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    Gino Cantalamessa

    Research Interests:
    ... a Pleistocene age for sediments yielding northern guests, their number rose progressively (Moroni ... impressa, consente di ritenere questo taxon una forma pelofila tollerante che popolava ambienti ... micropaleontological analyses:... more
    ... a Pleistocene age for sediments yielding northern guests, their number rose progressively (Moroni ... impressa, consente di ritenere questo taxon una forma pelofila tollerante che popolava ambienti ... micropaleontological analyses: MFN 1-24 for calcareous nannofossils, and Mfi 1-5 ...
    Le due diverse sequenze sopra descritte sono da mettere in relazione all'attività tettonica che ha condizionato la sedimentazione dell'area a partire dal Pliocene inferiore. Nella parte alta del Pliocene inferiore, infatti, in... more
    Le due diverse sequenze sopra descritte sono da mettere in relazione all'attività tettonica che ha condizionato la sedimentazione dell'area a partire dal Pliocene inferiore. Nella parte alta del Pliocene inferiore, infatti, in relazione alle compressioni che hanno interessato l' ...
    In Miocene and Lower Pliocene, the compressive regi­mes following on the subduction of the Apulian foreland beneath the southem Apennine chain determined the formation of thrusts that deformed the Apennine Mesozoic Tertiary units and... more
    In Miocene and Lower Pliocene, the compressive regi­mes following on the subduction of the Apulian foreland beneath the southem Apennine chain determined the formation of thrusts that deformed the Apennine Mesozoic Tertiary units and favored the emergence of piggy-back basins situated at a higher leve! with respect to the outermost southem Adriatic foredeep facing them. In one ofthese basins, the infra-Pliocene sediments belonging to the Ariano Unit were deposited with their axis parallel to the NW-SE trending thrust fronts. The bedrock on which these sediments were lain in angular uncon­formity, is represented both by the S. Bartolomeo Flysch depo­sits and by terrains belonging to the Flysch Rosso. [...]
    The sequence stratigraphic framework and a summary of the fossil fauna of the upper Miocene portion of the Pisco Formation exposed along the western side of the Ica River (southern Peru) is presented through a new geological map... more
    The sequence stratigraphic framework and a summary of the fossil fauna of the upper Miocene portion of the Pisco Formation exposed along the western side of the Ica River (southern Peru) is presented through a new geological map encompassing an area of about 200 km 2 and detailed chronostratigraphic analyses. Extensive field mapping and sedimentological study of outcrop sections have shown that the Pisco Formation is a cyclical sediment unit composed of at least three fining-upward, unconformity-bounded depositional sequences, designated P0, P1, and P2 from oldest to youngest. In the study area, these sequences progressively onlap a composite basal unconformity from southwest to northeast. Integration of biostratigraphic and tephrochronologic age determinations constrains the ages of the three Pisco sequences within the study area. Based on the age of surrounding sediments, a conservative estimate of the age of P0 suggests deposition of these strata between 17.99 ± 0.10 Ma and 9.00 ...
    The hilly belt located between Mt Conero to the North and the low valley of the Sangro river to the South, is modelled over Plio-Pleistocene marine deposits. The latter, as a whole, are disposed according to an eastward dipping gentle... more
    The hilly belt located between Mt Conero to the North and the low valley of the Sangro river to the South, is modelled over Plio-Pleistocene marine deposits. The latter, as a whole, are disposed according to an eastward dipping gentle monocline. Remarkable sinsedimentary tectonics con­ditioned the morphologic structure of the basin and its deposi­tional settings, as well as the marine sequence. Netwithstand­ing its overall unitariness it shows various differentiations, both vertically and horizontally, with sedimentary and an­gular unconformities of considerable extent. [...]
    Studies carried on in the last several years allow us to date the Canoa Formation as Late Pliocene. The rich paleontological record (foraminifers, mollusks, and otoliths) allowed us to outline a first articulate picture of the... more
    Studies carried on in the last several years allow us to date the Canoa Formation as Late Pliocene. The rich paleontological record (foraminifers, mollusks, and otoliths) allowed us to outline a first articulate picture of the biogeographic relationships in the tropical eastern Pacific during the Plio-Pleistocene. The mollusk fauna shows a Panamic connotation, as the majority (88.7%) of the extant species are present between the Gulf of California and the coasts of Ecuador or northern Peru. Benthic foraminifers assemblages indicate a temperate character with a certain affinity with the Mexican Pacific microfauna. More than 7000 otoliths have been found in the Canoa Formation that are attributed to 105 taxa of 46 fish families. Only 65% of the fossil association is living today along the Ecuadorian coasts, while the association as a whole shows closer relationships with the extant Californian fish community (about 80%). In particular, a conspicuous group of fishes (15 taxa) today spr...
    Studies carried on in the last several years allow us to date the Canoa Formation as Late Pliocene. The rich paleontological record (foraminifers, mollusks, and otoliths) allowed us to outline a first articulate picture of the... more
    Studies carried on in the last several years allow us to date the Canoa Formation as Late Pliocene. The rich paleontological record (foraminifers, mollusks, and otoliths) allowed us to outline a first articulate picture of the biogeographic relationships in the tropical eastern Pacific during the Plio-Pleistocene. The mollusk fauna shows a Panamic connotation, as the majority (88.7%) of the extant species are present between the Gulf of California and the coasts of Ecuador or northern Peru. Benthic foraminifers assemblages indicate a temperate character with a certain affinity with the Mexican Pacific microfauna. More than 7000 otoliths have been found in the Canoa Formation that are attributed to 105 taxa of 46 fish families. Only 65% of the fossil association is living today along the Ecuadorian coasts, while the association as a whole shows closer relationships with the extant Californian fish community (about 80%). In particular, a conspicuous group of fishes (15 taxa) today spr...
    Introduction Early sequence stratigraphie models pred ict that the internai organisation of depositional sequences is controlled by the complex interplay of changes in accommodation at the shoreline (including eustasy and vertical... more
    Introduction Early sequence stratigraphie models pred ict that the internai organisation of depositional sequences is controlled by the complex interplay of changes in accommodation at the shoreline (including eustasy and vertical tectonic movements) and sediment supply. However, while the way in which accommodation changes along the depositional dip of a subsiding basin margin has been fully documented, comparatively less attention has been paid to the effects on stratal architecture of local basin factors, such as eventual along-strike changes in accommodation in response to shoreline-perpendicular faulting (e.g., Gawthorpe et al., 1994; Hodgetts et al., 2001). The high-resolution sequence-stratigraphie analysis of young successions where ail the variables influencing sequence development, such as basin-physiography, plate tectonic setting, rates and magnitudes of glacio-eustasy, and sediment supply are weil constrained, provides an excellent opportunity to evaluate their effectiv...
    Turbidite sandstones found in deep-water fold-and-thrust belts are increasingly exploited as hydrocarbon reservoirs (e.g. Weimer and Pettingill, 2007). Within these rocks, the fluid flow is profoundly affected by the complex interaction... more
    Turbidite sandstones found in deep-water fold-and-thrust belts are increasingly exploited as hydrocarbon reservoirs (e.g. Weimer and Pettingill, 2007). Within these rocks, the fluid flow is profoundly affected by the complex interaction between primary sedimentological and stratigraphic attributes (i.e, facies, layering, reservoir quality, stacking patterns, bed connectivity and lateral extent) and fracture characteristics (i.e., length, spacing, distribution, orientation, connectivity). Unfortunately, most of these features are at, or below, the resolution of conventional seismic datasets and, for this reason, their identification and localization represent one of the fundamental challenges facing exploration, appraisal and production of the sandstone reservoirs (e.g. Mayall et al., 2006). In this respect, whereas considerable effort has been afforded to a characterization of the sedimentological and stratigraphic aspects of sandstones, detailed analysis of fractures in this type o...
    The methodology adopted to classify and represent natural hazards and resources influencing the quality of land and of life is briefly reported.It aims to make as schematic and simple as possible the classification procedure, based upon... more
    The methodology adopted to classify and represent natural hazards and resources influencing the quality of land and of life is briefly reported.It aims to make as schematic and simple as possible the classification procedure, based upon available thematic maps, adopting only three levels of hazard (each subdivided into two sub-levels, depending upon the possibility to reclaim or recover the area) and two levels of resources (each subdivided into two sub-levels according to its exploitability).The proposed representation aims at simplifying the interpretation of the resulting map, where both the hazard and resources levels are displayed using full colors and hatchings, respectively.
    The complex interaction of regional uplift, glacio-eustasy, local tectonics, and sediment supply has a significant impact on the internal architecture and vertical arrangement of shallow-marine and fluvial depositional sequences and can... more
    The complex interaction of regional uplift, glacio-eustasy, local tectonics, and sediment supply has a significant impact on the internal architecture and vertical arrangement of shallow-marine and fluvial depositional sequences and can be documented in well-exposed successions of Pleistocene strata cropping out along the uplifted margins of Ecuador, northern Chile, and eastern central Italy. The results stemming from these sediments have important implications for sequence stratigraphic models in tectonically active areas and lead to the following general conclusions: (i) given that rates of syndepositional regional tectonic uplift were substantially less than rates of contemporaneous eustatic changes in sea level in all of the study areas, glacio-eustasy appears to have played the main control on development of high-frequency sequences; (ii) stratal geometries, sedimentary facies, and genetic complexity of sequence bounding unconformities of these cyclic successions indicate that ...

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