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Eric Raimond
  • Saclay

Eric Raimond

Diomedes aristeia in the Iliad 5 and the Meeting between the Achean Hero and Prince Glaucus of Lycia, that introduces the tale of Belleropho, may be interpreted, in a symbolic view, as initiatic path of an Homeric superhuman. Goddess... more
Diomedes aristeia in the Iliad 5 and the Meeting between the Achean Hero and Prince
Glaucus of Lycia, that introduces the tale of Belleropho, may be interpreted, in a symbolic
view, as initiatic path of an Homeric superhuman. Goddess Athena infuses a more
and more powerful menos in Diomedes. She gives him an initiatic vision, which allows
him to distinguish gods amongst men on the battlefield. Tale of Belleropho provokes
another evolution of the hero, figured metaphorically through the armors exchange.
This inspired story, made with many hardships, whose meaning is transcendence, let
Diomedes to transmute himself from a bronze warrior into a golden wiseman.
by Éric RAIMOND, in Res Antiquae 16, 2019. The number Nine is well-attested in many ancient myths. It indicates the duration of reigns of King-Gods before Kumarbi, number of nights spent by Zeus with Mnemosyne to conceive Muses or number... more
by Éric RAIMOND, in Res Antiquae 16, 2019.

The number Nine is well-attested in many ancient myths. It indicates the duration of reigns of King-Gods before Kumarbi, number of nights spent by Zeus with Mnemosyne to conceive Muses or number of days during when Titans fall down to Earth and then to Tartarus. Symbol of plenitude through Egyptian pesedjêt, number of Muses or of Priam"s vassals, it brings up the duration of pregnancy, either biologic or initiatic one. Nine days separate each step of the Odysseus travel, nine days of feast precede Belleropho's ordeals or try to prevent Phoenix from his parricid thoughs. The interpretation of the esosterists tends to show this number as a form of sexual transcendance, throug the archetypal figure of the Hermit in the medieval Tarot.

Keywords: Kumarbi, Hesiodus, Belleropho, Homerus, Gematria, Symbolism

Table of contents and details: http://www.safranpublishers.com/proddetail.php?prod=RANT16

Détails et résumé sur http://www.safran.be/proddetail.php?prod=RANT16
by Éric RAIMOND, in Res Antiquae 17, 2020. Paper about Apollo’s origins through Theonym’s etymology, reflection on first possible appearences in Hittite and Linear B, how he looks like in Ilias and Traditions close to his birth place. We... more
by Éric RAIMOND, in Res Antiquae 17, 2020.

Paper about Apollo’s origins through Theonym’s etymology, reflection on first possible appearences in Hittite and Linear B, how he looks like in Ilias and Traditions close to his birth place. We wonder if he owns a Greek or an Asianic origin.

Keywords: Apollo, Homerus, linear B, hittite, asianism
Table of contents and details: http://www.safranpublishers.com/proddetail.php?prod=RANT17
par Éric RAIMOND, dans Res Antiquae 20, 2023. // À travers une étude philologique et une nouvelle traduction de la chronique mythologique de Hiéron (TAM II.174), je m'intéresse à l'épiphanie des images de pierre de l'Artemis de Pinara et... more
par Éric RAIMOND, dans Res Antiquae 20, 2023.

// À travers une étude philologique et une nouvelle traduction de la chronique mythologique de Hiéron (TAM II.174), je m'intéresse à l'épiphanie des images de pierre de l'Artemis de Pinara et de l'Apollon de Lopta. Ces images peuvent être issues de la terre Theotokè et éventuellement d'un tremblement de terre du Kragos. Les deux jumeaux divins semblent tout à fait liés dans plusieurs aspects cultuels, cependant que leurs images sont are localisées en différents lieux. Artémis peut avoir reçu quelques éléments de la Vierge chrétienne, malgré le développement contemporain du culte d'Artémis Kombikè. Lopta peut avoir été un centre mantique qui avait délivré l'oracle mentionné sous la chronique de Hiéron aux Sidyméens). Ce document décrit une curieuse apparition de "statues" (ou de formes de pierre) à la fin du IIe ou au début du IIIe siècle de notre ère.

// Mots-clés : épiphanie ; Artémis ; Apollon ; Lycie ; Sidyma ; Tlôs ; Hiéron ; épigraphie ; Second rhétorique

// Through a philological study and a new translation of the Hiero’s mythological chronicle (TAM II.174), I focuss on the epiphany of stone images of Artemis in Pinara and Apollo in Lopta. These images may be issued from the land Theotokè and might have been born from earthquake on Kragos. Both divine twins seem quite linked in many cultual aspects, whereas their images are located in differents places. Artemis might get some elements from the Christian Virgin, despite the contemporary development of the epichoric Artemis Kombikè. Lopta may have been a mantic place, which have delivered the oracle mentionned below the Hiero’s chronicle to the Sidymeans. This document draw a curious appearance of some « statues » (or stone forms) of the divine twins during the end of the IId or the beginning of the IIIth century A.D.

// Keywords: Epiphany ; Artemis ; Apollon  ; Lycia ; Sidyma ; Tlos ; Hiero ; epigraphy ; Second Rhetorics

// Détails sur https://www.safran.be/proddetail.php?prod=RANT20_1RAI
by Eric RAIMOND, in Res Antiquae 18, 2021. The Goddess Demeter has become an allegory of Nature, whom its complex nature and functions are not sought. Is its name as ancient as Mycenean Ages, under the noun Damate in Linear B ?... more
by Eric RAIMOND, in Res Antiquae 18, 2021.

The Goddess Demeter has become an allegory of Nature, whom its complex nature and functions are not sought. Is its name as ancient as Mycenean Ages, under the noun Damate in Linear B ? Translation of PY En 609 we offered suggests it is the intendant of a sacred temenos rather than Goddess’ name. She is rare in the Epics. The Homeric Hymn, we propose litteral translation and short analysis, is the main testimony devoted to the Goddess. Here she is the fertilizer Agent of the Earth, like Telepinu, a new form of an Ancien Mother Goddess of the Sky, with uranian lineaments.

Keywords: Demeter, Telepinu, Eleusis, Homeric Hymn, Linear B, Homerus, Syncretisms, Zeus, Hades, Kore, Persephone, Gaïa, Hecate
Table of contents and details: http://www.safranpublishers.com/proddetail.php?prod=RANT18

Détails et résumé sur http://www.safran.be/proddetail.php?prod=RANT18_RAI
by Éric RAIMOND, in Res Antiquae 16, 2019. As soon as the Dawn of the History, Humans express their will to overcome their human condition, specially their mortality, to access to a divine status. First heroes look like Gods, through... more
by Éric RAIMOND, in Res Antiquae 16, 2019.

As soon as the Dawn of the History, Humans express their will to overcome their human condition, specially their mortality, to access to a divine status. First heroes look like Gods, through their wonderful birth, their divine origin, their exploits. Vedic Litterature shows a great plasticity between humans and gods. In this way, Homeric world seems to have firmly settled this border, thanks to Apollo, in spite of breaches from Athena. First great quest of immortality is Gilgames’. But this quest failed. Death of Herakles however allows to access to apotheosis and reconciliation. These examples show a will to overcome, mainly through the fights against monsters which represent the clash of Order and Chaos or, in an ethical view, Goodness against Evilness. In front of this active principle, Christianism will represent a paradigmatic change.

Keywords: Mahabharata, Râmâyana, Gilgames, Tarhunt, Illuyanka, Typhoeus, Zeus, Apollo, Hérakles, Diomedus, Apotheosis

Table of contents and details: http://www.safranpublishers.com/proddetail.php?prod=RANT16

Détails et résumé sur http://www.safran.be/proddetail.php?prod=RANT16
by Éric RAIMOND, in Res Antiquae 15, 2018. The personnality of Goddess Leto is quite unknown, despite she is the sixth spouse of Zeus and one of the main victims of Hera. In the early texts of the Greek Literacy, we may discuss many... more
by Éric RAIMOND, in Res Antiquae 15, 2018.

The personnality of Goddess Leto is quite unknown, despite she is the sixth spouse of Zeus and one of the main victims of Hera. In the early texts of the Greek Literacy, we may discuss many aspects of this goddess. Thus, in the Ilias, she is sacrosanct as a spouse of Zeus but remains uncapable to defend herself in front of another God. In the Apollinian Hymn, she is the daughter of the Titan Koios, whom name evokes respect and fear and the Mother of the Twins Gods. Her beauty is also celebrated through the mention of her golden hairs. According to Hesiodus, she is the daughter of Phoibè, the “brightness”, and, as for Aeshylus, she may have occupied the prophetic seat in Delphi before her son Apollo. Kind and passive Goddess, she however appears, in the Lycian Legend, as a Magician, who punishes boukoloi by transforming them into frogs. Although she never fights, Leto remains a powerful Goddess, heir of Titans, Mother-Goddess and maybe Sun-Goddess with golden hairs.

Keywords: Goddess Leto, Ilias, Hesiodus, Lycian
Etude de la place du dieu de l'Orage dans les panthéons locaux d'Anatolie méridionale, de ses hypostases fonctionnelles en lien avec le Taureau, de son aspect de dieu de la foudre en lien avec le Cheval. Etude de la bilingue... more
Etude de la place du dieu de l'Orage dans les panthéons locaux d'Anatolie méridionale, de ses hypostases fonctionnelles en lien avec le Taureau, de son aspect de dieu de la foudre en lien avec le Cheval. Etude de la bilingue gréco-lycienne d'Isinda (TL 65).
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Maliya-Athéna, Artémis-Ertemi, Qeli-Déméter, la déesse Iya(ya), le Pan anatolien.
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Dieu-cavalier à la massue (Kakasbos...), Kronos et l'Arès au Taureau.
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Somes remarks on Achaemenid influence on Lycian cults during 5th and 4th centuries B.C.
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Thècle habillage chrétien d'une divinité LAMMA locale ? Du démon Sarpédon au héros homérique. Du Sarpédon termile à un dieu LAMMA louvite. Evangélisation contre paganisme ou concurrence de deux divinités ? - Annexe : Glaukos, prince de... more
Thècle habillage chrétien d'une divinité LAMMA locale ? Du démon Sarpédon au héros homérique. Du Sarpédon termile à un dieu LAMMA louvite. Evangélisation contre paganisme ou concurrence de deux divinités ? - Annexe : Glaukos, prince de Lycie.
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L'étude des dieux et des héros lyciens s'inscrit dans le cadre des continuités cultuelles entre mondes louvite et gréco-asianique, où interfère l'influence perse. Nos informations sont surtout le fruit des travaux des philologues et... more
L'étude des dieux et des héros lyciens s'inscrit dans le cadre des continuités cultuelles entre mondes louvite et gréco-asianique, où interfère l'influence perse. Nos informations sont surtout le fruit des travaux des philologues et hittitologues, qui ont mis en évidence les évolutions des théonymes louvites vers le lycien et le gréco-asianique, dont sont tributaires archéologues et historiens. Ils ont assuré que maints noms divins grecs ne constituaient que l'habillage de divinités indigènes. Les statues et les monnaies de l'époque classique donnent une image des dieux sous cet habillage hellénique.
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Somes questions about pets in Lycia through iconographical documents and rare mentions in epichoric epigraphy. We focused on Dynastic times in Lycia and observed that reprensentations of such animals may be issued from an Anatolian... more
Somes questions about pets in Lycia through iconographical documents and rare mentions in epichoric epigraphy. We focused on Dynastic times in Lycia and observed that reprensentations of such animals may be issued from an Anatolian Tradition.
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Thanks to the Trilingual of Letoon, we know two deities : Basileus Kaunions, who was attested by few documents and Arggazuma, translated into Greek Arkesimas. As for this colloquium devoted to Anatolia in Mediterranea, we focused on... more
Thanks to the Trilingual of Letoon, we know two deities : Basileus Kaunions, who was attested by few documents and Arggazuma, translated into Greek Arkesimas. As for this colloquium devoted to Anatolia in Mediterranea, we focused on Basileus Kaunios, also attested in Caria and Kos and Arggazuma and his Greek version Arkesimas, who seem to be evocated in Karpathos and other places. Added to this analysis of documents about Kaunian King, we are also presenting new translation and interpretation of the Lycian version of the Trilingual. Concerning Arggazuma, we have been interesting in new linguistical évidences and further remarks argued by O. Carruba, mainly about the suffix um(a) regarded as an ethnical one. So we are suggesting that Arggazuma may be considered as the King of Arggazuma. A research on Greek (or Graeco-Asianic) toponyms and anthroponyms clse to Arkesimas, may indicate that Arggazumean King has been adored in Caria, near Miletus, in Karpathas and perhaps also in Syria and Euboea.
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Hellenization and Bronze Age Lycia : oriental elements in Homeric epic. Relationships between Greeks and Lycian in pre-Achaemenid times : Linear B texts, Greek Littérature, Hittite documentation, close contacts with Rhodes in Archaic... more
Hellenization and Bronze Age Lycia : oriental elements in Homeric epic. Relationships between Greeks and Lycian in pre-Achaemenid times : Linear B texts, Greek Littérature, Hittite documentation, close contacts with Rhodes in Archaic times (coinage, Lindian Chronicle). Greek acculturation of dynastic Lycia (Attic and East Greek pottery, Greek artistic influence on Monuments, Peloponnesian War in Kuprllids Chronicle, Greek onomastics in Lycian inscriptions, use of Greek language). Continuity of Luwian cults and Greek assimilation in the Achaemenid period. Ambiguities of Greek deities in Achaemenid Lycia.
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Mise au point sur les indices et conjectures tirées de la documentation postérieures permettant d'esquisser un tableau des cultes des pays Lukka dans la seconde partie du IIe millénaire av. J.-C. Mentions de divinités dans la... more
Mise au point sur les indices et conjectures tirées de la documentation postérieures permettant d'esquisser un tableau des cultes des pays Lukka dans la seconde partie du IIe millénaire av. J.-C.  Mentions de divinités dans la documentation du IIe millénaire : le panthéon de Wiyanawanda (Est-ce l'Oinoanda lycienne ?) ; les offrandes de Tudhaliya IV devant la Montagne Patara (Inscription de Yalburt). La structure des panthéons asianiques. Démarche diachronique : la continuité des théonymes.
Southern and western Anatolia is still terra incognita for Hittite studies. Yet, sources from Yalburt, Xanthos and others attest the extent of Hittite-Luwian culture and Lukka populations in this large aea. The identification of Hittite Lukkawani with Graeco-Asian Lykaonia suggests a western migration. Comparative researches on names of Apollo, Artemis, Kronos and structures of solar, thunder, protective, etc. cult centers and local divinities tend to prove religious transmission and therefore tradition permanence. This preliminary conclusion encourages further systematic comparisons between Luwian cuneiform and hieroglyphic sources with Graeco-Asian-Roman ones of the Ist millenium.
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Montagnes évoquées dans la documentation du IIe millénaire : Arinnanda, Montagne-Patara. Dévotions à Harhara et Sarlaimi.
Meter Oreia au Ier millénaire.
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Etude des mythes de fondation relatifs à la Lycie (Panyassis, Hérodote, Strabon...). Reconstitution d'une histoire mythique et réflexion sur la géographie religieuse de la Lycie.
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Etymologie anatolienne (E. Raimond) et contexte historique et philologique (F. Michel) de Targuro et de Tarpalaris.
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Monographie sur l'état de la question du Lukka - extrait de Colloquium anatolicum 3 (2004)
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Synthèse sur la religion lycienne : substrat asianique (divinités "solymes" / divinités "termiles") et statut des théonymes grecs.
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Rapprochement entre le passage de l'Inscription de Yalburg concernant le sanctuaire de la montagne Patara et l'oracle mentionné à Patara par Hérodote. Hypothèses d'identification de la divinité. Permanences cultuelles.
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Extrait AOB 22 (2009) p. 209 224.
Synthèse sur la religion lycienne
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RANT 4 (2007), p. 259-282. This paper is dealing with some different problems about Lycian sanctuaries of Tlus and Patara. We have examined numismatic and epigraphic material of both cities, in order to give some new reflexions and... more
RANT 4 (2007), p. 259-282.

This paper is dealing with some different problems about Lycian sanctuaries of Tlus and Patara. We have examined numismatic and epigraphic material of both cities, in order to give some new reflexions and hypothesis. The problem of an eventual cultual organisation of cities of « Tremilis », whom chief-city would have been Tlus, has been considered mainly from the so-called Sacred Law, Panyassis Legend of Tremilids and Panthera coins minted at Tlus. The Panthera typus has been linked to Belleropho's legend and possible second Storm-God of the « tloean amphictiony ». The problem of the identification of the masculine head on coinage from Tlus and Patara, which could be either of Apollo or or Hermes, has also been envisaged. The expression of « Maliyean Patara » in the Inscribed Pillar of Xanthus and the importance of Athenian coinage in the latest city let us wonder if Maliya's occurrences in Lycian epigraphy really concerned the Asianic Goddess in every cases or referred to Athena. But, we also wondered if particular representations of Athena on Patarean coins designed the Greek Goddess or referred to Maliya instead. Dans le cadre d'un programme de recherche conjoint sur les sources relatives aux divinités lyciennes 2 , il nous a semblé intéressant dans la perspective thématique de ce colloque, consacré aux sanctuaires anatoliens, de nous interroger sur quelques problèmes liés à Tlôs et à Patara. Le choix de ces deux sanctuaires a été suggéré par la présence du type d'Hermès sur des monnaies frappées au nom de ces deux villes.
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Histoire politique de la Lycie des Ve et IVe siècles av. J.-C. extraite de la monographie Studia de Lycia antiqua (Hethitica 17)
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Etude des deux "cycles lyciens" de l'Iliade (celui de Pandaros et celui de Sarpédon et Glaukos), de la Geste de Bellérophon en lien avec les peintures de Kizilbel. Rapprochement entre l'Apaliunas de Wilusa et l'Apollon homérique.
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Introduction à la monographie De Studia Lycia antiqua (Hethitica XVII) - Historiographie de la question du Lukka dans les textes du IIe millénaire av. J.-C.
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Synthèse sur les divinités et cultes dans la Lycie gréco-asianique extraite de la monographie Studia de Lycia antiqua (= Hethitica 17).
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