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abdul jalil

    abdul jalil

    Mendeley is a reference management software that helps organize scientific articles by creating references and bibliographies, and software users can also collaborate on social networks. This training aims to train students in citing... more
    Mendeley is a reference management software that helps organize scientific articles by creating references and bibliographies, and software users can also collaborate on social networks. This training aims to train students in citing articles, citations, and making a bibliography correctly. The methods in this activity are the registration stage, the implementation stage, and the evaluation stage. The Mendeley training activities went well, the participants enthusiastically participated in the training activities. Participants can create accounts, install, search references, make citations and create bibliography automatically. In addition, based on the pre-test and post-test data, the knowledge and skills of the participants increased, it was proven that the participants could use the Mendeley application well and could utilize the application to manage their scientific work references.
    This study aims to design a digital kWh-meter prototype to top-up the electricity pulse by automatically using relay modules based on Short Message Service (SMS) and Arduino Uno. The utilization of 12 relay modules to substitute the... more
    This study aims to design a digital kWh-meter prototype to top-up the electricity pulse by automatically using relay modules based on Short Message Service (SMS) and Arduino Uno. The utilization of 12 relay modules to substitute the keypad input function in the digital kWh meter is our basic idea in this study. The method we used to replace the keypad input function with the relay module is based on the integration between the circuit path in the keypad board and the relay module as an electric switch that can activate when the relay gets a trigger from the Arduino Uno. In this study, when the user wants to charge the electric pulse, the user will send the voucher number to the GSM SIM900A module via SMS, then it will be processed to the Arduino Uno. Then Arduino Uno will trigger the relay to be activated so that it can automatically fill the voucher number to the digital kWh-meter. This study result is the success of relay modules can substitute the function of keypad input to fill...
    Desa Pakem merupakan salah satu Desa di Kecamatan Pakem yang termasuk dari bagian Kabupaten Bondowoso. Masyarakat desa Pakem mayoritas masih dalam kategori miskin yang memerlukan sebuah penanganan serius agar lebih sejahtera. Adanya... more
    Desa Pakem merupakan salah satu Desa di Kecamatan Pakem yang termasuk dari bagian Kabupaten Bondowoso. Masyarakat desa Pakem mayoritas masih dalam kategori miskin yang memerlukan sebuah penanganan serius agar lebih sejahtera. Adanya kerajinan Besek ikan cukup membantu masyarakat khususnya dalam peningkatan perekonomian. Ketersediaan bahan baku berupa bambu sangatlah melimpah di desa pakem karena desa pakem merupakan daerah penghasil bambu, namun yang seringkali menjadi masalah adalah modal untuk membeli bahan baku bambu serta  alat yang digunakan untuk membuat besek ikan  seringkali menjadi penghambat dalam proses pembuatan besek ikan karena harga dan modal untuk membeli bambu dan alat berupa pisau dan gergaji seringkali habis terpakai untuk biaya hidup sehari hari. Solusi permasalahan mitra yakni dengan diadakan sosialisasi menajemen permodalan dan memeribantuan modal dan peralatan Home Industri Besek Ikan. Untuk mengukur keberhasilan kegiatan, maka dilakukan pretest sebelum dimula...
    Desa Purwoasri kecamatan Gumukmas kabupaten Jember memiliki luas wilayah sebesar 3092,34 km2. Sebagian besar penduduk memiliki mata pencaharian sebagai petani dan peternak. Pemenuhan kebutuhan pupuk bagi petani desa Purwoasri Gumukmas... more
    Desa Purwoasri kecamatan Gumukmas kabupaten Jember memiliki luas wilayah sebesar 3092,34 km2. Sebagian besar penduduk memiliki mata pencaharian sebagai petani dan peternak. Pemenuhan kebutuhan pupuk bagi petani desa Purwoasri Gumukmas sering terkendala oleh langkanya ketersediaan pupuk pada waktu diperlukan.  Di sisi lain, limbah kotoran sapi menumpuk karena tidak termanfaatkan dan dapat menjadi penyebab utama polusi lingkungan.  Dengan demikian upaya pemahaman dan peningkatan kemampuan petani dalam memanfaatkan limbah kotoran sapi menjadi pupuk organik melalui penyuluhan dan pelatihan merupakan satu upaya untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang ada di desa Purwoasri.  Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini dilakukan melalui kerja sama antara peneliti, mahasiswa KKN dan PPL kecamatan Gumukmas.  Pembuatan pupuk organic cair (POC) dilakukan dengan bahan dasar kotoran sapi yang dicampur dengan bahan lainnya. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa petani desa Wonoasri sangat antusias untuk m...
    Islam is a religion that we adhere to and adhere to by hundreds of millions of Muslims in all corners of the world, which is a source of aspects of life that guarantee the happiness of its adherents both in this world and in the... more
    Islam is a religion that we adhere to and adhere to by hundreds of millions of Muslims in all corners of the world, which is a source of aspects of life that guarantee the happiness of its adherents both in this world and in the hereafter. The PAI teacher's strategy in PAI learning is to start with determining the right PAI learning material involving Muslim students such as muamalah (social relations) material by choosing the right method such as lectures, discussions, and questions and answers so that no debate has an impact on disputes between Muslim students and non-Muslim students. non-muslim. Then also the use of appropriate and efficient media so that the audio-visual media used by the teacher can accommodate a short time, namely three hours of lessons for one week. The reasons for PAI learning in the application of multicultural education are applied by PAI teachers at SMPN 1 Gudo, among others: students at the school have various ethnic, racial, and religious background...
    Community organizations (Ormas) in a country are evidence of the existence of democracy in a country. Indonesia is a constitutional state as well as a democratic state according to Article 1 Paragraphs 2 and 3 of the 1945 Constitution.... more
    Community organizations (Ormas) in a country are evidence of the existence of democracy in a country. Indonesia is a constitutional state as well as a democratic state according to Article 1 Paragraphs 2 and 3 of the 1945 Constitution. The existence of mass organizations is recognized and protected in Indonesia as part of the state's recognition of the rights of every citizen to freedom of association and assembly. The dissolution of CSOs carried out without court procedures, according to the author, is a violation of the concept of the rule of law adopted by Indonesia as well as the castration of the rights of association, assembly, and expression of opinion in a democratic country. This study uses a socio-legal approach, with analytical descriptive research methods. Sources of data used are primary data in the form of interviews. The primary legal materials used in this research are the Law on Ormas; and SKB concerning the Prohibition of Activities Using Symbols and Attributes...
    Perkembangan zaman di era milenial yang kita hadapi saat ini menuntut pemikiran agar turut berkembang. tidak hanya dalam bidang bisnis, revolusi industri juga merambah berbagai bidang lainnya termasuk keagamaan. implementasinya pun dalam... more
    Perkembangan zaman di era milenial yang kita hadapi saat ini menuntut pemikiran agar turut berkembang. tidak hanya dalam bidang bisnis, revolusi industri juga merambah berbagai bidang lainnya termasuk keagamaan. implementasinya pun dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan ibadah ikut terdistrupsi. lantas sebuah masjid yang menjadi pusat keagamaan serta masyarakat sekitarnya dituntut mempersiapkan kader yang mumpuni dengan terjadinya moderasi ini. Penelitian dengan metode Participatory Action Research ini terselenggara atas kesadaran hal tersebut di atas dengan bertujuan tercetaknya kader moderasi beragama sebagai wujud pemberdayaan masjid di era milenial. adapun hasil yang dijumpai bahwa kaderisasi dan pembinaan kepada masyarakat yang belum bisa optimal mengikuti perkembangan zaman, sangat disambut baik dan memberikan pandangan baru kepada orang-orang untuk tidak memandang sebelah mata atau bahkan menutup diri dengan pesatnya perkembangan. pun sesuai dengan ayat dalam alquran yang mengisyaratkan ...
    This paper is going to discuss the decision of the Constitutional Court No. 93/ PUU-X/2012 related to granting of the petition for judicial review of Law No. 21 Year 2008 concerning Islamic Banking (State Gazette of the Republic of... more
    This paper is going to discuss the decision of the Constitutional Court No. 93/ PUU-X/2012 related to granting of the petition for judicial review of Law No. 21 Year 2008 concerning Islamic Banking (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year  2008  Number  94,  namely  Article  55  paragraph  (2)  and  paragraph (3) governing the settlement of disputes with respect to Article 28D paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution, which says that the Act  should guarantee  legal  certainty and justice and do not have binding legal force. While in Article 55 paragraph (1), described Sharia Banking Dispute resolution by the court within the Religious Courts, while paragraph (2), stated in terms of the parties’ dispute has betoken  than those referred to in paragraph (1), the settlement of disputes in accordance with the contents of the Agreement, then, in paragraph (3) Settlement of disputes referred to in paragraph (2) must not conflict with Sharia. In addition to this, the paper will also ...
    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Stres Kerja yang meliputi Stres Lingkungan, Stres Organisasi, danStres Individu terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Model Palu. Permasalahan yang dikemukakandalam penelitian... more
    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Stres Kerja yang meliputi Stres Lingkungan, Stres Organisasi, danStres Individu terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Model Palu. Permasalahan yang dikemukakandalam penelitian ini adalah apakah ada pengaruh stres kerja yang terdiri dari Stres Lingkungan, Stres Organisasi, danStres Individu terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Model Palu. Dari permasalah diatas diajukanhipotesis penelitian diduga bahwa stres kerja yang terdiri dari Stres Lingkungan, Stres Organisasi, dan Stres Individuberpengaruh terhadap kinerja Pegawai Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Model Palu. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitianVerifikatif, teknik penarikan sampel menggunakan sampling jenuh atau sensus. Penelitian ini dilakukan di MadrasahAliyah Negeri 2 Model Palu. Total sampel yaitu 51 orang responden.Untuk membuktikan hipotesis tersebut, peneliti menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda. Dari hasil penelitianditemukan ada pengaruh stre...
    This article attempts to highlight the critical position towards Ḥafṣ’ riwāya held by the Sunni exegete Abu Ja’far Muhammad bin Jarir al-Tabari (d. 310/923) and the Shi’ite Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Tusi (d. 460/1067), both of... more
    This article attempts to highlight the critical position towards Ḥafṣ’ riwāya held by the Sunni exegete Abu Ja’far Muhammad bin Jarir al-Tabari (d. 310/923) and the Shi’ite Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Tusi (d. 460/1067), both of which had occupied special status in their respective communities. This article focuses on the verses which have variant readings. It compares the ways in which the two exegetes, in their books Jāmi’ al-Bayān fī Ta’wīl Āy al-Qur’ān and al-Tibyān fī Tafsīr al-Qur’ān, present and criticize the variant readings of which Ḥafṣ is infirād (isolated) in that no other imam (the transmitter for the riwāya) would read that part of the Quran the same way as Ḥafṣ did. Al-Ṭabari seems to be more clear and courageous in criticizing Ḥafṣ’ riwāya, compared to al-Ṭūsī. In several cases the former did not consider the riwāya reliable on the basis of the violation of the ijma’ (consensus) of ulama or it being unfamiliar to him (by expressing lā qāri’ qara’ kaẓālik, “no...
    Worker’s laid off is hapening due to the corona virus outbreak in Indonesia. More than 1.5 million of laborers were laid off since April 2020. And it affected their income while the basic needs are increases at the same time. So the... more
    Worker’s laid off is hapening due to the corona virus outbreak in Indonesia. More than 1.5 million of laborers were laid off since April 2020. And it affected their income while the basic needs are increases at the same time. So the patriarch affected by the pandemic should work harder in order to met their family basic needs.  The covid market activity were held in Resomulyo to maintain the community ability in fulfilling their basic needs. This activity were started by implementing the education and counseling to the community followed by building construction which is enables as the center in collecting basic food donation for people in Resomulyo. It was carried out with due observance of health protocol during covid-19.  This activity is succeeded in collecting community basic needs so it was helpfull for the people in Resomulyo.
    The-Discovery-learninggmodellis a learning model-that-isssapplied at the Wahid Hasyim Junior High School in Malang, the institution is one of the private schools located in a city. Many factors affect students, especially religion. So,... more
    The-Discovery-learninggmodellis a learning model-that-isssapplied at the Wahid Hasyim Junior High School in Malang, the institution is one of the private schools located in a city. Many factors affect students, especially religion. So, teachers apply this kind of learning model so that all students can easily understand the material and apply it. The purpose of this research is to reveal a holistic-contextual phenomenon through collecting data from natural settings as a direct source with the researcher's own key instrument. This research is a qualitative approach, this type of research is a field research using a multi-site design. Sources of research data are PAI teachers, school principals, waka curriculum, documents. The implementation of the discovery learning model at Wahid Hasyim Middle School went well when the Pie teacher applied it in his learning. The supporting factors for the learning process are the high level of curiosity and curiosity of students in learning mate...
    Online learning is one of the lessons applied at Wahid Hasyim Middle School. Schools conduct online learning because of government policies. Some schools have implemented an online learning system. Thus the researcher wants to raise a... more
    Online learning is one of the lessons applied at Wahid Hasyim Middle School. Schools conduct online learning because of government policies. Some schools have implemented an online learning system. Thus the researcher wants to raise a title "Implementation of Islamic Religious Education Online Learning Against Student Learning Outcomes at Wahid Hasyim Junior High School Malang". The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach of case study research. The source of the data is primary data, namely the PAI subject teacher at Wahid Hasyim Middle School. The secondary data source is the school principal Wahid Hasyim. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques are data condensation, and conclusions. checking the validity of the data, namely Triangulation is the source. The implementation of online learning on student learning outcomes at Wahid Hasyim Junior High School is in the online learning model used is v...
    This research starts from the background of the implementation of the Bil Qolam method in improving the reading of the Qur'an at SMAI Al-Ma’arif Singosari Malang. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of the... more
    This research starts from the background of the implementation of the Bil Qolam method in improving the reading of the Qur'an at SMAI Al-Ma’arif Singosari Malang. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of the Bil Qolam method and the results of the implementation of the method. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive model. Based on the results of the study and the data obtained, it shows that there is an increase in the quality of reading the Qur'an by looking at the assessment which has 10 assessment indicators
    Islamic religious education teachers play an important role in the process of fostering the morals of their students. For the success of the coaching process, Islamic religious education teachers must be able to use a variety of... more
    Islamic religious education teachers play an important role in the process of fostering the morals of their students. For the success of the coaching process, Islamic religious education teachers must be able to use a variety of strategies in forming morals. Moral is an important thing that must be owned by everyone, especially students, because of the pros and cons of someone seen from the morals they have. In this modern era a lot of phenomena arise about the decline in morals owned by students, with these developments causing a negative impact on all groups, including students. This is where the role of educators, especially Islamic religious education teachers, is to foster student morals to avoid behavior that is not in accordance with Islamic teachings. In overcoming this, a strategy is needed to foster student morals
    Character education is the process of providing guidance to students to become human beings who have character in the defcontent of hearts, thinking, body and taste. Character education is one of the fortresses needed in a moral fix. In... more
    Character education is the process of providing guidance to students to become human beings who have character in the defcontent of hearts, thinking, body and taste. Character education is one of the fortresses needed in a moral fix. In Islamic religion, character education has been implemented early, one of them is the prayer Dhuha. Character building through this dhuha prayer media is character education to overcome moral degradation, mindset, and behavior of students. In order to realize the above purpose of research is done with qualitative research. The data collection procedure is done using the observation method, which is direct observation of the target, interview method, which is the method of data collection by oral question and answer with research source, and the method of documentation that is process of searching data about matters related to the research. The results showed that the character development that was done in SMKN 5 Malang is through Dhuha prayer media th...
    This research is motivated by the use of the Google Classroom application at SMP Brawijaya Smart School Malang. The use of this application is one of the efforts made by the school to assist teachers and students in facilitating the... more
    This research is motivated by the use of the Google Classroom application at SMP Brawijaya Smart School Malang. The use of this application is one of the efforts made by the school to assist teachers and students in facilitating the online learning process at SMP Brawijaya Smart School Malang. The online learning process began with the Covid-19 pandemic in 2019. The purpose of this study is to describe the use of the Google Classroom application in the eighthgrade Islamic religious education (PAI) subject at SMP Brawijaya Smart School Malang, Student responses to the use of the Google Classroom application in the eighthgrade Islamic religious education (PAI) subject at SMP Brawijaya. Smart School Malang and Teachers' Responses to the use of the Google Classroom application in the subject of Islamic religious education (PAI) class VIII at SMP Brawijaya Smart School Malang. This research uses qualitative and descriptive research methods. The subjects used were teachers and student...
    Al-Qur'an is the word that Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. If read, likened to worship. Al-Qur'an as the main focus in the teachings or rules in Islam which is as a guide or foundation for the lives of Muslims. The focus... more
    Al-Qur'an is the word that Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. If read, likened to worship. Al-Qur'an as the main focus in the teachings or rules in Islam which is as a guide or foundation for the lives of Muslims. The focus of research raised in the research is about the values of moral education in the perspective of Al-Qur'an Surah An-Nahl verse 90 and the implementation of moral education in the perspective of Al-Qur'an Surah An-Nahl verse 90 in everyday life. This research uses a qualitative approach in the form of library research. Data collection procedures are carried out using the tahlili interpretation method. The values of moral education in the perspective of Al-Qur'an Surah An-Nahl verse 90 namely ordering humans to have a fair attitude, always do good, help relatives, forbid cruelty, munkar and hostility in order to create peace and harmony between human beings on earth this and get the blessing of Allah SWT to get his paradise.  Keywords: Al-Qu...
    In Indonesia, there are still mostly Muslim teenagers who are less interested in reading the Qur'an as well as in the school environment. The lack of interest in reading the Qur'an in these circles is caused by several factors. So... more
    In Indonesia, there are still mostly Muslim teenagers who are less interested in reading the Qur'an as well as in the school environment. The lack of interest in reading the Qur'an in these circles is caused by several factors. So that the phenomenon is the duty of PAI teachers to try to increase the interest in reading the Qur'an to students. So in this case the researcher wants to do research that is the case study at SMP Islam Al-Maarif located in Singosari sub-district, Malang Regency. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative in the form of a case study approach. Where this research is more systematically directed at certain objects as a case. In the case study approach, data collection techniques can be sourced from the parties concerned or from various sources.. Based on data collection techniques carried out by researchers, is observation, interviews and documentation, the researchers conclude the results of the research obtained, namely: a) Les...
    In The essence of education is very important for human life, the existence of an education also greatly affects the development and survival of humans. Therefore, education is teaching and training regarding the process of one's... more
    In The essence of education is very important for human life, the existence of an education also greatly affects the development and survival of humans. Therefore, education is teaching and training regarding the process of one's behavior. Especially Islamic religious education teachers are not only obliged to transfer or teach students about aqidah and shari'ah but Islamic religious education teachers are required to be professional in behavior, attitudes, and always take care of themselves in things that are not good in order to change the attitudes or behavior of participants. educated in accordance with Islamic teachings that have been determined. This research is a field research, namely research that goes into the field to conduct observations, interviews, and documentation. This study uses a qualitative method. The results of this study formulate that how is the role of Islamic religious education teachers in shaping students' morality at Madrasah Aliyah Babul Fut...
    The presence of a virus that is often called Covid-19 causes limited activities. Activities that cause crowds are not allowed to be held. This has an impact, one of which is education. The level of performance and motivation of teachers... more
    The presence of a virus that is often called Covid-19 causes limited activities. Activities that cause crowds are not allowed to be held. This has an impact, one of which is education. The level of performance and motivation of teachers at MTs Al-Maarif 02 Singosari is still very much needed. This is due to the inhibiting factors, with these factors affecting the managerial competence of the principal. Among these factors are internal and external. The internal factor is the lack of motivation from the teacher himself which causes his performance to decrease. Meanwhile, external factors such as support from the surrounding community and the lack of participation of parents in conducting online learning. Therefore, the efforts of school principals are needed to continuously improve teacher performance during the Covid-19 pandemic
    Parental motivation is one of the alternative methods used to arouse children's enthusiasm or intention to study at the Hidayatul Mubtadi'in Islamic Boarding School in Tasikmadu Malang. This study focuses on the motivation of... more
    Parental motivation is one of the alternative methods used to arouse children's enthusiasm or intention to study at the Hidayatul Mubtadi'in Islamic Boarding School in Tasikmadu Malang. This study focuses on the motivation of parents, ways of educating morals as well as inhibiting and supporting factors in the process of moral education at the Hidayatul Mubtadi'in Islamic Boarding School. To achieve this goal, the researcher uses a phenomenological-based qualitative approach using a case study approach. Researchers found the results of this study include the motivation of parents in moral education at the Hidayatul Mubtadi'in Islamic Boarding School. the implementation of the research includes activities in Islamic boarding schools, providing motivation, encouragement and intention to children to continue learning Islamic religious knowledge and moral education in Islamic boarding schools, because studying Islamic religion is very important and good moral education i...
    Al-Qur’an is one of the manes of a book reveled to prophet Muhammad, through the angel gabriel wrirren in the mushaf, and narrated gradyally. The problem that exists in the process of learning islam especially the education of the Qur’an... more
    Al-Qur’an is one of the manes of a book reveled to prophet Muhammad, through the angel gabriel wrirren in the mushaf, and narrated gradyally. The problem that exists in the process of learning islam especially the education of the Qur’an ts the lack of interest in reading and writing the Qur’an to student. This research was carried out at SMK YPM Tuban. The method sed in this research in to use a qualitative research and type of case study research. Data collection techniques using the method of observation, interview method, and using the method of dokumentation, and drawing conclusiuns or verification, while the data validity test is with data credibility tests (presistence test), triangulation, and peer discussions. The result of the study found that the efforts of islamic religious education theacher in improfing the literacy ability of Al-Qur’an for grade X students of SMK YPM 12 Tuban by conduction training in reciting (reading and writing Al-Qur’an) oudside the hours of islam...
    Penegakan hukum merupakan suatu rangkaian kegiatan, proses, keadaan dan harapan  yang kompleks/ rumit. Proses penegakan hukum ini akan berpuncak pada putusan hakim karena kedudukan hakim memang sebagai penegak hukum tertinggi. Hakim dalam... more
    Penegakan hukum merupakan suatu rangkaian kegiatan, proses, keadaan dan harapan  yang kompleks/ rumit. Proses penegakan hukum ini akan berpuncak pada putusan hakim karena kedudukan hakim memang sebagai penegak hukum tertinggi. Hakim dalam memutus dihadapkan pada dua pilihan yakni apakah akan berorientasi pada formal justice atau pada pilihan mewujudkan substansial justice. Pada perwujudan keadilan substantif haruslah keluar dari bingkai positivisme hukum dan melangkah kepada bingkai spiritual. Berdasarkan analisis dapat diketahui bahwa dimensi spiritual merupakan jiwa dalam putusan hakim yang dikemas dalam irah-irah kepala keputusan : demi keadilan berdasarkan Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa, sehingga hakim dalam memutus harus senantiasa didasari oleh pertimbangan moral spiritual. Spirit seperti ini harus diinternalisasikan dengan sungguh-sungguh dalam diri setiap hakim. Kata Kunci: Penegakan Hukum, Pengadilan, Spiritual Abstract Law enfocement is a series of complicated activity, process, ...
    Membaca menjadi hal utama di segala aspek pendidikan. Proses belajar dan mencernainformasi yang menjadi bagian dari pendidikan membutuhkan minat baca yang tinggi. Diera digital ini, minat baca masyarakat, terutama siswa siswi terlihat... more
    Membaca menjadi hal utama di segala aspek pendidikan. Proses belajar dan mencernainformasi yang menjadi bagian dari pendidikan membutuhkan minat baca yang tinggi. Diera digital ini, minat baca masyarakat, terutama siswa siswi terlihat sangat kurang. Untukmengatasi minat baca yang kurang tersebut, kami berusaha melakukan pendampingankepada anak-anak siswa siswi TK dan siswa siswi SD di Desa Ajung Kecamatan Kalisat.Pendampingan ini dengan memanfaatkan buku-buku yang diseiakan oleh kantor desa danmengundang perpustakaan keliling untuk menambah literasi. Kegiatan ini dilakukan setiap1 minggu sekali selama 1 bulan kerjasama antara desa ajung dan perpustakaan keliling.Perpustakaan keliling ini disebut dengan “Smart Car untuk Pelajar Pintar” diadakan untukmembantu peningkatan minat baca masyarakat, khususnya siswa siswi di desa Ajung.
    Visual object tracking (VOT) is a vital part of various domains of computer vision applications such as surveillance, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), and medical diagnostics. In recent years, substantial improvement has been made to solve... more
    Visual object tracking (VOT) is a vital part of various domains of computer vision applications such as surveillance, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), and medical diagnostics. In recent years, substantial improvement has been made to solve various challenges of VOT techniques such as change of scale, occlusions, motion blur, and illumination variations. This paper proposes a tracking algorithm in a spatiotemporal context (STC) framework. To overcome the limitations of STC based on scale variation, a max-pooling-based scale scheme is incorporated by maximizing over posterior probability. To avert target model from drift, an efficient mechanism is proposed for occlusion handling. Occlusion is detected from average peak to correlation energy (APCE)-based mechanism of response map between consecutive frames. On successful occlusion detection, a fractional-gain Kalman filter is incorporated for handling the occlusion. An additional extension to the model includes APCE criteria to adapt th...
    Visual object tracking is still considered a challenging task in computer vision research society. The object of interest undergoes significant appearance changes because of illumination variation, deformation, motion blur, background... more
    Visual object tracking is still considered a challenging task in computer vision research society. The object of interest undergoes significant appearance changes because of illumination variation, deformation, motion blur, background clutter, and occlusion. Kernelized correlation filter- (KCF) based tracking schemes have shown good performance in recent years. The accuracy and robustness of these trackers can be further enhanced by incorporating multiple cues from the response map. Response map computation is the complementary step in KCF-based tracking schemes, and it contains a bundle of information. The majority of the tracking methods based on KCF estimate the target location by fetching a single cue-like peak correlation value from the response map. This paper proposes to mine the response map in-depth to fetch multiple cues about the target model. Furthermore, a new criterion based on the hybridization of multiple cues i.e., average peak correlation energy (APCE) and confiden...
    This study aims to develop a network architecture for low-cost multi-robot systems, in which robots operate with limited hardware capability and on-board computational power. Low-speed data processing and high latency time in... more
    This study aims to develop a network architecture for low-cost multi-robot systems, in which robots operate with limited hardware capability and on-board computational power. Low-speed data processing and high latency time in communication are unavoidable issues in such a multi-robot system. To address those problems, this study proposes Aggregated Robot Processing – Robot Operating System (ARP-ROS) as a network architecture for low-cost multi-robot systems. This network architecture arranges a computing environment dedicated to data processing in a multi-robot system. In the proposed network architecture, most of sensor data obtained by each robot are transmitted to the computing environment via the communication network and processed there, and then control commands are sent back to the robots. For the data exchange in the network architecture, ROS2 node communication is employed because it uses Data Distribution Service (DDS) suitable for real-time distributed embedded systems. In addition, Cache-Control Algorithm (CCA) is introduced to the communication network for its performance improvement. This paper presents experimental analyses of the ARP-ROS with CCA in terms of latency time and data process failures.
    Tanah lempung pada Desa Cot Girek Kandang Kec. Muara Dua Aceh Utara cenderung tidak stabil karena sering mengalami kelongsoran bila musim hujan. Penstabilan tanah dengan kapur dolomit CaMg(CO3)2 lebih dipilih karena kepadatan dan... more
    Tanah lempung pada Desa Cot Girek Kandang Kec. Muara Dua Aceh Utara cenderung tidak stabil karena sering mengalami kelongsoran bila musim hujan. Penstabilan tanah dengan kapur dolomit CaMg(CO3)2 lebih dipilih karena kepadatan dan kekerasannya yang dapat meningkat. Tujuan pencampuran ini adalah menentukan nilai Cv (koefisien konsolidasi). Benda uji meliputi tanah tak terganggu dan tak terganggu yang dibentuk melalui pemadatan proctor dengan persentase kapur 5%, 7,5%, dan 10% dengan jumlah benda uji 4 buah. Campuran kapur pada tanah lempung ini dapat menurunkan nilai Cv hingga 2,33 x 10-4 cm2/min pada beban terberat yaitu 8 kg dengan persentase 5% kapur dibanding pada tanah asli yaitu 1,294 x 10-2 cm2/min dan 0% kapur sebesar 1,296  x 10-2 cm2/min pada beban yang sama. Pada 7,5% dan 10% kapur cv kembali meningkat menjadi 1,23 x 10-2cm2/menit dan 3,9 x 10-2 pada beban 8 kg. Dengan demikian pada campuran tanah dengan 5% kapur adalah yang paling baik.
    The 7.5 Mw tectonic earthquake that hit Palu City on 28 September 2018 was followed by tsunami and liquefaction, triggered massive mudflows in Balaroa, Petobo, and Jono Oge areas. This study focuses on the generating factors of... more
    The 7.5 Mw tectonic earthquake that hit Palu City on 28 September 2018 was followed by tsunami and liquefaction, triggered massive mudflows in Balaroa, Petobo, and Jono Oge areas. This study focuses on the generating factors of liquefaction such as the condition of soil lithology, depth of water table, the distance to the focal mechanism, and the thickness of soft sediment. Microtremor data, including the Horizontal Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR), geological condition, and borehole data, were examined to conduct the liquefaction analysis. The analysis results based on the microtremor data showed that the distribution of ground shear strain values in Palu City ranged from 0.75 × 10–4 to 2.56 × 10–4. The distribution of the locations of the liquefaction was correlated to the distribution of ground shear strain values. High ground shear strain values and a shallow groundwater level were discovered in Palu City valley, which indicates that liquefaction in Palu City will undoubtedly occu...
    ABSTRACT: Concept Sincere  in Novel Hafalan Shalat Delisa Masterpiece Tere Liye. The purpose of this study was to describe the Concept Sincere  in Novel Hafalan Shalat Delisa Masterpiece Tere Liye. The method used in this research is... more
    ABSTRACT: Concept Sincere  in Novel Hafalan Shalat Delisa Masterpiece Tere Liye. The purpose of this study was to describe the Concept Sincere  in Novel Hafalan Shalat Delisa Masterpiece Tere Liye. The method used in this research is descriptive method. Concept Sincere  in Novel Hafalan Shalat Delisa Masterpiece Tere Liye, based on the results of the analysis consists of eight elements. The sincere concept include: (a) husnuzhan is prejudiced either, (b) istiqamah is firm stance and always consistent, (c) trust surrender to the will of Allah, (d) the patient is self-restraint or control, (e), namely thanks gratitude, (f) the attitude of the ascetic who is not crazy about world affairs and glitter, (g) forgiving is forgiving, and (h) wara 'is docile and obedient to God. Keywords: Concept of sincere, Literature and Novels
    ABSTRAK: This study discusses about conflict resolution in the novel Perempuan Sucicreated by Qaisra Shahraz. This study also discusses about internal conflict and external conflict are found in the novel Perempuan Suci created by Qaisra... more
    ABSTRAK: This study discusses about conflict resolution in the novel Perempuan Sucicreated by Qaisra Shahraz. This study also discusses about internal conflict and external conflict are found in the novel Perempuan Suci created by Qaisra Shahraz. This studyused a qualitative approachanddescriptivemethodthat aimstodescribe how internal conflict resolution and external conflict resolution in the novel Perempuan Suci created by Qaisra Shahraz. The results of the research is a classification  conflict resolution, that is internal conflict resolution and external conflict resolution in the novel Perempuan Suci created by Qaisra Shahraz. The result of  this study also  as a form documentation conflict resolution in the novel Perempuan Suci created by Qaisra Shahraz. Keywords : confllicts resolution, internal conflict, external conflict, novel Perempuan Suci
    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca berita pada siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Barru melalui penerapan model learning community. Subjek penelitian adalah 21 siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Barru semester ganjil tahun... more
    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca berita pada siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Barru melalui penerapan model learning community. Subjek penelitian adalah 21 siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Barru semester ganjil tahun pelajaran 2013/2014. Hasil yang dicapai adalah: a) Meningkatnya hasil keterampilan membaca berita pada siswa, dilihat dari meningkatnya skor rata-rata hasil belajar membaca, pada siklus I nilai rata-rata 73,6 dari skor ideal 100, skor maksimum 80, skor minimum 50 berada pada kategori rendah. Meningkat pada siklus II nilai rata-rata menjadi 85,9, skor maksimum 95. Siswa tuntas belajar pada siklus I 71,4% dan meningkat pada siklus II menjadi 100%. b) Terjadinya peningkatan keaktifan siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar sesuai dengan hasil observasi yang dilakukan selama penelitian. Kehadiran siswa pada siklus I 100% tetap pada siklus II menjadi 100%. Siswa yang aktif mengerjakan tugas pada siklus I 42,9% meningkat pada siklus II menjadi 90%. Kata kunci: Ko...
    ABS T RACT : This research explains about intertextual in Negeri 5 Menara Novel by Ahmad Fuadi with Sang Pemimpi Novel by Andrea Hirata. The research aims to comparing the intertextual relationship in themes, event and characterization.... more
    ABS T RACT : This research explains about intertextual in Negeri 5 Menara Novel by Ahmad Fuadi with Sang Pemimpi Novel by Andrea Hirata. The research aims to comparing the intertextual relationship in themes, event and characterization. The research uses qualitative approach and descriptive method that aims at describing the intertextual relationship contained in this novels. Theresult of this study also as a from of intertextual relationship documentation which is contained in Negeri 5 Menara Novel by Ahmad Fuadi with Sang Pemimpi Novel by Andrea Hirata . The research data was obtained by using techniques ofdocumentation and lirature. Based on the data analysis, it was known that both novel has the same main theme. Event and characterization contained both novel has similiarity and difference. Keywords : Intertextual, Theme, Event, Characterization, Negeri 5 Menara, Sang Pemimpi.
    AUTHORS This article empirically investigates the contributing factors of Pakistan's financial sector by using time series data from 1973 to 2019. Several studies discuss the role of financial development in explaining economic... more
    AUTHORS This article empirically investigates the contributing factors of Pakistan's financial sector by using time series data from 1973 to 2019. Several studies discuss the role of financial development in explaining economic activities, but the literature on the determinants of financial sector development is an infant in Pakistan. This study is an attempt in this way. Therefore, we allow structural breaks endogenously to avoid spurious relationships among the variables. Notably, we use unit root tests which allow multiple breaks. This test confirms that some of the data series have different levels of integration. We find that trade openness, capital account liberalization, investment, GDP per capita, and remittances are essential variables to make the financial sector a well-functioning system. Inflation, tight monetary policy, and public debt may hurt Pakistan's financial sector. Abdul Jalil* Professor of Economics, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamaba...
    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah program Gerakan Nasional (GERNAS) dapat meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman kakao pada Kelompok Tani Mandiri Desa Sansarino Kecamatan Ampana Kota Kabupaten Tojo Una-Una. Permasalahan yang... more
    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah program Gerakan Nasional (GERNAS) dapat meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman kakao pada Kelompok Tani Mandiri Desa Sansarino Kecamatan Ampana Kota Kabupaten Tojo Una-Una. Permasalahan yang peneliti angkat dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah program Gerakan Nasional (GERNAS) dapat meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman kakao pada Kelompok Tani Mandiri Desa Sansarino Kecamatan Ampana Kota Kabupaten Tojo Una-Una? Untuk mendapatkan jawaban terhadap permasalahan di atas, peneliti menggunakan metode ex post facto, teknik pengumpulan data dalam bentuk observasi, dan dokumentasi yang disertai dengan blanko dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan antara produksi awal tanaman kakao sebelum adanya program gernas kakao dengan rata-rata produksi akhir setelah adanya Program Gernas Kakao. Hasil analisis sebelumnya juga menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata produksi awal sebelum dilakukannya program gernas kakao hanya sebesar 486,7 sedangkan rata-r...
    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membangun sistem deteksi gerak objek berbasis teknik pengolahan citra menggunakan metode Binary-Image Comparison (BIC). Fungsi metode BIC pada penelitian ini adalah sebagai pengambil keputusan pada saat sistem... more
    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membangun sistem deteksi gerak objek berbasis teknik pengolahan citra menggunakan metode Binary-Image Comparison (BIC). Fungsi metode BIC pada penelitian ini adalah sebagai pengambil keputusan pada saat sistem mengirim data message sebagai hasil dari deteksi gerak objek. Adapun gerak objek yang dideteksi pada penelitian ini adalah objek dengan warna merah, kuning, hijau, dan biru. Pada penelitian ini, proses segmentasi citra biner diproses menggunakan perangkat lunak Library OpenCV yang dieksekusi didalam node Robot Operating System 2 (ROS2). Terdapat beberapa node ROS2 yang digunakan untuk membangun sistem deteksi gerak objek pada penelitian ini, yaitu node untuk membaca input kamera RGB, node untuk mendeteksi gerak objek warna merah, node untuk mendeteksi gerak objek warna kuning, node untuk mendeteksi gerak objek warna hijau, node untuk mendeteksi gerak objek berwarna biru, dan node untuk menerima hasil proses deteksi warna. Setiap node pada sistem te...
    Pemberdayaan industri kecil dan rumah tangga merupakan  kebijakan pemerintah yang berbasis ekonomi kerakyatan. Hal ini merupakan suatu bentuk kepercayaan kepada kemandirian masyarakat dalam melakukan kegiatan ekonominya. Pada kenyataanya... more
    Pemberdayaan industri kecil dan rumah tangga merupakan  kebijakan pemerintah yang berbasis ekonomi kerakyatan. Hal ini merupakan suatu bentuk kepercayaan kepada kemandirian masyarakat dalam melakukan kegiatan ekonominya. Pada kenyataanya industri kecil dan rumah tangga merupakan industri yang tahan banting terhadap keadaan ekonomi yang tidak menentu seperti saat ini. Dukuh Dawar Desa Manggis Kecamatan Mojosongo Kabupaten Boyolali, Jawa Tengah. Di desa tersebut masyarakatnya sebagian besar berwira usaha kerajinan rumah tangga. Usaha berjenis home industry ini telah lama ditekuni oleh masyarakat di desa itu. Pekerjaan kreatif ini sudah menjadi salah satu simbol desa tersebut dan ikut membesarkan nama Boyolali sebagai salah satu kabupaten penghasil kerajinan rumah tangga di Jawa Tengah. Produk dari usaha rumah tangga tersebut banyak macamnya dan bervariasi. Kerajinan  rumah tangga termasuk usaha yang sudah berkembang sejak lama dan kini semakin ramai dan menunjukkan kemajuan yang sanga...
    ABSTRACT: This study discusses the aesthetic text spells tetomeh villagers Sei Kubu Kubu subdistrict Rokan Hilir district. As for the problem in this research is how the aesthetics of sound and subtitle language spell tetomeh Sei Kubu... more
    ABSTRACT: This study discusses the aesthetic text spells tetomeh villagers Sei Kubu Kubu subdistrict Rokan Hilir district. As for the problem in this research is how the aesthetics of sound and subtitle language spell tetomeh Sei Kubu villagers Rokan Hilir district consisting of rhythm (metrum and rhythm), efoni, kakafoni, anaphora, Epistrophe, alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeic, vocabulary, and diction. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative method. The data in this study is the text spells tetomeh villagers Sei Kubu Kubu subdistrict Rokan Hilir district. The form of the data in the form of repetition of phonemes, syllables, words, and phrases. Data collection techniques in this study is the observation in order to find out the availability of data and general information about text spells tetomeh, then do a live interview to the informant, and then record the results of interviews with informants, and last, recorded interviews about what is conveyed by inf...
    The results showed that the role of Parents in Guiding the Learning Ability of Children in the Krajan Rebalas Village had a role as educators, protectors, motivators, facilitators and mentors. Based on the results of research conducted... more
    The results showed that the role of Parents in Guiding the Learning Ability of Children in the Krajan Rebalas Village had a role as educators, protectors, motivators, facilitators and mentors. Based on the results of research conducted around the Krajan Rebalas environment, it can be said that children's learning independence in the environment is included in the moderate level, because based on the research findings that the authors do not all children in the environment are less capable of learning, only a few of them lack of independence in learning. There are 3 conditions for children's learning independence, namely children play more outdoors when night or night time study, children do not ignore parents when told to learn and the influence of community environment such as playmates, socializing and adults around their homes . In addition there are some that can affect the ability of children to be independent when at home, namely gadgets or cellphones, laziness felt by...
    Artikel ini mencoba menganalisis angka permohonan Dispensasi Kawin (DK) pada Pengadilan Agama (PA) di Kabupaten/Kota se D.I Yogyakarta yang selalu meningkat. Undang-Undang No.1 Tahun 1974 mengamanatkan bahwa perkawinan hanya diizinkan... more
    Artikel ini mencoba menganalisis angka permohonan Dispensasi Kawin (DK) pada Pengadilan Agama (PA) di Kabupaten/Kota se D.I Yogyakarta yang selalu meningkat. Undang-Undang No.1 Tahun 1974 mengamanatkan bahwa perkawinan hanya diizinkan jika pihak laki-laki sudah mencapai umur 19 (sembilan belas) tahun dan pihak perempuan sudah mencapai umur 16 (enam belas) tahun, sementara penyuluhan yang digalakkan terutama bagi penggerak dan pegiat Keluarga Sejahtera telah mensosialisasikan atas pendewasaan usia perkawinan, yakni laki-laki 25 tahun dan perempuan minimal 21 tahun. Dalam realitanya, ada kecenderungan banyak yang melakukan perkawinan di bawah usia tersebut. Tulisan ini hendak melihat faktor-faktor apa saja yang mendorong perkawinan usia muda dan bagaimana dampak yang dialami oleh mereka yang melangsungkan perkawinan saat usia muda. Kata kunci: dispensasi kawin, dampak, usia muda
    Driving simulators are often used in educational and research purposes. Driving Simulators’ capability in producing a virtual driving environment resembling real driving condition can be used to train novice drivers before they are... more
    Driving simulators are often used in educational and research purposes. Driving Simulators’ capability in producing a virtual driving environment resembling real driving condition can be used to train novice drivers before they are exposed to the real world. Aside from that, driving simulators are important in data collection for road safety research, human factor study, vehicle system development and also traffic control device development. These allow designers, engineers as well as ergonomists, to bypass the design and development process of detailed mockups of the automobile interiors for human factor and vehicle performance studies.
    The European Union (EU) is one of the major trading partners of Malaysia. The EU is the third largest export market for Malaysia after the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the United States (US). With regard to foreign... more
    The European Union (EU) is one of the major trading partners of Malaysia. The EU is the third largest export market for Malaysia after the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the United States (US). With regard to foreign direct investment (FDI), the EU has been the biggest foreign investor in the manufacturing sector in Malaysia for the past seven years. This paper focuses on the importance of exports in promoting FDI flows from the EU member countries into the manufacturing sector in Malaysia. The FDI panel data cover a period from 1980 to 2006. A log-linear model of exports-EU FDI is selected in which the single explanatory variable is the level of exports in the host country. The empirical results from regression suggest that the EU FDI in the manufacturing sector is significantly influenced by Malaysia’s exports to the EU member countries. A positive relationship between the two variables indicates that the EU FDI is a complement to Malaysia’s trade. EU firms op...
    This paper is an attempt to revisit the pioneering work of Riazuddin and Khan (2002). A complete business cycle has been elapsed (2002-2010) since their study, so there is need to review the results with additional information. This... more
    This paper is an attempt to revisit the pioneering work of Riazuddin and Khan (2002). A complete business cycle has been elapsed (2002-2010) since their study, so there is need to review the results with additional information. This revisited attempt, based on a theoretically specified framework, arrived at similar results and found significant impact of Islamic calendar. The Islamic months of Ramadan and Zilhaj have positive impact on currency holdings and negative impact on deposits. Although stylized facts indicate that consumer prices are significantly higher during Ramadan but econometric investigation rejects the upward exogenous shifts in prices during Ramadan. Therefore, structural relationship analyzed in co-integration framework has shown that inflation is not directly impacted by the Ramadan but indirectly through increase in its determinants. Inflationary tendencies during Ramadan are not due to exogenous increase by producers and retailers but possibly due to demand sur...

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