U ovoj monografiji analizirali smo studije koje se bave so- cijalnom participacijom osoba sa inva... more U ovoj monografiji analizirali smo studije koje se bave so- cijalnom participacijom osoba sa invaliditetom, sa posebnim naglaskom na osobe sa cerebralnom paralizom i osobe sa multi- plom sklerozom. Cilj istraživanja je definisanje relevantnih faktora koji o(ne)mogućavaju socijalnu participaciju osoba sa invaliditetom. U literaturi se mogu naći studije koje su se bavile socijalnom participacijom i funkcionalnim sposobnostima osoba sa inva- liditetom koje su invaliditet definisale u skladu sa Međuna- rodnom klasifikacijom funkcionisanja, invaliditeta i zdravlja. Međutim, većina studija se oslanja na tradicionalne definicije invalidnosti, koje invaliditet posmatraju kroz simptomatolo- giju cerebralne paralize i multiple skleroze i limitiran oda- bir aktivnosti svakodnevnog života. Analizirane su one studije koje su u svojoj metodologiji istraživanja i opisu socijalne parti- cipacije koristile biopsihosocijalni pristup. Potvrđena je osnovna pretpostavka, da je kvalitet socijalne partici...
Social integration has a conceptual frame in its essence, and that is 'social inclusion'.... more Social integration has a conceptual frame in its essence, and that is 'social inclusion'. It is the result of a set of processes, encompassing a broad scope of activities such are: functional rehabilitation, education, professional orientation, professional training, with ultimate professional rehabilitation (or professional reintegration). Social integration implies a complete inclusion into social-economic and cultural life of community, meaning the family, work and social environment. The problem of social integration primarily pertains to difficulties related to somatic psychological damages, i.e. disorders in conduct during interaction with social environment. However, it undoubtedly points to the role of society and social environment as a very important generator of difficulties in social integration. Majority of people with motor disorders has a problem to actively participate in carrying out their daily life activities and participation in social community in the de...
This descriptive and exploratory study aimed to examine the relationship between familycenteredne... more This descriptive and exploratory study aimed to examine the relationship between familycenteredness of service delivery and home and community participation of children with cerebral palsy. It was hypothesized that there would be a significant association between family-centeredness of service delivery and parental satisfaction with home and community participation in the group of school-aged children with cerebral palsy. A convenience sample included 110 children with cerebral palsy, aged 7-18 years (55% males; M age = 12.7 years, SD = 3.41). The Measure of Processes of Care (MPOC-20) was used to assess the extent to which parents of children with cerebral palsy perceived health and rehabilitation services they had been receiving as being family-centred. Overall parental satisfaction with their child's home and community participation was evaluated by The Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth (PEM-CY). Analyses were performed using Spearman's rank correlation test. Only two out of 10 tested correlations reached the level of statistical significance, both in home environment. Parents who had higher overall satisfaction with their child's current home and community participation perceived certain aspects of health and rehabilitation services as being family-centred to a greater extent (general and specific information). The fulfilment of parents' needs by presenting them general and child-related information could have a positive effect on their satisfaction with their child's home participation. The findings suggest insufficient representation of the concept of participation and family-centred work principles in service planning and the evaluation of outcomes of the applied programs.
Research in developmental disabilities, Jan 26, 2018
Children with cerebral palsy (CP) are at increased risk of reduced participation. Parental evalua... more Children with cerebral palsy (CP) are at increased risk of reduced participation. Parental evaluation of child's participation is often the decision-making factor in the process of special education and/or rehabilitation. Examine and compare home and community participation of children with CP and typical development (TD) and the associations between their parents' desire for change and participation dimensions in both settings. This cross-sectional study included a convenience sample of 110 children with CP (55% males; mean age 12.7 years) and 134 children with TD (49% males; mean age 12.1 years). The Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth (PEM-CY) was used. Home and community participation and environmental supportiveness of children with CP were lower compared to children with TD (p < .001, family income controlled). The effect sizes indicated that there may be no clinically important difference in participation frequency. Parents of children with...
... Rehabilitacija perceptualno selektivne panje omogućava uspostavljanje veza između ostalih ko... more ... Rehabilitacija perceptualno selektivne panje omogućava uspostavljanje veza između ostalih kognitivnih funkcionalnih celina ali i pojedinih motornih funkcija. Ključne reči. ... 33-40. Roy, E., Square, PA (1985) Common considerations in the study of limb, verbal and oral apraxia. ...
U trenutku kada brojne discipline sa kojima se granici specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija defi... more U trenutku kada brojne discipline sa kojima se granici specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija definisu svoje kompetencije i standarde, kada svako znanje,ali i profesionalna delatnost moraju biti akreditovani, kada se vise nego ikada insistira na pracenju tokova, trendova, kao i na izjednacavanju i kompatibilnosti obrazovanja sa drugim evropskim zemljama, od ogromne je važnosti da defektolog 'sacuva', ali i otvori nova podrucja kompetencija.Kakav treba da bude savremeni specijalni edukator i rehabilitator? Ovaj rad upravo pokusava da da odgovor na to pitanje, identifikujuci aktuelne zahteve radnog mesta i kompetencije defektologa, poredeci ih sa zahtevima za prosirenjem oblasti delovanja i predlažuci uvođenje standarda i testova za proveru kompetentnosti defektologa. .
The aim of this paper is to allocate studies dealing with the identification of predictors and th... more The aim of this paper is to allocate studies dealing with the identification of predictors and the definition of the importance, nature and extent of social participation of children with cerebral palsy in the school environment. A review of literature dealing with the subject will be carried out and the knowledge of the field systematized. The selected studies will be analyzed and the predictors and determinants of participation defined. Based on the analysis guidelines for the upgrade of social participation of children with cerebral palsy will be outlined and suggestions for the implementation of this knowledge in the practical work in inclusive terms given. The results suggest that there is a complex relation between disability, participation and school environment and that the predictors cannot be viewed as isolated entities but only as combined models of the interactive physical and cognitive-behavioral variables. The key steps in the professional intervention comprise the dev...
This descriptive and exploratory study aimed to examine the relationship between family-centeredn... more This descriptive and exploratory study aimed to examine the relationship between family-centeredness of service delivery and home and community participation of children with cerebral palsy. It was hypothesized that there would be a significant association between family-centeredness of service delivery and parental satisfaction with home and community participation in the group of school-aged children with cerebral palsy. A convenience sample included 110 children with cerebral palsy, aged 7-18 years (55% males; M age = 12.7 years, SD = 3.41). The Measure of Processes of Care (MPOC-20) was used to assess the extent to which parents of children with cerebral palsy perceived health and rehabilitation services they had been receiving as being family-centred. Overall parental satisfaction with their child's home and community participation was evaluated by The Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth (PEM-CY). Analyses were performed using Spearman's rank correlation test. Only two out of 10 tested correlations reached the level of statistical significance, both in home environment. Parents who had higher overall satisfaction with their child's current home and community participation perceived certain aspects of health and rehabilitation services as being family-centred to a greater extent (general and specific information). The fulfilment of parents' needs by presenting them general and child-related information could have a positive effect on their satisfaction with their child's home participation. The findings suggest insufficient representation of the concept of participation and family-centred work principles in service planning and the evaluation of outcomes of the applied programs.
Vojnosanitetski pregled. Military-medical and pharmaceutical review, 2013
Although long-term survival of childhood cancer patients is significantly improved, prolonged tre... more Although long-term survival of childhood cancer patients is significantly improved, prolonged treatment and hospitalization might have negative impacts on child development. The aim of this study was to verify profile of health-related quality of life parameters in population of schoolchildren during hospitalization and treatment for malignant disease. The Serbian version of Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory Version 4.0 (PedsQLTM4.0) Generic Core Scales was applied. A total of 120 schoolchildren were analyzed: 60 patients hospitalized for prolonged malignant disease treatment and 60 healthy schoolchildren from public schools. The study was done at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, as well as in four schools. Generally, schoolchildren hospitalized for cancer treatment demonstrated lower scores on physical, emotional, social and school functioning when compared to healthy schoolchildren from regular public schools. Significant differences were observed for all the ...
Malignant disease, its treatment and consequences of treatment can often lead to social marginali... more Malignant disease, its treatment and consequences of treatment can often lead to social marginalization and reduced quality of life. The aim of this research was to determine how elderly patients with malignant diseases function in their social environment. Sociodemographic questionnaire and interview were used to investigate a group of 49 elderly persons undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy treatment against early carcinomas (P1), and a group of 51 elderly persons with advanced stages of cancer undergoing systemic chemotherapy (P2). There were two cycles of assessment: one just before the beginning of the first cycle of adjuvant or systemic chemotherapy, and the other three months later. The research paradigm was based on the relation between individual treatment and the impact of the malignant disease on functional and social incompetence. The obtained findings were compared with the group of 50 healthy elderly people (K) who share the same relevant features but do not suffer from malignant diseases. It was found that most healthy older people live in share house, whereas those who suffer from malignant diseases mostly live in separate households. In both groups of patients and healthy group older people are mostly taken care of by their children. Individuals in both groups of patients have been frequently visited by their relatives during initial stages of treatment, unlike the elderly people in the control group. However, the difference did not reach a statistical significance. Three months after the beginning of chemotherapy, there was a statistically relevant difference in favor of the group undergoing adjuvant treatment. Home visits eventually become less frequent, whereas communication by telephone becomes more frequent. It was also found that visits by friends and neighbors are statistically more frequent among subjects who undergo adjuvant treatment, both before the treatment began and three months later when compared to other groups. Our research shows that elderly people are subject to social exclusion, especially those with malignant diseases. Special care should be dedicated to monitoring of social functioning during treatment of patients with malignant disease considering the detected trend of deterioration and significance for further recover and cure.
U ovoj monografiji analizirali smo studije koje se bave so- cijalnom participacijom osoba sa inva... more U ovoj monografiji analizirali smo studije koje se bave so- cijalnom participacijom osoba sa invaliditetom, sa posebnim naglaskom na osobe sa cerebralnom paralizom i osobe sa multi- plom sklerozom. Cilj istraživanja je definisanje relevantnih faktora koji o(ne)mogućavaju socijalnu participaciju osoba sa invaliditetom. U literaturi se mogu naći studije koje su se bavile socijalnom participacijom i funkcionalnim sposobnostima osoba sa inva- liditetom koje su invaliditet definisale u skladu sa Međuna- rodnom klasifikacijom funkcionisanja, invaliditeta i zdravlja. Međutim, većina studija se oslanja na tradicionalne definicije invalidnosti, koje invaliditet posmatraju kroz simptomatolo- giju cerebralne paralize i multiple skleroze i limitiran oda- bir aktivnosti svakodnevnog života. Analizirane su one studije koje su u svojoj metodologiji istraživanja i opisu socijalne parti- cipacije koristile biopsihosocijalni pristup. Potvrđena je osnovna pretpostavka, da je kvalitet socijalne partici...
Social integration has a conceptual frame in its essence, and that is 'social inclusion'.... more Social integration has a conceptual frame in its essence, and that is 'social inclusion'. It is the result of a set of processes, encompassing a broad scope of activities such are: functional rehabilitation, education, professional orientation, professional training, with ultimate professional rehabilitation (or professional reintegration). Social integration implies a complete inclusion into social-economic and cultural life of community, meaning the family, work and social environment. The problem of social integration primarily pertains to difficulties related to somatic psychological damages, i.e. disorders in conduct during interaction with social environment. However, it undoubtedly points to the role of society and social environment as a very important generator of difficulties in social integration. Majority of people with motor disorders has a problem to actively participate in carrying out their daily life activities and participation in social community in the de...
This descriptive and exploratory study aimed to examine the relationship between familycenteredne... more This descriptive and exploratory study aimed to examine the relationship between familycenteredness of service delivery and home and community participation of children with cerebral palsy. It was hypothesized that there would be a significant association between family-centeredness of service delivery and parental satisfaction with home and community participation in the group of school-aged children with cerebral palsy. A convenience sample included 110 children with cerebral palsy, aged 7-18 years (55% males; M age = 12.7 years, SD = 3.41). The Measure of Processes of Care (MPOC-20) was used to assess the extent to which parents of children with cerebral palsy perceived health and rehabilitation services they had been receiving as being family-centred. Overall parental satisfaction with their child's home and community participation was evaluated by The Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth (PEM-CY). Analyses were performed using Spearman's rank correlation test. Only two out of 10 tested correlations reached the level of statistical significance, both in home environment. Parents who had higher overall satisfaction with their child's current home and community participation perceived certain aspects of health and rehabilitation services as being family-centred to a greater extent (general and specific information). The fulfilment of parents' needs by presenting them general and child-related information could have a positive effect on their satisfaction with their child's home participation. The findings suggest insufficient representation of the concept of participation and family-centred work principles in service planning and the evaluation of outcomes of the applied programs.
Research in developmental disabilities, Jan 26, 2018
Children with cerebral palsy (CP) are at increased risk of reduced participation. Parental evalua... more Children with cerebral palsy (CP) are at increased risk of reduced participation. Parental evaluation of child's participation is often the decision-making factor in the process of special education and/or rehabilitation. Examine and compare home and community participation of children with CP and typical development (TD) and the associations between their parents' desire for change and participation dimensions in both settings. This cross-sectional study included a convenience sample of 110 children with CP (55% males; mean age 12.7 years) and 134 children with TD (49% males; mean age 12.1 years). The Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth (PEM-CY) was used. Home and community participation and environmental supportiveness of children with CP were lower compared to children with TD (p < .001, family income controlled). The effect sizes indicated that there may be no clinically important difference in participation frequency. Parents of children with...
... Rehabilitacija perceptualno selektivne panje omogućava uspostavljanje veza između ostalih ko... more ... Rehabilitacija perceptualno selektivne panje omogućava uspostavljanje veza između ostalih kognitivnih funkcionalnih celina ali i pojedinih motornih funkcija. Ključne reči. ... 33-40. Roy, E., Square, PA (1985) Common considerations in the study of limb, verbal and oral apraxia. ...
U trenutku kada brojne discipline sa kojima se granici specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija defi... more U trenutku kada brojne discipline sa kojima se granici specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija definisu svoje kompetencije i standarde, kada svako znanje,ali i profesionalna delatnost moraju biti akreditovani, kada se vise nego ikada insistira na pracenju tokova, trendova, kao i na izjednacavanju i kompatibilnosti obrazovanja sa drugim evropskim zemljama, od ogromne je važnosti da defektolog 'sacuva', ali i otvori nova podrucja kompetencija.Kakav treba da bude savremeni specijalni edukator i rehabilitator? Ovaj rad upravo pokusava da da odgovor na to pitanje, identifikujuci aktuelne zahteve radnog mesta i kompetencije defektologa, poredeci ih sa zahtevima za prosirenjem oblasti delovanja i predlažuci uvođenje standarda i testova za proveru kompetentnosti defektologa. .
The aim of this paper is to allocate studies dealing with the identification of predictors and th... more The aim of this paper is to allocate studies dealing with the identification of predictors and the definition of the importance, nature and extent of social participation of children with cerebral palsy in the school environment. A review of literature dealing with the subject will be carried out and the knowledge of the field systematized. The selected studies will be analyzed and the predictors and determinants of participation defined. Based on the analysis guidelines for the upgrade of social participation of children with cerebral palsy will be outlined and suggestions for the implementation of this knowledge in the practical work in inclusive terms given. The results suggest that there is a complex relation between disability, participation and school environment and that the predictors cannot be viewed as isolated entities but only as combined models of the interactive physical and cognitive-behavioral variables. The key steps in the professional intervention comprise the dev...
This descriptive and exploratory study aimed to examine the relationship between family-centeredn... more This descriptive and exploratory study aimed to examine the relationship between family-centeredness of service delivery and home and community participation of children with cerebral palsy. It was hypothesized that there would be a significant association between family-centeredness of service delivery and parental satisfaction with home and community participation in the group of school-aged children with cerebral palsy. A convenience sample included 110 children with cerebral palsy, aged 7-18 years (55% males; M age = 12.7 years, SD = 3.41). The Measure of Processes of Care (MPOC-20) was used to assess the extent to which parents of children with cerebral palsy perceived health and rehabilitation services they had been receiving as being family-centred. Overall parental satisfaction with their child's home and community participation was evaluated by The Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth (PEM-CY). Analyses were performed using Spearman's rank correlation test. Only two out of 10 tested correlations reached the level of statistical significance, both in home environment. Parents who had higher overall satisfaction with their child's current home and community participation perceived certain aspects of health and rehabilitation services as being family-centred to a greater extent (general and specific information). The fulfilment of parents' needs by presenting them general and child-related information could have a positive effect on their satisfaction with their child's home participation. The findings suggest insufficient representation of the concept of participation and family-centred work principles in service planning and the evaluation of outcomes of the applied programs.
Vojnosanitetski pregled. Military-medical and pharmaceutical review, 2013
Although long-term survival of childhood cancer patients is significantly improved, prolonged tre... more Although long-term survival of childhood cancer patients is significantly improved, prolonged treatment and hospitalization might have negative impacts on child development. The aim of this study was to verify profile of health-related quality of life parameters in population of schoolchildren during hospitalization and treatment for malignant disease. The Serbian version of Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory Version 4.0 (PedsQLTM4.0) Generic Core Scales was applied. A total of 120 schoolchildren were analyzed: 60 patients hospitalized for prolonged malignant disease treatment and 60 healthy schoolchildren from public schools. The study was done at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, as well as in four schools. Generally, schoolchildren hospitalized for cancer treatment demonstrated lower scores on physical, emotional, social and school functioning when compared to healthy schoolchildren from regular public schools. Significant differences were observed for all the ...
Malignant disease, its treatment and consequences of treatment can often lead to social marginali... more Malignant disease, its treatment and consequences of treatment can often lead to social marginalization and reduced quality of life. The aim of this research was to determine how elderly patients with malignant diseases function in their social environment. Sociodemographic questionnaire and interview were used to investigate a group of 49 elderly persons undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy treatment against early carcinomas (P1), and a group of 51 elderly persons with advanced stages of cancer undergoing systemic chemotherapy (P2). There were two cycles of assessment: one just before the beginning of the first cycle of adjuvant or systemic chemotherapy, and the other three months later. The research paradigm was based on the relation between individual treatment and the impact of the malignant disease on functional and social incompetence. The obtained findings were compared with the group of 50 healthy elderly people (K) who share the same relevant features but do not suffer from malignant diseases. It was found that most healthy older people live in share house, whereas those who suffer from malignant diseases mostly live in separate households. In both groups of patients and healthy group older people are mostly taken care of by their children. Individuals in both groups of patients have been frequently visited by their relatives during initial stages of treatment, unlike the elderly people in the control group. However, the difference did not reach a statistical significance. Three months after the beginning of chemotherapy, there was a statistically relevant difference in favor of the group undergoing adjuvant treatment. Home visits eventually become less frequent, whereas communication by telephone becomes more frequent. It was also found that visits by friends and neighbors are statistically more frequent among subjects who undergo adjuvant treatment, both before the treatment began and three months later when compared to other groups. Our research shows that elderly people are subject to social exclusion, especially those with malignant diseases. Special care should be dedicated to monitoring of social functioning during treatment of patients with malignant disease considering the detected trend of deterioration and significance for further recover and cure.
Papers by Goran Nedovic