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In this paper we present the Daly Languages Project (www.dalylanguages.org), funded by the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language, and in collaboration with the Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered... more
In this paper we present the Daly Languages Project (www.dalylanguages.org), funded by the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language, and in collaboration with the Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC), which has developed website landing pages for all of the languages of the Daly region of northern Australia. These landing pages provide a useful and usable interface by which a range of users can access primary recordings, fieldnotes, and other resources about the Daly languages; they are powered by a relational database which allows for easy updating, ensuring consistency across the website and allowing for an immediate response to community requests. Moreover, since the website is built with a commitment to open source, it is available for other researchers to adapt to their own projects and language groups. In this paper we discuss the goals and outcomes of the project, the design and functionality of the website landing p...
Audiovisual materials have been produced and stored by remote Indigenous media and cultural organisations in Australia for over thirty years, representing a distributed national collection of high cultural, linguistic and national... more
Audiovisual materials have been produced and stored by remote Indigenous media and cultural organisations in Australia for over thirty years, representing a distributed national collection of high cultural, linguistic and national significance. However, technical obsolescence of analogue materials, harsh environmental conditions and limited access to technological and financial resources in many remote communities present serious risk of information and knowledge being lost forever. This report outlines a collaborative project undertaken by the Melbourne Networked Society Institute and researchers from the University of Melbourne’s Australian Indigenous Studies Unit, Research Unit for Indigenous Languages and the Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation. In partnership with the Kanamkek-Yile Ngala Museum, Wadeye, NT, and the Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, the researchers investigated how culturally significant and endangered Indige...
All educational testing is intended to have consequences, which are assumed to be beneficial, but tests may also have unintended, negative consequences (Messick, 1989). The issue is particularly important in the case of large-scale... more
All educational testing is intended to have consequences, which are assumed to be beneficial, but tests may also have unintended, negative consequences (Messick, 1989). The issue is particularly important in the case of large-scale standardized tests, such as Australia’s National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN), the intended benefits of which are increased accountability and improved educational outcomes. The NAPLAN purpose is comparable to that of other state and national ‘core skills’ testing programs, which evaluate cross-sections of populations in order to compare results between population sub-groupings. Such comparisons underpin ‘accountability’ in the era of population-level testing. This study investigates the impact of NAPLAN testing on one population grouping that is prominent in the NAPLAN results’ comparisons and public reporting: children in remote Indigenous communities. A series of interviews with principals and teachers documents informants’ first...
The field of first language acquisition (FLA) needs to take into account data from the broadest typological array of languages and language-learning environments if it is to identify potential universals in child language development, and... more
The field of first language acquisition (FLA) needs to take into account data from the broadest typological array of languages and language-learning environments if it is to identify potential universals in child language development, and how these interact with socio-cultural mechanisms of acquisition. Yet undertaking FLA research in remote field-based situations, where the majority of the world’s languages are spoken and acquired, poses challenges for best-practice methodologies assumed in lab-based FLA research. This article discusses the challenges of child language acquisition research in fieldwork contexts with lesser-known, under-described languages with small communities of speakers. The authors suggest some modified approaches to methodology for child language research appropriate to challenging fieldwork situations, in the hope of encouraging more cross-linguistic acquisition research.
Comparisons of prosodically defined units and grammatical structure in typologically diverse languages may reveal insights into how language is processed. This paper presents examples of intonation units comprising two or more verbs in... more
Comparisons of prosodically defined units and grammatical structure in typologically diverse languages may reveal insights into how language is processed. This paper presents examples of intonation units comprising two or more verbs in Dalabon, a polysynthetic head-marking language from Australia. The prosody, semantics and grammar of these multi-verb intonational units is examined and it is shown that intonation is used as a delimitative device to signal the higher-level groupings of grammatical constituents in the discourse. What is interesting in these findings is that, despite the multiple grammatical constructions available to signal subordination in Dalabon, grammatical subordination is infrequently used. Instead, Dalabon speakers make use of intonation to group two or more verbs, in order to represent the close temporal relationship of events. The close examination of multi-verb intonational units presented in this paper may reveal more about the interaction between intonation and syntactic organization in a polysynthetic, head-marking language such as Dalabon.
Research Interests:
In this paper, we present an analysis of classifier noun incorporation in Gunwinyguan languages from northern Australia, focussing particularly on generic specific constructions. We show how the analysis of Sadler and Nordlinger (2006)... more
In this paper, we present an analysis of classifier noun incorporation in Gunwinyguan languages from northern Australia, focussing particularly on generic specific constructions. We show how the analysis of Sadler and Nordlinger (2006) for generic-specific constructions forms through nominal juxtaposition can be extended to account for incorporated generic-specific constructions also. In this analysis, each nominal (or incorporated noun) is treated as belonging to a set at fstructure, on a par with the standard ...
A standard analysis of coordination assumes the coordination schema XP → XP CONJ XP mapping onto a hybrid f-structure – containing both a set of f-structures and the nondistributive CONJ and (resolved) agreement features: ... (1) Jose... more
A standard analysis of coordination assumes the coordination schema XP → XP CONJ XP mapping onto a hybrid f-structure – containing both a set of f-structures and the nondistributive CONJ and (resolved) agreement features: ... (1) Jose Jose y and yo I hablamos. speak.PRES.1PL ... (3) For any distributive property P and set s, P(s) iff ∀f ∈ sP(f). For any nondistributive property P and set s, P(s) iff P holds of s itself. (Dalrymple and Kaplan, 2000) ... Dalrymple and Kaplan (2000) propose a mechanism for syntactic feature resolution of the non-distributive ...
In this paper we examine the interaction of a number of grammatical phenomena in Wubuy, a polysynthetic language from northern Australia, and show how they can be given a comprehensive analysis within the framework of LFG. While each of... more
In this paper we examine the interaction of a number of grammatical phenomena in Wubuy, a polysynthetic language from northern Australia, and show how they can be given a comprehensive analysis within the framework of LFG. While each of these phenomena–noun incorporation, verbal agreement, coordination and external possession–has received various treatments within the LFG literature, no one study has addressed the compatibility of these analyses under interaction, despite the fact that they frequently co-occur in the ...
Principles of morphotactics are a major source of morphological diversity amongst the world’s languages, and it is well-known that languages exhibit many different types of deviation from a canonical ideal in which there is a unique and... more
Principles of morphotactics are a major source of morphological diversity amongst the world’s languages, and it is well-known that languages exhibit many different types of deviation from a canonical ideal in which there is a unique and consistent mapping between function and form. In this paper we present data from Murrinhpatha (non-Pama-Nyungan, northern Australia) that demonstrates a type of non-canonical morphotactics so far unattested in the literature, one which we call positional dependency. This type is unusual in that the non-canonical pattern is driven by morphological form rather than by morphosyntactic function. In this case the realisation of one morph is dependent on the position in the verbal template of another morph. Thus, it is the linearisation of morphs that conditions the morphological realisation, not the morphosyntactic feature set. Positional dependency in Murrinhpatha thus expands our typology of content-form interactions and non-canonical morphotactics with...
Reciprocals are characterized by a crossover of thematic roles within a single clause. So, in John and Mary wash each other, each of John and Mary is both washer and washed, both agent and patient. This often plays havoc with the process... more
Reciprocals are characterized by a crossover of thematic roles within a single clause. So, in John and Mary wash each other, each of John and Mary is both washer and washed, both agent and patient. This often plays havoc with the process of mapping to argument structure, which in regular clauses assumes a unique thematic role for each argument. The competing pressures to distinguish and merge the reciprocating argument(s) are resolved by different languages in very illuminating ways that, at the same time, often create special argument configurations not found in other clause types. While some languages either treat reciprocals as clearly transitive (like Warlpiri or English), or clearly intransitive (like Gumbaynggir or Yimas), other languages adopt a mixed or ambivalent solution. In this paper we examine a range of transitivity mismatches in reciprocal constructions including: (a) monovalent clauses with a single ergative NP; (b) mismatches between case marking and the number of a...
Research Interests:
racheln unimelb.edu.au Abstract. Murrinh-Patha (non-Pama-Nyungan, Australia) has a serial verb construction that is used to encode imperfective aspect. In this construction, one of a set of seven intransitive verbs is serialised to the... more
racheln unimelb.edu.au Abstract. Murrinh-Patha (non-Pama-Nyungan, Australia) has a serial verb construction that is used to encode imperfective aspect. In this construction, one of a set of seven intransitive verbs is serialised to the end of the polysynthetic main verb. Previous descriptions of Murrinh-Patha (e.g. Walsh 1976, Street 1987) state that the serial verb in the imperfective aspect construction must agree with the main verb in terms of subject person and number, and tense/aspect/mood. While this is generally true, in fact the situation is not as straightforward as this would suggest and apparent agreement mismatches arise in a number of ways. In this paper I present the full range of these agreement puzzles in Murrinh-Patha serial verb constructions and discuss the challenges they pose for linguistic analysis. I argue that when viewed within the context of the Murrinh-Patha agreement system more generally their analysis becomes more straightforward and show how they can b...
In Gunwinyguan languages (Northern Australia), nouns may incorporate not only into verbs, but also adjectives. These N-Adj compound structures have interpretations identical to those of noun phrases modified by an adjective in English. A... more
In Gunwinyguan languages (Northern Australia), nouns may incorporate not only into verbs, but also adjectives. These N-Adj compound structures have interpretations identical to those of noun phrases modified by an adjective in English. A consideration of the evidence nevertheless argues that the morphological head of the N-Adj construction is the adjective. We show that this paradox can be resolved using inside-out function application to allow the compound to be headed by the adjective at c-structure, but by the noun at f-structure. We show further that the same analysis extends to cases of nominal ‘classification’ where the incorporated nominal is construed as a generic classifier together with an independent specific noun in apposition.
Sadler and Nordlinger (2001) provides a descriptive overview of the phenomenon of independent nominal tense, whereby tense marking on a nominal temporally situates the nominal itself, independent of the tense of the proposition. In this... more
Sadler and Nordlinger (2001) provides a descriptive overview of the phenomenon of independent nominal tense, whereby tense marking on a nominal temporally situates the nominal itself, independent of the tense of the proposition. In this paper we build on this descriptive work by exploring the lines along which an lfg analysis might be developed of the syntax and semantics of different types of nominally-scoped tense marking attested in a range of languages. While the analysis of independent nominal tense is relatively straightforward in lfg, it interacts in interesting ways with the encoding of possession, and with the use of nominals as predicates of verbless clauses, having implications for the f-structure analyses of these aspects of linguistic structure.
This handbook offers an extensive crosslinguistic and cross-theoretical survey of polysynthetic languages, in which single multi-morpheme verb forms can express what would be whole sentences in English.
The learner’s guide (LG) is a genre of pedagogical materials for Australian Indigenous languages, but LGs developed by field linguists are often questioned regarding their capacity to effectively facilitate language learning and,... more
The learner’s guide (LG) is a genre of pedagogical materials for Australian Indigenous languages, but LGs developed by field linguists are often questioned regarding their capacity to effectively facilitate language learning and, eventually, language revitalisation. This reflects a gap in the literature where applied linguistics perspectives are limited in Indigenous language studies, and vice versa. This study aims to address this gap by examining nine existing LGs published over the past four decades using a modified framework based on Tomlinson’s guidelines for second language acquisition (SLA) materials development. Findings show that the LGs are designed based on one of the three model types: (1) Type 1: non-communicative grammar-based, (2) Type 2: practice-integrated grammar-based, and (3) Type 3: text-driven meaning-based, among which the text-driven model has, theoretically speaking, the best potential to achieve pedagogical purposes. Yet, in general, existing LGs likely fail to equip learners with communicative competence. Other issues of greater complexity are also raised, including material comprehensibility and limited resources. A critical implication for the field is the necessity of empirical needs analyses for future LG development. Supplemental data for this article is available online at https://doi.org/10.1080/09500782.2021.1970179.
Principles of morphotactics are a major source of morphological diversity amongst the world’s languages, and it is well-known that languages exhibit many different types of deviation from a canonical ideal in which there is a unique and... more
Principles of morphotactics are a major source of morphological diversity amongst the world’s languages, and it is well-known that languages exhibit many different types of deviation from a canonical ideal in which there is a unique and consistent mapping between function and form. In this paper we present data from Murrinhpatha (non-Pama-Nyungan, northern Australia) that demonstrates a type of non-canonical morphotactics so far unattested in the literature, one which we call positional dependency. This type is unusual in that the non-canonical pattern is driven by morphological form rather than by morphosyntactic function. In this case the realisation of one morph is dependent on the position in the verbal template of another morph. Thus, it is the linearisation of morphs that conditions the morphological realisation, not the morphosyntactic feature set. Positional dependency in Murrinhpatha thus expands our typology of content-form interactions and non-canonical morphotactics with...
This chapter surveys the polysynthetic characteristics of the languages of the Daly River region of Australia’s Northern Territory. Although they are not all closely related, these languages share many typological features typical of... more
This chapter surveys the polysynthetic characteristics of the languages of the Daly River region of Australia’s Northern Territory. Although they are not all closely related, these languages share many typological features typical of polysynthesis, including the encoding of core arguments in the verbal word; noun incorporation; applicatives; and complex templatic verbal morphology. In addition the Daly languages exhibit complex verbal predicates composed of two discontinuous stems, one functioning broadly to classify the event type and the other providing more specific lexical semantics. These properties are surveyed across a range of Daly languages, considering both their similarities and their differences, and the implications they have for a cross-linguistic typology of polysynthesis.
In this article we describe a possessive construction in the Ngumpin-Yapa languages of Australia which has interesting implications for crosslinguistic models of agreement. In this “possessor dissension” construction, the possessor NP... more
In this article we describe a possessive construction in the Ngumpin-Yapa languages of Australia which has interesting implications for crosslinguistic models of agreement. In this “possessor dissension” construction, the possessor NP remains a modifier within the larger possessive NP, yet both the possessor and the possessum are cross-referenced with clause-level agreement morphology. Thus, there is a type of morphosyntactic disagreement (or dissension) between the syntactic position of the possessor as an NP-internal argument and its being agreed with at the clausal level as if it were a clausal argument. This phenomenon has had only limited mention in the typological literature, and has not previously been discussed for Australian languages. We discuss the properties of the construction, how it can be distinguished from other related construction types, and its implications for the typology of agreement.
this paper we provide an analysis for thiscomplex and unusual tense marking system, in which tense values are treated as compositesof three more primitive features. Furthermore we show that, while the Wambaya tense markingfacts pose... more
this paper we provide an analysis for thiscomplex and unusual tense marking system, in which tense values are treated as compositesof three more primitive features. Furthermore we show that, while the Wambaya tense markingfacts pose serious challenges to a movement-based framework, they validate a predictioninherent in the architecture of a unification-based framework that makes use of the principle oflexical integrity
... Bolinger, Dwight. 1987. Each other and its friends. In Another Indiana University Linguistics Club, Twentieth Anniversary Volume, 1–36. Bloomington IN: Indiana University Linguis-tics Club. Dalrymple, Mary, Mchombo, Sam & Peters,... more
... Bolinger, Dwight. 1987. Each other and its friends. In Another Indiana University Linguistics Club, Twentieth Anniversary Volume, 1–36. Bloomington IN: Indiana University Linguis-tics Club. Dalrymple, Mary, Mchombo, Sam & Peters, Stanley. 1994. ...
Publication View. 36097949. Constructive case dependent-marking nonconfigurationality in Australia (1997). Nordlinger, Rachel. Abstract. Includes bibliographical references. MicroficheAnn Arbor, Mich. :UMI, 1997.3 microfiches : ill.Order... more
Publication View. 36097949. Constructive case dependent-marking nonconfigurationality in Australia (1997). Nordlinger, Rachel. Abstract. Includes bibliographical references. MicroficheAnn Arbor, Mich. :UMI, 1997.3 microfiches : ill.Order no. 9810179.s1997 miun b. ...
Research Interests:
In this paper I discuss transitivity in Murrinh-Patha, a non-Pama-Nyungan polysynthetic language from northern Australia. I survey the range of bivalent clauses in Murrinh-Patha and their morphosyntactic properties, and consider their... more
In this paper I discuss transitivity in Murrinh-Patha, a non-Pama-Nyungan polysynthetic language from northern Australia. I survey the range of bivalent clauses in Murrinh-Patha and their morphosyntactic properties, and consider their analysis in terms of definitions of transitivity in the cross-linguistic literature. I argue that syntactic definitions of transitivity, while compatible with the Murrinh-Patha data, are empirically unrevealing since they provide little account for the varying morphosyntactic properties of different bivalent constructions. Instead, I show that the morphosyntax of bivalent constructions in Murrinh-Patha is sensitive to the semantic features of the participants, supporting a prototype approach to transitivity (such as those proposed by Hopper and Thompson 1980 and Næss 2007).
This chapter reports on initial findings of an ongoing large-scale research project into the acquisition of Murrinhpatha, a polysynthetic language of the Daly River region of the Northern Territory of Australia with complex morphology.... more
This chapter reports on initial findings of an ongoing large-scale research project into the acquisition of Murrinhpatha, a polysynthetic language of the Daly River region of the Northern Territory of Australia with complex morphology. The complex verbal structures in Murrinhpatha, which can contain a large number of morphemes and bipartite stem morphology discontinuously distributed throughout the verbal template, raise a multitude of questions for acquisition. In this chapter we focus particularly on the acquisition of the complex predicate system in the verb, and the acquisition of subject-marking categories and tense/aspect/mood. Our findings are based on the language development of five Murrinhpatha acquiring children aged from 2;7–4;11 years.
The indexation of arguments with pronominal clitics is common in Pama–Nyungan languages, including the Ngumpin–Yapa languages of Northern Australia where pronominal clitics index the morphosyntactic features of subjects, objects and... more
The indexation of arguments with pronominal clitics is common in Pama–Nyungan languages, including the Ngumpin–Yapa languages of Northern Australia where pronominal clitics index the morphosyntactic features of subjects, objects and oblique arguments. Like incorporated pronouns, the pronominal clitics in these languages are sufficiently referential to be the only expression of a clause argument, yet clitics can also co-occur with a nominal expression of an argument, and thus redundantly co-specify properties of an argument much like more canonical instances of agreement.

The distribution of pronominal clitics in the Ngumpin languages in particular is striking from both a typological and theoretical perspective, because the bound forms that index the morphosyntactic features of predicate arguments can also index non- terms, including phrase internal dependents of a core argument, namely, possessors.
All educational testing is intended to have consequences, which are assumed to be beneficial, but tests may also have unintended, negative consequences (Messick, 1989). The issue is particularly important in the case of large-scale... more
All educational testing is intended to have consequences, which are assumed to be beneficial, but tests may also have unintended, negative consequences (Messick, 1989). The issue is particularly important in the case of large-scale standardised tests, such as Australia's National Assessment Program–Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN), the intended benefits of which are increased accountability and improved educational outcomes. The NAPLAN purpose is comparable to that of other state and national 'core skills' testing programs which evaluate cross-sections of populations in order to compare results between population sub-groupings. Such comparisons underpin 'accountability' in the era of population-level testing. This study investigates the impact of NAPLAN testing on one population grouping that is prominent in the NAPLAN results comparisons and public reporting: children in remote Indigenous communities. A series of interviews with principals and teachers documents informants' first-hand experiences of the use and effects of NAPLAN in schools. In the views of most participants, the language and content of the test instruments, the nature of the test engagement and the test washback have negative impacts on students and staff, with little benefit in terms of the usefulness of the test data. The primary issue is the fact that meaningful participation in the tests depends critically on proficiency in Standard Australian English (SAE) as a first language. This study contributes to the broader discussion of how reform-targeted standardised testing for national populations affects subgroups who are not treated equitably by the test instrument or reporting for accountability purposes. It highlights a conflict between consequential validity and the notion of accountability which drives reform-targeted testing.
Inflectional allomorphy is a prototypical form of morphological complexity, introducing unpredictability into the mapping of form to meaning. In this chapter we examine a system of verb inflection allomorphy in the Murrinhpatha language... more
Inflectional allomorphy is a prototypical form of morphological complexity, introducing unpredictability into the mapping of form to meaning. In this chapter we examine a system of verb inflection allomorphy in the Murrinhpatha language of northern Australia, which shows a high level of complexity as measured by unpredictability of analogical relations in inflectional exponence. We argue that in this case the unpredictability is associated with incremental demorphologisation, the process whereby morphology gradually dissolves into unanalysable lexical form. We present observations of analogical change in Murrinhpatha, comparing contemporary fieldwork documentation with data from 40 years' earlier, showing that a long-term process of demorphologisation is still underway in recent generations, resulting in increasing complexity of the system.
Research Interests:
Audiovisual materials have been produced and stored by remote Indigenous media and cultural organisations in Australia for over thirty years, representing a distributed national collection of high cultural, linguistic and national... more
Audiovisual materials have been produced and stored by remote Indigenous media and cultural organisations in Australia for over thirty years, representing a distributed national collection of high cultural, linguistic and national significance. However, technical obsolescence of analogue materials, harsh environmental conditions and limited access to technological and financial resources in many remote communities present serious risk of information and knowledge being lost forever.
This report outlines a collaborative project undertaken by the Melbourne Networked Society Institute and researchers from the University of Melbourne’s Australian Indigenous Studies Unit, Research Unit for Indigenous Languages and the Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation. In partnership with the Kanamkek-Yile Ngala Museum, Wadeye, NT, and the Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander Studies, the researchers investigated how culturally significant and endangered Indigenous audiovisual archives could be effectively preserved and transmitted to current and future generations using innovative digital technologies.
Research Interests:
In this paper we describe a possessive construction in the Ngumpin-Yapa languages of Australia which has interesting implications for crosslinguistic models of agreement. In this ‘possessor dissension’ construction, the possessor NP... more
In this paper we describe a possessive construction in the Ngumpin-Yapa languages of Australia which has interesting implications for crosslinguistic models of agreement. In this ‘possessor dissension’ construction, the possessor NP remains a modifier within the larger possessive NP, yet both the possessor and the possessum are cross-referenced with clause-level agreement morphology. Thus, there is a type of morphosyntactic disagreement (or dissension) between the syntactic position of the possessor as an NP-internal argument, and the fact that it is cross-referenced at the clausal level as if it were a clausal argument itself. This phenomenon has had only limited mention in the typological literature, and has not previously been reported for Australian languages. In this paper we discuss the properties of the construction, how it can be distinguished from other related construction types, and its implications for the typology of agreement.
this paper we provide an analysis for this complex and unusual tense marking system, in which tense values are treated as composites of three more primitive features. Furthermore we show that, while the Wambaya tense marking facts pose... more
this paper we provide an analysis for this complex and unusual tense marking system, in which tense values are treated as composites of three more primitive features. Furthermore we show that, while the Wambaya tense marking facts pose serious challenges to a movement-based framework, they validate a prediction inherent in the architecture of a unification-based framework that makes use of the principle of lexical integrity and thus, can be given an intuitive and revealing account within lfg. 1 Wambaya syntactic structure

And 58 more

Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
The Languages and Linguistics of Australia: A Comprehensive Guide is part of the multi-volume reference work on the languages and linguistics of the continents of the world. This edited volume provides a thorough overview of Australian... more
The Languages and Linguistics of Australia: A Comprehensive Guide is part of the multi-volume reference work on the languages and linguistics of the continents of the world. This edited volume provides a thorough overview of Australian languages, including their linguistic structures, their genetic relationships, and issues of language maintenance and revitalisation. Australian English, Aboriginal English and other contact varieties are also discussed.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Comparisons of prosodically defined units and grammatical structure in typologically diverse languages may reveal insights into how language is processed. This paper presents examples of intonation units comprising two or more verbs in... more
Comparisons of prosodically defined units and grammatical structure in typologically diverse languages may reveal insights into how language is processed. This paper presents examples of intonation units comprising two or more verbs in Dalabon, a polysynthetic head-marking language from Australia. The prosody, semantics and grammar of these multi-verb intonational units is examined and it is shown that intonation is used as a delimitative device to signal the higher-level groupings of grammatical constituents in the discourse. What is interesting in these findings is that, despite the multiple grammatical constructions available to signal subordination in Dalabon, grammatical subordination is infrequently used. Instead, Dalabon speakers make use of intonation to group two or more verbs, in order to represent the close temporal relationship of events. The close examination of multi-verb intonational units presented in this paper may reveal more about the interaction between intonation and syntactic organization in a polysynthetic, head-marking language such as Dalabon.
Research Interests:
Audiovisual materials have been produced and stored by remote Indigenous media and cultural organisations in Australia for over thirty years, representing a distributed national collection of high cultural, linguistic and national... more
Audiovisual materials have been produced and stored by remote Indigenous media and cultural organisations in Australia for over thirty years, representing a distributed national collection of high cultural, linguistic and national significance. However, technical obsolescence of analogue materials, harsh environmental conditions and limited access to technological and financial resources in many remote communities present serious risk of information and knowledge being lost forever. This report outlines a collaborative project undertaken by the Melbourne Networked Society Institute and researchers from the University of Melbourne’s Australian Indigenous Studies
Unit, Research Unit for Indigenous Languages and the Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation. In partnership with the Kanamkek-Yile Ngala Museum, Wadeye, NT, and the Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, the researchers investigated how culturally significant and endangered Indigenous audiovisual archives could be effectively preserved and transmitted to current and future generations using
innovative digital technologies.
Research Interests: