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INTERVIEW RÖPORTAJ Editor-in-Chief of the Russian National Defense Magazine Igor Korotchenko “Türkiye-Russia cooperation determines the course of developments in Eurasia” Russian journalist and military expert Igor Yuryevich Korotchenko is the Editor-in-Chief of the magazine National Defense and the founder and director of "World Arms Trade Analysis Center" LLC. He has been a member of the Public Council of the Russian Ministry of Defense since February 8, 2012. Between 2012 and 2013, he served as the Chairman of the Public Council of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Igor Yuryevich Korotchenko is also a retired colonel. How to cite: Korotchenko, I. (2023). Türkiye-Russia cooperation determines the course of developments in Eurasia. (Kubilay Çelik, Interviewer). BRIQ Belt & Road Initiative Quarterly, 4(3), 20-24. INTERVIEW "From Russia's strategic alliance perspective, driven by a healthy pragmatism, Türkiye can always be seen as a reliable partner. Today, the two most important actors determining the course of economic and political events in Eurasia are Russia andTürkiye.These two countries have achieved political and economic stability in the Black Sea, so the view that Russia and Türkiye need to form a geopolitical alliance is very popular. Today, the conditions for further strengthening Turkish-Russian cooperation are developing. In addition, regarding the fight against international terrorism, joint counter-terrorism exercises of the Russian and Turkish Special Operations Forces should be held." Russian National Defense Magazine Editor-in-Chief Igor Korotchenko answered Kubilay Çelik's questions. NATO’s Expansion Threatens the World Peace why NATO’s war machine spreads like a cancerous tumor worldwide. This certainly threatens both Russia and other countries. What do you think are the primary and secondary objectives of NATO’s enlargement policy since 1991? NATO's Deception and the Political Mistake of the Russian Leadership in the Past Igor Korotchenko: We see NATO constantly expanding. First, instead of maintaining a neutral line between Russia and the NATO bloc, this expansion is taking place on the territory of the former Warsaw Pact countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Looking at it, we see that NATO is the source of all problems. They have been busy pushing their military bases towards the Russian border for three decades. Countries such as Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia became part of NATO. Recently, Finland was accepted into the NATO ranks. The struggle in Ukraine is taking place as a result of this crisis. The reason for this is again Ukraine’s desire to become a part of NATO. That’s Russia was shown among NATO’s partner countries after 1994 and was not considered a threat in NATO texts until 2014. What do you think was the purpose of this policy of the US and NATO? Igor Korotchenko: Igor Korotchenko: This was a hoax by NATO so that Russia would not resist the alliance’s expansion. NATO named Russia a different kind of partner and proposed various cooperation programs. When Russia asked why NATO was expanding, it replied that it was for the fight against international terrorism. Thus, NATO deceived Russia. 21 INTERVIEW RÖPORTAJ Azov Battalion with NATO, Ukrainian, and Nazi flags. (QQ, 2022) And today, the North Atlantic Alliance has landed on Russian borders, and NATO has no reason to hide its aggressive ambitions anymore. NATO sees Russia as assessment would you make when you compare the goals of the US and the results of Russia’s intervention? a military enemy. NATO wants to enter a new and large-scale war with Russia and destroy it. Igor Korotchenko: This was a special military Unfortunately, the Russian leadership at the operation against NATO and the political power’s time believed in NATO’s promises of partnership. continued actions to destabilize the region after This was a huge political mistake. This results signing a peace agreement with the political power from insufficient work by Russian intelligence and and documenting that Ukraine would never become Russian security officials. Ultimately, this was a a NATO member. In other words, everything has successful disinformation operation led by NATO. been tried to resolve the crisis peacefully. However, Indeed, NATO ensured that Russia was not opposing the US put pressure on Ukraine. As a result, Ukraine NATO enlargement in the most active way possible. declared its allegiance to the West, avoiding any Therefore, unfortunately, as a result of this deception, political negotiations with Russia. the strategic situation of Russia today on its western and southern borders has seriously deteriorated. Russia wanted to negotiate the Ukraine issue with the US and made many requests to discuss the emerging issue in Ukraine politically. However, After Russia intervened in Ukraine, it seems Washington followed a policy to revive NATO, especially to force Europe to act with the United States. How does the Ukraine crisis relate to the NATO enlargement initiative? What kind of 22 no one wanted to seek a diplomatic solution to the situation. Under these conditions, Russia had no other option but to launch a military operation. Of course, the Ukraine crisis is linked to the enlargement of NATO. The culprits behind the events in Ukraine INTERVIEW are the US and the Zelensky government. Today, NATO and Washington are creating problems for Russia by paying for extremist ideas that are the enemy of all humanity and by trying to ensure NATO’s eastward expansion. Alongside the countries of the former Soviet Union, NATO plans to lure Ukraine, Sweden, and Moldova into the North Atlantic Alliance. Interaction with Türkiye in the Fields of Energy and Economy will be Expanded How do you evaluate the attitude of Europe in the current crisis, which has an interest in cooperating with Russia on many issues, especially energy? Do you think European countries will continue their current policies? What changes are you expecting? Igor Korotchenko: The US sabotaged the pipelines between Europe and Russia with its special operations. It damaged Russia’s energy cooperation with Europe by damaging the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 lines. The European Union is reevaluating its gas supply from the US. This will be liquefied natural gas. The US aims to have a European economy that is not more competitive compared to the American economy. Presently, it is unlikely that Russia’s and Europe’s energy disputes will resume in the coming years. Yes, we continue to supply oil and gas today, but this supply is significantly limited by the ceiling prices set as part of the relevant European Union decisions. Therefore, Russia will redirect oil and gas supplies from the European market to Asia, especially China and India. These regions will be our most important buyers. With the initiative of President Putin and President Erdogan, Türkiye’s transformation into an energy distribution center was supported. We are interested in expanding the scope of economic and energy interaction with Türkiye. Thus, Russian gas and Russian oil enter Türkiye. And now, these fuels continue to be distributed to other suppliers through Türkiye. This results from Türkiye’s geopolitical and strategic superiority in the world. Türkiye and Russia should Cooperate for the Security of the Black Sea Being a NATO member, Türkiye also maintains a policy of friendship with Russia. How would you evaluate Türkiye’s position in terms of US aims and Türkiye’s actions? Igor Korotchenko: Türkiye is a country with great opportunities and a strong economy that is shaping the new economic reality. In my opinion, the economic relations between Türkiye and Russia are driven by a solid pragmatism that also comes from the past of Turkish and Russian diplomacy. Türkiye’s participation in economic sanctions against Russia will primarily harm the Turkish economy. For this reason, the Turkish state is actively developing its projects in Russia instead of imposing any sanctions against Russia. First, Türkiye supplies several products we cannot buy on the European market. Apart from that, Russia is building a nuclear power plant in Akkuyu, Türkiye. Russia, on the other hand, sees Türkiye as an important partner in the field of military-technical cooperation. Therefore, if Türkiye cannot buy American F-16 and F-35 fighter jets, Russia’s Su-35s and Su-57s will be an alternative to the American supply. 23 INTERVIEW RÖPORTAJ From Russia’s strategic alliance perspective, Türkiye can be seen as an ever-reliable partner driven by healthy pragmatism. Today, Russia and Türkiye are the two most important actors determining the course of economic and political events in Eurasia. These two countries have unequivocally ensured political and economic stability in the Black Sea. For this reason, the view that Russia and Türkiye need to form a geopolitical and strategic alliance is very popular. Today, the conditions for further strengthening Turkish-Russian cooperation are developing. And, of course, we hope that Türkiye will gain strong momentum in political and economic development with the healing of the wounds caused by the terrible earthquake in Türkiye. Russia is eager to develop a relationship that Turkish leaders will be ready for. Therefore, we evaluate the future of Russian-Turkish relations extremely positively. Yes, Türkiye is a NATO member country, but this does not prevent Ankara from actively maintaining and advancing its relationship with Russia. I think providing the necessary conditions for Russia and Türkiye to carry out bilateral naval maneuvers to ensure security in the Black Sea would be beneficial. In addition, taking into account the fight against international terrorism, joint counter-terrorism exercises of the Russian and Turkish Special Operations Forces should be held. Russia-China Cooperation will Develop to Deter the US Russia and China are considered threats in NATO’s last strategic concept, adopted in 2022. On the other hand, Russia and China are also strengthening their relations more and more. 24 How would you evaluate Russia and China’s separate and joint policies against the hegemony of the US? Igor Korotchenko: The US considers Russia and China enemies. Therefore, Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Moscow and meetings with President Putin were extremely important. An agreement was reached on the strategic partnership concept. It was decided not to be a military ally but to manage security efforts in a certain manner of coordination based on mutual benefit. This continuation of joint military patrol missions will help Russia establish a strategic aviation and missile attack warning system. This partnership involves exchanging intelligence information and strengthening economic cooperation, including military technical cooperation. Therefore, the alliance between Moscow and Beijing will deter the US, weaken US hegemony, and ensure that the US behaves reasonably when making political and economic decisions. Do you think there is a danger of nuclear war? If so, how can this be avoided? Igor Korotchenko: Of course, the existence of conditions that can create this situation is a fact. The only way Russia can avoid nuclear war is to balance the military power of the United States and impose financial impossibilities against its current aggressive mentality. Today, only Washington has the potential to retaliate against Russia. Therefore, the mission of the Russian nuclear forces is a peacekeeping mission that will protect our world from the Third World War and the nuclear threats that the United States may deploy.