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Edhy Sutanta
  • Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta
  • +6274563209 ext. 117

Edhy Sutanta

Media wireless merupakan salah satu fasilitas penunjang pekerjaan yang penting di Kantor Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (Dinas Kominfo DIY). Media wireless tersebut memanfaatkan gelombang radio sehingga rentan... more
Media wireless merupakan salah satu fasilitas penunjang pekerjaan yang penting di Kantor Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (Dinas Kominfo DIY). Media wireless tersebut memanfaatkan gelombang radio sehingga rentan terhadap ancaman serangan, sehingga perlu diuji keamanannya. Pengujian dilakukan berdasarkan konsep wireless hacking, meliputi ARP spoofing, cracking WPA/WPA keys, bypassing MAC address, dan serangan WPS aktif. Software pendukung yang digunakan adalah Aircrack-ng, Dumper, Jumpstart, T-MAC, Netcut, dan Airodump-ng. Hasil pengujian pada delapan jaringan WLAN di Dinas Kominfo DIY menunjukkan bahwa sistem keamanan jaringan yang digunakan sudah aman, namun celah keamanan masih terjadi pada beberapa jaringan WLAN, pengguna yang sedang menggunakan jaringan WLAN masih bisa diserang oleh pengguna lain. Untuk meningkatkan keamanan jaringan WLAN, perlu diaktifkan fitur ARP atau binding pada access point atau router agar terhindar dari serangan spoofing sepert...
Pengolahan data pada persewaan kamar kos sebagian masih dilakukan dengan sistem manual. Sistem manual ini mempunyai beberapa kendala, diantaranya pengecekan kamar kosong, pencatatan data penyewa baru, pencatatan dan pelaporan keuangan... more
Pengolahan data pada persewaan kamar kos sebagian masih dilakukan dengan sistem manual. Sistem manual ini mempunyai beberapa kendala, diantaranya pengecekan kamar kosong, pencatatan data penyewa baru, pencatatan dan pelaporan keuangan relatif lebih lama, lebih sulit, dan kurang akurat. Saat ini juga belum ditemukan sistem pengelolaan persewaan kamar kos yang bersifat umum dan bisa diterapkan di tempat-tempat yang berbeda. Penelitian ini mengembangkan sistem manajemen penyewaan kamar kos berbasis web yang dapat diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga bisa diterapkan pada tempat penyewaan kamar kos yang berbeda-beda. Analisis dan perancangan sistem dilakukan menggunakan UML, sistem dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan MySQL sebagai server database, serta mengintegrasikan google maps API sebagai media pemetaan lokasi.Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah sistem manajemen penyewaan kamar kos dengan fitur-fitur utama yaitu pencarian kos dan pemesanan kamar, Pengguna aplikasi ini terdiri dari penyewa, tamu, pemilik dan admin. Aplikasi dapat diatur sehingga bisa diterapkan pada tempat penyewaan kamar kos yang berbeda-beda.
Kota Palu merupakan ibu kota Sulawesi Tengah, berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Donggala di sebelah barat dan Utara, Kabupaten Sigi di sebelah selatan, dan Kabupaten Parigi Moutong di sebelah timur. Kota Palu merupakan kota lima dimensi yang... more
Kota Palu merupakan ibu kota Sulawesi Tengah, berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Donggala di sebelah barat dan Utara, Kabupaten Sigi di sebelah selatan, dan Kabupaten Parigi Moutong di sebelah timur. Kota Palu merupakan kota lima dimensi yang terdiri atas lembah, lautan, sungai, pegunungan, dan teluk. Koordinatnya adalah 0,35-1,20 LU dan 120-122,90 BT. Kota Palu memiliki lebih dari 403 bangunan rumah ibadahyang tersebar dan sulit diketahui oleh pendatang terutama para wisatawan.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membangun sebuah sistem dengan memanfaatkan metode LBS untuk aplikasi pencarian rumah ibadah terdekat di Kota Palu. Location Based Service (LBS) atau layanan berbasis lokasi merupakansuatu layanan yang bereaksi aktif terhadap perubahan entitas posisi sehingga mampu mendeteksi letak objek dan memberikan layanan sesuai dengan letak objek yang telah diketahui. Android merupakan generasi mobile platform yang memungkinkan pengembang untuk melakukanpengembangan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan.Pengembang mendapat keuntungan dari perangkat tambahan seperti perbaikan dan mendistribusikan ulang pekerjaan di bawah lisensi. Hasil penelitian ini menghasilkan aplikasi yang memudahkan masyarakat lokal, pendatang dan wisatawan dalam menemukan informasi, lokasi terdekat, dan rute menuju lokasi rumah ibadah yang ada di kota Palu. Aplikasi dibuat memanfaatkan metode LBS untuk pencarian lokasi rumah ibadah. Aplikasi yang dibuat menggunakan 2 sistem, yaitu sisi administrator dengan berbasis web dan kordinator serta pengguna berbasis android. Kata kunci: LBS, Android, Rumah ibadah, Palu.
ABSTRACT Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can facilitate the visitors, tourists, and business people and the general public to obtain information and the geographic location of the facility-star hotels in Yogyakarta are fast, accurate... more
ABSTRACT Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can facilitate the visitors, tourists, and business people and the general public to obtain information and the geographic location of the facility-star hotels in Yogyakarta are fast, accurate and complete. In addition, the location of the hotel is built GIS makes it easy for users to add locations, so that GIS-based web-site is always updated. Methodology conducted in several steps to build a software, software engineering, systems analysis, system design, system implementation, system testing and system maintenance. The software used, XAMPP, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Notepad ++ and Google Maps as a server to display a map on a web page. The results show that the system can display the location of the hotel is in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) in accordance with the choice of hotel category, the system can also indicate the route to the destination location, addition of data in the system can be managed by admin. Keywords: GIS, hotel search and Google Map.
A workload that exceeds the ability of workers or vice versa can cause a problem for workers. In this paper, we present a measurement of the physical and mental workload of workers at UKM Batik Jumputan Ibu Sejahtera Yogyakarta, and it... more
A workload that exceeds the ability of workers or vice versa can cause a problem for workers. In this paper, we present a measurement of the physical and mental workload of workers at UKM Batik Jumputan Ibu Sejahtera Yogyakarta, and it has a purpose to find problems that occur so that recommendation for further improvement and problem-solving can be proposed. The physical workload measured by using RULA (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment) method, while the mental workload is measured by using NASA-TLX (NASA Task Load Index). This study succeeded in revealing the problems occur on workers such as there are differences in the level of worker risk which is caused by differences in age and differences in worker perceptions towards the dimensions of workload, and some workers experience high or very high levels of risk which is caused by improper work postures. Recommendations that can be done to solve the case are adding or replacing workers, increasing the workability of workers, adding work aids, changing work methods, and increasing workers’ understanding so that they can fill out questionnaires accurately.
Large organizations generally have assets distributed over separate locations. The problem is, decisions or policies will be easier to make if they are supported by a system that can dynamically visualize the existence of every asset... more
Large organizations generally have assets distributed over separate locations. The problem is, decisions or policies will be easier to make if they are supported by a system that can dynamically visualize the existence of every asset owned by the organization. The WebGIS-based asset management approach is an alternative solution to this problem. This study examines a proposed WebGIS-based organizational asset management model. An application prototype was developed to test the proposed model using PHP, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS software. The Google Maps API is also used to create a base map. On the back end, authorized users can control and perform input, edit, and delete asset data. On the front end, public users can access public information. The test results of the developed prototype can provide various information on organizational assets visually based on digital maps that suit the needs of its users. The developed prototype still needs to be tested further, especially concern...
Application of virtual card games honesty is a card game for children users is implemented on a computer using Adobe Flash CS3 software. This game uses cards with special design drawings using bright colors that fit with the character of... more
Application of virtual card games honesty is a card game for children users is implemented on a computer using Adobe Flash CS3 software. This game uses cards with special design drawings using bright colors that fit with the character of children. Honesty card game aims to train a child to tell the truth to the actual conditions experienced. Honesty card games include questions related to good character, such as honest, loving environment, mutual cooperation, and friendship that should be answered by the player. The game also comes with a honesty card narrative story that will appear after the game is finished. The narrative story is a series of stories made up by a kid who wins the game. Honesty card game is designed to cover 4 story, consisting of 4 different kinds of basic colors, and 100 questions. This game can be played by two or three players. Honesty card games has been practiced by children Tempursari Elementary School to see what the kids about honesty game applications. T...
Map-based visualization of land ownership data is much needed by policymakers, both in government and private institutions. The utilization of this data is primarily to support macro planning, policy-making, and good governance. On the... more
Map-based visualization of land ownership data is much needed by policymakers, both in government and private institutions. The utilization of this data is primarily to support macro planning, policy-making, and good governance. On the other hand, there are currently many application systems available which are the RDBMS database. This research examines the proposed RDBMS integration model and Google Maps maps to visualize land ownership data in a dynamic map view. The prototyping method is applied in this study to show how the available RDBMS can be improved to visualize land ownership data in a WebGIS-based application. The proposed model is tested using an application prototype. Technically the model can be implemented without significant constraints, but the actual implementation still faces obstacles, especially related to policies related to the cross-sectoral utilization of population databases and the obligation to maintain data confidentiality.
Cat is one of popular animal among the people, this make a number of cat lover in Indonesia is very crowded, but that was not balanced with veterinarian availability.This research will develope an expert sistem to diagnose cat disease .... more
Cat is one of popular animal among the people, this make a number of cat lover in Indonesia is very crowded, but that was not balanced with veterinarian availability.This research will develope an expert sistem to diagnose cat disease . An expert system has 11 knowledge base of cat diseases, and using forward chaining as inference engine. Expert system will built with PHP programming language, CodeIgniter framework, and MySQL as DBMS. Expert system will give a first aid output and treatment of disease for cat based on input symptom by user. This expert system is usefull to help public obtaining information about cat diseases and solution is easy and fast. Keywords : expert system, cat disease, f orward chaining , CodeIgniter.
Schema matching plays a vital role in the information integration process from heterogeneous databases. Generally, the process of schema matching is to receive input, which are two databases (one as the source and another as a target), to... more
Schema matching plays a vital role in the information integration process from heterogeneous databases. Generally, the process of schema matching is to receive input, which are two databases (one as the source and another as a target), to match similarity attributes, and generate output in the form of mapping the similarity of the attribute pairs that are declared suitable. Furthermore, the user will assess these attribute pairs to determine whether the results obtained are correct or still need to be revised. Our previous study developed a model and software prototype of hybrid schema matching using a combination of constraint-based method and instance-based method. In this study, the model improved by adding new features. This paper discusses the increasing effectiveness of adding the features to customize the weight of matching criteria and string sizes matching. The hybrid model's best effectiveness is obtained when the weight of instance is 0.286, the type is 0.238, width i...
The weights have a very large influence on the parameter estimation of the geographically weighted regression (GWR). The weights show the relationship between observations or locations in the model. Types of weights that are often used in... more
The weights have a very large influence on the parameter estimation of the geographically weighted regression (GWR). The weights show the relationship between observations or locations in the model. Types of weights that are often used in GWR are Gaussian kernels. This weighting can also be arranged into two forms. There are the fixed Gaussian kernel and the adaptive Gaussian kernel. Fixed is used when each location has the same bandwidth value. Adaptive is used when each location has a different bandwidth value. This study compares the results of the estimated parameters of the GWR model using the two weights. The modelling is carried out using data on maternal mortality in Central Sulawesi Province, consisting of 13 regencies/cities. The data used is secondary data. The result is that the adaptive Gaussian kernel weighting gives better results on the GWR model. It can be seen from the smaller standard error value (0.000398), the larger coefficient of determination (0.5468), and the smaller AIC (-152.52) than the model with the fixed Gaussian kernel weighting.
Product quality measurement is an important aspect of the production process. This study aims to determine the types of defects that often occur and find a recommendation for improvement to CNC machine product of Takamaz GSL 15 at... more
Product quality measurement is an important aspect of the production process. This study aims to determine the types of defects that often occur and find a recommendation for improvement to CNC machine product of Takamaz GSL 15 at Technical Implementing Unit Metal Yogyakarta. In this study, a Pareto diagram is used for analysis the types of defects. Analysis of priority value regarding severity (S), occurrence (O), and detection (D) characteristics is performed by using Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method. Meanwhile, Fishbone is used to analyze more deeply about the potential caused by the type of defect. This study succeeded in finding four types of records on the product; they are cracked pinhole, imperfect castings, hole defects on the surface, and minus drain lines. This study recommend to include periodic and ongoing supervision of the metal casting process, make metal wheel chain in one production line, use modern equipment or machines, replace the drill bits period...
GIS concepts and applications evolved from a desktop-based into web-based and mobile. These changes require a new approach in the GIS database, from spatial data separation and attribute data into a database structure approach. The... more
GIS concepts and applications evolved from a desktop-based into web-based and mobile. These changes require a new approach in the GIS database, from spatial data separation and attribute data into a database structure approach. The problem is the database for GIS is generally designed just for specific users, objects, and territory scopes, so it can’t be applied to other applications. This paper proposed a relational database model (RDBM) design that can accommodate new changes and needs in the user‘s aspect, the objects that are processed and displayed, and the scope of the region in GIS Web Applications (WebGIS). The study was conducted in 3 stages, namely a preliminary study to obtain an overview of the concept, design, and application of RDBM on various WebGIS. Next, identified potential problems in database design for WebGIS, and finally proposed an alternative solution in the form of a new database design template that could accommodate the possibility of new changes and needs...
252 hlm,; 25,5 c
Limited land for holding weddings at home is the reason for the development of wedding service providers. The problem that occurs in the selection of wedding venue services is that the bride and groom often have difficulty choosing a... more
Limited land for holding weddings at home is the reason for the development of wedding service providers. The problem that occurs in the selection of wedding venue services is that the bride and groom often have difficulty choosing a wedding venue that matches the desired criteria. Wedding management service providers also have difficulty recommending suitable wedding venues for brides-to-be and still being able to compete with other service providers. One solution to these problems is to provide a decision support system (DSS) for choosing a wedding venue by applying the SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) method. The DSS application that was developed was named MaVen, which stands for My Venue. The DSS application was developed using the SDLC method approach, the PHP programming language, and the MySQL DBMS. The functionality of the DSS application was tested using the black box method, while browser compatibility was tested using the Sortsite software. Based on the test results, ever...
xv, 319 p. : il.; 23 c
xv, 379 hal.: ill.; 23 cm
xxxii, 616 p. ; 23 cm
Gunung Ireng merupakan salah satu objek wisata yang memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi objek wisata geologi (geo-wisata). Potensi tersebut dapat dikembangkan dengan melengkapi salah satu kriteria sebagai destinasi geo-wisata,... more
Gunung Ireng merupakan salah satu objek wisata yang memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi objek wisata geologi (geo-wisata). Potensi tersebut dapat dikembangkan dengan melengkapi salah satu kriteria sebagai destinasi geo-wisata, yaitu adanya aspek informasi dan pengkajian ilmu pengetahuan kegeologian (geo-science). Salah satu teknologi informasi (TI) yang dapat diterapkan untuk mendukung pengembangan geo-wisata tersebut adalah AR, sehingga penelitian ini menerapkan AR untuk memperkenalkan jenis batuan pada klaster-klaster geo-wisata Gunung Ireng untuk menjadi daya tarik dan media penyampaian informasi yang mudah. Aplikasi teknologi AR dibangun menggunakan Unity 3D dan Vuforia melalui 6 (enam) langkah yaitu analisis, perancangan, pembuatan aplikasi, pengujian (alpha dan beta), penerapan, dan dokumentasi dan pelaporan. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu studi pustaka, wawancara, observasi, dan kuesioner. Pengujian alpha yang digunakan adalah uji ketepatan marker dan pe...
Website e-government merupakan suatu portal informasi yang dimiliki oleh pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota yang memiliki kualitas berbeda-beda satu sama lain sehingga perlu dievaluasi berdasarkan kepuasan pengguna. Pengukuran kualitas berdasarkan... more
Website e-government merupakan suatu portal informasi yang dimiliki oleh pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota yang memiliki kualitas berbeda-beda satu sama lain sehingga perlu dievaluasi berdasarkan kepuasan pengguna. Pengukuran kualitas berdasarkan persepsi dan harapan pengguna dapat menjadi masukan agar websitee-government dapat dikembangkan lebih baik lagi. Oleh karena itu diperlukan pengembangan aplikasi analisis untuk mengetahui apakah website e-government sudah baik atau belum. Metode pengukuran analisis yang digunakan adalah e-GovQual dan ServQual. Penelitian ini mengembangkan aplikasi untuk mengetahui dan mengevaluasi kualitas website e-government berdasarkan kepuasan pengguna. Perhitungan analisis kualitas dilakukan menggunakan metode e-GovQual dan ServQual yang terdiri dari dimensi easy of use, trust, functionality, reliability, content, citizen, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, dan tangibles. Data yang diolah merupakan data dari para responden yang telah terdaftar di dalam aplika...
The use of information technology has penetrated all fields, including the education sector. Included in the delivery of learning materials and managing exam questions is also inseparable from this phenomenon. Teachers as the main... more
The use of information technology has penetrated all fields, including the education sector. Included in the delivery of learning materials and managing exam questions is also inseparable from this phenomenon. Teachers as the main function of formal education to the younger generation must be able to follow this development so that the teaching and evaluation process for students can run more optimally. The use of software in making teaching materials and learning evaluation (exam questions) can improve teacher performance and quality in providing services to students. The Community Service activity aims to provide information technology-based test questions training using the Wondershare Quiz Creator software, where in addition to the teachers being able to make nine types of questions easily, the documentation and implementation of the test can be arranged according to the needs and desires of the test questions. Documentation and updating of questions can be done easily and saves...
Kebutuhan informasi sekarang ini membutuhkan layanan yang memiliki teknologi high availability untuk menangani gangguan downtime server, sehingga dapat menjaga kestabilan server dalam melayani permintaan yang tinggi. Downtime server dapat... more
Kebutuhan informasi sekarang ini membutuhkan layanan yang memiliki teknologi high availability untuk menangani gangguan downtime server, sehingga dapat menjaga kestabilan server dalam melayani permintaan yang tinggi. Downtime server dapat terjadi karena adanya kerusakan pada komponen hardware maupun software yang menyebabkan crash, atau perlu dilakukan upgrade dan maintenance pada server. Teknologi yang digunakan untuk menangani downtime server adalah high availability cluster dengan metode synchronous replication, redundancy, dan failover. Perangkat yang menjadi cluster server adalah dua buah Raspberry Pi, yaitu sebagai master node dalam status aktif dan slave node dalam status pasif. Master node melayani permintan create, read, update, dan delete data, kemudian direplikasi ke slave node dengan metode synchronous replication, sehingga proses pengolahan data pada setiap node berjalan secara bersamaan. Ketika master node mengalami kegagalan, maka terjadi failover, yaitu slave node me...
Information system service general hospital chasan boesoirie is a computerized system management data, service, and reports and information that function to management data income information pertaining to the hospital.Information system... more
Information system service general hospital chasan boesoirie is a computerized system management data, service, and reports and information that function to management data income information pertaining to the hospital.Information system service general hospital chasan boesoirie having ability connection database based client server.Information system service general hospital chasan boesoirie aims to do information management relating to by dept. the hospital, including service examination patients, handling ambulatory, inpatient, administering. until the administration of finance the hospital.Information system service general hospital chasan besoirie assembled programming language delphi 7.0 with mysql.More possessed by this system is completeness report that can be displayed in detail with copy that deals with the hospital services in general hospital chasan boesoirie Keyword : client/server, information systems hospital. Delphi 7.0, MySQL
Jenjang kepangkatan merupakan salah satu parameter profesionalitas seorang Guru, sehingga Guru dituntut untuk terus menaikkan jenjang kepangkatannya. Namun, umumnya Guru mengalami permasalahan untuk mengajukan kenaikan jenjang... more
Jenjang kepangkatan merupakan salah satu parameter profesionalitas seorang Guru, sehingga Guru dituntut untuk terus menaikkan jenjang kepangkatannya. Namun, umumnya Guru mengalami permasalahan untuk mengajukan kenaikan jenjang kepangkatannya, dikarenakan minimnya publikasi ilmiah. Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini dilaksanakan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dengan cara meningkatkan kemampuan Guru agar mampu menyusun naskah publikasi ilmiah pada jurnal nasional. Kegiatan PkM ini dilakukan melalui kolaborasi tiga Perguruan Tinggi, yaitu IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta, Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta, dan Universitas Muria Kudus. Kegiatan ini merupakan pelaksanaan tahap pertama dari tiga tahap yang direncanakan. PkM ini dilaksanakan di SMK N 2 Magelang dengan durasi waktu 130 jam dan peserta sebanyak 31 orang dari. Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan meliputi: pengurusan perijinan dan survei, pengumpulan data, analisis kebutuhan mitra, penyusunan rencana program dan kegiatan, pen...
Government Office is one of element supporting the implementation of local autonomy in various fields in order to implement the task of decentralization. The government has the function of providing public services needed by the... more
Government Office is one of element supporting the implementation of local autonomy in various fields in order to implement the task of decentralization. The government has the function of providing public services needed by the community. It is known that the location of government offices that are dispersed can be difficult for citizens to find the location of government offices. Therefore it needed a mobile application that can provide information about the location of government offices at Special Region of Yogyakarta with digital map facility.The process of making this government office mapping systems require data such as location coordinates, information about locations, as well as data obtained from Dishubkominfo that is name and address of the government office government offices. The mapping system of government offices using location-based service that combines the process of mobile services with the geographical position of users . The position of the target can be imple...
The development of information technology led to increasing of requirement for communication networks.At the first, data exchange only using form of handwriting, documents, monthly reports, etc. But nowadays data exchange has grown into a... more
The development of information technology led to increasing of requirement for communication networks.At the first, data exchange only using form of handwriting, documents, monthly reports, etc. But nowadays data exchange has grown into a network communication using the Internet for more quickly and efficiently. However, not all applications can pass the Internet, for security reasons or simply due to the limitations of the application itself. For applications that still require a local model or private network, the internet still can be used to make the process of tunneling protocol based on IP using EoIP feature, PPPoE, and PPTP in Mikrotik. This technique allows a local network or private network to communicate with the other local networks, through the public network (Internet). The issue of QoS becomes so important because the VPN is increasingly needed to connect a local network (private) with other local network through a public network (internet). QoS guarantees related with...
Pemodelan prediksi merupakan salah satu model data mining yang dapat diterapkan untuk memprediksi masa studi mahasiswa. Salah satu algoritme yang dapat diterapkan dalam prediction modelling adalah C4.5. Dengan menggunakan algoritmeC4.5,... more
Pemodelan prediksi merupakan salah satu model data mining yang dapat diterapkan untuk memprediksi masa studi mahasiswa. Salah satu algoritme yang dapat diterapkan dalam prediction modelling adalah C4.5. Dengan menggunakan algoritmeC4.5, Program Studi dapat memprediksi masa studi mahasiswa berdasarkan data kasus yang sudah ada.Data kasus tersebut dapat berupa jumlah SKS yang sudah ditempuh saat semester 7, IPK mahasiswa saat semester 7, matakuliah konsentrasi yang diambil mahasiswa dan asal sekolah mahasiswa Program Studi dapat mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi masa studi mahasiswa, dan diharapkan dapat memprediksi waktu masa studi seorang mahasiswa. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi terhadap perangkat lunak yangdibangun, algoritme C4.5 mampu mengklasifikasikan mahasiswa ke dalam kelas-kelasyang telah ditentukan sebelumnya dengan nilai error 27.75% dan nilai akurasi 72,25%. Kata kunci: prediksi, masa studi, data mining, algoritmeC4.5
Sistem basis data merupakan suatu sistem penyusunan dan pengelolaan record-record dengan menggunakan komputer, dengan tujuan untuk menyimpan atau merekam serta memelihara data operasional lengkap dari suatu organisasi atau perusahaan,... more
Sistem basis data merupakan suatu sistem penyusunan dan pengelolaan record-record dengan menggunakan komputer, dengan tujuan untuk menyimpan atau merekam serta memelihara data operasional lengkap dari suatu organisasi atau perusahaan, sehingga mampu menyediakan informasi yang optimal yang diperlukan pemakai untuk kepentingan proses pengambilan keputusan. Buku ini menjelaskan konsep perancangan basis data. Buku ini mencakup semua dasar dari sistem basis data yang diperlukan mahasiswa, khususnya mahasiswa jurusan Manajemen Informatika, Akuntansi Komputer, dan Teknik Komputer. Pokok bahasan buku ini: - Istilah-istilah dalam basis data - DBMS - Arsitektur sistem basis data - Data independence - Model-model basis data - Bahasa query formal - Bahasa query komersial - Lingkungan basis data

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Schema matching is an important solution on the preliminary stage of information integration from the heterogeneous database. Basically, schema matching process is receiving a pair of a database as an input, matching a pair of an... more
Schema matching is an important solution on the preliminary stage of information integration from the heterogeneous database. Basically, schema matching process is receiving a pair of a database as an input, matching a pair of an attribute, and verifying by the users to determine whether the result of pairing attribute mapping is already valid or need revision. The problem of schema matching is the difficulty on the mapping of pairing attribute manually, therefore, it is needed the semi-automatic and more effective model. The solution is by improving the computer-based model and combining the provided methods.
The hybrid model of schema matching combined the constraint-based method and instance-based method is developed in this research. The gained model is modified to increase the effectiveness of the result and the efficiency of the process. The model is arranged on the modules including, 1) input reading pair of the database  as a DBSource and a DBTarget, 2) database, constraint, and instance extraction, 3) matching, calculation the similarity the pair of attribute (SIM), and the decision of the matched pair of the attribute, 4) user verification, and 5) model effectiveness test. The effectiveness of the model is measured using the parameter of precision (P), recall (R), dan f-measure (F). Model testing is conducted by applying relational database. 
Based on our research it is found that a hybrid schema matching model combined the constraint-based method and instance-based method is more effective compared with the constraint-based method or instance-based method individually. The developed model can be applied to the process of schema matching on a relational database with DBMS and or with different application domain. The developed model can also be applied both in combination form and individually on their own method of the component.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
The flexibility of database structure design is one of decisive factor of MIS quality. Based on logical database structure, this research aim to do flexibility analyzes; finding the general factors that cause inflexible; developing the... more
The flexibility of database structure design is one of decisive factor of MIS quality. Based on logical database structure, this research aim to do flexibility analyzes; finding the general factors that cause inflexible; developing the flexible database framework for Academic Information Systems; and developing guidance to get the flexible database structure. This research conducted 28 databases that consist of 10 theses, 10 scripts, and 8 final tasks, that contain 262 tables and 1906 attributes. The flexibility analyzes done by using intuitive approach, furthermore flexibility level grouped into 5 levels by using Criterion Reference Evaluation (CRE) approach.
Base on research known, there are 3 database are VERY GOOD, it contain 49 tables and 443 attributes, consist of 371 (=83,75%) flexible attributes and 72 (=16,25%) inflexible attributes; 15 database are GOOD, it contain 119 tables and 664 attributes, consist of 464 (=69,88%) flexible attributes and 200 (=30,12%) inflexible attributes; 8 database are AVERAGE, it contain 78 tables
and 621 attributes, consist of 316 (=50,89%) flexible attributes and 305 (=49,11%) inflexible attributes; 1 database is BAD, it contain 10 tables and 137 attributes, consist of 49 (=35,77%) flexible attributes and 88 (=64,23%) inflexible attributes; there is neither VERY BAD; and 1 database can’t be analyzed. Base on designer educational, 9 database of MA degree that contain 126 tables and 1166 attributes are consist of 735 (=63,04%) flexible attributes and 431 (=39,996%) inflexible attributes, and 1 design can’t be analyzed; 10 database of BA degree that contain 65 tables and 383 attributes are consist of 38 (=62,75%) flexible attributes and 145 (=37,*6%) inflexible attributes; and 8 database of diploma degree that contain 65 tables and 316 attributes are consist of 222 (=70,25%) flexible attributes and 94 (=29,75%) inflexible attributes. In generally, database structure is not flexible caused by many factors that related to system boundary; data orientation; data standardization, data completeness, data group arrangement, code utilizing, primary key determining, and logic table utilizing. The framework of flexible database for Academic Information Systems can be design with involves any sub systems. The flexible database structure can obtain by 4 major stages, i.e. 1) Requirement analyzes; 2) Design; 3) Testing; and 4) Implementation.
Kucing adalah salah satu hewan yang populer dikalangan masyarakat.Kepopulerannya membuat jumlah peminat kucing di Indonesia sangatlah besar, namun hal ini tidak diimbangi dengan pengetahuan pemeliharanya dan ketersediaan dokter hewan yang... more
Kucing adalah salah satu hewan yang populer dikalangan masyarakat.Kepopulerannya membuat jumlah peminat kucing di Indonesia sangatlah besar, namun hal ini tidak diimbangi dengan pengetahuan pemeliharanya dan ketersediaan dokter hewan yang cukup. Penelitian ini mengembangkan aplikasi sistem pakar untuk diagnosa penyakit kucing. Sistem pakar memiliki 11 basis pengetahuan tentang penyakit kucing, dan menggunakan motor inferensi forward chaining.Sistem pakar dibangun dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP, framework CodeIgniter, dan DBMS MySQL. Sistem pakar memberikan output diagnosa dan penanganan pertolongan pertama penyakit pada kucing berdasarkan input gejala yang dilakukan oleh user. Sistem pakar yang dikembangkan berguna untuk membantu masyarakat dalam memperoleh informasi mengenai penyakit kucing beserta solusinya secara mudah dan cepat. Kata-kata kunci: sistem pakar, penyakit kucing, forward chaining, CodeIgniter.. PENDAHULUAN Kucing adalah salah satu hewan yang popular di kalangan masyarakat, bentuk fisik yang lucu dan tingkah yang menggemaskan merupakan salah satu alasan yang membuat banyak orang menyukai hewan peliharaan yang satu ini. Kepopulerannya membuat jumlah peminat kucing di Indonesia sangatlah besar, namun hal ini tidak diimbangi dengan pengetahuan pemeliharanya dan ketersediaan dokter hewan yang mencukupi. Di sisi lain, kemajuan teknologi komputer saat ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengatasi masalah ketersediaan dokter hewan tersebut,yaitu dengan cara mengembangkan sistem pakar agar pemelihara kucing yang tidak mengetahui tentang penyakit pada kucing dapat mendeteksi sedini mungkin penyakit yang diderita pada kucing serta mengetahui cara penanganannya. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut,skripsi ini akan mengembangkan sistem pakar yang dirancang dari adaptasi kecerdasan bidang kedokteran hewan, yaitu untuk mendiagnosis penyakit pada kucing. Pemilihanweb sebagai platform sistem pakar