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2021, giftedupoint
com/posts/articles/between-parents-of-the-gifted-and-their-therapist-onconflictual-beliefs-and-world-views-np4p0jxt7ugt8hhc Introduction A while ago, I met a third-grade boy identified as gifted. He was not my first, but he was really exceptional. With a reach language he counted the gods in Greek mythology and compared them to those of the Roman's. He talked about the differences as well as similarities among these two lists, while bringing into the comparison other gods, from some more mythologies. When he finished his "lecture" I was too astounded even to close my mouth, he asked me not to tell his parents about this specific knowledge he had acquired. As he was learning in a state-religious school, and his parents were educators and counsellors in religious/Ultra-Orthodox communities, he was already ware of their dissatisfaction when learning about their son's large variety of interests, particularly in areas very far from the Jewish holy scripts.
The purpose of this study was to examine the attitudes of school teachers regarding the education of gifted students in Greek educational settings and to identify the factors affecting such perceptions. The sample consisted of 245 teachers (70 men and 145 women) of primary (N = 85) and secondary (N = 150) education who completed the questionnaire «Opinions about the gifted and their education» of Gagné & Nadeau (1991). The results showed that the perceptions of teachers concerning gifted children and their education are influenced by factors such as prior teaching experience with gifted students, knowledge in pedagogy and special education issues, and the area of teachers’ expertise. Overall, attitudes of educators in this sample seem consistent with similar studies conducted in other countries with any differences attributed to cross-cultural and educational differences between states and the early transition period of recent Greek legislation concerning gifted students and their e...
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
Handbook of Giftedness and Talent Development in the Asia-Pacific, 2019
Gifted education through the lens of religion. International Education Studies, 14 (4), pp. 48-5,, 2021
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 2019
Bu kitap, Geç Orta Çağ Fransa’sında derin bir iz bırakmış olan Niğbolu Muharebesi üzerine on dördüncü yüzyıl sonları ve on beşinci yüzyıl başlarında kaleme alınmış çeşitli türlerdeki Fransızca eserlerden oluşan bir seçkiyi bir araya getirmekte ve bu eserlerin Türkçe tercümelerini okurla paylaşmaktadır. Söz konusu eserler, oldukça kıymetli birincil kaynaklar olarak, Niğbolu Muharebesi’ne şövalyelerin gözünden bakmanın yanı sıra, dönemin Osmanlı algısına ve Geç Orta Çağ Fransa’sının toplumsal dinamiklerine dair de ipuçları sunmaktadır.
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