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e n glisch - hilfe n .de – LEARN I N G EN GLI SH ON LI N E Sim ple Pr e se nt - Te st 1 A - Pu t in t h e cor r e ct ve r b for m s. 1) Andy ___________t he fam ily car. a) wash b) washes c) washs 6) His friend ___________t o school. a) gos b) go c) goes 2) Every m orning m y m ot her ___________at 6 o'clock. a) get up b) get ups c) get s up 7) Do you ___________m ilk in your t ea? a) like b) liks c) likes 3) Mr. Black ___________e- m ails in t he evenings. a) writ e b) writ es c) writ s 4) The girls ___________t he shopping. a) dos b) does c) do 5) Mandy and Susan ___________film s every weekend. a) wat ches b) wat ch c) wat chs 8) ___________I correct ? a) Are b) Be c) Am d) I s 9) I t ___________a beaut iful day t oday. a) am b) are c) be d) is 10) a) b) c) John oft en ___________handball. play plays playes B - W h ich se n t e n ce s/ qu e st ion s a r e cor r e ct ? 1) a) b) c) d) W h ich se n t e n ce is in t h e Sim ple Pr e se nt ? He can a bike ride. He can ride a bike. He can rides a bike. He cans ride a bike. 2) a) b) c) d) e) W h ich se n t e n ce is in t h e Sim ple Pr e se nt ? He has read a book. He is reading a book. He read a book. He reads a book. He will read a book. 3) a) b) c) d) W h ich ne ga t ive se n t e n ce is in t h e Sim ple Pr e se nt ? He do not reads a book. He does not read a book. He is not reading a book. He not read a book. 4) a) b) c) W h ich ne ga t ive se n t e n ce is in t h e Sim ple Pr e se nt ? We do'nt work in a bank. We does not work in a bank. We don't work in a bank. e n glisch - hilfe n .de – LEARN I N G EN GLI SH ON LI N E Sim ple Present - Test 1 - page 1 e n glisch - hilfe n .de – LEARN I N G EN GLI SH ON LI N E 5) a) b) c) d) e) W h ich qu e st ion is in t h e Sim ple Pr e se nt ? Do she work in an office? Do she works in an office? Does she work in an office? Work she in an office? Works she in an office? 6) a) b) c) d) W h ich qu e st ion is in t h e Sim ple Pr e se nt ? From where do you com e? Where do you com e from ? Where does you com e from ? Where dos you com e from ? 7 ) I n w h ich se n t e n ce is t h e Sim ple Pr e se nt u se d cor r e ct ly? a) Carol clean t he bat hroom . b) Carol cleans t he bat hroom . 8) a) b) c) I n w h ich se n t e n ce is t h e Sim ple Pr e se nt u se d cor r e ct ly? Andrew wash t he dishes. Andrew washes t he dishes. Andrew washs t he dishes. C - For m qu e st ions in t h e Sim ple Pr e se n t . 1) Frank / t o read / com ics ______________________________________ 2) what / t hey / t o eat / for breakfast ______________________________________ 3) when / his m um / t o com e / hom e ______________________________________ 4) t o be / Pet er / from Aust ria ______________________________________ 5) Marie and Joe / t o like / hom ework ______________________________________ 6) you / t o walk / t o school ______________________________________ 7) where / she / t o live ______________________________________ 8) why / you / t o ride / your bike ______________________________________ 9) how / Linda / t o go / t o t he park ______________________________________ 10) can / Ron / t o speak / English ______________________________________ D - N e ga t e t h e se n t e n ce s. 1) Kevin plays basket ball. ______________________________________ 2) St eve can m ake breakfast . ______________________________________ 3) I run t o school. ______________________________________ 4) The kit e flies int o t he air. ______________________________________ 5) He is from Spain. ______________________________________ 6) Mr Sm it h t eaches French. ______________________________________ 7) Sandy washes her hair. ______________________________________ 8) The children know t he answer. ______________________________________ 9) She sit s on a chair. ______________________________________ 10) Anne and Sue carry a box. ______________________________________ e n glisch - hilfe n .de – LEARN I N G EN GLI SH ON LI N E Sim ple Present - Test 1 - page 2 e n glisch - hilfe n .de – LEARN I N G EN GLI SH ON LI N E E - Pu t in t h e ve r bs in br a ck e t s in t o t h e ga ps. 1) Jill ____________________ t wo children. ( t o have) 2) The pupils ____________________ songs in t he classroom . ( t o sing) 3) Andy's brot her ____________________ in an office. ( t o work) 4) She ____________________ m y sist er. ( t o be) 5) ____________________ you ____________________ English? ( t o speak) 6) The boys ____________________ com put er gam es. ( not / t o play) 7) I oft en ____________________ t o t he cinem a. ( t o go) 8) ____________________ she ____________________ st am ps? ( t o collect ) 9) Pet er ____________________ e- m ails. ( not / t o writ e) 10) She ____________________ t o Menorca every sum m er. ( t o fly) F - W h ich a n sw e r s a r e cor r e ct ? 1 ) W h ich ve r b for m s a r e use d in t h e Sim ple Pr e se n t ? a) I nfinit iv b) I nfinit iv + - ed c) I nfinit iv + - ing d) I nfinit iv + s e) have + I nfinit iv + - ed 2) a) b) c) d) e) f) W h ich ve r b for m s a r e cor r e ct ? she are she has she hase she is she plays she plaies 3) a) b) c) d) e) f) W h ich ve r b for m s a r e cor r e ct ? he flies he flys he lives he livees he workes he works 4 ) W h ich se n t e n ce s/ qu e st ion s a r e in t h e Sim ple Pr e se n t ? a) He's 15. b) Do you speak Spanish? c) I 'm in room 201. d) She didn't help her m ot her. e) She doesn't like m ilk. f) We are reading a book. g) She drives a car. 5 ) W ha t a r e t ypica l sign a l w or ds for t h e Sim ple Pr e se n t ? a) always b) at t he m om ent c) every day d) now e) oft en f) som et im es g) yest erday 6) by a) b) c) d) e) f) g) W h ich ve r bs/ a ux ilia r ie s ca n be n e ga t e d a ddin g > n ot < ? am read can is play are speak e n glisch - hilfe n .de – LEARN I N G EN GLI SH ON LI N E Sim ple Present - Test 1 - page 3