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The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/0265-671X.htm Process embedded design of integrated management systems Process embedded design of IMS Muhammad Asif, Erik J. de Bruijn and Olaf A.M. Fisscher School of Management and Governance, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands Cory Searcy Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, and 261 Received May 2008 Revised August 2008 Accepted September 2008 Harm-Jan Steenhuis Management Department, College of Business and Public Administration, Eastern Washington University, Spokane, Washington, USA Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide a process-based design of integrated management systems (IMS) implementation. Design/methodology/approach – An extensive survey of peer-reviewed literature was conducted. Based on the literature review, a comprehensive methodology for the design and implementation of an IMS was developed. Findings – A critical review of the strategies employed and of difficulties encountered in IMS implementation reveals the need for a context- and process-based design of IMS. At the operational level core activities are first designed from the perspective of stakeholders’ requirements and then treated with operational excellence tools to strip away waste. The transformed core processes are then integrated with mainstream individual management systems to form one composite and holistic management system. The institutionalisation of IMS needs to be addressed in its design (through process embedded design) as well as at the users’ level (through education and training of employees). Practical implications – The paper provides the process-based strategy for IMS implementation and institutionalisation. Originality/value – The paper should be useful for practitioners searching for a recipe to integrate management systems, for government regulatory agencies seeking to facilitate the integration of management systems, and for researchers as a future area of research. Keywords Management techniques, Integrated manufacturing systems, Quality management, Environmental, Occupational health and safety, Corporate social responsibility Paper type Literature review 1. Introduction Integration is the complete harmony and alignment of strategy and operations of an organisation. It means that different departments and levels speak the same language and are tuned to the same wavelength (Garvin, 1991). In the literature, integration of management systems has been discussed as the merger of the quality management An earlier version of this paper appeared in Proceedings of POMS 19th Annual Conference at La Jolla, California, USA. This article benefited greatly from the invaluable comments of Ambika Zutshi at the School of Management and Marketing, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management Vol. 26 No. 3, 2009 pp. 261-282 q Emerald Group Publishing Limited 0265-671X DOI 10.1108/02656710910936735 IJQRM 26,3 262 system (QMS), environmental management system (EMS), and occupational health and safety management system (OH&SMS) (see, for example, Fresner and Engelhardt, 2004; Karapetrovic, 2002; Labodova, 2004). Indeed, to survive and thrive in a period of global competition, organisations need to look at every aspect of their processes, including cost cutting, wellbeing of their employees, the working environment, and the impact that organisational operations have on their neighbours and on the local community. Moreover companies must address these issues while continuing to provide quality products and services. The concept of integrated management systems (IMS) has arisen from this need. However, difficulties are also faced in the integration of management system standards (MSS) having diverse scopes and compositions. Guidelines for the implementation of individual management systems, such as QMS, EMS, and OH&SMS do exist but there is no formalised standard, such as one developed by International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO), for IMS. Similarly guidelines/models for business excellence, such as the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) award and the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) also exist. Therefore an elaborated strategy for IMS implementation would be helpful. With that in mind, the purpose of this paper is to develop a strategy to design and implement an IMS. To achieve this purpose, this paper starts with a survey of literature to highlight the commonly accepted meaning of IMS in literature and in practice. This is followed by a discussion on what difficulties are faced in the integration of MSS and their implementation and what strategies are commonly employed to achieve integration. It provides the basis for the development of a “Process embedded design of integrated management systems” (PEDIMS) which forms the next section. In the final section conclusions are presented. 2. Literature survey IMS has been discussed extensively in the literature. Owing to a growing number of management systems, their integration is a relevant topic of research. Implementation (of IMS or any other system) is viewed as a process of organisational change from one state to another. The IMS implementation process could therefore be viewed from the perspective of “three essential dimensions of change” as described by Pettigrew and Whipp (1991) and shown in Figure 1. In the IMS perspective, these three dimensions could be described as: (1) The content of IMS (what). (2) The context of IMS: The internal and external environment (where). (3) The process of IMS implementation (how). The following section describes a survey of IMS-related literature. The discussion is presented in the perspective of these three dimensions of change to understand the bigger picture of IMS. The implementation model described by Pettigrew and Whipp (1991) is comprehensive; however another commonly used model to describe the change process is one developed by Beyer and Trice (1978). The latter describes change process to take place in three steps: adoption – deciding to pursue a strategic program and choosing a methodology to achieve that goal; implementation – characterised by a mental shift and changes in activities involved in putting the strategic program to Process embedded design of IMS 263 Figure 1. Three dimensions of IMS Implementation practice; and institutionalisation – which ensures that strategic programs become part of the regular routines of the organisation: (1) Content. There is no specific mention of what constitutes an IMS or what should be the components of IMS. Karapetrovic and Willborn (1998 cited in Karapetrovic and Jonker, 2003) define IMS as a composite of interdependent processes that operate harmoniously, share the same pool of human, material, information, infrastructure, and financial resources, and are all aimed towards the fulfilment of set goals. Although some authors have suggested the integration of other management elements into an IMS (see, for example, Matias and Coelho, 2002; Raouf, 2004), most of the published work concentrates on integration of quality, environment, and health and safety management systems (Karapetrovic, 2002). More recent literature also focuses on the inclusion of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as an essential component of IMS (see, for example, Jonker and Karapetrovic, 2004; Karapetrovic, 2002, 2003; Karapetrovic and Jonker, 2003; Rocha et al., 2007). These management systems constitute the pillars of an organisation’s management structure. Inability to address any of these constituent systems may result in regulatory, social, operational, or corporate non-conformance. It is expected that new standards will continue to emerge and existing standards will undergo periodic updates. The choice of which management system to implement always depends on the unique circumstances faced by the organisation and an IMS is required to ensure that each of them is integrated into the mainstream business infrastructure (Rocha et al., 2007). In order to achieve full realisation of the potential benefits of individual management systems it is imperative to integrate them into one system (Zutshi and Sohal, 2005). (2) Context. The “context” dimension of an IMS implementation process could be viewed in terms of an “internal” or “external” context. The internal context includes an organisation’s resources, capabilities, culture, and politics whereas the external context includes economic/business factors, external politics, and social factors (Pettigrew and Whipp, 1991). The consideration of the context dimension is crucial since it plays an important role in management’s decision IJQRM 26,3 264 to integrate the MSS and the course of implementation process. This is because IMS implementation is dependent on the availability of resources and expertise (see, Zeng et al., 2007; Zutshi and Sohal, 2005) and on the organisational culture (see, Jorgensen et al., 2005; McDonald et al., 2003; Rahimi, 1995). The role of important factors influencing IMS implementation has been discussed in the sections “difficulties in integration” and “IMS enablers”. However, due to its vital role in IMS implementation, a brief mention of the culture is imperative. Culture is usually viewed as internal (organisational/corporate culture) or external (national culture). There is an intimate relationship between national culture and organisational culture since companies cannot develop an organisational culture that differs substantially from the prevailing cultural factors of the country in which it operates (Lagrosen, 2003). This problem is notably poignant for multinational firms since they conduct their operations in many different countries with varying cultures (Lagrosen, 2003). The importance of addressing the culture in IMS implementation was highlighted by Wilkinson and Dale (1999), who noted that organisational culture is the key issue in integrating management systems. Sigler and Pearson (2000) noted that culture is occasionally considered as one of the reasons behind the success (or failure) of an implementation. The cultural aspect has also been highlighted by Jorgensen et al. (2005, p. 718) who noted that “integration is more about culture, learning, and employees than about common system elements and generic processes” and by Zutshi and Sohal (2005, p. 225) who noted that “to practise an integrated system it is essential that the organisation has a culture that is willing to embrace change”. The reason why cultural transformation is so important could be understood by considering the core values of IMS. Essentially at its core, IMS consists of certain underpinning values such as customer satisfaction, leadership commitment, full participation of employees, education and training, facts based decision making, continuous improvement, employees’ health and safety, and realisation of social responsibilities as described in the individual management systems. Successful implementation requires that these values be aligned with the values of organisation. However it is not easy as the values are grounded in the organisational culture. The IMS implementation thus requires the cultural transformation. The culture transformation could also be viewed in terms of formation of different subcultures within an organisational culture and overall organisational culture that fosters learning and IMS implementation process. There is a relationship between management systems’ scope and culture, and the differences in scope are likely to lead to different sub-cultures in the organisation. These different sub-cultures may hinder the development of a strong common culture that emphasises the values of co-operation and involvement (Wilkinson and Dale, 2002; Zeng et al., 2007). IMS implementation thus requires a strong common culture that fosters the learning process. (3) Process. The third dimension in the change process described by Pettigrew and Whipp (1991) is the process by which an implementation takes place. In contrast to “what” (content) and “where” (context), the process represents the “how” part of implementation. The IMS implementation process could be seen as a flow of activities and in essence achieving an objective. However, before moving to the “implementation process”, a review of “difficulties encountered in the implementation process” and “currently employed strategies of integration” is imperative to better understand the nature of problem. 2.1 Difficulties in integration Integration depends on a number of factors in addition to cost, expertise, and availability of resources. These factors include complexity of the company (single/multiple sites, national/multinational, small/large), nature of the business, whether management is looking for alignment of few standards or full integration of all management systems, and the nature of operations of the organisation. The difficulties in the integration and implementation of IMS, frequently reported in the literature, are noted in Table I. The challenges faced during IMS implementation could broadly be categorised as: . Different nature of individual systems. The individual management systems in the IMS have their own foci. QMS is the oldest available management system meant for achievement of customer satisfaction, EMS is geared towards environmental protection and pollution prevention, OHSAS 18001 is aimed at the proactive control of risk and hazards to improve the health and safety of employees. Since individual management systems are meant for different purposes and thus vary in their composition and their scope, difficulties are faced in their integration into one management system. ISO approved standards exist for QMS and EMS but no ISO approved standard exists for occupational health Process embedded design of IMS 265 Supporting literature Difficulties in integration Reduced flexibility after integration Increase in bureaucracy (due to intertwining) Rejection of new system by employees Employees’ resistance during integration (due to loss of individual functions) These difficulties are partially caused by Unavailability of formal standard for integration of management systems Unavailability of common denominator (common characteristics) Different scope of individual systems Different structure of individual systems Inadequate audit methodologies Risk of not assigning the right level of importance to each function (such as quality, environment, and health and safety) Misunderstanding of integration concepts Insufficient financial resources Lack of information and knowledge of how to integrate Cultural aspects (requires cultural transformation) Crowe (1992) Matias and Coelho (2002), Wright (2000) Matias and Coelho (2002), Zutshi and Sohal (2005) Karapetrovic (2002) Labodova (2004) Karapetrovic (2002) Wilkinson and Dale (2001), Zeng et al. (2007) Karapetrovic (2002), Seghezzi (2000) Karapetrovic (2002) Salomone (2008) Salomone (2008), Wilkinson and Dale (2001) Zutshi and Sohal (2005) Salomone (2008), Zeng et al. (2007), Zutshi and Sohal (2005) Jorgensen et al. (2005), Wilkinson and Dale (1999), Zeng et al. (2007) Table I. Difficulties in integration of individual management systems IJQRM 26,3 266 . . . . and safety and for CSR. ISO has voted twice about whether to develop an ISO standard for OH&SMS, the proposals have been turned down, and therefore, ISO currently, has no plans to develop such a standard (Jorgensen et al., 2005). Similarly there is no ISO standard for CSR, but ISO has decided to launch the development of an international standard providing guidelines for social responsibility (SR). The guidance standard will be published in 2010 as ISO 26000 and would be voluntary to use. Indeed, ISO is finding a midpoint between regulative and voluntary approach towards development of a standard for CSR so that creativity and development is not stifled (ISO, 2008). Despite this middle or soft approach to CSR, the business sector is sceptical to ISO’s initiatives because in their perception the ISO guidance standard could result in more regulative efforts. Employees’ resistance. Employee resistance to change is a well-documented phenomenon of organisational psychology (see, for example, Dent, 1999; Kotter, 1979, 1995, 1996; O’Toole, 1995) that affects implementation of a new system. Because of this resistance to change, it is difficult for key users to communicate and explain their system requirements and explain how their systems may be best integrated with other system(s). However this problem may be addressed, at least in part, by training and education (Holdsworth, 2003). Resistance is also faced from the people who fear to lose their workplace ownership in the course of integration. Lack of resources. Lack of financial and knowledge resources is an important impediment in the integration of individual management systems and their implementation. Indeed, the integration of individual management systems is an approach that does not come easily; it requires dedicated efforts on behalf of management and employees as well as the allocation of human and financial resources. Further costs are incurred in obtaining certification by a third party. Many small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have insufficient resources to implement an IMS (Zutshi and Sohal, 2005). Moreover, when an external source of help is solicited for the IMS, it can only facilitate the implementation process but its internalisation and maintenance is the function of key users, who (for example, in the case of SMEs) may not have the required level of expertise. Lack of strategy for integration. Unavailability of a formal management system/standard and of a strategy for integration of management systems and their implementation is another impediment. Furthermore, empirical research in many countries such as China (Zeng et al., 2007) and Australia (Zutshi and Sohal, 2005) has revealed that the problem of insufficient expertise/knowledge is also faced in IMS implementation. In such circumstances operational managers are left with no option except to integrate the individual MSS based on their perceptions and experiences, even when they have strong personal commitment for an IMS. The need for an IMS implementation strategy has thus been envisaged. Post-IMS implementation difficulties. Failure to effectively design and implement the IMS may precipitate the danger of reduced organisational flexibility. Crowe (1992) noted that in manufacturing, systems integration has reduced the flexibility. Systems that are expected to be flexible turn out to be even worse after integration. This is due to use of hard integrated systems where information interfaces are tied together in a fixed and rigid manner. Wilkinson and Dale (1999) have suggested that this happens when those responsible for a system lose sight of its objectives. True flexible integration thus must be planned, designed, and implemented by the firm for the firm. Matias and Coelho (2002) have explained that the problem of increased bureaucracy may occur due to the complexity of intertwined systems. These problems arise primarily due to inability to effectively design and implement the IMS. From the above-mentioned difficulties faced in the implementation of IMS, it becomes evident that IMS implementation requires a planned approach. The goals, objectives, and milestones need be clearly established. The decision to implement an IMS must be reflected in strategic planning so that appropriate resources are allocated. An organisation wide commitment, especially top management, is imperative for accomplishment of the objectives within the predefined timeframe and allocated resources. The importance of strategic planning for successful IMS implementation, employee involvement, and the use of an incentive system has also been advocated by Holdsworth (2003) and Rahimi (1995). 2.2 Strategies of integration Various strategies of IMS implementation have been described in the literature, having different orientations and exhibiting varying degrees of emphasis between a generalised implementation approach and a link with clauses of individual MSS. Some strategies are based on integration of existing individual management systems through describing a sequence of integration; others are described in the form of various levels of integration. Still others are described in the light of clauses of standards for individual MSS. Table II presents an overview of the strategies of IMS design and implementation as described in the literature. These strategies of IMS design and implementation have led to better understanding of integration of MSS in general and across diverse contexts. But the insatiety is still there and there is a need to establish an expounded strategy that describes IMS implementation at various organisational levels and provides a complete roadmap to achieve integration in all organisational processes. This is an important point since IMS, at its best, is not a destination but rather a critical milestone in an endeavour to achieve business excellence. Indeed a critical analysis of integration strategies discussed in the literature reveals their inadequacy to provide a complete roadmap for the implementation process of IMS. As an illustration, we note that although some approaches describe the sequence of integration of already implemented management systems (see, for example, Karapetrovic and Willborn, 1998; Labodova, 2004), they are inapplicable to the situations where no management system already exists and implementation is to be started from scratch. Similarly, a simple description of integration processes at various levels also seems insufficient since it does not tell where to start from, what to do and how to do. In the same line of reasoning we find Karapetrovic and Jonker (2003, p. 457) who noted that “in order to reap the benefits of an IMS, constitutive function-specific management systems must be seamlessly amalgamated”; but the complete methodology to achieve amalgamation remains a topic of research. Other descriptions focus more on the philosophy of IMS (see, for example, Wilkinson and Dale, 1999, 2002; Wright, 2000; McDonald et al., 2003). Process embedded design of IMS 267 Strategies based on sequence of integration Integration of already implemented MSS (Karapetrovic and Willborn, 1998) Possible sequences of integration (Labodova, 2004) IJQRM 26,3 General strategies for unification of MSS Alignment (Jorgensen et al., 2005; Wilkinson and Dale, 1999) Integration (Jorgensen et al., 2005; Wilkinson and Dale, 1999) 268 Table II. Strategies of IMS design and implementation Strategy of integration Broader category Explanation Parallelisation of the MSS using their similarities Common parts of standards are adopted. The practical implication of an aligned approach would be that separate procedures are built but placed in the same manual Full integration of all relevant procedures and instructions. Unified procedures for different systems Full integration Sequence of integration of already implemented MSS Sequence of integration System approach to integration Integration through “A system of systems” (Karapetrovic and Willborn, 1998) Integration through systems approach System approach to integration (Jonker and Karapetrovic, 2004; Karapetrovic and Jonker, 2003) A holistic approach to prevent sub-optimisation of one component in pursuit of another There could be three options for integration of MSS: 1. QMS first and then adding EMS 2. Establishing EMS first and then adding QMS 3. Introducing QMS and EMS concurrently using the “system of systems” concept Integration could be achieved in one of two ways: 1. Introduction of individual systems followed by the integration of the originally separate systems 2. Development and implementation of an integrated management system, integrated from the very beginning Linking the systems in such a way that they lose their independence. Integration normally leads to a stronger and more comprehensive management system Business is viewed as a single system in which individual systems on integration give rise to an amorphous system that changes its shape depending on prevalent stakeholders and objectives to be achieved (continued) Strategy of integration Broader category Integration at various organisational levels Four levels of integration (Wilkinson and Dale, 1999) Different modes of integration Integration at various hierarchical levels (Jorgensen et al., 2005) Multi level synergy (Zeng et al., 2007) Explanation 1. Individual management systems integrated into every function, so that the quality-related requirements are covered by the QMS, environment requirements are covered by the EMS and health and safety requirements covered by the OH&SMS 2. Integration of the identified links in the three standards, i.e. QMS (ISO 9001), EMS (ISO 14001), and OH&SMS (OHSAS 18001) 3. Integration of the three systems (QMS, EMS, OH&SMS) with other certificated systems 4. Integration of all certificated and uncertificated systems Three ambition levels of integration starting 1. Correspondence: efforts made to increase compatibility of MSS mainly through cross referencing between from increased compatibility of MSS to the documents which results in a decreased documentation embeddedness in culture burden, simple procedures and work instructions, and simpler audit 2. Coordination and coherence: integration at the level of management activities so there is a focus on interrelations, synergies and tradeoffs. Objectives and targets are set, coordinated and balanced and organisational responsibilities are defined in one place 3. Strategic integration: this includes change at cultural level that fosters teamwork and participation of all stakeholders Integration requires synergy at three Integration needs to take place at three levels: organisational levels 1. Strategic synergy 2. Organisational structural-resource-cultural synergy 3. Documentation synergy (continued) Process embedded design of IMS 269 Table II. IJQRM 26,3 270 Table II. Strategy of integration Broader category Explanation Other approaches to integration Two-pronged approach (Karapetrovic, 2002) Integration through generic MSS and auditing A two-pronged approach. The first prong involves the creation of a generic management system standard to support integration. The second prong relates to auditing of IMS Use of integrated resources to achieve satisfaction of all stakeholders while operating in a context of a total quality culture Organisations could integrate the existing and future management systems through: 1. Ascension – for instance, when a company previously registered to ISO 9001 wants to go beyond to a Business Excellence Model 2. Augmentation – an organisation may need to “augment” an existing MS in order to develop a more in-depth understanding. For example, augmentation of ISO 14001 by the ISO 14031 performance guidelines 3. Assimilation – organisation may “assimilate” its internal MSS so that they work as one IMS Integration through “total quality approach” Integration of all resources required to (Wilkinson and Dale, 2001) achieve an IMS Integration through ascension, augmentation Strategies for enhancing the existing MSS and assimilation (Rocha et al., 2007) With all these constraints and limitations of extant literature in mind, this paper describes integration of management systems at different organisational levels and proposes a “process-based design of IMS”. 3. IMS implementation process The IMS implementation process could be viewed in terms of the guiding principles laid down by Hardjono et al. (1996). They described four elements which, considered together, form the basis for a distinctive method of organising. These elements are direction, consistency, coherence, and feedback. Direction refers to the organisations’ choices and common aims and in this case it means the organisations’ intentional choice of management systems to integrate and implement, whether integration of only management systems or sector specific systems as well (such as GMP for pharmaceuticals, HACCP for food, WRAP for apparels, and QS 9000 for automotive industry). Consistency is predominantly the vertical translation of the common aim and organisational values into objectives and tasks (vertical fit). Coherence relates to the horizontal coordination between processes, chains, operating companies, departments and individuals, and also includes structures, systems, and competencies (horizontal fit). The implementation is followed by the monitoring of the implementation process and its outputs. This includes evaluating gains from implementation and impediments faced in the implementation process. It initiates the process of feedback which refers to the arrangement of an organisation in such a way that learning can take place at all levels and over varying time-frames. The experiences and feedback from the implementation stage would be used in the next iterative cycle of implementation. The later is a typical characteristic of learning organisations and when executed systematically, ensures continuous improvement of performance. This is illustrated in Figure 2. Process embedded design of IMS 271 Figure 2. Vertical and horizontal integration of IMS IJQRM 26,3 272 Figure 2 describes the vertical and horizontal integration of IMS implementation strategy across various organisational levels. At the top IMS implementation is steered by management consciousness and commitment. The management commitment would appear in more formal terms in the form of strategic objectives, plans, and actions. As Zeng et al. (2007) note, strategy stimulates an organisation’s values, mission, and vision. These values then permeate organisational structure, resources, management processes, and operational processes. This vertical translation is represented by the term “consistency” in Figure 2. A clear strategy at this stage provides sustenance to the IMS implementation endeavours at other functional levels of the organisation. Synergy in resources (both human and financial), values, common beliefs, and management actions is the next step in order to transform the strategic plans into operational processes. The important point to consider here is that integration at this stage is meant for efficient allocation and utilisation of resources, and also making sure that true benefits of integration are transferred to the operational level through these management actions (synergy of resources, values, common beliefs, and learned lessons). The synergy at this level thus aims to integrate the resources and efforts towards achievement of an integrated system. The next step in translating strategic objectives downwards is the horizontal integration across operational processes and associated documentation. Essentially the purpose of integration at this level is to integrate the different requirements of individual management systems into one composite activity. Similarly, integrated documentation is to be developed rather than separate multiple documents which make an operator’s job more difficult. Integration at the level of operational processes has been represented by term “coherence” in Figure 2 and is discussed in detail in what follows. 3.1 Process-based design of IMS At the operational activities level, the need for a process-based design of IMS lies in the very basic fact that there is no “one size fits all” IMS: organisations need to design an IMS that is tailored to the specific challenges and opportunities of their own context and this process must start from the core processes of the organisation. The need for a tailor-made IMS has also been mentioned by Fresner and Engelhardt (2004), Holdsworth (2003), Karapetrovic and Jonker (2003), Matias and Coelho (2002) and McDonald et al. (2003). However, in practical terms there is a need for a strategy of IMS design and implementation that is founded on this fundamental principle. With that in mind, the following section introduces the notion of a PEDIMS approach. PEDIMS is explicitly designed to embed an IMS in the operational activities of an organisation, with the added capability of helping other functions to better understand and implement an IMS. This is illustrated in Figure 3. Designing core processes. As illustrated in Figure 3, PEDIMS derives directly from the core processes (core operational activities). These operational activities are represented by the customer supplier chain in which each individual is the customer of the preceding one and the supplier of the next in the operational chain. The PEDIMS at this first stage (i.e. core processes) requires that each activity be designed from the perspective of customers’ requirements/specification, environmental considerations, and health and safety essentially but also other systems management wants to Process embedded design of IMS 273 Figure 3. Process embedded design of IMS (PEDIMS) implement (for sake of illustration; ergonomics, social accountability or sector specific systems). This has been exemplified in next sections. Process performance improvement Designing of core processes as per requirement of individual MSS is followed by the second stage which is “operational excellence” or “process performance excellence”. Process performance excellence can be defined as “managing the process effectively and efficiently with a result that maximises the integrated stakeholder value in the long perspective while maintaining a balance between the interests of all stakeholders” (Garvare and Isaksson, 2001, p. 13). Operational excellence could be achieved, at least partially, using quality tools and techniques such as Pareto analysis, cause and effect analysis, histograms, control charts, etc., and advanced quality techniques such as quality function deployment, six sigma, lean operations, and lean sigma. Although these tools and techniques are mutually inclusive in terms of their application, Basu (2004) has noted that currently six sigma and lean sigma are increasingly being used as the most viable tool to achieve operational excellence. The conventional and advanced quality tools and techniques lead to operational excellence through better product and process design, reduction in wastages, better compliance to specifications and customer requirements and thus enhanced customer satisfaction. The first two stages of PEDIMS development are crucial since they address the IMS design process at the level of operational activities. These steps must be supplemented by the identification of individual processes and the development of flowcharts that sequentially describe all processes, their interfaces and responsible personnel. Input and feedback of key users is therefore critical for a successful design of PEDIMS. The PEDIMS implementation up to this stage would result in the processes that comply with all the requirements of quality, environment, and health and safety and limit every type of waste (such as over production, waiting, unnecessary transportation, inappropriate processes, unnecessary inventory, excess motion, defects, underutilisation of IJQRM 26,3 274 employees) and have high output to input ratio. Later are typical characteristics of processes that have undergone process performance improvement. Integration in strategy and operations The third step in the PEDIMS approach is the integration in strategy and operations. Essentially this stage involves incorporating the improved processes (through the preceding two stages) into the mainstream of MSS (such as QMS, EMS, OH&SMS, and others) using the guidelines of individual MSS. Integration at this stage ensures that the requirements of all stakeholders (regarding customer satisfaction, environmental protection, employee’s health and safety, and social responsibilities) as described in the individual MSS, have been addressed at the strategic level, translated in management processes, and then integrated with operational activities. Through being addressed in the management processes, sustenance is also provided to the preceding stages. The integration in strategy and operations could also be achieved through certification of individual management systems (by a third party) since the certification process ensures that the requirements of all constituent management systems are effectively fulfilled. However certification is neither a prerequisite nor a guarantee of effective integration of MSS. Integration in strategy and operations results in a system that has certain objectives (design and implementation of IMS), which are translated in the management processes (to facilitate IMS implementation) and then integrated with the core processes (that have been designed and improved to meet requirements of quality, health and safety, environment, and operational excellence). To illustrate how PEDIMS works, examples of dispensing (or weighing) of certain chemical compounds and of welding are provided. With the weighing process, there are concerns about the quality and quantity of the chemical compound. This is checked through the physical and chemical properties of the compound and other factors such as temperature, humidity, light, calibration of balance, etc. At the same time, it is imperative to consider environmental and health and safety concerns associated with the handling of that particular compound. Three different procedures (for quality, health and safety assurance, and environmental protection), in this example, may bring unnecessary complexity and inconvenience to the operator. Similarly, Jorgenson et al. (2005) describe an example focused on the welding process where in addition to meeting customer specifications regarding welding; handling of waste and health and safety of the operator are also equally important. In these two examples PEDIMS requires that when these activities are designed to execute manually (when their standard operating procedures (SOPs)/instructions are developed) or through automation; the weighing process and welding process be designed so that there is no inherent risk in the process regarding quality, environment, and health and safety concerns. Once this is done, the next PEDIMS requirement is to take this process to the level of operational excellence. For example, time and motion studies to identify wasteful processes and use of quality tools and techniques to make the process lean and conforming to specifications. This paves the way for the third step, that is, to incorporate “improved operational processes” in the “mainstream of management systems”. The welding example describes only one aspect of the chain of a process, such as along an automobile assembly line. The other processes in the chain (such as assembling and painting) as well as overall company behaviour in terms of its social responsibilities must also be viewed from the perspective of an IMS. A truly integrated management system can further be advanced for business excellence model. As Karapetrovic (2003, p. 6) states “IMS can be thought of as the first step towards business excellence”. A complete discussion of the business excellence models is beyond the scope of this paper. In any case, an IMS built upon the core activities of the organisation paves the way for the outermost band of business excellence. This has been illustrated in Figure 3. Process embedded design of IMS 275 3.2 Context specificity and employees’ buy-in Although a context-specific IMS design has also been suggested by Holdsworth (2003), Karapetrovic and Jonker (2003), Matias and Coelho (2002) and McDonald et al. (2003) PEDIMS is different from other approaches in that it extends deeper into organisational levels to subsume the core processes of the organisation. To increase the likelihood of wide internal acceptance, the PEDIMS approach is designed around the routine tasks of employees and articulates the aspects that ensure that quality, environmental, and safety issues are appropriately addressed. Moreover, its explicit emphasis on employees’ involvement at the design and review stages further promotes employees’ buy-in. PEDIMS also explicitly recognises that an IMS is not merely a grouping of a set of management systems and a means to reduce document duplication and costs; rather it is a milestone towards further advancement. This point is highlighted in Figure 3. Reinforcement for the use of a “process-based design of IMS” also comes from a review of literature in diverse areas. For sake of illustration, the ISO uses a process approach in the development of MSS and no single MSS is currently based on the systems perspective or model. The standards belonging to the “customer-focused” or “product quality” family such as ISO 9001, ISO 10012 and ISO 10018 are all based on the process approach (Jonker and Karapetrovic, 2004). Oakland (2003) also built his TQM model around the core processes. Finally, the PEDIMS model presented here is designed to accommodate both existing and future management systems. As an illustration of the various management systems, an organisation might choose to implement, MSS for quality (ISO 9001: 2000), environment (ISO 14001: 2004), occupational health and safety (OHSAS 18001: 1999), social accountability (SA 8000), and measuring and reporting ethical behaviour (AA1000:1999) using the PEDIMS approach. 3.3 IMS enablers In addition to PEDIMS strategy, IMS implementation can be facilitated by some key enablers. The IMS enablers most cited in the literature are strategic planning, support of all stakeholders (senior management and employees especially key users of IMS), facilitating cultural change, and employee training. The supporting literature for each of these enablers is summarised in Table III. 3.4 PEDIMS implementation Once a context-specific and process-based design of IMS (as PEDIMS is) is designed, the next stage is to put it in to practice. It is critical to establish here that implementation is an iterative cycle in which feedback from the output stage is entered into inputs to restart the process of continuous improvement. This learning process is essential in order to prevent lapses in IMS design, redesign, and IJQRM 26,3 276 Table III. IMS enablers and supporting literature Enablers IMS enablers Supporting literature Top management commitment Rocha et al. (2007), Zeng et al. (2007), Zutshi and Sohal (2005) Strategic planning Rahimi (1995) Tailor-made IMS design Fresner and Engelhardt (2004), Holdsworth (2003), Karapetrovic and Jonker (2003), Matias and Coelho (2002), McDonald et al. (2003) Employee training Rahimi (1995) Cultural change Jorgensen et al. (2005), McDonald et al. (2003), Wilkinson and Dale (2002), Zeng et al. (2007) Performance measurement and reward system Rahimi (1995) Key users’ support Hines (2002), Holdsworth (2003), McDonald et al. (2003), Rahimi (1995) Experts’ (or consultants’) support Zeng et al. (2007), Zutshi and Sohal (2005) implementation. This also ensures that the organisation continuously adapts to new challenges and the system never rolls back to its initial position. With that in mind, a schema for IMS implementation is illustrated in Figure 4. This schema is based on the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle. It derives stimulus for IMS implementation from a diverse number of motives, including regulatory, financial, marketing, social, and operational drivers. Once the decision to implement the IMS is made, it follows the evaluation of the management systems that are needed. In any case it is the responsibility of top management to decide with functional managers which functions and standards to include. The “plan” stage is followed by the implementation stage (“do” stage) and then monitoring of the process (“check and act” stage). Finally Figure 4 shows a brief list of the results (benefits of IMS), as described by Douglas and Glen (2000), Jorgensen et al. (2005), Zeng et al. (2007), and Zutshi and Sohal (2005) that could be reaped from successful implementation of IMS. 3.5 IMS institutionalisation Once the PEDIMS design and implementation client is complete, the next challenge is its institutionalisation, maintenance, and continued improvement. Institutionalisation could be described as embeddedness of the IMS in the organisations’ routine operations and culture. The need for a focus on this challenge is underlined by the law of entropy. Essentially, it means that things left to themselves gradually move towards chaos and disorder. To keep them in an order effort/input is required. This is the same case with an IMS. Left to itself, the system moves towards deterioration and degradation with the passage of time. The underlying philosophy behind this is that people resist change in their status quo and want to return back to their old zone of comfort. This observation is heavily supported by literature in organisational psychology (see, Dent, 1999; Kotter, 1979, 1995, 1996; O’Toole, 1995). Another common problem faced in the implementation of Process embedded design of IMS 277 Figure 4. IMS implementation roadmap based on PDCA IJQRM 26,3 278 management systems is that they are not effectively implemented and so are not completely harnessed. Even the advanced management systems like “total quality management” appear to many practitioners as a faded star (Williams et al., 2006) and jaded tree (Dale, 2003). Sathiendrakumar (1996) has expressed similar concerns about sustainable development. Dale (2003) and Sandholm (2005), however, noted that there is nothing wrong with strategic improvement programs; rather the problem arises in the way they are implemented. This is the same case with an IMS. It is thus imperative to appropriately harness the IMS so that it appears as a potential reality rather than a quick passing fad. The need for enhanced familiarisation and acceptance of a system by the users is also represented in literature by the notion of “appropriation”. Essentially meant for increased internalisation of newly implemented system; appropriation describes the construction of a social process whereby mutual sharing between a system and its users takes place and subsequent transformations take place in both system and its users. These transformations result in a social system in which actions and thoughts of the user are shaped by the system, while the meaning and effects of the systems are shaped through the users’ actions. Beyer et al. (1997) mentioned that process of institutionalisation is complete when something becomes both accepted and taken-for-granted as part of the way people feel and think, and the way they usually do the things. They further noted that institutionalising a planned change requires establishing new structures and routines, and changing the culture. The institutionalisation of IMS can be described at three levels. At the first level lies the fact that some of the internalisation is inherent in the IMS itself. As Douglas and Glen (2000), McDonald et al. (2003), and Zutshi and Sohal (2005) noted, IMS has the potential for making key users’ jobs simpler and easier which in turn increases its acceptability and internalisation. But this is not sufficient and failures associated with poor IMS implementations have been widely reported in literature (see, for example, Karapetrovic and Jonker, 2003; Wilkinson and Dale, 1999, 2002; Zeng et al., 2007; Zutshi and Sohal, 2005). We thus need to go beyond this basic level. Institutionalisation also comes from the PEDIMS design of IMS as the PEDIMS is designed over the core activities of organisation and thus promotes greater buy-in by employees. As is the case with PEDIMS; designing IMS with the support of key users and designing the IMS to the specific needs and competencies of the organisation will better serve the purpose of the organisation than any generic IMS system (Fresner and Engelhardt, 2004; Matias and Coelho, 2002; McDonald et al., 2003). So such a system (as the PEDIMS is) promotes firm internalisation of the IMS and prevents it from rolling back to its initial state. This is the second level of institutionalisation. The third level is embedding the IMS at the level of employees, particularly the key users of the IMS. This need is evident from the previous discussion that emphasises that significant resistance is faced from key users. This could be facilitated by incorporating users’ feedback in the design and redesign of IMS, training, education, and motivation so that they do not feel alien to the new system. Three levels of IMS institutionalisation have been shown in Figure 5. Institutionalisation of the IMS is an important concern because in the past many organisations suffered from this problem and that mistakenly led to the notion of “management systems as quickly passing fads”. Failure to embed the IMS may put the whole effort and resources at stake. Process embedded design of IMS 279 Figure 5. Various levels of IMS institutionalisation 4. Conclusions Integration of management systems is seen as a viable organisational approach to cost reduction, operational improvements, employee motivation, efficient management and utilisation of resources, and a means to better compliance to social obligations and different stakeholder’s requirements. However difficulties have been faced in IMS implementation (integration of individual management systems and their implementation) due to lack of formal MSS for IMS and unavailability of methodologies for IMS implementation. Due to the varying nature of specific core strengths and competencies of firms, an IMS that works well for one organisation may not work for another; a true IMS would therefore be one that has been designed specifically for that organisation. IMS implementation requires complete integration (vertical and horizontal) across all levels of organisation. Vertical integration transforms the strategic plans into management processes and then operational activities. Horizontal integration is meant to provide lateral integration across operational processes and is achieved through a PEDIMS. PEDIMS erects an IMS over organisation’s core processes by designing them so that first, they meet all requirements of quality, environment, health and safety, and social obligations and second, they are lean and waste free. These transformed core processes are then integrated in the mainstream management systems to give one composite and holistic IMS. IMS implementation can be facilitated through enablers such as securing senior management’s full support, addressing IMS in strategic planning, allocating and prioritising resources, establishing goals, targets and milestones for IMS, involvement of end-users in the design and implementation phase, support of IMS experts, fostering a culture of teamwork, and through employees’ training. PEDIMS approach counts upon feedback as the dynamising process to design, implement, and improve IMS. Finally, institutionalisation of IMS is important to take into account because of high failure rate. PEDIMS approach, however, owing to its specific context based design, process based approach and involvement of key users throughout the designing phase, facilitates its internalisation which could further be augmented by the training and motivation of key users. 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