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      DativePossessive constructionsExternal Possession
This textbook provides an introduction to the grammar of Sumerian, one of the oldest documented languages in the world. It not only synthesizes the results of recent scholarship but introduces original insights on many important... more
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      LanguagesSumerian ReligionLanguages and LinguisticsAssyriology
РЕЗИМЕ: Во овој труд се разгледуваат присвојните конструкции на ниво на именската синтагма што изразуваат прототипни присвојни релации (внатрешна присвојност) во конкуренција со присвојните конструкции на ниво на реченицата (надворешна... more
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      SyntaxPossessive constructionsMacedonian languageExternal Possession
Холодилова М. А. Релятивизация позиции посессора в русском языке. Курсовая работа, СПб.: СПбГУ, 2010.
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      Corpus LinguisticsRussian LanguageRelative ClausesPossessive constructions
This thesis is an examination of a number of related morphosyntactic constructions in Wubuy (formerly named ‘Nunggubuyu’ by Heath (1984)), a polysynthetic Gunwinyguan language from south-east Arnhem Land. In particular, focus is placed on... more
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      Australian Indigenous languagesMorpho-SyntaxNoun IncorporationAustralian Aboriginal Languages
Холодилова М. А. Релятивизация позиции посессора в русском языке // Русский язык в научном освещении 21, 2011. С. 5–46.
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      Russian LanguageRelative ClausesPied-pipingRelativization
In questa relazione si è analizzato il costrutto del possesso esterno nella lingua spagnola e, in particolare, si è discussa la proposta analitica avanzata da Conti (2011). Secondo l’autrice il fenomeno non sarebbe da ricondurre né a una... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSpanish LinguisticsHispanic LinguisticsGrammaticalization
We try to show that genitive possessors in Bashkir, despite identity in form, may show properties associated with internal or external possessors depending on their ontological and pragamtic properties (humanness, topicality,... more
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      Noun PhrasePossessive constructionsExternal PossessionBashkir language
El objetivo del presente estudio es completar los estudios previos sobre construcciones posesivas en yaqui con datos de corpus y ofrecer una descripción de construcciones posesivas a partir de la naturaleza del elemento poseído. Para... more
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      Uto-Aztecan LinguisticsPossessive constructionsYaqui LanguageExternal Possession
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We try to show that genitive possessors in Bashkir, despite identity in form, may show properties associated with internal or external possessors depending on their ontological and pragamtic properties (humanness, topicality,... more
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      Noun PhrasePossessive constructionsTurkic languagesExternal Possession
External Possession in a European Areal Perspective Martin Haspelmath Max-Planck-Institut für Evolutionäre Anthropologie, Leipzig 1. Introduction In an external-possession construction, a possessive modifier does not occur as a dependent... more
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    • External Possession
Холодилова М. А. Конструкция с периферийным обладаемым в калмыцком языке // Сай С. С., Баранова В. В., Сердобольская Н. В. (ред.). Исследования по грамматике калмыцкого языка [Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Труды Института... more
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      KalmykExternal Possession
In this paper we examine the interaction of a number of grammatical phenomena in Wubuy, a polysynthetic language from northern Australia, and show how they can be given a comprehensive analysis within the framework of LFG. While each of... more
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      Computer ScienceKartvelian Morpho-SyntaxNoun IncorporationExternal Possession
In the typological literature dedicated to external possession constructions (EPCs) (Payne & Barshi, 1999), four types of constructions are presented: the dative constructions or possessor raising, the noun incorporation, the applicative... more
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      Atlantic languagesExternal Possession
The Gumuz suffix/-(á)ts(a)/ on verbs and the related nominal prefix /tsá-/ can be internally reconstructed as the morpheme *tsa ‘body’ (Ahland 2010:165-66, 2012:251 ). On verbs, the suffix functions as a verbal classifier, a reflexive,... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsReflexivityEmbodied Mind and Cognition
In this paper we examine the interaction of a number of grammatical phenomena in Wubuy, a polysynthetic language from northern Australia, and show how they can be given a comprehensive analysis within the framework of LFG. While each of... more
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      Lexical-Functional GrammarMorpho-SyntaxNoun IncorporationExternal Possession
Like in Classical Arabic and other modern Arabic dialects, the preposition l- marks the dative also in the Jewish Arabic dialect of Baghdad (JB). Under the scope of the syntactic category of dative, one finds different semantic roles like... more
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      Semitic languagesPragmaticsSemanticsArabic Language and Linguistics
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      Languages and LinguisticsAssyriologyLinguisticsAncient Near Eastern Languages
This paper provides arguments for a syntactic dependency between the possessor DP and the possessee DP in the Flemish External Possessor pattern (FEP). In the FEP-pattern, the possessor DP resides in a position external to the complex DP,... more
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      LinguisticsPossessionDutch (Flemish dialects)Generative Syntax
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      GrammaticalizationExternal Possession
Присвојноста претставува асиметрична релација меѓу два ентитета: поседувач (ПС) и поседувана единка (ПЕ). Овде ќе се задржиме на потесно сфатената, прототипна присвојност, која обично се ограничува на сопственост, делови на телото и... more
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      Contrastive AnalysisCrosslinguistic InfluenceExternal Possession
Extract from abstract: Possession is generally divided into two semantic types: inalienable and alienable. While inalienability signals “an indissoluble connection between two entities”, alienability encompasses “relationships of a less... more
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      Australian Indigenous languagesMorphologyPossessionDerivational Morphology