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PRACTICE EXAM 1 1-25. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen kelime ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. I hate working with people who have no sense of......... because they always turn up late, leave early, and let other people finish their work. A) ambition B) responsibility C) honesty D) reason E) punctuality Though he was ......... to go to the football match with his friends, he knew that it was more important to stay in and study for his exam. A) tempted B) distressed C) arranged D) doubted E)excused In Greenland, dogs are used to .......... sledges through the snow. A) push B) draft C) force D) pull E) slide 4- If the author's book had not been criticized so ......... he probably would not have committed suicide. A) efficiently B) uselessly C) wastefully D) willingly E) harshly 5- Because India was formerly a British colony, there is still a British-based system of education there and English is the most ......... spoken second language. A) presently B) permanently C) widely D) formally E) adequately This vase is worth a fortune because it's believed to be ............... the only one left in the world today. A) unusual B) unique C) expensive D) uncommon E) valuable Though some people prefer visiting Nepal during the monsoon season, when there are few tourists, there is ........ rain to make trekking in the mountains enjoyable at all. A) the most B) such a lot of C) many more D) too much E) far more Everyone said they needed ......... time, though the teacher felt that the time he had given was adequate. A) more B) much C) such D) many E) plenty The lecture was ....... interesting ....... the time passed remarkably quickly. A) as/as B) much/so C) very/that D) more/than E) so/that Why are you trying to do everything by ......... instead of asking for ........... help? A) yours/someone's B) you/the others C) your own/another D) yourself/others' E) yourselves/anyone ......... with significant technological improvements, coal mining remains hard work that is often performed under potentially unsafe and unhealthy conditions. A) While B) During C) Even D) Rather E) Besides 12- ......... hard he studies, he just does not seem to be able to get high marks in his exams. A) Even though B) Whereas C) No matter D) Nevertheless E) However 13- We were all disappointed that there was no football match last night ......... the terrible weather conditions. A) even if B) owing to C) in spite of D) as though E) when 14- Experts define a good bed as one that is ........ too hard ......... too soft. A) neither/nor B) whether/or C) such/that D) both/and E) not only/but also 15- Cotton, ......... provides about four fifths of all natural fibres used, is the most important natural fibre. A) which B) when C) where D) that E) what 16- The study of ......... words are combined in order to make language work is called grammar. A) when B) where C) what D) how E) how much 17- Fortunately, our dishwasher was still ......... guarantee when it broke down, so we didn't have to pay anything ........ the repairs. A) in/about B) with/into C) under/for D) towards/on E) on/with 18-1 really hope Janice is not serious .......... leaving her job as I believe we'll never be able to cope ......... her in the office. A) for/with B) about/without C) from/along D) with/upon E) at/through 19- Because all of the chemicals we use are non-explosive, we are certain that this experiment can be ......... in complete safety. A) put down B) blown up C) broken into D) turned down E) carried out 20- John was extremely nervous all day yesterday because he ....... his girlfriend's father for the first time in the evening. A) has been meeting B) will have met C) was going to meet D) should have met E) will be meeting 21- Science fiction writers in the 1950s ....... that a permanent settlement on Mars ....... a reality by the year 2OOO. A) think/will become B) were thinking/becomes C) have thought/is becoming D) thought/would have become E) had thought/has become 22- Apparently, the passenger ......... when his passport ........ . A) was sleeping/was stolen B) sleeps/will be stolen C) has slept/had been stolen D) slept/would have stolen E) is sleeping/is stolen 23- Cricket ........ by two teams, each consisting of 11 players, and substitutions ........ only for injured or ill players. A) is going play/have made B) should be played/will make C) will have played/are made D) has been played/had to make E) is played/can be made 24- Preschool education ........ from day-care centres in that the latter are primarily places where parents ........their children during working hours. A) differed/will leave B) differs/leave C) had differed/were left D) will differ/are left E) has differed/were leaving 25- When we found the poor kitten, she looked as if she ....... a decent meal for days. A) didn't eat B) wasn't eating C) hadn't eaten D) doesn't eat E) hasn't been eating 26-33. sorularda, yarım bırakılan cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. 26-.......... they had to book the hall for two more nights. A) Since so many people wanted to go to the concert B) Even if more people want to attend the conference than expected C) Although all the tickets sold out within hours of going on sale D) In spite of the risks of using untrained personnel E) The play was originally planned to be performed on Saturday night 27- It is essential that no one leaves the building .......... . A) so that the building is very crowded B) until the police have checked everyone's identity C) as though everyone was still inside D) yet it is still possible that there were a lot of people- inside at the time E) provided that nobody could state a valid excuse 28- Last year there was such a lot of rain in the south of the country ......... . A) so there was not enough in the rest of the country B) than the amount which was forecast by the weather station C) when there was a lot of suffering and homelessness caused by them D) that it appeared as though it would never stop E) since there had not been that much rain for a long time 29- One of the main causes of heart disease is ......... . A) as people eat the wrong things and don't get enough exercise B) since people do not have to work physically as hard as they used to C) yet treatment is available if you are sensible and have regular checkups D) that many people are unaware of the dangers of smoking combined with poor diet E) when chest pains occur after exercise 30- I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, but if you had only phoned, .......... . A) I told you on the e-mail that I wouldn't be able to meet you at the airport B) you should have checked with me that we had meant the same restaurant C) whether the meeting has been put off or not D) I have had the date and the address of the conference confirmed E) we could have been sure that we understood each other 31- .......... until his car was stolen and he got mugged on the same day. A) His life was so bad that he was sure he was due for a spell of good luck B) The police were sure that they knew where the robbers were hiding C) He never believed that he lived in a dangerous part of town D) He enjoyed the security of his job even though the salary was low E) No matter how hard he worked, he always seemed to have trouble paying his bills 32- Some people feel that the American political system has steadily deteriorated ......... . A) when people became more concerned with the people who took decisions for them B) while the media is one of the main causes of it C) so that the candidates are now more honest and better qualified than ever D) since the mass media began to make image more important than ideas E) during the first televised TV debates between Kennedy and Nixon 33-........ sometimes things all work out for the best. A) Though it can be quite disappointing not to get to the university you set your heart on B) Because in some countries there is no longer any compulsory military service C) We all had a great time hiking through the woods last weekend D) I've never seen such a terrible hotel or eaten at such a bad restaurant E) It was unbelievable how he lost his entire fortune in a single night of gambling 34.-36. sorulan verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız. As a biological concept, race refers to a large group of people who share certain inherited physical characteristics. These characteristics may include particular skin colour, head shape, hair type, nose shape or blood type. One common classification of races recognizes three groups: Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid, all of whom have different coloured skin and other differing characteristics. However, there are at least two important problems with such a classification of races. First, some groups fit into none of these catagories, like people of the Indian subcontinent who have Caucasoid features but dark skin. The other problem is that, with so many intermarriages, there are no pure races today. 34- We understand from, the passage that a race ....... . A) has become a branch of biology in modern times B) is a characteristic that is learnt rather than inherited C) is a large group of people who are physically similar D) is the general term which means physical appearance E) refers to social status of people rather than physical features 35- It is clear from the passage that ...... . A) skin colour is the only reliable determining factor in classifying races B) a common way of classifying races is inadequate C) many people in India are actually Negroid D) it is always obvious which race a particular person belongs to E) pure races present no problems to the biologist 36- One idea emphasized in the passage is that ......... . A) some races are superior to others B) there are only a few pure races in the world C) biological classification of the human species has some drawbacks D) a new classification of races should be developed E) it is more difficult to classify races as it would seem at first sight 37.-39. sorulan verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız. America is almost completely dependent on the automobile, and this has been a terrible mistake. Even in the 1950s, a large percentage of Americans used public transport. But the big car manufacturers wanted them to buy cars, and local governments cooperated with the manufacturers, with the result that countless excellent tramway and rail systems were destroyed. Today, the entire American lifestyle is dictated by the motor car. Homes are far from work, and shopping is far from everything. In between there is nothing but ugly stretches of concrete or asphalt roads for the motor car. 37- The author believes that today, ...... . A) tramway and rail systems are not enough to meet the needs of the increasing population B) local governments are more inclined to consider what is best for the people C) what is good for the big car manufacturers is good for the United States in general D) almost everyone in the United States owns a car E) the motor car is the most significant single factor in the American lifestyle 38- The passage implies that, in the United States, public transport ....... . A) is no longer very good B) cooperated with local governments after the 1950s C) destroys the natural environment D) has never been considered comfortable E) has been used by more and more people since the 1950s 39- According to the passage, American landscape ........ . A) is made up of spectacular scenery B) has been spoiled by the roads extending through it C) has become more accessible with the widespread use of the car D) looks better when one drives through it in a car E) is too far for the people to get there without the automobile 40-42. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız. In the world we live in, the aggressive person, the one who is forceful in his or her demands, is usually the one who gets the biggest salary and the best job. Since men are traditionally trained from an early age to be aggressive, they are the ones most often picked for the most important positions. Many people criticise this situation, and feel that women have an equal contribution to make in science and industry. Some have gone so far as to suggest that girls should be given aggression lessons in school. This does not mean that every little girl should take boxing lessons. One suggestion is for games that teach competition. 40- It is clear from the passage that ...... . A) aggression is not acceptable according to moral values B) women hide their natural aggression, but it can easily be brought out C) boxing can stimulate the potential aggression in women D) it generally pays to be aggressive E) the most respected jobs are also the best paid 41- One conclusion we can derive from the passage is that women ......... . A) have to fight the prejudice held against them in society B) should not be employed in extremely competitive sectors C) have already taken part in science and industry despite their lack of aggression D) are less successful than man even at school E) are presently at a disadvantage when it comes to getting the top jobs 42- We can conclude from the passage that ........ . A) there would be fewer wars if science and industry were controlled by women B) science and industry would benefit by hiring less aggressive people C) people can be trained to be competitive D) women in general find working in science and industry unpleasant E) boxing is not popular among women because it is too competitive 43-45. sorulan verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Getting a Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy degree, is the highest academic achievement in the United States. Normally, only professors with Ph.Ds are hired by universities. However, the Ph.D is a research degree, not a teaching degree. This means that many professors in American colleges and universities have no idea how to teach. Their lectures are often dull, and they do not know how to communicate with their students. The irony is that while the Ph.D is vital to getting a university job, and that many people spend years to acquire that qualification for this aim, it does not prepare them for the job at all. 43- What is emphasized in the passage is that ........ . A) the Ph.D is useful for any qualified teacher B) the process of getting a Ph.D is rather dull C) the Ph. D is the highest degree of the profession of teaching D) professors teaching in the USA are not actually trained for the job E) educational standards are low in American schools despite their hiring professors for teaching 44- Prom what is stated in the passage, we can assume that most people study for a Ph.D ..... . A) to become researchers at universities rather than teachers B) so that they can be hired as teachers by universities C) so as to acquire teaching skills D) for the express purpose of spending years acquiring a qualification E) in order to be able to communicate with a wider range of people 45- It is implied in the passage that, considering the situation at American universities today, ........ . A) a Ph.D is useless for practical teaching purposes B) it is not worth trying to get employed at a university C) university teachers are no more knowledgeable than ordinary college teachers D) getting a Ph.D is not as difficult as it would look E) anyone with enough time can get a Ph.D 46.-49. sorulan verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız. At a recent performance of Shakespeare's 'The Merchant of Venice", school children who had been given free tickets were accused of misbehaving. They chatted, laughed, threw rubbish, and walked in and out during the performance. Legitimate theatre-goers were outraged and some even demanded their money back. Yet a little reflection should remind us that this is the way audiences usually behaved during the original performances of Shakespeare's work. In fact, the playwright himself would probably be more comfortable with the unruly teenagers than with the more sedate audiences thought of as normal today. 46- In Shakespeare's own times ........ . A) his plays were already recognized as great literature B) audiences were often undisciplined C) children weren't allowed into the theatre halls D) only the rich went to see his plays E) no one would consider creating a disturbance during a performance 47- The author believes that ........ . A) everyone should be exposed to great literature B) it is a waste to give free tickets to school children C) Shakespeare himself might have preferred the way the school children behaved D) Shakespeare is the greatest author in the English language E) the school children should have been better prepared for their visit to the theatre 48- It is stated in the passage that ........ . A) the performance was too bad to attract children's attention B) Shakespeare's plays are not suitable for young audiences C) the theatre lost money as they had to give the rest of the audience their money back D) children should be informed of Shakespeare's work before they .go to see a play E) some of the audience asked for refunds because of children's attitude 49.-51. sorulan verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız. When men first went into space in the late 1950s, everyone expected that space travel would develop far faster than it actually has. Within ten years of the first man orbiting the Earth, men were actually walking on the surface of the Moon. It was at that point that more problems arose. A series of disasters led to the highly publicized deaths of a number of astronauts and cosmonauts. Added to that, the cost of manned space flight became literally "astronomical". While there are manned space stations orbiting the Earth today, most people in the '60s would have expected a moon base, and certainly a manned landing on Mars by this time. 49- In the late 1950s ......... . A) men were walking on the moon B) many astronauts and cosmonauts lost their lives C) space travel developed far faster than it does now D) most people expected a great deal from space programs E) mankind had not yet ventured into space 50- It is clear from the passage that ...... . A) advances in space travel have not kept up with earlier expectations B) space travel is one of the most important technological achievements of recent years C) until a few decades ago, few people realised how expensive space travel would be D) poverty and famine are, in part, caused by expensive space travel E) there will soon be a manned landing on Mars 51- It is stated in the passage that, until the late 1960s, ........ . A) there were relatively few problems with the space program B) man still hadn't achieved a major success in his space venture C) the number of astronauts with a good astronomical knowledge was small D) the space technology was not advanced enough to prevent accidents E) people did not believe that man could walk on the Moon 52.-57. sorularda, parçada boş bırakılan yeri uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. 52- In recent years there has been a lot of discussion about how to improve the American educational system, because the shocking fact is that many young Americans leave schools even without the ability to read or write. One idea has been to try to copy from Japan, where students always score highly on international tests. ......... . Traditionally, for example, Japanese respect their teachers greatly, whereas in the United States, teachers are not highly regarded. A) If this works, it could save money as well, since class sizes are much larger in Japan B) Yet, this idea ignores the simple fact that the Japanese educational success is largely based on cultural standards C) Parts of Britain, especially the inner city areas, have also experienced a decline in educational standards D) One flaw in this argument is that Japan is a largely homogeneous society, while the United States is increasingly multi-cultural E) Perhaps it is simply because the Japanese language is so difficult to read that the students need more self-discipline 53- ........ . You may feel perfectly fine until it rises to a certain extent. But when your cholesterol sneaks up above a desirable level, you are at risk of having a heart attack, heart disease, or a stroke. What can you do? In fact, once you are aware of the problem, it is quite easy to keep your cholesterol level under control through a carefully followed diet plan. A) If you eat a lot of fast foods, you can't say that you are eating healthily B) Most people choose to eat food for taste rather than for their health C) Cholesterol testing usually requires no preparation, but sometimes you may have to go hungry beforehand D) It is not difficult to lose weight provided you apply a little self-discipline E) A high cholesterol level is something you cannot see or hear 54- Most babies begin to use a few sounds that mean something when they are about a year old. However, there are perfectly normal children who wait months longer. .......... . A friendly, outgoing baby just naturally wants to talk young. The quiet, observer type seems to want to spend a long time just watching the world go by before he or she wants to say anything about it. A) If a baby doesn't start talking at about one year old, it is probably not very bright B) It's now accepted that foreign languages should be taught to children from the age of five C) It seems to be largely a matter of character and personality D) Some children start walking without ever learning to crawl E) It does not matter because soon they will be talking so much that parents will wish they would be quiet 55-......... . The fall of snow in Tokyo provides a good example for this. There, one or two centimetres of snow is enough to shut down the entire city. Yet just a couple of hours away, on the other side of the mountains, everyone lives with two or three metres of snow for most of the winter, and life goes on as usual. A) Many Japanese think theirs is the only country in the world to have four seasons B) Though most people take their holidays in the summer, a lot of people prefer' a winter holiday C) Skiing is now one of the world's fastest growing sports D) It is strange the way people have difficulty in coping with what they are not used to E) Though Tokyo winters are dold, the weather is normally clear and dry 56- Mobile phones are used by one in five people in Britain. They are an accepted part of life in the 1990s. However, mobile phones are now beginning to suffer from an image problem after a series of scare stories linking them with cancer and short-term memory loss. Researchers are rushing to complete studies of the effects of mobiles on human brain tissue. ........ . The truth is that nobody really knows as yet because research has not been completed. A) They are probably even more popular in the Far East than in Britain and the US B) Manufacturers are trying to give their product a more stylish image to detract from the scare stories C) One wonders how people cc inmunicated in the days before the invention of the mobile phone D) But once people have got used to their comfort, it is so difficult to do without them E) There is now the question of how safe mobile phones are 57- When we look at the night sky, it seems that the planets are always changing their positions while the stars appear to be fixed. ......... . One star, for example, though it actually moves quite fast, would take over two hundred years to move a distance equal to the diameter of the Earth's moon. It is only when we compare the records ancient peoples kept of the skies with the present day that we can see the stars really do move. A) Planets also seem to have a steady light, while stars twinkle B) In fact, stars are always moving, but they are so far away that we cannot see any change in their position C) Astronomers can only estimate the total number of stars in the universe D) Distance cannot be learned from a star's magnitude alone, because its magnitude depends upon its size and brightness as well E) Talking about star signs is often a good way to begin a conversation with a stranger 58-65. sorularda, verilen söylenebilecek sözü bulunuz. 58- Your grandfather not only has difficulty hearing, but has just had an operation meant to clear his arteries and allow him to live much longer.. Unfortunately, the illness had progressed so far that the operation was not successful. When the doctor told him this, he was not wearing his hearing aid, and he believes that the doctor told him the operation was a success. You don't want to disappoint him as yet, but don't want to lead him to hope too much, so you say to him: A) That's great, Grandad, but I think you should keep paying attention to your diet. B) That's wonderful Grandad. I'm sure you'll feel great from now on. C) Did you forget to put your hearing aid in again? Then that's why you didn't hear what the doctor said. D) You misunderstood. You're no better off than you were before. E) The truth may not be as bad as your doctor said. Perhaps you should ask for a second opinion. 59- You've decided to go out and leave your small child in the care of a baby-sitter who you found through a neighbour. When the girl arrives, you suddenly feel rather anxious about leaving the child in her care as she seems so young. You don't want the baby-sitter to feel uncomfortable, and you're not going to change your plans, but as an extra precaution, you say: A) I'm sorry, I just don't feel happy about this. My instinct tells me it's a bad idea to go out. B) The telly's in the living room, and help yourself to anything you want from the fridge. C) Here's the phone number of the restaurant. Call me immediately if there are any problems. D) Are you over 16 years old? Actually, how old are you? Have you finished school yet? E) You look so young! I think I should have called my mother and asked her to come and sit with you. 60- You're at a formal function at work, and just about to introduce two of your most important clients to each other, when you suddenly realise you've forgotten the name of one of them. It's probably because you're a bit nervous, but there's nothing you can do except try to cover up the situation as smoothly as possible. So you say: A) I know you won't believe this, but I've forgotten your name, Sir. B) Mr Horwood, may I introduce you to Mr.... Pardon, what was your name? C) Well, this happens rarely to me, but I don't remember either of your names. D) Mr Horwood, I'd like you to meet another of our valued clients. E) Oh, I've just seen someone I have to talk to this minute. 61- After returning home from a party, you realise that the jacket you're wearing is not yours. You realise that somebody else at the party must have got his confused with yours. You need your jacket back because there are some important things in the pockets. The next morning, you call the host of the party and say: A) Do you have any idea who stole my jacket? It's my favourite one. B) Have you found a report around the house as one may have fallen out of my pocket there last night? C) If I'd known people were going to trade jackets, I wouldn't have come to the party. D) I got a really great jacket at the party last night, but there seem to be some important documents in its pockets. E) Did anyone phone you about taking the wrong jacket last night? I've got someone else's. 62- You are at a friend's house for dinner and are wearing an expensive new suit. Your friend's four-year-old daughter is proudly helping to serve dinner, but just then she spills fruit juice all over your new suit. Then she starts to cry. Trying to comfort both her and her mother, you say: A) Why don't you watch what you're doing? B) I've never seen anyone so clumsy in all my life! C) Oh how sweet! I love to see a child helping out. D) Don't worry. It wasn't your fault, and I'm sure it will come out. E) Oh stop crying. It doesn't matter so much, but I'll be upset if it leaves a stain. 63- One of your friends has just had a baby. When you go to visit her, you ask her what she's going to call the baby. She tells you, and you're horrified. You think it's an awful name and you can't understand why she's chosen it. She then asks you what you think of it. You don't want to lie, but don't want to sound rude either, so you say tactfully: A) Why on earth did you choose a name like that for him? B) Well, I'm sorry to say this, but I think it's really dreadful. C) I'm not sure that I'd have chosen it, but it's very original. D) You should think about it again. You don't have the right to do this to your child. E) What kind of chance will that child have in life with that name? 64- You have been trying to get a job, so far without success, and your family-is very critical of you. Recently you've had a promising interview, but have not told anyone in your family in case you are unsuccessful once again. At the interview you were told when to expect a phone call. About ten minutes before that time, your sister phones her best friend, with whom she usually has very long chats. To make sure that the phone is free again in a few minutes, you interrupt their chat and say: A) Can you keep it short this time, as I'm expecting an important call in a few minutes? B) I'm expecting a call about the job I applied for last week. Can't you phone your friend later? C) Can you leave the phone free for ebout halfan hour? I'll phone for some of the jobs advertised in today's paper. D) You're always on the phone. Remember that there are others in this house and give them a chance. E) If I lose this job just because they couldn't get through to me, I'll never forgive you. 65-72. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümlenin İngilizce dengini bulunuz. 65- Genellikle insanlar, gerektiği kadar başaramadıkları duygusuna kapılınca kendilerini baskı altında hissederler. A) Generally speaking, not achieving as much as one should makes one feel under pressure. B) In general, people begin to feel stressed when they become aware that they are not achieving as much as they used to. C) People who generally feel stressed don’t achieve as much as they should. D) People feel that they don't achieve as much when they are feeling under pressure as they do when they are not. E) People generally feel under pressure when they have the feeling that they are not achieving as much as they should. 66- Diğer gezegenlerde, bizim kendileriyle irtibat kurmamızı bekleyen canlıların bulunduğuna inanan insanların sayısı oldukça fazladır. A) A number of people are waiting to be contacted by beings which they believe live on other planets. B) The belief that there are beings on other planets who are trying to contact us is held by a large number of people. C) The number of people who believe that there are beings on other planets waiting for us to contact them is quite high. D) The number of beings on other planets who are waiting for us to contact them might be quite high. E) A large number of people believe that there is life on other planets, which can be contacted. 67- Büyük şirketler eleman bulmada küçük şirketler kadar sıkıntı çekmezler. A) The great difficulty experienced by small companies in finding employees is not experienced by large companies. B) The larger the company is, the less difficulty it will have in finding employees. C) Large companies do not have as much difficulty in finding employees as do small ones. D) It is not so difficult for large companies to find employees, but it is for small ones. E) Large companies have less difficulty in finding employees than most of the small ones do. 68- Onun söylediğinden hepimiz, bu olayda bizi değil de diğer grubu desteklediği sonucunu çıkardık. A) He told us that on this occasion he was not supporting us but the other group. B) We all concluded from what he said that he was not supporting us but the other group in this case. C) The conclusion that we all drew from what he said was that he was no longer supporting us but the other group. D) From what he said, we can all conclude that he is going to support the other group this time and not us. E) What he said has led us to believe that he agrees with the other group about this case and not with us. 69- Britanya ile Fransa'yı Manş Denizi'nin altından birbirine bağlayan Channel Tunnel, tahmin edilenden 6 milyar dolar daha fazlaya, mal olmuştur. A) It is estimated that the Channel Tunnel, which connects Britain to France under the English Channel, cost more than 6 billion dollars to build. B) Costing 6 billion dollars more than the original estimate, the Channel Tunnel, which lies under the English Channel, connects Britain to France. C) The tunnel which connects Britain to France under the English Channel, having cost 6 billion dollars to build, is known as the Channel Tunnel. D) Britain and France are connected by the Channel Tunnel, which runs under the English Channel and cost an estimated 6 billion dollars over budget to build. E) The Channel Tunnel, connecting Britain and France under the English Channel, cost 6 billion dollars more than estimated. 70- 1996'da bilim adamları, dünyanın çekirdeğinin kendisinden daha hızlı döndüğünü gösteren kanıtlar bulduklarını bildirdiler. A) According to evidence discovered by scientists, the Earth's inner core spun faster than the Earth itself in 1996. B) It was announced that in 1996 scientists had found evidence that showed the Earth itself spins faster than its inner core. C) In 1996, scientists announced that they had discovered evidence indicating that the Earth's inner core was spinning faster than the Earth itself. D) In 1996, a scientist announced that he had uncovered evidence that the Earth's core was spinning faster than the Earth itself. E) A 1996 announcement by scientists confirms that the core of the Earth is spinning faster than the planet itself. 71- Haberleşme uyduları, uluslararası telefon bağlantılarını büyük ölçüde hızlandırmıştır. A) Faster communications satellites have enabled more efficient international telephone connections. B) International telephone connections have been considerably speeded up by communications satellites. C) The speeding up of international telephone connections has been facilitated by communications satellites. D) Communications satellites have greatly speeded up international telephone connections. E)International telephone connections have greatly improved since the introduction öf communications satellites. 72- İngiltere'de en güneşli bölge, pek çok tatil beldesinin yer aldığı güneydoğu kıyışıdır. A) Most of England's vacation resorts are located on the southeastern coast, which is the sunniest region in the country. B) The majority of holiday resorts in England are located on the southeastern coast because that region gets the most sunshine in the country. C) The southeastern coast of England receives the most sunshine, so the region offers many vacation resorts. D) England's sunniest areas are around the southeastern coast, where many people take their vacations at the resorts there. E) The sunniest region in England is the southeastern coast, where many vacation resorts are located. 73-80. sorularda verilen İngilizce cümlenin Türkçe dengini bulunuz. 73- The body changes the calories in foods into energy, which is necessary for every movement we make, from blinking an eye to running. A) Yiyeceklerdeki kalori, vücudumuz tarafından enerjiye dönüştürülür ve bu enerji, göz kırpmak ve koşmak gibi pek çok hareket için kullanılır. B) Vücut yiyeceklerdeki kaloriyi, göz kırpmaktan koşmaya, yaptığımız her hareket için gerekli olan enerjiye dönüştürür. C) Göz kırpmaktan koşmaya, yaptığımız her hareket için gerekli olan enerji, yediğimiz yiyeceklerden sağlanır. D) Vücudun, göz kırpmak ve koşmak gibi hareketleri yaparken kullandığı enerjiyi, yiyeceklerin içerdiği kaloriler sağlar. E) Göz kırpmak ve koşmak gibi hareketleri yapabilmemiz için enerjiye ihtiyaç vardır ve vücudumuz bu enerjiyi yiyeceklerden elde eder. 74- In polo contests, a team's success largely depends upon the ability of its horses. A) Bir takımın polo karşılaşmalarında başarılı olabilmesi için atlarının çok yetenekli olması gerekir. B) Polo karşılaşmalarında bir takımın başarısı büyük ölçüde atlarının yeteneğine bağlıdır. C) Polo karşılaşmalarında başarıyı belirleyen takımlar değil, atların yeteneğidir. D) Bir takım sporu olan poloda, karşılaşmalardaki başarıyı büyük ölçüde atlar belirler. E) Basan için atların yeteneğinin çok önemli olduğu polo, bir takım sporudur. 75- Mars, whose atmosphere is composed mostly of carbon dioxide, is approximately half the size of Earth. A)Atmosferi çoğunlukla karbondioksitten oluşan Mars, dünyanın yaklaşık yansı büyüklüğündedir. B) Mars'm atmosferindeki karbondioksit miktarı, dünyanın atmosferinde bulunan miktarın yansı kadardır. C) Dünyanın yaklaşık yansı büyüklüğünde olan Mars'm atmosferinde, dünyanınkinden çok daha fazla karbondioksit vardır. D) Büyüklük bakımından dünyanın yaklaşık yansı kadar olan Mars'm atmosferi çok büyük oranda karbondioksit içermektedir. E)Atmosferinde dünyanınkinden çok daha fazla karbondioksit bulunan Mars, büyüklük bakımından hemen hemen dünyanın yansı kadardır. 76- One of the oldest modes of transportation, the wagon has taken many forms throughout history. A) Çok eski bir ulaşım aracı olan vagon, değişik şekillerde tarih boyunca kullanılmıştır. B) En eski ulaşım araçlarından biri olan vagon, tarih boyunca pek çok şekil almıştır. C) Tarihi çok eskilere dayanan vagon, değişik şekillerde kullanılmış olan bir ulaşım aracıdır. D) Tarihi boyunca büyük değişikliklere uğramış olan vagon, en eski ulaşım araçlarından biridir. E) Tarih boyunca çeşitli amaçlara hizmet etmiş, ve bugün hala ulaşım aracı olarak kullanılan vagonlar vardır. 77- A layer of fat, enveloping their bodies, protect whales living in polar regions from the extreme cold. A)Kutup bölgelerinde yaşayan balinalar, kalın bir yağ tabakası sayesinde aşın soğuktan korunurlar. B)Vücutlarını saran yağ tabakası, balinaların kutupların aşın soğuğuna karsı korunmalarını sağlar. C)Balinaların, kutup bölgelerinin aşın soğuğuna karşı korunmalannı sağlayan kalın bir yağ tabakalan vardır. D) Vücutlarını saran yağ tabakası, kutup bölgelerinde yaşayan balinalan aşın soğuktan korur. E) Balinalann kutup bölgelerinde yaşamalan, vücudu sararak onlan soğuğa karşı koruyan yağ tabakalan sayesinde mümkün olmaktadır. 78- Blows to the head often result in amnesia regarding the time just before and just after the accident. A) Kaza sırasında başına darbe almış biri, genellikle hafıza kaybına uğrar ve kaza anının hemen öncesini ve sonrasını hatırlamaz. B) Kazalardan sonra görülen ve kazanın hemen öncesiyle hemen sonrasını kapsayan hafıza, kaybı genellikle başa alınan darbeler sonucudur. C) Başa alman darbeler çoğu zaman kazanın hemen öncesi ve hemen sonrasındaki dönemle ilgili olarak hafıza kaybına yol açar. D) Kazanın hemen öncesini ve hemen sonrasını hatırlamama biçiminde görülen hafıza kaybı çoğu zaman başa darbe alındığının göstergesidir. E) Kazanın hemen öncesinde ya da hemen sonrasında başına darbe almış biri, bu dönemlerle ilgili olarak hafıza kaybına uğrar. 79- Responsible parents and teachers work in cooperation for the good of children. A) Çocuklarda sorumluluk duygusunun geliştirilmesi için anne-baba ve öğretmenler birlikte çalışmalıdırlar. B)Sorumluluk sahibi anne-baba ve öğretmenler, çocukların yaran için dayanışma içinde çalışırlar. C)Anne-baba ve öğretmen arasındaki dayanışma, çocukların gelişmesini olumlu etkiler. D)Çocukların iyi yetişmeleri için, öğretmenler kadar anne- babalar da sorumluluk almalıdırlar. E)Sorumluluk sahibi çocuk yetiştirmek isteyen anne- babalar, öğretmenlerle işbirliği içinde olmalıdırlar. 8O- Each disease has its own particular symptoms that enable a physician to diagnose the problem. A) Her hastalığın, hekimin sorunu teşhis etmesini sağlayan kendi özel belirtileri vardır. B) Hekim bir hastalığı teşhis etmeye çalışırken öncelikle hastalığın kendine özgü belirtilerine dikkat eder. C) Her hastalığın kendine özgü belirtilerinin olması, hekimin bir hastalığı teşhis etmesine yardımcı olmaktadır. D) Kendi özel belirtileri olan bir hastalığı hekimler daha kolay teşhis ederler. E) Hekimin herhangi bir hastalığı teşhis etmesini sağlayan, hastalığın kendine özgü belirtileridir. 81-87. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan seçeneği bulunuz. 81- It was Jack Nicholson's performance that rescued the film from being a complete failure. A) The only good thing about the film was Jack Nicholson's performance; otherwise, it was terrible. B) The character Jack Nicholson played in the film was a man who failed while trying to rescue people from a disaster. C) Even the wonderful performance of Jack Nicholson failed to make the film a success. D) It was a great film, which was further enhanced by Jack Nicholson's acting. E) Although I knew it was a terrible film, I still went to see it to see Jack Nicholson perform. 82- In spite of exceptionally fine weather, it was a disastrous year for tourism. A) Everyone involved in the tourist industry is worried about the awful weather. B) Natural disasters always lead to a fall in tourism., no matter what the weather is like. C) More tourists would have come if the weather had been better. D) The weather was unusually good, but still, there were a small number of tourists. E) Tourism is too unstable an industry to base your fortunes on. 83- It wasn't the best film I've ever seen, but it was definitely above average. A) I've never seen such a good film in such an ordinary cinema. B) I can only recall ever seeing one film better than that one. C) The film was better than most, though I have seen better ones. D) I've seen a lot of dull films, but that one is worse than most. E) Though the film was wonderful, it lasted a bit longer than normal. 84- It is nearly as expensive to take a train from London to Edinburgh as it is to fly from London to New York. A) It costs a lot more to fly to New York than it does to take a train to Edinburgh from London. B) It is sometimes even more expensive to go from London to Edinburgh by - train than it is to fly from London to New York. C) You can choose which you like as train and plane fares are exactly the same from London to Edinburgh and to New York. D) It makes more sense to fly direct to New York than to take the brain from Edinburgh to London first. E) A train journey to -Edinburgh from London costs only a little less than a flight from London to New York. 85- For as long as he can remember, he has had the unfulfilled ambition of being a professional football player. A) He has finally realised his lifelong ambition to play football for a professional team. B) Unlike most boys, playing football was never very important to him, even as a child. C) Having fulfilled his aim to be a professional footballer, he now remembers how ambitious he was as a child. D)Though he has always wanted to play football professionally, he has never achieved it. E) It seems as if he will continue to be a football fan for as long as he lives. 86- Although home-cooking is traditionally done by women, most of the chefs are men. A) Cooking in homes is considered women's duty, but the majority of professional cooks are male. B) Men are more original in their cooking, while women are better at preparing traditional dishes. C) Since chefs are too busy cooking for others, at home, their wives have to cook for them. D) Cooking is fun for people of all ages whether they are men or women. E) Women must hate cooking due to their traditional role at home as it is not common to see a famous female chef. 87- The festival has been postponed due to adverse weather conditions. A) There won't be a festival at all because the weather is so bad. B) The festival planners should have known that winter is an unfavourable time for a festival. C) It is a bad idea to have festivals in a place where the weather is so unsettled. D) The intense heat forced the cancellation of this year's festival. E) Since the weather is so bad, the festival will be held at a later date. 88-94. sorularda karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan bölümünde söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz. 88- Customer: Could you take me to the airport? Cab driver:...................... Customer: Oh, whichever you think will take less time, please. I'm in a hurry. A) But I must tell you that it's a long way, and it will cost you $20. B) Sure, but traffic is terrible this time of day. You must be prepared for a delay. C) I'm sorry, that's out of my service area, Madam. D) Are you going to pay in cash or by credit card, Madam? E) Would you like me to take the road through the city or the highway? 89- William: Shall we take the children to the zoo this weekend? Frank: Oh no! I can't stand seeing the animals penned up in cages. William: ............. Frank: I'm glad we're agreed on that. Then, let's make another plan. A) What do you mean? They're only animals. B) But the ones in our city zoo are really well-cared for, don't you agree? C) I guess you've got a point. It's not very nice, is it? D) Oh, no! I suppose you're going to become vegetarian next. E) All right. If that's the way you feel, then you can take them somewhere. 90- Colette: I have just returned from a tiring journey from Scotland. Sharon: What did you go there for? Colette: ............. Sharon: Did you manage to find one that you like? Collette: No, unfortunately, the area that we were looking in didn't have many on offer. A) My husband is interested in buying some land around his home town. B) We've been looking for a small farm in the Highlands. C) It was a package tour, actually, which my parents had booked for my birthday. D) In order to have a long hike in the Scottish Highlands. E) Well, our trip was not a long one, so we only visited a small part of it. 91- Donald: How was your trip to Las Vegas? John: It was awful. I lost all my money gambling. But I couldn't stop and I lost my car and even my house. Donald: ............ John: Yes, it is. My wife has decided to leave me as well. A) Oh no! Did you manage to win anything back? B) That was really stupid. I thought you had more sense. C) What a shame! I know you will forget this nonsense one day. D) That's terrible! But it's not the end of the world! E) Tough luck! Is it a secret from your wife, or has she found out? 92- Policeman:............. Mr Jones: Not really. It was dark, and I wasn't expecting anything to happen. Policeman: Well, we have some suspects, and we were hoping that you'd be able to identify one of them. A) Now then, what were you doing on the night of the 28th? B) If you don't answer, you'll go to prison. You don't want that, do you? C) I hope you're feeling better, Sir. Can you remember anything about the attack? D) I think we've just arrested the person who mugged you, but you should identify him first. E) Would you be happy if I told you that we'd caught the robber? 93- Linda: How long were you a teacher Mrs. Smith? Mrs Smith: ............. Linda: Wow, really long! From your answer, I guess you're still working? Mrs Smith: Oh, yes, for one more year. A) I've been in this profession for over twenty years, I think. B) I used to like teaching younger students even when I was in high school. C) Oh, that was a long time ago, really. I may not remember exactly. D) Just for a year or two before I started studying Law. E) Well, I started at 21, and taught continually until I retired. 94- Sportswriter: Who's going to win your big fight tomorrow? Boxer: .......... Sportswriter: But he's been champion for ten years. Boxer: Then it's time for a new one. I'll be champion for the next ten! A) I think I have a chance, though my opponent is a far better boxer than I am. B) How much chance do you think I can stand against such an experienced boxer? C) I really don't know. There are two sides, and two possible results! D) Of course I am! I'm younger, stronger and faster than the other guy! E) Isn't the other guy too young and inexperienced for a ten-year champion? 95- 100. sorularda, anlam. yönünden parçaya uygun olmayan cümleyi bulunuz. 95- (I) One of the strangest, yet most influential art movements of the early 20th century was called Dadaism. (II) Dadaism arose in 1916 as a protest to the mechanized slaughter of World War I. (III) Historians call World War I the last war to be fought between imperial dynasties. (IV) This movement was directly succeeded by Surrealism. (V) Today we can see its influence in such artistic phenomena as "installation art". A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 96- (I) The llama is a humpless South American relative of the camel, resembling a large sheep with a long neck, (II) It was first domesticated by the ancient Peruvians and probably descended from the wild guanaco. (III) Like the llama, all domestic animals have wild ancestors, (TV) It is used for carrying loads, but refuses to move if loaded much above thirty pounds. (V) It has several relatives, like the alpaca, which yields a finer wool, and the entirely wild vicuna, which is prized for its silky fleece. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 97- (I) Writing poetry requires no complicated equipment, simply pencil, paper and a block of quiet time, (II) The fading popularity of poetry as an art form is unfounded.(III) Poetry is neither boring nor disconnected from everyday existence, as some critics foolishly claim. (VI) On the contrary, poetry can disclose impressions, images and dimensions of the human experience that other art forms are unable to convey. (V) Yet, at the same time, it possesses a wonderful simplicity on multiple levels and tastes. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 98- (I) The Copts are a group of Egyptian Christians, (II) They are direct descendants of the ancient Egyptians and today make up about a tenth of the country's population. (II) The Coptic language was used by common people from 300 to 700 A.D. (IV) The Roman Catholics, too, used a dead language, Latin, until 1963. (V) Today, it is only used in the Coptic Church, which split off from the main body of Christianity over theological disputes centuries ago. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 99- (I) The concept of winter in European countries is associated with the season of dormancy, (II) Some plants die, leaving their seeds, and others merely cease growth until spring. (III) The cold weather, of course, effects the most northerly nations more profoundly. (IV) Many animals also become dormant, especially those that hibernate. (V) Even people seem less active. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 100- (I) People have inhabited this planet for â long time, (II) Man's subjective experience of time is often relative, (III) Because of this, eventful periods appear shorter than equally long but uneventful periods. (IV) The measurement of the passage of time, however, can be done objectively. (V) This can be accomplished by many methods Involving various devices, such as clocks or sundials. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V PRACTICE EXAM 2 l.B 2.A 3.D 4.E 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.E 10.D ll.C 12.E 13.B 14.A 15.A 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.E 20.C 21.D 22.A 23.E 24.B 25.C 26.A 27.B 28.D 29.D 3O.E 31.C 32.D 33.A 34.C 35.B 36.C 37.E 38.A 39.B 40.D 41.E 42.C 43.D 44.B 45.A 46.B 47.C 48.E 49.D 5O.A 51.A 52.B 53.E 54.C 55.D 56.E 57.B 58.A 59.C 6O.D 61.E 62.U 63.C 64.A 65.E 66.C 67.C 68.B 69.E 70.C 71.D 72.E 73.B 74.B 75.A 76.B 77.D 78.C 79.B 80.A 81.A 82.D 83.C 84.E 85.D 86.A 87.E 88.E 89.C 90.B 91.D 92.C 93.A 94.D 95.C 96.C 97.A 98.D 99.C 1OO.A