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Evil Empire’s century-long incessant campaign of hot-, cold-, hybrid- and semi-hot wars for Russia’s vast resources just turned into World War III - in low-gear, thus far Ivan Daraktchiev Wars are not won by the military commanders but by the school teachers and the communal pastors We started monitoring 21st century’s US war campaigns for Russia’s resources in /1,2/, and now is the time to recapitulate: the evolution during the last two years brought us to what we suspected quite some while ago /3,4/. Indeed, we have now two theaters of war activities, Europe and the Middle East, actively engaging some two dozens of countries - although the main parties would not acknowledge formally that they are players. The pattern of WWIII is following the one of WWII almost step-by-step: WWII has started on Oct. 1st, 1938, by three states, Germany, Poland and Hungary dismembering their victim, Czechoslovakia, with the written consent by three Great Powers of the time: British Empire, France and Italy /5,6/. The two preceding conflicts do not count since they were one-on-one campaigns, even though in the first one, the Spanish Civil War1 each side was supported by informal outside participants: Hitler’s Luftwaffe2 assisting Franco’s monarchists, and Soviet armour plus international fighting brigades formed by communist supporters for the republicans. The second conflict was in Asia, between the Japanese occupants of former Manchuria, and the Soviet armed forces fighting them3 after their attempts to gain territory further North and East, beyond USSR’s and Mongolia’s borders with Manchuria. The second phase in Europe started when Germany invaded Poland and crushed it within a couple of weeks, turning later on to France, Benelux, Netherlands, Denmark and Norway. After Britain and US declared war, Hitler opened the campaign in Africa, and its ally Japan intensified its war effort in SEA. With three war theaters on three continents, the horrific war ended in Europe after the defeat of Nazi Germany when the Red Army took Berlin, and in Asia after the Red Army defeated the one-million-strong Kwantung Army in Manchuria. In Europe WWIII has been first initiated by (mostly) US and German money buying a bloody Nazis-led coup in Kiev thus installing a fiercely anti-Russian government - in a place where the first formally acknowledged by the arbiter of the time, the Eastern Roman Empire known as Byzantium, Russian state emerged in mid 9th century /7/. With the breakaway republics of Donbass refusing to accept the coup results and recognize the new government, a regional civil war erupted. Eight years later the Russians realized that only a military intervention would solve the tragedy Kiev’s Nazis brought to Ukraine. In a few weeks Russians advanced near Kiev, and negotiations were started. In a sign of good will the Russians pulled back along the Kharkov-Kiev vector. Negotiations in Istanbul delivered peace accord acceptable to both parties and the fratricide war was about ended. Enter UK/US interest and Kiev’s Nazis reneged on the pre-signed peace agreement. The war erupted anew, and the Nazis doubled on the provocative/terrorist acts, clear-cut war crimes, and staged “Russian atrocities” videos. US-, NATOand EU officials repeatedly implicated their respective sides as parties in the war. Equipment, ammunition, “advisors” and volunteering “legionnaires” bearing their respective countries’ identification signs, resp. production lots were filmed, recorded, announced, and piled in the vaults of the Investigative Committee at the Russian Defense Ministry, to be ready for the pending Nürnberg 2.0 type of trials after the war ends. Enter Israel, in October, shocked and awed by a surprise attack on its border units by Palestinian Hamas militia in Gaza. Israeli PM Netanyahu decided that this was his stellar moment to annihilate the Palestinians, instead of resigning (and going to jail on corruption charges). Banking on the truly horrific images of brutal killings, violent hostage takings and other atrocities towards Jews, soldiers and civilians alike4, which were spread after the morning attack of Oct. 7th, the PM and his team announced a total war against the “terrorists.” The language they all used revealed emotional agitation mixed with anger (at themselves, given Hamas is known to be their own creature, long time ago, with the goal - achieved alright - to split the Palestinian people along the ideological division line between Fatah and Hamas). Never have ministers or diplomats of any other country used such language about their adversaries or even sworn enemies: it showed sheer frustration and revenge-driven first-signal response. Yes, the images from the Palestinian attack display enormous cruelty and violent brutality on the part of the attackers. But before you call them “beasts” and “low life” or “subhumans” try to recall how many decades prior you have been killing brutally their youth, in “conflict” where they have been armed with stones - many of them just kids. And how many times you have been stealing their lands, destroying their homes, and evicting them from “the new Jewish territories.” 1 2 3 4 which could as well be described as the war by Gen. Franco’s colonial army against the Republic acquiring precious experience for the forthcoming war in USSR the famous Kwantung Army some of which later on turned to be the deeds of Israelis And how many years prior to that you have been chasing them from refugee camp to refugee camp, and then to another one... In other words, the Jews - the Zionists, I should probably say - have not comprehended (lest they pretend to) the simple truth: this is just another war, one which the Palestinians have carefully prepared for years, and it is simply the continuation of a war that has not been properly ended. And the proper end of your war, my friends, will only come accompanied by an accord similar to the blueprint I’ve proposed - a two state solution with demilitarized Israel and Palestine sharing Jerusalem, an international city hosting the governments of both, and operating under the supervision by a Council of Elders composed by the leaders of all religious denominations represented on the ground /4/. This solution is the only one conformal to the original UNO proposition; the only one settling forever the dispute between the two parties; the only one with the built in capability to terminate this never ending war and establish eternal peace. And the Israelis need to admit that it gives them more than what they actually deserve, both because the territory they are given belongs to the autochthonous Palestinian people5, and because now close to a century they have been fighting them, chasing them, forcing them to leave, at times essentially decimating them6... Yet Bibi and his crew chose the way which brings them farther from the solution: they elected for a genocidal war of extermination, which exposed them to the whole world as aggressive irresponsible terrorists - because now nobody can call incorrect my ranking of Israel as Terrorist state №2, and USA as Terrorist state №1 /3/. Unless, of course, we agree that the Jewish state is simply an extension of USA. Whatever the profile of Israel, even with engaging the Western world’s entire propaganda machine it will not convince the people with common sense that it is facing terrorists. Firstly because most people know since long that somebody’s terrorists are other people’s freedom fighters. And, yes, we not always like the weapons of our adversary; we almost never like the weapons of our enemy. And when the enemy fights for his land, for his family, for the future of his children, well, then the enemy chooses his weapons and his tactics and his strategy7. The war strategy of the Palestinians seems to be to drag the Jewish state into a regional hot war - too bad that, added to the current hot conflict in Europe with multiple “not officially participating” participants, it could easily escalate into a world war. In fact, a WWIII is likely to deliver victory to the Palestinian people faster than otherwise: if it goes nuclear, after the big guys destroy themselves, small pockets are likely to survive in places like the Gaza tunnels since the first few months will be critical8. Guess what: people who have lived long years under harsh conditions do have higher survival rate... The position USA and its NATO allies take, one of unequivocal support to Nazi Israel (after the full support to the created by them puppet Nazi Ukraine) places them opposite to almost all the ROW. The consolidation of BRICS++ is now more certain than ever, and affirms the shaping up of the Coalition of the Spiritually Inspired Civilizations as opposition to the Civilization of the Money Worshipers /8/. Hence the demonstration of force by sending their ships in the Mediterranean and around the Arabian Peninsula can only make things worse since any action taken against Yemen or Iran will only confirm what everybody knows, that US is an aggressor posing as “democrat,” and any lack of such activity will change nothing as the Hezbollah, Iran, Turkey etc. can wait until the ships eventually sail back, and then attack. Israel is vulnerable since it is essentially alone - and now hated by most of the world to the extent that Nazi Germany was hated. Because everybody has come to realize that Israel has turned into a Nazi state itself /3/. So, Israel is out of time, and out of love by most common folks worldwide - its luck has run out, you might say, ever since it has used up its credit of human empathy and human sympathy. And it is now engaged in a war on its enemy’s terms - the war for survival, an existential war for each side, after a long period of preparation. Israel can not win this war: it has lost it already, because even in the event of a lack of victory for the Palestinians in the short term, the next generation of fighters has already been created. Obviously, in the mean time Palestinian cause’s closest allies and sympathizers will be striking as soon as it becomes opportune: the Houthis and Hezbollah are already busy, even if not in full scale; the Turks and Iranians are on 5 All Israeli quote “the Balfour declaration” as though it is some sanctissima sanctum. For some of them it is of the rank of the tale of “Yahweh promised us this land called Canaan.” And it is difficult to convince them that either of these is just a convenient writing to satisfy somebody’s interest of the moment. None of the people outside the group of beneficiaries is comfortable with that hence the group needs to treat the generosity with great care. For when you overstep the limits - and do it repeatedly - the risk is to loose everything. I believe that this transpires from the behavior of most Orthodox Jews... 6 And we will have to revisit the previous aggressive acts by Israel, most recently the declaration of the occupied Syrian land, the Golan heights, as part of Israel. Supported by the unwaivering US veto in UN’s Security Council, Israel has been playing the marshal and the sheriff: bombing at will Lebanon and Syria, annexing Palestinian lands, proclaiming Israel as Jewish state (in which some non Jews are casually allowed to reside), proclaiming Jerusalem as capital of Israel...I am afraid there will be payback time, sooner or later! 7 Please recall the battle of the Romans in Germania 2014 years ago where three legions were annihilated, and their commander, general Publius Varus committed suicide to avoid disgrace. The locals had chosen the place, the time, the tactics, and the weapons! 8 Please recall the experience with the wildlife in Chernobyl area: nobody expected that mammals would survive, let alone thrive. True, we have not heard of any results of mutations evaluation, but still... stand by awaiting for Israel’s total exposure to the whole world as a pariah - and with that its supporters of the US-NATO-EU club gain similar “credit,” too. In other words, we can already claim that WWIII is here, albeit not in a fully hot modus at all fronts /10/. Most disturbingly, the common pattern with WWII seems to include as shared element a key worrisome feature: Nazi ideology is driving one of the sides on each of the two hot fronts while fascist governments are Nazi sides’ supporters... And for simplicity we’ve omitted China’s next act of (hopefully seamless) absorption of Taiwan9. What’s next on the European theater? After it became clear that Kiev’s Nazis are unable to advance as planned, and questions started popping up as to why should their sponsors keep throwing money in a deep hole, the voices for peace treaty started to be heard more frequently. Zelensky who has edicted a moratorium on peace negotiations with Moscow is still trying to get financial support - and is probably planning for his personal exit. And then everybody suggests that since America owns Nazi Kiev, the US President has to place the call. And then Putin himself sort of suggested that America could stop the war by simply terminating its aid, and perhaps negotiating directly. Which is a brilliant trap: NATO and EU heads have multiple times admitted, directly or indirectly, that they are members of the warring party. If now US President or Secretary of State agrees to a one-to-one negotiating meeting, he is automatically acknowledging that his country is a war participant - and he is a primary co-owner of every war crime, terrorist act or crime against humanity that this war has contained. And just about everyone in the region has heard about the US biomedical weapons development program conducted in labs in Ukraine10, the industrial scale of organ harvesting, the children abduction for white slave trading, etc. Hence to the US negotiating person (say Blinken as Sleepy Joe is kept in the game only because Kamala would be even more disastrous as President) Putin (or rather Lavrov) will say “Well, we demand an immediate unconditional capitulation, and we will see to it that after occupying Ukraine we clean up the place from the Nazis, and organize it as a neutral, demilitarized democracy. And thank you for the offer but we do not need any foreign assistance to accomplish above. Please be reminded also that the state of Ukraine has been placed on the territory of the former USSR which Russia is the successor of: Ukraine is not signatory of the treaties in WWII’s aftermath. And, for your info, even the split of USSR is not legitimate. Please note as well that the Principality of Kievan Rus’ is the first Russian state formally acknowledged as such by the single arbiter of the time, the Eastern Roman Empire more popular as Byzantium /7/. Last but not least, please be reminded that for above reason in Kiev resides the oldest sacred religious shrine of Russian orthodoxy, the monastic complex named ‘Kievan-Pechorskaya Lavra,’ founded in the 12th century. You will probably understand that - our people’s culture being spirituality, rather than consumer-oriented - we will help restoring that, along with serving justice under the rule of law, and thus punishing the perpetrators of all crimes...” At that point there are two pathways for the US official: (i) if the Coalition of the Supporters of Nazi Israel is being battered in the Middle East, let alone China makes a move in SEA (it suffices that they take modest but regular casualties), he will be happy to sign for agreement and fly back (personally he will get the credit for having negotiated peace in Ukraine, especially as none of the tricky details need to be in a joint declaration to above effect); and (ii) absent above conditions he can afford to play insulted and cocky. The problem for America is that in either case they have formally admitted (by the existing paper trail) that USA is the primary warring party - see, for example, the framework, House Resolution 758 of Dec. 4th 2014 /9/, which identifies Russia as US’ primary enemy. Of late in America there came only one significant positive development of stately importance: on Dec. 7th Sen. Rand Paul proposed a bill - a resolution about ending US involvement in the war in Syria and withdrawing the 900 troops stationed there without sanction by Congress. The End of War Act is the background for that, an Act in the US Constitution which prohibits the Government to wage war without prior request to Congress for permission. From his exposè transpires the desire of the sane elements in the US legislative to clean up their country’s act. Thence our belief that a Nürnberg 2.0 would help a lot in that regard, and the next President’s team needs to cooperate since the brand America is so tarnished that there is acute need for bridges to the outer world - not the fascist sheeple that runs the NATO member states11, as they are on the way out; but the new, upcoming gang which is not yet terminally poisoned by the Soroso-Schwaboid brainwashing. Ideally USA should bring to the bench of accused the organizers of 9/11 false flag op, which has been designed to overcome the 9 I believe that, in order to avoid too much of a nervous US which would no doubt act even more erratically than what we’ve seen of late, President Xi is waiting until full commissioning of TSMC’s new premises on American soil. The Chinese are rather familiar with the American psyche, and have quit attempting to make them comprehend that they are least of all concerned interested in disturbing the smooth functioning of the microelectronics industry in their provincial island, most particularly of its two giants, TSMC and UMC. 10 After all, most people learnt about it when Victoria F. E. U. Nuland was grilled by Sen. Marco Rubio 11 EU countries’ leadership, US leadership, UK, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, Norway, and EC as a legal entity are all acknowledged as sponsors of the Nazi regimes in Kiev and Tel Aviv, and should be held responsible for that. Lately the governments of Finland and Sweden pushed their countries in NATO and agreed to stationing US troops on their territories. It demonstrates their short sidedness: you don’t give up your neutrality for stupid reasons, ever! Now Finland is risking to be reduced, in he midterm, to its former status of Duchy in the Russian Empire, sort of... Simply because they have cut themselves (along with their nations) from Russian news (“Putin’s propaganda machine,” they call it), the top Nomenklaturchiks are oblivious to what is waiting for them at the Nürnberg trials which sooner or later will happen: the tons of evidence that I’ve seen in the last two years or so on TV, tik-tok or Telegram is absolutely overwhelming, and I’ve seen just a minute fraction! limitation that has caused the need for above proposition by Sen. Paul. And it would be advisable to contribute to Nürnberg 2.0 /11/ by volunteering the organizers of the “Lockstep scenario,” a.k.a. “Pandemic COVID 19.” They would be summoned anyway, whenever the panel is ready hence it would be wise to make an advancing move showing the US Govt’s good will to the rest of the world. It would announce the end of the PNAC and NWO, so proudly declared by G. H. W. Bush in 1991 and so badly affected millions outside USA. It should also abandon the “exceptionalism” with regard to America and its citizens, and the “untouchable” status of their soldiers abroad. These would be a signal that America has realized the trouble it has caused throughout the world, a “mea culpa” badly needed in order to attract all of its admirers back - for what it’s worth, I’d be one of the first ones! In conclusion, the US Establishment is within almost total control by Deep State12, which, starting intensively as of 1991, managed to convert it into the Evil Empire of today. American people are awakening very slowly to realize that 2017 marked in fact the beginning of their Civil War II /12/: the war of (i) information (spreading of the whole truth vs the entire spectrum of spreading fake news; mixed bag of parts of truth and propagandist lies; up to full censorship or total ban); (ii) political maneuvering, bickering, deal making, manipulating and eventually stealing elections; (iii) judicial pressure13... is still a war - rifles and barricades are tools of the past as they are much less efficient in the modern world we try to share. Agitating and staging riots was the maximum that could be achieved - and it was exercised by the DS operatives, after they realized their mistake of 2016. Hence now the Evil Empire has drawn us all into World War III. Thus far it is still only a semi-hot one, but what do we do from here on? My own prediction, in line with the thesis elaborated on before is that we are entering the final stage of the clash between the Civilization of the Money Worshipers and the Coalition of Civilizations of the Spirituality, Ideals and Traditional Values. And there is no doubt that the latter will be victorious. The only unknown is whether the Evil Empire will resort to causing a mutual nuclear destruction or not - and that is why it is of key importance that American people prevail over their Nomenklatura, the crooked political class and its metastases. Burgas, 20.12.2023 References: 1. https://www.academia.edu/20045616/USA_s_semi_hot_war_for_control_of_Russia_s_natural_resources_the_Syrian_episode 2. https://www.academia.edu/78692948/USAs_semi_hot_war_for_Russias_vast_resources_Ukraine_as_a_proxy 3. https://www.academia.edu/108902316/Israel_end_of_the_road 4. https://www.academia.edu/110999273/Nazi_Ukraine_is_rushing_towards_an_endspiel_akin_to_Nazi_Germanys_one_Nazi_Israel_is_not_far_behind 5. https://www.academia.edu/37688587/The_Truth_only_the_Truth_the_whole_Truth_80_Years_from_the_Beginning_of_WWII_ on_October_1938 6. https://www.academia.edu/40180222/The_thief_shouts_Catch_the_thief_louder_than_everyone_else_Poland_fits_Churchills_label_portraying_itself_as_innocent_victim_even_though_it_has_started_WWII_together_with_Germany_and_Hungary_on_Oct_1_ st_1938 7. Johannes Stritterus, Bulgarica ex scriptoribus Byzantinis, in Memoriae Populorum, Tomi secundi, Petropoli, 1771-1779 8. https://www.academia.edu/89483737/The_ongoing_clash_of_civilizations_does_not_fit_Huntingtons_definition 9. https://www.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/house-resolution/758 10. https://www.academia.edu/107382999/USA_NATO_at_the_threshold_of_starting_WWIII 10a. https://www.academia.edu/104243728/Quo_vadis_Homo 11. https://www.academia.edu/81198438/The_psychotic_war_against_Humanity_labeled_Pandemic_COVID_19_ 12. https://www.academia.edu/44843020/AD_2020_The_Year_of_US_Civil_War_II_Going_Hybrid 13. Jon Rappoport, Who really runs things in America?; www.nomorefakenews.com 12 previously known as Round Table /13/, Masters of the Universe, and similar 13 We just learned that the court in Colorado has banned Donald Trump from participation in the primaries. What is this, if not a signal of profound rot? For any American with brains it should become clear now - if it has not before - that Donald Trump is their only hope to restore their so badly tainted Democracy. And that Judiciary System is not at all apolitical as it is claimed - otherwise it would not have piled trials against Trump in four District Courts...