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The present study starts from the consultation processes of an organization case (the “Organizational Change Project” in the SE college). First, all high-level managers were individually interviewed, with the purpose of exploring the... more
The present study starts from the consultation processes of an organization case (the “Organizational Change Project” in the SE college). First, all high-level managers were individually interviewed, with the purpose of exploring the problems of the organization. Results showed that different members reported different stories regarding the problems of the organization, and the consultant tried hard to clarify the truth. After the project was completed, a reflection team was organized to review the development of the case study; the following 3 versions (perspectives) of stories were identified: 1) hydra-headedness, 2) SE high tower, and 3) a fantasy team that could not compete. The different versions of the story regarding the problems of the organization would lead to different interventions, and the results led the researcher to think about the fundamental paradigm issues. At the critical turning points of post-modernism, that is, from individual to community rationality, from empirical to social-constructive paradigm, from language representation to language action, from main-stream centered to contextism…etc., the researcher found out that multiple realities exist in an organization is a natural phenomenon. Furthermore, the researcher reflected upon how to explore the multiple realities in the organization, and how they affect different members. At the end, the researcher traced the organizational development status of the SE college for 9 years, and reflected upon it. To sum up, by exploring a concrete organizational consultation case, this study reflects on the multiple reality issues in the organization. It also demonstrates reflective learning and knowledge accumulation in the organization by multiple constructions of organizational stories.
Nowadays, research ethics review is completely conducted within Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan, which inspires the researchers to reflect on ethical issues of narrative research. First, in this study we review the code and... more
Nowadays, research ethics review is completely conducted within Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan, which inspires the researchers to reflect on ethical issues of narrative research. First, in this study we review the code and requirement of existing research ethics and realize that the principle of research ethics review is derived from the source of biomedical research, which is based on the concept of Dualism and the social contract. Second, we review Kant's Modernism and a Theory of Jutice, then turning postmodern hermeneutics of narrative and the concept of Interactionism. Inter-subjectivity is the core concept of ethics. In summary, this paper finds that narrative research is different from I-It relation, the ethical relation of researchers/the manipulated and interviewees from biomedical research, but it is I-Thou relationship from the ethical core of inter-subjectivity, assuming the goal of interaction and inter-understanding.
The purpose of this study is to understand the phenomenon of high percentages of career undecided university students in Taiwan. I conducted in-depth interviews with 10 students, 4 males and 6 females at two private universities. Using... more
The purpose of this study is to understand the phenomenon of high percentages of career undecided university students in Taiwan. I conducted in-depth interviews with 10 students, 4 males and 6 females at two private universities. Using narrative analysis methods, I divided the interviews into four types: Other-oriented, self-oriented, in-between oriented, and motivelessness-oriented. I extracted the themes of individual self and self-for-collective from the four. The study also includes bicultural self views from indigenous psychology to discuss the results, and I find the interaction and struggle between two career dynamics of Taiwan university students perhaps increase the difficulties and complexity to make career decision.
This study aims to discuss and respond to an essential question about self-narrative research: Can personal stories represent reality? The researchers of this study reflected on this question based on their own experience of studying and... more
This study aims to discuss and respond to an essential question about self-narrative research: Can personal stories represent reality? The researchers of this study reflected on this question based on their own experience of studying and directing graduate students’ self-narrative researches. Four types of reality in the philosophical aspect of the ontology are discussed first, which indicate that self-narratives are based on the dimension of the constructed reality. Moreover, by examining the four claims of the theory of communicative action in Habermas’ universal pragmatics, it becomes evident that the focus of narrative research lies on the sincere reflection of one’s subjective world, not the truthfulness or falseness of the objective world. In addition, scholars from different disciplines deem these dissertations unacceptable based on questions of rightness, yet rightness is established on the consensus of the related communities. Therefore, this study suggests that the community of the narrative research should begin to discuss the quality criteria for dissertations and forms of writing, in order to gradually form consensus. Finally, based on past experience in adopting self-narrative study, this study proposes several quality criteria for future exploration and discussion.
This study addresses the key effects and meanings of metaphors in narrative studies and narrative psychology. Metaphors have importance in the development of hermeneutics, and Ricoeur studied it in the book La métaphore vive. The... more
This study addresses the key effects and meanings of metaphors in narrative studies and narrative psychology. Metaphors have importance in the development of hermeneutics, and Ricoeur studied it in the book La métaphore vive. The development of hermeneutics has two major turns. The first major turn is Wilhelm Dilthey's contributions, who made important contributions to a methodology of the humanities and other human sciences. The second major turn is that Martin Heidegger's contributions, shifted from Wilhelm Dilthey's theories. Martin Heidegger is counted among the main exponents of existentialism. Heidegger's groundbreaking work is in ontology (the philosophical study of being or existence) and metaphysics. And since then, hermeneutics has advocated detours to understand human beings that requires language or narrative text. The role of metaphors in the narrative is what this study aims to explore. The literature as well as practical counseling experiences have found different schools of counseling seem to believe that metaphors help the process of counseling. The purpose of this study is to explore how metaphors help.Also, the main approach of this study is to explore the links and important discourses between narratives and metaphors in greater depth through the review of critical literatures. The study explores how metaphors help step by step from how metaphors are applied, and from the methodology aspect, the epistemology aspect and the ontology aspect.
  When it comes to how metaphors are applied, metaphors stimulate transformation in reference frames, viewpoints of world, and the naming of the externalized problems, etc. In this study, metaphors stimulate the study participants to reflect on stories holistically and improve the consistency of interpretation. The role of metaphors comes from what Ricoeur called a rhetorical property. At the methodology level, metaphors have what Ricoeur called poetics, including mimesis and pictorial-semantic fusion. Therefore, metaphors stimulate the transformation process of pre-figuration, configuration, and re-figuration of Ricoeur's "threefold mimesis", which are the core frame of narrative, in the text. Also, the pictorial nature of metaphors assist in the construction and interpretation of the story. At the epistemological level, metaphors themselves contain a dialectical epistemology of "to be" and "not to be", and this dialectic helps to promote the hermeneutic circle among understanding, interpretation, and construction. It is an open circle and a creative mimesis. Finally, at the ontology level, metaphors reveal the ontological characteristics of the human beings' world – the "as if" world. This world can only be drawn up by metaphors or narrative texts. However, the difference (écart) of the texts is not regarded as an error but rather regarded as a type of creativity and liveliness of the text. Moreover, the secondary reference of metaphors and narratives, the hermeneutical detour nature of narratives, helps people move from a limited situation of unformed meaning towards a state of existence and authentic self. In other words, the ontology or existence of man reflected in metaphors or narratives is essentially the ontology of meaning construction. The so-called authentic self (Eigentlichkeit) or transcendent state is not the appearance of the real self or the given ultimate goal or answer but rather a possibility of development and a process of continuous meaning construction and becoming. In the history the earliest narrative works of human beings are cave paintings of primitive humans and related witchcraft rituals or dances. The initial imitations of these life experiences have brought about reflection and consciousness, which allows human beings to go into the world of meaning construction from the unconscious and organic world. This also allows for the birth of art and culture. Therefore, human beings are in this metaphorical and narrative-like world and can constantly construct or reconstruct meanings of life.
不論ESG及SDGs之架構,同樣都涵蓋許多重要面向,但本文之焦點關注於職場及工作者。以ESG的架構與系統來說,GRI準則400系列的許多指標是有助於建構健康與友善職場,其中包含了良好勞資關係、員工培育與人才發展、職業健康與安全、人權與平等等四個部分。ESG的架構與指標做為管理工具,確實有助於打造更健康與友善的職業環境,也在企業組織內部協助就業促進。 另SDGs裡第8項目標「合宜的工作及經濟成長」本身就是從更巨觀、更廣泛的角度來推動社會整體之就業促進。SDGs... more
    另SDGs裡第8項目標「合宜的工作及經濟成長」本身就是從更巨觀、更廣泛的角度來推動社會整體之就業促進。SDGs 8也涵蓋四項策略性目標,包括促進勞動權益、促進就業機會、促進職業安全與健康、促進社會對話等。對照ESG及SDGs之內涵來說,不論企業內外,提升勞動條件、維護勞動權益與人權以及促進職業健康與安全等都是共通而重要的核心目標。另外,ESG也提醒了員工培育與人才發展之重要性,因為不論是企業或整體社會之永續發展,唯有人才不斷提升才有長久可能性。SDGs 8站在更高的角度,也指出唯有經濟發展與產業提升才是就業機會促進之根本基礎,就業促進不可能忽視或背離經濟與產業發展議題。另外,SDGs 8也提醒透過政府、企業及勞工等多方社會對話,有助於解決衝突爭端,落實政策及平等價值,因此政策或鼓勵勞工組織與其他弱勢群體社團之發展並提供開放的對話空間,也將協助企業或整體社會長久朝向更健康的職涯發展及更友善的職場。
後現代生涯境況已經有諸多討論,它來自大環境丕變,包括風險社會的來臨、組織結構的不穩定性、工作本質的彈性化轉變等。相關學者並提出後現代生涯之特徵包括「多樣性」、「無界限」以及「非線性」,有別於過去現代性生涯的單一、穩定、連續、向上等觀點。本研究將從本體論思考易經在後現代生涯境況的適用性。一方面本研究透過成中英對易經本體論之討論著手,即「不易」、「變易」、「簡易」、「交易」、「和易」等進行回顧,歸納出《易經》主要本體論是「不斷創生、變動,但透過兩極互動交融仍維持均衡和諧」的世界。... more
後現代生涯境況已經有諸多討論,它來自大環境丕變,包括風險社會的來臨、組織結構的不穩定性、工作本質的彈性化轉變等。相關學者並提出後現代生涯之特徵包括「多樣性」、「無界限」以及「非線性」,有別於過去現代性生涯的單一、穩定、連續、向上等觀點。本研究將從本體論思考易經在後現代生涯境況的適用性。一方面本研究透過成中英對易經本體論之討論著手,即「不易」、「變易」、「簡易」、「交易」、「和易」等進行回顧,歸納出《易經》主要本體論是「不斷創生、變動,但透過兩極互動交融仍維持均衡和諧」的世界。對比而言,傳統社會是「穩定性均衡」的世界,大多穩定而不變;現代社會則是「線性向上成長」或「不均衡」的世界。後現代社會並非完全混亂或虛無主義,而是如同混沌理論主要以「非線性」、「複雜性」、「碎形性」、「機遇性」為特徵,因此也是「不穩定性均衡」的世界。因此《易經》「變之不變」之本體論應該是可以適用後現代生涯境況。目前已有研究團隊應用《易經》義理於生涯諮商輔導,嘗試提出德性存在生涯模式(Virtue Existential Career Model,簡稱VEC模式),其實便是企圖以本土《易經》智慧回應及突破後現代生涯境況的實踐,後續研究可再深入探究與創造性融合。
This study attempted to review the history of the development of mental health in Taiwan's workplaces, focusing mainly on the direction of government policies against the backdrop of social context as a reference. This study begins with a... more
This study attempted to review the history of the development of mental health in Taiwan's workplaces, focusing mainly on the direction of government policies against the backdrop of social context as a reference. This study begins with a brief description of the development history of employee assistance programs and occupational health psychology in the related fields in the United States. Next up, the study segued into the field of mental health in Taiwan's workplace practice and
policy aspects to do a review, the findings, excluding some isolated cases without policy guidance in the early period, can be divided into four periods: labor counseling, the implementation of employee assistance programs, the EAP implementation by the government and multi-oriented occupational health promotion. Based on the development of history, this study provides the future development direction of Taiwan's occupational mental health field, including professional deepening, cross disciplinary cooperation and integration, and localization. It’s expected that by taking
stock of the historical review in this study, the future direction of mental health in the workplace can be provided for scholars, public sectors, and workers in this regard.
本研究將青年生涯狀態之調查具體化為「生涯阻礙因素」、「生涯動機」、「生涯定向」、「就業準備」、「心理資源」等5個變項,並尋找合適的量表來調查台灣青年之生涯現況。取樣方法採用便利取樣,實施時間從2019年2月中旬起至5月底結束,總計收回901份調查問卷。問卷回收完畢後進行問卷整理、資料登錄、廢卷篩選的工作,結果篩選後共得792份有效問卷,有效率為87.9%。研究結果顯示:... more
本研究將青年生涯狀態之調查具體化為「生涯阻礙因素」、「生涯動機」、「生涯定向」、「就業準備」、「心理資源」等5個變項,並尋找合適的量表來調查台灣青年之生涯現況。取樣方法採用便利取樣,實施時間從2019年2月中旬起至5月底結束,總計收回901份調查問卷。問卷回收完畢後進行問卷整理、資料登錄、廢卷篩選的工作,結果篩選後共得792份有效問卷,有效率為87.9%。研究結果顯示: 1)台灣青年之傳統價值觀生涯阻礙下降,但基本生涯探索問題仍存在;2)從大學生到社會新鮮人因生涯處境、狀態不同而使生涯明顯成熟;3)男女青年之生涯狀態差異不多,但男性之傳統價值觀生涯阻礙較大。
不論是投入何種工作,人際關係都是多數職業重要的基本核心職能(core... more
本研究嘗試回顧與融合四種職場健康心理學 的重要理論模式,包括資源保存理論、工作要求-資 源模式、付出報酬失衡模式、心理資本論等。結果發 現四種理論模式都是基於一個共同基本假設,即「資 源平衡觀」。本研究以此為基礎,進一步歸納四種模 式之共同點,形成基本架構。另外,四種模式主要不 一致之處在於「個人心理資源」變項在模式裡的位置 或作用不同,本研究再依這些不同想法建構了職場健 康整合模式之三種可能假設,分別為中介模式、調節 模式、以及前置模式等。整體而言,本研究之結果可... more
本研究嘗試回顧與融合四種職場健康心理學 的重要理論模式,包括資源保存理論、工作要求-資 源模式、付出報酬失衡模式、心理資本論等。結果發 現四種理論模式都是基於一個共同基本假設,即「資 源平衡觀」。本研究以此為基礎,進一步歸納四種模 式之共同點,形成基本架構。另外,四種模式主要不 一致之處在於「個人心理資源」變項在模式裡的位置 或作用不同,本研究再依這些不同想法建構了職場健 康整合模式之三種可能假設,分別為中介模式、調節 模式、以及前置模式等。整體而言,本研究之結果可 以提供未來研究一個重要基礎,協助相關研究者朝向 建構職場健康整合模式的後續工作。
本文嘗試從生涯領域與相關文獻回顧及論述來建立一個生涯發展與諮商未來方向之基礎。生涯領域的轉變動力來自二個方面。一是全球及大環境丕變,包括風險社會的來臨、組織結構的不穩定性、工作本質的彈性化轉變等。其二是社會思潮或哲學觀的「後現代轉向」,包括從客觀真實轉為多重建構真實觀、從個體理性轉為社群理性、從主流中心轉為脈絡主義、從語言再現轉為語言行動論等。以這二大動力來推進生涯領域朝向後現代轉向,發現在過去核心的特質因素論、發展論之外,需擴大不同視框與典範的增補與發展,重點在於重新檢視常... more
This study aims to clarify how job resources affect health impairment process in the job demand-resources model. One hypothesis is that job resources have a direct negative effect on job burnout; the other is job resources plays a buffer... more
This study aims to clarify how job resources affect health impairment process in the job
demand-resources model. One hypothesis is that job resources have a direct negative effect on job
burnout; the other is job resources plays a buffer between job requirements and job burnout.
Variables including job requirements, job resources, job burnout and physical and mental health of
workers are among others to collected from 421 workers by using questionnaire survey. The
regression technique is used to analyzed data and hypotheses testing. We find the hypothesis that job
resources have a direct negative effect on job burnout is supported. However, the hypothesis that job
resources plays a buffer between job requirements and job burnout is not supported. These results
suggest that job resources work as assets worth further upgrading.
當一個人進入中年階段時,逐漸地會發現自己的生涯發展即將接近最終,即是進入了一種停滯與衰退的局面,這樣的自然發展也無形中帶來生活上的問題與困頓。Stein(1999)描述中年階段的危機是能夠讓一個人翻轉(inside out)以及撕碎(tear up)一個人的職業世界。Stein(1981)則以「穿越」(passage)概念來說明中年階段的轉折,轉變的歷程中將經歷分離(separation)、界態(liminality)以及自我再建構(reconstitution of... more
當一個人進入中年階段時,逐漸地會發現自己的生涯發展即將接近最終,即是進入了一種停滯與衰退的局面,這樣的自然發展也無形中帶來生活上的問題與困頓。Stein(1999)描述中年階段的危機是能夠讓一個人翻轉(inside out)以及撕碎(tear up)一個人的職業世界。Stein(1981)則以「穿越」(passage)概念來說明中年階段的轉折,轉變的歷程中將經歷分離(separation)、界態(liminality)以及自我再建構(reconstitution of the self)(引自Karpiak , 2008),如此的中年生涯建構在經歷一場震盪與混淆的狀況後,逐漸打開改變與穿過的契機。在台灣,直銷已有30多年的光陰,但是「老鼠會」(台家事件)的陰影仍在大眾的記憶中揮之不去,也讓直銷商在經營時因為受到排斥而挫折連連。而中年,這般已是享受人生的時刻,為了生存而投入了收入不穩定的且大眾不願接受的工作環境,耐心地面對每一次的拒絕、反對與推辭,壓抑了難過與委屈的情緒,但是還是拿出堅毅的力量拼下去。「給自己一個脫胎換骨的機會!」這句話深刻地放在心中,也是一再支持自己前進的力量。基於此,本文故事敘說對象將聚焦於從事直銷工作至今已有十幾年經歷的中年女性,在她經過成長、家庭、婚姻與工作種種的人生考驗之際,突顯了一個為了夢想而堅持不棄的信念。
Research Interests:
本期另一篇文章〈顧問、研究與生命經驗的交織:探訪組織行為大師鄭伯壎教授之組織諮詢經驗〉是一場與鄭伯壎教授對談其組織顧問經驗與作法的紀錄。該文清楚呈現鄭伯壎教授的顧問模式(後簡稱鄭伯壎模式),而且正好可以跟《應用心理研究》第36期的「顧問關係與諮詢動力」專題中兩種鮮明的顧問模式做比較,一是李志鴻的顧問模式(後簡稱李志鴻模式),另一是黃鴻程與其顧問夥伴陳學長的顧問模式(後簡稱黃鴻程模式)。前者可參見李志鴻、劉兆明(2007)的〈臨床探究下的組織文化:以一個學生營隊的介入歷程為例〉... more
Research Interests:
[Between mind and material: The dynamics between economic status, psychological adaptation and well-being]... more
[Between mind and material: The dynamics between economic status, psychological adaptation and well-being]  十分欣喜能夠看見應用心理研究上期專題「經濟衰退與工作生活品質」出版,因為此專題與其說補足一缺口,不如說像是荒漠中的一處甘泉。身為一位心理學者,經常自覺心理學專業領域普不足的問題是「經濟或物質盲」,不知是對馬克思「唯物論」的潛意識恐懼,或是心理學專業族群本身就屬「唯心論」基本教義派。總之讓我常常憂心的是,我們領域的多數老師及學生並未覺察部分心理學理論其實主要適用於中產階級以上,許多諮商或臨床心理工作者並不明白若非機構免費或相關補貼,案主或許得要斤斤計較究竟要來5次會談還是要省下一個半月的菜錢,心理師可能還將此詮釋為案主的潛意識阻抗。
Research Interests:
Our Virtue Existential Career (VEC) model aims at complementing western modernism and postmodernism career theories with eastern philosophy. With dialectical philosophy and virtue-practice derived from the Classic of Changes, the VEC... more
Our Virtue Existential Career (VEC) model aims at complementing western modernism and postmodernism career theories with eastern philosophy. With dialectical philosophy and virtue-practice derived from the Classic of Changes, the VEC theoretical foundation incorporates merits from Holland typology, Minnesota Theory of Work Adjustment, Social Cognitive Career Theory, Meaning Therapy, Narrative Approach Career Counseling, and Happenstance Learning Theory. While modernism considers a matched job as an ideal career vision and prefers rational strategies (controlling and realizing) to achieve job security; postmodernism prefers appreciating and adapting strategies toward openness and appreciates multiple possible selves and occupations, our model pursues a blending of security and openness via controlling-and-realizing and appreciating-and-adapting interwoven with each other in a dialectical and harmonious way. Our VEC counseling prototype aims at a secular goal of living on the earth with ways and harmony (安身以法 以和) and an ultimate end to spiral up to the wisdom of living up to the way of heaven (天 道) with mind and virtue (立命以心以德). A VEC counseling process of five major career strategies, metaphorical stories of qian and kun, and experiential activities are developed to deliver VEC concepts. The VEC model and prototype presented in this research is the product of an action research following Lewin's (1946) top-to-down model. Situated structure analyses were conducted to further investigate the adequacy of this version of VEC model and prototype. Data from two groups (one for stranded college graduates and the other for growing college students) revealed empirical supports. Yang type of career praxes tends to induce actualization, which resulting in realistic goals and concrete action plans; yin type of career praxes tends to increase self-efficacy, which resulting in positive attitude toward current situatedness and future development. Acceptance and dialectic thinking often result from yin-yang-blending career praxes. Growing developers benefit from a strategy sequence of yang-yin-synthesized; stranded developers from a strategy sequence of yin-yang-synthesized. Our contributions and limitations are discussed in the context of developing indigenous career theories and practices for a globalized and ever-changing world.
Research Interests:
Conversation with Bor-Shiuan Cheng : His consulting experience and life narrative
Jui-Ping Hung, Jyh-Hong Lee, Chin-Lun Tsai
Research Interests:
[The Process of facilitating organizational learning in reflective consultation : A case of small and medium sized enterprises in Taiwan ] The purpose of this study is to present an enterprise case of organizational learning and the... more
[The Process of facilitating organizational learning in reflective consultation : A case of small and medium sized enterprises in Taiwan
The purpose of this study is to present an enterprise case of organizational learning and the discussion and reflection of researchers’ intervention.  In this case, the theories of intervention approach are based on Argyris & Schön’s “Organizational Learning”(1996), Argyris, Putnam & Smith’s “Action Science”(1985), and Schein’s “Process Consultation”(1988).  In this study, twelve times of reflective conversations were conducted. And the intervention process can be divided into four stages, intake stage, orientation stage, conflict learning stage, and finally the ending stage.  The most important thing in this study is the outside consultants and organizational staffs can co-construct a learning field of open conversation.  At last, researchers reflect and discuss of self-learning, the construction of learning field and group, the facilitative and inhibitive factors of organizational learning, the roles and functions of consultants, the misunderstanding of organizational learning, and the suggestions to the case.  The whole process of intervention is an temptation for consultants to try organizational learning , so as for the enterprise case.  Consultants endeavor to initiate the conditions of collective reflection in the case.  The researchers hope that the intervention method which fulfills the value and spirit of organizational learning can be more elaborative and practical, so that researchers, consultants and managers of organization can have alternative approach of organizational study method and intervention in the future.
Research Interests:
寫故事進行自我探究與追尋的歷程;同時敘說也是分析生命意義的研究方法; 最後敘說/故事也是研究結果與過程的表意工具。換言之,自我敘說同時有三個層次:自我敘說作為探究者自我探尋的冒險旅程;自我敘說作為研究分析方法;自我敘說作為論文產出文本。在前期筆者拙文中,比較針對我敘說作為分析法以及產出文本來進行討論與歸納,但筆者也期盼未來一些自我敘說研究的過來人能夠分享一段段自我敘說冒險之旅的文章,不論是個體或集體寫作的形式。
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
This study will use phenomenological method to understand the adversity and experience process to explore the meaning of “change”. After the experiences of studying non-linear phenomenology, we furthermore involve the career resilience... more
This study will use phenomenological method to understand the adversity and experience process to explore the meaning of “change”. After the experiences of studying non-linear phenomenology, we furthermore involve the career resilience meaning of “change”. Having discussed with four experts who study Yi for a long time, we try through phenomenological analyses to find out the Yi of career resilience meaning of “change”. This study will express the high performance of unique career resilience experience. After reflecting, the temporarily conclusion has been determined, listed as following: (1) conflict of personal project and existed world in the career straits; (2) the dialectic with “tao” of relationship between subject and object; (3) toward freedom and responsibility with “tao”; (4) go back to authenticity and reversal. In this process, individual can reconstruct the career concept, they will adjust and create a new project and see a new possibility. Therefore, we can understand the adapt process between self and environment and how to reversal.
Research Interests:
With the rise of 'Occupational Health Psychology', 'health' turns into an important focus and criterion when it comes to the study and intervention about organization. This study inquires what exactly the ‘healthy organization’ is.... more
With the rise of 'Occupational Health Psychology', 'health' turns
into an important focus and criterion when it comes to the study and intervention about organization. This study inquires what exactly the ‘healthy organization’ is. Proceeding from relevant references and definitions, this study concludes with several propositions in what a 'healthy organization' would consist of, and reflects further about the meaning of 'healthy organization' from the aspect of organizational culture. Then with two organizational cases, this study discusses whether the views of 'healthy organization can be adopted in the field, and explores and develops the meanings of each view and the impact each has had on the health of organizations and their members. The two cases demonstrate 'Feudal Paternalistic Bureaucracy Culture,' which shows that the organizations have their own relevant problems and impacts on members’ health; GN Company has the problem of insufficient integration in organizational culture, and ABC College has the problem of the incongruence between the espoused values and basic assumptions. The two organizations in the end have problems
that their organizational culture cannot deal with their adaptation into the external changing environment. And then researchers reflect on the study themes again, including the position of this study and find out that within the process of debating, researchers’ views changed from a focus on the 'healthy-unhealthy organization' to the dynamic changing
process of intra-organization and external organization environment. This praxis position of this study lies in 'promoting the organization and its members to move forward to a healthier and happier existence', and adopts multiple views of dialogue and dialectic based on a post-modern paradigm. Secondly, when researchers’ thoughts and
views turn towards post-modernism, our cultural views are different, and 'change or not to change' becomes the basic anxiety of post-modern organizations, too. Thus, the meaningful question 'what kinds of organizational culture characteristics or structures are healthy?' turns into 'with the changing process of the dynamic culture, how to promote or move towards healthy?', and 'in the process, what can we do to promote or keep the organization and its members healthy?
Research Interests:
The authors distinguished four definitions of work values and asserted that focal interests of work values research are to understand the nature of work, the change of work values, the effects of work values on performance and related... more
The authors distinguished four definitions of work values and asserted that focal interests of work values research are to understand the nature of work, the change of work values, the effects of work values on performance and related outcomes, and the effects of the individual’s value system on his job choice.  The amount of work values research in Taiwan is increasing indicating that the issue is receiving more attention now. However, most of these studies adopted the etic approach, using Western concepts and tools directly. Major shortcomings include the lack of clear theoretical concepts, lack of consideration of social contexts, and problematic measurements. In the recent years, three tracks of studies adopting the emic approach have emerged. The first one attempted a theoretical test on the Post-Confucian hypothesis, the other two are trying to incoporate cultural factors and to develop an indigenous scale of work values. These studies have progressed on culture issues, but there are still theoretical and methodological problems. In response to those problems, the authors proposed two theoretical models and outlined  directions for future research.
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企業員工諮商師通常協助企業員工(包括高階、中階、基層)紓解壓力、解決情緒困擾,以提昇工作效能。但一般員工協助方案(Employee assistance programs;EAPs)或職場諮商(Workplace... more
企業員工諮商師通常協助企業員工(包括高階、中階、基層)紓解壓力、解決情緒困擾,以提昇工作效能。但一般員工協助方案(Employee assistance programs;EAPs)或職場諮商(Workplace counseling)受關注的議題中,其一是諮商師與組織文化價值的相容性(Carroll,1996),甚至也有學者討論整個諮商專業與企業專業價值系統的整體不一致或是對立(楊明磊,2003)。另外一點是諮商師介於個案(員工)與組織(僱主或經營者)之間,容易形成一種價值立場兩難或衝突(戴谷霖、陳斐娟、拾已寰,2006;楊明磊,2003)。平衡論或雙贏說雖然理想,但實際員工諮商在組織運作時就碰到現實的狀況。在戴谷霖等(2006)研究中受訪的EAP實務工作者,多數都站在與組織結盟之立場。例如其中受訪者說:「不可否認的,有時候我們要偏向雇主一點,因為畢竟錢是雇主給的」。雖然不能說許多員工諮商師皆傾向「現實主義者」,但是至少在員工諮商師處境中可以想像其間的壓力與為難。本文進一步要思考的是,除了中立、平衡論或選邊站等方式,或者就交給諮商師做個人磨練及修為等,是否還有其他解決之道?
Research Interests:
本研究透過決策樹中的分類與迴歸樹(CART)分析方法,探討大專校院畢業生過度教育情形及其相關因素,並發現影響該群體易產生過度教育的因素。本研究以台灣高等教育資料庫為資料來源,有效樣本數為4982 人。研究結果發現:1.研究的模型預測正確率為68.9%,整體樣本過度教育比例為49%。在CART... more
本研究透過決策樹中的分類與迴歸樹(CART)分析方法,探討大專校院畢業生過度教育情形及其相關因素,並發現影響該群體易產生過度教育的因素。本研究以台灣高等教育資料庫為資料來源,有效樣本數為4982 人。研究結果發現:1.研究的模型預測正確率為68.9%,整體樣本過度教育比例為49%。在CART 模型中,公立大學又主修優勢科系的畢業生約有90%比例不會產生過度教育;公立技職和私立大學主修優勢科系,又具備有良好人際溝通就業力的畢業生約有69%比例不會產生過度教育;私立技職畢業生主修非優勢科系的畢業生約有76%比例會產生過度教育。2. 最優先能夠區分過度教育與否的變項為「學校類別」與「主修科系」,其他因素包括就業力中的「人際溝通能力」與「英文能力」;「文憑」對找工作的幫忙;工作價值觀中的「對社會貢獻與影響」。以上是本研究初探的重要發現,這些研究結果可以提供未來研究進一步驗證。
Research Interests:
The purpose of this study is to subtly describe and present the process of burnout, and to enhance to understanding of the burnout causes, arousal and deterioration factors, and their interactions. This study uses phenomenological... more
The purpose of this study is to subtly describe and present the
process of burnout, and to enhance to understanding of the burnout causes, arousal and deterioration factors, and their interactions. This study uses phenomenological research approach, where three food and beverage managers were interviewed. The authors describe and analyze their burnout process individually, then making an integration to form a
general structure of burnout. The result indicates that the cause of burnout is from imbalance between individual and environment, which can explain by the viewpoint of resource-demand balance and person-environment fit. In the past researches, these causes were called stressors and perceived as work stresses. The key point to turn work stresses into burnout processes is the ideal at huge discrepancies or disillusionment with reality. The harder the individual tries to solve the problem, the worse the problem is. The discrepancies or disillusionment make the individual has strong negative self-approval and feels dissatisfied, which then accumulates sense of powerfulness toward environment and the sense of unworthiness and hopelessness toward one’s career. When all these feelings surpass the individual will have the thought of redsignation. To sum up, this study provides the procsee of how individual job engagement evolving into burnout. Future researches may inquire the process of how individual regain job engagement from burnout state.
Research Interests:
The present study is to investigate the inner mental status of unemployed men, especially focus on their existential situation and state in the unemployed men. Materials of the unemployment experience and career history are gathered to be... more
The present study is to investigate the inner mental status of
unemployed men, especially focus on their existential situation and state in the unemployed men. Materials of the unemployment experience and career history are gathered to be used in the thematic and life frame analyses. Results show that the life before the first time employment case 1 hold that “job is to maintain a stable life.” He attached to a large textile mill until the life-frame changed with the closedown of the factory. Before the second unemployment, case 1 saw
life as “working is propped up for life and family” and “work may
surmount the possibility of environmental limits.” He tried to make it through tactics such as “his physical vigor”, “there will be work on the making,” and “setting up a cooperative working network extensively.” etc.. However, he ended up unemployed due to the slow business cycle of construction industry. Case 2 used to be a sales manager in consumer goods, his life frame in this stage was “to work is to pursue long-term development” and “company is where people can get together as brothers.” He worked only in one company to pursue his sense of achievement through promotion. Besides, brotherhood is also very important in his life. Yet, his life frame and meaningfulness was impacted by the reorganizing and been laid off. Existential analysis shows the unemployed men felt unreconciled or unworthy, or even hopeless.
Research Interests:
We have selected 27 theses which are related to career narrative stories in Taiwan, in order to practice further analysis. Our goal is to research factors of resilience in these stories. Based on Jui-Ping Hung’s (2012) research and add... more
We have selected 27 theses which are related to career narrative stories in Taiwan, in order to practice further analysis. Our goal is to research factors of resilience in these stories. Based on Jui-Ping Hung’s (2012) research and add the variable - focused approach of Masten and Reed (2002) in the three  categories. Conclusions: (1) Within pure assets we have cognitive transformation and meaning reconstruction about
personal level, etc. Education and encouragement are from parents or other support about environmental level, etc. In pure risk factors we have physical illness or physical factors about individual level, etc, and poor family economic about
environmental level, etc. (2) Analyzing the factors of bipolar risk and asset, we found in the area of risk and asset factors which exist polarization, balance and compensate state. (3) Bipolar risk and asset factors are mutually coexisted.
Research Interests:
The purpose of this study is to explore adults’ unemployment experiences with thefocus on their career crises and the importance of the resilience in this challenging transition. In-depth interviews with four jobless male adults were... more
The purpose of this study is to explore adults’ unemployment experiences with thefocus on their career crises and the importance of the resilience in this challenging transition. In-depth interviews with four jobless male adults were conducted to collect data on their work histories and unemployment experiences. Based on the interviews, both protective factors and risk factors were identified for the unemployed participants. The result showed that career resilience in unemployment experiences could bedivided into four categories - environmental risk factors, individual risk factors, environmental protective factors, and personal protective factors. Furthermore this study defined personal protective factors as 〝 career resiliency 〞 (Luthar, Cicchetti, & Becker, 2000), and career resiliency of unemployed participants consists of 〝 cushioning 〞 at the initial stage of unemployment, 〝 persistency 〞 in the middle of unemployment, and 〝 transformability 〞 in the late stage. The Cushioning factor includes unemployment expectations, job-transfer preparation, positive emotional adjustment, and sense of control. The Persistency factor includes arrangements for life and vitality, positive self-esteem and positive values and beliefs. The Transformability factor includes the ability of to assess reality and career strategies, transformation of frames, the ability to reconstruct meanings, development of skills, and adaptation to new work environments. To sum up, the study explored the concept of career resilience and career resiliency. Future research is needed to refine the conceptualization, and extend it to different groups, or even to different career obstacles.
Research Interests:
[Objective] This research tries to explore the phenomenon of burnout among direct sales agents. The result showed that there is a relationship between burnout and the job characteristic of direct sales agents. This study attempts to... more
[Objective] This research tries to explore the phenomenon of burnout among direct
sales agents. The result showed that there is a relationship between burnout and the job characteristic of direct sales agents. This study attempts to develop a new concept, “relational labor”, which has not been discussed much by this field of research. [Methods] Three middle-aged direct sales agents were chosen,
and narrative inquiry was used as the research method. [Results] The concept of emotional labor has gradually gained research attention and became an important research topic. However, the concept of relational labor differs from the concept of emotional labor. This research observed that emotional labor is indeed an important job characteristic of direct sales, but the concept does not fully cover the meaning of
relationship labor. Direct sales agents need to build up, maintain, operate and manage interpersonal relationship in order to gain profits and attend organizational goals. The concept covers the need of (1) utilization of relationships as a tool, (2) intention to get closer work relationships, (3) continuous building relationships, and (4) avoiding relations break up. [Conclusion] The research also discovered a tight
relation between job characteristics of direct sales and their burnout. Utilization of relationship causes 2 isolation and damage in one's interpersonal relationships and can future build up work stress and burnout. Intention to get closer work relationships or to give support at work might help to reduce burnouts. On the contrary, alienation would increase burnout. Finally, continuous building relationships and strength relationships might become a stressor which may further lead to burnouts. Relational labor is an important job characteristic of direct sales agents or salesperson. It may be highly correlated with burnouts. Further studies would be valuable to gain more understanding of relational labor and its relationship with burnout.
Research Interests:
This study collected 165 papers concerning burnout from the two major electronic journal databases in Taiwan. After conducting literature review and analysis, the present study found that in terms of research method, most of the burnout... more
This study collected 165 papers concerning burnout from the two major electronic journal databases in Taiwan. After conducting literature review and analysis, the present study found that in terms of research method, most of the burnout studies preferred to use the causal design and quantitative approach; only a small part of them adopted the qualitative approach and the evaluation of intervention programs. Among the measurements in quantitative research, MBI (Maslach Burnout Inventory) and its schema were the most often employed, but CBI (Copenhagen Burnout Inventory) was also gradually adopted by the researchers in Taiwan. Teachers, school administrators, service personnel, medical staff and helping workers accounted for the highest proportion of research subjects. The first article introducing the concept of burnout appeared in 1983. Since then, the articles on burnout have increased stably. The burnout literature has multiplied in the last decade. This suggests that issues related to burnout have drawn more and more attention in academia. Lastly, this study attempted to explore the possible direction in research regarding burnout.
本研究以台灣二個重要電子期刊資料庫進行職業倦怠相關論文之搜尋,經歸納整理後得到165篇研究論文。進一步分析與檢視後發現:以研究類型而言,因果關聯性研究比例最高,其他質性研究及方案介入評估僅佔少數。而使用測量工具之量化研究中,還是使用MBI 及其架構者最多,而CBI 也被引進台灣,逐漸受相關研究使用。檢視相關論文之研究對象,以教師及學校行政人員、服務人員、醫事人員及助人工作者所佔比例最高。就發表時間及數量來看,從最早1983 年出現第一篇概念介紹文章,而後職業倦怠研究發表數量即穩定增加,至近十年突然以倍數增長,顯見職業倦怠議題仍受到相關領域之熱切關注。本文最後嘗試提出職業倦怠未來之研究發展方向以供後續研究做參考。
Research Interests:
For personal inner motivation and needs, I start to go into and construct the life narrative of Director Ang Lee, which I guess is for finding ways of transformation for my midlife crisis. I attempt to construct Ang Lee's life narrative... more
For personal inner motivation and needs, I start to go into and construct
the life narrative of Director Ang Lee, which I guess is for finding ways of
transformation for my midlife crisis. I attempt to construct Ang Lee's life
narrative and to interpret his life theme. Further, with those materials, I
discuss that how some sort of adult men face with crisis or barriers and then turn into transformation in the development process. In addition, I have Ang Lee's life story dialogue and reflect on Erikson's development theory and "passage" frame. Finally, this study finds that in the development patterns of some kind of regeneration and transformation in adult men lives, they not only gain the new identification and testing practices, but also resolve their own crisis and get growing through the dialectic and transcendence of the traditional authorities or mainstream institutional. These individuals face their own crisis, and in the process of social dialogue and collective systems, their narrative voices or actions of practices will be an opportunity to facilitate social and cultural innovation.
艾瑞克森(Erikson, E. H.)是極其知名的心理學家,因為他提出了名聞遐邇的社會心理發展的八階段理論以及「自我認同」(identity)等重要概念。八階段理論橫跨人一生的生命週期,並主張每個階段都有不同的發展任務或危機。