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The current research is aimed to trace and find out the ancient coins from Arabic found in the archipelago and their relation to literacy related to the history of the Islamization process and the accelerated development of Islamic... more
The current research is aimed to trace and find out the ancient coins from Arabic found in the archipelago and their relation to literacy related to the history of the Islamization process and the accelerated development of Islamic civilization in this region. As a preliminary study, this research was conducted with an exploratory approach intended to collect data for the first stage in the historical research method, namely heuristics. Focus Group Discussion (FGD), observation, and interviews with various relevant stakeholders were conducted to collect the data. The assumption of this study was based on tentative findings of Ery Soedewo and Ichwan Azhari. The ancient coins found in Nusantara are Dirham (silver coins) from the Sasanid Empire with the Persian-Majusi symbol from the 7th century found in North Sumatra. In this area, dirhams with Arabic-Islamic inscriptions during the Umayyad Caliphate in the 7th and 8th centuries are also found. They were still produced during the Abbasid Caliphate to the 10th century. Some of the coins are stored in the North Sumatra Money Museum, The Museum of Quranic History in Medan, and a collector in Palembang, South Sumatra. This Finding correlated with Buya Hamka's notion of Islam's advent in the archipelago beginning in the first century of Hegira (seventh century AD). Michael Flecher's research on the Belitung Wreck site comes from the eighth century AD, estimated shipped from Arabia. The result indicates that The trading activities influenced Islamic spread in Indonesia from Arab to Indonesia. The coins as a means of exchange also coined the most fundamental Islamic principle, tauhid.
This paper reflects a fact that Muslim community need basically a mosque library, but this library faces a problem; it has less attention from its Muslim congregation. This research focuses on providing data of the Islamic literature and... more
This paper reflects a fact that Muslim community need basically a mosque library, but this library faces a problem; it has less attention from its Muslim congregation. This research focuses on providing data of the Islamic literature and the librarian activities in two Makassarese mosques: Raya Makassar Mosque Library and Al-Markaz Al-Islami Jend. M. Jusuf Mosque Library. In addition, this article elucidates the views of the people who employ Islamic literature of these two mosques. In regard to the case of Raya Makassar Mosque Library, the people attending worships in this mosque have not yet been operating their own librarian activities since 1998, when they restored this mosque, up to 2005, when they inaugurated it, and up to the present time. Meanwhile, Jend. M. Jusuf Al-Markaz Al-Islami Mosque Library seem to " replace " the position of Masjid Raya Mosque, in particular in terms of providing a library as a public facility. This fact implies that the congregation of these two mosque had evidently built their own mosque libraries, but they did not continue their librarian activities. For this reason, the people " need " essentially the mosque library, but they " neglect " to activate it.
Research Interests:
This article is based on review on Sejarah Kawasan Dunia Islam, by Ajid Thohir. The book summarizes the reality of the Islamic World in the real context of Islamic society. It can provide early recognition for whom study Islam in... more
This article is based on review on Sejarah Kawasan Dunia Islam, by Ajid Thohir. The book summarizes the reality of the Islamic World in the real context of Islamic society. It can provide early recognition for whom study Islam in different regions. The study of it is becoming more and more interesting when looking at each geo-political region faced global accumulation , how they raise local ideology and establish the boundaries of geo-politics and geography, as well as identity and modernity. The study of Islamic history reveals various aspects of the life of Muslim communities in the local context necessitates a fair view of the Muslim community at the site concerned, but again shows the diversity in unity.
Research Interests:
This paper discusses the biography of K.H. Abdul Halim, a cleric, educator, political activist, a national hero, who was born in Jatiwangi, Majalengka, West Java on June 26, 1887 and died on May 7, 1962, in a peaceful and quiet place,... more
This paper discusses the biography of K.H. Abdul Halim, a cleric, educator, political activist, a national hero, who was born in Jatiwangi, Majalengka, West Java on June 26, 1887 and died on May 7, 1962, in a peaceful and quiet place, Santi Asromo, Majalengka. The title of the National Hero from the Government of Indonesia was granted on the basis of his important roles in education, economics and politics. Among his legacy are the religious educational institutions, namely Santi Asromo Pesantren, the religious organization of the Islamic Ummah Union (PUI), and several books such as the Kitab Petunjuk bagi Sekalian Manusia (Manual for Man), Ekonomi dan Koperasi dalam Islam (Economics and Cooperative in Islam), dan Ketetapan Pengajaran di Sekolah Ibtidaiyah Persyarikatan Ulama (The Teaching Decrees at Ibtidaiyah Persyarikatan Ulama School). His biography is a manifestation of appreciation for his services and works, his struggle and his devotion to science and people, as well as his role and contribution in building the nation of Indonesia with noble character and dignity. Another milestone of his is the value of the struggle and at the same time his Islamic scholarship can be an example for the younger generation in particular and for anyone who aspires to build a nation of Indonesia which is based on the Belief in One God, fair and civilized, united in the context of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
Keywords: Kiai, Education, Pesantren, Majalengka, West Java
The current research is aimed to trace and find out the ancient coins from Arabic found in the archipelago and their relation to literacy related to the history of the Islamization process and the accelerated development of Islamic... more
The current research is aimed to trace and find out the ancient coins from Arabic found in the archipelago and their relation to literacy related to the history of the Islamization process and the accelerated development of Islamic civilization in this region. As a preliminary study, this research was conducted with an exploratory approach intended to collect data for the first stage in the historical research method, namely heuristics. Focus Group Discussion (FGD), observation, and interviews with various relevant stakeholders were conducted to collect the data. The assumption of this study was based on tentative findings of Ery Soedewo and Ichwan Azhari. The ancient coins found in Nusantara are Dirham (silver coins) from the Sasanid Empire with the Persian-Majusi symbol from the 7th century found in North Sumatra. In this area, dirhams with Arabic-Islamic inscriptions during the Umayyad Caliphate in the 7th and 8th centuries are also found. They were still produced during the Abbasid Caliphate to the 10th century. Some of the coins are stored in the North Sumatra Money Museum, The Museum of Quranic History in Medan, and a collector in Palembang, South Sumatra. This Finding correlated with Buya Hamka's notion of Islam's advent in the archipelago beginning in the first century of Hegira (seventh century AD). Michael Flecher's research on the Belitung Wreck site comes from the eighth century AD, estimated shipped from Arabia. The result indicates that The trading activities influenced Islamic spread in Indonesia from Arab to Indonesia. The coins as a means of exchange also coined the most fundamental Islamic principle, tauhid.
Buku ini mendata berbagai naskah-naskah kuno keagamaan yang ada di wilayah Cirebon dan Indramayu, baik milik perorangan maupun lembaga atau keraton, dengan menunjukkan berbagai kekhasan naskah di masing-masing koleksi. Buku in dapat... more
Buku ini mendata berbagai naskah-naskah kuno keagamaan yang ada di wilayah Cirebon dan Indramayu, baik milik perorangan maupun lembaga atau keraton, dengan menunjukkan berbagai kekhasan naskah di masing-masing koleksi. Buku in dapat menjadi database untuk melengkapi katalog naskah yang telah ada, dan sekaligus sebagai informasi bagi siapapun, peneliti dan pemerhati naskah bahkan masyarakat umum, yang berminat mempelajari naskah-naskah klasik keagamaan.
Kasunyatan Mosque is one of the historic ancient mosques in Banten. Its existence is less popular than Masjid Agung (the Great Mosque) of Banten in Banten Lama, although both are one of the religious tourism destinations for Indonesian... more
Kasunyatan Mosque is one of the historic ancient mosques in Banten. Its existence is less popular than Masjid Agung (the Great Mosque) of Banten in Banten Lama, although both are one of the religious tourism destinations for Indonesian people. At the time of the Sultan (Shaykh) Maulana Yusuf, the second Sultan of the Sultanate of Banten, ruled between 1570-1780 AD, Kasunyatan Mosque is well known as a center of religious and scientific activities other than the Keraton Surosowan and Banten Lama. Across this mosque there is the Tomb of Sultan (Shaykh) Maulana Yusuf which is crowded by the public. This research paper endeavors to describe of how Kasunyatan Mosque in Banten as one of historic places of worship. The research uses historical and architectural approach in understanding and analysing data. Based on this research, it is understood that the Kasunyatan Mosque shows its ancient features in its rectangular shape, solid or massive foundations, thick walls, short mihrab, and pulp...
Tulisan ini membahas fenomena penyebaran kitab-kitab cetak keaga­maan di Jawa Barat, khususnya di Sukabumi dan Cianjur. Jenis kitab ini biasanya menggunakan tulisan Arab dengan bahasa Sunda dan menggu­nakan aksara Pegon. Kitab-kitab cetak... more
Tulisan ini membahas fenomena penyebaran kitab-kitab cetak keaga­maan di Jawa Barat, khususnya di Sukabumi dan Cianjur. Jenis kitab ini biasanya menggunakan tulisan Arab dengan bahasa Sunda dan menggu­nakan aksara Pegon. Kitab-kitab cetak dari jenis-jenis itu diproduksi dan direproduksi, dan masih digunakan sampai hari ini. Oleh karena itu, fenomena ini dapat disebut sebagai “living tradition”. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melacak dan merekam kitab-kitab yang diproduksi (disalin atau dikarang) dan direproduksi (dicetak atau digandakan) dengan metode seder­hana, yakni fotocopi dan pencetakan tradisional seperti stensil, sablon, dan "cetak toko". Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memetakan dan merevisi kategorisasi kitab-kitab tersebut dari kajian terdahulu berdasarkan jenis karya, seperti karangan asli, tuqilan, terjemahan, syarḥ (penjelasan), khulasah (ringkasan) yang lain, dan juga berdasarkan bahasa dan aksara yang digunakan. Selain itu, tulisan ini juga mengamati lembaga...
This article tries to study the kinds, study areas, and discourse of religious literatures in the pesantrens of Husnul Khotimah and Binaul Ummah, Kuningan Jawa Barat; to know religious discourse, especially in the areas of akidah (faith)... more
This article tries to study the kinds, study areas, and discourse of religious literatures in the pesantrens of Husnul Khotimah and Binaul Ummah, Kuningan Jawa Barat; to know religious discourse, especially in the areas of akidah (faith) and akhlak (morals); and to recognize the characteristics of religious theology of the pesantrens as well as the socio-religious doctrines developed in both of these pesantrens. This research is a field research. The methods of data collecting used in this research are literature study, documentation, interoiew, and participant obseroation. The characterstics of theology which are easily recognized in the the Pesantren of Husnul Khotimah and Binaul Ummah are the theology based on Asy'ariyah and Hanbali characteristics. Based on the moral (akhlak) aspect, both of these pesantrens rely it on some of Hasan Al-Bann as views, especially in the book of Rukn al-'Amal au Manhajal-Islah al-Islami Ii al-Fard wa alMujtama: i.e. the characters of Muslim...
Tulisan ini mencoba melihat bacaan keagamaan aktivis keagamaan di Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ). Ada dua hal yang akan dilihat, yaitu isi bacaan keagamaan dan bidang kajiannya. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa bacaan keagamaan di... more
Tulisan ini mencoba melihat bacaan keagamaan aktivis keagamaan di Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ). Ada dua hal yang akan dilihat, yaitu isi bacaan keagamaan dan bidang kajiannya. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa bacaan keagamaan di kalangan aktivis kampus UNJ, setidaknya terdiri atas dua ketegori besar, yaitu: Pertama, bacaan keagamaan untuk kebutuhan pengayaan dan peningkatan wawasan keislaman dan kebutuha personal; dan kedua, bacaan keagamaan yang terkait kecenderungan organisasi atau kelompok, dalam hal ini adalah LDK, termasuk LDF-LDF yang berada di kamus UNJ. Adapun bidang kajiannya, dapat dikelompokkan menjadi 11 kelompok, ditambah satu bagian yang khusus wanita. Bidang kajian tersebut adalah Akidah, Al-Qur’an, Hadis, Dakwah, Ibadah, Pendidikan dan Moral, Ekonomi Islam, Keluarga Islami, Sirah (Nabi, Sahabat dan Tabi’in), Tazkiyatun Nafs, dan Motivasi Islami.  Hal penting lainnya adalah bahwa bacaan keagamaan tampaknya memiliki geneologi hingga pemikiran Syed Qutb, misalnya terl...
This article specifically focuses on six prominent examples of Al-Qur’an manuscripts from the collection of Bayt al-Qur’an and Museum Istiqlal at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta. The study seeks to describe the style of illumination... more
This article specifically focuses on six prominent examples of Al-Qur’an manuscripts from the collection of Bayt al-Qur’an and Museum Istiqlal at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta. The study seeks to describe the style of illumination which reflects the variety and uniqueness of local genius although there are certain similarities that crossed regional boundaries. This fact indicates the existence of a regional identity in Al-Qur’an illumination while at the same time there occurred mutual influences and mutual respect for the richness of manuscript in the archipelago.
This study is a result of research into religious lectures given at the Institute of Farming (Darmaga campus, IPB) in Bogor. The case studies were a group of non formal teachings given at Masjid Al-Hurriyah IPB and lectures presented by... more
This study is a result of research into religious lectures given at the Institute of Farming (Darmaga campus, IPB) in Bogor. The case studies were a group of non formal teachings given at Masjid Al-Hurriyah IPB and lectures presented by the Board of Islamic religious teachings for Islamic students of the Institute of Farming (Badan Kerohanian Islam Mahasiswa [BKIM] IPB). The religious literature used by the two groups could be categorized into two classes, according to teaching content and presentation, which are classical Islamic literature and texts leaning towards Hizbut Tahrir. Islamic classical literature is represented by examples such as Riyadus-Salihin and Tafsir Fi Zilalil-Qur’an which are studied in the non formal Islamic teachings at Mesjid Al-Hurriyah IPB. Whereas, a tendency towards the thoughts of Hizbut Tahrir group can be seen in the manual Islam, Mulai Akar ke Daunnya (Islam from the root to the leaf) used for the training of the cadets at BKIM. One of its themes presents Islam as an ideology. The ideology referred to here is taken from the term ’aqidah aqliyah (the creed of thought) which creates rules for life. This notionwas adopted from the thoughts of the founder of Hizbut Tahrir, Syekh Taqiyuddin an-Nabhani who stated the order of life should be built on the foundations of Islam which are the Qur’an and the Sunna.
This article is a book review on Banten, Sejarah dan Peradaban Abad X-XVII by Claude Guillot. This work observes a rich information and data derived from foreign sources, particularly that of Portugese language. A critical study on Banten... more
This article is a book review on Banten, Sejarah dan Peradaban Abad X-XVII by Claude Guillot. This work observes a rich information and data derived from foreign sources, particularly that of Portugese language. A critical study on Banten history was firstly made by Hoesein Djajadiningrat originally a result of his dissertation entitled Critische Beschouwing van de Sadjarah Banten (a Critical Study of Banten History) (1913) and then a recent work of Titik Pudjiastuti entitled War, Trade and Friendship, Letters of Banten Sultan (2008). Both works employ mainly local sources especially manuscripts, while Guillot’s employed its sources mainly of foreign literature. Regardless of references used by his research, Guillot’s work is indeed important in enriching the sources of Banten history. This article, therefore, tries to study three aspects of this book concering with methodolgy, substantial issues and sources. Reading this book, one might be impressed that giving preference of foreign sources over the local ones seems to be insufficient since the local data provides the information especially of manuscripts.
Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelusuran naskah keagamaan di Cianjur Jawa Barat tahun 2009. Cianjur merupakan salah wilayah yang masih sedikit mendapat perhatian dalam hal penelitian naskah keagamaan. Selain ditemukannya naskah tulisan... more
Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelusuran naskah keagamaan di Cianjur Jawa Barat tahun 2009. Cianjur merupakan salah wilayah yang masih sedikit mendapat perhatian dalam hal penelitian naskah keagamaan. Selain ditemukannya naskah tulisan tangan (manuskrip), dijumpai pula aktivitas produksi naskah yang masih berlangsung hingga kini, yang dilakukan setidaknya dengan dua cara, yaitu dengan cetak tradisional (stensil dan cetak batu/cetak toko) dan fotocopi. Aktivitas lain adalah apa yang disebut tradisi " tuqil " (Ar.: saduran), yakni penyusunan kitab. Bahasa yang digunakan umumnya bahasa Sunda, tetapi ada juga Arab dan Indonesia, sedangkan aksara yang digunakan adalah Arab dan Pegon. Adapun bahan yang digunakannya terdiri atas dluang, kertas modern bergaris, dan kertas HVS.
Research Interests:
The Islamic transformation should have not occurred if it remained consistency with its assessment. Any movements or groups of extremist, terrorist, fundamentalist, radical, or whatever its name is considered a hard act towards its... more
The Islamic transformation should have not occurred if it remained consistency with its assessment. Any movements or groups of extremist, terrorist, fundamentalist, radical, or whatever its name is considered a hard act towards its teachings and implementations, must be separated from the mainstream Muslims and should be seen throughout their contexts. It should also be understood as the teaching of Islam and Islam as practiced. The capital pluralism should be used as a basis for strengthening the unity and integrity, not seen as barriers. Muslims are in need of conflict management to resolve issues that are faced by the Muslims.
Ampel Mosque of Amlapura, Karangasem is one of the ancient mosques in the Province of Bali. According to local folklore, the mosque was built in the 17th century AD. The existence of this mosque shows characteristics of an ancient mosque,... more
Ampel Mosque of Amlapura, Karangasem is one of the ancient mosques in the Province of Bali. According to local folklore, the mosque was built in the 17th century AD. The existence of this mosque shows characteristics of an ancient mosque, which according Pijper often found in Java. Some of the main features of ancient mosques found in the mosque, i.e. massive foundation and rather high and square shaped, rectangular schematics even square, thick-walled, and roofed duplex overlap. It was characterised that Ampel Mosque appeared like the shape of Sunan Ampel mosque Surabaya, East Java, and it also resembled to the two other mosques in Banten province, viz. Caringin Mosque and Al-Khusaini Mosque of Carita, both are in the District of Pandeglang. Ampel Mosque is currently no longer used as a place of worship but is used as a place of religious activities such as religious teaching (Majlis Taklim), Preliminary or preschool education of Al-Qur'an (TPA) and Religious Education (Madrasah Diniyah). The existence of the ancient mosque of Ampel in this village is one of the historical testimony of the development and spread of Islam in Bali amongst the majority of Hindu population. Masjid Ampel Amlapura Karangasem merupakan salah satu masjid kuno di Provinsi Bali. Menurut cerita rakyat setempat, masjid ini dibangun pada abad ke-17 M. Keberadaan masjid ini menunjukkan ciri-ciri masjid kuno, yang menurut Pijper banyak dijumpai di Pulau Jawa. Beberapa ciri utama masjid kuno ditemukan pada masjid ini, antara lain, pondasi padat atau massif agak tinggi dan berbentuk persegi, denahnya berbentuk segi empat bahkan bujur sangkar, berdinding tebal, dan beratap tumpang bersusun dua. Disebutkan bahwa Masjid Ampel hampir sama dengan bentuk Masjid Sunan Ampel di Surabaya Jawa Timur, dan ia dapat disamakan pula dengan dua masjid di Banten, yaitu Masjid Al-Khusaini Carita dan Masjid Caringin, keduanya di Kabupaten Pandeglang. Saat ini Masjid Ampel tidak digunakan lagi sebagai tempat ibadah tetapi digunakan sebagai tempat kegiatan keagamaan seperti pengajian bapak-bapak, majelis taklim ibu-ibu, Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur'an (TPA) dan Madrasah Diniyah (MD). Keberadaan Masjid Kuno Ampel di kampung ini merupakan salah satu bukti perkembangan dan persebaran Islam di Bali, di tengah-tengah mayoritas penduduknya yang beragama Hindu. Tampaknya, bukan hanya bukti kehadiran Islam di Pulau Dewata, tetapi juga menggambarkan harmoni dalam kehidupan beragama dalam konteks Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI), khususnya antara komunitas Muslim dan komunitas Hindu.
Research Interests:
This paper attempts to see the religious reading materials of religious activists at Jakarta State University (UNJ). There are two matters observed, namely the content of the religious reading materials and the field of study. This study... more
This paper attempts to see the religious reading materials of religious activists at Jakarta State University (UNJ). There are two matters observed, namely the content of the religious reading materials and the field of study. This study found that religious reading materials among UNJ campus activists consist of at least two major categories, namely: First, religious reading for the needs of enrichment and improvement of Islamic insight and personal needs; and second, religious reading materials related to organizational or group tendencies, in this case LDKs, including LDFs at UNJ. The fields of study can be grouped into 11 groups, plus a special section for women. The fields of study are Akidah, Al-Qur’an, Hadith, Da’wah, Worship, Education and Moral, Islamic Economics, Islamic Family, Sirah (Prophet, Companions and Tabi’in), Tazkiyatun Nafs, and Islamic Motivation. Another important point is that religious reading materials seem to stem from the thought of Syed Qutb, as seen in their five pledges, namely: God is our aim, the Messenger of Allah is or example, the Holy Qur’an is our guidance, jihad is our way of life and Shaheed in the way of God is our highest idea.
Keywords: Religious activist, religious reading materials, UNJ, Dakwah Institute
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This article attempts to trace the early history of Islam in Temasek, a former name of Singapore. The city was also known as the ‘Sea Town’, and was a part of the Nusantara. In the 12th-14th century, Tumasik and Kedah were important ports... more
This article attempts to trace the early history of Islam in Temasek, a former name of Singapore. The city was also known as the ‘Sea Town’, and was a part of the Nusantara. In the 12th-14th century, Tumasik and Kedah were important ports in the Malay Peninsula. Tumasik, at that time, was important enough to figure in international trade networks. The very strategic location of Tumasik, at the very tip of the Malay Peninsula, made it a significant prize for the master. Kingdoms that once ruled it: the Sriwijaya kingdom until the end of the 13th century AD and Majapahit kingdom that ruled it until the 14th century. In the 15th century AD, Tumasik came under the rule of Ayutthaya-Thailand; and subsequent occupation controlled by the Sultanate of Malacca to the Portuguese in 1511 AD. Speaking on the comming of Islam in Tumasik that was along with the influx of Muslim merchants, both Arabic and Persian, between the 8th – 11th century which the trading activity increased in the Archipelago. Coastal cities and ports, one of which Tumasik, on the Malay Peninsula became the settlements of Muslim tradespeople. Most of them settled and married there. Thus, it is strongly suspected that Islam has been present in Tumasik since perhaps the 8th century AD. Up until the beginning of the 16th century, the old Singapore remains a Muslim settlement, along with other vendors, both from Europe, India, and China, and also became an important port under the Sultanate of Malacca. That Malaccan empire was conquered by the Portuguese in 1511.
Keywords: early history of Islam, Tumasik, Singapore, Sultanate of Malacca
Research Interests: