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      MathematicsActuarial ScienceStochastic ProcessStatistical Modeling
The classical mortality models such as the Cairns-Blake-Dowd (CBD), Lee-Carter (LC), Linear Regression (LR) models are used to model Systematic Mortality Risk (SMR) for many developed countries populations for actuarial product... more
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      Actuarial ScienceStochastic ProcessStatistical ModelingMortality
Investasi pada saham dianggap memiliki tingkat risiko yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan alternatif investasi lain seperti obligasi, deposito, dan tabungan. Oleh karena itu, investor sangat membutuhkan informasi dari pergerakan indeks... more
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      Actuarial ScienceRisk ManagementFinancial mathematicsFinancial Statistics
Pilgramage Plan for Muslims by EFU Life Assurance Ltd. Hemaya Window Takaful Operations Pilgrimage Plan
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      BusinessActuarial ScienceAccounting
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      HistoryGeographyMathematicsActuarial Science
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    • Actuarial Science
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      Applied MathematicsActuarial ScienceInformation TheorySpinal Cord Injury
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      Actuarial ScienceData MiningDataAnalysis
Actuarial education curriculum development has been a delicate balancing act that requires actuarial pedagogical experience in achieving coherent knowledge progression and the blending of Core Actuarial Science techniques with parent... more
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      Actuarial ScienceHigher Education
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      Actuarial SciencePensions and retirement income
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      Actuarial ScienceRisk ManagementOperational risk management and service marketing in the banking industry
As I have an interest on private sector, I was forwarded to Dushtha Shasthya Kendra (DSK) , a renowned NGO in Bangladesh. I started the internship there from June, 2019 under the faculty-supervision of Professor Dr. A. K. M. Moniruzzaman,... more
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      Actuarial ScienceProject ManagementTraining and DevelopmentPensions and retirement income
The actuarial profession in India was brought up by British rulers in pre-independent India to use actuarial knowledge and qualifications to run private insurance companies. Mr. L.S. Vaiydyanathan was the first Indian qualified actuary... more
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      Actuarial ScienceActuaryActuary Science
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    • Actuarial Science
The concept of comonotonicity in actuarial science and finance: theory. [PDF version]
J. Dhaene, M. Denuit, M.J. Goovaerts, R. Kaas & D. Vyncke (2002). Insurance: Mathematics & Economics, 31 (1), 3-33.
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      Actuarial ScienceComonotonicity
This is a summary of the numbered formulas and end of chapter concepts for EXAM MLC - Models for Life Contingencies. Details of Reference: Book Title: Study Manual for SOA Exam MLC Life Contingencies Edition: 14th Author of Reference:... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsActuarial ScienceComputational Modelling
Il s’agit de valorisation et de couverture des options de type américaine dans le cas d’une évolution temporelle discrète. •Le modèle adopté est celui de Cox-Ross-Rubinstein ; dont la description pour les options américaines fera l’objet... more
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    • Actuarial Science
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      Actuarial ScienceInformation TechnologyEthicsAustralia
Bonjour chers réseau
Je vous mon rapport de Projet Fin d'Année qui présente des différents méthodes déterministes et stochastique pour le calcul des provisions en assurance non vie, secteur automobile .
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      Actuarial ScienceAutomobileProbabilityStochastic Modeling
Resumen El presente artículo académico referente al impacto del Big Data en los individuos se realizó a partir de la revisión de artículos especializados y libros con contenido alusivo al tema en cuestión. El Big Data es una herramienta... more
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      Actuarial ScienceTechnologyRisk ManagementSocial impact
Dans le but d’aider BELIFE INSURANCE à améliorer mieux appréhender le risque de rachat dans sa gestion actif-passif, et compte tenu de la demande massive de rachats totaux dont elle a fait l’objet, nous entreprenons la recherche d’un... more
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    • Actuarial Science
Many actuarial Science Students in Kenya often struggle to find research topics whenever they want to do their researches in the Universities. This Paper should give you an Overview of some of the best topics to choose when doing research... more
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      Actuarial ScienceFinancial Accounting
Uganda is one of the countries with the largest number of traffic accidents and fatality rate, and the share of fatalities in its urban centre’s quite significant. Pedestrians, the disabled, children and the aged in particular, are the... more
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      Actuarial ScienceFinancial EconomicsInnovation statistics
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    • Actuarial Science
The insurance trade in Zambia has seen incredible swing in the manner in which the business is shepherded having relocated from a monopoly in the pre-liberalization epoch to a free market after the liberalization of the economy in 1992.... more
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      Actuarial ScienceRisk ManagementRisk AnalysisActuarial Studies
This study described the application of the Lee-Carter model to age-specific death rates by gender in the Philippines. These rates are available for the period that goes from 1960 to 2009. The mortality index, average age-specific... more
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      MathematicsActuarial ScienceStatisticsMortality
It is generally accepted that people’s economic-choice behavior is motivated by the utility they derive from actual or expected consumption of real goods. The ratio of marginal utility from any such consumption today as opposed to the... more
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      Actuarial ScienceGaussian processesInterest RatesLinearity
The National Disability Insurance Scheme is one of the most significant welfare reforms Australia has seen in a century. The reform incorporates several themes that have been gaining traction in other countries, including individual... more
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      Actuarial SciencePublic AdministrationSocial PolicyPublic Management
Trabajo dirigido al docente Roberto Zárate con información necesaria para comprender la matemática actuarial.
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      Actuarial ScienceEconomicsEconomyEconomía
This paper considers the modelling of a life table model for Ghana when her population becomes stable in the future. To do this, a Leslie matrix for Ghana is first determined. The Leslie model (which is an age-structured population... more
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      Actuarial SciencePopulation Forecasting, Mortality Analysis and Modelling, Applied DemographyLife Table
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    • Actuarial Science
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      Actuarial ScienceActuarial mathematicsStatistics, Actuarial Science, Risk ManagemenRisk Management and Insurance Finance Actuarial Science Corporate Governance Actuarial mathematics
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    • Actuarial Science
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      Actuarial ScienceStatisticsTime series analysisPredictive Analytics
This research discusses a root-finding algorithm in a more efficient way. This presents the inverse quadratic interpolation method for finding the root(s) of a function.
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      Actuarial ScienceGeometry And TopologyOperations ResearchQuantitative Methods
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      Applied MathematicsActuarial ScienceInsuranceIncomplete Information
A typical problem faced by small business entrepreneurs is to estimate - with reasonable probability - if their business will succeed or fail. This computational model allows them to evaluate the risk of investing in a business project,... more
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      FinanceActuarial ScienceActuarial mathematics
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      Actuarial ScienceEnvironmental ScienceConstructivismSecurity
This is a project work related to the study of Runge Kutta method of higher order and to apply in solving initial and boundary value problems for ordinary as well as partial differential equations. The derivation of the... more
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    • Actuarial Science
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    • Actuarial Science
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      FinanceActuarial ScienceApplied EconometricsApplied Statistics
In recent years, typhoons have struck the Philippines and Vanuatu; earthquakes have rocked Haiti, Pakistan, and Nepal; floods have swept through Pakistan and Mozambique; droughts have hit Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia; and more. All led to... more
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      Risk Management and InsuranceActuarial ScienceDevelopment EconomicsFinancial Economics
We conducted an international survey in which forensic examiners who were members of professional associations described their two most recent forensic evaluations (N=434 experts, 868 cases), focusing on the use of structured assessment... more
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      Forensic PsychologyActuarial ScienceDecision MakingJudgment and decision making
El 21 de junio de 2018 marcó el inicio de actividades de la Licenciatura en Actuaría en la IBERO, un programa que desde su planeación buscó integrar la esencia de las guías educativas del Syllabus actuarial emitido por la International... more
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      Actuarial ScienceActuary
This is a summary of the numbered formulas and end of chapter concepts for EXAM MLC - Models for Life Contingencies. Details of Reference: Book Title: Study Manual for SOA Exam MLC Life Contingencies Edition: 14th Author of Reference:... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsActuarial ScienceInsurance
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    • Actuarial Science
Primary background research documents developed and presented in 1998 when carrying out a review of public policy options for the Peruvian AFP system. Hitherto unpublished, but likely of interest to international actuaries, insurance and... more
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      Actuarial ScienceDisability StudiesPensions and retirement incomeChile