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PH 3034 Modern Political Thought, Teaching Period 2, January-March 2014 PH 3034 Modern Political Thought Dr. Kenn Nakata Steffensen University College Cork Department of Philosophy Elderwood 2, Room 2.2 College Road k.steffensen@umail.ucc.ie Lectures: Seminars: Office hours: Mondays 2-3 PM in WDL PDT Wednesdays 1-2 PM in WGB G15 Mondays 3:30-4:30 PM and by appointment Course Description This module focuses on some central normative issues in political thought, as theorised principally in the modern Western tradition. Political philosophy/theory deals with arguments about the way society should be structured and governed and is concerned with normative rather than empirical questions. The readings will, however, be related to concrete political debates, both past and present. The module aims to develop your ability to think critically and comparatively about the ideas that shape our world, and about how they are shaped by history and culture. Some knowledge of political philosophy, history, social science and current affairs are useful, but not necessary. By presenting a selection of themes and debates, the module enables students to assess theoretical arguments about issues, such as:         the nature of modern thought and society the freedoms and obligations that should, or should not, be enjoyed by groups and individuals the social distribution of resources the relationship between majorities and minorities in society the relationship between individual and community the role played by gender, sexuality and ethnicity in political life the legitimacy or illegitimacy of war and its role in history our obligations towards the natural environment and the future Having read all the assigned readings and attended the lectures and seminars, students should be able to:     demonstrate knowledge of some key texts in modern political thought demonstrate knowledge of a range of topics and concepts employed in contemporary political thought evaluate a variety of normative arguments about political life articulate their own positions based on their reading and classroom learning PH 3034 Modern Political Thought, Teaching Period 2, January-March 2014 Assessment The total marks for the course are 100%, distributed as follows:    Attendance and participation 20% 2,500-word essay 30% Summer exam 50% Teaching Methods We will meet for one hour twice a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays. On Mondays, there will be a lecture on that week’s topic. On Wednesdays, we will discuss the topic in a seminar format. Students will be required to write and present a short summary of one of the readings with one or more questions or comments for group discussion. The readings are available on Blackboard. They are divided into assigned and suggested readings. Students are expected to have read the assigned readings when they come to the lecture on Mondays. In addition to the suggested readings for each of the ten weeks, a number of general introductions to political philosophy/theory and historical overviews are available in a folder called ‘handbooks’. The 2,500-word essay is due at the end of term. It should focus on one of the topics covered in the course and draw on the literature in the syllabus and at least two additional academic sources. Students should formulate their own title and submit an outline by the sixth week of the course. The outline should state the topic and question/s the essay will address and your argument/s about it. You should also provide an indicative bibliography of the main sources you wish to use for the essay. For guidance on writing student essays in philosophy, please see http://www.ucc.ie/en/media/academic/sociologyandphilosohy/admindocuments/EssayWriting.pdf. PH 3034 Modern Political Thought, Teaching Period 2, January-March 2014 Week 1 - Thinking about Political Thinking and the Meaning of Modernity Monday 6th January and Wednesday 8th January 2014 Assigned readings:    Foucault, Michel 1984 ‘What is Enlightenment?’ Kant, Immanuel 1784 ‘Answering the Question: What is Enlightenment?’ Kleinberg, Stanley S. 1991 ‘Political and Philosophical Thinking’ and ‘Definitions of Politics’, Chapters 2 and 3, pp. 18-35 in Kleinberg, Stanley S. Politics & Philosophy: The Necessity and Limitations of Rational Argument. Oxford: Blackwell, 1991 Suggested readings:   Arendt, Hannah 1958 The Human Condition Bauman, Zygmunt Modernity and the Holocaust  Berman, Marshall All that is Solid Melts into Air Connolly, William E. 1993 The Terms of Political Discourse. Princeton: Princeton University Press Gray, John Al Qaeda and what it means to be Modern        Habermas, Jürgen 1987 The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity. Horkheimer, Max & Theodor W. Adorno 1944 ‘The Concept of Enlightenment’, Chapter 1, pp. 1-34 in Horkheimer & Adorno Dialectic of Enlightenment: Cultural Memory in the Present. Translated by Edmund Jephcott. San Francisco: Stanford University Press, 2002 [1944]. Lyotard, Jean-Francois ‘Answering the Question: What is Postmodernism?’, pp. 71-84 in The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1988 Takeuchi, Yoshimi ‘What is Modernity’, Chapter 2 in Takeuchi, Yoshimi What is Modernity? Writings of Takeuchi Yoshimi. Edited, translated and with an introduction by Richard F. Calichman. New York: Columbia University Press, 2005 Weber, Max ‘Politics as a Vocation’ Week 2 - Liberty Monday 13th and Wednesday 15th January 2014 Assigned readings:    Berlin, Isaiah ‘Two Concepts of Liberty’ in Isaiah Berlin Four Essays on Liberty. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1969 [1958] MacCallum, Gerald C. 1967 ‘Negative and Positive Freedom’. Philosophical Review 76, pp. 312-334 Taylor, Charles ‘What's Wrong With Negative Liberty’ Chapter 8, pp. 211-229 in Philosophy and the Human Sciences. Vol. 2 Philosophical Papers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990 PH 3034 Modern Political Thought, Teaching Period 2, January-March 2014 Suggested readings:      Geuss, Raymond & Martin Hollis 1995 ‘Freedom as an Ideal’. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 69: 87-100 Cohen, Gerald A. 1995 Self-Ownership, Freedom and Equality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995 Sandel, Michael J. 1984 ‘Introduction’ in Sandel (ed.) Liberalism and its Critics. New York: New York University Press, 1984 Nozick, Robert 1974 Anarchy, State and Utopia. Oxford: Blackwell Coleman, James S. et al. 1974 ‘Robert Nozick’s Anarchy, State and Utopia’ Theory and Society, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 437-458 Week 3 - Equality Monday 20th and Wednesday 22nd January 2014 Assigned readings:   Dworkin, Ronald 1981 ‘Equality of Resources’, Philosophy & Public Affairs, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 283-345 Cohen, Gerald A. 1989 ‘On the Currency of Egalitarian Justice’, Ethics, Vol. 99, No. 4, pp. 906-944 Suggested readings:         Anderson, Elizabeth E. 1999 ‘What is the Point of Equality?’ Ethics, Vol. 109, No. 2, pp. 287-337 Arneson, Richard J. 1989 ‘Equality and Equal Opportunity for Welfare’ Philosophical Studies Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 77-93 Clayton, Matthew & Andrew Williams 2002 ‘Some Questions for Egalitarians’, Chapter 1 in Clayton & Williams (eds.) The Ideal of Equality. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002 Cohen, Gerald A. 1990 ‘Equality of What? On Welfare, Goods and Capabilities’ Recherches Économiques de Louvain / Louvain Economic Review, Vol. 56, No. 3/4, pp. 357-382 Frankfurt, Harry H. 1987 ‘Equality as a Moral Idea’ Ethics, Vol. 98, No. 1, pp. 21-43 Scheffler, Samuel 2003 ‘What is Egalitarianism’ Philosophy & Public Affairs, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 5-39 Sen, Amartya K. 1979 ‘Equality of What?’ Tanner Lecture on Human Values delivered at Stanford University on 22nd May 1979 Wolff, Jonathan 1998 ‘Fairness, Respect and the Egalitarian Ethos’ Philosophy & Public Affairs, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 97-122 PH 3034 Modern Political Thought, Teaching Period 2, January-March 2014 Week 4 - Community Monday 27th and Wednesday 29th January 2014 Assigned readings:   Sandel, Michael J. 1984 ‘The Procedural Republic and the Unencumbered Self’ Political Theory, Vol. 12, No. 1 (Feb., 1984), pp. 81-96 Taylor, Charles ‘Atomism’ Chapter 8, pp. 187-210 in Philosophy and the Human Sciences. Vol. 2 Philosophical Papers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990 [The entire volume is filed under ‘Week 2 Liberty’] Suggested readings:      Buchanan, Allen E. 1989 ‘Assessing the Communitarian Critique of Liberalism’ Ethics, Vol. 99, No. 4, pp. 852-882 Gutmann, Amy 1985 ‘Communitarian Critics of Liberalism’ Philosophy & Public Affairs, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 308-322 Mulhall, Stephen & Adam Swift 1992 Chapter 1 ‘Sandel: The Limits of Liberalism’, pp. 4069 and Chapter 3 ‘Taylor: The Sources of the Liberal Self’, pp. 101-126 in Mulhall & Smith Liberals & Communitarians. Oxford: Blackwell, 1992 Kukathas, Chandran 1992 ‘Are there any Cultural Rights?’ Political Theory, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 105-139 Avineri, Shlomo & Avner de-Shalit ‘Introduction’, pp. 1-11 in Avineri & de-Shalit (eds.) Communitarianism and Individualism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992 Week 5 - Democracy Monday 3rd and Wednesday 5th February 2014 Assigned readings:   Runciman, David 2011 ‘Can Democracy Cope?’ The Political Quarterly, Vol. 82, No. 4, pp. 536-545 Walzer, Michael 1981 ‘Philosophy and Democracy’ Political Theory, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 379399 Suggested readings:       Anderson, Elizabeth 2008 ‘An Epistemic Defense of Democracy: David Estlund’s Democratic Authority’Episteme,Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 129-139 Ball, Terence 2010 ‘Toward a Greener and More Inclusive Democracy: A Mildly Utopian Inquiry’. Paper presented at University of California San Diego, 19 April 2010 Dahl, Robert 1989 Democracy and its Critics. New Haven: Yale University Press Dryzek, John S. 2000 Deliberative Democracy and Beyond: Liberals, Critics, Constestations. Oxford: Oxford University Press Estlund, David M. (ed.) 2002 Democracy. Oxford: Blackwell Estlund, David M. 2009 Democratic Authority: A Philosophical Framework. Princeton: Princeton University Press PH 3034 Modern Political Thought, Teaching Period 2, January-March 2014    Fabre, Cécile 2003 ‘To Deliberate or to Discourse. Is That the Question?’ European Journal of Political Theory, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 107-115 Gutmann, Amy 2007 ‘Democracy’ Chapter 25, pp. 521-531 in Robert E. Goodin, Philip Pettit & Thomas Pogge (eds.) A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy. Vol. 2. Oxford: Blackwell Held, David 2006 Models of Democracy. 3rd edition. San Francisco: Stanford University Press, 2006 [1987] Week 6 - Gender Monday 10th and Wednesday 12th February 2014 Assigned readings:   Soper, Kate 2005 ‘Feminism and Enlightenment Legacies’, pp. 705-715 in Knott, Sarah & Barbara Taylor (eds.) Women, Gender and Enlightenment. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Pateman, Carole 1988 ‘Contracting In’, Chapter 1, pp. 1-18 in The Sexual Contract. Cambridge: Polity Suggested readings:               Ackerley, Brooke A. 2000 Political Theory and Feminist Social Criticism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Beauvoir, Simone de 1976 [1949] The Second Sex. Translated and edited by H.M. Parshley. New York: Alfred A. Knopf Boucher, Joanne 2003 ‘Male Power and Contract Theory: Hobbes and Locke in Carole Pateman's The Sexual Contract’ Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 23-38 Butler, Judith 2005 Undoing Gender. London: Routledge Dworkin, Andrea 1989 [1981] Pornography: Men Possessing Women. Harmondsworth: Penguin hooks, bell 2000 Feminism is for Everybody: Passionate Politics.Cambridge, MA: South End Press hooks, bell 2000 [1984] Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center. Cambridge, MA: South End Press Mackinnon, Catharine A. 2006 Are Women Human? And Other International Dialogues. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press McLaughlin, Janice 2003 Feminist Social and Political Theory: Contemporary Debates and Dialogues. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Meyers, Diana T. (ed.) 1997 Feminist Social Thought: A Reader. London: Routledge Nussbaum, Martha C. 1999 Sex and Social Justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press Okin, Susan Moller 1989 Justice, Gender and the Family. New York: Basic Books Pateman, Carole 1980 ‘Women and Consent’ Political Theory, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 149-168 Puwar, Nirmal 2002 ‘Interview with Carole Pateman: "The Sexual Contract," Women in Politics, Globalization and Citizenship’ Feminist Review, No. 70, pp. 123-133 PH 3034 Modern Political Thought, Teaching Period 2, January-March 2014 Week 7 - Philosophy Week: No Classes Week 8 - Culture Monday 24th and Wednesday 26th February 2014 Assigned readings:   Taylor, Charles 1992 ‘The Politics of Recognition’, Chapter 1, pp. 25-74 in Gutmann, Amy & Charles Taylor (eds.) Multiculturalism and the Politics of Recognition. Princeton: Princeton University Press Barry, Brian 2000 ‘The Politics of Multiculturalism’, Chapter 8, pp. 292-328 in Barry, Brian Culture and Equality: An Egalitarian Critique of Multiculturalism. Cambridge: Polity Suggested readings:          Connolly, William E. 1991 Identity/Difference: Democratic Negotiation of Political Paradox. Minneapolis & London: University of Minneapolis Press Dunn, John 1995 ‘The Claim to Freedom of Conscience: Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Thought, Freedom of Worship?’ Chapter 6, pp. 100-120 in Dunn, John The History of Political Theory and other Essays. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Honneth, Axel 1995 [1992] The Struggle for Recognition: The Moral Grammar of Social Conflicts. Translated by Joel Anderson. Cambridge: Polity Landesman,Bruce M. ‘Multiculturalism and "The Politics of Recognition." by Charles Taylor; Amy Gutmann’ Review. Ethics, Vol. 104, No. 2, pp. 384-386 Mendus, Susan 1989 Toleration and the Limits of Liberalism. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Parekh, Bhikhu 2002 Rethinking Multiculturalism: Cultural Diversity and Political Theory. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press Parekh, Bhiku 2008 ‘European Liberalism and the “Muslim Question”’ ISIM Paper No. 9. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press Raz, Joseph 1995 ‘Multiculturalism: A Liberal Perspective’ Chapter 8 in Raz, Joseph Ethics in the Public Domain: Essays in the Morality of Law and Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press Wollff, Robert Paul, Barrington Moore Jr. & Herbert Marcuse 1969 A Critique of Pure Tolerance. Boston: Beacon Press Week 9 - Economy Monday 3rd and Wednesday 5th March 2014 Assigned readings:  Friedman, Milton 1962 ‘The Relation between Economic Freedom and Political Freedom’ and ‘The Role of Government in a Free Society’, Chapters 1 and 2, pp. 7-36 in Friedman, Milton 1962 Capitalism and Freedom. Chicago: University of Chicago Press PH 3034 Modern Political Thought, Teaching Period 2, January-March 2014  Keynes, John Maynard 1926 ‘The End of Laissez-Faire’ pp. 592-595 in Medema, Steven G. & Warren Samuels (eds.) The History of Economic Thought: A Reader. Routledge: London & New York, 2003 Suggested readings:                Brace, Laura 2004: The Politics of Property: Labour, Freedom and Belonging. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press Elkin, Stephen L. 2008 ‘Political Theory and Political Economy’ Chapter 43, pp. 792-809 in Dryzek, John S. et al (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press Elster, Jon ‘The Market and the Forum: Three Varieties of Political Theory’ Chapter 1, pp. 334 in Bohman, James & William Rehg (eds.) Deliberative Democracy: Essays on Reason and Politics. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press Habermas, Jürgen 1991 [1962] The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere. Translated by Thomas Burger. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press Hayek, Friedrich von 2005 [1945] The Road to Serfdom with The Intellectuals and Socialism. London: Institute of Economic Affairs Marx, Karl 1844 Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts. Translated by Martin Gilligan. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1959 Munzer, Steven R. 2007 New Essays in the Legal and Political Theory of Property. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Pillings, Geoffrey 1987 ‘Reactions to the Crisis of Keynesianism’, Chapter 1 and ‘Conclusion’, pp. 159- in Pillings, Geoffrey The Crisis of Keynesian Economics: A Marxist View. London: Croom Helm. http://www.marxists.org/archive/pilling/works/keynes/conclusion.htm Polanyi, Karl 2001 [1944] The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time. Boston: Beacon Press Ryan, Alan 1984 Property and Political Theory. Oxford: Blackwell Schumpeter, Joseph 2003 [1944] Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. Routledge Wallerstein, Immanuel 2011 [1974] The Modern World System. Vol. 1: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origin of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century. Berkeley: University of California Press Žižek, Slavoj 2007 ‘Resistance is Surrender’ London Review of Books Vol. 29, No. 22, 15th November 2007, p. 7 Žižek, Slavoj 2012 ‘Capitalism: How the Left Lost the Argument’ Foreign Policy, October 2012 Žižek, Slavoj 2012 The Year of Dreaming Dangerously. London & New York: Verso PH 3034 Modern Political Thought, Teaching Period 2, January-March 2014 Week 10 - Ecology Monday 10th and Wednesday 12th March 2014 Assigned readings:   Dobson, Andrew 2006 ‘Introduction’, Chapter 1 ‘Thinking about Ecologism’ and Chapter 2 ‘Philosophical Foundations’, pp. 1-52 in Dobson, Andrew Green Political Thought. Fourth edition. London and New York: Routledge Lovelock, James 2000 [1979] ‘Living with Gaia’, Chapter 8, pp. 115-132 in Lovelock, James Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth. Oxford: Oxford University Press Suggested readings:               Ball, Terence 2003 ‘Green Political Theory’, Chapter 25, pp. 534-552 in Ball, Terence & Richard Bellamy (eds.) The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century Political Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Ball, Terence 2010 ‘Toward a Greener and More Inclusive Democracy: A Mildly Utopian Inquiry’. Paper presented at University of California San Diego, 19 April 2010 Barry, John & Andrew Dobson 2004 ‘Green Political Theory: A Report’, pp. -180-191 in Gaus, Gerald F. & Chandran Kukathas (eds.) Handbook of Political Theory. London: Sage Blackwater, Bill 2012 ‘The Denialism of Progressive Environmentalists’ Monthly Review June 2012 Boulding, Kenneth E. 1966 ‘The Economics of the Coming Spaceship Earth’, pp. 3-14 in H. Jarrett (ed.) Environmental Quality in a Growing Economy. Baltimore, MD: Resources for the Future/Johns Hopkins University Press Collingwood, Robin George 1945 The Idea of Nature. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1960 Dobson, Andrew et al. 2009 ‘Trajectories of Green Political Theory’, Contemporary Political Theory 8, pp. 317-350 Dryzek, John S. 1997 ‘Save the World through New Consciousness: Green Romanticism’ and ‘Save the World through New Politics: Green Rationalism’, Chapters 9 and 10, pp. 155-172 in Dryzek, John S. The Politics of the Earth: Environmental Discourses. Oxford: Oxford University Press Kassiola, Joel Jay 2003 ‘Can Environmental Ethics ‘Solve’ Environmental Problems and Save the World? Yes, but First We Must Recognise the Essential Normative Nature of Environmental Problems’ Environmental Values 12, pp. 1-26 Keller, David R. 2008 ‘Deep Ecology’ pp. 206-211 in Callicord, J. Baird & Robert Frodeman (eds.) Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy. Second Edition. Macmillan Reference USA/Gale Cengage Learning McKie, Robin 2007 ‘Gaia’s Warrior’ Green Lifestyle Magazine July/August 2007, pp. 60-63 Meyer, John M. 2008 ‘Political Theory and the Environment’, Chapter 42, pp. 773-791 in Dryzek, John S, Bonnie Honig & Anne Phillips (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press Paehlke, Robert C. 2003 ‘Environmentalism and Progressive Politics: An Update’, Chapter 5, pp. 81-103 in Kassiola, Joel Jay Explorations in Environmental Political Theory: Thinking about what we Value. Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe Sessions, George 1987 ‘The Deep Ecology Movement: A Review’ in Environmental Review Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 105-125 PH 3034 Modern Political Thought, Teaching Period 2, January-March 2014 Week 11 - War Monday 17th and Wednesday 19th March 2014 Assigned readings:   Kant, Immanuel 1795 Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Clausewitz, Karl von 1827 On War. Suggested readings:              Barry, Brian 1986 ‘Can States be Moral?’ in Barry, Brian Liberty and Justice. Vol. 2 of Essays in Political Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press Clausewitz, Karl von 1827 On War. Doyle, Michael 1983 ‘Kant, Liberal Legacies and Foreign Affairs’ Philosophy & Public Affairs, Vol. 12, No. 3 (Summer, 1983), pp. 205-235 Elshtain, Jean Bethke 2003 Just War Against Terror: Ethics and the Burden of American Power in a Violent World. New York: Kant, Immanuel 1795 Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Morgenthau, Hans 1948 Politics among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace. Chapter 1, pp. Pogge, Thomas ‘An Egalitarian Law of Peoples’, Philosophy & Public Affairs, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 195-223 Rawls, John 1999 The Law of Peoples. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press Rengger, Nick 2004 ‘Jean Bethke Elshtain’s Burden and American Power’ International Affairs Vol. 80, No. 1, pp. 107-116 Renngger, Nick 2002 ‘On the Just War Tradition in the Twenty-First Century’ International Affairs Vol. 78, No. 2, pp. 353-363 Tuck, Richard 1999 The Rights of War and Peace: Political Thought and the International Order from Grotius to Kant. Oxford: Oxford University Press Walzer, Michael 1978 Just and Unjust Wars. Walzer, Michael 2002 ‘The Argument about Humanitarian Intervention’ Dissent Winter 2002, pp. 29-37 Week 12 - Conclusion and Review Monday 24th and Wednesday 26th March 2014