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Η διδακτική αυτή προσέγγιση αφορά στο σχεδιασμό και την υλοποίηση της διδασκαλίας στο πλαίσιο ενός μαθήματος φιλοσοφίας σχετικά με τις θεωρίες της γνώσης στη Β΄ Γενικού Λυκείου, με βάση το διδακτικό βιβλίο Αρχές Φιλοσοφίας στο... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
This paper discusses the most controversial subject of sex within a spiritual setting, as the holy yoke presented itself among fertility cults of ancient pagan cultures. It presents a fine treatment of the subject with findings rarely... more
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      Biblical StudiesNew Testament and Christian OriginsHistory of ProstitutionAncient Greece (History)
This research strives to analyze the reasons behind the discrepancies in gender equality between classical Athens and Sparta. I do so by analyzing the values and beliefs in these societies, and have come to the conclusion that the... more
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      HistorySpartaAncient Greece (History)Athens
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      PhilosophyAristotlePhilosophy of TimeAncient Philosophy
Lin. A a-ta-i-301-wa-e : ἀυτάι *θύαι
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      Greek LanguageAegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)Greek ArchaeologyAegean Prehistory (Archaeology)
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      ClassicsAncient Greece (History)Ancient magicAncient Sicily
Dear Friends and Colleagues, Kinyras: The Divine Lyre is also available online through the CHS website: http://chs.harvard.edu/CHS/article/display/6329. The web version, however, does not have page numbers, so that internal... more
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      PhilologyReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionSumerian Religion
https://www.habelt.de Nováková, L. 2019. Greeks who dwelt beyond the sea: people, places, monuments. Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie 333. Bonn: Dr. Rudolf Habelt. ISBN 978-3-7749-4216-5. The Greek civilization,... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyAnatolian Studies
For Michel Foucault, governing of people is only possible through the “manifestation of truth” of rulers, an act or a ritual, whose nature and ways change according to time and society. His series of lectures, titled “On the Government of... more
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      Michel FoucaultRoman EmpireAncient Greece (History)Ancient astrology
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      Ancient HistoryIranian ArchaeologyIranian StudiesHistory of Iran
Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é categorizar os tipos de aedos apresentados nos poemas homéricos e pensar a relação destas categorias com os possíveis aedos históricos de períodos identificados como o homérico. Discutiremos,... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek LiteratureHomerArchaic Greek history
This course offers an introduction to the history of ancient Greece from the Bronze Age to the end of the Hellenistic Age (roughly the 16th to the 1st centuries BCE), drawing on both source materials and modern works. This is a... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary History
Resumo: A ideia de «vazio» parece estar presente na cultura grega praticamente desde o seu início. Com efeito, se atendermos ao fato de os poemas homéricos e a obra atribuída a Hesíodo serem os mais antigos testemunhos literários... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMythologyGreek Literature
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      Classical ArchaeologyDigital HumanitiesAncient Greece (History)Polis
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      Ancient HistoryEconomic HistoryArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
Greek art has had a lasting impact on the Modern and Ancient world through their use of Architecture, Religious art, Bronze casting and art within everyday life. Greek Art has influenced places such as Egypt, Rome and India and has... more
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      Art HistoryAncient Greece (History)
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      Ancient HistoryAchaemenid PersiaXenophonAncient Greek History
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      FinanceHistoryEconomicsAncient Greece (History)
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMythology
The article takes a look at some historiographical perspectives that have conditioned the studies on the Greek polis during the last decades, paying particular attention to the concept of consumption city impelled by Moses Finley,... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek HistoryGreek ArchaeologyAncient Greek History
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      Ancient HistoryAegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)Ancient Greek HistoryAncient Greece (History)
Link to download: https://hdl.handle.net/11299/220694 This article makes three arguments regarding the Battle of Thermopylae. First, that the discovery of the Anopaea path was not dependent upon Ephialtes, but that the Persians were... more
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      Ancient HistoryMilitary HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Achaemenid Persia
copyright : Alexandros TZIOLAS Ο Μέγας ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ στην πορεία του προς την Σογδιανή ! Διηγήματα των Ουζμπέκων : (Σογδιανή - Βακτριανή) για τον Μέγα Αλέξανδρο - Τασκένδη 1974 : Έκδοση στα Ρώσικα 1η ΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΑ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΣΗ στα Ελληνικά,... more
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      Alexander the GreatSogdianHistory of Ancient MacedoniaAncient Greece (History)
Ο νόμος τους φορολογεί ως πολίτες, τους επιφορτίζει με “λειτουργίες”, απαιτεί στρατιωτική θητεία και τους επιβάλλει κεφαλικό φόρο. Τους απαγορεύει να έχουν ιδιοκτησία γης ή να νυμφεύονται μέλη των οικογενειών των ελεύθερων πολιτών. Τους... more
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      Ancient Greece (History)Ancint History & Archaeology
Resumo No primeiro livro de Histórias, três episódios da vida de Creso ilustram as principais características do gênero trágico presentes na narrativa herodotiana. O primeiro trata do encontro de Sólon com Creso (I, 30-33), depois o de... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek HistoryGreek TragedyAncient Greek Religion
This short article attempts to show that there was not sword particular to the Spartans and that short swords were used by various Greek Armies from the Bronze Age. Origany published in Greek in the Naftiki Hellas (Naval Greece) magazine... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greece (History)
Review of Peter Hunt's Ancient Greek and Roman Slavery (Wiley, 2018)
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      Ancient HistorySlaveryAncient Greece (History)Ancient Rome
La légende de Philippidès est bien connue aujourd’hui : il aurait été envoyé à Athènes pour annoncer la victoire de Marathon et se serait effondré après avoir délivré son message. Cette version est celle que développe Lucien de Samosate... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassical Reception StudiesHistory of WarAncient Greece (History)
Die Geschichte des Ionischen Aufstandes und der Perserkriege (5. Jh. v. Chr.) ist von dem antiken Geschichtsschreiber Herodot überliefert worden. Eine unreflektierte Übernahme seiner Erzählung ist jedoch nicht möglich. Allerdings läßt... more
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      Ancient HistoriographyAncient PersiaArchaic Greek historyAncient Greek History
A dēmokratía teve origem na época arcaica da Grécia antiga, mais precisamente por volta do segundo quartel do século V a.C., e Atenas foi a capital política e cultural do seu desenvolvimento. O espaço deste artigo dedica-se à... more
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      HistoryDemocracyAncient Greece (History)Historia
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryEconomic History
En el presente artículo (publicado el 17 de octubre de 2017 en la Revista Éufrates) se analizan las principales ideas reflejadas en el Discurso de Pericles, recogido por Tucídides en el Libro II de la Historia de la Guerra del Peloponeso.... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryPolitical PhilosophyHistory of Ideas
Im Peloponnesischen Krieg (431 bis 404 v. Chr.) standen sich die Machtblöcke des Ersten Attischen Seebundes unter Führung Athens und des Peloponnesischen Bundes unter seinem Hegemon Sparta gegenüber. Dank Thukydides sind wir über den... more
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      SpartaSpartan/Messenian historyAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greece (History)
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Greek ReligionAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Historiography
""En Filipo II y el Arte de la Guerra tendremos la oportunidad de conocer en profundidad a uno de los más grandes reyes de la antigua Macedonia. Gracias a su habilidad como estratega, diplomático, político y soldado, heredó un reino... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
Final international workshop for research group B-5-3 of Exc 264 Topoi, Berlin.

Program now online at: http://www.topoi.org/event/36201/
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      ChristianityArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyLate Antique and Byzantine History
There is much agreement from both ancient and modern sources, to pinpoint what a typical Greek tyrant was. The word ‘Tyrannos’ is not of Greek origin, but has been used by poets to convey a particular description of a dictator- like... more
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greece (History)Polykrates
Click to view front cover image and volume's table of contents.

And, now, enjoy a playlist of songs that feature in the volume on Spotify!
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      MythologyClassicsReception StudiesGlobalization
The role of the hoplite as a central pillar of the ancient polis‑system seems incontrovertible nowadays. From the 8th/7th century B.C. on, these bronze armour‑clad warriors fought in a closed formation, the phalanx, and successfully... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyAncient Greece (History)Archaic Greece
Until the classic Greek period (5th Century B.C), the Black Sea was considered like a geographical area of boundary in the Hellenic world. In this article, I present some reflections about the different notions of border used by... more
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      Ancient Greece (History)Borders and FrontiersFronterasPontus Euxinus
La desigual distribución de la riqueza bajo las condiciones actuales del capitalismo es, como bien se sabe, el eje sobre el que Piketty ha centrado su atención; asimismo, forma parte de sus reflexiones el posible rol del estado, a través... more
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      Athenian DemocracyGreek EconomyGreek Economic HistoryGreek Political Economy
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      YugoslaviaAlexander the GreatHistory of Ancient MacedoniaAncient Greece (History)
In this paper classical Athenian discourses about the end of tyranny and the beginning of democracy are analyzed. In particular, taking as a starting point the perspective of some modern specialist about Athenian democracy as a political... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryClassical Archaeology
In my undergraduate thesis I explored the possibility that Ancient Greek fertility cults ritualized certain ethnobotanical practices that might today have been called "abortion," but at the time, would have been thought of in a very... more
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      ClassicsEthnobotanySexual and Reproductive HealthHellenistic History
This is a review of *Race: Antiquity and its Legacy*, by Denise Eileen McCoskey (I.B Tauris, 2012).
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEgyptologyClassics
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Near EastAncient PersiaAncient Greece (History)
На каком языке пересвистываются птицы? Чем гиена похожа на свинью? Можно ли увидеть ад? Где смерть помогает жизни? Каково происхождение слова «Россия»? Отчего если Счастливцев, то Аркадий? Каким был бурсацкий язык и что такое разговор «по... more
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      Ancient HistoryEuropean HistoryModern HistoryEuropean Studies
IG V 1,1 should not be dated to the beginning of the Archidamian War. Connections with an allusion in Thuc. 2,8,4 and the explication of the beginning of the War in the Peace of Aristophanes are not very firm. Datation at the Decelean War... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek EpigraphyThucydidesAncient Greek History
1 Tabooed, worshipped, and sometimes exploited, the female breast is a visible, tangible and beautiful feature of the female body. Although it is a secondary sexual organ, and not necessary for reproduction, the female breast has an... more
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      Roman HistoryWomen's HistoryGender and SexualityBodies and Culture