Researcher specializing in Human Origins and Native American Perspectives Phone: (805) 930-5489 Address: 304 Brentwood Circle, New Tazewell, Tennessee 37825 United States
Overture: My wife Amber heard that “gray” will no longer “be in” coming 2023, something I indeed ... more Overture: My wife Amber heard that “gray” will no longer “be in” coming 2023, something I indeed hope comes to pass. The existence of ‘gray areas’ in “human origins research” can be defined in a short statement by Geoffrey Clark; “it is worth asking ourselves whether we are any closer to solving the question of our origins than we were a century ago. Addressing specific “gray areas” in anthropology can be drawn from the first set of BULLET POINTS, as there are several sets within this tripartite thesis. These tonal discussion points include (i) “Paradigm Crisis In Modern Human Origins Research (ibid, W & C 1995) and (ii) that “No topic or question is "off-limits" to science.” While holding conceivable reservations that “Clearly, humans did not evolve in this [western] hemisphere.;” (iii) Our place in the Animal Kingdom as “our species has contrived to elude satisfactory morphological definition.” (Tattersall and Schwartz 2008); (iv) the sudden arrival of fully anatomically sapient humans and the “incipient argument for the relative stability of the human form.”, (Spencer 1984 pg. 6 here-in); and several significant Archaeological enigmas (v) (a), the Mousterian Problem, (b), the explosion in Cultural adaptations during the initial Peopling of the Eastern Hemisphere, and finally, but not least, (c) the pre-Clovis “Reduced Paleolithic" enigma. In science, the goal is to define topics in Black and White leaving Gray Areas to be not glossed over but illuminated. An essential element of this paper is to identify the positive place for gray areas and the reasoning for them as a framework. It accepts them by providing a peek at another requisite; a Tertiary hypothesis that predicts why many, not trivial, gray areas do exist! (Replicated Theme Tones)
Given to Alvah Hicks by Stanford geneticist Peter Underhill following a meeting I was summoned to... more Given to Alvah Hicks by Stanford geneticist Peter Underhill following a meeting I was summoned to attend. It is based on Y chromosome research. Out of the Americas. More on this in this Discussion...
Current Discussion June 14, 2023 Please join in
Overture: My wife Amber heard that “gray” will n... more Current Discussion June 14, 2023 Please join in
Overture: My wife Amber heard that “gray” will no longer “be in” coming 2023, something I indeed hope comes to pass. The existence of ‘gray areas’ in “human origins research” can be defined in a short statement by Geoffrey Clark; “it is worth asking ourselves whether we are any closer to solving the question of our origins than we were a century ago. Addressing specific “gray areas” in anthropology can be drawn from the first set of BULLET POINTS, as there are several sets within this tripartite thesis. These tonal discussion points include (i) “Paradigm Crisis In Modern Human Origins Research (ibid, W & C 1995) and (ii) that “No topic or question is "off-limits" to science.” While holding conceivable reservations that “Clearly, humans did not evolve in this [western] hemisphere.;” (iii) Our place in the Animal Kingdom as “our species has contrived to elude satisfactory morphological definition.” (Tattersall and Schwartz 2008); (iv) the sudden arrival of fully anatomically sapient humans and the “incipient argument for the relative stability of the human form.”, (Spencer 1984 pg. 6 here-in); and several significant Archaeological enigmas (v) (a), the Mousterian Problem, (b), the explosion in Cultural adaptations during the initial Peopling of the Eastern Hemisphere, and finally, but not least, (c) the pre-Clovis “Reduced Paleolithic" enigma. In science, the goal is to define topics in Black and White leaving Gray Areas to be not glossed over but illuminated. An essential element of this paper is to identify the positive place for gray areas and the reasoning for them as a framework. It accepts them by providing a peek at another requisite; a Tertiary hypothesis that predicts why many, not trivial, gray areas do exist! (Replicated Theme Tones) ABSTRACT (TITLE ONE) As Human Beings, we like to believe that we have reason on our side. That is to say, what sets us apart from the Animal Kingdom, in general, are the factors that have bestowed upon us an “Evolved Being” able to ask philosophical questions with tools we take for granted. What are these tools that set us apart? In no unequaled terms, we might accept that walking on two legs freed our arms and hands to perform duties never (never say never) before imagined, including settlement beyond the known world. Anatomically and behaviorally, the development of articulated speech defines us as sapiens. Jeffrey Schwartz and Ian Tattersall (2010), in discussing such evolutionary factors, in a paralleled universe, point out that the modus of terrestrial locomotion by the earliest tetrapod “well after their initial acquisition” in comprehending the essence of evolution, adaptation, and I might add, niche formation. These simple, profound examples are highlighted at the end of one of, in my opinion, most relevant discussions on the “Origin of Homo Sapiens” and the “REASONING MAN” hypothetical. There are several historical trains of thought outlined in this pending Discussion that has more to do with what we, as “thinkers,” have come to adopt, or not adopt, as starting points. The ascension of certain underpinnings we have adapted from the “known discovered hominid Fossil Record” has left us questioning our place in contextualizing our species in comparative zoological terms. Identifying and not ignoring these “limitations” brings into question how the thought process distinguishes the theories we accept in lieu of their sometimes despairingly profound deficiencies (gray areas). If we can agree to examine a Tertiary Paradigm, another long-dismissed primatological and geographic starting point on the other hand, perhaps we may actually find remedies for many or perhaps, at least, some of the major ‘uncertainties’ we have inherited by default. If we muster the strength to endorse the scientific process, then we will have processed as a “REASONING MAN” should. What are these shortcomings? This series of interconnected Titles present “bullet” and “discussion points,” bringing to light a synopsis of events that have historically been overshadowed. Without this unheralded perspective, locked behind closed doors over 110 years ago, we have adjusted all realities to hide within the eve/multiregional models, revealed but unresolved. Since “89% of the data collected were used by members of only one paradigm (W & C, ibid p. 488)” is it time to explore a new paradigm? The ramifications are not trivial and need to be addressed through a dynamic that melds several trains of logical thought into a process of theoretical niche formation. This unqueried “pursuit of the past” justly predicts the root cause(s) of, and in so doing, attempts to remedy, many unnatural ambiguities underscoring an ongoing “Paradigm Crisis In Modern Human Origins Research.
Keywords/Discussion Points: First and Second World People, Terra Patria (homeland) Terra Aliena (foreign land), Terra Ignatia (settled foreign land), Sudden Replacement, the Mousterian Problem, Human Evolutionary Theories, “incipient argument for the relative stability of the human form,” a Reduced Paleolithic, Hidden Populations, Historical and Evolutionary Anthropology
American Wellspring Hypothesis (AWH) Homo sapiens sapiens Evolution in the Americas Autochthonous Paleoamerican Origins (APO) 1910 hypothesis of AWH Multiregional Evolution (MRE) regional continuity and recombination within Homo erectus African Replacement Model (ARM) “Eve out of Africa”; single origin with replacement Peopling of the New World (PNW) common paradigm being questioned Peopling of the Old World (POW) by APO, theoretical departure point being advanced Homo sapiens sapiens (Hss) fully anatomical and behavioral human definition Anatomically Modern Humans (AMH) common vernacular of a ‘recent’ human origin Anatomically Sapient Humans (ASH) anatomical stasis hypothesis Last Glacial Period (LGP) 59,000-13,000 years of interstadial Glaciation Paleoamericans (PA) Pleistocene Native American Populations Paleo-Indian = Paleoindian (PI) Paleolithic Holocene Native American “Clovis Culture” Mutational-drift Equilibrium" (M-DE) ancient genetic condition years before the present (ybp); Before the Present (BP) Founding Effects (FE) reduced/compounded genetic diversity following resettlement Maximum Genetic Diversity” Theory (MGD) Asian hypothesis of Human dispersal/origins Bottleneck (BN) reduction of earlier genetic diversity Holocene Back Migration (HBM) < 13,000 ybp from the Americas into northeast Asia Sea Mammal Hunting Cultures (SMHC) Circumarctic descendants of native North Americans
Abstract: The evolution of ideas of human origins has its own historical narrative. This Paper ex... more Abstract: The evolution of ideas of human origins has its own historical narrative. This Paper examines the hypothesis of an approved alternative made long ago by “those who advance reasons which in their judgment are equally adequate to prove that he was autochthonous in America, whence he spread to the Old World” (from W. H. Holmes, 1912); and why it was “set aside.” The “bearing of Archeological Evidence on the Place of Origin and the Question of the Unity or Plurality of the American Race” conforms best with the unification of ideas accommodating a recent Peopling of the Eastern Hemisphere as anticipated in 1912. Both origins and migrations from them remain critically related topics creating unprecedented “points of order” when contextualizing the predicted outcome. Placing the Americas as an assumable human evolutionary starting point requires us to openly, without prejudice, no longer “set aside” the implications (i.e., Holmes, W.H. 1910). Previous Discussions* have unwaveringly addressed the validity of the recent sapient Peopling of the Eastern Hemisphere within the preamble of an Americanist evolutionary framework. Directed by this freedom to think, scientific resolve no longer needs to be stymied by limited objectivity, specifically ignoring verified archaeological habitations predating Clovis by tens to hundreds of thousand years (see Steeves 2021, Hardaker 2007). Unassuming perceptions have forsaken the legitimacy of this New World alternative, but why? The Burden of Proof lies in the circumstantial evidence predicted 110 years ago but “set aside.” A willingness to pursue this dismissed assumption requires an “open-minded” investigation that accommodates a shifting of the Burden of Proof. *
(Keywords) Autochthonous American Origins, Peopling of the Eastern Hemisphere, the Evolution of Ideas of Human Evolution, Scientific Discourse, Paradigm Crisis in Human Origins Research, Assumptions, Open-mindedness, Into Africa and Out of Asia, the American Wellspring Hypothesis
ABSTRACT Will Humanity be traced to those Native to the Americas? The Western Hemisphere offers ... more ABSTRACT Will Humanity be traced to those Native to the Americas? The Western Hemisphere offers a point of departure in rediscovering human origins that has yet to receive adequate academic consideration. whether pursued or dismissed. An American Wellspring will explore today’s relevance, and the scientific significance of prematurely removing an autochthonous origin heralded 110 years ago (see Alfred R. Wallace 1887, and Florentino Ameghino 1911, 1915). The renewal of one very significant Native American idea, “that they have inhabited the Americas from time immemorial,” is scientifically tested in the following pages.
Population movements and issues of first peopling, isolation, secondary migration, and alternativ... more Population movements and issues of first peopling, isolation, secondary migration, and alternative explanations that would challenge pre-disposed “givens” must be incorporated by combining relevant inferences from the related yet diverse fields of anthropology. See Discussion at Simple analyses that fail to look for resolutions by incorporating multidimensional relationships in order to interpret more fully the complex history of mankind’s exploration of the Earth will fail to appreciate the big picture. Gray areas and the Black and White that illuminate a better truth avails anthropologist's attempt to unmask defining lines of evidence. This is best revealed by finding compatible solutions that encompass interdisciplinary research. Identifying alternatives when called for and looking beyond the limited scope of pre-disposed givens can prove to be beneficial when seeking scientific validation. Paradigm growth through theory building is often initiated by incorporating bias and building new observations from it. Bias is the fuel that drives both the accepted given and untested alternatives. New ideas or theories, if you will, that offer viable truths should ably resolve, by indemnification, presumed problems held by the accepted given. These problems must have a viable explanation embraced by the un-tested alternative. An American Wellspring hypothesis holds no compromises for this set of informative quotes. They still stand the test of time untethered in their significance, drawn before the end of the last millennium, encompassing millions of years of our evolutionary past. A New perspective meets researchers "with an Open Mind!
Overture: My wife Amber heard that “gray” will no longer “be in” coming 2023, something I indeed ... more Overture: My wife Amber heard that “gray” will no longer “be in” coming 2023, something I indeed hope comes to pass. The existence of ‘gray areas in “human origins research” can be defined in a short statement by Geoffrey Clark; “it is worth asking ourselves whether we are any closer to solving the question of our origins than we were a century ago.” Addressing specific “gray areas” in anthropology can be drawn from the first set of BULLET POINTS, as there are several sets within this tripartite thesis. These tonal discussion points include (i) “Paradigm Crisis In Modern Human Origins Research (ibid, W & C 1995) and (ii) that “No topic or question is "off-limits" to science. Clark, G.A. 1998)” While holding conceivable reservations that “Clearly, humans did not evolve in this [western] hemisphere.;” (iii) Our place in the Animal Kingdom as “our species has contrived to elude satisfactory morphological definition.” (Tattersall and Schwartz 2008); (iv) the sudden arrival of fully anatomically sapient humans and the “incipient argument for the relative stability of the human form.”, (Spencer 1984 pg. 6 here-in); and several significant Archaeological enigmas (v) (a), the Mousterian Problem, (b), the explosion in Cultural adaptations during the initial Peopling of the Eastern Hemisphere, and finally, but not least, (c) the pre-Clovis “Reduced Paleolithic" enigma. In science, the goal is to define topics in Black and White leaving Gray Areas to be not glossed over but illuminated. An essential element of this paper is to identify the positive place for gray areas and the reasoning for them as a framework. It accepts them by providing a peek at another requisite; a Tertiary hypothesis that predicts why many, not trivial, gray areas do exist! (Replicated Theme Tones) ABSTRACT (TITLE ONE) As Human Beings, we like to believe that we have reason on our side. That is to say, what sets us apart from the Animal Kingdom, in general, are the factors that have bestowed upon us an “Evolved Being” able to ask philosophical questions with tools we take for granted. What are these tools that set us apart? In no unequaled terms, we might accept that walking on two legs freed our arms and hands to perform duties never (never say never) before imagined, including settlement beyond the known world. Anatomically and behaviorally, the development of articulated speech defines us as sapiens. Jeffrey Schwartz and Ian Tattersall (2010), in discussing such evolutionary factors, in a paralleled universe, point out that the modus of terrestrial locomotion by the earliest tetrapod “well after their initial acquisition” in comprehending the essence of evolution, adaptation, and I might add, niche formation. These simple, profound examples are highlighted at the end of one of, in my opinion, most relevant discussions on the “Origin of Homo Sapiens” and the “REASONING MAN” hypothetical. There are several historical trains of thought outlined in this pending Discussion that has more to do with what we, as “thinkers,” have come to adopt, or not adopt, as starting points. The ascension of certain underpinnings we have adapted from the “known discovered hominid Fossil Record” has left us questioning our place in contextualizing our species in comparative zoological terms. Identifying and not ignoring these “limitations” brings into question how the thought process distinguishes the theories we accept in lieu of their sometimes despairingly profound deficiencies (gray areas). If we can agree to examine a Tertiary Paradigm, another long-dismissed primatological and geographic starting point on the other hand, perhaps we may actually find remedies for many or perhaps, at least, some of the major ‘uncertainties’ we have inherited by default. If we muster the strength to endorse the scientific process, then we will have processed as a “REASONING MAN” should. What are these shortcomings? This series of interconnected Titles present “bullet” and “discussion points,” bringing to light a synopsis of events that have historically been overshadowed. Without this unheralded perspective, locked behind closed doors over 110 years ago, we have adjusted all realities to hide within the eve/multiregional models, revealed but unresolved. Since “89% of the data collected were used by members of only one paradigm (W & C, ibid p. 488)” is it time to explore a new paradigm? The ramifications are not trivial and need to be addressed through a dynamic that melds several trains of logical thought into a process of theoretical niche formation. This unqueried “pursuit of the past” justly predicts the root cause(s) of, and in so doing, attempts to remedy, many unnatural ambiguities underscoring an ongoing “Paradigm Crisis In Modern Human Origins Research.
Overture: My wife Amber heard that “gray” will no longer “be in” coming 2023, something I indeed ... more Overture: My wife Amber heard that “gray” will no longer “be in” coming 2023, something I indeed hope comes to pass. The existence of ‘gray areas’ in “human origins research” can be defined in a short statement by Geoffrey Clark; “it is worth asking ourselves whether we are any closer to solving the question of our origins than we were a century ago. Addressing specific “gray areas” in anthropology can be drawn from the first set of BULLET POINTS, as there are several sets within this tripartite thesis. These tonal discussion points include (i) “Paradigm Crisis In Modern Human Origins Research (ibid, W & C 1995) and (ii) that “No topic or question is "off-limits" to science.” While holding conceivable reservations that “Clearly, humans did not evolve in this [western] hemisphere.;” (iii) Our place in the Animal Kingdom as “our species has contrived to elude satisfactory morphological definition.” (Tattersall and Schwartz 2008); (iv) the sudden arrival of fully anatomically sapient humans and the “incipient argument for the relative stability of the human form.”, (Spencer 1984 pg. 6 here-in); and several significant Archaeological enigmas (v) (a), the Mousterian Problem, (b), the explosion in Cultural adaptations during the initial Peopling of the Eastern Hemisphere, and finally, but not least, (c) the pre-Clovis “Reduced Paleolithic" enigma. In science, the goal is to define topics in Black and White leaving Gray Areas to be not glossed over but illuminated. An essential element of this paper is to identify the positive place for gray areas and the reasoning for them as a framework. It accepts them by providing a peek at another requisite; a Tertiary hypothesis that predicts why many, not trivial, gray areas do exist! (Replicated Theme Tones) ABSTRACT (TITLE ONE)
As Human Beings, we like to believe that we have reason on our side. That is to say, what sets us apart from the Animal Kingdom, in general, are the factors that have bestowed upon us an “Evolved Being” able to ask philosophical questions with tools we take for granted. What are these tools that set us apart? In no unequaled terms, we might accept that walking on two legs freed our arms and hands to perform duties never (never say never) before imagined, including settlement beyond the known world. Anatomically and behaviorally, the development of articulated speech defines us as sapiens. Jeffrey Schwartz and Ian Tattersall (2010), in discussing such evolutionary factors, in a paralleled universe, point out that the modus of terrestrial locomotion by the earliest tetrapod “well after their initial acquisition” in comprehending the essence of evolution, adaptation, and I might add, niche formation. These simple, profound examples are highlighted at the end of one of, in my opinion, most relevant discussions on the “Origin of Homo Sapiens” and the “REASONING MAN” hypothetical. There are several historical trains of thought outlined in this pending Discussion that has more to do with what we, as “thinkers,” have come to adopt, or not adopt, as starting points. The ascension of certain underpinnings we have adapted from the “known discovered hominid Fossil Record” has left us questioning our place in contextualizing our species in comparative zoological terms. Identifying and not ignoring these “limitations” brings into question how the thought process distinguishes the theories we accept in lieu of their sometimes despairingly profound deficiencies (gray areas). If we can agree to examine a Tertiary Paradigm, another long-dismissed primatological and geographic starting point on the other hand, perhaps we may actually find remedies for many or perhaps, at least, some of the major ‘uncertainties’ we have inherited by default. If we muster the strength to endorse the scientific process, then we will have processed as a “REASONING MAN” should. What are these shortcomings? This series of interconnected Titles present “bullet” and “discussion points,” bringing to light a synopsis of events that have historically been overshadowed. Without this unheralded perspective, locked behind closed doors over 110 years ago, we have adjusted all realities to hide within the eve/multiregional models, revealed but unresolved. Since “89% of the data collected were used by members of only one paradigm (W & C, ibid p. 488)” is it time to explore a new paradigm? The ramifications are not trivial and need to be addressed through a dynamic that melds several trains of logical thought into a process of theoretical niche formation. This unqueried “pursuit of the past” justly predicts the root cause(s) of, and in so doing, attempts to remedy, many unnatural ambiguities underscoring an ongoing “Paradigm Crisis In Modern Human Origins Research.
Keywords/Discussion Points: First and Second World People, Terra Patria (homeland) Terra Aliena (foreign land), Terra Ignatia (settled foreign land), Sudden Replacement, the Mousterian Problem, Human Evolutionary Theories, “incipient argument for the relative stability of the human form,” a Reduced Paleolithic, Hidden Populations, Historical and Evolutionary Anthropology
Mother tongue: journal of the Association for the …, 1999
... 3 Does Nostratic and Cherokee represent a plausible linguistic correlation (Ruth Holmes, pers... more ... 3 Does Nostratic and Cherokee represent a plausible linguistic correlation (Ruth Holmes, personal conversation)? 4 The term “Paleoindians” should not be used to define earlier “pre-Clovis inhabitants” since the behaviors separating mid-Pleistocene Amerindian occupations ...
Many Native American Cultures identify that they have “always been here,” that they are truly ind... more Many Native American Cultures identify that they have “always been here,” that they are truly indigenous to the Americas. Yet, a vocal majority of American archaeologists have until 1997 steadfastly advocated a less than 13,500-year Terminal Ice Age arrival of people from Northeast Asia. Needless to say, a new chapter culminating from the now widespread distinction of an enduring habitation begs a reappraisal of theoretical premises, some dismissed over a hundred years ago. An American Wellspring, Volume One, will present a general overview of the science of evolutionary anthropology and theories outlining the origins of Native Americans and synthesize a new alternative that embraces the New World as the cradle of humankind. It promises to illuminate what many theologians and scientists have long characterized as, an unheralded place to start in anticipating our human beginnings. The language of anthropology and its assorted terms will be refined as we examine lost horizons of this long-overlooked evolutionary model. Following the immediate European Discovery of the Western Hemisphere, First world People and Second world Inhabitants and the initial separation of them was a major topic of discussion. A Second world evolutionary origin was specifically set aside although eminent scholars at the turn of the XIX were willing to “risk their reputations” in favor of an Autochthonous American origin for all of Humanity.
An American Wellspring: A Hypothesis in the Making
Related research Papers and Quotes
Human Evol... more An American Wellspring: A Hypothesis in the Making Related research Papers and Quotes Human Evolution; Second world as First world A Thanksgiving Celebration of the inevitable Meeting of Old World descendants of New World Ancestors An alternative Evolutionary Explanation and the Quotes to 'back it up'!
The following collections of quotes were gathered as part of a research strategy aimed at explori... more The following collections of quotes were gathered as part of a research strategy aimed at exploring a New World alternative to human origins. They represent a diverse array of anthropological studies and subjects helping provide background information for perspectives held by the compiler, Alvah Hicks. Primarily, they represent "warranting evidence" in support of the compiler's contention that; Paleo-American populations should be examined as a potential source for both recent and ancient Homo sapiens sapiens radiations into what we have come to accept as the "Old" World. More specifically, separate Amerindian radiations are proposed to have led to, (i) the "total replacement" of Old-World Hominids beginning less then 50,000 years ago, (ii) subsequent post Holocene Amerindian migration into Siberia resulting in admixture with northeast Asians. These articles are broken down into geographic areas of study. I am deeply indebted to the individuals studied, to the authors who have acknowledged their contribution and, to the researchers themselves who have compiled the data used in furthering this present study. However, it has come to my attention that many of the ideas and opinions represented as supporting my (the compiler) contentions are not expectantly pursued by the original authors. By this, any inconsistencies that might be found in this compilation should not be attributed to those researchers and/or the publication they were drawn from. Moreover, further use of these quotations should not be made without referencing the material directly since a full appreciation and interpretation of these "selections" should be drawn from the original published sources.
An American Wellspring: A Hypothesis in the Making
Related research Papers and Quotes
Human Evol... more An American Wellspring: A Hypothesis in the Making Related research Papers and Quotes Human Evolution; Second world as First world A Thanksgiving Celebration of the inevitable Meeting of Old World descendants of New World Ancestors An alternative Evolutionary Explanation and the Quotes to 'back it up'!
Please see original article s for original substantiation Foreword The following collections of quotes were gathered as part of a research strategy aimed at exploring a New World alternative to human origins. They represent a diverse array of anthropological studies and subjects helping provide background information for perspectives held by the compiler. Primarily, they represent "warranting evidence" in support of the compiler's contention that; Amerindian populations should be examined as a potential source for both recent and ancient Homo sapiens radiations into what we have come to accept as the "Old" World. More specifically, separate Amerindian radiations are proposed to have led to, (i) the "total replacement" of Old World Hominids beginning less then 50,000 years ago, (ii) subsequent Holocene and post Holocene Paleoamerican migration into Siberia resulting in admixture with northeast Asians, and (iii) the initial arrival of man (American Indians) into Polynesia ~3,600 years ago. These articles are broken down into geographic areas of study. I am deeply indebted to the subjects studied, to the authors who have acknowledged their contribution and, to the researchers themselves who have compiled and analyzed the data used in furthering this present study. However, it has come to my attention that many of the ideas and opinions represented as supporting my (the compiler) contentions are not optimistically pursued by the original authors. By this, any inconsistencies that might be found in this compilation should not be attributed to those researchers and/or the publication they were drawn from. Moreover, further use of these quotations should not be made without referencing the material directly since a full appreciation and interpretation of these "selections" should be drawn from the original sources.
Archeological models always start with a “Peopling” of the New World (PNW)” leaving untested the ... more Archeological models always start with a “Peopling” of the New World (PNW)” leaving untested the significance and human evolutionary implications of not just contemporary Upper Paleolithic but even earlier occupations of the Americas (Holen 2015: Leakey and Simpson 1968 , Morlan 1987; Goodyear et al .; Dziebel 2007 ; Boëda et al. 2021; the Valsequilo Valley of Mexico dated by multiple methods to 250,000 and many many others …). The “Peopling of the Old World (POW)” accompanying the sudden inter-continental arrival of “Homo sapiens sapiens (Hss)” could and should find contrasts that PNW and POW human dispersals are linked. To not-do-so underscores the profound achievements of these inter-hemispherical colonists and human ties linking the Earths two Worlds. Replacement theories from the Old World have yet to contemplate Paleoamericans as a source for the species doing the replacing. A theoretical inclusion of the New World as an evolutionary source for the dispersal of modern man into Asia, Australia, Europe, and Africa starts with the critical assumption of “Replacement.” American ‘early’ “early Man Sites” once drawn asunder by unsubstantiated anthropologic denials are now relevant including Monte Verde I dated at 33,000 and earlier New World Pleistocene sites pre-dating the dawning of the “initial Upper Paleolithic in Southern Siberia.” Comparisons drawn from distinguishable New World archaeological evidence suggests isolation from developing Upper Paleolithic like adaptations dating ~ 45,000 years ago in the Old World. Glacial caused isolation has here-in been predicted as the basis for the perpetuation of an unexpected Paleoamerican mid-Pleistocene archaeological life-way that - however unfortunate for Archaeologists - can be argued as demonstrative of a basal aboriginal pre-Clovis Human archetype. No other explanation compliments the behavioral stigmatization that makes these human habitations so backwards when focusing on the Old-Worlds readily diagnostic Middle and Upper Paleolithic signatures. In-order to augment the genetic data in our favor we must be able to rejuvenate the archaeological facts that offer hand-held evidences that do not require biological timetables. This, however, does not underscore the genetic significance of determining the phylogenetic pathway we are about to investigate! Key words: Replacement theory, Paleoamericans, Out of Asia, mtDNA and Y Chromosome, Bayesian prior joint and posterior probability theory, maximum-likelihood theory, statistical inference, ascertainment bias.
Overture: My wife Amber heard that “gray” will no longer “be in” coming 2023, something I indeed ... more Overture: My wife Amber heard that “gray” will no longer “be in” coming 2023, something I indeed hope comes to pass. The existence of ‘gray areas’ in “human origins research” can be defined in a short statement by Geoffrey Clark; “it is worth asking ourselves whether we are any closer to solving the question of our origins than we were a century ago. Addressing specific “gray areas” in anthropology can be drawn from the first set of BULLET POINTS, as there are several sets within this tripartite thesis. These tonal discussion points include (i) “Paradigm Crisis In Modern Human Origins Research (ibid, W & C 1995) and (ii) that “No topic or question is "off-limits" to science.” While holding conceivable reservations that “Clearly, humans did not evolve in this [western] hemisphere.;” (iii) Our place in the Animal Kingdom as “our species has contrived to elude satisfactory morphological definition.” (Tattersall and Schwartz 2008); (iv) the sudden arrival of fully anatomically sapient humans and the “incipient argument for the relative stability of the human form.”, (Spencer 1984 pg. 6 here-in); and several significant Archaeological enigmas (v) (a), the Mousterian Problem, (b), the explosion in Cultural adaptations during the initial Peopling of the Eastern Hemisphere, and finally, but not least, (c) the pre-Clovis “Reduced Paleolithic" enigma. In science, the goal is to define topics in Black and White leaving Gray Areas to be not glossed over but illuminated. An essential element of this paper is to identify the positive place for gray areas and the reasoning for them as a framework. It accepts them by providing a peek at another requisite; a Tertiary hypothesis that predicts why many, not trivial, gray areas do exist! (Replicated Theme Tones)
Given to Alvah Hicks by Stanford geneticist Peter Underhill following a meeting I was summoned to... more Given to Alvah Hicks by Stanford geneticist Peter Underhill following a meeting I was summoned to attend. It is based on Y chromosome research. Out of the Americas. More on this in this Discussion...
Current Discussion June 14, 2023 Please join in
Overture: My wife Amber heard that “gray” will n... more Current Discussion June 14, 2023 Please join in
Overture: My wife Amber heard that “gray” will no longer “be in” coming 2023, something I indeed hope comes to pass. The existence of ‘gray areas’ in “human origins research” can be defined in a short statement by Geoffrey Clark; “it is worth asking ourselves whether we are any closer to solving the question of our origins than we were a century ago. Addressing specific “gray areas” in anthropology can be drawn from the first set of BULLET POINTS, as there are several sets within this tripartite thesis. These tonal discussion points include (i) “Paradigm Crisis In Modern Human Origins Research (ibid, W & C 1995) and (ii) that “No topic or question is "off-limits" to science.” While holding conceivable reservations that “Clearly, humans did not evolve in this [western] hemisphere.;” (iii) Our place in the Animal Kingdom as “our species has contrived to elude satisfactory morphological definition.” (Tattersall and Schwartz 2008); (iv) the sudden arrival of fully anatomically sapient humans and the “incipient argument for the relative stability of the human form.”, (Spencer 1984 pg. 6 here-in); and several significant Archaeological enigmas (v) (a), the Mousterian Problem, (b), the explosion in Cultural adaptations during the initial Peopling of the Eastern Hemisphere, and finally, but not least, (c) the pre-Clovis “Reduced Paleolithic" enigma. In science, the goal is to define topics in Black and White leaving Gray Areas to be not glossed over but illuminated. An essential element of this paper is to identify the positive place for gray areas and the reasoning for them as a framework. It accepts them by providing a peek at another requisite; a Tertiary hypothesis that predicts why many, not trivial, gray areas do exist! (Replicated Theme Tones) ABSTRACT (TITLE ONE) As Human Beings, we like to believe that we have reason on our side. That is to say, what sets us apart from the Animal Kingdom, in general, are the factors that have bestowed upon us an “Evolved Being” able to ask philosophical questions with tools we take for granted. What are these tools that set us apart? In no unequaled terms, we might accept that walking on two legs freed our arms and hands to perform duties never (never say never) before imagined, including settlement beyond the known world. Anatomically and behaviorally, the development of articulated speech defines us as sapiens. Jeffrey Schwartz and Ian Tattersall (2010), in discussing such evolutionary factors, in a paralleled universe, point out that the modus of terrestrial locomotion by the earliest tetrapod “well after their initial acquisition” in comprehending the essence of evolution, adaptation, and I might add, niche formation. These simple, profound examples are highlighted at the end of one of, in my opinion, most relevant discussions on the “Origin of Homo Sapiens” and the “REASONING MAN” hypothetical. There are several historical trains of thought outlined in this pending Discussion that has more to do with what we, as “thinkers,” have come to adopt, or not adopt, as starting points. The ascension of certain underpinnings we have adapted from the “known discovered hominid Fossil Record” has left us questioning our place in contextualizing our species in comparative zoological terms. Identifying and not ignoring these “limitations” brings into question how the thought process distinguishes the theories we accept in lieu of their sometimes despairingly profound deficiencies (gray areas). If we can agree to examine a Tertiary Paradigm, another long-dismissed primatological and geographic starting point on the other hand, perhaps we may actually find remedies for many or perhaps, at least, some of the major ‘uncertainties’ we have inherited by default. If we muster the strength to endorse the scientific process, then we will have processed as a “REASONING MAN” should. What are these shortcomings? This series of interconnected Titles present “bullet” and “discussion points,” bringing to light a synopsis of events that have historically been overshadowed. Without this unheralded perspective, locked behind closed doors over 110 years ago, we have adjusted all realities to hide within the eve/multiregional models, revealed but unresolved. Since “89% of the data collected were used by members of only one paradigm (W & C, ibid p. 488)” is it time to explore a new paradigm? The ramifications are not trivial and need to be addressed through a dynamic that melds several trains of logical thought into a process of theoretical niche formation. This unqueried “pursuit of the past” justly predicts the root cause(s) of, and in so doing, attempts to remedy, many unnatural ambiguities underscoring an ongoing “Paradigm Crisis In Modern Human Origins Research.
Keywords/Discussion Points: First and Second World People, Terra Patria (homeland) Terra Aliena (foreign land), Terra Ignatia (settled foreign land), Sudden Replacement, the Mousterian Problem, Human Evolutionary Theories, “incipient argument for the relative stability of the human form,” a Reduced Paleolithic, Hidden Populations, Historical and Evolutionary Anthropology
American Wellspring Hypothesis (AWH) Homo sapiens sapiens Evolution in the Americas Autochthonous Paleoamerican Origins (APO) 1910 hypothesis of AWH Multiregional Evolution (MRE) regional continuity and recombination within Homo erectus African Replacement Model (ARM) “Eve out of Africa”; single origin with replacement Peopling of the New World (PNW) common paradigm being questioned Peopling of the Old World (POW) by APO, theoretical departure point being advanced Homo sapiens sapiens (Hss) fully anatomical and behavioral human definition Anatomically Modern Humans (AMH) common vernacular of a ‘recent’ human origin Anatomically Sapient Humans (ASH) anatomical stasis hypothesis Last Glacial Period (LGP) 59,000-13,000 years of interstadial Glaciation Paleoamericans (PA) Pleistocene Native American Populations Paleo-Indian = Paleoindian (PI) Paleolithic Holocene Native American “Clovis Culture” Mutational-drift Equilibrium" (M-DE) ancient genetic condition years before the present (ybp); Before the Present (BP) Founding Effects (FE) reduced/compounded genetic diversity following resettlement Maximum Genetic Diversity” Theory (MGD) Asian hypothesis of Human dispersal/origins Bottleneck (BN) reduction of earlier genetic diversity Holocene Back Migration (HBM) < 13,000 ybp from the Americas into northeast Asia Sea Mammal Hunting Cultures (SMHC) Circumarctic descendants of native North Americans
Abstract: The evolution of ideas of human origins has its own historical narrative. This Paper ex... more Abstract: The evolution of ideas of human origins has its own historical narrative. This Paper examines the hypothesis of an approved alternative made long ago by “those who advance reasons which in their judgment are equally adequate to prove that he was autochthonous in America, whence he spread to the Old World” (from W. H. Holmes, 1912); and why it was “set aside.” The “bearing of Archeological Evidence on the Place of Origin and the Question of the Unity or Plurality of the American Race” conforms best with the unification of ideas accommodating a recent Peopling of the Eastern Hemisphere as anticipated in 1912. Both origins and migrations from them remain critically related topics creating unprecedented “points of order” when contextualizing the predicted outcome. Placing the Americas as an assumable human evolutionary starting point requires us to openly, without prejudice, no longer “set aside” the implications (i.e., Holmes, W.H. 1910). Previous Discussions* have unwaveringly addressed the validity of the recent sapient Peopling of the Eastern Hemisphere within the preamble of an Americanist evolutionary framework. Directed by this freedom to think, scientific resolve no longer needs to be stymied by limited objectivity, specifically ignoring verified archaeological habitations predating Clovis by tens to hundreds of thousand years (see Steeves 2021, Hardaker 2007). Unassuming perceptions have forsaken the legitimacy of this New World alternative, but why? The Burden of Proof lies in the circumstantial evidence predicted 110 years ago but “set aside.” A willingness to pursue this dismissed assumption requires an “open-minded” investigation that accommodates a shifting of the Burden of Proof. *
(Keywords) Autochthonous American Origins, Peopling of the Eastern Hemisphere, the Evolution of Ideas of Human Evolution, Scientific Discourse, Paradigm Crisis in Human Origins Research, Assumptions, Open-mindedness, Into Africa and Out of Asia, the American Wellspring Hypothesis
ABSTRACT Will Humanity be traced to those Native to the Americas? The Western Hemisphere offers ... more ABSTRACT Will Humanity be traced to those Native to the Americas? The Western Hemisphere offers a point of departure in rediscovering human origins that has yet to receive adequate academic consideration. whether pursued or dismissed. An American Wellspring will explore today’s relevance, and the scientific significance of prematurely removing an autochthonous origin heralded 110 years ago (see Alfred R. Wallace 1887, and Florentino Ameghino 1911, 1915). The renewal of one very significant Native American idea, “that they have inhabited the Americas from time immemorial,” is scientifically tested in the following pages.
Population movements and issues of first peopling, isolation, secondary migration, and alternativ... more Population movements and issues of first peopling, isolation, secondary migration, and alternative explanations that would challenge pre-disposed “givens” must be incorporated by combining relevant inferences from the related yet diverse fields of anthropology. See Discussion at Simple analyses that fail to look for resolutions by incorporating multidimensional relationships in order to interpret more fully the complex history of mankind’s exploration of the Earth will fail to appreciate the big picture. Gray areas and the Black and White that illuminate a better truth avails anthropologist's attempt to unmask defining lines of evidence. This is best revealed by finding compatible solutions that encompass interdisciplinary research. Identifying alternatives when called for and looking beyond the limited scope of pre-disposed givens can prove to be beneficial when seeking scientific validation. Paradigm growth through theory building is often initiated by incorporating bias and building new observations from it. Bias is the fuel that drives both the accepted given and untested alternatives. New ideas or theories, if you will, that offer viable truths should ably resolve, by indemnification, presumed problems held by the accepted given. These problems must have a viable explanation embraced by the un-tested alternative. An American Wellspring hypothesis holds no compromises for this set of informative quotes. They still stand the test of time untethered in their significance, drawn before the end of the last millennium, encompassing millions of years of our evolutionary past. A New perspective meets researchers "with an Open Mind!
Overture: My wife Amber heard that “gray” will no longer “be in” coming 2023, something I indeed ... more Overture: My wife Amber heard that “gray” will no longer “be in” coming 2023, something I indeed hope comes to pass. The existence of ‘gray areas in “human origins research” can be defined in a short statement by Geoffrey Clark; “it is worth asking ourselves whether we are any closer to solving the question of our origins than we were a century ago.” Addressing specific “gray areas” in anthropology can be drawn from the first set of BULLET POINTS, as there are several sets within this tripartite thesis. These tonal discussion points include (i) “Paradigm Crisis In Modern Human Origins Research (ibid, W & C 1995) and (ii) that “No topic or question is "off-limits" to science. Clark, G.A. 1998)” While holding conceivable reservations that “Clearly, humans did not evolve in this [western] hemisphere.;” (iii) Our place in the Animal Kingdom as “our species has contrived to elude satisfactory morphological definition.” (Tattersall and Schwartz 2008); (iv) the sudden arrival of fully anatomically sapient humans and the “incipient argument for the relative stability of the human form.”, (Spencer 1984 pg. 6 here-in); and several significant Archaeological enigmas (v) (a), the Mousterian Problem, (b), the explosion in Cultural adaptations during the initial Peopling of the Eastern Hemisphere, and finally, but not least, (c) the pre-Clovis “Reduced Paleolithic" enigma. In science, the goal is to define topics in Black and White leaving Gray Areas to be not glossed over but illuminated. An essential element of this paper is to identify the positive place for gray areas and the reasoning for them as a framework. It accepts them by providing a peek at another requisite; a Tertiary hypothesis that predicts why many, not trivial, gray areas do exist! (Replicated Theme Tones) ABSTRACT (TITLE ONE) As Human Beings, we like to believe that we have reason on our side. That is to say, what sets us apart from the Animal Kingdom, in general, are the factors that have bestowed upon us an “Evolved Being” able to ask philosophical questions with tools we take for granted. What are these tools that set us apart? In no unequaled terms, we might accept that walking on two legs freed our arms and hands to perform duties never (never say never) before imagined, including settlement beyond the known world. Anatomically and behaviorally, the development of articulated speech defines us as sapiens. Jeffrey Schwartz and Ian Tattersall (2010), in discussing such evolutionary factors, in a paralleled universe, point out that the modus of terrestrial locomotion by the earliest tetrapod “well after their initial acquisition” in comprehending the essence of evolution, adaptation, and I might add, niche formation. These simple, profound examples are highlighted at the end of one of, in my opinion, most relevant discussions on the “Origin of Homo Sapiens” and the “REASONING MAN” hypothetical. There are several historical trains of thought outlined in this pending Discussion that has more to do with what we, as “thinkers,” have come to adopt, or not adopt, as starting points. The ascension of certain underpinnings we have adapted from the “known discovered hominid Fossil Record” has left us questioning our place in contextualizing our species in comparative zoological terms. Identifying and not ignoring these “limitations” brings into question how the thought process distinguishes the theories we accept in lieu of their sometimes despairingly profound deficiencies (gray areas). If we can agree to examine a Tertiary Paradigm, another long-dismissed primatological and geographic starting point on the other hand, perhaps we may actually find remedies for many or perhaps, at least, some of the major ‘uncertainties’ we have inherited by default. If we muster the strength to endorse the scientific process, then we will have processed as a “REASONING MAN” should. What are these shortcomings? This series of interconnected Titles present “bullet” and “discussion points,” bringing to light a synopsis of events that have historically been overshadowed. Without this unheralded perspective, locked behind closed doors over 110 years ago, we have adjusted all realities to hide within the eve/multiregional models, revealed but unresolved. Since “89% of the data collected were used by members of only one paradigm (W & C, ibid p. 488)” is it time to explore a new paradigm? The ramifications are not trivial and need to be addressed through a dynamic that melds several trains of logical thought into a process of theoretical niche formation. This unqueried “pursuit of the past” justly predicts the root cause(s) of, and in so doing, attempts to remedy, many unnatural ambiguities underscoring an ongoing “Paradigm Crisis In Modern Human Origins Research.
Overture: My wife Amber heard that “gray” will no longer “be in” coming 2023, something I indeed ... more Overture: My wife Amber heard that “gray” will no longer “be in” coming 2023, something I indeed hope comes to pass. The existence of ‘gray areas’ in “human origins research” can be defined in a short statement by Geoffrey Clark; “it is worth asking ourselves whether we are any closer to solving the question of our origins than we were a century ago. Addressing specific “gray areas” in anthropology can be drawn from the first set of BULLET POINTS, as there are several sets within this tripartite thesis. These tonal discussion points include (i) “Paradigm Crisis In Modern Human Origins Research (ibid, W & C 1995) and (ii) that “No topic or question is "off-limits" to science.” While holding conceivable reservations that “Clearly, humans did not evolve in this [western] hemisphere.;” (iii) Our place in the Animal Kingdom as “our species has contrived to elude satisfactory morphological definition.” (Tattersall and Schwartz 2008); (iv) the sudden arrival of fully anatomically sapient humans and the “incipient argument for the relative stability of the human form.”, (Spencer 1984 pg. 6 here-in); and several significant Archaeological enigmas (v) (a), the Mousterian Problem, (b), the explosion in Cultural adaptations during the initial Peopling of the Eastern Hemisphere, and finally, but not least, (c) the pre-Clovis “Reduced Paleolithic" enigma. In science, the goal is to define topics in Black and White leaving Gray Areas to be not glossed over but illuminated. An essential element of this paper is to identify the positive place for gray areas and the reasoning for them as a framework. It accepts them by providing a peek at another requisite; a Tertiary hypothesis that predicts why many, not trivial, gray areas do exist! (Replicated Theme Tones) ABSTRACT (TITLE ONE)
As Human Beings, we like to believe that we have reason on our side. That is to say, what sets us apart from the Animal Kingdom, in general, are the factors that have bestowed upon us an “Evolved Being” able to ask philosophical questions with tools we take for granted. What are these tools that set us apart? In no unequaled terms, we might accept that walking on two legs freed our arms and hands to perform duties never (never say never) before imagined, including settlement beyond the known world. Anatomically and behaviorally, the development of articulated speech defines us as sapiens. Jeffrey Schwartz and Ian Tattersall (2010), in discussing such evolutionary factors, in a paralleled universe, point out that the modus of terrestrial locomotion by the earliest tetrapod “well after their initial acquisition” in comprehending the essence of evolution, adaptation, and I might add, niche formation. These simple, profound examples are highlighted at the end of one of, in my opinion, most relevant discussions on the “Origin of Homo Sapiens” and the “REASONING MAN” hypothetical. There are several historical trains of thought outlined in this pending Discussion that has more to do with what we, as “thinkers,” have come to adopt, or not adopt, as starting points. The ascension of certain underpinnings we have adapted from the “known discovered hominid Fossil Record” has left us questioning our place in contextualizing our species in comparative zoological terms. Identifying and not ignoring these “limitations” brings into question how the thought process distinguishes the theories we accept in lieu of their sometimes despairingly profound deficiencies (gray areas). If we can agree to examine a Tertiary Paradigm, another long-dismissed primatological and geographic starting point on the other hand, perhaps we may actually find remedies for many or perhaps, at least, some of the major ‘uncertainties’ we have inherited by default. If we muster the strength to endorse the scientific process, then we will have processed as a “REASONING MAN” should. What are these shortcomings? This series of interconnected Titles present “bullet” and “discussion points,” bringing to light a synopsis of events that have historically been overshadowed. Without this unheralded perspective, locked behind closed doors over 110 years ago, we have adjusted all realities to hide within the eve/multiregional models, revealed but unresolved. Since “89% of the data collected were used by members of only one paradigm (W & C, ibid p. 488)” is it time to explore a new paradigm? The ramifications are not trivial and need to be addressed through a dynamic that melds several trains of logical thought into a process of theoretical niche formation. This unqueried “pursuit of the past” justly predicts the root cause(s) of, and in so doing, attempts to remedy, many unnatural ambiguities underscoring an ongoing “Paradigm Crisis In Modern Human Origins Research.
Keywords/Discussion Points: First and Second World People, Terra Patria (homeland) Terra Aliena (foreign land), Terra Ignatia (settled foreign land), Sudden Replacement, the Mousterian Problem, Human Evolutionary Theories, “incipient argument for the relative stability of the human form,” a Reduced Paleolithic, Hidden Populations, Historical and Evolutionary Anthropology
Mother tongue: journal of the Association for the …, 1999
... 3 Does Nostratic and Cherokee represent a plausible linguistic correlation (Ruth Holmes, pers... more ... 3 Does Nostratic and Cherokee represent a plausible linguistic correlation (Ruth Holmes, personal conversation)? 4 The term “Paleoindians” should not be used to define earlier “pre-Clovis inhabitants” since the behaviors separating mid-Pleistocene Amerindian occupations ...
Many Native American Cultures identify that they have “always been here,” that they are truly ind... more Many Native American Cultures identify that they have “always been here,” that they are truly indigenous to the Americas. Yet, a vocal majority of American archaeologists have until 1997 steadfastly advocated a less than 13,500-year Terminal Ice Age arrival of people from Northeast Asia. Needless to say, a new chapter culminating from the now widespread distinction of an enduring habitation begs a reappraisal of theoretical premises, some dismissed over a hundred years ago. An American Wellspring, Volume One, will present a general overview of the science of evolutionary anthropology and theories outlining the origins of Native Americans and synthesize a new alternative that embraces the New World as the cradle of humankind. It promises to illuminate what many theologians and scientists have long characterized as, an unheralded place to start in anticipating our human beginnings. The language of anthropology and its assorted terms will be refined as we examine lost horizons of this long-overlooked evolutionary model. Following the immediate European Discovery of the Western Hemisphere, First world People and Second world Inhabitants and the initial separation of them was a major topic of discussion. A Second world evolutionary origin was specifically set aside although eminent scholars at the turn of the XIX were willing to “risk their reputations” in favor of an Autochthonous American origin for all of Humanity.
An American Wellspring: A Hypothesis in the Making
Related research Papers and Quotes
Human Evol... more An American Wellspring: A Hypothesis in the Making Related research Papers and Quotes Human Evolution; Second world as First world A Thanksgiving Celebration of the inevitable Meeting of Old World descendants of New World Ancestors An alternative Evolutionary Explanation and the Quotes to 'back it up'!
The following collections of quotes were gathered as part of a research strategy aimed at explori... more The following collections of quotes were gathered as part of a research strategy aimed at exploring a New World alternative to human origins. They represent a diverse array of anthropological studies and subjects helping provide background information for perspectives held by the compiler, Alvah Hicks. Primarily, they represent "warranting evidence" in support of the compiler's contention that; Paleo-American populations should be examined as a potential source for both recent and ancient Homo sapiens sapiens radiations into what we have come to accept as the "Old" World. More specifically, separate Amerindian radiations are proposed to have led to, (i) the "total replacement" of Old-World Hominids beginning less then 50,000 years ago, (ii) subsequent post Holocene Amerindian migration into Siberia resulting in admixture with northeast Asians. These articles are broken down into geographic areas of study. I am deeply indebted to the individuals studied, to the authors who have acknowledged their contribution and, to the researchers themselves who have compiled the data used in furthering this present study. However, it has come to my attention that many of the ideas and opinions represented as supporting my (the compiler) contentions are not expectantly pursued by the original authors. By this, any inconsistencies that might be found in this compilation should not be attributed to those researchers and/or the publication they were drawn from. Moreover, further use of these quotations should not be made without referencing the material directly since a full appreciation and interpretation of these "selections" should be drawn from the original published sources.
An American Wellspring: A Hypothesis in the Making
Related research Papers and Quotes
Human Evol... more An American Wellspring: A Hypothesis in the Making Related research Papers and Quotes Human Evolution; Second world as First world A Thanksgiving Celebration of the inevitable Meeting of Old World descendants of New World Ancestors An alternative Evolutionary Explanation and the Quotes to 'back it up'!
Please see original article s for original substantiation Foreword The following collections of quotes were gathered as part of a research strategy aimed at exploring a New World alternative to human origins. They represent a diverse array of anthropological studies and subjects helping provide background information for perspectives held by the compiler. Primarily, they represent "warranting evidence" in support of the compiler's contention that; Amerindian populations should be examined as a potential source for both recent and ancient Homo sapiens radiations into what we have come to accept as the "Old" World. More specifically, separate Amerindian radiations are proposed to have led to, (i) the "total replacement" of Old World Hominids beginning less then 50,000 years ago, (ii) subsequent Holocene and post Holocene Paleoamerican migration into Siberia resulting in admixture with northeast Asians, and (iii) the initial arrival of man (American Indians) into Polynesia ~3,600 years ago. These articles are broken down into geographic areas of study. I am deeply indebted to the subjects studied, to the authors who have acknowledged their contribution and, to the researchers themselves who have compiled and analyzed the data used in furthering this present study. However, it has come to my attention that many of the ideas and opinions represented as supporting my (the compiler) contentions are not optimistically pursued by the original authors. By this, any inconsistencies that might be found in this compilation should not be attributed to those researchers and/or the publication they were drawn from. Moreover, further use of these quotations should not be made without referencing the material directly since a full appreciation and interpretation of these "selections" should be drawn from the original sources.
Archeological models always start with a “Peopling” of the New World (PNW)” leaving untested the ... more Archeological models always start with a “Peopling” of the New World (PNW)” leaving untested the significance and human evolutionary implications of not just contemporary Upper Paleolithic but even earlier occupations of the Americas (Holen 2015: Leakey and Simpson 1968 , Morlan 1987; Goodyear et al .; Dziebel 2007 ; Boëda et al. 2021; the Valsequilo Valley of Mexico dated by multiple methods to 250,000 and many many others …). The “Peopling of the Old World (POW)” accompanying the sudden inter-continental arrival of “Homo sapiens sapiens (Hss)” could and should find contrasts that PNW and POW human dispersals are linked. To not-do-so underscores the profound achievements of these inter-hemispherical colonists and human ties linking the Earths two Worlds. Replacement theories from the Old World have yet to contemplate Paleoamericans as a source for the species doing the replacing. A theoretical inclusion of the New World as an evolutionary source for the dispersal of modern man into Asia, Australia, Europe, and Africa starts with the critical assumption of “Replacement.” American ‘early’ “early Man Sites” once drawn asunder by unsubstantiated anthropologic denials are now relevant including Monte Verde I dated at 33,000 and earlier New World Pleistocene sites pre-dating the dawning of the “initial Upper Paleolithic in Southern Siberia.” Comparisons drawn from distinguishable New World archaeological evidence suggests isolation from developing Upper Paleolithic like adaptations dating ~ 45,000 years ago in the Old World. Glacial caused isolation has here-in been predicted as the basis for the perpetuation of an unexpected Paleoamerican mid-Pleistocene archaeological life-way that - however unfortunate for Archaeologists - can be argued as demonstrative of a basal aboriginal pre-Clovis Human archetype. No other explanation compliments the behavioral stigmatization that makes these human habitations so backwards when focusing on the Old-Worlds readily diagnostic Middle and Upper Paleolithic signatures. In-order to augment the genetic data in our favor we must be able to rejuvenate the archaeological facts that offer hand-held evidences that do not require biological timetables. This, however, does not underscore the genetic significance of determining the phylogenetic pathway we are about to investigate! Key words: Replacement theory, Paleoamericans, Out of Asia, mtDNA and Y Chromosome, Bayesian prior joint and posterior probability theory, maximum-likelihood theory, statistical inference, ascertainment bias.
Many Native American Cultures identify that they have “always been here,” that they are truly ind... more Many Native American Cultures identify that they have “always been here,” that they are truly indigenous to the Americas. Yet, a vocal majority of American archaeologists have until 1997 steadfastly advocated a less than 13,500-year Terminal Ice Age arrival of people from Northeast Asia. Needless to say, a new chapter culminating from the now widespread distinction of an enduring habitation begs a reappraisal of theoretical premises, some dismissed over a hundred years ago. An American Wellspring, Volume One, will present a general overview of the science of evolutionary anthropology and theories outlining the origins of Native Americans and synthesize a new alternative that embraces the New World as the cradle of humankind. It promises to illuminate what many theologians and scientists have long characterized as, an unheralded place to start in anticipating our human beginnings. The language of anthropology and its assorted terms will be refined as we examine lost horizons of this long-overlooked evolutionary model. Following the immediate European Discovery of the Western Hemisphere, First world People and Second world Inhabitants and the initial separation of them was a major topic of discussion. A Second world evolutionary origin was specifically set aside although eminent scholars at the turn of the XIX were willing to “risk their reputations” in favor of an Autochthonous American origin for all of Humanity.
This submission for Discussion of An American Wellspring includes the pending book’s, Introductio... more This submission for Discussion of An American Wellspring includes the pending book’s, Introduction, the Chapter Outline, and the first three Chapters. These chapters highlight aspects of the first 450 years of theosophical and scientific reconning surrounding the discovery of an isolated World inhabited by humans that were virtually unknown to Europeans. European perspectives have long set-the-tone for the Native Americans place in humanities past. Since the dawn of the science of anthropology we have forsaken the view of the concurred and how they see their own beginnings? This effort attempts to include their World in the greater picture encompassing the evolutionary dynamics of a “recent Peopling of the Old World.” Any comments are welcomed!
Do you ever look back into a document to find the long-version of an abbreviated short-take (an a... more Do you ever look back into a document to find the long-version of an abbreviated short-take (an acronym)? For instance; Homo sapiens sapiens (Hss)
The following collections of quotes were gathered as part of a research strategy aimed... more Background The following collections of quotes were gathered as part of a research strategy aimed at exploring a New World alternative to human origins. They represent a diverse array of anthropological studies and subjects helping provide background information for perspectives held by the compiler. Primarily, they represent "warranting evidence" in support of the compiler's contention that; Amerindian populations should be examined as a potential source for both recent and ancient Homo sapien radiations into what we have come to accept as the "Old" World. More specifically, separate Amerindian radiations are proposed to have led to, (i) the "total replacement" of Old World Hominids beginning less then 50,000 years ago, (ii) subsequent post Holocene Amerindian migration into Siberia resulting in admixture with northeast Asians, and (iii) the initial arrival of man (American Indians) into Polynesia ~3,600 years ago. These articles are broken down into geographic areas of study. I am deeply indebted to the subjects studied, to the authors who have acknowledged their contribution and, to the researchers themselves who have compiled and analyzed the data used in furthering this present study. However, it has come to my attention that many of the ideas and opinions represented as supporting my (the compiler) contentions are not optimistically pursued by the original authors. By this, any inconsistencies that might be found in this compilation should not be attributed to those researchers and/or the publication they were drawn from. Moreover, further use of these quotations should not be made without referencing the material directly since a full appreciation and interpretation of these "selections" should be drawn from the original sources.
Bibliography and references collected by Alvah hicks concerning Native American First People orig... more Bibliography and references collected by Alvah hicks concerning Native American First People origins. This collection is principally directed to inquiring for an 'out the Americas Wellspring' for all Homo sapiens sapiens populations of the "Old World".
Key words; Paleoamerican, Paleoindian, Migration theory, pre-Clovis, Clovis-First Theory, Stabil... more Key words; Paleoamerican, Paleoindian, Migration theory, pre-Clovis, Clovis-First Theory, Stability of the modern human form over time, Pleistocene MIS 2-4, Middle Paleolithic, initial Upper Paleolithic, Monte Verde I and II
The following collections of quotes were gathered as part of a research strategy aimed at explori... more The following collections of quotes were gathered as part of a research strategy aimed at exploring a New World alternative to human origins. They represent a diverse array of anthropological studies and subjects helping provide background information for perspectives held by the compiler, Alvah Hicks. Primarily, they represent "warranting evidence" in support of the compiler's contention that; Paleo-American populations should be examined as a potential source for both recent and ancient Homo sapiens sapiens radiations into what we have come to accept as the "Old" World. More specifically, separate Amerindian radiations are proposed to have led to, (i) the "total replacement" of Old-World Hominids beginning less then 50,000 years ago, (ii) subsequent post Holocene Amerindian migration into Siberia resulting in admixture with northeast Asians. These articles are broken down into geographic areas of study. I am deeply indebted to the individuals studied, to the authors who have acknowledged their contribution and, to the researchers themselves who have compiled the data used in furthering this present study. However, it has come to my attention that many of the ideas and opinions represented as supporting my (the compiler) contentions are not expectantly pursued by the original authors. By this, any inconsistencies that might be found in this compilation should not be attributed to those researchers and/or the publication they were drawn from. Moreover, further use of these quotations should not be made without referencing the material directly since a full appreciation and interpretation of these "selections" should be drawn from the original published sources.
ABSTRACT Academic Letters
[This section is a continuation (see ‘Academic Letters for the initial ... more ABSTRACT Academic Letters [This section is a continuation (see ‘Academic Letters for the initial submission in review) of the above Podium Presentation given in 1994 in San Rafael Argentina at the XI CONGRESO DE ARQUEOLOGIA ARGENTINA. It has not been altered here-in relying on the genetic evidence available before the Presentation in June 1994. New data (through 2021), since this ‘Presentation’ has not changed but rather further substantiated the genetic signals highlighted 1994. AMH February 2021]
A copy of the whole very productive discussion session on the draft paper version of "Turkic lexi... more A copy of the whole very productive discussion session on the draft paper version of "Turkic lexical borrowings in Samoyed, pt. 2" (v1) totaling a full 76 pages with 129 participants. This was an impressive gathering - and special thanks go to the participants sharing their expertise on various subjects related to the materials and to tangential fields of study. As usual, the input will be used to improve the manuscript to hopefully publishable standards. Enjoy the discussion!
Open-Ended Book Proposal
An American Wellspring
Expanding the Search for Humankind Origins:
A Ree... more Open-Ended Book Proposal An American Wellspring Expanding the Search for Humankind Origins: A Reexamination of the Western Hemisphere Abstract: Please find for your reviewing pleasure my Attachment of the “Book Proposal” as an Discussion. The link takes you to an ongoing Discussion (as of June 2, 2022), at The Discussion includes the "Introduction" a “General Review”, "Chapter Outline", and the First 8 pages of the manuscript. This ‘Book Proposal’ HERE follows a broad standard university-based format, one I originally organized for submission to Princeton University Press. Should a prospective Publisher wish to contact the Author regarding Publishing the manuscript then this Discussion has met its primary intended outcome. A few pages/examples of the content are drawn from the beginning of the manuscript near the end of the "Book Proposal/ Discussion". It represents an example of the general appeal to the readership set in the onset as a historical narrative. The Premise is Centuries-old, far-ranging, and well thought out with over 40 years of personal and corroborative interdisciplinary research contained within the transcript. Geneticist Alan Templeton recently corresponded finding the genetic chapter as being “very stimulating and thought-provoking, and indeed well argued” while archaeologist James Adovasio was in agreement noting; “I carefully read your link and like Dr. Templeton, I am impressed by both your writing style and the manner in which you develop your argument!” They hold strict reservations as to agree with the ‘basic premise’ however while noting that in science it is well and good to keep an “open mind”. The implications attend to the scope of a recent University of Nebraska Press Publication; by Paulette Steeves, The Indigenous Paleolithic of the Western Hemisphere, July 2021, suggesting another level uncompromised by the articulation of the significance beyond the 130-thousand year boundaries established in The Cerruti Mammoth site (Holen et al 2017), the 250 thousand year Central Mexico Hueyatlaco, Valsequillo finds, and even beyond the limitations described in 256 Human Footprints likely dating to 1.3 Million years past (Renne, Nature 2005). Anatomically Sapient Humans (ASH) research from the Western Hemisphere should apply similar timeframes concordant with hominid evolution in the Eastern Hemisphere. This articulation finds that human fossils and footprints have and will be dutifully discovered and optimistically pursued to facilitate this Hypothesis. An inter-disciplinary research strategy is called for, one that initiates a ‘paradigm’ to guide this emerging theory the scope of which was presented 110 years ago by Alfred Russel Wallace and Florentino Ameghino and many others as, “there are those who advance reasons which in their judgment are equally adequate to prove that he was autochthonous in America, whence he spread to the Old World.” (Holmes 1910) (Keywords: Hypothesis and Hypothesis testing, Human origins, Paleolithic stages(s), Paleoamerican, Paleoindian, pre-Clovis as Reduced Paleolithic, Mousterian Problem, species identification and species concepts in Human Evolution
This submission for Discussion of An American Wellspring includes the pending book’s, Introductio... more This submission for Discussion of An American Wellspring includes the pending book’s, Introduction, the Chapter Outline, and the first three Chapters. These chapters highlight aspects of the first 450 years of theosophical and scientific reconning surrounding the discovery of an isolated World inhabited by humans that were virtually unknown to Europeans. European perspectives have long set-the-tone for the Native Americans place in humanities past. Since the dawn of the science of anthropology we have forsaken the view of the concurred and how they see their own beginnings? This effort attempts to include their World in the greater picture encompassing the evolutionary dynamics of a “recent Peopling of the Old World.” Any comments are welcomed!
This submission for Discussion of An American Wellspring includes the pending book’s, Introductio... more This submission for Discussion of An American Wellspring includes the pending book’s, Introduction, the Chapter Outline, and the first three Chapters. These chapters highlight aspects of the first 450 years of theosophical and scientific reconning surrounding the discovery of an isolated World inhabited by humans that were virtually unknown to Europeans. European perspectives have long set-the-tone for the Native Americans place in humanities past. Since the dawn of the science of anthropology we have forsaken the view of the concurred and how they see their own beginnings? This effort attempts to include their World in the greater picture encompassing the evolutionary dynamics of a “recent Peopling of the Old World.” Any comments are welcomed!
Original publication by Alfred R. Wallace and the link to the web-site describing the circumstanc... more Original publication by Alfred R. Wallace and the link to the web-site describing the circumstances of early finds of anatomically and behaviorally ancient humans from North America.
The following collections of quotes were gathered as part of a research strategy aimed a... more Abstract The following collections of quotes were gathered as part of a research strategy aimed at exploring a New World alternative to human origins. They represent a diverse array of anthropological studies and subjects, helping provide "warranting evidence" in support of Paleoamerican populations as the source for both recent and ancient Homo sapien (Anatomically Sapient Humans ASH) Peopling of the Eastern Hemisphere. More specifically, separate Amerindian radiations are proposed to have led to, (i) the "arrival and replacement" of Old-World Hominids beginning less than 50,000 years ago, (ii) subsequent post-Holocene Back migration, Amerindian initiated movements north and west by related Na-Dene Athabascans, and Eskimo-Aleut Palearctic Sea Mammal Hunting Cultures (SMHC) with migration into Siberia resulting in admixture with ASH Eurasians. These quotations have unprecedented significance underscoring objectivity of the direction of footprints of perceived bottlenecks and/or founding effects!
Preamble: These quotes and references contain a subset of my most comprehensive “Excerpted Anthropological Research Articles” representing years of accumulated data. It is the go-to of my collections. These early assessments of the anthropogenic data create a background unencumbered and a direct challenge to limitations outlined by multiregional/eve out of Africa hypotheses.
An American Wellspring: A Hypothesis in the Making
Related research Papers and Quotes
Human Evol... more An American Wellspring: A Hypothesis in the Making Related research Papers and Quotes Human Evolution; Second world as First world A Thanksgiving Celebration of the inevitable Meeting of Old World descendants of New World Ancestors An alternative Evolutionary Explanation and the Quotes to 'back it up'!
Papers by Alvah M Hicks
More on this in this Discussion...
Overture: My wife Amber heard that “gray” will no longer “be in” coming 2023, something I indeed hope comes to pass. The existence of ‘gray areas’ in “human origins research” can be defined in a short statement by Geoffrey Clark; “it is worth asking ourselves whether we are any closer to solving the question of our origins than we were a century ago. Addressing specific “gray areas” in anthropology can be drawn from the first set of BULLET POINTS, as there are several sets within this tripartite thesis. These tonal discussion points include (i) “Paradigm Crisis In Modern Human Origins Research (ibid, W & C 1995) and (ii) that “No topic or question is "off-limits" to science.” While holding conceivable reservations that “Clearly, humans did not evolve in this [western] hemisphere.;” (iii) Our place in the Animal Kingdom as “our species has contrived to elude satisfactory morphological definition.” (Tattersall and Schwartz 2008); (iv) the sudden arrival of fully anatomically sapient humans and the “incipient argument for the relative stability of the human form.”, (Spencer 1984 pg. 6 here-in); and several significant Archaeological enigmas (v) (a), the Mousterian Problem, (b), the explosion in Cultural adaptations during the initial Peopling of the Eastern Hemisphere, and finally, but not least, (c) the pre-Clovis “Reduced Paleolithic" enigma. In science, the goal is to define topics in Black and White leaving Gray Areas to be not glossed over but illuminated. An essential element of this paper is to identify the positive place for gray areas and the reasoning for them as a framework. It accepts them by providing a peek at another requisite; a Tertiary hypothesis that predicts why many, not trivial, gray areas do exist! (Replicated Theme Tones)
As Human Beings, we like to believe that we have reason on our side. That is to say, what sets us apart from the Animal Kingdom, in general, are the factors that have bestowed upon us an “Evolved Being” able to ask philosophical questions with tools we take for granted. What are these tools that set us apart? In no unequaled terms, we might accept that walking on two legs freed our arms and hands to perform duties never (never say never) before imagined, including settlement beyond the known world. Anatomically and behaviorally, the development of articulated speech defines us as sapiens. Jeffrey Schwartz and Ian Tattersall (2010), in discussing such evolutionary factors, in a paralleled universe, point out that the modus of terrestrial locomotion by the earliest tetrapod “well after their initial acquisition” in comprehending the essence of evolution, adaptation, and I might add, niche formation. These simple, profound examples are highlighted at the end of one of, in my opinion, most relevant discussions on the “Origin of Homo Sapiens” and the “REASONING MAN” hypothetical. There are several historical trains of thought outlined in this pending Discussion that has more to do with what we, as “thinkers,” have come to adopt, or not adopt, as starting points. The ascension of certain underpinnings we have adapted from the “known discovered hominid Fossil Record” has left us questioning our place in contextualizing our species in comparative zoological terms. Identifying and not ignoring these “limitations” brings into question how the thought process distinguishes the theories we accept in lieu of their sometimes despairingly profound deficiencies (gray areas). If we can agree to examine a Tertiary Paradigm, another long-dismissed primatological and geographic starting point on the other hand, perhaps we may actually find remedies for many or perhaps, at least, some of the major ‘uncertainties’ we have inherited by default. If we muster the strength to endorse the scientific process, then we will have processed as a “REASONING MAN” should. What are these shortcomings? This series of interconnected Titles present “bullet” and “discussion points,” bringing to light a synopsis of events that have historically been overshadowed. Without this unheralded perspective, locked behind closed doors over 110 years ago, we have adjusted all realities to hide within the eve/multiregional models, revealed but unresolved. Since “89% of the data collected were used by members of only one paradigm (W & C, ibid p. 488)” is it time to explore a new paradigm? The ramifications are not trivial and need to be addressed through a dynamic that melds several trains of logical thought into a process of theoretical niche formation. This unqueried “pursuit of the past” justly predicts the root cause(s) of, and in so doing, attempts to remedy, many unnatural ambiguities underscoring an ongoing “Paradigm Crisis In Modern Human Origins Research.
Keywords/Discussion Points:
First and Second World People, Terra Patria (homeland) Terra Aliena (foreign land), Terra Ignatia (settled foreign land), Sudden Replacement, the Mousterian Problem, Human Evolutionary Theories, “incipient argument for the relative stability of the human form,” a Reduced Paleolithic, Hidden Populations, Historical and Evolutionary Anthropology
American Wellspring Hypothesis (AWH) Homo sapiens sapiens Evolution in the Americas
Autochthonous Paleoamerican Origins (APO) 1910 hypothesis of AWH
Multiregional Evolution (MRE) regional continuity and recombination within Homo erectus
African Replacement Model (ARM) “Eve out of Africa”; single origin with replacement
Peopling of the New World (PNW) common paradigm being questioned
Peopling of the Old World (POW) by APO, theoretical departure point being advanced
Homo sapiens sapiens (Hss) fully anatomical and behavioral human definition
Anatomically Modern Humans (AMH) common vernacular of a ‘recent’ human origin
Anatomically Sapient Humans (ASH) anatomical stasis hypothesis
Last Glacial Period (LGP) 59,000-13,000 years of interstadial Glaciation
Paleoamericans (PA) Pleistocene Native American Populations
Paleo-Indian = Paleoindian (PI) Paleolithic Holocene Native American “Clovis Culture”
Mutational-drift Equilibrium" (M-DE) ancient genetic condition
years before the present (ybp); Before the Present (BP)
Founding Effects (FE) reduced/compounded genetic diversity following resettlement
Maximum Genetic Diversity” Theory (MGD) Asian hypothesis of Human dispersal/origins
Bottleneck (BN) reduction of earlier genetic diversity
Holocene Back Migration (HBM) < 13,000 ybp from the Americas into northeast Asia
Sea Mammal Hunting Cultures (SMHC) Circumarctic descendants of native North Americans
(Keywords) Autochthonous American Origins, Peopling of the Eastern Hemisphere, the Evolution of Ideas of Human Evolution, Scientific Discourse, Paradigm Crisis in Human Origins Research, Assumptions, Open-mindedness, Into Africa and Out of Asia, the American Wellspring Hypothesis Simple analyses that fail to look for resolutions by incorporating multidimensional relationships in order to interpret more fully the complex history of mankind’s exploration of the Earth will fail to appreciate the big picture. Gray areas and the Black and White that illuminate a better truth avails anthropologist's attempt to unmask defining lines of evidence. This is best revealed by finding compatible solutions that encompass interdisciplinary research. Identifying alternatives when called for and looking beyond the limited scope of pre-disposed givens can prove to be beneficial when seeking scientific validation. Paradigm growth through theory building is often initiated by incorporating bias and building new observations from it. Bias is the fuel that drives both the accepted given and untested alternatives. New ideas or theories, if you will, that offer viable truths should ably resolve, by indemnification, presumed problems held by the accepted given. These problems must have a viable explanation embraced by the un-tested alternative. An American Wellspring hypothesis holds no compromises for this set of informative quotes. They still stand the test of time untethered in their significance, drawn before the end of the last millennium, encompassing millions of years of our evolutionary past. A New perspective meets researchers "with an Open Mind!
As Human Beings, we like to believe that we have reason on our side. That is to say, what sets us apart from the Animal Kingdom, in general, are the factors that have bestowed upon us an “Evolved Being” able to ask philosophical questions with tools we take for granted. What are these tools that set us apart? In no unequaled terms, we might accept that walking on two legs freed our arms and hands to perform duties never (never say never) before imagined, including settlement beyond the known world. Anatomically and behaviorally, the development of articulated speech defines us as sapiens. Jeffrey Schwartz and Ian Tattersall (2010), in discussing such evolutionary factors, in a paralleled universe, point out that the modus of terrestrial locomotion by the earliest tetrapod “well after their initial acquisition” in comprehending the essence of evolution, adaptation, and I might add, niche formation. These simple, profound examples are highlighted at the end of one of, in my opinion, most relevant discussions on the “Origin of Homo Sapiens” and the “REASONING MAN” hypothetical. There are several historical trains of thought outlined in this pending Discussion that has more to do with what we, as “thinkers,” have come to adopt, or not adopt, as starting points. The ascension of certain underpinnings we have adapted from the “known discovered hominid Fossil Record” has left us questioning our place in contextualizing our species in comparative zoological terms. Identifying and not ignoring these “limitations” brings into question how the thought process distinguishes the theories we accept in lieu of their sometimes despairingly profound deficiencies (gray areas). If we can agree to examine a Tertiary Paradigm, another long-dismissed primatological and geographic starting point on the other hand, perhaps we may actually find remedies for many or perhaps, at least, some of the major ‘uncertainties’ we have inherited by default. If we muster the strength to endorse the scientific process, then we will have processed as a “REASONING MAN” should. What are these shortcomings? This series of interconnected Titles present “bullet” and “discussion points,” bringing to light a synopsis of events that have historically been overshadowed. Without this unheralded perspective, locked behind closed doors over 110 years ago, we have adjusted all realities to hide within the eve/multiregional models, revealed but unresolved. Since “89% of the data collected were used by members of only one paradigm (W & C, ibid p. 488)” is it time to explore a new paradigm? The ramifications are not trivial and need to be addressed through a dynamic that melds several trains of logical thought into a process of theoretical niche formation. This unqueried “pursuit of the past” justly predicts the root cause(s) of, and in so doing, attempts to remedy, many unnatural ambiguities underscoring an ongoing “Paradigm Crisis In Modern Human Origins Research.
As Human Beings, we like to believe that we have reason on our side. That is to say, what sets us apart from the Animal Kingdom, in general, are the factors that have bestowed upon us an “Evolved Being” able to ask philosophical questions with tools we take for granted. What are these tools that set us apart? In no unequaled terms, we might accept that walking on two legs freed our arms and hands to perform duties never (never say never) before imagined, including settlement beyond the known world. Anatomically and behaviorally, the development of articulated speech defines us as sapiens. Jeffrey Schwartz and Ian Tattersall (2010), in discussing such evolutionary factors, in a paralleled universe, point out that the modus of terrestrial locomotion by the earliest tetrapod “well after their initial acquisition” in comprehending the essence of evolution, adaptation, and I might add, niche formation. These simple, profound examples are highlighted at the end of one of, in my opinion, most relevant discussions on the “Origin of Homo Sapiens” and the “REASONING MAN” hypothetical. There are several historical trains of thought outlined in this pending Discussion that has more to do with what we, as “thinkers,” have come to adopt, or not adopt, as starting points. The ascension of certain underpinnings we have adapted from the “known discovered hominid Fossil Record” has left us questioning our place in contextualizing our species in comparative zoological terms. Identifying and not ignoring these “limitations” brings into question how the thought process distinguishes the theories we accept in lieu of their sometimes despairingly profound deficiencies (gray areas). If we can agree to examine a Tertiary Paradigm, another long-dismissed primatological and geographic starting point on the other hand, perhaps we may actually find remedies for many or perhaps, at least, some of the major ‘uncertainties’ we have inherited by default. If we muster the strength to endorse the scientific process, then we will have processed as a “REASONING MAN” should. What are these shortcomings? This series of interconnected Titles present “bullet” and “discussion points,” bringing to light a synopsis of events that have historically been overshadowed. Without this unheralded perspective, locked behind closed doors over 110 years ago, we have adjusted all realities to hide within the eve/multiregional models, revealed but unresolved. Since “89% of the data collected were used by members of only one paradigm (W & C, ibid p. 488)” is it time to explore a new paradigm? The ramifications are not trivial and need to be addressed through a dynamic that melds several trains of logical thought into a process of theoretical niche formation. This unqueried “pursuit of the past” justly predicts the root cause(s) of, and in so doing, attempts to remedy, many unnatural ambiguities underscoring an ongoing “Paradigm Crisis In Modern Human Origins Research.
Keywords/Discussion Points:
First and Second World People, Terra Patria (homeland) Terra Aliena (foreign land), Terra Ignatia (settled foreign land), Sudden Replacement, the Mousterian Problem, Human Evolutionary Theories, “incipient argument for the relative stability of the human form,” a Reduced Paleolithic, Hidden Populations, Historical and Evolutionary Anthropology
Related research Papers and Quotes
Human Evolution; Second world as First world
A Thanksgiving Celebration of the inevitable Meeting of Old World descendants of New World Ancestors
An alternative Evolutionary Explanation and the Quotes to 'back it up'!
Related research Papers and Quotes
Human Evolution; Second world as First world
A Thanksgiving Celebration of the inevitable Meeting of Old World descendants of New World Ancestors
An alternative Evolutionary Explanation and the Quotes to 'back it up'!
Please see original article s for original substantiation Foreword The following collections of quotes were gathered as part of a research strategy aimed at exploring a New World alternative to human origins. They represent a diverse array of anthropological studies and subjects helping provide background information for perspectives held by the compiler. Primarily, they represent "warranting evidence" in support of the compiler's contention that; Amerindian populations should be examined as a potential source for both recent and ancient Homo sapiens radiations into what we have come to accept as the "Old" World. More specifically, separate Amerindian radiations are proposed to have led to, (i) the "total replacement" of Old World Hominids beginning less then 50,000 years ago, (ii) subsequent Holocene and post Holocene Paleoamerican migration into Siberia resulting in admixture with northeast Asians, and (iii) the initial arrival of man (American Indians) into Polynesia ~3,600 years ago. These articles are broken down into geographic areas of study. I am deeply indebted to the subjects studied, to the authors who have acknowledged their contribution and, to the researchers themselves who have compiled and analyzed the data used in furthering this present study. However, it has come to my attention that many of the ideas and opinions represented as supporting my (the compiler) contentions are not optimistically pursued by the original authors. By this, any inconsistencies that might be found in this compilation should not be attributed to those researchers and/or the publication they were drawn from. Moreover, further use of these quotations should not be made without referencing the material directly since a full appreciation and interpretation of these "selections" should be drawn from the original sources.
Key words: Replacement theory, Paleoamericans, Out of Asia, mtDNA and Y Chromosome, Bayesian prior joint and posterior probability theory, maximum-likelihood theory, statistical inference, ascertainment bias.
More on this in this Discussion...
Overture: My wife Amber heard that “gray” will no longer “be in” coming 2023, something I indeed hope comes to pass. The existence of ‘gray areas’ in “human origins research” can be defined in a short statement by Geoffrey Clark; “it is worth asking ourselves whether we are any closer to solving the question of our origins than we were a century ago. Addressing specific “gray areas” in anthropology can be drawn from the first set of BULLET POINTS, as there are several sets within this tripartite thesis. These tonal discussion points include (i) “Paradigm Crisis In Modern Human Origins Research (ibid, W & C 1995) and (ii) that “No topic or question is "off-limits" to science.” While holding conceivable reservations that “Clearly, humans did not evolve in this [western] hemisphere.;” (iii) Our place in the Animal Kingdom as “our species has contrived to elude satisfactory morphological definition.” (Tattersall and Schwartz 2008); (iv) the sudden arrival of fully anatomically sapient humans and the “incipient argument for the relative stability of the human form.”, (Spencer 1984 pg. 6 here-in); and several significant Archaeological enigmas (v) (a), the Mousterian Problem, (b), the explosion in Cultural adaptations during the initial Peopling of the Eastern Hemisphere, and finally, but not least, (c) the pre-Clovis “Reduced Paleolithic" enigma. In science, the goal is to define topics in Black and White leaving Gray Areas to be not glossed over but illuminated. An essential element of this paper is to identify the positive place for gray areas and the reasoning for them as a framework. It accepts them by providing a peek at another requisite; a Tertiary hypothesis that predicts why many, not trivial, gray areas do exist! (Replicated Theme Tones)
As Human Beings, we like to believe that we have reason on our side. That is to say, what sets us apart from the Animal Kingdom, in general, are the factors that have bestowed upon us an “Evolved Being” able to ask philosophical questions with tools we take for granted. What are these tools that set us apart? In no unequaled terms, we might accept that walking on two legs freed our arms and hands to perform duties never (never say never) before imagined, including settlement beyond the known world. Anatomically and behaviorally, the development of articulated speech defines us as sapiens. Jeffrey Schwartz and Ian Tattersall (2010), in discussing such evolutionary factors, in a paralleled universe, point out that the modus of terrestrial locomotion by the earliest tetrapod “well after their initial acquisition” in comprehending the essence of evolution, adaptation, and I might add, niche formation. These simple, profound examples are highlighted at the end of one of, in my opinion, most relevant discussions on the “Origin of Homo Sapiens” and the “REASONING MAN” hypothetical. There are several historical trains of thought outlined in this pending Discussion that has more to do with what we, as “thinkers,” have come to adopt, or not adopt, as starting points. The ascension of certain underpinnings we have adapted from the “known discovered hominid Fossil Record” has left us questioning our place in contextualizing our species in comparative zoological terms. Identifying and not ignoring these “limitations” brings into question how the thought process distinguishes the theories we accept in lieu of their sometimes despairingly profound deficiencies (gray areas). If we can agree to examine a Tertiary Paradigm, another long-dismissed primatological and geographic starting point on the other hand, perhaps we may actually find remedies for many or perhaps, at least, some of the major ‘uncertainties’ we have inherited by default. If we muster the strength to endorse the scientific process, then we will have processed as a “REASONING MAN” should. What are these shortcomings? This series of interconnected Titles present “bullet” and “discussion points,” bringing to light a synopsis of events that have historically been overshadowed. Without this unheralded perspective, locked behind closed doors over 110 years ago, we have adjusted all realities to hide within the eve/multiregional models, revealed but unresolved. Since “89% of the data collected were used by members of only one paradigm (W & C, ibid p. 488)” is it time to explore a new paradigm? The ramifications are not trivial and need to be addressed through a dynamic that melds several trains of logical thought into a process of theoretical niche formation. This unqueried “pursuit of the past” justly predicts the root cause(s) of, and in so doing, attempts to remedy, many unnatural ambiguities underscoring an ongoing “Paradigm Crisis In Modern Human Origins Research.
Keywords/Discussion Points:
First and Second World People, Terra Patria (homeland) Terra Aliena (foreign land), Terra Ignatia (settled foreign land), Sudden Replacement, the Mousterian Problem, Human Evolutionary Theories, “incipient argument for the relative stability of the human form,” a Reduced Paleolithic, Hidden Populations, Historical and Evolutionary Anthropology
American Wellspring Hypothesis (AWH) Homo sapiens sapiens Evolution in the Americas
Autochthonous Paleoamerican Origins (APO) 1910 hypothesis of AWH
Multiregional Evolution (MRE) regional continuity and recombination within Homo erectus
African Replacement Model (ARM) “Eve out of Africa”; single origin with replacement
Peopling of the New World (PNW) common paradigm being questioned
Peopling of the Old World (POW) by APO, theoretical departure point being advanced
Homo sapiens sapiens (Hss) fully anatomical and behavioral human definition
Anatomically Modern Humans (AMH) common vernacular of a ‘recent’ human origin
Anatomically Sapient Humans (ASH) anatomical stasis hypothesis
Last Glacial Period (LGP) 59,000-13,000 years of interstadial Glaciation
Paleoamericans (PA) Pleistocene Native American Populations
Paleo-Indian = Paleoindian (PI) Paleolithic Holocene Native American “Clovis Culture”
Mutational-drift Equilibrium" (M-DE) ancient genetic condition
years before the present (ybp); Before the Present (BP)
Founding Effects (FE) reduced/compounded genetic diversity following resettlement
Maximum Genetic Diversity” Theory (MGD) Asian hypothesis of Human dispersal/origins
Bottleneck (BN) reduction of earlier genetic diversity
Holocene Back Migration (HBM) < 13,000 ybp from the Americas into northeast Asia
Sea Mammal Hunting Cultures (SMHC) Circumarctic descendants of native North Americans
(Keywords) Autochthonous American Origins, Peopling of the Eastern Hemisphere, the Evolution of Ideas of Human Evolution, Scientific Discourse, Paradigm Crisis in Human Origins Research, Assumptions, Open-mindedness, Into Africa and Out of Asia, the American Wellspring Hypothesis Simple analyses that fail to look for resolutions by incorporating multidimensional relationships in order to interpret more fully the complex history of mankind’s exploration of the Earth will fail to appreciate the big picture. Gray areas and the Black and White that illuminate a better truth avails anthropologist's attempt to unmask defining lines of evidence. This is best revealed by finding compatible solutions that encompass interdisciplinary research. Identifying alternatives when called for and looking beyond the limited scope of pre-disposed givens can prove to be beneficial when seeking scientific validation. Paradigm growth through theory building is often initiated by incorporating bias and building new observations from it. Bias is the fuel that drives both the accepted given and untested alternatives. New ideas or theories, if you will, that offer viable truths should ably resolve, by indemnification, presumed problems held by the accepted given. These problems must have a viable explanation embraced by the un-tested alternative. An American Wellspring hypothesis holds no compromises for this set of informative quotes. They still stand the test of time untethered in their significance, drawn before the end of the last millennium, encompassing millions of years of our evolutionary past. A New perspective meets researchers "with an Open Mind!
As Human Beings, we like to believe that we have reason on our side. That is to say, what sets us apart from the Animal Kingdom, in general, are the factors that have bestowed upon us an “Evolved Being” able to ask philosophical questions with tools we take for granted. What are these tools that set us apart? In no unequaled terms, we might accept that walking on two legs freed our arms and hands to perform duties never (never say never) before imagined, including settlement beyond the known world. Anatomically and behaviorally, the development of articulated speech defines us as sapiens. Jeffrey Schwartz and Ian Tattersall (2010), in discussing such evolutionary factors, in a paralleled universe, point out that the modus of terrestrial locomotion by the earliest tetrapod “well after their initial acquisition” in comprehending the essence of evolution, adaptation, and I might add, niche formation. These simple, profound examples are highlighted at the end of one of, in my opinion, most relevant discussions on the “Origin of Homo Sapiens” and the “REASONING MAN” hypothetical. There are several historical trains of thought outlined in this pending Discussion that has more to do with what we, as “thinkers,” have come to adopt, or not adopt, as starting points. The ascension of certain underpinnings we have adapted from the “known discovered hominid Fossil Record” has left us questioning our place in contextualizing our species in comparative zoological terms. Identifying and not ignoring these “limitations” brings into question how the thought process distinguishes the theories we accept in lieu of their sometimes despairingly profound deficiencies (gray areas). If we can agree to examine a Tertiary Paradigm, another long-dismissed primatological and geographic starting point on the other hand, perhaps we may actually find remedies for many or perhaps, at least, some of the major ‘uncertainties’ we have inherited by default. If we muster the strength to endorse the scientific process, then we will have processed as a “REASONING MAN” should. What are these shortcomings? This series of interconnected Titles present “bullet” and “discussion points,” bringing to light a synopsis of events that have historically been overshadowed. Without this unheralded perspective, locked behind closed doors over 110 years ago, we have adjusted all realities to hide within the eve/multiregional models, revealed but unresolved. Since “89% of the data collected were used by members of only one paradigm (W & C, ibid p. 488)” is it time to explore a new paradigm? The ramifications are not trivial and need to be addressed through a dynamic that melds several trains of logical thought into a process of theoretical niche formation. This unqueried “pursuit of the past” justly predicts the root cause(s) of, and in so doing, attempts to remedy, many unnatural ambiguities underscoring an ongoing “Paradigm Crisis In Modern Human Origins Research.
As Human Beings, we like to believe that we have reason on our side. That is to say, what sets us apart from the Animal Kingdom, in general, are the factors that have bestowed upon us an “Evolved Being” able to ask philosophical questions with tools we take for granted. What are these tools that set us apart? In no unequaled terms, we might accept that walking on two legs freed our arms and hands to perform duties never (never say never) before imagined, including settlement beyond the known world. Anatomically and behaviorally, the development of articulated speech defines us as sapiens. Jeffrey Schwartz and Ian Tattersall (2010), in discussing such evolutionary factors, in a paralleled universe, point out that the modus of terrestrial locomotion by the earliest tetrapod “well after their initial acquisition” in comprehending the essence of evolution, adaptation, and I might add, niche formation. These simple, profound examples are highlighted at the end of one of, in my opinion, most relevant discussions on the “Origin of Homo Sapiens” and the “REASONING MAN” hypothetical. There are several historical trains of thought outlined in this pending Discussion that has more to do with what we, as “thinkers,” have come to adopt, or not adopt, as starting points. The ascension of certain underpinnings we have adapted from the “known discovered hominid Fossil Record” has left us questioning our place in contextualizing our species in comparative zoological terms. Identifying and not ignoring these “limitations” brings into question how the thought process distinguishes the theories we accept in lieu of their sometimes despairingly profound deficiencies (gray areas). If we can agree to examine a Tertiary Paradigm, another long-dismissed primatological and geographic starting point on the other hand, perhaps we may actually find remedies for many or perhaps, at least, some of the major ‘uncertainties’ we have inherited by default. If we muster the strength to endorse the scientific process, then we will have processed as a “REASONING MAN” should. What are these shortcomings? This series of interconnected Titles present “bullet” and “discussion points,” bringing to light a synopsis of events that have historically been overshadowed. Without this unheralded perspective, locked behind closed doors over 110 years ago, we have adjusted all realities to hide within the eve/multiregional models, revealed but unresolved. Since “89% of the data collected were used by members of only one paradigm (W & C, ibid p. 488)” is it time to explore a new paradigm? The ramifications are not trivial and need to be addressed through a dynamic that melds several trains of logical thought into a process of theoretical niche formation. This unqueried “pursuit of the past” justly predicts the root cause(s) of, and in so doing, attempts to remedy, many unnatural ambiguities underscoring an ongoing “Paradigm Crisis In Modern Human Origins Research.
Keywords/Discussion Points:
First and Second World People, Terra Patria (homeland) Terra Aliena (foreign land), Terra Ignatia (settled foreign land), Sudden Replacement, the Mousterian Problem, Human Evolutionary Theories, “incipient argument for the relative stability of the human form,” a Reduced Paleolithic, Hidden Populations, Historical and Evolutionary Anthropology
Related research Papers and Quotes
Human Evolution; Second world as First world
A Thanksgiving Celebration of the inevitable Meeting of Old World descendants of New World Ancestors
An alternative Evolutionary Explanation and the Quotes to 'back it up'!
Related research Papers and Quotes
Human Evolution; Second world as First world
A Thanksgiving Celebration of the inevitable Meeting of Old World descendants of New World Ancestors
An alternative Evolutionary Explanation and the Quotes to 'back it up'!
Please see original article s for original substantiation Foreword The following collections of quotes were gathered as part of a research strategy aimed at exploring a New World alternative to human origins. They represent a diverse array of anthropological studies and subjects helping provide background information for perspectives held by the compiler. Primarily, they represent "warranting evidence" in support of the compiler's contention that; Amerindian populations should be examined as a potential source for both recent and ancient Homo sapiens radiations into what we have come to accept as the "Old" World. More specifically, separate Amerindian radiations are proposed to have led to, (i) the "total replacement" of Old World Hominids beginning less then 50,000 years ago, (ii) subsequent Holocene and post Holocene Paleoamerican migration into Siberia resulting in admixture with northeast Asians, and (iii) the initial arrival of man (American Indians) into Polynesia ~3,600 years ago. These articles are broken down into geographic areas of study. I am deeply indebted to the subjects studied, to the authors who have acknowledged their contribution and, to the researchers themselves who have compiled and analyzed the data used in furthering this present study. However, it has come to my attention that many of the ideas and opinions represented as supporting my (the compiler) contentions are not optimistically pursued by the original authors. By this, any inconsistencies that might be found in this compilation should not be attributed to those researchers and/or the publication they were drawn from. Moreover, further use of these quotations should not be made without referencing the material directly since a full appreciation and interpretation of these "selections" should be drawn from the original sources.
Key words: Replacement theory, Paleoamericans, Out of Asia, mtDNA and Y Chromosome, Bayesian prior joint and posterior probability theory, maximum-likelihood theory, statistical inference, ascertainment bias.
The following collections of quotes were gathered as part of a research strategy aimed at exploring a New World alternative to human origins. They represent a diverse array of anthropological studies and subjects helping provide background information for perspectives held by the compiler. Primarily, they represent "warranting evidence" in support of the compiler's contention that; Amerindian populations should be examined as a potential source for both recent and ancient Homo sapien radiations into what we have come to accept as the "Old" World. More specifically, separate Amerindian radiations are proposed to have led to, (i) the "total replacement" of Old World Hominids beginning less then 50,000 years ago, (ii) subsequent post Holocene Amerindian migration into Siberia resulting in admixture with northeast Asians, and (iii) the initial arrival of man (American Indians) into Polynesia ~3,600 years ago.
These articles are broken down into geographic areas of study. I am deeply indebted to the subjects studied, to the authors who have acknowledged their contribution and, to the researchers themselves who have compiled and analyzed the data used in furthering this present study. However, it has come to my attention that many of the ideas and opinions represented as supporting my (the compiler) contentions are not optimistically pursued by the original authors. By this, any inconsistencies that might be found in this compilation should not be attributed to those researchers and/or the publication they were drawn from. Moreover, further use of these quotations should not be made without referencing the material directly since a full appreciation and interpretation of these "selections" should be drawn from the original sources.
[This section is a continuation (see ‘Academic Letters for the initial submission in review) of the above Podium Presentation given in 1994 in San Rafael Argentina at the XI CONGRESO DE ARQUEOLOGIA ARGENTINA. It has not been altered here-in relying on the genetic evidence available before the Presentation in June 1994. New data (through 2021), since this ‘Presentation’ has not changed but rather further substantiated the genetic signals highlighted 1994. AMH February 2021]
An American Wellspring
Expanding the Search for Humankind Origins:
A Reexamination of the Western Hemisphere
Please find for your reviewing pleasure my Attachment of the “Book Proposal” as an Discussion. The link takes you to an ongoing Discussion (as of June 2, 2022), at The Discussion includes the "Introduction" a “General Review”, "Chapter Outline", and the First 8 pages of the manuscript. This ‘Book Proposal’ HERE follows a broad standard university-based format, one I originally organized for submission to Princeton University Press. Should a prospective Publisher wish to contact the Author regarding Publishing the manuscript then this Discussion has met its primary intended outcome. A few pages/examples of the content are drawn from the beginning of the manuscript near the end of the "Book Proposal/ Discussion". It represents an example of the general appeal to the readership set in the onset as a historical narrative. The Premise is Centuries-old, far-ranging, and well thought out with over 40 years of personal and corroborative interdisciplinary research contained within the transcript. Geneticist Alan Templeton recently corresponded finding the genetic chapter as being “very stimulating and thought-provoking, and indeed well argued” while archaeologist James Adovasio was in agreement noting; “I carefully read your link and like Dr. Templeton, I am impressed by both your writing style and the manner in which you develop your argument!” They hold strict reservations as to agree with the ‘basic premise’ however while noting that in science it is well and good to keep an “open mind”. The implications attend to the scope of a recent University of Nebraska Press Publication; by Paulette Steeves, The Indigenous Paleolithic of the Western Hemisphere, July 2021, suggesting another level uncompromised by the articulation of the significance beyond the 130-thousand year boundaries established in The Cerruti Mammoth site (Holen et al 2017), the 250 thousand year Central Mexico Hueyatlaco, Valsequillo finds, and even beyond the limitations described in 256 Human Footprints likely dating to 1.3 Million years past (Renne, Nature 2005). Anatomically Sapient Humans (ASH) research from the Western Hemisphere should apply similar timeframes concordant with hominid evolution in the Eastern Hemisphere. This articulation finds that human fossils and footprints have and will be dutifully discovered and optimistically pursued to facilitate this Hypothesis. An inter-disciplinary research strategy is called for, one that initiates a ‘paradigm’ to guide this emerging theory the scope of which was presented 110 years ago by Alfred Russel Wallace and Florentino Ameghino and many others as, “there are those who advance reasons which in their judgment are equally adequate to prove that he was autochthonous in America, whence he spread to the Old World.” (Holmes 1910)
(Keywords: Hypothesis and Hypothesis testing, Human origins, Paleolithic stages(s), Paleoamerican, Paleoindian, pre-Clovis as Reduced Paleolithic, Mousterian Problem, species identification and species concepts in Human Evolution
The following collections of quotes were gathered as part of a research strategy aimed at exploring a New World alternative to human origins. They represent a diverse array of anthropological studies and subjects, helping provide "warranting evidence" in support of Paleoamerican populations as the source for both recent and ancient Homo sapien (Anatomically Sapient Humans ASH) Peopling of the Eastern Hemisphere. More specifically, separate Amerindian radiations are proposed to have led to, (i) the "arrival and replacement" of Old-World Hominids beginning less than 50,000 years ago, (ii) subsequent post-Holocene Back migration, Amerindian initiated movements north and west by related Na-Dene Athabascans, and Eskimo-Aleut Palearctic Sea Mammal Hunting Cultures (SMHC) with migration into Siberia resulting in admixture with ASH Eurasians. These quotations have unprecedented significance underscoring objectivity of the direction of footprints of perceived bottlenecks and/or founding effects!
Preamble: These quotes and references contain a subset of my most comprehensive “Excerpted Anthropological Research Articles” representing years of accumulated data. It is the go-to of my collections. These early assessments of the anthropogenic data create a background unencumbered and a direct challenge to limitations outlined by multiregional/eve out of Africa hypotheses.
Related research Papers and Quotes
Human Evolution; Second world as First world
A Thanksgiving Celebration of the inevitable Meeting of Old World descendants of New World Ancestors
An alternative Evolutionary Explanation and the Quotes to 'back it up'!