Recent papers in Adonis
For the full article, please email me at or visit One of the more powerful recurring motifs in the Iliad is that of the grief-stricken woman lamenting the death of a hero. As... more
La notion grecque d’opora contient en elle toute l’ambiguïté de l’automne, saison de passage et de devenir. Corne d’abondance antique, elle connote l’épanouissement vital des productions de Déméter, dans la sèche chaleur de l’été, tout en... more
The paper analyses the use and functions of the myth of Adonis in two Hellenistic poets: Bion and Theocritus.
Juan Matas Caballero et alii (eds.): Actas del Congreso Internacional sobre Humanismo y Renacimiento. León: Universidad
Mahmoud Darwish and Ali Ahmad Said Esber 'Adonis' ,both poets of enormous fame possess a distinct similarity of undergoing the ordeal of exile that incited them to pen down their catastrophic voyage of their life through the craft of... more
Okuyucu bu metinde oldukca garip, ayni olcude zengin bir tarihe sahip olan bir yiyecegin oykusunu bulacaktir. Antropolojik kokleri en ciplak haliyle olasilikla yazili tarih oncesinin cig et yeme pratigine dayandirilabilen, ancak... more
Aphrodite'nin kökeni, doğuşu, mitolojik öyküleri, Anadolu'daki yeri ve Aphrodisias'ta Aphrodite kültü.
Toute activité sportive est perçue en général comme étant positive et bénéfique. Mais quand, cette activité libératrice à la base, devient addiction, teintée de souffrance et des syndromes de manque, elle n’est plus centrée sur le... more
Describing and defining early Christian Spirituality
Adonis'in şiirleri, poetikası ve Batı modernliğini aşma çabası üzerine bir değerlendirme.
Im vorliegenden Aufsatz wird der phönizisch-punische kultische Ausdruck, mqm ʾlm mtrḥ ʿštrny, gemeinhin als Andeutung eines hohen priesterlichen Amtes verstanden, behandelt. Im Besonderen erhält das dritte Wort mtrḥ eine neue Deutung,... more
This study examined historical and religious characters and events emanating myth of phoenix manifesting renewal and resurrection after death and destruction in Adonis’s poetries. These concepts is symbols of realities in Arabic... more
Se hace un análisis de la película predecesora de "La seducción" de Sofía Coppola, de Don Siegel, con Clint Eastwood, en la que se estrena como actor de carácter y Geraldine Page, donde se muestra una tragedia a puerta cerrada, donde el... more
trata sobre un libro que escribió enoc un personaje bíblico que trata de ángeles especialmente
The character of Daphnis, the mythical Sicilian shepherd who has intriguing significance in folklore and religion, becomes an important literary figure in Theocritus, who, in his narrative of Daphnis’ death, makes him the founding figure... more
J'avais rencontré Hanna Mina, mais il y a plusieurs années, et à Damas. Il m'avait alors proposé, pour cet entretien très amical, et plutôt que de rester enfermés dans cette pièce qu'il avait remplie de bouquins, d'aller vagabonder, de... more
The "dream" is a basic and important idiom in Arabic modern poetry and literary criticism. This idiom, influenced by Sufism or some western schools, made significant changes in the principles of writing modern Arabic poetry. Thus, the... more
Quaderni d’Italianistica 35.2 (2014): 99-124
Working on this particular poem by Shakespeare opens many doors to older traditions in poetry and in ideology. Yet Shakespeare is a great modernist in the extreme subtlety with which he uses the binary music of this tradition, introduces... more
The purpose of this dissertation is to identify why and how the Jews’ avoidance of pork was singled out from among all of the other other Jewish dietary restrictions in the Greco-Roman world. Approached from the perspective of historical... more
The 12 entries for the catalogue concern grave goods from the well known archaic cemetery of Sindos, such as a gold necklace, earrings, pins, funerary masκ and pendants, as well a terracotta figurine and vases of the 6th century BC,... more