dihadapi oleh masjid-masjid secara keseluruhan yaitu masjid hanya sebatas... more
Abstrak Tempat penelitian dilaksanakan di Masjid Jogokariyan kampung Jogokariyan Kelurahan dan Kecamatan Mantrijeron Kota Yogyakarta. Ada beberapa masalah yang dihadapi oleh masjid-masjid secara keseluruhan yaitu masjid hanya sebatas tempat shalat dan tidak ramah anak. Dengan demikian banyak anak-anak memilih tempat-tempat yang menyenangkan dan memberikan ruang yang bebas untuk mereka. Dari masalah tersebut maka peneliti menemukan salah satu masjid ramah anak yang menyelenggrakan pendidikan berbasis masjid. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode deskriptif dengan studi kasus dan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa masjid Jogokariyan selain berperan sebagai tempat bersujud dan beribadah, juga berperan aktif sebagai lembaga pendidikan untuk anak-anak. Pendidikan berbasis masjid yang dilaksanakan di masjid Jogokariyan  Yogyakarta memberikan pendidikan agama, umum, mental,...
Maieutic is a Socrates midwifery method that helps deliver babies from their mother’s wombs. This education method provides a position to students as subjects who explore their potential by interacting with the outside environment to gain... more
Maieutic is a Socrates midwifery method that helps deliver babies from their mother’s wombs. This education method provides a position to students as subjects who explore their potential by interacting with the outside environment to gain knowledge. Constructivism is a learning theory about knowledge that outcomes from human construction. These methods and theories are essential in education to produce quality human resources. In line with the government’s freedom of learning policy, this study aims to determine the constructivism theory and Maeiutica method applied in the learning process. Students realize their potential and are oriented to determine their future. The method used in this qualitative research is the library research method through the study of references related to the theme of the problem to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the research with the quality output of human resources. Based on the analysis of this research that the constructivism theory and the ...
The study aimed to understand the concept of Hijrah as perceived by Sekarmaji Marijan Karto-suwiryo or commonly known as Kartosuwiryo who was encouraged to establish the movement of Darul Islam/Tentara Islam Indonesia (DI/TII) as a jihad... more
The study aimed to understand the concept of Hijrah as perceived by Sekarmaji Marijan Karto-suwiryo or commonly known as Kartosuwiryo who was encouraged to establish the movement of Darul Islam/Tentara Islam Indonesia (DI/TII) as a jihad (struggle) against injustice in all life as-pects of Indonesian citizen. The study applied historical research that comprised of four stages, namely heuristic, verification, interpretation, and historiography. The research relied on the primary data of newspaper articles, magazines, journal articles, books, and other written documents. The data were qualitatively ana-lyzed to identify the concept of Hijrah that Kartosuwiryo perceived. The study revealed that Kartosuwiryo thought that Indonesia in the colonialization period was simi-lar to the age of ignorance. The human exploitation through slavery and violence triggered to estab-lish DI/TII movement to change Indonesia as Islamic state and implement Islam in all aspects of life. The study concluded...
Diversity has existed for a long time. Diversity is not a tool to cause conflict between humans. However, improper multicultural management can lead to conflict. Multicultural awareness is needed for humans with various differences, so... more
Diversity has existed for a long time. Diversity is not a tool to cause conflict between humans. However, improper multicultural management can lead to conflict. Multicultural awareness is needed for humans with various differences, so that humans can live side by side and respect each other. This study is a normative qualitative through library research. The research is oriented towards discovering the conception of multicultural awareness as the Isyarah of Al-Qur'an. Primary data sources are taken from the Al-Qur'an and secondary data are taken from Tafsir books. This result shows that multicultural awareness in the Al-Qur’an perspective is essentially an attitude of glorifying humans regardless of background differences. A society that has multicultural awareness can be seen from the suitability of its attitude with characteristics and ethics. Multicultural awareness can build wasaṭiyyah attitude. With these characteristics, a person's multicultural awareness will be ...
In the Hindu-Buddhist period until the VOC, the role of the river was very important, because the river was the main highway that was easy and needed by the people of Cirebon as a means of transportation to connect the coastal area (Port)... more
In the Hindu-Buddhist period until the VOC, the role of the river was very important, because the river was the main highway that was easy and needed by the people of Cirebon as a means of transportation to connect the coastal area (Port) with the interior (hinterland). But during the Dutch East Indies, the existence of rivers in the city of Cirebon has been changed. As the underlying factors, the change in the existence of a river is: firstly, Along with the time and technology development also the increasing of goods and services needs that continue to the needs of exploitation of colony, as well as for make efficient the distribution of goods and services, which then continues to the Government of the Indies-Netherland make the change from river transportation modes to many modes of land transportation development like highways and trains, secondly, unhealthy river ecological conditions also influence, so many people are often affected by disease outbreaks due to unhealthy river ...
While Muslims in Indonesia have begun to turn towards a strict adherence to Islam, the reality of the socio-religious environment is much more complicated than a simple shift towards fundamentalism. In this volume, contributors explore... more
While Muslims in Indonesia have begun to turn towards a strict adherence to Islam, the reality of the socio-religious environment is much more complicated than a simple shift towards fundamentalism. In this volume, contributors explore the multifaceted role of Islam in Indonesia from a variety of different perspectives, drawing on carefully compiled case studies. Topics covered include religious education, the increasing number of Muslim feminists in Indonesia, the role of Indonesia in the greater Muslim world, social activism and the middle class, and the interaction between Muslim radio and religious identity.
... of proposals of joining presented by local madrasahs, such as Anwariyah of Bandung, Al-Iman of Magelang, Ma'had Islam of Semarang, Nahdhtul Wathan of NTB, Nurul Islam of ... Thaba, AbdulAzis, Islam dan Negara Dalam... more
... of proposals of joining presented by local madrasahs, such as Anwariyah of Bandung, Al-Iman of Magelang, Ma'had Islam of Semarang, Nahdhtul Wathan of NTB, Nurul Islam of ... Thaba, AbdulAzis, Islam dan Negara Dalam Politik Orde Baru, Jakarta: Gemma Insani Press, 1996. ...
The early twentieth century saw the emergence of Muslim social movements as a new model of resistance against the Dutch colonial rule in Indonesia. This model of the resistance movement was a response to various changes in politics,... more
The early twentieth century saw the emergence of Muslim social movements as a new model of resistance against the Dutch colonial rule in Indonesia. This model of the resistance movement was a response to various changes in politics, social and religious culture in the early decades of the 20th century due to dynamics within the Muslim community as well as the new policy of the colonial government. This article studies the emergence of Muslim social movements in Cirebon, West Java, and its impacts on the development of the Muslims’ resistance movement against the Dutch colonial rule in Indonesia. There have not been many studies of Cirebon's role in Islamic social movements in the early 20th century. Therefore, this article, using a historical method, attempts to contribute to this literature by examining social movements carried out by Muslims in Cirebon and their impacts on the emergence of resistance against Dutch colonial rule in Indonesia. The findings show that Cirebon, whi...