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Turkiye ve Rusya arasindaki ticari iliskiler son 23 yilda istikrarli bir sekilde geliserek 2015’de $23.9 milyara ulasmistir. Bununla beraber turizm ve enerji sektorleri onemli olcude gelismektedir. Fakat 2015’de Turkiye’nin Rusya’ya... more
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      International TradeTurkeyRussiaEconomy
Turkiye ve Rusya arasindaki ticari iliskiler son 23 yilda istikrarli bir sekilde geliserek 2015’de $23.9 milyara ulasmistir. Bununla beraber turizm ve enerji sektorleri onemli olcude gelismektedir. Fakat 2015’de Turkiye’nin Rusya’ya... more
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      International TradeTurkeyRussiaEconomy
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      Erken Cumhuriyet DönemiAnkara TarihiRussian white refugeesTürkiye ve Rusya
This publication was produced as part of the CATS Network Project, titled Turkey as a Partner and Challenge for European Security”. The project is being conducted by a consortium of the International Relations Council of Turkey (IRCT),... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisTurkey And EuropeTurkish Foreign PolicyEuropean Foreign and Security Policy
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      Russian StudiesCentral Asian StudiesRussian Foreign PolicyEurasia
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      South CaucasusTürkiye Dış PolitikasıRusyanın Güney Kafkasya PolitikasıRelations Between Turkey and Russia
Russian Realism in the Middle East and Turkey..
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    • Relations Between Turkey and Russia
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    • Relations Between Turkey and Russia
Ce dossier a pour objet les relations turco-russes qui, depuis la période post-bipolaire, ont suivi un cours instable fait de rapprochements spectaculaires mais aussi de crises qui sont allées, au moins une fois, jusqu’à la rupture. Au... more
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      Turkey Russia and Eu Energy PoliciesTurkey-Iran competition in Syria, Russia's involvement in Syria, Turkey-Russia RelationsRelations Between Turkey and Russia
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      Cultural StudiesRussian StudiesInternational RelationsTurkish Studies
Military mathematics of relations with Russia..
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    • Relations Between Turkey and Russia
Öz Türkiye-Rusya enerji ilişkileri, Türkiye'nin artan enerji ihtiyacına bağlı olarak özellikle 21. yüzyılda gelişmiştir. Rusya, zengin enerji kaynaklarıyla Türkiye açısından önemli bir tedarikçi ülke haline gelirken, Türkiye ise hızla... more
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      Energy PolicyEnergy SecurityInterdependence TheoryEnergy Diplomacy
Bilateral relations between Turkey and Russia have been dominated by continuous instability in the last three decades almost entirely due to the lack of a permanent balance in political relations despite the formalizing impact of economic... more
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      Turkey, Soviet Union, Russia Foreign AffairsTurkey Russia and Eu Energy PoliciesThe EU, Turkey and Russia Energy Relation: South Stream ProjectRussia Turkey Politics
Özet Türkiye ve Rusya arasındaki önemli iş birliği alanlarından biri olan ekonomik iş birliğinin temel belirle-yicisi olarak nitelendirebileceğimiz doğal gaz alım satımı her iki ülke için de karşılıklı bağımlılık ilişkisi doğur-maktadır.... more
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      EU–Russian Relations and Turkey's Role as an Energy CorridorTurkey Russia and Eu Energy PoliciesRussia Turkey PoliticsRelations Between Turkey and Russia
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      Turkish Foreign PolicyGeopolitics of EnergyRussian Energy PolicyTurkish Russian Relations
The Ukraine crisis poses two particularly uneasy questions for Turkey: How to uphold a power balance in the Black Sea? And how to manage its relations between Russia, Ukraine and the West? So far, Ankara’s policy towards Moscow consists... more
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      Turkey And EuropeUkraineTurkey's Foreign PolicyTurkey-NATO relations
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      Russian Foreign PolicyTurkish Foreign PolicyRussian Policy in the Middle East and CaucasiaRussia in the Middle East
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      International Relations and Foreign PolicyUkrayna ve Kırım kriziSuriye KriziRelations Between Turkey and Russia
Turkish and Russian (Soviet Union) relations before the Cold War, were moderate in certain proportions. During the Cold War bilateral relations were at a low level due to reasons such as Turkey taking sides with the Western bloc against... more
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      NeorealismRelations Between Turkey and Russia
Rusya Federasyonu’nun “dış politika konseptleri” dış politikanın temel ilkeleri, öncelikleri, yönelimleri, amaçları ve hedefleri hakkında oluşturulan doktrinlerdir. Rusya Dışişleri Bakanlığı tarafından hazırlanan ve devlet... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian Foreign PolicyRelations Between Turkey and Russia
La réinsertion de la Russie en tant que puissance dans la région s’intègre dans le « pivot oriental » opéré par Moscou dès le début des années 2010. Intervenue à la faveur du « retour » de Vladimir Poutine au Kremlin en 2012, cette... more
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      International RelationsMediterranean StudiesRussian Foreign PolicyRussia
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      SecurityTurkish Foreign PolicyDefense and Strategic StudiesUS-Turkey Relations
دخلت أنقرة، مساء أول من أمس، على خط التوتر الأميركي-الروسي في محاولة لاحتواء التصعيد الخطير بين الدوليتن في سوريا. وفي هذا السياق، كشف رئيس لجنة الدفاع الروسية في الدوما الروسي فلاديمير شمانوف، عن لعب تركيا لدور الوسيط في الازمة الحالية... more
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      US-Turkey RelationsTurkey and Syria CrisisRelations Between Turkey and Russia
Meşher Podcast’in ikinci bölümü, 20. yüzyılın ilk çeyreğinde, Gritchenko’nun da aralarında olduğu İstanbul’a sığınan Rusya mültecilerini konu ediniyor. Sinema tarihçisi Saadet Özen ve akademisyen Dr. Pınar Üre, küratör Ebru Esra Satıcı... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian avant-garde artTurkish StudiesTurkish Russian Relations
The relations between Turkey and the Russian Federation continued to come under the influence of turbulent times and several variables. Turkey’s dependence on foreign energy field in which this process of energy production and Russia’s... more
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      Russian StudiesEnergyTurkeyPipeline
The Syrian civil war, undoubtedly the bloodiest phase of the Arab Spring, which started with the protests in 2010, continues to be a theatre where global balances have been reshaped and regional power struggles have been staged since... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian PoliticsRussian Foreign PolicyTurkish and Middle East Studies
Since 2000s, Russia and Turkey relations have gained a new dimension with rapprochement on their bilateral relations. First of all, both sides agreed to care their vulnerabilities in their own domestic affairs which are related with... more
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      Russian StudiesRelations Between Turkey and Russia
Mevcut uluslararası sistem; ne Soğuk Savaş döneminin nükleer gücü temel alan iki kutuplu yapısına ne de Soğuk Savaş sonrası ABD egemenliğindeki liberal düzene benzemektedir. Çok kutupluluğun önemli bir şekilde vurgulandığı ve güç... more
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    • Relations Between Turkey and Russia
This paper was published as part of the TNSR's Policy Roundtable "The future of Turkey's foreign policy". Contributors were asked to reflect on the future direction of relations between the US, Turkey, and Russia over the next 5-10 years.... more
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      International SecurityTurkish Foreign PolicyNationalism in TurkeyUS Turkish Relations
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      Modern TurkeyTurkey's Foreign PolicyTurkey's energy policiesThe AKP in Turkey: Interior Politics and Foreign Issues
When Muammar Gaddafi’s rule was terminated in Libya, civil war has started in the country, and due to this situation, Russia perceived the Arab Spring process as a threat and has to react against its next waves. Russia stood by the Syrian... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyThe Arab SpringRelations Between Turkey and RussiaThe Syrian Crisis
SETA Security Radar 2022 aims to offer a general background of the main dynamics that shaped Turkey’s geopolitical portfolio in 2021 followed by a prognosis about the foreign policy and strategy that Turkey may follow in 2022. This... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian Foreign PolicyTurkeyRelations Between Turkey and Russia
Prof. Dr. Zaza TSURTSUMIA’nın “Gürcistan’daki Rus “Yumuşak Gücü’nün” Tarihi (XIX-XX. Yüzyıl)” başlıklı makalesi dergimizin bu sayısında yer alan bir başka çalışmadır. 1783 yılında Petersburg ve Tiflis arasında imzalanan Georgiyevsk... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyOttoman EmpireRussian HistoryAbkhazia
Rusya Federasyonu’nun Ukrayna’yı işgali 24 Şubat 2022’de başladı. Daha şimdiden binlerce sivilin hayatını kaybetmesine, milyonlarca insanın yerinden edilmesine yol açan savaş, tüm dünyayı etkisi altına alan büyük bir ekonomik şoka da... more
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      Turkish Foreign PolicyUkraineEuropean SecurityNATO and Turkey
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      Political ScienceTurkey Russia and Eu Energy PoliciesRelations Between Turkey and Russia
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      Turkey Russia and Eu Energy PoliciesRelations Between Turkey and Russia
EU-Turkey relations are like a sweet and sour dish. Often cold, uncertain and confusing for the taste buds but strategically important. The commentary reviews the uneasy tripartite relationship of Turkey-the EU- NATO in the shadows of... more
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      European StudiesEuropean UnionTurkeyTurkey And Europe
Recent years have witnessed revolutionary changes in Turkey's domestic and international policies as the dynamics of the international order have been changing in a post-western fashion. Turkey, a NATO member since 1952 and an EU... more
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      Turkish Foreign PolicyNew World OrderRelations Between Turkey and RussiaPost-Western world
Trade relations between Turkey and Russia Federation (Russia afterwards) have steadily developed over the last 23 years and the total trade volume reached $23.9 billion in 2015.Tourism and energy sectors are growing significantly.... more
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      International TradeTurkeyRussiaEconomy
In late May and early June 2019, the contract for Turkey's purchase of the Russian-made missile launchers which make up the S-400 long-range anti-aircraft missile system entered the final stage of its implementation. This has been... more
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      TurkeyTurkey in World PoliticsNATO-Russian RelationsUS-Turkey Relations
When it comes to Russia’s agenda in Syria, both Ankara and Tehran have their own fears as they are concerned that Moscow might exploit them at some point to achieve its own goals.... more
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      Iran Foreign PolicyTurkey's Foreign PolicyIran and Russia relationsIran-Syria relations
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      Russian Foreign PolicyTurkish Foreign PolicyRussian Policy in the Middle East and CaucasiaTurkey and the Middle East
Başlangıcı 15. yüzyılın ikinci yarısına tarihlendirilen Türk-Rus ilişkileri yüzyıllar boyunca bölgesel rekabet ve buna bağlı olarak düşmanlık çerçevesinde gelişme göstermiştir. İki taraf arasında kısa süreli de olsa ilk kapsamlı dostluk... more
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      Russian StudiesTurkeyRussiaTürkiye
Erdoğan bu görüşmeye 5-0 geriden başlıyor. Ben olsam, (vergi tahsildarlarını durmadan yollayan padişah fıkrasındaki gibi) halkın ağlaşmayı bırakıp gülmeye başlamasını en sert uyarı kabul eder, artık dururdum.... more
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      Turkish Foreign PolicyTurkish politicsTurkish-American RelationsRecep Tayyip Erdoğan
ISNN: 1553-1392
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      EconomicsInternational RelationsPolitical SciencePost-Soviet Studies
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      Russian StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaNorth Africa StudiesRussian Foreign Policy
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      Modern TurkeyTurkey's Foreign PolicyThe AKP in Turkey: Interior Politics and Foreign IssuesTurkey and the USA