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In the field of computational creativity, the area of automatic music generation deals with techniques that are able to automatically compose human-enjoyable music. Although investigations in the area started recently, numerous... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMusicComputer MusicAlgorithmic Composition
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      Genetic AlgorithmsArtificial LifeMusic CompositionContemporary Music
An account of the negative aliens' relatively recent agendas with respect to, once again, resorting to bio-viral weaponization and bio-warfare using a viral agent such as the so-called coronavirus as to try to depopulate Earth with the... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceWeapons of Mass DestructionArtificial LifeHybridization
This narrative describes the deeper root of bio-viral weaponization and consciousness warfare in distant human history with the negative aliens. It is explicated that this form of nefarious strive to create genetic mutation and... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceWeapons of Mass DestructionBioenergyArtificial Life
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer ArchitectureVisualizationAnimation
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      EngineeringAestheticsComputer VisionDesign Research
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      PsychologyEvolutionary PsychologyComputer ScienceArtificial Life
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      Evolutionary algorithmsCoevolutionArtificial LifeNeural Networks
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      TechnologyArtificial LifeProgramming Language DesignMathematical Sciences
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      Music TechnologyComputer MusicDigital MediaEvolution of Music
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      Community EcologyArtificial LifeLife historyEvolutionary Ecology
Indirect reciprocity is an important mechanism for promoting cooperation among self-interested agents. Simplified, it means you help me, therefore somebody else will help you (in contrast to direct reciprocity: you help me, therefore I... more
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      Evolutionary PsychologyArtificial IntelligenceGame TheoryEvolution of cooperation (Evolutionary Biology)
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      EngineeringMolecular EvolutionArtificial LifeInformation and Communication technology
©This paper is not for reproduction without permission of the authors. Natural systems are characterized more by the way they change than by their appearance at any one moment in time. There is, however, no self-consistent theory capable... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial LifeEcologySelf Organization
Artificial neural networks learn how to solve new problems through a computationally intense and time consuming process. One way to reduce the amount of time required is to inject preexisting knowledge into the network. To make use of... more
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      Machine LearningPopulation GeneticsGenetic AlgorithmsArtificial Life
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      Political ScienceArtificial LifeEmergent PhenomenaDecision Support Systems
A class of functions called semi--preinvex functions is defined as a generalization of semi--convex functions. Similarly, the concept of semi--quasiconvex functions is also generalized to semi--prequasiinvex functions. Properties of these... more
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      ImmunologyArtificial LifeComplex SystemsPrediction
Models which combine the abstract (eg, physiological) function of a plant with its architecture have more and more come into the focus of international research in recent years. In the wake of this development, an entirely new class of... more
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      Artificial LifeOpen SourcePopulusUnified Modelling Language
The main argument in the chapter is that the creative process has its very root in the natural laws, especially under conditions of limited resources, which impose a conflict between alternative organization patterns in systems. After a... more
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      Complex Systems ScienceCreativityArtificial Life
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      Artificial LifeMultidisciplinaryLeonardo
In memory of Bruno Latour who responded quickly to this paper upon its publication//// This is an experimental essay to reconsider the meaning of animism in the time of science and technology studies when the boundary between human and... more
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      Visual AnthropologyMedia and Cultural StudiesContemporary ArtIndonesian Studies
Abstract—Artificial neural networks learn how to solve new problems through a computationally intense and time consuming process. One way to reduce the amount of time required is to inject pre-existing knowledge into the network. To make... more
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      Machine LearningPopulation GeneticsGenetic AlgorithmsArtificial Life
Perception and attention mechanisms are of great importance for entities situated within complex dynamic environments. With roles extending greatly beyond passive information services about the external environment, such mechanisms... more
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      Computational IntelligenceVisual attentionComputational ModellingArtificial Life
Journal of Gender Studies 30.3 (2021): 371-76. Print.
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      RoboticsArtificial IntelligenceVictorian StudiesNineteenth Century Studies
Die Fortschritte der Künstlichen Intelligenz und der Robotik stellen die Un-terscheidung zwischen Simulation und Realität der menschlichen Per¬son zu-nehmend in Frage. Sie suggerieren einerseits ein computeromor¬phes Ver-ständnis... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceEmbodimentArtificial Life
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      MathematicsAlgorithmsGraph TheoryArtificial Life
The first instalment of a series of novellas evoking post-artificial, post-sexual worlds in an imaginary version of the Solar System. In this metaphysical melodrama, an existential crisis unfolds in lunar mega-city ‘Eidopolis.’ Death... more
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      Artificial LifeHumanism, Anti-Humanism, and Post-HumanismSpeculative Fictionpost-artificial worlds
This short intervention explains the problem of 'robot gender' and the potential of the 'fourth sex' lost in naturalizing design and negligent academic criticism.
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      RoboticsCultural StudiesArtificial IntelligenceTechnology
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      Artificial LifeAgent BasedBuilt EnvironmentHuman Behaviour
In this paper I track 3D printed bacterially-infused materials in which microbes live and reproduce — selected and nurtured — to carryout biochemically-controlled tasks intended to mitigate the ravages of climate change. As architecture... more
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      ArchitectureClimate ChangeSynthetic BiologyAdaptation to Climate Change
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      Artificial IntelligenceHuman RightsArtificial LifeDigital Culture
Cellular automata are models that deal with both nature and artefacts: they can indeed simulate living beings as well as be employed in the creation of objects. After the introduction of this concept by Stanislaw Ulam and John Von Neumann... more
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      Stochastic ProcessComputer GraphicsDesignDynamical Systems
La circulation de piétons dans un bâtiment exige une conception strictement effective afin de réduire au minimum les bouchons (embouteillages) potentiels qui pourraient accroître à la fois le temps d'évacuation et le risque de blesser la... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceAgent Based SimulationArtificial LifeSimulation
Springer Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science
Second Edition
Translated by Nathanael Black
With illustrations by Florian Mast
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      Artificial IntelligenceArtificial LifeArtifial IntellegenceArtificial Inteligence
Artificial neural networks learn how to solve new problems through a computationally intense and time consuming process. One way to reduce the amount of time required is to inject preexisting knowledge into the network. To make use of... more
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      Machine LearningPopulation GeneticsGenetic AlgorithmsArtificial Life
This document is the Special Issue of the First International Conference on the Evolution and Development of the Universe (EDU 2008). Please refer to the preface and introduction for more details on the contributions. Keywords:... more
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      Complexity TheoryMacroevolutionDark MatterArtificial Life
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      Cognitive ScienceCognitionReproductionArtificial Life
The Secretary problem is studied with minimal cognitive agents, being a problem that needs memory and judgment. A sequence of values, drawn from an unknown range, is presented; the agent has only one chance to pick a single value as they... more
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      Artificial LifeSecretary problemCognitive Agents
Original at: https://zqjournal.org/editions/zq31.html Proposing that nature is pervasive and that metabolic architectures are embedded in nature, I situate texts and theory as responses to techniques/methods for operational and research... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceArchitectureClimate ChangeDigital Fabrication
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      Virtual EnvironmentsArtificial LifePerformance ArtInternet Art
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      StatisticsEvolutionary ComputationGenetic AlgorithmsArtificial Life
Intelligent design advocate William Dembski has introduced a measure of information called “complex specified information”, or CSI. He claims that CSI is a reliable marker of design by intelligent agents. He puts forth a “Law of... more
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      Computer SciencePhilosophyInformation TheoryArtificial Life
A person suffering from acute liver failure requires liver transplantation. But the availability of donor organ is always a serious problem and is costly. Here bio-artificial liver comes into play with the advent of regenerative... more
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      Artificial Life(Bio)Artificial Organs
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      RoboticsComputer MusicNew Interfaces for Musical ExpressionArtificial Life
Recently there has been considerable discussion on the concept of 'artificial life'. The very idea that life can be imagined outside of the body unsettles our habitual way of thinking. It opens up horizons of post-biological or... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyArt HistoryChinese Studies
Queerness is not epiphenomenal to “life” but structural to it.
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      Evolutionary BiologyPhilosophyQueer TheoryDeconstruction
Creating natural forest landscapes for game environments require some basic knowledge of botany and ecology, without which the terrain may appear synthetic. While tools such as WYSIWYG level editors have made a scene designer’s job... more
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      BotanyLandscape EcologyConservation BiologyArtificial Life
Water is an important constituent on this earth for every living being whether it is human, animal, plants or any micro-organism. Everyone relies on water. Human body is made up of 60-70% of water. Only 2.5% of fresh water is present on... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceArtificial LifeCloudRainfall
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      History of ScienceArtificial LifeAlexander the GreatHuman Enhancement