Archaeological Tourism
Recent papers in Archaeological Tourism
Le tourisme culturel est devenu au cours de ces dernières décennies une partie essentielle de l’économie touristique. L’intérêt pour les contenus historiques et archéologiques n’a jamais été aussi important dans toute l’histoire du... more
Dopo un breve excursus sullo sviluppo del turismo, del turismo culturale e del turismo archeologico, e in cosa consistano, questo lavoro di tesi specialistica si concentra su cosa siano i musei archeologici all'aperto e sul loro ruolo nel... more
The relationship between the need to preserve archaeological sites and the needs of mass tourism has often proved problematic, as the various papers in this volume demonstrate. The aim of this chapter is to further refine the problem and... more
ABSTRACT Phis paper. shows how cultures are continually changing and how they are «invented» through daily and ritual practices, making use of the fameus prehispanie city Chichón ltzá.. in this context «invented» is used¡ o sense of... more
Archaeotourism, a relatively new sub-branch, has played significant roles in the recently growing interest in heritage tourism. Critical heritage areas in different parts of the world have become great economic contributors to their host... more
- by Hasan Ali Erdogan
- Tourism Planning, Cultural Tourism, Tourism Planning & Development, Tourism Impacts, Environmental Preservation through Tourism, Alterations in Urban Island Tourism Destinations, Crisis Management, Hellenic and International Tourism Flows, Destination Marketing, and Tourism Sustainability, Archaeotourism
Los limbos arqueológicos son sitios extraoficiales: es decir, que no son administrados por el Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia sino por terceras personas (particulares, comunidades, entidades o municipios), a la sombra de las... more
Archaeological tourism has been an important niche within the adjectival tourism in the world. Both international and domestic tourism of the island highly depend on the archaeological heritage as one of the major tourist attractions.... more
In the last few years, there have been a number of attempts in Croatia that tried to involve local stakeholders into archaeological projects through various educational programs, exhibitions and similar cultural manifestations. While such... more
В рамках международной конференции 'Сакральные ландшафты в регионе Балтийского моря», прошедшей в Калининграде 17-19 мая на базе Историко-художественного музея, состоялась экскурсия по местам природных святилищ, археологических и... more
La emergencia de turismo cultural y la evolución de la ciencia arqueológica tuvieron un gran impacto a finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX en el tratamiento de los yacimientos arqueológicos. Tomando como referencia los... more
Funding problems are a challenge for most archaeological projects, since they are still predominantly funded by public resources and regarded more as a charity donation than as an investment. This a result of the fact that archaeological... more
В мае старший научный сотрудник историко-художественного музея Роман Широухов сделал в Оденсе подробную презентацию Калининградской области в плане археологии. Она произвела на датчан впечатление, и те решили приехать сюда, чтобы увидеть... more
O objetivo do estudo foi explicitar o que a arqueologa Dra. Niede Guidon representa para o Parque Nacional Serra da Capivara sob a otica dos condutores de visitantes. Por meio de entrevistas semies...
The basic idea of the session shares the attitude that traditional visit of archaeological site is overran by the time. The modern visitor strives for authentic experience and direct interaction with an archaeological professional in... more