This data set provides (1) delta 15N ratios and nitrogen concentrations for foliar samples and (2... more This data set provides (1) delta 15N ratios and nitrogen concentrations for foliar samples and (2) delta 13C and delta 15N ratios as well as carbon and nitrogen concentrations for soil samples collected from cerrado sites within the Ecological Reserve of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistic (IBGE), Brasilia, Brazil. Foliar samples, collected from 320 individuals representing 45 woody tree and shrub species, and soil samples were collected from 5 cerrado locations (2 in campo sujo, 2 in cerrado denso and 1 in cerrado). Soil samples were collected to 450 cm depth in the campo sujo and 800 cm depth elsewhere. Samples were collected during the period December 1999 to September 2000. Eiten (1972) described campo sujo as an open savanna with scattered trees and shrubs, cerrado sensu stricto as a savanna woodland with abundant evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs and an herbaceous understory, and cerrado denso as medium to tall woodlands with closed or semiclosed canopies (Bustamante et al., 2004). There are two comma-delimited data files with this data set.
Tropical and subtropical dry woodlands are rich in biodiversity and carbon. Yet, many of these wo... more Tropical and subtropical dry woodlands are rich in biodiversity and carbon. Yet, many of these woodlands are under high deforestation pressure and remain weakly protected. Here, we assessed how deforestation dynamics relate to areas of woodland protection and to conservation priorities across the world's tropical dry woodlands. Specifically, we characterized different types of deforestation frontier from 2000 to 2020 and compared them to protected areas (PAs), Indigenous Peoples' lands and conservation areas for biodiversity, carbon and water. We found that global conservation priorities were always overrepresented in tropical dry woodlands compared to the rest of the globe (between 4% and 96% more than expected, depending on the type of conservation priority). Moreover, about 41% of all dry woodlands were characterized as deforestation frontiers, and these frontiers have been falling disproportionately in areas with important regional (i.e. tropical dry woodland) conservation assets. While deforestation frontiers were identified within all tropical dry woodland classes of woodland protection, they were lower than the average within protected areas coinciding with Indigenous Peoples' lands (23%), and within other PAs (28%). However, within PAs, deforestation frontiers have also been disproportionately affecting regional conservation assets. Many emerging deforestation frontiers were identified outside but close to PAs, highlighting a growing threat that the conserved areas of dry woodland will become isolated. Understanding how deforestation frontiers coincide with major types of current woodland protection can help target context‐specific conservation policies and interventions to tropical dry woodland conservation assets (e.g. PAs in which deforestation is rampant require stronger enforcement, inactive deforestation frontiers could benefit from restoration). Our analyses also identify recurring patterns that can be used to test the transferability of governance approaches and promote learning across social–ecological contexts.
The activities related to the International Nitrogen Initiative (INI) Latin America Regional Cent... more The activities related to the International Nitrogen Initiative (INI) Latin America Regional Centre started in the early 2000s, in association with the international actions within the nitrogen (N) field. The office in Latin America was proposed in the context of broad global and local environmental changes and the agricultural need for nutrient addition, looking into processes that would horizontally permeate between these two important elements for human survival and for the Earth’s system. However, the lack of information on the nitrogen cycle in Latin America is a serious impediment to evaluate properly how human activity is altering nitrogen pools and turnover at regional and global scales. Empirical measurements of N deposition and other N cycle processes are extremely scarce in Latin America, and data feeding to global and regional circulation models lack spatial distribution information in this region.
This data set provides the results of soil physical property and chemical measurements of samples... more This data set provides the results of soil physical property and chemical measurements of samples collected from two pasture chronosequences (years since conversion from primary forest) located on two ranches south of Santarem, Para, Brazil, and east of the Tapajos River. Soil data includes soil classification, bulk density, texture, and mean concentrations of total nitrogen (N), carbon (C), phosphorus (P), and P fractions. The soils were high clay oxisols and highly sandy entisols. One chronosequence of sites was established on oxisol soils dating 2, 7, and 15 years since conversion from primary forest. A second set of sites, 1, 7, and 15 years old was established on the sandy entisols. Five of the six pasture sites were on a single ranch; the 2-year-old oxisol pasture was the exception. Ten soil samples per site were collected from 0-10 cm depth along random intervals within 100-m transects in August 1997. There are two comma-delimited (.csv) data files with this data set.
This data set provides (1) delta 15N ratios and nitrogen concentrations for foliar samples and (2... more This data set provides (1) delta 15N ratios and nitrogen concentrations for foliar samples and (2) delta 13C and delta 15N ratios as well as carbon and nitrogen concentrations for soil samples collected from cerrado sites within the Ecological Reserve of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistic (IBGE), Brasilia, Brazil. Foliar samples, collected from 320 individuals representing 45 woody tree and shrub species, and soil samples were collected from 5 cerrado locations (2 in campo sujo, 2 in cerrado denso and 1 in cerrado). Soil samples were collected to 450 cm depth in the campo sujo and 800 cm depth elsewhere. Samples were collected during the period December 1999 to September 2000. Eiten (1972) described campo sujo as an open savanna with scattered trees and shrubs, cerrado sensu stricto as a savanna woodland with abundant evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs and an herbaceous understory, and cerrado denso as medium to tall woodlands with closed or semiclosed canopies (Bustamante et al., 2004). There are two comma-delimited data files with this data set.
Tropical and subtropical dry woodlands are rich in biodiversity and carbon. Yet, many of these wo... more Tropical and subtropical dry woodlands are rich in biodiversity and carbon. Yet, many of these woodlands are under high deforestation pressure and remain weakly protected. Here, we assessed how deforestation dynamics relate to areas of woodland protection and to conservation priorities across the world's tropical dry woodlands. Specifically, we characterized different types of deforestation frontier from 2000 to 2020 and compared them to protected areas (PAs), Indigenous Peoples' lands and conservation areas for biodiversity, carbon and water. We found that global conservation priorities were always overrepresented in tropical dry woodlands compared to the rest of the globe (between 4% and 96% more than expected, depending on the type of conservation priority). Moreover, about 41% of all dry woodlands were characterized as deforestation frontiers, and these frontiers have been falling disproportionately in areas with important regional (i.e. tropical dry woodland) conservation assets. While deforestation frontiers were identified within all tropical dry woodland classes of woodland protection, they were lower than the average within protected areas coinciding with Indigenous Peoples' lands (23%), and within other PAs (28%). However, within PAs, deforestation frontiers have also been disproportionately affecting regional conservation assets. Many emerging deforestation frontiers were identified outside but close to PAs, highlighting a growing threat that the conserved areas of dry woodland will become isolated. Understanding how deforestation frontiers coincide with major types of current woodland protection can help target context‐specific conservation policies and interventions to tropical dry woodland conservation assets (e.g. PAs in which deforestation is rampant require stronger enforcement, inactive deforestation frontiers could benefit from restoration). Our analyses also identify recurring patterns that can be used to test the transferability of governance approaches and promote learning across social–ecological contexts.
The activities related to the International Nitrogen Initiative (INI) Latin America Regional Cent... more The activities related to the International Nitrogen Initiative (INI) Latin America Regional Centre started in the early 2000s, in association with the international actions within the nitrogen (N) field. The office in Latin America was proposed in the context of broad global and local environmental changes and the agricultural need for nutrient addition, looking into processes that would horizontally permeate between these two important elements for human survival and for the Earth’s system. However, the lack of information on the nitrogen cycle in Latin America is a serious impediment to evaluate properly how human activity is altering nitrogen pools and turnover at regional and global scales. Empirical measurements of N deposition and other N cycle processes are extremely scarce in Latin America, and data feeding to global and regional circulation models lack spatial distribution information in this region.
This data set provides the results of soil physical property and chemical measurements of samples... more This data set provides the results of soil physical property and chemical measurements of samples collected from two pasture chronosequences (years since conversion from primary forest) located on two ranches south of Santarem, Para, Brazil, and east of the Tapajos River. Soil data includes soil classification, bulk density, texture, and mean concentrations of total nitrogen (N), carbon (C), phosphorus (P), and P fractions. The soils were high clay oxisols and highly sandy entisols. One chronosequence of sites was established on oxisol soils dating 2, 7, and 15 years since conversion from primary forest. A second set of sites, 1, 7, and 15 years old was established on the sandy entisols. Five of the six pasture sites were on a single ranch; the 2-year-old oxisol pasture was the exception. Ten soil samples per site were collected from 0-10 cm depth along random intervals within 100-m transects in August 1997. There are two comma-delimited (.csv) data files with this data set.
This chapter summarizes selected results from the Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in ... more This chapter summarizes selected results from the Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) and briefly describes a vision for future Amazonian research. The need for research on people and environment interactions is emphasized in the context of regional and global change. LBA developed institutional and scientific capacity in Amazonia, but its performance to promote sustainable development was restricted because the program has predominantly emphasized the advancement of basic knowledge, with less emphasis on integrative studies explicitly designed to influence public policies with consequences on land use and land cover. The challenge of transforming the natural goods of Amazonia into human and economic benefits in an environmentally sustainable manner requires a new level of consciousness and collaborative work through the ability to move from simple diagnosis in the direction of actions at local, regional, and national levels. From the results of LBA, we may evolve to new experiences in which society will add value to the interactions between the biosphere and the atmosphere.
Español/ Português
El Informe RIOCCADAPT, Adaptación frente a los riegos del cambio climático en ... more Español/ Português El Informe RIOCCADAPT, Adaptación frente a los riegos del cambio climático en los países de la Red Iberoamericana de Oficinas de Cambio Climático (RIOCC), conformada por los países de lengua española y portuguesa de América, islas del Caribe y la Península Ibérica, es una iniciativa pionera financiada por el Programa ARAUCLIMA de la Cooperación Española y llevada a cabo por científicos de alto nivel, gestores y otros expertos. El objetivo de este informe ha sido brindar información exhaustiva desde todas las áreas del conocimiento, así como herramientas e indicadores que faciliten la toma efectiva de acciones para la adaptación al cambio climático de todos los países de la región. En el presente Resumen para Responsables de Políticas se reporta en forma sucinta y asequible los alcances, conclusiones y recomendaciones recopiladas a lo largo de los 16 capítulos referente a las actuaciones sobre adaptación al cambio climático, de acuerdo a los principales sectores y sistemas de los países RIOCC. Se incluye además un análisis de las vulnerabilidades, así como de los riesgos e impactos más importantes del cambio climático y los casos de estudio que hemos considerado más ilustrativos y relevantes. Esperamos que este material sea de utilidad para la toma de decisiones y diseño de políticas que respondan a la prioridad y urgente necesidad de iniciar acciones que nuestros países requieren para una adaptación efectiva al cambio climático.
O Relatório RIOCCADAPT, Adaptação aos riscos das alterações climáticas nos países da Rede Ibero-Americana de Escritórios para as Alterações Climáticas (RIOCC), constituída pelos países de língua espanhola e portuguesa da América, ilhas das Caraíbas e Península Ibérica, é uma iniciativa pioneira financiada pelo Programa ARAUCLIMA de Cooperação Espanhola e levada a cabo por cientistas, gestores e outros peritos de alto nível. O objetivo deste relatório tem sido fornecer informações exaustivas de todas as áreas do conhecimento, bem como ferramentas e indicadores que facilitem uma ação eficaz de adaptação às mudanças climáticas em todos os países da região. Este Resumo para Decisores Políticos relata de forma sucinta e acessível os âmbitos, conclusões e recomendações compiladas ao longo dos 16 capítulos relativos a ações de adaptação às alterações climáticas, de acordo com os principais sectores e sistemas dos países do RIOCC. Inclui também uma análise das vulnerabilidades, bem como os riscos e impactos mais importantes das alterações climáticas e os estudos de caso que consideramos mais ilustrativos e relevantes. Esperamos que este material seja útil para a tomada de decisões e conceção de políticas que respondam à necessidade prioritária e urgente de iniciar ações que os nossos países necessitam para uma adaptação eficaz às mudanças climáticas.
Papers by Mercedes Bustamante
El Informe RIOCCADAPT, Adaptación frente a los riegos del cambio climático en los países de la Red Iberoamericana de Oficinas de Cambio Climático (RIOCC), conformada por los países de lengua española y portuguesa de América, islas del Caribe y la Península Ibérica, es una iniciativa pionera financiada por el Programa ARAUCLIMA de la Cooperación Española y llevada a cabo por científicos de alto nivel, gestores y otros expertos. El objetivo de este informe ha sido brindar información exhaustiva desde todas las áreas del conocimiento, así como herramientas e indicadores que faciliten la toma efectiva de acciones para la adaptación al cambio climático de todos los países de la región.
En el presente Resumen para Responsables de Políticas se reporta en forma sucinta y asequible los alcances, conclusiones y recomendaciones recopiladas a lo largo de los 16 capítulos referente a las actuaciones sobre adaptación al cambio climático, de acuerdo a los principales sectores y sistemas de los países RIOCC. Se incluye además un análisis de las vulnerabilidades, así como de los riesgos e impactos más importantes del cambio climático y los casos de estudio que hemos considerado más ilustrativos y relevantes. Esperamos que este material sea de utilidad para la toma de decisiones y diseño de políticas que respondan a la prioridad y urgente necesidad de iniciar acciones que nuestros países requieren para una adaptación efectiva al cambio climático.
O Relatório RIOCCADAPT, Adaptação aos riscos das alterações climáticas nos países da Rede Ibero-Americana de Escritórios para as Alterações Climáticas (RIOCC), constituída pelos países de língua espanhola e portuguesa da América, ilhas das Caraíbas e Península Ibérica, é uma iniciativa pioneira financiada pelo Programa ARAUCLIMA de Cooperação Espanhola e levada a cabo por cientistas, gestores e outros peritos de alto nível. O objetivo deste relatório tem sido fornecer informações exaustivas de todas as áreas do conhecimento, bem como ferramentas e indicadores que facilitem uma ação eficaz de adaptação às mudanças climáticas em todos os países da região.
Este Resumo para Decisores Políticos relata de forma sucinta e acessível os âmbitos, conclusões e recomendações compiladas ao longo dos 16 capítulos relativos a ações de adaptação às alterações climáticas, de acordo com os principais sectores e sistemas dos países do RIOCC. Inclui também uma análise das vulnerabilidades, bem como os riscos e impactos mais importantes das alterações climáticas e os estudos de caso que consideramos mais ilustrativos e relevantes. Esperamos que este material seja útil para a tomada de decisões e conceção de políticas que respondam à necessidade prioritária e urgente de iniciar ações que os nossos países necessitam para uma adaptação eficaz às mudanças climáticas.