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  • Giuseppe Bettoni is Professor of Geography at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, where he has been since 2005. Exper... moreedit
Places" and "landscape" are terms that belong to the geographer's toolbox along with "map" and "scale". This article will show how discussing memory is also a matter of geography and geopolitics. In geopolitics, actors which are... more
Places" and "landscape" are terms that belong to the geographer's toolbox along with "map" and "scale". This article will show how discussing memory is also a matter of geography and geopolitics. In geopolitics, actors which are contesting a territory use conflicting representations and look to the past for an opportunity to legitimize their control over the disputed territory. On one side, this legitimacy invokes the memory of tragic events. On the other, positive elements, such as individual and collective victories and achievements that are routinely remembered in celebrations, are identified in public space by specific monuments or urban decorations. This mode of narration is the theme of critical geopolitics. The article that follows highlights how in "practical" geopolitics globalization establishes new connections and especially new descriptions of the world.
Geopolitics is based on “representations” and it means maps as well as speeches but also just “names”. The names that we give to places are symbol that give us a position in relation with this place. For example Japanese call the sea on... more
Geopolitics is based on “representations” and it means maps as well as speeches but also just “names”. The names that we give to places are symbol that give us a position in relation with this place. For example Japanese call the sea on their west border “Japan’s sea” but Korean call the same sea “east sea: it means that they are central. And so on. Many example show us the strongly relationship between man and territory.
The history of Italian Regions is more complicated and recent that we suppose. It is a history where the main goal was destroy all previous identity to build many news one. In a young country where localism is the only important... more
The history of Italian Regions is more complicated and recent that we suppose. It is a history where the main goal was destroy all previous identity to build many news one. In a young country where localism is the only important characteristic of its identity it has been something important but also with a lot of conflicts. Bettoni try to describe this process from Correnti just the last reform of Italian Constitution and the product it is a very complicated cohabitation for the Italian Republic.
Sustainability policies in France have always been the “monopoly” of the central state, like any territorial development strategy. The article will start by explaining what is the type of territorial action in France and how the French... more
Sustainability policies in France have always been the “monopoly” of the central state, like any territorial development strategy. The article will start by explaining what is the type of territorial action in France and how the French term of aménagement does not correspond to our territorial planning, in order to understand the cultural approach of this country to the implementation of various territorial policies. It will be shown what principles are included in it to explain how France acts with transversal and multiscale strategies. This modus operandi is changing; in fact, in recent years central government is redistributing roles and powers and regionals borders has been redrawn. The article, therefore, identifies the two main laws that have profoundly changed this governance (the Maptam of 2014 and the Notre of 2015) and exposes the most important points. Last part will focus on the main document resulting from this reform, the Sraddet. It shows how Sustainability has now passed into the hands of the Regions that must design strategies not sectoral but in a transversal way, comparing themselves with all the other local entities. The example of Urban Agencies, which are a typical product of the French governance context and which could be an interesting experiment to be conducted in Italy, will close the contribution.
Il conflitto siriano è sempre più presentato dai media come combattuto da due parti: da una parte gli integralisti salafiti o vicini comunque ai Fratelli Musulmani d’Egitto, dall’altra la comunità cristiana di Siria o altre «piccole»... more
Il conflitto siriano è sempre più presentato dai media come combattuto da due parti: da una parte gli integralisti salafiti o vicini comunque ai Fratelli Musulmani d’Egitto, dall’altra la comunità cristiana di Siria o altre «piccole» comunità. In pratica la rappresentazione del conflitto si concentra su due aspetti: a) gli eventi ravvicinati, come cronaca di guerra; b) la spiegazione di un conflitto sempre più confessionale (Trombetta, 2013b; 2013a). Ma, come per il caso israeliano-palestinese, la questione prima che essere religiosa è territoriale. L’obiettivo di questo articolo è compiere un’analisi geopolitica (intesa qui secondo la definizione di Yves Lacoste, 1993: Préambule, pp. 1-33) dell’area rispetto al conflitto siriano. La definizione dell’insieme territoriale e degli attori locali coinvolti è un passo necessario proceduralmente al fine di evitare onfusioni. Il metodo della Geopolitica ci impone, infatti, anche quella considerazione diacronica della definizione delle frontiere che spesso viene immaginata come nota, ma che altrettanto spesso non vede tutti concordi in quanto a riferimenti collegati all’attualità. Da qui la necessità di richiamare, seppur in modo rapidissimo, sia il concetto di Vicino Oriente sia la sua delimitazione; elementi essenziali per riprendere in conclusione la tesi sostenuta in questo lavoro. Definiamo quindi prima di tutto l’area che vogliamo esaminare.
The Aim of this article is to summarize the main points that have characterized the programming policy and the development of Italy in the period 1995-2005. The approach used in this article is the one of internal geopolitics defined by... more
The Aim of this article is to summarize the main points that have characterized the programming policy and the development of Italy in the period 1995-2005. The approach used in this article is the one of internal geopolitics defined by Yves Lacoste.
Geopolitics is a confused discipline, especially if analyze the huge quantity of definitions. Why geography is a forgotten discipline? Which connection exists between geography and power? These are some of the questions to which this book... more
Geopolitics is a confused discipline, especially if analyze the huge quantity of definitions. Why geography is a forgotten discipline? Which connection exists between geography and power? These are some of the questions to which this book gives an answer. It focused in first about the Lacoste definition of Geopolitics, as well as the definitions of Agnew and O'Loughlin. And then it gives some exhaustive examples of Geopolitical Cases in External geopolitics as well as in Internal Geopolitics.
The territory of Morocco has been draw as a towns system. For this reason we cannot understand this Kingdom if we do not know how the network of its towns has been composed. The approach of this chapter use the geopolitical method... more
The territory of Morocco has been draw as a towns system. For this reason we cannot understand this Kingdom if we do not know how the network of its towns has been composed. The approach of this chapter use the geopolitical method theorized by Yves Lacoste of multiples scales analysis to show the influence of the trans-saharian network for gold, modified the importance of the towns from east-Africa to west-Africa and how the town are the starting point for the building of Morocco identities.
Internal Geopolitics is less popular then the external geopolitics. But the most frequent cases are about the first one. Today we know very well NIMBY and conflicts about territorial planning. This book draw mainly a theoretical frame... more
Internal Geopolitics is less popular then the external geopolitics. But the most frequent cases are about the first one. Today we know very well NIMBY and conflicts about territorial planning. This book draw mainly a theoretical frame about all this focusing on concepts like territorial cohesion, Governance, territorial planning showing at the end the high level of conflict in territorial management in a same Country. Special focus, in the second part, is about the Institutional reform in Italy about Regions and Provinces.
La gouvernance et la géopolitique ne sont pas toujours considérées comme deux éléments d’un même discours ou d’une réflexion scientifique en matière d’aménagement du territoire. Pourtant, elles sont intimement liées, un peu comme le sont... more
La gouvernance et la géopolitique ne sont pas toujours considérées comme deux éléments d’un même discours ou d’une réflexion scientifique en matière d’aménagement du territoire. Pourtant, elles sont intimement liées, un peu comme le sont l’histoire et la géographie. Avant toute chose, nous allons examiner deux définitions du concept d’aménagement pour ensuite tenter de comprendre celui de gouvernance afin de saisir le lien entre les deux. Une fois établi ce lien, il sera beaucoup plus simple ..
Antagonism among actors is typical in case of territorial planning and for this reason it is a topic for geopolitical studies, as Lacoste teach. It is also for this reason that many geopolitical cases concern “tourism”. In this book... more
Antagonism among actors is typical in case of territorial planning and for this reason it is a topic for geopolitical studies, as Lacoste teach. It is also for this reason that many geopolitical cases concern “tourism”. In this book Bettoni and Giblin realize a direct link between Tourism and geopolitical beyond the classical study of Geography of tourism that never work on antagonism. They did that also thanks the cases of Marrakesh (Kourzak-Souali), Corsica (Martinetti), and Madagascar (Sarrasin).
Local territorial strategies and geopolitical representations: A comparison between Olympic Games of Rome and the Olympic Winter Games of Turin. Mega events in Italy have often played a very important political role in representing the... more
Local territorial strategies and geopolitical representations: A comparison between Olympic Games of Rome and the Olympic Winter Games of Turin. Mega events in Italy have often played a very important political role in representing the country politically in its historical phases. The purpose of this contribution is to show how the 1960 Rome Olympics and the 2006 Turin Winter Olympics played a fundamental political and spatial role. We will show how the 1960 Games were first of all an opportunity for Rome to redefine its spatialisation through design interventions linked to the Olympic infrastructures. It was about putting order in a city that had experienced strong growth since the end of the Second World War but that felt the need to send a different message about itself (Keys, 2011). The Rome Games therefore remain a fundamental step in contemporary Italian history both on an urban scale to redefine the spatial organization of the city and to offer a post-fascist national image. The 2006 Turin Olympic Winter Games played a different but very important role on a regional scale (Dansero and Mela, 2007). They were basically games organized by a Region and represented an opportunity to revive a region after a strong industrial decline. A work of representation launched first at the regional level to redefine a dynamic identity but also of national representation that aimed to give to city and region an important role compared to the rest of the country, in a context in which the Constitutional Reform had taken hold of 2001
Medias use more and more "geopolitics" especially showing maps as geopolitical representations. This work compares the Italian case of "La Republica" with the French case of "Le monde" sowing how these two... more
Medias use more and more "geopolitics" especially showing maps as geopolitical representations. This work compares the Italian case of "La Republica" with the French case of "Le monde" sowing how these two newspapers use a different kind of maps and then we show how huge can be the building of a representation. Especially in Italian case this work is usually very bad. The goal of this part is to show how important the geopolitical methodology can be to analyze and communicate this kind of conflicts. The second part of this work show some specific cases as well as Mediterranean and Middle East cases.
The history of regional borders in Italy cans show the artificial representation that their governments propose. For this reason the comparison with the provincial delimitations, older than the first, can help to explain why it is... more
The history of regional borders in Italy cans show the artificial representation that their governments propose. For this reason the comparison with the provincial delimitations, older than the first, can help to explain why it is important a deeper reflection about the question to renounce to this institutional level.
Territorial planning is very important in Tourism because most of projects in this field concern a collective work of different players. In this case the interpretation of the concept of territorial planning is directly linked to the... more
Territorial planning is very important in Tourism because most of projects in this field concern a collective work of different players. In this case the interpretation of the concept of territorial planning is directly linked to the vision that a scientist of this field can have. After a short explication of Lacoste and Merlin visions of “amenagement du territoire” we examine the evolution of Tourism geography in Italy starting from the origin of Italian Geographical Society.
The territory of Morocco has been draw as a towns system. For this reason we cannot understand this Kingdom if we do not know how the network of its towns has been composed. The approach of this chapter use the geopolitical method... more
The territory of Morocco has been draw as a towns system. For this reason we cannot understand this Kingdom if we do not know how the network of its towns has been composed. The approach of this chapter use the geopolitical method theorized by Yves Lacoste of multiples scales analysis to show the influence of the trans-saharian network for gold, modified the importance of the towns from east-Africa to west-Africa and how the town are the starting point for the building of Morocco identities.
The history of Italian Regions is more complicated and recent that we suppose. It is a history where the main goal was destroy all previous identity to build many news one. In a young country where localism is the only important... more
The history of Italian Regions is more complicated and recent that we suppose. It is a history where the main goal was destroy all previous identity to build many news one. In a young country where localism is the only important characteristic of its identity it has been something important but also with a lot of conflicts. Bettoni try to describe this process from Correnti just the last reform of Italian Constitution and the product it is a very complicated cohabitation for the Italian Republic.
Sustainability policies in France have always been the “monopoly” of the central state, like any territorial development strategy. The article will start by explaining what is the type of territorial action in France and how the French... more
Sustainability policies in France have always been the “monopoly” of the central state, like any territorial development strategy. The article will start by explaining what is the type of territorial action in France and how the French term of aménagement does not correspond to our territorial planning, in order to understand the cultural approach of this country to the implementation of various territorial policies. It will be shown what principles are included in it to explain how France acts with transversal and multiscale strategies. This modus operandi is changing; in fact, in recent years central government is redistributing roles and powers and regionals borders has been redrawn. The article, therefore, identifies the two main laws that have profoundly changed this governance (the Maptam of 2014 and the Notre of 2015) and exposes the most important points. Last part will focus on the main document resulting from this reform, the Sraddet. It shows how Sustainability has now passed into the hands of the Regions that must design strategies not sectoral but in a transversal way, comparing themselves with all the other local entities. The example of Urban Agencies, which are a typical product of the French governance context and which could be an interesting experiment to be conducted in Italy, will close the contribution.
La pratica dello sport, grazie anche a una globalizzazione culturale, è sempre più presa in considerazione per comprendere le strutture delle società, le loro evoluzioni, da diversi punti di vista e con l'apporto di varie discipline.... more
La pratica dello sport, grazie anche a una globalizzazione culturale, è sempre più presa in considerazione per comprendere le strutture delle società, le loro evoluzioni, da diversi punti di vista e con l'apporto di varie discipline. In questo volume, studiosi provenienti da più ambiti si confrontano per esplorare in profondità le straordinarie potenzialità dello sport quale strumento geopolitico e geostrategico che ci permette di comprendere meglio l'ambiente sociale e culturale in cui viviamo.
Il conflitto siriano è sempre più presentato dai media come combattuto da due parti: da una parte gli integralisti salafiti o vicini comunque ai Fratelli Musulmani d’Egitto, dall’altra la comunità cristiana di Siria o altre «piccole»... more
Il conflitto siriano è sempre più presentato dai media come combattuto da due parti: da una parte gli integralisti salafiti o vicini comunque ai Fratelli Musulmani d’Egitto, dall’altra la comunità cristiana di Siria o altre «piccole» comunità. In pratica la rappresentazione del conflitto si concentra su due aspetti: a) gli eventi ravvicinati, come cronaca di guerra; b) la spiegazione di un conflitto sempre più confessionale (Trombetta, 2013b; 2013a). Ma, come per il caso israeliano-palestinese, la questione prima che essere religiosa è territoriale. L’obiettivo di questo articolo è compiere un’analisi geopolitica (intesa qui secondo la definizione di Yves Lacoste, 1993: Préambule, pp. 1-33) dell’area rispetto al conflitto siriano. La definizione dell’insieme territoriale e degli attori locali coinvolti è un passo necessario proceduralmente al fine di evitare onfusioni. Il metodo della Geopolitica ci impone, infatti, anche quella considerazione diacronica della definizione delle frontiere che spesso viene immaginata come nota, ma che altrettanto spesso non vede tutti concordi in quanto a riferimenti collegati all’attualità. Da qui la necessità di richiamare, seppur in modo rapidissimo, sia il concetto di Vicino Oriente sia la sua delimitazione; elementi essenziali per riprendere in conclusione la tesi sostenuta in questo lavoro. Definiamo quindi prima di tutto l’area che vogliamo esaminare.
Is the Syrian conflict a religious matter? In this conflict the representations “Shiites versus Sunnites” is correct? We will demonstrate that it is not the case and the geopolitical analyses can help to better understand that it is... more
Is the Syrian conflict a religious matter? In this conflict the representations “Shiites versus Sunnites” is correct? We will demonstrate that it is not the case and the geopolitical analyses can help to better understand that it is mainly a matter of territory. We underline in this paper the direct relationship between the reasons of this conflict and the unsolved definition of borders at the end of the First World War. The geopolitical methodology, proposed by Yves Lacoste, it’s helpful to better understand the players positions, but also the reasons of a religious representations that is crystallizing the situation.
As a member of the European Union, Italy has experienced profound changes in the field of immigration management not only due to the increase in migratory flows, but also because of its geographical position. Here we examine how the... more
As a member of the European Union, Italy has experienced profound changes in the field of immigration management not only due to the increase in migratory flows, but also because of its geographical position. Here we examine how the geopolitical evolution of the Mediterranean has exposed the ineffectiveness of the Dublin Regulation. The chapter explains how the last three administrations have profoundly changed the country’s political line in this sector, moving decisively to a system that criminalises immigration and above all frames structures such as NGOs and various volunteer associations as acting outside of the boundaries of the law.
Internal Geopolitics is less popular then the external geopolitics. But the most frequent cases are about the first one. Today we know very well NIMBY and conflicts about territorial planning. This book draw mainly a theoretical frame... more
Internal Geopolitics is less popular then the external geopolitics. But the most frequent cases are about the first one. Today we know very well NIMBY and conflicts about territorial planning. This book draw mainly a theoretical frame about all this focusing on concepts like territorial cohesion, Governance, territorial planning showing at the end the high level of conflict in territorial management in a same Country. Special focus, in the second part, is about the Institutional reform in Italy about Regions and Provinces.
... Si le parti est uni sur un point, c'est bien pour reprocher à M. Tatarella d'être toujours dans son fief. ... On le voit bien en lisant les déclarations faites le 25 janvier 1988 par Gennaro Sangiuliano,... more
... Si le parti est uni sur un point, c'est bien pour reprocher à M. Tatarella d'être toujours dans son fief. ... On le voit bien en lisant les déclarations faites le 25 janvier 1988 par Gennaro Sangiuliano, secrétaire du Front de la jeunesse à Naples et de Nello Musumeci, leader du parti à ...
- Is the Syrian conflict a religious matter? In this conflict the representations “Shiites versusSunnites” is correct? We will demonstrate that it is not the case and the geopolitical analyses can help to better understand that it is... more
- Is the Syrian conflict a religious matter? In this conflict the representations “Shiites versusSunnites” is correct? We will demonstrate that it is not the case and the geopolitical analyses can help to better understand that it is mainly a matter of territory. We underline in this paper the direct relationship between the reasons of this conflict and the unsolved definition of borders at the end of the First World War. The geopolitical methodology, proposed by Yves Lacoste, it’s helpful to better understand the players positions, but also the reasons of a religious representations that is crystallizing the situation.
Semiotics and Geopolitics intersect on one fundamental aspect: representations. This chapter explains how geopolitical representations function starting from theories by Agnew, O’Loughlin, Ó Tuathail and Yves Lacoste, and how they take... more
Semiotics and Geopolitics intersect on one fundamental aspect: representations. This chapter explains how geopolitical representations function starting from theories by Agnew, O’Loughlin, Ó Tuathail and Yves Lacoste, and how they take the form of narration, discourse, toponyms and images.

Particular emphasis is given to toponyms, which explain how a political actor appropriates a particular territory by naming it. Giving a name to a place means defining that territory in relation to the actor’s strategy and worldview. Several cases are described, such as that of the Arabian/Persian Gulf or the Sea of Japan/East Sea.

Later, an explanation of how Geopolitics deploys images. Examples relate to the presentation of some events, such as the photo of Aylan Kurdi. A dramatic photograph in a news item becomes an instrument to convey a certain representation of a geopolitical phenomenon such as that of global migration and stigmatizes a relationship between different territories: Africa or Asia on one side, and Europe on the other. But the instrumentalization of images also concerns cases that strengthen the connection with Geopolitics. This chapter, in fact, ends with examples of Landscapes not only as pictorial and photographic items but also as projections of certain social values and representations of identity.

This chapter highlights the connection between a vision of Identity which is often exclusive to the other’ and which represents, with skillfully elaborated and modified images, an exclusive territorial vision.

And 17 more

Antropocene, un'era geologica di cui si parla moltissimo. Ci viviamo? Cosa comporta? La Geologia che diventa materia di politica. Mai rappresentanti politici avevano parlato così tanto e tecnicamente di gas, effetto serra e e particelle... more
Antropocene, un'era geologica di cui si parla moltissimo. Ci viviamo? Cosa comporta? La Geologia che diventa materia di politica. Mai rappresentanti politici avevano parlato così tanto e tecnicamente di gas, effetto serra e e particelle di ogni genere. Il cambiamento climatico è collegato all'Antropocene? Ma soprattutto, cosa hanno a che vedere la Geografia e la Geopolitica con un'era geologica? I tempi più lunghi della storia influenzano oggi i tempi brevissimi di crisi, come l'invasione dell'Ucraina, le tensioni tra Cina e USA intorno a Taiwan, la crisi nell'Africa Mediana tra Repubblica Democratica del Congo e Ruanda o, ancora, i colpi di stato in Mali e Burkina Faso(per citarne due). Tuttavia , l'Antropocene ci obbliga a parlare anche di forme costituzionali: come popolazione, quali diritti abbiamo sull'ambiente? Quali sono le scelte politiche alla luce del concetto di "sostenibilità" come è stato falsamente inteso negli anni '90? Questo libro trova il filo conduttore che attraversa tutte queste situazioni , dimostrando che tutti gli elementi sono collegati tra loro e che non possiamo pensare di risolverne uno lasciando però del tutto irrisolti gli altri, altrimenti non se ne risolve nessuno e la Terra ce lo ricorda.
The geography of sport has shown the links between the evolution of society, space and sporting practice. Specifically, here we want to make the connection between geopolitics and sport. Almost always this connection is made regarding... more
The geography of sport has shown the links between the evolution of society, space and sporting practice. Specifically, here we want to make the connection between geopolitics and sport. Almost always this connection is made regarding soft-power issues, international relations, lately also as instruments of affirmation on the international scene (Beijing Olympics, Sochi Winter Olympics…). In this contribution, much emphasis is given to the local geopolitics of sport, highlighting antagonisms between local actors in infrastructural choices related to sport, where sports infrastructures are not just a service that answers to a demand but are a real tool for intervention on the society, giving it one form rather than another. Even the occupation of public space through the practice of certain sports or even the construction of identity of local communities through the affirmation of certain sports are cases of local geopolitics.
English (French and Itlian below) As a member of the European Union, Italy has experienced profound changes in the field of immigration management not only due to the increase in migratory flows, but also because of its geographical... more
English (French and Itlian below)
As a member of the European Union, Italy has experienced profound changes in the field of immigration management not only due to the increase in migratory flows, but also because of its geographical position. Here we examine how the geopolitical evolution of the Mediterranean has exposed the ineffectiveness of the Dublin Regulation. The chapter explains how the last three administrations have profoundly changed the country’s political line in this sector, moving decisively to a system that criminalises immigration and above all frames structures such as NGOs and various volunteer associations as acting outside of the boundaries of the law.
En tant que membre de l'Union européenne, l'Italie a connu de profonds changements dans le domaine de la gestion de l'immigration non seulement en raison de l'augmentation des flux migratoires, mais aussi en raison de sa position géographique. Nous examinons ici comment l'évolution géopolitique de la Méditerranée a révélé l'inefficacité du règlement Dublin. Ce chapitre explique comment les trois dernières administrations ont profondément changé la ligne politique du pays dans ce secteur, passant de manière décisive à un système qui criminalise l’immigration et surtout encadre des structures telles que les ONG et diverses associations de bénévoles comme agissant en dehors des limites de la loi.
Come membro dell'Unione Europea, l'Italia ha vissuto profondi cambiamenti nel campo della gestione dell'immigrazione non solo a causa dell'aumento dei flussi migratori, ma anche per la sua posizione geografica. Qui esaminiamo come l'evoluzione geopolitica del Mediterraneo abbia messo in luce l'inefficacia del Regolamento Dublino. Il capitolo spiega come le ultime tre amministrazioni abbiano profondamente cambiato la linea politica del Paese in questo settore, spostandosi con decisione verso un sistema che criminalizza l'immigrazione e soprattutto inquadra strutture come ONG e varie associazioni di volontariato che agiscono al di fuori dei confini della legge.
La geopolitica è una disciplina che si occupa soltanto di relazioni internazionali? Di guerre e conflitti arabo-israeliani? E se invece riguardasse anche il nostro quartiere, il nostro quotidiano, la nostra vita comune? Essa è legata al... more
La geopolitica è una disciplina che si occupa soltanto di relazioni internazionali? Di guerre e conflitti arabo-israeliani? E se invece riguardasse anche il nostro quartiere, il nostro quotidiano, la nostra vita comune?
Essa è legata al territorio e il territorio non distingue i conflitti internazionali, tra Stati, da quelli territoriali interni alle frontiere di uno stesso Stato. Per questo motivo le dispute per una linea ferroviaria (no-TAV?) o per l'insediamento di un inceneritore oggi ci vengono spiegati come legati alla sindrome di Nimby; ma oltre a ciò sono prima di tutto degli antagonismi tra attori territoriali per il controllo del proprio territorio. Sindaci, Regioni, Stato, Unione Europea... Tutti intervengono in modo diverso, con strategie diverse, sullo stesso territorio. La stessa riforma del Titolo V della Costituzione italiana e la volontà di cancellare le Province non sono "semplicemente" questioni di Diritto Pubblico o riforme costituzionali: si tratta di veri e propri antagonismi tra attori territoriali e come tali devono essere analizzati per essere compresi.
L'esempio italiano ci dimostra quanto la frammentazione mal fatta dei poteri tra i diversi livelli istituzionali, una coesione nazionale mai compiuta, possano avere effetti devastanti sulla vita del nostro Paese. Perché siamo un Paese che non ha un piano d'azione territoriale nazionale? È possibile lasciare autonomia a Regioni, Province e Comuni, ma occorre farlo avendo una direzione comune e una strategia comune e soprattutto condivisa.
Per la prima volta in Italia il volume, dopo aver ampiamente riportato le definizioni di geografia e geopolitica, mostra l'altra metà della geopolitica, quella interna alle frontiere di uno stesso stato, una disciplina che ci permette di esaminare e comprendere, e spesso anche di prevenire, situazioni critiche, di conflittualità, nella gestione del divenire del territorio.
Il Mediterraneo ha una rappresentazione storica ricca e soprattutto contrastata. Il contrasto deriva dal fatto che questo mare, essendo il punto d’incontro di tre continenti molto attivi sin dall’antichità, ha inevitabilmente alimentato... more
Il Mediterraneo ha una rappresentazione storica ricca e soprattutto contrastata. Il contrasto deriva dal fatto
che questo mare, essendo il punto d’incontro di tre continenti molto attivi sin dall’antichità, ha inevitabilmente
alimentato numerose rappresentazioni. Qui il termine rappresentazione dobbiamo intenderlo in molte maniere,
certamente quello lacostiano (Lacoste, 1993, p. 4) ma nemmeno in maniera dissimile dal discourse a cui si fa
rifermento in un articolo che marcherà la nascita della critical geopolitics (Ó Tuathail, Agnew, 1992) traghettando
con esso, in realtà, tutta la geografia in quello che viene definito post-strutturalismo.
Il Mar Mediterraneo è, come vedremo, l’unico insieme marino che al tempo stesso è definibile come spazio
sociale e dove la «rappresentazione» che ne viene realizzata è frutto del sovrapporsi degli immaginari di tutti
i popoli che vi si affacciano.


Mar Mediterraneo scenario di scontro tra Nord e Sud? No, certamente. Mar Mediterraneo come area
nevralgica per attori di livello planetario: sì, certamente. L’analisi geopolitica ci permette una chiara lettura e
una decodifica dei diversi punti di antagonismo.