Recent papers in Arboriculture
Urban/community forestry programs in Utah, U.S., were studied; a questionnaire was sent to community forestry contacts in every incorporated community in the state in summer 2002. Respondents reported on program support, budget,... more
In the mostly self-regulated arboricultural industry, Louisiana, U.S., is one of a few places where arborists must possess a license to operate. Since 1993, state-licensed arborists in Louisiana have been required to attend at least one... more
À l’ère de l'informatique, qui aurait cru que le dessin allait contribuer à jeter les bases d'une meilleure compréhension et d'une meilleure gestion du développement des arbres ? LE DESSIN, OUTIL DE RECHERCHE À une époque où la mode est... more
Sixty trees representing 9 different clones of Populus deltoides x P. trichocarpa hybrids were wounded in 1975, each tree receiving 14 drill wounds. Dissections of these trees after 6 months revealed several patterns of healing, ranging... more
Between 2015 and 2019 an integrated survey of the Veteran Trees and Archaeology at two sites in the Forest of Dean was carried out by volunteers under the supervision of Andrew Hoaen, of the University of Worcester. This report is a... more
Saplings of Pinus sylvestris were subjected to drought stress periods and inoculated with Sphaempsis sapinea in a greenhouse experiment. Six wk after inoculation, saplings that had low needle water potentials for 14 to 21 days after... more
Applying mulch on and around the root ball of newly installed trees is standard practice in many locations (Watson and Himelick 1997). However, mulch usage is less common in drier locations such as the southwestern United States. Applying... more
A field study was conducted to measure the predictability of tree decay based on visual assessments. Predictions made by individual arborists, tree surgeons, and forest ecologists were compared with the actual amounts and distributions of... more
Over the last two decades, there has been a substantial increase in street tree plantings across the United States. Many cities have set ambitious planting goals, relying on volunteer community groups to meet them. Existing research... more
Hazard trees are a concern for anyone who manages trees in a landscape setting, including arborists, urban foresters, and grounds managers. Through re- search, experience, observation, and common sense, ar- borists and urban foresters... more
Apparu lors d'un croisement naturel entre un mandarinier et un oranger à la fin du XIX e siècle, la clémentine s'est ensuite diversifiée par sélection clonale de mutants somatiques. Distinguer les différentes variétés clonales étant... more
One major benefit of urban trees is the shade they provide on sunny days; this reduces the heat stored in engineered surfaces and lowers the heat load on people, increasing their comfort. This study compared the shading effectiveness of... more
Evapotranspirational cooling from urban trees is an effective way of reducing the urban heat island. However, the appropriate planting design to maximize the cooling benefit of street trees has not been widely examined. The current study... more
Tree planting programs in Malaysia have progressed as planned. However, the subsequent management of the street trees, particularly at Kuala Lumpur City Hall, is not well undertaken due to inadequate information for management and... more
Opracowana w ramach programu „Drogi dla Natury” książka przeznaczona jest dla tych, którzy w ramach swoich obowiązków odpowiadają za drzewa, a także dla tych, którzy je po prostu kochają i pragną je lepiej poznać i chronić. Jest ona... more
For the purposes of this article, climbing hitches will be assessed by three main criteria: • how well the climbing hitch holds the climber in place for work positioning By Mark Adams • how easily the climbing hitch releases to allow the... more
A total of 21 heronries comprising 11 species of birds were observed during a survey carried out in 2008 and subsequent monitoring of the sites in South-West region of deccan Maharashtra. Area covered was part of Solapur, Osmanabad, Pune... more
Hallé nos obsequió en el marco del SPV, en Girona, con una charla a cerca de la evolución de la estructura de crecimiento de los árboles con que pudimos apreciar la forma de crecimiento del moderno árbol colonial frente a la del antiguo... more
L’analyse architecturale des arbres est une discipline de recherche qui a défié les modes en science et qui donne accès aujourd’hui à des connaissances inédites sur le mode de développement des arbres. Saviez-vous qu’un arbre peut... more
While English yew Taxus baccata L. has become extinct or rare in many parts of Europe, Britain contains a large population of very large and old yew. We analyse 2,760 records of live yew trees to document this unique population and... more
Este manual se constituye en un aporte para la definición de los criterios orientadores para la siembra adecuada y óptima de árboles y palmas en las zonas blandas y parques de la ciudad de Santiago de Cali y recomendaciones para favorecer... more
La sfârşitul lecţiei trebuie să cunoaşteţi următoarele aspecte:
En este DE SERMONE HERÁLDICO -V-, se presentan los Árboles y Arbustos, con sus ramas, hojas, flores y frutos que la ciencia Heráldica utiliza como figuras en la composición de las armerías. El estudio, sin ser exhaustivo, pretende dar... more
Oubliés savent sans doute que l'idée reçue voulant que l'on protège les agrumes cultivés en plein air _ en les << rentrant » dans une pièce chauffée, ou, à plus forte raison, que les agrumes sont des plantes d'intérieur 1 , est fausse :... more
This paper asks whether we can identify a recurrent domestication syndrome for tree crops (fruits, nuts) and track archaeologically the evolution of domestication of fruits from woody perennials. While archaeobotany has made major... more
This paper explores how arborists negotiate their work environment, including the pressures of policies, the labour market, technologies, government regulations and lack thereof, and the non-human agencies with which they are confronted.... more
Against the backdrop of a comprehensive archaeobotanical review, we present linguistic evidence that allows us to develop a model of the dispersal of bananas westwards from New Guinea. This westward dispersal is a window on... more
Savernake Forest and Tottenham Park, Wiltshire, is an extensive designed landscape established on the remnants of a medieval hunting forest and best known for its concentration of veteran trees. Between 2006 and 2009 seven thousand large... more
J. Wang). a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / a g w a t 0378-3774/$ -see front matter #
Food production, or the cultivation and processing of edible materials, is closely linked to both the physical environment and human social systems. This is especially true on the islands of Remote Oceania, where cultivation of plants... more
Demesnes have been a dominant feature of the lrish landscape since medieval times and once occupied 5% of the country. Although dependant upon their supporting tenanted estates, demesnes - the manorial lands farmed directly by the lord -... more
Pawpaw [Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal] is a native American fruit tree that has potential as a new fruit crop or for use in landscapes, but little information is available to nurseries on the production of containerized plants. In greenhouse... more
The California Tree Failure Report Program database was established in 1987 to collect data on tree branch, trunk, and root breakage or uprooting. The database for the CTFRP is compiled from failure evaluation reports filled out by... more