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This is an earlier paper (1992), published in the journal of Ancient Greek philosophy, Apeiron. In de Anima Aristotle considers several candidate definitions aiming to answer the question, "What is a living thing?" And "What distinguishes... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindEnvironmental PhilosophyAristotle
Suhrkamp Verlag
stw 2035
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      Hilary PutnamAristotle's CommentatorsAristotle's EthicsAristotle's Rhetoric and Poetics
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      Philosophy of MindAristotleRenaissance PhilosophyRenaissance Platonism
Concept of soul-construction by concept of "soul-neighbors", a potential help for enchantment.
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysisDevelopmental PsychologyMythology
Aristoteles’ Werk »Über die Seele« gehört zu den wichtigsten, meistzitierten und -kommentierten Werken der Philosophiegeschichte – und gleichzeitig zu den schwierigsten, ja fast: gefürchtetsten. Helfende Kommentare gibt es seit der... more
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      AristotleAristotle's CommentatorsAncient Greek Philosophy / AristotleAristoteles
Aquinói Szent Tamás: Az értelem egysége. Fordítás, tanulmányok és kommentárok: Borbély Gábor. Ikon Kiadó: Budapest, 1993.
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      Thomas AquinasThomas Aquinas (Philosophy)Medieval PsychologyAristotle's On the Soul
This article offers a reading of Avicenna's prologue to the "Kitāb al-Nafs", the psychological section of his "Kitāb al-Šifā", together with its English annotated translation.
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      AristotleIslamic PhilosophyIslamic StudiesIbn Sina
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      AristotleAncient Greek Philosophy / AristotleAristotle's On the Soul
1624年,意大利耶稣会士毕方济(Francesco Sambiasi)和士大夫徐光启完成了《灵言蠡勺》(探讨与灵魂有关的东西的谦卑尝试)。本文研究《灵言蠡勺》如何来源于《柯因布拉论灵魂评论》(1598年),同时也解释了在将西方灵魂学说传入中国文化的过程中,神学和哲学的传统划分如何被重新界定。
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      Jesuits in ChinaChristianity in ChinaAristotle's On the Soul
This paper focuses on Avicenna's account of memory, its major problems and its sources. In the appendix, an entire English translation of Nafs, IV, 1 is provided.
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      PsychologyPerceptionAristotleIslamic Philosophy
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      AristotleComplexity TheoryAncient PhilosophySystemic Thinking
In this paper, I investigate the reappraisal of an academic manuscript, which I recently edited, in a later printed book issued by the same academic institution and addressing the same topic. This case study, whose main actors are two... more
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      AristotleRenaissance Philosophy16th- and 17th-century PhilosophyEarly Modern Manuscripts
What is Aristotle’s conception of thumos? This question can be broken down into two separate but related questions: (a) what is the object of desire for thumos, and (b) in which faculty of the soul is thumos grounded? The latter question... more
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      PlatoAristotleAncient Greek PhilosophyThumos
This paper argues for the rehabilitation of the notion of „Parts of the Soul“ as a concept with a positive function within Aristotle’s science of living beings. According to our suggestion a „part“ of the soul is a part of the definition... more
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      Soul (Humanities)Aristotle's PsychologyAristotle's On the SoulAristotle's Method
In Avicenna’s Nafs there are two investigations that run in parallel from its very beginning: (a) the investigation of the soul as a relational entity, always considered in connection with the body, and (b) that of the human soul in... more
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      PsychologyPhysicsMetaphysicsPhilosophy of Science
In a brief class report on De Anima 1.2, I discuss Aristotle's method of the study of the soul. I bring into this context the insights of Ross, Bos, and Jaeger, on the lost account alluded to in De Anima, called On Philosophy. Finally I... more
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      PhilosophyAristotleSoul (Humanities)Ancient Greek Philosophy
El presente artículo trata de reconstruir la eventual continuidad doctrinal en el tratamiento aristotélico entre el alma y el cuerpo. Primeramente, trataremos de problematizar las clásicas dicotomías en las que se ha intentado encajar la... more
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      PhilosophyAristotleSoul (Humanities)Aristotelianism
Aristotle’s treatment of tactility is at odds with the hierarchical order of psyche’s faculties. Touching is the commonest and lowest power; it is possessed by all sentient beings; thinking is, on the contrary, the highest faculty that... more
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      AristotlePhenomenology of TouchAncient PsychologySensation and Perception
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      AristotleAristotle's PsychologyAristotle's On the SoulAristotle’s Posterior Analytics
This article analyzes the analogy made between Intellectus Agens and light, used by Aristotle in De Anima III, 5, commented by Aquinas. The investigation focuses on St. Thomas commentary, mainly on the limits of such analogy. It is shown... more
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      AristotleThomas AquinasAverroismAverroes
Originally published at: Diametros nr 14 (grudzień 2007): 68 – 84 Much recent feminist critique of Aristotle focuses on how “woman” has been constructed, located, valued, and devalued in Aristotle’s political and moral philosophy, or on... more
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      Gender StudiesPhilosophyPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy of Science
Una modificación en la concepción sobre cómo traducir el término latino acribologia (de ἀκρίβεια: certeza, exactitud, esmero, rigor, perfección, severidad o precisión) tuvo incidencia en las discusiones epistemológicas y,... more
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      Renaissance PhilosophyPietro PomponazziRenaissance PaduaBarbara Cassin
The present essay is the first part of an analysis regarding aspects of Aristotle’s ontology. Aristotle’s ontology is, in my opinion, a formal ontology that examines the fundamental structures of reality and that investigates the features... more
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      OntologyPlatoAristotleFormal Ontology
1st International Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Symposium for the History of Science in Islam. Istanbul,  13-15 june 2019.
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      Al FarabiArabic PhilosophyMedieval Arabic PhilosophyAristotle's Physics
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My PhD thesis deals with central aspects of Aristotle's doctrine of self-motion in Physics VIII, De Anima I and III and De Motu Animalium, taking the criticism of Plato's views as a starting point. The first chapter is devoted to the... more
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      DesireAncient PhilosophyPhilosophy of NaturePlato's Timaeus
A defense of a naive reading of De Anima II 5, 417a21-29, against Michael Wedin’s interpretation according to which the passage describes the efficient causation of episodes of human thinking in terms of a specifically noetic process of... more
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      Philosophy of ActionAristotleAristotle's PsychologyAristotle's On the Soul
In my contribution, I deal with some aspects concerning the textures, which, in my opinion, represent the bearing structures of Aristotle’s ontology. Throughout my investigation, I show that, within Aristotle’s ontology, the basic status... more
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      OntologyAristotleEssentialismFormal Ontology
In De generatione Animalium Aristotle proposes a theory of embryogenesis and indicates its causes. An account of embryo’s animation plays an important role in this theory. From the moment of conception foetus is generated as a living and... more
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      AristotleAncient PhilosophyAncient EmbryologyAristotle's On the Soul
The “mind-body problem” seems consequent upon the modern reduction of the world to matter. Aristotle, in contrast, seems to avoid the difficulty by his characteristically ancient procedure. Beginning with the common understanding of... more
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      AristotleAncient PhilosophyPhilosophy of perceptionAncient Greek Philosophy
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      Aristotle's PhysicsAristotle's On the Soul
De Anima II.4 opens Aristotle’s investigation of the various psychic faculties with the basic capacity shared by plants and animals alike: nutritive soul. He announces a three-step approach to be extended from nutritive soul to perceptive... more
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      AristotleFood and NutritionAristotle's philosophy of biologyAristotle's Metaphysics
As a subject of the first philosophy, the being as being is defined as the most universal and primary one. However, Aristotle proves in the Metaphysics that neither One nor being are substances, therefore they do not exist separately.... more
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      MetaphysicsAristotleAristotle's CommentatorsAlexander of Aphrodisias
Thus, if we do not realize ourselves, we can still trust part of ourselves which is a neighbor to ourselves...
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Programme of the Conference
(Köln, 15-16 February 2016)
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      PsychologyMedieval PhilosophyAristotleThomas Aquinas
The discussion about the soul in ancient philosophy is connected not only with consideration of the soul’s relation to the body, its capacities and functions of the living organism, but also with the question of generation, formation and... more
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      Aristotle's CommentatorsAlexander of AphrodisiasAncient Greek PhilosophyAncient Greek Science and Philosophy
El propósito de este trabajo consiste en destacar el papel central que tiene el problema de la divisibilidad del alma en los dos enfoques bajo los que se presenta la investigación psicológica aristotélica: el hilemórfico y el... more
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      AristotleAristotle's philosophy of biologyAncient Greek Philosophy / AristotleAristotle's Parva Naturalia
По Аристотелю, наука о природе занимается элементами и оду- шевленными сущими, то есть — организмами. И те, и другие являются композитами из начал — формы и материи, которые соотносятся друг с другом как возможность и действенность. При... more
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      Aristotle's PhysicsAristotle's On the Soul
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      EpistemologyMedieval PhilosophyAristotleHistory of Science
'Bloomsbury Studies in the Aristotelian Tradition' promotes new approaches to Aristotelian philosophy and its history. Giving special attention to the use of interdisciplinary methods and insights, books in this series will appeal to... more
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      PhilosophyMedieval PhilosophyPlatoAristotle
This papers intends to show that Aristotle's theory on the political nature of man implies a specific difference in relation to other animals and that this does not arise from his understanding of human beings as naturally vulnerable... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyAristotleArabic PhilosophyAncient Philosophy
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      AristotlePhilosophy of perceptionAncient Greek PhilosophyMind-body problem
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy of SciencePlato
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    • Aristotle's On the Soul
Review of David Charles' The Undivided Self (OUP 2021).
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      Philosophy of MindAristotleAncient PhilosophyAncient Greek Philosophy
How did the Jesuits teach philosophy during the sixteenth century? How did they organize lectures? What did they teach? How did they fit the current debates on hot topics such as the immortality of the soul, the relation between faith and... more
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      Renaissance PhilosophyJesuit historyRenaissance AristotelianismJesuits
An attempt to improve on the theme of clouds in Greek literature. Ostensibly, a conversation between Socrates and a young boy.
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      Mythology And FolklorePsychologySocial PsychologyComparative Literature