Access to Healthcare
Recent papers in Access to Healthcare
A toolkit with a generalizable example for communities to design and conduct an evaluation of their own free pop-up clinic in the style of the annual Seattle/King County clinic. Written with Naveed Badri, MPHc; Cait Lang, MPHc; Joy Lee,... more
‘Post-national’ scholars have taken the extension of social rights to migrants that are normally accorded to citizens as evidence of the growing importance of norms of ‘universal personhood’ and the declining importance of the... more
No existing review has synthesized key questions about acculturation experiences among international migrant workers. This review aimed to explore (1) What are global migrant workers' experiences with acculturation and acculturative... more
No existing review has synthesized key questions about acculturation experiences among international migrant workers. This review aimed to explore (1) What are global migrant workers' experiences with acculturation and ac-culturative... more
This study was conducted in order to provide a possible solution to the myriad of healthcare access problems affecting Zimbabwe. A desktop analytic review of literature, reports, legal and policy documents was carried out on the... more
À Nouakchott en Mauritanie, le système de santé s’est beaucoup développé ces dernières années. Cependant, compte tenu de la faible accessibilité des soins, les enfants atteints de maux chroniques connaissent des parcours de soins... more
Στην Έκθεση αυτή του έργου "Συμμετοχική Προσέγγιση για την Ευαισθητοποίηση και Καταπολέμηση των Διακρίσεων βάσει του Σεξουαλικού Προσανατολισμού και της Ταυτότητας Φύλου στον τομέα της υγείας - PARADISO" (με χρηματοδότηση της Γ.Γ. Έρευνας... more
À l’appui d’une enquête empirique réalisée dans une structure hospitalière – la PASS (Permanence d’accès aux soins de santé) – qui prend en charge les personnes sans Sécurité sociale, cet article propose d’analyser d’un point de... more
Few studies have examined the health behaviours and factors that may help or hinder the d/Deaf population’s ability to maintain health in the UK, and none specifically in Wales. In view of the reported inequalities, a better understanding... more
Background: The aim of the study was a comparative analysis of legislative measures against discrimination in healthcare on the grounds of a) race and ethnicity, b) religion and belief, and c) gender identity and sexual orientation in... more
Cet article analyse la construction et les fonctions de frontières invisibles qui s’érigent à l’intérieur de l’État français dans le domaine de l’accès aux soins. À partir d’une enquête empirique qualitative dans les Permanences d’accès... more
Since data on the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) of young refugee women living in urban settings in Lebanon are particularly scarce, we aim through this exploratory study to assess the SRH knowledge and access to services of Arab... more
Purpose-The influx of refugees and asylum-seekers over the past decade into the European Union creates challenges to the health systems of receiving countries in the preparedness and requisite adjustments to policy addressing the new... more
A segunda vaga da pandemia da COVID-19 começou sensivelmente em meados do outono de 2020. Entre outros impactos significativos que a pandemia provocou na saúde das populações, foram observados sinais de alerta que indicavam que a... more
ABSTRAK Anak balita merupakan periode masa yang disebut golden age. Akses pelayanan kesehatan untuk kelompok ini menjadi perhatian karena kesinambungan hidup pada kelompok tersebut menjadi salah satu tolok ukur pembangunan kesehatan.... more
Federal policy classifies undocumented immigrants in the United States as ineligible for the majority of publicly funded healthcare services by virtue of their ―illegal‖ status. As a result, those with chronic, debilitating illnesses... more
Background: Access to healthcare is restricted for newly arriving asylum seekers and refugees (ASR) in many receiving countries, which may lead to inequalities in health. In Germany, regular access and full entitlement to healthcare... more
The Center for Public Health and Health Policy Research (CPHHPR) hosted three Mini-Summits on Minority Health to respond to the unique public health challenges facing its region. The Mini-Summits were unique community forums designed to... more
ABSTRACT This paper examines the experiences of people displaced internally by climate-related factors in mainland Bangladesh, one of the world's most climate-vulnerable countries. The data derives from a representative survey of... more
Võtan siin artiklis kokku, milline on trans-inimestele pakutav tervishoid praegu, millised on viimasel kümnendil toimunud olulisemad arengud, mis on põhilised murekohad ning milline on olukord Eestis. Artikkel ilmus Vikerkaares 2022,... more
The idea that healthcare should become more person-centred is extremely influential. By using recent English policy developments as a case study, this paper aims to critically analyse an important element of person-centred care, namely,... more
Recourse to a purported ideal of societal homogeneity has become common in the context of the refugee reception crisis – not only in Japan, as Leppold et al report, but also throughout Europe. Calls for societal homogeneity in Europe... more
FRA carried out research into how " multiple " discrimination is legally addressed and examines relevant case law with a special focus on health care. It explored health-care users' and professionals' views and experiences on how people... more
This summary research report briefly presents the main findings of my desk and field (personal interviews with relevant stakeholders, experts etc. including representatives of Greek LGBTQI+ organizations) survey conducted in Greece for... more
Background: The data available for the health of Scheduled Tribes (ST) in India are often coarse-scale snapshots at district and state levels and fine-scale comparison within and across site is often not possible. In this paper, we... more
This qualitative research explains diffi culties among migrants when accessing health care. Many individuals of Mexican origin either travel to more accessible health care in Mexico or arrange to have medical services and pharmaceuticals... more
Aim: This qualitative study reports identified themes from suggestions made by 533 Canadian older adults, aged $65 years in response to the open-ended question contained in a Saskatch-ewan Telephone Survey: "What suggestions can you make... more