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With the advent of the World Wide Web, Information Retrieval has grown in significance, extending its application beyond digital libraries to documents available on the web. Two points are essential to improve the accuracy of the... more
With the advent of the World Wide Web, Information Retrieval has grown in significance, extending its
application beyond digital libraries to documents available on the web. Two points are essential to improve the
accuracy of the retrieval: (1) identify the concepts behind the terms that occur in the text; (2) find new concepts
semantically related to the concepts found. We show in this article which word sequences form a meaningful
term, to which disambiguation processes based on the context of the document and the neighborhood of
the term are applied. Once unambiguous, a possible spatio-temporal context of the concept is determined.
With the help of linguistic sources on the Internet, other concepts semantically related to the concept in
question are determined, and then this neighborhood network is inserted in the topic map of the document
base. The topic map thesaurus will support an adequate expansion of a query in order to accurately determine
the wanted documents.
There is an unmistakable actual trend to computerize more and more everyday activities in human society. AI tools, decision making and machine learning are some of the used technologies. In this paper we analyses how conventional... more
There is an unmistakable actual trend to computerize more and more everyday activities in human society. AI tools, decision making and machine learning are some of the used technologies. In this paper we analyses how conventional modelling of database applications must evolve to meet these requirements. Adequate structural things and happenings are considered and, for each concept, adequate rules must be determined to ensure the integrity of the whole system. Especially the requirements of complex active and reactive systems, such as autonomy, space and time aspects as well as inaccurate information, must be taken into account.
Resumo – Este artigo descreve um sistema de informação, baseado na web, que permite o armazenamento e recuperação dos limites operacionais dos equipamentos que compõem uma rede elétrica. Este sistema foi denominado de SLIM – Sistema de... more
Resumo – Este artigo descreve um sistema de informação, baseado na web, que permite o armazenamento e recuperação dos limites operacionais dos equipamentos que compõem uma rede elétrica. Este sistema foi denominado de SLIM – Sistema de Limites Operacionais. O SLIM provê ...
Nowadays one of the main challenges in the area of Information Retrieval (IR) is the development of systems that process correctly the idea or concept behind the queries issued by users. Conventional IR systems usually limit their... more
Nowadays one of the main challenges in the area of Information Retrieval (IR) is the development of systems that process correctly the idea or concept behind the queries issued by users. Conventional IR systems usually limit their indexing and retrieval capabilities to keywords, which creates poor results when indexing terms that are not listed in the query. Queries such as: “The king of Brazilian popular music” and “Roberto Carlos”, even using a different group of words, are essentially the same idea or concept, and thus the system should return the same answer set. However, for IR systems that do not consider the semantic aspect, both queries will return different answer set. This paper presents an architectural backbone focused on indexing and retrieval of objects (texts, links, videos, images, maps ...) semantically related together and structured in a topic map. In this approach, topics represent conceptual units that condense: features and dictionary, encyclopedic and common sense information. The associations between topics will be given through lexical-semantic relations of the standard language. All content of topics and associations is obtained through external sources of information such as WordNet, Wikipedia, ConceptNet, Yago and AcronymFynder. Resumo. Um dos principais desafios da atualidade no campo da Recuperação de Informação (RI) é o desenvolvimento de sistemas que processem corretamente a ideia ou conceito por trás das consultas emitidas pelos usuários. Sistemas convencionais de RI geralmente limitam suas funcionalidades à indexação e recuperação por palavras-chave, fato que gera resultados fracos quando termos indexados não são mencionados na consulta. Consultas tais como: “O rei da música popular brasileira” e “Roberto Carlos”, mesmo utilizando um distinto grupo de palavras, podem representar a mesma ideia ou conceito e, portanto, o sistema deveria retornar o mesmo conjunto resposta. Entretanto, para sistemas de RI que não consideram o aspecto semântico, ambas consultas retornarão conjuntos respostas distintos. Este artigo apresenta em detalhe um arcabouço arquitetural como um novo enfoque na indexação e recuperação de objetos (textos, links, vídeos, imagens, mapas, etc.) semanticamente relacionados, estruturado em mapa de tópicos. Neste enfoque, tópicos representam unidades conceituais que condensam características e informações de dicionário, enciclopédicas e de sentido comum. Já as associações entre os tópicos dar-se-ão por meio de relações léxico-semânticas da língua padrão. Todo conteúdo de tópicos e associações é obtido por meio de fontes externas de informação tais como: WordNet, Wikipédia, ConceptNet5, Yago e AcronymFynder.
Com o advento da World Wide Web, a Recuperação da Informação cresceu em significância, estendendo sua aplicação além das bibliotecas digitais para documentos disponíveis na web. Dois pontos são fundamentais para aprimorar a precisão da... more
Com o advento da World Wide Web, a Recuperação da Informação cresceu em significância, estendendo sua
aplicação além das bibliotecas digitais para documentos disponíveis na web. Dois pontos são fundamentais
para aprimorar a precisão da recuperação: (1) esclarecer quais conceitos estão por trás dos termos que
ocorrem no texto; (2) determinar novo conceitos semanticamente relacionados aos conceitos encontrados.
Mostramos neste artigo quais sequências de palavras formam um termo significativo, ao qual serão aplicados
processos de desambiguação baseados no contexto do documento e da vizinhança do termo. Uma vez
desambiguado, é determinado um possível contexto espaço-temporal do conceito. Com auxílio de fontes
linguísticas da internet, determina-se outros conceitos relacionados semanticamente ao conceito em questão
para, em seguida, inserir esta rede de vizinhanças no mapa de tópicos da base de documentos. O tesauro
do mapa de tópicos dará suporte à expansão adequada das consultas para determinar, com precisão, os
documentos procurados.
Responses of 26 rats were reinforced following a signal of a certain duration, but not following signals of shorter or longer durations. This led to a positive temporal generalization gradient with a maximum at the reinforced duration in... more
Responses of 26 rats were reinforced following a signal of a certain duration, but not following signals of shorter or longer durations. This led to a positive temporal generalization gradient with a maximum at the reinforced duration in six experiments. Spacing of the nonreinforced signals did not influence the gradient, but the location of the maximum and breadth of the gradient increased with the duration of the reinforced signal. Reduction of reinforcement, either by partial reinforcement or reduction in the probability of a positive signal, led to a decrease in the height of the generalization gradient. There were large, reliable individual differences in the height and breadth of the generalization gradient. When the conditions of reinforcement were reversed (responses reinforced following all signals longer or shorter than a single nonreinforced duration), eight additional rats had a negative generalization gradient with a minimum at a signal duration shorter than the single nonreinforced duration. A scalar timing theory is described that provided a quantitative fit of the data. This theory involved a clock that times in linear units with an accurate mean and a negligible variance, a distribution of memory times that is normally distributed with an accurate mean and a scalar standard deviation, and a rule to respond if the clock is "close enough" to a sample of the memory time distribution. This decision is based on a ratio of the discrepancy between the clock time and the remembered time, to the remembered time. When this ratio is below a (variable) threshold, subjects respond. When three timing parameters--coefficient of variation of the memory time, the mean and the standard deviation of the threshold--were set at their median values, a theory with two free parameters accounted for 96% of the variance. The two parameters reflect the probability of attention to time and the probability of a response given inattention. These parameters were not influenced by stimulus manipulations but were affected by manipulations of reinforcement rate and by individual differences.
Page 1. Classificação Contínua de Documentos com Vocabulários Temáticos Dinâmicos para a Desambiguação de Termos Adriano A. Santos1, Ulrich Schiel2 1Programa de Pós-Graduação da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG) – Paraíba –... more
Page 1. Classificação Contínua de Documentos com Vocabulários Temáticos Dinâmicos para a Desambiguação de Termos Adriano A. Santos1, Ulrich Schiel2 1Programa de Pós-Graduação da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG) – Paraíba – Brasil ...
Ontic David A. McAllester 13235-4, September 1988, 375 pages, $37.50 The MIT Press ONTIC, the interactive system for verifying "natural" mathemati-cal arguments that David McAllester describes in this book, represents a... more
Ontic David A. McAllester 13235-4, September 1988, 375 pages, $37.50 The MIT Press ONTIC, the interactive system for verifying "natural" mathemati-cal arguments that David McAllester describes in this book, represents a significant change of direction in the field of ...
Project development is usually very difficult to control because deadlines are always extended and the development cost ends up being increased significantly. This paper presents a tool for controlling cost, deadlines, and project... more
Project development is usually very difficult to control because deadlines are always extended and the development cost ends up being increased significantly. This paper presents a tool for controlling cost, deadlines, and project resources, utilizing a structure called Activities Net-AN. Activities Net assists project development by allowing to shape activities and its functional interdependences. To each activity attributes of resources, cost, and term are associated enabling simulations of global project cost and terms and performing corrections on running projects. Activities Nets applies to software development projects as well as other projects with a systematic procedure of well defined activities. Activities Nets are part of a project management environment, called PDM. We show also that the nets apply to the four layers of PDM: project best methodology definition, methodology modeling, project modeling, and project development.
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For the universe of discourse of an information system we distinguish space and time objects. Space objects like entities, relationships and events are modeled by semantic data models and time objects, like instants, intervals or periodic... more
For the universe of discourse of an information system we distinguish space and time objects. Space objects like entities, relationships and events are modeled by semantic data models and time objects, like instants, intervals or periodic times, are described by time models. Time assertions may be precise or vague, unique or periodical. We give an axiomatic for the time model and obtain an algebra of generalized intervals. Since real objects occur in space and time, a natural correspondence between time and space objects in information systems is obtained.
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ABSTRACT We live in a multiple vision world. This is also a reality on semantic Web, considering that different ontologies can be used to express meaning on the same knowledge domain. The semantic service oriented architecture can also be... more
ABSTRACT We live in a multiple vision world. This is also a reality on semantic Web, considering that different ontologies can be used to express meaning on the same knowledge domain. The semantic service oriented architecture can also be viewed through the kaleidoscope of standards which can be used for services descriptions in a particular domain. Hence, the need of a reconciliation-centered approach becomes clear in order to bring service clients and providers closer towards better negotiations, despite the use of different vocabularies to express their interests. This is a not trivial task considering the amount of precondition analysis involved. In this paper, a formal approach is proposed for ontology reconciliation, aiming to provide unambiguous description on merging, integration and alignment techniques. The purpose is to reason about how these techniques can be combined and applied in the context of service-related tasks.
Abstract With the growing significance of digital libraries and the Internet, more and more electronic texts become accessible to a wide and geographically disperse public. This requires adequate tools to facilitate indexing, storage, and... more
Abstract With the growing significance of digital libraries and the Internet, more and more electronic texts become accessible to a wide and geographically disperse public. This requires adequate tools to facilitate indexing, storage, and retrieval of documents written in different ...
This work proposes a conceptual model for Trajectory Data Ware-houses that allows the analysis of moving objects over and between regions in different levels of granularity. The model enables the segmentation of trajecto-ries into... more
This work proposes a conceptual model for Trajectory Data Ware-houses that allows the analysis of moving objects over and between regions in different levels of granularity. The model enables the segmentation of trajecto-ries into components, such as stop and movement, carrying semantic informa-tion that assign meaning to the trajectory. To reduce the amount of data, the trajectories are stored compactly through the summarization of stops and movements. Resumo. Neste trabalho é proposto um modelo conceitual para Data Ware-house de Trajetórias que permite analisar o comportamento dos objetos mó-veis sobre e entre regiões sobre diferentes níveis de granularidade. O modelo permite a segmentação de trajetórias em componentes, tais como parada e movimento, os quais podem transportar informações semânticas que dão sig-nificado à trajetória. Para amenizar o problema da grande quantidade de da-dos, as trajetórias são armazenadas de forma compactada através da sumari-zação de suas paradas e ...
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We live in a multiple vision world. This is also a reality on Semantic Web, considering that different ontologies can be used to express meaning on the same knowledge domain. The Semantic Service Oriented Architecture can also be viewed... more
We live in a multiple vision world. This is also a reality on Semantic Web, considering that different ontologies can be used to express meaning on the same knowledge domain. The Semantic Service Oriented Architecture can also be viewed through the kaleidoscope of standards ...
... Grande valeria@dsc.ufcg.edu.br Ulrich Schiel Database and Information Systems Group Computer Science Department Federal University of Campina Grande ulrich@dsc.ufcg.edu.br Cláudio de Souza Baptista Database and ...
... Cláudia MFA Ribeiro Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte Natal, RN, Brazil claudiaribeiro@uern.br Ulrich Schiel Universidade Federal de Campina Grande Campina Grande, PB, Brazil ulrich@dsc.ufcg.edu.br ABSTRACT ...
Nowadays there is an increasing volume of heterogeneous documents in a company, in different media such as texts, spreadsheets, images, maps, etc. Most of these documents contain relevant information about the company; hence they need to... more
Nowadays there is an increasing volume of heterogeneous documents in a company, in different media such as texts, spreadsheets, images, maps, etc. Most of these documents contain relevant information about the company; hence they need to be stored, indexed and retrieved efficiently. Digital libraries aim to address this issue by providing an infrastructure which enables to manipulate these documents. Furthermore,

And 96 more

We discuss how far thw concept of Information, considering the DIK hierarchy, together with the different kinds of System determines an Information System
A formal model of objects is introduced. The definition is extended to temporal objects. A system of ECA rules allows the specification of event/trigger and dynamic constraints. The theory is founded by the definition of predicates and a... more
A formal model of objects is introduced. The definition is extended to temporal objects. A system of ECA rules allows the specification of event/trigger and dynamic constraints. The theory is founded by the definition of predicates and a set of axioms, characterizing the defined objects.
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Este livro é uma introdução aos principais conceitos de sistemas de informação e de bancos de dados. É dada ênfase na problemática de detectar e representar fenômenos e ocorrências do ‘mundo real’ no computador para facilitar a solução de... more
Este livro é uma introdução aos principais conceitos de sistemas de informação e de bancos de dados. É dada ênfase na problemática de detectar e representar fenômenos e ocorrências do ‘mundo real’ no computador para facilitar a solução de problemas inerentes. Dado a diversidade de aplicações para as quais é viável a utilização do computador, estas terão que ser delimitadas adequadamente para se procurar a solução computadorizada. Em outras palavras, existe uma diversidade significativa de sistemas de informação e cada tipo de sistema terá uma demanda específica para a solução de seus problemas. Os bancos de dados aparecem como a solução de representação dos dados, adequada para estes tipos de sistemas. 
Segue-se uma abordagem top-down, ou seja, parte-se dos conceitos associados aos sistemas de informação, para então descrever sua ‘implantação’ no computador na forma de um banco de dados.  Na primeira parte são discutidos os principais tipos de sistemas de informação e introduzidos os componentes e elementos componentes de um sistema, sem considerar um modelo de dados específico mais ou menos popular no momento. Assim, o tripé de qualquer sistema de informação: estrutura, controle e comportamento, pode ser explorado em toda sua importância. Na segunda parte, dedicada aos bancos de dados que irão dar suporte ao sistema, o leitor é familiarizado com os diversos tipos de estruturas de dados que podem dar suporte a um sistema de informação. Entre estas duas partes, será discutido o processo de desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação e a criação das estruturas e operações necessárias para a implantação do sistema.
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